Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 5

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> y . THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, PAGE FIVE Stock Market Prices Marke Summary by Canadian Voss Fovomto and New York sock Quotations Supplied by Sabie, Voriong wend Co, TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Torome, Dee, 16,~Prices eased off somewhat in the trading on the Tus ropto Broek Exchanges today and wt y leading Issues were slightly er, Bragilinn lost one point during the early ses and was quoted at 40 at noon, International Nickel slump- «1d to 2 hose ute Plow ee be t hy Vord Morors "A" fost 14 of tp opening gan of 1-2 and at midduy was up 1-4 at 32 b2, Loblaw "A' was up ons at 12, Walkers was une change he Offs were fractionally lower with B, A, leading the decline with « drop of 34 to 14, Tmperial ON was off 1:2 at 27 1:2, while Interna tional Pete was down 1-8 at 21 7-8, a HTANDARD MINING BXOCHANGE Toronto, Dee, 16,~=The Toronto Standard Mining Exchange eontin ued irregular ab noon today with the majority of lending Iesies he " marked down, Trading wus ght, Take Bhore suffered the greatest degline with # drop of 2b eents Lo 10.26, Home Of slumped 156 to 0.60, Losees of 14 and 10 were vecorded in Budbury Basin and Noranda vesepetively, The former was at 8.66 and the latter at 84.50 at midday, Minor declines were marked up In Abana, Vand Oreille, Ventures, Wright-Hargraves, Amu- 18t and Bheritt-Gordon, Caine were scored in Hudson Bay up 26 at 8,76; Ajax and Val cophridge up 10 each at 1,50 and 6,00 respectively VORKIGN XCHANGE New York, Deo, 16.Verelgn exchange firm; demand rates (Great Britain in dollars] others in sents) 1 Creat Britain 4.87% 1 Cane adian dollars 86-03 of one per cent discount, TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, Dee, 10, ~Reeelpts, invluds Ing left-avers, on the Dominion Live stock Exchange today totalled 2000 eattle, Trade was brisk with prices 25¢ higher an good steers and sten dy on other grades, Cholee steers sold up to $10.00, Good cows brought $7.00 to §7,50, Calves were stéady at $15.00 to $10 for eholes, There were no definite bids recely gd on hogs, Prospects were strong at §11,00 | oh, for selects or $12.35 off-car, Lambs were beady at $1250 to $1278 for good ewes and weathers Sheep were also steady at 82,00 for tap, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Dee, 16,=\Wheati Due, 5:8 higher at 133; May, 1 to 3:8 high er at 40 to 140 1.4] Tuly, 1:4 tg 5:8 higher at 140 3:8 to 40 3.4, Oaty 1 Dee, 1:8 higher ut 54 May 1:8 higher at 61 7-8 & ICAGO GRAIN OPENINGS cago, Dee, 16-=Wheat, Dee, 1.180 Mar, 1.20041 May, 1.20% Corn, Dee, 8031 Mar, 91%; May, OSM 1 Oatts, Dee, 44341 Mar, 4704 May 49, A'hovsundy Now Kal REL HY Y A Delightful Breaklast Food TORONTO Block High Low Br, A, ON 45% AH Brag, ,, 40% FTAA Can, dnd 20 un Can, Brd, 24 Bid Cockshutt 48% Cty, Dry. B0% Ask Dis, #grm, 14 Dom, Wir, 4h Gypsum 24% We Wal, 18 18 Hm, Brd, 87% 4 I, Ut, 89 Ask It, Nk, 81% EE It Per, IY FLA Id, Alehl, 168 14 Imp, O11" &8 27 Lob, "A" 18 11% Mas, Har, 415 410 Me, Pri, 84% 24% ML, Pwr, 79 ( Pg, Hr, wh nag Khaw, 8% TH H, Btatlon 44 1% wanduavd Mines Abana 1] 1] Ala ,, 1h8 144 Amulet 164 16h Beg Mig, hs hi Ch, Nes, 726 700 De, Mus, 785 14h Paleon, 600 Gov He, OI #60 11] Hy, Geld 77 Th Hd, By, BK0 Close [ILA LRA 2 an 11% 24% 24 14% 11 Kt, Yi, 1] " Lk, Bh, 1086 108h Nrnda, [0460 een Bh, Gr, 275 KE] Hincon i i Bd, Bs Hes Leh Th, Hg, 615 Boh Ventures 200 4K0 Wr, Hr, 187 186 Wainwell 13 18% NEW YORK Amer, Can, 110 1108 Am, Fr, Pr, 06% 0014 Anaconda LR Tw Balt & Ohlo 110% 117% Can, Fae, 108% 106% Chrysler 7% i) Cu, On, N.Y, 08 0h % Cal, Gra, 4% 78 Pupent ,,, 181% 114 Kris Rall 661% 08 Gen, Pde TL 400% Gen, Mot di 41% Hd, Mol, bh bi It, Cam, 16% 18 It, Tal, ovo 17 45 dns, Man, 186% 180% Lae, Wie 48% 47 Mex, Hhrd, 214 80% Mt, Wind 60% THN Poove Co, ,, B08 S84 Phil, Pal, Hon