Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL and PERSONAL WRECKED? Capes many & story rom Jursawey nds, By the soft, lapping wives, To my sunk bed of sands: Of r old rocks Fro grind wid they tear} Pari § B poor sister " PA en despair, Onee & proud oeean liner Whose pennants ew high, Lies now, with sidds gaping, Wiles niles 'neath the But, far from desp hottoms Where grim spectres stalk, 1 be full in sight f a long wooden will, Where sounds come a-floating 'o me, the old wreck, Reminders of feet hat ance trod my deck, It's then, in my musing, I often preten On this long wooden walk There still goes a friend, And my heart warms with gladness, A gladness complete To the patter on woo Of gay, happy feet, Bo 1 want not thelr pity, For in my delight I'l hear these old sounds As 1 sink out of sight, weCleorge A, Wall, Atlantle Clty, ------ Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Maesey spent the week-end in Belleville, with Mr, Massey's parents, Vriday evening, December 13 was the scene of a4 happy party at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Clark, Hampton, when they entertained over a hundred guests to eards and danelng, Mr, and Mrs, John Keachle of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, ID, M, Tod, Simeoe 8t. N. over the weelisend, Mr, Koaghle was'the io! Simeoe 0 7 died Church Frank Cox, of Cex Motor Hales, Ford dealer of the elty, returned today from New York City, where he visited Rev, W, Green, formerly of Oshawa, who ls enroute to Conus va, Trinidad, British West Indies, Many people who heard Mr, George Dibble sing when he was in this elty recently, will be Inter ented to hear that he 18 hroadeants fn every day from the 10th to the 24th of shies month over Mtation Wie Chicago, Miss Moyna Webster of Toronte entertained at & tea on Saturday als ternoon in henor of Miss Fern Spears In Winnipew, a graduate of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Among those from Oshawa who ats tended were Miss Margaret Ander: son and Miss Harriet Swall W. A. Atkinson af the Dicken's Fellowship Players of Taranto was in town on Saturday to rehearse with the Little *heatis Players for the Christmas entertainment In which 1s ia playing the part of Scrooge in the Christmas Carel, While In town Mr Atkinson wis the guest of Mr, and Mrs, John Cralg, A wide Neleetion of Ohrlatimas Gifts Awalt you at FASHION SHOPPE BM Aimeoe NE, Routh B.B.C. JUNIORS PRESENT CONCERT fe ----- A very Pretty Christmas Program Given at the Col lege by Juniors of B.B.C, r------ A delightful program was provided ) the gymnasium of Bishop Bethune ollege on Saturday evening by the students of the jupior form, whe, uf- ter & period of painstaking and cares ful training by the staff of teachers presented ' special entertainment of plays, musle and dances (0 a highly appreciative audience, In addition to te students of the Juplor and senior schools, . large number of parents and friends of the children ussembled for the oceasion, and generous ap. [bung Wis flven in appreciation of he efforts of the ehildren, The feature of the evening wis the presentation, in playlet i of the story of Longlellow's poem "Hin within," the valrous parts belig splens didly taken by soma of the younger students, Three girls played the part of Hinwatha, each showlug him at a different age, and these being Helen Glide, Hope Bmith and Doroth Dig nam, The other parts weer A A ne follows: Minnehaha, Vreanees Ste phens; Nokomis, Dorothy Dignem Arrow-Maker, Elizabeth Hood | Iago, Helen Hinkson| Indians, Harriet Leigh-Mallory, Noreen ~ Kelly und June Ardiel, The skill of the little ®irls In veeiting thely parts was hear tily applauded especially Helen Glide, ns the baby Hinwaths Another delightful little sketeh, "The Honest Woodman," was given by Anne Wogers and Jaan Thorburn, ws the woodmen und Kathleen Jai rett us the WatersValry \ Piano solos by Diana Phillips, Aus drey Prosser and Kathleen Jarrett, and a rveeltation, "Up In the Swing," hy Kileen Glide, were also crave features on the program The song, "Little Shadow," and a series of a en; hy tha pupils, und the "Goodnight Song" and "Good night Dance" completed an excellont program, far which the teachers, Sis ter Audreyd Miss Roper and Migs Mayhew deserve tha greatest of ere dit, far, in addition to traiming. the children very thoroughly they de slgned and executed the seenery and gontuines which helped to minke the entertdinnient a real success The ehildren who took part in the