Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1929, p. 9

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1HE OSHAWA DAILY |IMED, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1949 A a WA ih a, 2 45 Wh : La Marley was dead, to begin with, here fs no doubt whatever shout ihat, The register of Nis Luria was signed by the slergyman, Yhe he undertaker, and the ohief {ened 18, And 0oil upon 8 chose vo 0 40 any that own knowladus, what there is partieularly dead shout a doovsnail, I might have been ne ulined, myself to verard a ooftin. nell as the 0. place of Irons mongery in the train, But the wis Our anesstors 1s In the jire ne for, oe patie ma to repeat, rmphats lon fy, that Marley was As dead an b doorsball, j Hernogs knew ho was dead? Of course he did Maw could it be otherwise? Herooge und he ware partners for U don't know how many years, Berooge way his nole sxoantor, his sore admintstra.or, his soit Ansign, his sole resi tlary fagntes, hin sole friend, snd sels mourner, And even Herooge Whe not so dreadfully out up by the sad avent but that he was ae excellant man of business on the very day of the tuneral, and solempleed It with an undoubted bargain, he mention of Merley's funeral brings me back to the point I piarted from, Thess Is no loubt that Marley was dead This must he distinetly understood, or nothing wonderful ean come of the story ! Am wolng to velete, If we were nol erfeotly convinced thal Mamlel's ather dled before the play beuan, fthere would be nothing more re ww brary ---- Er A Christmas Carol! By C harle wa s Dickens markable tn his taking a stroll at niga, in an easterly wind, upon hia AWN FAMDArLE, than there would he fn any other middlesapgnd gentle man rashly turning out after dark In & hresny apote=iny Ht, Paul's Ohurehyard, for (natanoss=liiernily Lo natonleh his son's weak mind Herongs never printed out Old Maviey's name There 1 stood, oars Afterwards, above the Ware house door! Beroowy and Marley, The tiem was known as Hopooge and Marley, Homelimes people new to the business called "opoous Hovoome and sometimes Marigy, but fia anawered to both names, "It was Ah the/game to him, Oh! but he was a tighttaled hand at the grindstone, Berooge! A syueening, wrenohing, gaaping, soraping, elutehing, ocovetous old winner! Hard and sharp as flint fram whieh ne steel had ever wirnok out wenevoun fire) aeoret, and aeltseontnined nnd solitary as air oyster, The coald within him frone hin old features, nipped his pointed nose, shriveled hin eheek, sbittanad Win walt! made his eves fod, Wie thin Yipes blue) and spoke put shrewdly in his gratlifg voice A frosty vime was on his head, nd on his eyebrows, and his wiry hin, He carried hia own low temperature always about with Mm he feed his aftlea In the dog days, and didn't thaw 1 one del gree at Chelelmas, External heat and eold had its tle Influences on Nerooge, No warmth cowld warm, no winty weather ehtll him, Noo th] that plow wis bhitterer than Ned falls INE AnOW Was move Thtent upon Ita purpose; no palting rain less o wl {0 entreaty, Ieul weather didn't 'mow where to have hm, The heaviest ra'i, and snow, and hall, and gle ' enn'd boast of the advans #0 over him In only one reapact, oy often "eame down" hands ag +4 and Farooge never did, | Nobody ever stopped him in the frost 10 say, with gladsome looks, ww dear Heroows, hay are you! an will jou come 10 sen met' No beg * Implorad him to bestow A trite no children anked him what! LLL wae 0'0 el, BD BAR OF WOMAN over once fn all ha Nite fnouirved hha way to such and auch a place, at Herpome, Even the blind men's dogs appeared to know him and, when they saw, him coming on, Wd tug thelr ewnera Into doors a an w courtal and | then weal wag their talls as though they aald, "No eye at all Is Detter nan an evil eye, dark master! Aut what did Horooge care? Tt wah the very thing he liked, a adie hla way cc Ba erowded pAtha of lita, warning all human sympathy to keep (ta distance, was what the knowing ones eall "auta to Porense, Once upon A timessof NN! the oa days (nthe year, on Christinas By pid Bopdome sat busy fn his counting house, It wan oold, bleak, Piting weather) foggy withali and | o could hear the people In the eOUrt Bhilai go wheering wp and down, beating thelr hands poh