Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY HIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1929 Lb) PACE THREE - Bowmanville Man Must Stand Trial for Robbery of Store Spectacular Fire Threatens Feldspar Glass Co.'s Plant Here on Saturday Evening Blaze Mumines Sky as Roof Burne = Second Alarm Calls Out All Fire Equip ment in the City FIREMEN WORK IN DANGER OF LIVES Had Tremendously Hot Fur. naces Under Blaze Been Dosed With Water, There Would Have Been Serious Explosion opm ---- A specter fire threatened the plant of the Peldspir Glass Com pany on altueday evening, 'the hee pgenrred tn the rool diveetly aver the iremendousiy hot furnaces, whieh wand have exploded hid the gold wa lor fram the hose struek them, and 1ahatguantiy the firemen were work ni if danger of thelr lives, Actual fre davmge was sina! The wintm wis received at the la tl Arve station at 7.12 Baturday eve ange As soon wa Fire Chief Ellon arrived with the fiysl company of firemen, and saw the flames shoot Wl through the yoof, he sent in # sesond alarm, ealling out all the fire "4 pment in the eity he five started in the reef, and gaused, It Is thought hy the fire department, hy a deregtive eleetrie wire Just under the roof, It had gain ed un wood start before helng dis cavered, and Hames were shooting through the root and Mumining th shy when the firemen arrived Two lines of hose were used to quell the fames, Owing ta the fast that the furnaces, hosted 10 ahout 4, 000 degrees favenhelt, were direct! under the burning part of the veoh firemen had to play the water from the hose slelltully so that as litle as possible af it would fall on the furs ween, Had they heen subjegted ta a audden stream of cold water, they would have exploded with probable serious Injury 10 the Reemen and ser fous damage ta the factory ieetive work on the part of the firemen prevented sueh & eatasten he, wwever, and the fire wis ox Huswished with only a small © Toss Only the real was damaged, and aps erations at the plant will not he af footed, CHRISTMAS CHEER PARTY The Oshawa Rotary Club Is hold Ing & Christmas Cheer Party in Ra try Hall sanight at six o'slock for the wmrpose of valaing funds for a we hon 1a the Christmas Cheer and ellare Fund of the eity, KIWANIS MEETING Pouglas Patterson of Petérhara is the speaker at the Weekly wneheon of the Kiwanis elub in V iui Pars lors \ MOAN 10mar Fw Mr Patters san he Tei of Kiwanis Eduep tian of the Poterbara club, Donations For Children of the She.ter Asked ( heismas Is I "sul, and the ehil dren of the Bhelter tere are look ng forward ta a. Christmas Tree wl 1 will give thet wath elathing and huight, seasonahle fruit, + Will yi eltigens of Oshawa help (0 mike their Hele dreams come true, and show these unfortunate [AnH that there 1a indeed a aBnta Claus Gifts of clothing, fruit and vege thls may he sent ta the Children's helen, 8 King street west VA donations ay 3 sent 10 Mis, EB [ Drew, 154 King street east, Mya W, RB, Gelkie, dod Blmgoe siren north, ar to the secretary, Mes, T, HH Everson, 171 King street east NOVEMBER REPORT 0.5.5 WHITBY Names of Pupils Are Given In Order of Thelr Merit I'he selinal Fp far November ol UBB, Nao, 8 KE, Whithy, is as ful lows i==Names are in order of merit Juniar Room Helen Kerman, Frances Robinson Cladys Luke, Ceell MoClure, Juok Br, HHA Juekson, Br, HA henson, Frank Loy Ie, Hes thel Robinson, Hernles Le Plerson, Berntee Tuekson, sler, Donald Halght ar, Le=Hilly Drow, Peguy Vietar Burroughs, Ir, Le=Ciretn Laek, Novine Nathan Hirsaek (ahaent) ae. Py Jaey Nahr It Pra=llsle Kerman, Pierson, Helen Drew, Reuben son, Wilfred Paseos, Har ld notin, Walter Beatt, Freddy Vialet May, Berube Luke, Hireoek, ahaent) Hy Class--=Kuthleen Camphell, mend Wilson, Gordon May MH \ Holl wy, Room an IV Samer Worn MeRobingn, IR por cont) Ianhel Plorson, 