uhh Ph, Br, NJ, 10% Tw Radle ,,,, 40% 4M Hmmons 100% LL Hin, ON BO 20% Bt, Of NJ, 048 ih id, Ale, Ah 40% U4, Blesl 174 1084 Woolworth T08 HW Yel, Truek 1h\e 14 Money rate 4% per vent REJUVENATION IN COURT Whether old ape vs an Hlness and should a company In which is Insured against illness pay the eos of a rejuvenation aperation, are ques tons before a Berlin, Germany, cour! A doetor, In the sixties, has sued sompany hecause It retused to pu the fee charged for a Meinneh op eration performed by Dr, Sehmidi The operation Is sald to have lmproy od the patients condition, Counell for the complainant argued that in surance companies pald for the treat ment of seelerosis or hardening of the weterles, whieh 1s a malady of old ae, and claimed that ns the rejuy sation. aperation had restored the natlent's ability to earry on his pr fesslon the company was lable to nay, The court reserved its deolslan a mal | | | BILL TO HELP AGED COUPLES FAVORED Family Welfare Association Favors Keeping Old Peo- ple Together | DIRECTORS' MEETING -- Expect Messure, Supported by Hon. A. David, In | House This Session | | Montves!, Dee, 10-0, B, Clarke, gonernl secretary of the Family Wel fare Assoelation, was Instructed to write to Hew, Athanase David lie mediately, regarding the Vamlily Wallure's attitude toward aged apd indigent men and women on thelr list, wt i meeting of the hourd of directs ors of the association recently in the Vorum Building, This course of ne tion was the result of & discussion brought up wt the meeting concern ig the gavernment bill far special provislon for aged and fodigent nen aid women which. Mr, David ber lived would be Inid before the next sosslon of the Legislature with w view to changing the present system of ses rating man wind wife, The Vamily Nelfare Association has always en deavored to maintain aged couples tar gether in eases of this type, and it wis deeided that information of this poliey be forwarded to the Vrovinela Beoretary, The sesoclation has put itself on record as being delighted with the terms of the bill, whick would eliminate the necessary sepira thon of ued eouples malntalned In ine stitutions Relief Question Anather discussion had refetencs (0 the providing of relief In cases where the Individual has & private source of Ineome or reselved any [#4] ed by Lieut Commander Kenworthy, wilted on the Varlismentnry Begra« tury to the Board of Trade recently Ihe reason we arg so. determined to oppose the chanys," the Landon Beeretary of the Mercantile Marine Bervice Assoclation said In an Inter: view, "ls not wholly senthmenta), I'he vouulization of the two words Is exe cellent, and we do not think thet i cin be betrered, Among the suggestions we alternatives wre "yoni" und "eos min" and "gee" and "haw," British seamen do ut appear 1a think mueh of wny of them, Already over 2000 sallovs of all rinks and branches of the Mereins Navy have signed wu petition for the retention of the old words FIGURES ISSUED ON MILITIA TRAINING Oitawa, Dee, 160A tole of 4454 officers und 20005 other ranks In the nanepernnent active militia recalved training lust year uceording to figures yublished In the annual report of the ehatiment wf Nationul Defence for 1020 fssued ast week, A total of well over $300,000 wis expended in the establishment of the new Joekhiffe alvport here und for the Camp Borden Ale Vers training liane, 3 Phe report on armament states that considerable depregiution Is taking luce through wear and tear, while it has heen found fmpossible ta. do res plieement work with the funds avails able, Coastguard @munition Is ree ported as still far helow the mine mum required, Antisplreraft equips ment Is very much out of date hut nn replacement han heen possible, fut forward / WEALTHY MANS HUNTED BY POLICE sum of money elther through insur ance or other sources, Varmerly it | his been the pall y nf the gasoeintion fumily have 4 sum of money whieh