Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 The Whitby fae sug ions Daily Times nows will le. received at the aaa and Chronibole,s/Telephonn Bien Altay Business a hone BHM, REPRESENTATIVE--~JAMES H, ORMISTON MAYOR AND WIFE WERE 'AT HOME' 10 CIVIC OFFICIALS a 2 Fine Banquet Marks Close of Successful and Pleasant Council Year moran '; deensbul year's work, for wily ws munieipal legislators was {to an oe Sunday, evening when Mayor 1, Dudley banquets ted the Counell, memhers of the Public Utilitles Commission, the municipal office staff and represen- tatives of the press, al his home on Dundas Bireet West, Promptly nt seven o'clock the Mayor and Mrs, Dudley Jed, some twenty-two persons into the dining room, where vhicken and man other good things weve serve Hueh was the quality snd auaniity of the feast provided, that It was with great diffienity Mayor Duds lay paaed upon those present te jrduige in after-dinner speeches, leave J, M, Kenny moved a unanimous vote of thanks to Mayor Dudley and his wife for thelr very gracious hospitality, The mayor and Mrs, Dudley m un few well-ghosen words thanked those present for the kind rerers enees to them, and stated that it was to them a pleasure to have all present as their gnesis, A spirit of good fellowship pres valled in the short speeches, Hels erence way made to the harmony pravalling at all meetings during the year, and (he several impor KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 3708, NEXT THE POST OFFIC Ah problems dest with wnder yor Dudley's leddership, None of the council members dnciared Lhempelves ns regards thelr inten fons for next year, Mayor Dudley, owirer. vlenrly hinted that he would peek a second term, Opils mism with regard to the future was Lhe key=note of ull the speschi- i Reference was made hy Bupt, W, Mvery of the Publis Utiiny v toon to the new equipment Installed recently at the miunleipal substation furnishing the town with two thousand horsa-power, and guaranteeing an ndequate sips ly of power for present and fi- ure and lees! needs, and ample to spply any large Wdugiry which might choose to loste In Whithy, The PUL, Mr, Byery pointed ont, had out of suvplus funds pald about $18,000 of the total cost of the new sib-station and equipment, Vor years to conw the town would honefit from this ample power sup ply, Among those who spoke were Reeve J, M, Kenny, Deputy-Reeve 1d, Bowman, Councillors J, H, Oy miston, Wn, Davidson, Robt, Reid, Robt, M, Deverell, and vm, Prin Town Engineer H, Pringle Town Clerk J, I, Pho Chief of Police Herbert Gunson, 0, W, 1 Every, A, HM, Allin, A, M, Rows, W J. Lake, Bamuel Dudley, Colborne, brother of the mayor, Miss Helens Hehardson, Mis Marvels Rows, ¥ H, Ande, W, P, Lindsay, and Care taker Fred Little, Following the supper the math ering withdrew from (he, festive hoard to enjoy a short programme provided by Mrs, #amuel Dudley of Colborne, who rendered woveral pleasing readings and solos hy Deputy-Reeve Bowman and J, NH Frost, these latter being aceomphn led very noceptahly by Mrs, Braad, of Oshawa, niece of Mayor Dudley, Community slinging, and the sing ing of Auld Lang Hynes brought a vary pleasant evening to a ¢loss Duving the evening Mayor Dud lay expressed rvegrvel that NxCoun Broughton and Publle Utility Com missioner W, M, Van Valkenburg were unahle to he present on ae count of Hi-heaith, alsa Night Con glable Thomas "Look, mummy, there ls daddy going along the sireet," "Which aide is he walking on?" "Hoth sides," | the town INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN BUMMER QISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT, NOMINATIONS IN = WHITBY CALLED FOR DECEMBER 30 Elections on January 6th Council Passes the En- sbling By-law Muehinery to nual eivia nominations and on Monday afternoon when # low wan pussed naming the dates of both events, the location of the rovide for the ni slo Hang in Whithy was set up by the Town Couneil at ite final meeting by various polling booths and the of fleors in charge The meeting to nominate eandl dates for the offices of Mayor, reave, depuly-reeve, ecounlel while sshool trustees and Pubiie Iiity Commissioners will be hald on Monday evening, December #0, poll 1s re A700, wad In cone w lors, quired, elections will take place u week later, January #ih, The polling places, and the of floors in chavgs will het Volling subdivision No, 1 Browning's offles---~W, ¢, eputy