various songs and dances were j= Bong, "1 Have a Little Mhadow," s=Harriet Lelgh=Mallory, Eilsabeth Hood, Kathleen Jarrett, June Ar diel, Frances Htephens, Mary Avehs woud, Dorothy Dignam, Noreen Kelly, Ann Rogers, Anne Thorburn, Joan Thorburn, Helen Hinkson, Hope Rmith, Diana Phillips, Bars bara Joyoe, Audrey Prosser, Eileen Glide, Ann Glibert, Muriel Cam- aron, Jean Prosser, Helen Glide, Rosemary Gordon, Danoes=-Harriet Lelgh-Mallory, Elisabeth Hood, June Ardiel, Mary Arehbold, Noreen Kelly, Hope Mmith, Diana Phillips, Barbara Joyoe, Audrey and Jean Prosser, Ann Gilbert, Hosemary Gordon, At the elose, the senior girls and the visitors Joined in three hearty cheers for the junior form, whieh ac guitted Ttsell splendidly in {ta first concert program of the term, Hunting 'TV'ragedy 'Prince Albert, Haak ==Meohgre detalles of another country hunting tragedy ware revealeds yesterday in a phone eall to Royal Canadian Mounted pollee headquarters hers that an unidantitied hunter had bean found shot te death at Bireh lake, WOMEN'S MEETINGS HARVEY HUNT MISSION CIRCLY A very happy evening was en« joyed hy the members of the Har vey-Hupt Missionary Auxiliary on Friday lant when they met to pars take of & most appetizing banquet provided by Mrs, Kelly's group of the WME, In the parlours of Himeoe Bt, United Church, Yollowing the banguet the an nual business and election of of cers took place, Mrs, K, Watson and Mrs, Gay eonduoting the elections, The following oMoers were elected] | President, Miss Kvelyn Noddy) 16t vice-president, Mra, Ceo, Pars sons; nd vice-president, Miss Ir. end Knedshaw pecretary, Miu Ruth Lander) Press necrelary, Mins Alte Kemp; strangers' meoreilary, Miss Mather Hawley, (reasurer, Miss Milde Horsey; Christian Wtowardship, Miss Maude Powprsi secretary Nelle Committees, Lh Butler and Mrs, Hagel Waring, Mueh business was discussed and the outlook 18 most progressive for this energetic wuxiliary, A -------- TRC, | HELPFUL HINTS | TO WASH WINDOWS When you wish, your windows, mirrors or the lass doors of book gases or china cabinets to look ex geptionally nice take a clean ehamols skin and rinse out of a basin of Juke warm water to whieh a tablespoonful of household ammonia has been add od, Begin at the tap and wash down wird or upward, The point is to keep the strokes downwi l only, Repeat until the surface Is Clean and Tet dry No wiping will be necessary, and the knack of having a Nntless, sparkling This smart chapeau In chestnut felt Is from the House of BSusel, Paris -- arlo =--Now York. | and clear glass with a minlmun ol) effort {s easily learned the windows when the sun shine upon them as they are more kel to he streaked, Linoleum that has become shabby or faded in eolor ean be revived hy | rubbing over a mixture of sour milk and turpentine, Soak a soft duste in turpentine first, then dip it In th No not wash'| | curdled mille and rub over the linol | eum Polish euch plece wu ou mong with a soft falnel duster Badly worn and warked Hooley tht never looks really elean ean bi freshenedewith a cont of elear hard tvarnish, Serub the linoleum well and let {tt dry thoroughly, Then brush It over with a coat of the best clear conch varnish, Choose a fine dry day for the work, and arrange for the room to be kept closed for at least two days to ensure perfect dry ing, Linolenm will net need any cleaning save sweeping and a rub over with a floor mop after thi trentment, TO CLEAN CARPET To make colored carpet look clean bright, And fresh, wring out a floareloth in' a solution of borax water, It should be wrung out al most dey 1 then rab the carpet vigor ously and It will look mwmeh better Afterwards polish with a very sol Hannel, TE -- CATTLE "WAT PRICKLY PEARS Vain endeavors of farmers of Mouth Afriea to clear thelr land of the prickly pear, a species of cad tus, have been rvellaved hy thelr oattle, The livestock developed a taste for the pest during the. res cent prolonged droughts, and thin renulted In the saving of the lives of hundreds of cattle, Farmers are naw oultivating the priokley pear for use as both food and wa ter, having found that it contains a large percentage of water and mineral salts, The World's Most Appealing Christmas Story A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens \ Aas a Ritting story for the festive season, of good will, this ever pop- ular and delightful story by the masterwriter, Dickens, will be publish- ed as a serial in THE DAILY TIMES The first instalment ap miss any of