24) Kwa Linsey, 081 Lulp Reeson, 61} Yer La Roy, 80; George lrwin, 851 Erma Kerman, 80, J Marian Taeksan, #7 pov fant} Murguovite Honnettu, 261 Frank Hong, 721 Darathy FITTS 7 Joa Lavin, 68; Geoffrey Northay, 63; Marian Lavington, 63; Earle Camp hell, 881 Pearl Neott, M Ar ella Lindsay, 70 per gent Margaret Northey, 66; Lyla Thamp aon, 653 Hahhy Plepsan, 6d; Doris Novthey, 627 Davathy Kerman, 61; wim Allman, 59, henneth Camp ell, 8M; Wilfred Lindsey, 8 0) If, ii. Ross Campbell, 40 per gent w0y Taylor, Prinelpal Gordon nie Frederik Margaret Fed Ma Lewington, LOY North ¥, Plevson Audrey Wil Han Kori (Aubrey Ray I'eneher, PORT DEVELOPMENT 10 BE CONSIFRED BY COMMITTEE Members Appointed At Meeting of Chamber of Commerce Directors including President I, Coanant A wpeclal sommitien Mayay 7, HB, Milehell, 0, W, Melwughlin, 4 Und Leon Prager, wusrsliry, whe Appoldied al 0 masting of the directors of the Chamber of Com mevon, Friday, (0 consider the flrs developmnelt and 0tiga Hon of the loeal harbor, This ae Hon was considered deslrable he fhune of the development whieh In now taking place at tha havhor under the superyviston of the De partment of Puhlle Works and he chine of the Interest which has heen manitosted h numher of companies In the uke of the har har when completed Tha matter of tha formation of # havhor sammission to eoaperile hetween the government und the Oy wis dlactisued ut the meeting Iowan suggested by ooriain mem rs Lhd this In a question which should he given eonstderation and tha effectiveness of the operations of wel commissloners in Taranto and Hamilton was pointed ont Two nguivies vegarding the hla of the laeal gad plant, now owned hy the oliy, to pvlvata on (arpriges, wore reesived, A sale to alther of these eompanies might mean the reduction of gas rales 0 sonsumers and the establish went of a hysproduet Industry A communiontion was reosived ima ing that the 18h eongross of the Vaederatod Chambers of Commerce of the Heltleh Hmpivt wold ha held In London, Knog land, during May next year, The local ehnmber will ha represented threaugh He wlftibiation with the Canadian Chamber of Commeres Plppetars wha wera present the meeting Includes President of W, Moelmughlin, A, W, Hell, gg, Canunt, Gen, Hart, Wb, ©, Hodgins, MW, Marks, 1, J, Mason, 1, J, Hed din, HH, I", Behall, 1 HB, Mitohell und Heeretury Leon Prasw REQUEST FOR AN ADJOURNMENT WAS GRANTED BY COURT Pator Hryosnuk, the egal sele of wijourned today tol avidenee of James Hoott, witness for the Urown, The adlournment had heen requested hy BA, J, Bwanson, eouneel for the aeensed who elatmed that he pould net venduet 8 proper de fonmg Watt sneh tine as the Orawn disclosed the evidenea of the In formant Hoott Seatifingd that an the night of November 18 he visited a house at 180 Olive Ave, and purehased A pint af aleahol, which was sub mitted to the court AE Bn ox Mbit, He would not swear that Hryoenuk was present when he purehased the Janor The Urawn hae Additional avidence whish will be submitted when the telal ean Hines i The ones of ehinrged with Haguay Wi Inwing thi IEE EES INES REE EER ELEC CEE OE Start Your Christmas Shopping Now Dominion Clothin 68 ning St. W., And Buy at the We Ddliver Co. one 2141 The Thrift Store for "Dad and His Lad" Boys' Mackinaw Windbreakers, All i th $1.48 h Broadcloth alae, ay fine English Broadelo attached collar, Setiong $80 Speelal viii Mee al sg Special, 89¢ he sl en R Special |, Sha, ph bond HR FAN YRAR YN Pair Boye Glonvine Leather Socal $4.95 * $6.95 Lan LJ "95 89¢ © $1 05 i» 3c ach Reg. $10.98, te, kid Bleives pair | Windbreaks J Men's Flanelette Night Shirts, Reg, $1.78, Special ,,.... Bagh ahr) Men's fine Dressing Gewns, Regular 850, Special, $1.25 AEE ENE 3.95 EEE EREE REE we Sowa $169 Boys' Chinchilla 0'Conts, $7.50 Special Men's fine Dress Gloves