returning officer; yers, poll lark, Polling subdivision No, § Ham Maw's offices ~Wm deputy returning rg"loer| Hiehardnon, poll clevk, Polling subdivision No, fe( ofl Chamber---John W, deputy returning offloer| Kills, poll olerk, Polling subdivigion No, 4- ner's stoveJ, 1, Disney, poll alerk, -~ Polling wubdivision No, Community Mall, Vort Whithy Wilson. daputy returning offi Hohert Vindny, poll elerk A Wilder, William 4} wil Maw, WwW. Nn Outie Batemun, Willa ju Tu depury returning officer; Frank Henstook, f I fer; The eounell will. pay $6 for ench polling booth, 85 to each vel Ing oftlesr and #4 to each tlerk FEE SYSTEM IN urn poll POLICE DEPT, IS 10 BE ABOLISHED Chisf and Night Constable. on Straight Salary Town Will Get All Fees ----- I'he town council wt its final n Ing of the year held on Monday terfoon passed two bylaws abolls the Tee cannection the police Alter | ary 1st, Chief of Police Her Gunson, and Night Constable I'hisinas will be required to pay treasury all foes oan souree In the diseh duties, This Includes svatem In department ram every of thels eel ui hing with ah hert John nto ned Hrge the fees earned by both oMeers us enunty constables, and In enforcement of the | Douglas Dominlon of Canada, und bylaw the town laws of the Provines of Ontario, the Corporation of Whith I'he counell voted to pay the ( f Pollee a stralght salary of § or annum, and an allowanes ol ner year for the use of his motor i the discharge of his duties former salary was $1,700 und $1 hig ear, The salary of constable remains as at present, per month, Both bylaws, puty-reeve C, I ed without opposition, with all nw bers of eaunell on hand, Coun, M, Pringle In committes of the w suggested a salary of $2,100 for lntrodueed hy the 8 ol of ied | Luo $100 Cul Hix ) for the night $108 AL Rowihan, were pass wm Ww hole the | while Chigl, but when this suggestion wis pit the fori of sn aniendment it wis lost, Nor was there any dis cussion of the bylaws except with respect to the smount of salary to be mid Ihe "question of the abolition of the fos system in the Police Depa ment wis Introduced in the Cevngll ently In the year, when the depity« reeve gave notice tht, at some futire mesting he would introduces a bylaw providing for seme, At (he time the PI Regen against the system was that it was practically bribing a man 10 do lis diy, and tha it fed hioen sholished in almost every muni wha of Whithy's slze In Ontario iy or of the system Wt wis wr i y thut 1 wig an neentive for gh officer to do Ws work thoroughly and was un means ol increasing (hi town's revenue from fines, On the other hand It was con tended hy those favoring the aboli tion that the town would be ne far ahewd by eollecting the fees us 1 now wis when fines were adding greatly to the town's revenne, Another argument was that the Chiel would not leave the town muwgh 10 de duty nd a county cui stuble and that when hie was required fa leave in the dsehnrge of Wis du thes the town would receive the fees he enrned The two bylaws, whieh Leeomes law on Janunty 1st, 1930, are winendments 1] exigiin police hyluws The Town Not Liable A Vi wis reud from Town Sell eitgr A, 1, Christian upholding the aetion of Counell two weeks ngo In volusing Vo pny weeount tender ed hy 1 for substituting for Chief Gunson white the latter wis ont of town, The town pole hylaw distinetly states that the Chief shall pay fox ubstitute offieers when he leaves the town, und It was on this ground that Counell deelin ed to pay Mr, Northam's necount mid naked for the solleltor's written apinlon Fhe BI bn question Hs for wn hittle over $12.00 Fhe « wopted the Ananneinl statement of reeelpts and expenditures from December 15th 192K, to Jununry 1st, 1929, and from that date to Doce 15th of th Fhe statement showed the Council Hyved within It estimute truardinny { I ovesult lu uw defielt wt th Cid I he dered to he printed i the nomingt 3] ii N Northim une Bonn! YO spenditures the Wi end tutement 0 ind distributed nomegting ANTI-NOISE BYLAW 1S DISCUSSED AT COUNCIL MEETING (Continue 18 n page 3) oulnted to disturb oltigens of the CIty" and against unusual noises fehl as tho that disturbed nelghhorhood for hlooks Wid nothing offensive sald On soma ocoamlons, such as the brondeasting of A ball game, the outdoor londepeakers were au great Attraction te men whe wanted to Heten to the game, said Alderman who sald that thelr re moval might create a hardship, In thin