they could subsist en for a period When this money was gone they would help, but not before, However, this point was reconsidered because of a wpecinl ease hrought to the nos tice of the hoard, and It was decided that henceforth there would not be vorule against helping In sueh § cane but that ench ease would be judged on He merits The demand that a worker he de slpnated especially to look after the Atholstan Eduestions) Fund was re ceived by the board, This arrange ment would by earried out if possible It was phd Mov The bond alin ponouneed (ts Intention of assisting in the delivery of the wifta prepared by the Christmas cheer committee far ponr families Mr, Clarke was authorized to ap proach the Proviielnl Government in regard to the annual grant The seerethry's vepart showed that the tot! dishursements of the Fam ily Welture for the month of Novem her amonnted to $12.81, During this period 626 families were dealt with, | of which M7 were glven material re: | lel to refuse ald to sueh eases, while the | Wilson Falrman presided ABOLITION OF OLD SEA TERMS PLANNED London, Dee, 16,~=RBrtish seamen | the world over are up In arms in de fence of one of thelr most eherlshed traditions, the vse of the terms "port and "starboard" The International © Convention on the Bafety of Life at Nea propose the adoption of twa Internationa! terns to take the place of these two helm orders, With a view of prevent ing so startling 8 change, a repro sentative deputistion of pretest, head Shooting of Constable Leads To An Amazing Discovery Benton Harbor, Migh,, Dee, 148 Pradariek Dane, 40, until Bat urday regarded here as 8 wealthy Chigago merchant, today In being hunted throughout the middle wast a an murderer and hank robber with & $10,000 price on his heao The sudden change In his reputation here resulind from » miner traffle pooldent Haturday night, In the srgument which fol | lowed Dane shot and killed Char les Wholly, #0, Bi, Joseph motor eyela patrolman, and escapsd in » stolen automobile wftey wreokinge hig own cnr Mt, Joseph officers whe invaded Dane's home, found two machine guns with several hondred rounde of ammunition, two high-powered rifles, a sawed-off shotgun, hans and cans of shells, team bhombw and In a locked closet discovered BHLO,000 worth of securities which Hherlft ¥red OG, Bryant and Prose otter Withur M, Cunningham say wore stolen from the Farmers and Morahan! Bank of Jefferson, Wis November 1 The honds conan | ware identified tn wn telephone eon voreation with 1 dant of the hank Oitloers are convinesd Dane shot tially rather than run the risk of eing finger-printed at the police station, Previous to the shooting however, the pollea had no record Involving him, He purchased the Lake Bhore property in an exelu sve section, n few months ako and Wid the house remodelled aud luxuriously furnished, Deooavery of the stolen and arwensl led Nervlen county nuthorities to request that mans land haunts tn Chioago, Detroit, Toledo and Milwaukee be search od, H, Hulth, pres! honda ness is represented in this dis " vectory==a handy reference tor DRAMA AAAI IYIAOY COAL COAL "home 198 W.J. SARGAN) day KF." CROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 824 'hithy 1! List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! those who wish acquainted with business houses, to become the wvarlow Machinery Repairing AUTHING VU LAG NOTHING 00 SMALL Adanac Macha. Shep | 101 Ring 84 W. hone We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON eal Katate tnaunrance Telephone AT 3--000 Night ealin 010-1080 G4 King St, West ? | ¢ 3 [FOR BALE) When we say bar Al we don't mean mayhe, 8 nom brick house 800 for A000, Nicely located, All cons 'nilences, ete, DISNEY REAL ENTATH Phone 1880 IN MTTER OF SCHOO TEXTBOOKS AIRED om ------ Reference Made to Cana dian Suggestion In London Commons Landon, Doe, 10=The lmpdrtant watter of aceurate geagraphioal wnd historical textbooks