includin chnmeolset Ao skin, deerakin $1 $3.50 beat assortment to ig Week-End Response Generous, But More Money Needed For Weltare and Christmas Fund Fund Now Stands at Over $4,800, But Thousands of Dol. lars Are Still Needed to Supply Welfare Organizations With Finances Necessary The oull of the nesdy families OF Oshawn Is helug heard, Ciblgens wre showing thal they have & haart, and thst they ure willing to make thely contributions te ia Have the digivess which is so pray alent In the elty, This tn evident that the vesponse which hag heen mide wines Baturday, for todisy 8 pousthle to make an wdaltion of avr $400 to the Welfare and Chvistmas Chusy Pund, snd Lo send I over $4,600 Generous ad Lhe vesponss his hoon, however, the fund la still » long way from helpg adequate to the needs of the distressed fami Hig of Oshawa, Theusands af dal Inrg morn are urgently nesded to fonanes the glesntle task of the Aspncinted Welfava Bootellos and the Chvlstmas Cheer and, Thess two hagdlos, working hinnd in hand, wre finding themselves with im medigte cantitions of heed which must he met ab ones, and they ail only he met throush an larga hearted and prompt vesponse by the altigenn to the appeal for funds Gantethutions should be sent wt ones to the. treasurer of the fund, TW, v dfn, mannger of the bo -- wer - to Help Families in Distress omen minlon Bank, ar. If 'more conven lent, they may ha left at the of Hao of The Oshawa Dally Times Following is the Hal of eon tribitions rpeorted wp Lo noon to day Amount wirendy weknowledge I, W, Cowan ses elend «cv vi00e Calleginte Hint Players Palles Depayviment Wing 86, Home and Hehool Assi Bales' Bhos Blora do WH, WH Linke Mra, HK, M, Grierson I, 1, Grierson 1h Mrs, Dy JI, Brawn 10 Erlah Jones ) MW, and H, stafford h Hoom 4, Mary wl Hohool ] $4,116.00 gon.00 ho,0u ree Xi uo UL ho 1 af 4] 10 1 UL uo uo ULL no LL) ULL oo UL] 4,040.00 Hread © Hu huteher, hea! to date Wanton hrand tlokely | A Yutow pounds of Totnl Learge (UM uu ho [CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | FHEMEN'S BALL The wnnual ball of the Oshawa Five Doapavtment 1s helng held In the Armaries gn New Year's eve Hevh Power's ten plece orohesiva af Taranto, has heen secured and goad muste will he provided A lovee erawd will nao doubt in wtiundanee MILK FOR NEEDY he Willing Uadders Club of the eity haa handed to the loeal publi health staff a donation of #742 purchase milks tekets fog needy in the sity, Thess tek heen disteitbuted hy the nur families whey the A children and where, 1a thew Hilted means have pre purchase of milk nursing LT] I! ts have LL] | 1) YOUN showledge vented the DIVIRION COUNRY After January 7 next division Sour may he held here avery two weeks, pueording to a staloment mada hy Major BH, B, BEmbth, oes) division eourt elerk This ation had boon Found "necessary on a oount af the large number of onsen whieh the eourt 1a ealled upon tn handle, At a recent session of the paurt before His Honor Judea J Ruddy, of Whithy, tly cases were Hapased of TTT Coming Event # Conta per word each tie sertion: Minimum oharge for each insertion, Bho, vibe dobbs bb dd PROGRKERIV HN BUOHAR IN Orange Hall, Monday, Dee, 18th Admission B06 cents (1400) WHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Pueaday, Decamber 17th, ®00 , Boelal plan night, featwy ne Bld Hmith's Btvamboin seven The 48 Orehestra' 1 sensation Aoainging shivery serenndorg Ryaryone "enjoyed themselves NPORtly ast Tuesduy, Belag your felends now Ad talon gonts 400, ladies #00 tneluding admission and all danelng (Hain) MEETING OF MOTHERS" COUN» ol al tipl Guldes Hecond Osh Company, Wednesday afternanu, Pao, 18th, 3 oo'laek Christ Chureh Parish Hall (ida) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIAY, Rows Carnes, Phone appoint monty, Band in) OEHAWA WINTER GARDENS tonight