conse The shunting of frelght oars caused more loss of sleep than all | the loud speakers In the oily, re maried Alderman Mason A motion of Alderman Jaok #00, to have the bylaw referred There in It, he H a ,.,.,:,le a ad dd ed Ld aad In| that | ; Bowmanville A ONLY $14,000 OF CURRENT TAXES ARE OUTSTANDING TREASURER PRESENTS FINE . REPORT AT COUNCIL MEETING Council Holds Final Meet- ing For Year Last Night I'he last meeting of the town coun ull for the present year wis held in the council chamber last evening and w considerable umount of business wis teansucted inshe three hours that the cdunell sul, The meeting opened with the Mayor In the char and all mem berg present A communleation from Mrs, M, J Faylor asked tor perpmssion to re move un treo In front of her property on Concession street which was u danger to the publi A like communication from W, D Short used permission for the re moval of a tree on his property on the same street, Both these request wera referred to the roads and sree commitiog with power to uel, A letter was read from the Globe Indemnity Co, asking for an add { tlonal premium for the town's labil In prem | and the un th Was NLL LAT] WaS £00 Insirance ns there wus an rene of population, As the {in bheenme due in Vebruury company wis trying to volleet Linerensed population which brought to hight after the ment luter in the your it sidered that the town was not liable {nl next your and the clerk was in [#0 ted to get in touch with the ay [ent In Bowmanville and inform him [ul the council's attitude | MeGill Keatate A letter from DD, L, MeCarthy ask [ud the town council (0 name ik price which would be neeepguble to them or the Metall properly in Washing ton, DA, Atler most members of the council had stated thelr views on th diestion it owas deelded that u com mittee domposed of the finunce com and the mayor and elerk would interview Mr, MeCarthy Mi MoGill, the other beneliclury, as to what would be an acceptable price tu nek Ihe finance committer ree od the payment of accounts totalling $29.00 und this report was adopt d us read Witerworks called for the tor BLANCHE, I his was It add, ny mites and mmend departments report payment ol secounts Wee passed as Tax Collestions I'he treasurer reported the state ment of the tux collegtion up to th nonal date upon whigh taxes could by pid before t would be added Lhe statement was as follows! tu tal taxes due, $114,675.80, date, $V HEIRS outstanding, mntere back to the General Purpose Com mittee, of which he Is chalrman, | oarried, | | In grow helght A single season thirty to banana trees | from forty feet in A sudden shoe elap thunder of oysters an loud hundreds eh will kill 1 acquainted with the variow business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! Machinery hinwey Rot Mace H a Ay I jiu King 8% W, Vhoas 1814 | mee We have wer) dealrable houses for rem, CUTLER & PRESTON lea) bstate hanrance Telephone OTR R Night calls 8101800 44 King St, West -- ? FOR SALI When we say bars Nain we don't mean maybe, 8 room wick house R800 for 2000, Nicely located, All cons Venlencos, elo, DISNEY REAL KNTATR Phone 1800 [ High Class Interior Trim | Rough and Dressed | Lumber i Wi di TRICK COMPANY LIMITRD | 3 Albert Street Phones 280 & 107 | ERR UREA A --- a. BELLEVILLE EDITOR IN GRAVE CONDITION Hy Canadian Press Losand Wire Hellaville, Deo, 17, ==8am Currey, olty editor of the Dally Intelligenes er, local newspaper, who was in the motor ear in which 8 1, Dawe son, publisher of the paper, waa ins jured Runday, Wag removed to a hospital here yestorday in a serious condition, Ye ta suffering trom in ternal Injuries, MY, Dawson's condition Wan Teported a fale, A that American pastor's thes ory that there ia no hell is right, then Heaven 1x going to hold rome pretty mixed company, 18 Raison really can produce vad hop profitably out of the common wayside weed, ft will substantiate the gold. in goldenred Kitehener Record, IRL Ihe treasurer stated that since th hooks had been made up for th meeting & further $800 had been re volved which would leave but $4, 0 yet to eolleet Taxes Robated The case of Mr, and Mrs, Goode of Ontario street, was brought to the notice of the counell and 1 was ask ud by Counglllor Bunner If their tax es could be rebated as Mr, Goode who was blinded in an accident som yours ago, was unable to do any work and wan plodding along as best as he gould without troubling the town