tn the schoaly of Hritain and the Empire was raised in the House of Commons the other wght, Rt, Hon, Sie Charles Treves van, president of the Hoard of Edus cation, remarked he did not think A could convene a conference of pubs Hihers of sohool books tn England and the Dominions, ay eT a Canadian source, but he woukl he lad 10 use his good offices to bring the publishers into touch with repre. sentatives of the various Governs nents, Sir Charles sald ho was not entively satisfied the geographical and histo. rial textbooks now in use were thoroughly upstosdate, He haped the publishers were paying attention to the recent report of the Reard of Education's committe dealing with the matien total Joss, To salvage the machine from the lake it cost $1000.80, and an action Is therelore taken for the MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 total amount of $1805.52, on the une AIRPLANE CRASH 19 BASIS OF LAWSHIT] tesa, he ceive sia machine astinpated at between #4, Claim Is Filed for $18,606 000and $8,000, A Aefener was made to the aetion Insurance and Sal. vege hy tha Insurance company to the ef TECHNICAL OBJECTION feet that it was not responsible for the damages calmed because certian regilations of the Department of Aviation at Ottawa had not been ob Defendants Submit Domin- ion Regulations Not Complied With served by the ewners of the airplane -- At the time of the seeident, it was sontended, the machine had not heen registered as required hy law and or ders hid previously heen given by of fieluls of the department that the ma ghine should not he taken ta the alr until a certificate was obiained showing that the craft was navigable Montreal, Dee, 102A cabin of | as a seaplane, BIB08.30 us the value of an sleplane| In this connection a elanse of the nid the eost of salvaging the machine | insurance policy is cited which pro rom Lake Oulmet, where it fell] vides that the company shall not he while on i triad Might is made by the | Viable for damages, "nu respect of Oblski-Chibougamau Mining . Cone | which any Government or Bate ve pany against the Aera Insurance | gulgtion for elvil aviation is not con Company, Insurers of the "plane, tol plied with ar while the airidane 1s id wn wetion In the Superior Courl Should the netion against the Insur anes company he disinissed, the plain tiffs ask, subsidiarily, that # Judy. ment for the same amount be found against the Continental Aero Coys poration Limited, sellers of the ma chine, and the Industrial Aceeptance use for anv -iielt purnose" Guarantees Asked Corporation, Limited, The latter campany owns certain futerests in In view of the defence offered on behalf of the insurance company, the plaintiffs, purchasers of the airplane In question now ask that the Cont the "plane, 11 15 elalimed, In the wrigingl action against the Insurance company of the wlrplane sald that on faa, 4, 1029, the mus ghine, valued at $19,080, was Insured wninst all risks and perils from fre and all other special aceldents to a miakhmum amount of $17,088 Fell Inte Lake On July 14, 1980, while. the plane wis being piloted by an aviator em doyed with the plaintiff eampany, i Fels nto Lake Oulmet and was alinost neta! Aera Corporation Timited, fram whom they purchased the mas hing, be ordered (a take un the ear and guarantees the olalntiffs agains 1oss In ease the orignal netion falls A technleal alijeation to the form of the nrocerdings was nresented In th Practice Court the other morning and postponed to Dee, 16 PEIMANKNT "Ho the Anctor hove tn glve up smoking whilag!! "Yer, and he nlsn said V wauld have to give up $14 for good," weld yop would for a he ah to fifteen years tims will quote 1990 we une of the classified years West month the {eementasion will be finished und the wine will be draws off in different casks, The preparation of what 1s known us the "euved sthe blending of all the different Champagne vintages (o weoure a