Monday, Deosmber 18h, NAD Boy vaund and square danoing to Pat Bhannen and his Haymukers, fonturing anether Chrtatmas fowl contest, "thi a your luoky nlght', (dig) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOR MALL PURRR RITHRER OI REPRE ahr OF Simons near Jahn, Finder Monse leave al flow, ni Times ol | id) | h YEARS IN MINISTRY marked the 25th anni thie congestion of Hey Le Penvior to the priest \hghioan ghureh At the morning service Mrs, 1, B, Pay ker san the solo "How Amiable as Ih Fahiernaels pecompamied bh Matthew Galdburn, A LCM numbers were by th the wy Yesterday versiry ul Canon C,H hood of the al ul YY SUN chal CRIM service My, Goldburn has asked | tile that he is an the London Conservatory of Musi not un A the Raya! Col lowe of Olrganiats, a inadvertently stivted In Baturday's asus BRITIAH MAILS th Hi a wa | Oifee hog Pesemher 41 wee Far BN, Duehy for Great Britain, 16, Negistored mall, 6 pont pn letters Bal pm For a8, Minnewaske, from Halifax far Heitain, eh 1) Wopistered wall, 6 pm parcel pioat ltters and newspapers, K50 he Times \isocinte of adiate om in alls at the Osh the week ending ua fulow y of York, from Mt Jahn | doy aT any rent TE TY fon fan For BA from' New York for Great Heitaln, eloses Dea, 18, replatered madly 6 pong pareel Poel, fp letters and newspapers, B30 Olymple, "|| HANY AT CONCERT BY CITIZENS BAND Several Fine Selections Play. ed by the Band And Ita Soloists hy the the Now | he lant Oshawa sanvert PVOning Citipons' Hand in aMetin Theatre was well attended Under the direction of RK, Fountain the band played (1s numbers na well Antahed manney Hostdes the hand seleetions thers Were numbers hy wembhers of the A: Von Guten, hands man, played a eoret sole entitled, SAddah" hy Losey, "Ong Fleeting Hour" was a trombane hy | Askew, Noroan Ihhotsan was the vis tng artist of the evening and hia solos were wmueh endoved Displaying exellent talent George Rivohan, baritone, also sang a plea MRE soln, he waln attraction of the even nas entertainment was the presen tition of Bruge \White, the Hite lad wha won the prise for helng moat lke the famous Hide mation pleture star, Davey Loe, Many peopla were wiadous 10 see thin Hide hoy that they have heard so wmneh about lately and he came on the stage amid a great deal of applause from tha audience Born GODFREY adn Osha, Deo, 10h, MY and Mes, ROW, Godtvey, SAN Buln ie Ave, a son, Wham APTLY (Pra mative, soln hand, |} silo (1418) wie {Joined In celebration and good fel | lowahip pareel | and newspapers, | WELSH SINGERS RETURN TO GIVE | SACRED CONCERT Many Turned Away From Thelr Service Here Last Night The vast erowds who gathered at! (wir services yesterday tn King street | United ehureh to hear the Welsh Hnperial Blagers were given an ex eeptionally musieal treat in sacred SON hile male eholr returned from Toy onla vesterday so that large nemb ers of Oshawa people wha were ui able to hear them on thelr visit here an Friday night not be disappointed hey pppeared In a speglal program al AAS deloels for one hour and then alata wt the evening servige While every number vendeved wis of w Wah eadibee, including solos, dy ets and eharuses, special mention 1s deserving in the rendition of "In th Bweet Bye and Bye The Wending of the volees In thls beautiful old hymn wis wonderful and aptly deserihed hy the pastor in fe words, "the sweetest thing evi henrd," Two other ems wiven hy request were "Hy Bah tons | Wie" and "The Lost Chord," hath | of whieh were heartily applapded While nearly two thousand peopl heurd the le I King street shure last many had ta he turned wwhy part of the | ehurgh und fille with manny ANNUAL BANQUET T0D'S BREAD LTD, WAS FINE AFFAIR nl thi I'd this wer Buy WYER WN every school wi hundreds standing Fam | Mayor Mitchell Pays Trib. | ute to D, M, Tod, Founder | of the Firm and fastivily