thelr breasts, and stamping their feel upon the pavement atopes to warm them! The elty clocks had only Just gone three, hut It was Me dark already=it had not heen ent All dave=And candles were {hiine In the windows of the neigh urine offices, like ruddy smears the palpable brown alr, The | pouring tn at every ohink and wan #0 dense that, althourh the ceurt «of the narrowest, the houses te Were Re phantoms, Te the Sine cloud come drooping nelng everything, one have thought that nature hard by apd was brewing on noale, door of Moore's counting havae Was open. that he might At ae upon his clerk diwmal th tank, wan whe In oul] beyond, & wort ER HY and #0 surely as the clerk came MW with tha shovel, the master proadiet nephew, . . . "Bahl" paid od that It would be necessary ivi "them to part, Whevetore the elerk put on his white comforter, tried to warm himself af the del} tn which, effort, nol bolng » man of fmagination, falled, YA merry Christmas, unelel tod aave youl" It was the voles of Berooge's neph ow, who came upon Wim no qulekly {that this was (he frei fntimation he had of hig approseh YHah!' mid Bovoous 'an glronhg he Hum bug!" | He had so heated Wlmaelf with rapid walking In fog and frost thin nephew of Hopooge's, that he wal all In on glow) hile face wan ruddy snd handsome; his ayeu pparkled, and his breath wmeked Again, YOhrietmas a sald Hevoon mean that, | TRY "I de," sald Horoous "Marry Ohrlstmas! What plght have you 10 he mere Wha Ie you ry You're | ehough," "Come, haw why to ha merry! you 10 he demal? have you ta be mo rieh eough" | Horooe, having no Letter answar | ready on the spur of the moment sald, "Pah!" asain and followed Itun with "Humbug!" "Don't be eroms, unele anda The nephew | "What else oan 1 he," returned | the unole, "when I Uva tn such a} world of fools as this? Mérey | Clirlat man! Out WPOH mere) Christmas! What's Chriatmnestime to you but a time for payin bills | without money! a time for finding youraeil a year older, and not hour vieher; a time for balanelng YOUr hooks, and having every lem | in 'em throumh a round doen of | months pre oanted dead asaingt | yout If 1 could work my will,"| pal "roope tidinnantly, "every | Ilo Who goes abiont with 'Mepey Chretman' on Lis Hips should bobled with We own pudd'ne, and hurled With 8 st*ke of holly throng Wi heart, He should! | "wate! niendad the neplien { UNephow!" verted the unele sternly, "keep Chedstmas In you OWN Way, and let we keep 11 In| wing "Keep it1'y repeated Noarooae's nephew, "Hut you don't keen 1," 'Let me leave it alone, then) sald Sevoong, "Much good may it do you! Muh geod It has over | done youl" { Yrhere are many things from whieh I wmiaht have deprived ood, | by whieh I have not profited, I dave | sy," returned the neyhawi | HERP YE none the pest, Nat 1 Am Eure T have always thought of Chelate © «ima, when (t has oon | roundeeanart fram the venaration | te He saored name and orl in, | It ar lag he! NE Ao IE dan be | ABRIL POM Ehatse ie a mond Live) a Kind, torsiving, charitable, pleas ant timed the andy thine 1 "now of, | in the long onlendar of tha year, | TOS Man ANd Women seem hy one oonaent to open thelr shabap hearts fre 'yy and to think of people below them as If they really were fellow passengers to thegivave, and not anather ree of creatives hound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though (1 him never put a sorap of gold ar silver In my pookel, I beltave that it han done we rood and will de me geod: and I say, Gnd Mess 11" humbug, unajael!" Henlow Y nm Hain huve he wm then returned the What right have What resson Whnt nen you ni The aol*™™ in the tank lavolugs coming thames v senaid'e of mprapriety, he d Whe fire, Sd oxtign lehod st tral] apark for ev L We hear anoth sound from you!' sald Sorooge and ol'll keep your Christmas hy Hou ® Pour a'tuation! You're aulte a POWER! aneekar BIN" he added, tArRRE 10 hx ventew. YT wonder FON don't wo ata Parliament" and | orled a oheartul voles u don't 1 Serooge, "Humbug!" "Don't Dine with us tomorrow that he ad he did ha BNE would wes Hao want trogen him You, he whale | und sald tht he { (3 fret HUE why orled haw "Whyt" YWhy did you get married?" Heroafe a LI Yeon ne d Ne only rldiewlous "Hood unole, before tha a wd nde framit Hevooge's nep fala