standard winestakes place in January and Vebryary, Een Vach great hous I rely of Ciending, on the quarters "euyee" is nude up of thres of wine from Wack ures (a quarter from Ay, a quarter from the hills slopes of Rheims and a quarter from the vines of LLpemay), the Femeining quarter being from the white Chars donnay grapes which grow south of the Kiver Marne, The Mended wine Is drawn off ence more and clarified, and 1s then bets tled and stored in the cellars for ma turing Alter a lapse of twa or three years the preparation ef the wins In. the battle has 10 be undertaken, The bottles are taken from thelr yaeks and put in frames called "puplives" (deals), They stand with thelr neeks fawhwards, and each desk holds 120 wittles Vvery diay an expert shakes eaeh bottle by giving It a quarter turn and titng it slightly nm the frame, At the end of three months the b {le Is almost vertical and all deposit has formed in a hard cone on the sork, The wine is then perfectly limpid, The bottles are then rescorked af ter having received the requisite small dose af eane sugar, whieh virs les from one-quarter per cent, for Brat champagne ta 13 per cent, for sweet chinmpagne, GREAT CHAMPAGNE YEAR, SAYS PAPERT Good Sign of Quick Fer: mentation ~-- Secrets of Blending EE ---- Whelmn, (Vanes), Deg, 16, wv The great wing cellars of Champagne, those ut Whelms whieh werg for so long under the direst five of the Ger: ian heavy wriillery but whieh never scllapsed, those at Kpernay and at Ay, wre bulging now with seething new wine Wik y 15 beginning to fers ment in the barrels where it will stay until most of it Is put In bottles next April The wine erop this year has heen a bumper one, These huge eellars, wherever one gees them, the great Moet-et-Chan don cellars In helms or the Henrlot oellars ar Vpernay, are veritable underground towns, and during the warking day they house thousands of men and women, Hewed out of the solid stone, everything Is on a glnntie seale weat wills, solid because they are so well buflt, streteh down the Nine of the eellars made of thousands of hotties of wine, without thelr sliver foil und thelr eaps=champigne in the making, The cellars In places wre as high as the Gethie ool of some dim cathedral nave, and a walk of 20 miles would not complete (hel meanderings Rapid Fermentation The fermentation of the wine Is raeeeding wnt present In the wood he unusially Targe 1929 crop I fer menting very rapidly, which ls one of the signs of a great vintage year, and there are high hopes that wine hooks throughout the werld in ten TO UNH AGAIN Joweller--"What name do yen want engraved in the ring?" Blushing Young Man="From Henry to Clara," Jewsllar, (one who knows)es "Take my advice and simply have From Henry" ptt - ala a fe le EO Ll. 5 a TF N° longer do young people wait until they can pay completely for their comforts, before entering into en- joyment of them, They have learned to plan their finances ahead , . , to buy "out of income", Wisely and conservatively used, instal. ment-buying is a benefit, But, in excess, it may easily encourage obligations which prove difficult to meet and which, in event of a sudden reduction or cessa- tion of income, may medn calamity, There is, however, one form of instal. ment-buying which is always wise and safe , : , the pur chase of Life Insurance, fifein on the "instalment plan" Life losurance becomes an asset which never depreciates. Jt can be made to take care of your needs, It will protect your home and loved ones after you are gone, It covers the obligations which your other instalment may in. cur. And the "instalments" are cancelled at your death, In the planning of every family budget, Life Insurance desefves the place of honor, It is the only certain way of buying an estate "on the instalment plan", Any Life Iosarance representative will gladly explain its advantages. %

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