Minty tayely yelgned when ahowt amployes of (he BD, M, Tad Hread Ca, Lid, thelr wives and other guests, gathered In Weleh's Paviors, Haturday night, for thely annual hanguel as the guest of D, M, Tod, wgenin) pres! dent and founder of the firm, An axenllent repant was served and the DOORBION WARE & happy one as bak drivers, olerks and oMoelals Tod presided an ohalrman al the head tah while Mrs, Tod made & eharming hostess, Thay wore paslsted hy HN, Leo Cray, make aper of the company and Myre ray PHeuldeds (he head table thera wera four other tables, all prettily decorated with Howers and candles, "The banquet melud oll four courses and the highest point was reached when a piper, Avessed In full Highland costume, piped In a big roast turkey whieh was onrrted aloft on a platter by a white-oonted walter, Plum pudd ing complated the good fare, Group Insurance Provided Mine host In a helef address ex pregend pleasure that every mem her of the company was able ta ha present and warmly welcomed all the guests, He referred to the (roup Insurances scheme for the hen of the employes and tryst od that they would all take advan the of It "1 owleh APOE riLy iahall, My Mr Tod all sucosss and stated Mayor BB puest of honor at the hanguet His Worship commented that he had Known him ever ainea he had stavied his own hasiness iw the oily An Oshawa Company YE have always found your press dent a pubtio apivited oitisen, Ma yor Mitehell added, "and willing 10 BUPPOEE anything for the bette ment of Oshawa, The company which he has founded fs tpuly an Oshawa concern, Greetings fram the Bread and Cake Bakers' Amopiation, of Oan adn, were extended hy My, Dixon, preafdent of the Assooiation, My Dixon was of the opinion that maeh of the sucoess of the company was due to eosoperation and he fell that My Tod wad an amployer who would always merit the ensapers ton of his amployes, Ha veterved 10 the faot that hig host Was & pe vious president of the Association and had conducted this position in A vary able manner Others who spoke at the banguet OF Were present at the head thle in eluded Mp, Calder, secretary tread aver of the Consolidated Bakeries AW Currathors,' past president of the Nyoad Manutaotugers Assoeia tion, dames Dutton, of the Peterbarn haneh, Consolidated Bakeries: R en Gray, manager ofthe 1, M, Tad Bread "Coy J ED Anderson, manages of the Lake of the Woods Miting Ll) Fine Rendition Given | halanoes Nelson Sharpe Committed For Trial For Daylight Armed Holdup of Bowmanville Store 100 New Memlvers Are Received at | King St. Church of King esterday mornin witnessed the largest influx of new members that his oeeurred wt wny one reception serviee yet held, Whit i poodly number were regelved hy fransrer from outside ehiirehe thi grewter part Joined on profession ef with, Tha eoneluding part of the service which consisted of all new member and members of officind howrd form Wg a elrele arovnd the outside aisle wd singing one verse of "Hlest 1B the Vie That Binds," was limpressivi and a fine symbol of unity The Communion hoe held, the print ' HANDEL'S MESSIAH 15 SUNG BY CHOIR OF 5T. ANDREW'S The United CONE raed ahiirely [14] entire wi Ie 1] Hr io This Favorite Oratorio Last Night Bpreniptive MW, Andrew's! night (to | the annus) praduetion of Handel's Meiilah" hy thi the | ehnreh | | nid mua pragont A laren BRes Win United Chureh al Inst hon thal ol Iwas undoubtedly the aition they wWandarful he en HAYn Biv arf this perfect " oratorio I'he of the voles, precision of fttaek and marked rythm tn the ohorused left nothing to he desired wind earialmly vafleoted great opedl on the eondnetby to, W, Henley and his ehaoh Tha soloists farm, W, DO, Hoberison himself in the tenor role, Wal Vary Olaay und throughout Min ram regular wololst of the ohole, ren dered the soprano soles In trie oratories