the rn s today on page 9. Read it, and do not chapters during the Christmas season, A Story You Will Enjoy During the Festive Season | tH hod the Mgure with the | | LOOKING HLL DER A distinguished afternoon gown in sheer metal oloth In soft rose helge tones that 18 equally charm Ing for Hunday night vecasion, and for dinner wear, that expressds the new elegance that has entered the mode It 1a psapeoinlly designed to slen purple bodice fintshed with soft ehifton miffed collar in the hada, It I8 belted at normal walstline (ith a fitted hip yoke that takes y deolded dip at the back to leng hen tigare, The attached olreular flaring Aire In quite unusual with dipping onda at centresfront and at centre hack, with deep rounded outline At upper edge, Atyle No, 118 1a abtalnable in leon 24, AR, 40, 42, 44 and 40 Inohes bust, It fa stunning too fn black oan: ton orepe with collar In eggshell hade alk erepe, Coarse net fn very effective in rose-bhelge ¥ | he darka dahllaspurpla shade, self: dmmed and la ultrasmodish and OW, Nottie green fallle silk ovepe, fv. ependence hlue flat silk orepe, | nok sheer valyet, Havana brown | Wool erepe, novelty rayon printed orepe In rust hrown tones, deep maroonsred canton ovepe and black dull aide of the orepe adapt them solver admirably to this eile Paris model, Pattern price 20 cents In stamps or coln (eoln i preferred), Wrap ooln earefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our new Fashion Magasine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To, SRE, that Rel LLLTTTTTETEITERTITTORTORNR 111 BEET CETTE TE LLLTTTTTTTEITTETTT RTT LLL OEE EET TIE SARITA ARAL TIER canna ALAAFARRRAR RAR LA A + PROnined sunita Priva. 20 cents ach Bend stamp oe Win. Wan cole. earehally, NETROPOLITAN CHURCH REOPENED Congregation Has Joyful Homecoming To New Edifice Toronto, Deo, 16.~Thrice yom terday the cariliion rang out the joyful news of the re-opening of the Metropolitan church; thrice the bells, In the great tower of this cathedral of the United cuuren, proclaimed the message of faith re- warded; thrice its notes reminded men and women that in the heart of downtown Toronto, there Is still a place for the Word of Cod, Thousands flocked to the doors of the churche-old, yet new--40o join with the congregation in Its dedieatory and inaugural services, Many wars unable to gain admis slon, At 11 o'clock the Rt, Rev, W, 7, Gunn, moderator of the general council of the United chureh of Cannda, performed the dedication office, Assisting In the service were $ir Robert Falconer, Chancel. lor MN, VV, Bowles, Nev, HK, D, Chown, Dr, MH. J, Pritchard, presi dont of the Toronto conference, and Dr, BR, 1, Birangoways, assis. bLant pastor of the Metropolitan, In the afternoon, Denton Massey brought a message of gladness Lo the 4,000 men who joined in the homecoming of the York Bible olnnn, AL seven o'clock Rev, Drs, Holo RECIPES LEMON MINCEMEAT 1 cup raising, 1 cup finely chopped apples, % eup chopped nuts, % cup candied orange peel or orange nars malade, V4 enp lemon jules, 2 cups sugar, % teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon, each of cloves and ginger, Seald, dridn and chop the raisins, Mix all ingredients, Seal in sterilis zed Jars, When making into ples add to each pint % cup melted butter, This Is an excellent Banbury Tart filling, Makes 2 pints for 2 medium. i g ples, STEAMED MARMALADE + PUDDING Y% cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 4 engs, 14 eups orange marmalade, 4 tablespoons baking powder, 6 cups flour, % cup milk, Cream shortening and add sugar Add well beaten eggs and marmalade Mix and sift baking powder and flour and add to mixture, Add milk it needed to moisten, Steam two und one-half hours In two cylindrical molds ORANGE JUICE 5 tablespoons butter, % cup sugar, V4 eup bolling water, 3 egg whites, ules of 2 oranges, 1% Tue emon Jule, Cream butter with the sugar, Put Into un sausepan over hot water and add bolling water, leat In the stiff ly beateh whites of the eggs, the orange and lemon Jules and continue beating until light and foamy, PREHINTORIO RELICS FAKED GOULD NOT WORK FOR a -- CAVE LAKE BOTTOMLESS / - wr -- Another attempt has been made to find the depth of the subters ranoan lake in the heart of Ingle« borough Mountain, one of the high- ost ponks In the Pennines, in Eng- land, but sgaln failure was the result, The body of water, 20 feet wide and 000 feet long, lles 600 foot below the summit of the moun« tain and a mile from the entrance to the