to any ureat extent, His taxes which a mounted to $MI5 were rebated, Councillor Edger asked (or permis slop to buy new coats and boots for the fire department to replace sone that have past serviceable days, Hi win instructed to proceed with the purchase, Councillor asked if the Opera House was to he given tor the school concert tonight free an it was In ald of the Welfare Fund, The counell de glided not to charie fob the hall, CHIEF EMPOWERED 10 ENGAGE THIRD POLICE OFFICER Temporary Appointment Will Be Made Pending Ac- tion by 1930 Council Chief of Police Venton waa given power by the town council last night 10 engage a temporary third cons stable to assist in policing the town until the 1930 council is organised and can take action on engaging a permanent third member of the Pos live force, Considerable disoussion was caused when Councillor Corbett introduced the subject into the meeting last night, he Mavor stated that he did not know whether it was legal to hire a man at the last meeting of the 198 couneil, A Necessary Step Councillor Corbett in answer sald he thought that it was a oy pros cedure and in view of recont happens ings in the town he thought persons ally that a new constable was a nes bri Ay He considered it unwise to delay in appointing one as he thought that the worst was yet to come in view of the hard winter that was a head Councillor Edges said that it would be better to hold over the appoint ment for the new council, The ehiel Daily Times ? News, advertising and Whiceiotion will be received st the Bowmanville Office of Tbe Times, | elephones--Oftice, B87 ; REPRESENTATIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK hyd lob ll 0 0 i lp ro ol hv) siuld that he wad agrecable to any thing that the council decided, Cotmelllor James sald that wih a real need for an extra con stable but suggested that a temp orary min be appointed and the new counell ould decide on a full thn mip, He was supported in this b Counelllor Corbett and Reeve The LIAN Chief Outlines Need The chief pointed out the need of wn exten man Musteating the fact b wn wetunl oeeurrenee, There has bee he suid, considerable stealing fron the church shed In the past weeks and he had found it necessir to wet the aid of a provinelsl ma to witeh the shed and while he wt fended the office a ear wis fram outside one of the ehurehes, The mutter was finally dealt wit when Reeve "I'hickson, seconded bh Councillor Corbett, made a that If the chief deemed It necessur he should be given the power to his un man to help him until the nes comnell decided the matter for goo I'hils was unanimously carried BOWMANVILLE HAS SMALL DEFICIT IN YEAR'S FINANCING Storm Damage of $5,000 Turned Probable Surplus Into Debit Balance the In the tewn coun nt lant night's counel paveral showed a surpln Accounts of all committons were road meeting over up the year short, With estimate running Into several thousand dol lars, It wan necessary to nek fo supplementary grants totalling on ly $046.80, This may seem a larg HI there few stolen motion respective | entimutes but a few finished fore Magistrate Ward in Police Court yesterday afternoon on drunk in charge of a car count, He or congratulated the Reeve and | wan represented by DAL, Bwanwon Deputy Reeve on the amount of | of Oshawne paving they had secured for the - wre uppronches of the town without p ab wny expense to the town, The cost CATTLE VOIRONKED of the work on Beugog and Mate James Branch of Clarks town vers roads was $27,000 and of th | whip lost three head of cattle this Bowmanville wae not called upon | Week thal dled fn his barnyard to pay ons dollar, with symptoms suggesting they had heen polgoned, In August last two of Mr, Hranch's cattle died nndeg wlmilar efreumstances, Prov, Constable Caray of Cobourg is ine vestignting the cass and the stom #ahs have heen sent Lo Toronto for analysis Bowmsnville has had a most sue consul your in municipal sffairs, In speaking of the roads the May BENEFIT DANCE Al & meeting of the Drum and Vite band officials, held recency, it wan decided to hold na benef dance in the town hall tomorrow night, Wednondany, In ald of the funds of the organization ------ ( y (me of the favourite entertainments of William the Conqueror was watchs ing a dog Hight WHITE SHIVLD C1UB Members of the White Shield Club are reminded (hat tonight Is meeting night and avery one Is ex pected to be present and bring y| along