style Mpaoinl mention might made of tha faxibility of her voles fn ""Hejolea Greatly," Mrs, J, Held, contralto, possesses a rich quality of vols, Her reolin tive work and Interpretation of "He Ahall Peed Hig Flock ave worthy of special mention, Ms, W Lays contralto, eontributed "He Wan Dosplaad 'his 18 one of the ditfenlt solos of the oratorio as It reauives a deep full voles and | Must ha pung With Nroat sxpres plon, Med, Lesy ably fulfilled thess reguirements, This ohalr 18 ta be congratulated for having solpfsts In le own ranks capable of performing this work so eraditably, 1, LL, Plant of Toronto was organist for the ooonslon, He has appeared on Bay oral previous oconsions at Bi, An draw's and Always assists mater ally In making these ovents si pesaful OBITUARY | MIN, J, WILKIR The death eceurred at Urace Houpltal, Tororlto, late last Thurs day night, December 18, of Mrs, J, Wilkie, Hale street, Oshawa, Mes, Wilkie entered the hospital for an operation on Monday, December 9, and the shook proved too great for her weakened oondition Devensad was a valued and eons aiptent member of Oalvary Banting Ohuroh whers she wis leader of the hole, Healdes her sorrowing huss band whe leaves two small ehildren ANA leo her parents, My, and Mes, Lee, Humber Hay The funeral ts halng held tomor POW Afternoon at two a'eloek from the homea £ My, Bhniking 2 Cooks arn Avenue, Humber Way, pond axoalled hig voles resonant Harry, wars ull in ha The optimist ta avold now fw the fallow who smiles at this weather And Baye, YAn early winter means AN eRrly spring Ruffle Coun lox ron nowenmer 10 Oshawa from the old country, and Meso Walsh vendeved pleasing voval and tmstvimental selee ton, Mueh was added ta the enjoy ment of the evening hy George Hen loy In hearty community singing \ vote of thanks tor the generous hospitality of My, Tod was moved hy iv Shaw and Roy Valentine, both salesmen of the company for the past ten years, the guests show | Bhar ul { east on Lo [vou Midland Man Sent on WW Higher Court for Trinl on Charge of Robbery of Mrs, Ira Penrce's Store STATEMENT MADE BY PRISONER READ Alleged Confession of the Crime Is Introduced Into Evidence Sharpe Has Nothing to Say In Court (By Biall Ropovier) Howmuanville, Dee, 1 John Midland, who has been ww i for the Ours, Wis arraigned helare Miglatrate W, 1, Wid in pallens Howmanville on Saturday ind committed for ol gy lig wp Mew, Int of 4 revolves lon street on ember OG, Bharps whi ented hy 'FF, Hall of mney soll und mp the seriousness ol charge having heen eded with Nelaon kin vinnville piel | in ern rl on i Yi Me rt fi ehinrge i the ee LY Het Vlduy, Li Fer dre hye CARE Wie prose Hy hearing fret g ealled OMeer 'W J, Care Id the eourt of the had made In the I Clilef enton of Howman foll | thi holding up wf Mya, 1 pnd the robbing of th {Hi g stated that, set ny slon he had of Louls wit i Lior ho | Hgution h Hi nm Come ei nthe el 4 it { the ham olin and had wr it 7.80 u'eloek on Bats the day of the exime, Howmunvil warned hi from thi made th will, This presences Wal Ain im ta he had fatement had awl ree en In the and Constable and wid as follows Jih, 19 I, John Nelson pie 1H of 114 Seventh street, Midland, Ontario, make the following Voluntary stiten er 1 was wal ned | provinelnl Constable Care in the pre Chilef Ventan of Howmanville "Digeember Oth I left the farm of township of Clarke hil olf hi Mharps Tien | ii Chi Vem 1 Hall (RIT Bhar ul oy oid wi ul 1999 about 10 an, Vex, Prout In the where 1 had heen faving for a Tew days, 1 came tn Howmanvilla areiving about 11,0 wan 1 stayed around the pool rooms unt! about 4 pan, when 1 went to the store of Ira Pearce on the ear Coneession and Mradshaw Hoawmanville, 1 generat the iid asked Mrs, Pharee to well two ehooolate hard whieh sha did and 1 padd her for them, Mrs, Poares went to put the