we 1 fell In love nll I" if 11} lave] LIBEL were world growl the none, ont thing than " ternoma ll" nora Christm } "Na 0 het Why Coming now happened for 1 mi give It aaNon YOood afteraoan," wid Horoox Y1owant pothing trom youp I unk nothing of yo eannot hie tan 11 uh id Boreogd With all my heay \ Have y whieh | I hav ota Chivist I Barry 1 YOU s0 ros \ \ AUMOUE to th Lan 1" flood after "Aud a Happy 'Hood afternoon!" His nephew Toft the roam without noanEryY word, netwithatanding Ho stonped at the outer door ta be tma "auld 8 Now Yea ald on TL Rorange | ntow the prestings of the season on the elepk, who, old ng ha was, was warmer (han Borooge; for. he turned them cordially "There's another follow," mnte tered Herooge, who sverhonrd hilmi my clerk, with 168 shillings a wool, and a wifo and family, talk me about & werry Christmas, 101 ret're to Bedlam This lunatie, in letting Perooge's nephew out, hod lat two other peo ple tin They wera portly gentlemen, pleasant te behold, and now stood, with thelr hate off, In Herooge's offtee. They Lad books and papers thelr honda and bowed to him, Videraoge and Marley belleve," ali one of fhe gonttemon, referring to hig Hat, "Have 1 the pleasure of pilrebsing My Ar, Marley?" UME Marley has) gavel yoars,'* ed night "Wa have wo doubt his Hberality Ia wall represented by his surviving partner" sald the gentleman, pre senting his oredentials, Tt certainly wan, tog they hind heap two Kindred apitite, At the ominous word "Hberalite' Soroons frowned, and shook his head, und handed the eredentials back, "AL dhia toative aohson of the yer, Mr, Horooke," sald tha wen Haman, aking up a pen, 1 fs move than usually destrah that we should wake some slight provision IO the poor and destitute, who suf for greatly ab th present time Many thousands are in want of ORION necessaries; hundreds of thousands are (In want of common combarts, sip" "Are there Berane, "Plenty of prisons," sald the gens tema, laying down the pen again Vand the Unlon workhouses demanded Rerooge, "Are they stil operation "They are, StL" returned the gontieman, "0 wish I could say they wera not." "The Treadmill Law ave in full vi Roroonre, "Roth, very busy, sin® YOM 1 waa afraid, from what YOU Said ab tiret, that something had occurred to #op them in thelr nasil course," sald Sorooge, "1 am very glad to hear it VU der the tmpresston that they soarvely furnish Christian oheer of mind or bady to the meititade,™ ves thrned the gentlemay Are endeavanping to BerooR LY) wel dead these "Ha Yery replied {his Roroom AEVEN YOR al \ no prisons? axked and the oor sour, then sald Sa a and to hur tha Poor gqome meat and ue ny! Come! (drink, length of the expression, | vould see Lim Wor meriy | mentioned Lut you never came | there | "A merry Christmas, uncle! God save you!" It was the volee of Serooge's Bl a of warmth, We it In a when Want Is Alisianes ras you down and mean time, af all ulthery, fell nd What shall 1 pul ehooan 1 hoes une Hine, lieanly filo , orange replied, "You wish to be anonymoust™ "1 wish to he left alone,' sald NHovooge, "Hines you ask me what | wish, gentlemen, thal 15 my answer, I don't mike myself at | hetntmae, and © ean't afford to make idle people mers I help to ART wbltshments 1 have cost enought and badly off must go merry | 1 they {those who are YMany can't go there) and many ould rather dle UIE they would rather dle," sald | Noroog they had better do it, and a surplus population iT I don't know | Ww FoRsn I's ele Ouse mie YL ve know oh porvad tha u might pentieman business," Herooge anuugh for & man WH husiness, and with other pees Me constantly, gantiemen! that it would he thelr point, the HOraope re with an im» and in a than wa ny orfers (ne acouple nan, olearly i 19 Pus Lavumed hi vod apinion of himself facetious temper une! with him | Moanwhila the for and darkness thickened so, that peaple ran ahout with flaring Hanks, proffering their porvices ta go hefore horeos In oars lagen, and conduct them on thelr | way Fhe anclent tower of a olturoh, whose geutf old ball was als Ways peeping slyly down at Rerooges {Out of a Gothto window in the wall, | boonme invisthle, and struek the { hour and quarters In the elouds, {With tremulous vibeatlons afters [wards na If Ite tooth were ohattars Hi dn dts Erosen