eave, Approach to it is through a canyon, in the bottom tes IOETTE VOLCANOES OF (By Canadian Prose Losssd Wire) Duteh Harbor, Alaska, Dee, 16 Heports that seven voleanoes on Aleutian Islands and | peenohed wouthern const of the Alaska and spreading dengh sulphur smoke gonaral plnee 1087 wus be remote from elvillgatlon, but a fow Indian settlements are on the | for fs that blankew don't follow Islands near some of the peaks. in the service, The pastor, the American spotting The crew of the steamer | Laurence O, Tombs, a lay delegate, here with reports | who congratulated the minister, of. A FOOD that the voleanoes Katmi, Wavloef, | flelals and membership upon the Kagamil, Akutan, Chigins | completion of the new place of wors penk, and 'Mhlsnldin wore unusally | #hip the voleanoes are skirt styles mon Cleaver and Peter Bryce, who stand as links between the gens rations which lald the foundations of the Metropolitan church and the United church of Canada, and the | tification expert } ' generations which have been | #Pending a year in "| oharged with the justification of | Of the exhibits, I _-- . the faith of thelr fathers, assisten wick, D.D,, conducted the services Nev, Lynn Harold Hough, D.D,, of chureh, Messages of flames | falth ware received from far ais tant points, Bt, Andrew's, the mo ther church of Preshyterianism, in outburst In| Now Brunswick, sent a message of blessing und a prayer that "the lat of Montreal came One thing we ean be thankful Arkansas Canette, Bupposed prehistoric relies ""un« | of which runs the river, earthed" at Glogzel, fakes, nooording to the police iden« | solid limestone roof, who has been -- dentifie study yusands of ox "I hear that Ella periments which he made with the | with Mr, Brown "rolion,": his report Rev, W, I, Medge-| that they were not more than five The eldtimer who had a twitch Ing trigger. fluger now has a pon marine men here tol ter glory of this church may be | With an aceelerator foot Just as sland and coast | greater than the former," From |nervous--Kitchener Record, goutours there are again being als | the prevhytery -. a. fitalnct- France, ave | ites hang In profusion from the TERRIBLE PUNISHMENT has eloped Has her mother sald, proved | forgiven them?" "I don't think so--BShe has gone yours old, and some had been in [to live with thom." the enrth only a short time, He Montreal, | #Is0 found indieations that the #laba had been covered with varn telloitation and | 18h, corresponding to that on the woodwork of the farmhouse near whore they weer discovered, UE LE RN Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Nimcoe St. -s eoeso-Pkshpspo i. AND fy TONIC BOTH ¥) SCOTTS EMULSION CHEAM OF COD LIVER OIL "Expert Watch Repairnig URNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts, a A SA ust what is it to be A Good Wife in this MODERN AGE ? (Je you wmatien that in chis ad ond' vancing age your husband needs a mate as modera-minded as himself; a wife whose tastes and temperament are attuned to the present-day pace? He is moving ever forward, Yew can not afford to lag behind, In the world of Business, men have banished the dragon of Drudgery, But what of yewr world? Are you still ham pared by heavy household tasks that take your time and sap your strength? Does the weekly wash day take its heavy toll of hours that you could spend so joyously, so profitably in other ways? Washday in your home is doomed a day of rest and recreation is assured ¥ PEPPPetttt LAUNDRY: WASHED CLOTHES FRER FROM CONTAGION, ., SAY CITY PHYSICIANS Not a tingle inrhone of disease dve to lowndry wwibed chorber reported by Dosltd officials of wp Jobing Comadian cirine in sont Dominios wide Srone old, Home Beonemicr axpert whe condweted the annie), For Aygionie safety, he awndcy dr duprome Th fA wif you will decide now to gu th Joets; to see for yourself Just what this modern laundry has to offer. Here you will find a laundry service that aeerly meets your needs; one that fits snugly into your Family Budget. Moreover, we can be relied upon to wash clothes cleaner and make them last longer, And the health of your family is better safe-guarded than in | any other way. ; Call us today. Our laundry route man will bring you the delightful journey booklet of "Alice in Launderland." It's the next thing to visiting the laundry yourself. ' OSHAWA LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANIN COMPANY LID. 5 CORNER CENTRE AND MILL STREETS

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