money in the wll aod 1 told her to hand It over, mean ng the wmaney In the ll At the same time 1 pointed the revolver al her that ia now in the possession of Chief Venton, Mies Pearce sorenm ed and backed away and 1 told her to shut up 1 then took the money in the tI and went out ef the door fneing west on Hradihaw street, I went on Hadshaw to Conoesslon and noession to the first side and went south for twa op three vards and then went across the elds and came out on Liberty street at the baek of De, Rlsson's ponliry tar, 1 came up town where | re matned unl about 1 am, when 1 went ta Holgate's Evaporator at the porner of Queen and Division streets, I pemnined there until ahont 6.30 am, ou, 4 1 then came up town and Add Breakfast and stayed around wns loabout 10 aa when 1owent to Oshawa with Lowi Allin and returns od to Dowmanville about 1140 aa, Lothen rode with Lowi Allin to his farm in Darlington Township where 1 ostaved uti! avvested, 1 make this statement without fvar or favor, Tha vevalver that the police found in my oveeoat poeket 1 got from Wallace Gibson, Township of Clarke on Des vember th (Nine) ner of reel for John Nelson Sharpe" Witnessed hy WJ Larey, a Venton, CO, W, Hall, pe Phe only other witness ealled was Chipt Venton who assisted {nthe vestigation, Ho ald the court that ho wis present when hier Wa arrested and when he had made the statement. The vevelver whieh. he had found on the ita Was ah loaded at the tne dat he had a carton ol carteidges In the A pocket of hia trousers, 'The ea 4 Was no rouble at any thane, 1% LLL The wagistrate then ake Shut po the statuary manner od anvihing to say and he wd have nothing to san" He was IW committed for trial at the nest sow af competent fuetstietion, ¥ on oe Ny Kern, KO, of Cobourg anueted ease for the erown, Me tel Boys! Caps Shtie from. Spatial 4G ele Coe. Rog. 317. Spo $1.25 We sho catrn.a vomplote. line fM d Boys' Shoes, Sweat- by Suits, Hats, Sox, oy 0 en 'a an ya' Oes wea Buy Now and Buy Always at the Dominion Clothing Co. "Everything lor Dad and His Sore will be apen every wiht For farther nformmtion apply to HW WS Nieoll, Blreator of wali Christmas Personnel, General Motors of Canada, Limbo, OShAWR, Ons fu tusini ut eld, Crm td | hs -- Navy' Blue Chinchilla Over go, Me. W700." 10,95 TYR YY kely a TENDERS Wil Be vooeived hy the wadersigned wp watil satisday, Bey, Bint, 1086, for the privilege wi | a hand truck refreshment service throughout bra of General Motors of Canada, Limited, | Oshawa, Ontario, 4 | Fhe sald service to he aperated acoording (0 sehodules detom MINOW Ry thin Company, and the refreshments will consist wit Batted milk, sift drinks, sand iohes, chocolate bars, chewing TOIRON, AW oh other articles ax this Company deams NOOOERAT YY The lowest or ARY WHINE RoE weoossardly accept, aheit A . | Miss Jud, fexhibitions of the Sailor's | of Oshawa, Re ne a Nunn XN and the Highland Fling while | C0 MiNututtonpiy of Moe Roses | Ig thely appreciation with sustained [mes that the case would fone: Norman Tolton, of Toronto, | Apple, come up before Christmas FOB, for Ontariog Me. MeAllister, as Palstant manager, Thos Don, I™ EE tah Gf Storm Windows and D | Mandy preafdent of the Mindy orm mn ows an oors and Gea, Fonte, Oshawa, { MADE IN OSHAWA A aplongiish progam Was press nied | [ Roaehin, of Toronte, ontrbgted we | A Better Quality at A Lower Price { fing solos, Mr Keaehie fs a Brother Pad oly Little Miss Yiemiry oN little . " ; Millards Planing Mill Phone 2384 443 , Rishmand St wanager of the Metsohman's Yeast a w Petorhorg, 1, Fletohen, of the tie M, { Gondtellow Printing Coy Osho, | 4 tnolncling sows, and dances: You Get the Beat at {nsdn of My and ts BF oveans " Thom contitbuted we Sisal aooteh selevtions, Mus, Gladwin, BS i 5490 i Ll

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