a friend, The meeting will i, | take place In BL, Pants leerire rooms at elght o'clock, Kyery member in asked to bring s gift for the tree valued at 26 cents, Queen Vligaheth suffered from bad feeth to her excessive fondness for sweets le i" (to litle "Look out hoy for Kind Gentleman enting an wspple; the worms, sonny Little Noy "When | ent apple the worms have to look for themselves," y " an DECORATE NTRENT out The Rotary Club, tellowing the load of Oshawa merchants, has lind the front street decorated witn trees, which glve the town a very Christmnusy effect and no doubt y | ndds greatly to the spirit of the ¢ | #onnon at this busy time, v | WELVARY Pi ND What subhout your subseription to the Community Welfare fund w holp the poor of the town? Af | this time of the yéar when you are | planning for a happy Christman for vourself, remember these who are less fortunnte, Wend youy sub seription to the treasurer, the Rev WH, J, Mhires, nt the Parish Hall hetween 11 und 12 in the morning when some one will be thers to receive {it h y a % Ee Tar me $2500 Scotland Woollen Mills 8, Notish, Mgr, 11 Kimeos A, i ET AM N Iw Fal Cyt A Delightful LEY Breaklost Food Sud WANK ACQUITTED Jones of Dgwmanville wan when he uppeared be Hoy discharged St wn PUL ER aE Will the gentlemen who assisted MR, JAMES M WATSON after his accident on November 23, 1929 at Dunbarton, or any other witnesses present at or after the accident please communicate with HARRIS & HARRIS, 41 Alger Building, OSH. amount but whon explained as it AWA, Phone 769. wis at the meeting, It will he read fly ween that the counell haa w 1e markably successful year, It war estimated that the $6,000 th hav neighborhood of this extra expange exponditures would In the Without town's been well plus the line the extent of the damay done by last spring's floods into much more than it did Nowmanville, and this town consider (teelf lucky to have esoap od with the amount it did The two bridges washed out Ir East Whithy township near Osh AWA ran into several thousand dol lars more than the whole of Dow manvilte's damage fteave Thiockson considered tha i a ia big storm last spring had cost the town within its receipts and would have finished np with a sure In many other towns along ran In| CAR | NA hd ===SPRUCE === Christmas Trees All sizes at All Prices for Sale | COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Street West 0 Phone 924 ee Because of BALANCED-UNITS PHECO Bri Clearer Tone . . . More Stations . Greater Distance Listen to the new Phileo for LA) w BALANCER UNTY IGNBOY BE LUNE with bullidn genuine sleetine dynamio apeaher and acoustie squalene, Nowiradyne Flue Boren Girld + Noreen Grid plus + BI%00, 12000 noe Ww hale wovement of the dial tunes out one station and brings another sweeping in, tion is the greatest advance in radio construction In years, When you hear it reproduce overtones too high or too low for other seta to catoh,,, when you see {ta uncanny ability to reach out for stations thousands of miles away, .. on a fow minutes and Il realise that Phileo ALANCEDWUNIT construe: hen you note how a splits you will agree with the ex. per that Philco engineers . ve made the most outetands ing contribution to radio bettermentoince the first radio with \o were ANSE nen Kenning ¢lovire oounle A b oF & '00 iredyseples « «0 Berson Geld + + + «+ IO) Sereon Grid plus, B00 p The ether. And to add to your enjoyment of Philoo's phenomenal the surpam Phileo ca mme was launched into Balanced: Unit LOWROY Neutrodyne-Plus I ric JoNatutute is sing beauty of 1... each model masterpiece of the cabinets makers art. Yet Philoo sets are 0 moderately every home can afford ome, Hear the Philo today on Free Eloetre Dynamic Bpeaker BH 00 8 when you decide to buv THIS MO priced that fe Or etal » GEAEISE Rp » oe EE SwseaGrid $169.00 Neutrodyne-Plus, $185.00 Soreen Grid Plua-§218.00 Demonstration, Your lodly arrange easy terms BALANCED UNIT TABLE MORI Soren Grid only (LI (AL Paares Joan tubes) GIVF A PHILCO THIS CHRISTMAS For little more than it would cost to buy individual for the different members of your family, you can a Balanced Unit Philco==a gift that will never outlive its welcome==never lose its power to charm, Your dealer will gladly deliver one on Christmas Eve, or earlier if you wish, Ontario Oshawa BALANCED. UNIT RADIO Motor Sales, Ltd. Whitby Bowmanville

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