head up there, The old heeame intense, In the main | Miraet, wt the corner of the eourt, some labourers were repairing the Kas pipes, and had Hghted a great Hg In a hrasler, round which a party of ragged man and boys were gathered; warming thelr hands and [ Winking thelr ayes before the blave {In rapture, The water plug being loft tn solitude, {ta overtlowings ntlemen withdrew 1abhars Pr {Auddenly congealed, and turned to | Misanthropio ioe The brightness { OF Aha shops, where holly sprigs and [betries oracked in the lamp heat of | the winows, wade pale faces ruddy An thoy passed, Poulterers' and groo of' trades heoama a splendid Joke! A glorious pageant, with whieh 1t Wie hoxt to {impossible to belleve that sueh dull prinoiples aa bargain and sala had anything to do, The lard Mayor, in the stronghold of {the mighty Mansion Nouts, sve ord ors to his fifty cooks and butlers to Koop Chilutmas we a Lord Mayor's household should; and even the It Ue taller, whom he had fined five airftiing on the previous Monday for belie drunk and bloodthivaty tn the streets, stirred up tomorrow's puds ding In his garvet, while his lean wita and the baby sailed out to buy tha hee! RRior yet, and colder! Pleres ng, asarohing,' biting cold, It the food Ht Dunstan had wut nipped the Xvil Spieit's nose with a touoh Of AN0h weather as that, instead of Using his familiar weapons, then (ndesd he would have roared to laaty! purpose, The ownar of ons "Good atternon)," sald Beranse SOARL Young nose, anawed and nitbed by the hungry cold ax hated Ara in wl hy Abgs, stooped at at Boroare's kavhole to regale at the Hirst sound © UG Blwas you, Wwerty gentlemen, | May pothing yon dlamay!™ HOPOORD soli Sherer of action that the aingen tied th torreon leaving the keyhole to the fog, and even more congens \ few Of us ial frost, At Tenath the hour of shutting the counting house arrived, With an ill-will Berooge dlsmountea from his stool, and tacitly admitted the feet to the expectant slerk in the tank, whe tastantly sautfed hie candle out, and put on his hat, "You'll want all day tomorrow, ¥ sapposat' sald Beroogs, "It quite convenlent, sir." "IVs sonvenlent, sald Berooge, "and It's not flr, IL 1 wan Lo step half-ascrown Tor it, you'd think yourself 111 used, I'll be hound?" The clerk smiled faintly, "And yot,! sald Boroogs, "you don't think me 111 ised when I phy a day's wagew tor no wark," The alerk heerved that iL only once a year, A poor esevie far pleking a min's pocket avery twenty-tiftth of Deoamber!" sald Berooge, Muttbne ing hile great coat to the ehin, "But I suppose you must haye the whole day, Bo Tiers ull the earlier next morning," The olerk promised that he would snd Horooge walked out with a growl, The office was clogsd In & twinkling, and the elerk, 'with the long ends of his white comforter dangling below his walst (for he hosated no great cont), went down & #llde on Bornhill, at the end of w lane of voys, twenty times, in hon or of iis helng Christmas Eve, and then yan home to Camden Town an hard ag he could pelt, to play at (] Whe took his melancholy dine ner in his usual melancholy tavern, and Tnving read all the newspapers, and Li gulled the rest of the svening with iw banker's hook, went home to hed, He lived In chambers whieh had ones belonged to his de oesand partner, They wers a gloomy sulle of rooms, in & lower ing pile of bullding up a yard, where it had so little business to he, that that one could scarcely help fanoying It must have run thers when It was & young house, play Ing st hidesand-week with other houses, and have forgotten the way out again, It was old enough now, and dreary snoughi for nohody vs ed In 1t but Berooge, the ather rooms being all let aut an offices The yard wan so dark that even Borooge, who knew Its avery stons, was fain to grope with its haunts, The tox and frost so hung shout the bisek old gateway of the house, that It weamed an If the Genfus of the Weather sat in mournful meds itation an the threshold Now, It 1s a fant that there was nothing at sll particular about the knocker on the doar, except that It wan very large, It Is also & facet that Neroons had sean 1t, ninht and morning, during his whels res! dence In that: place; alse that Horooks had aa little of what is oalled taney about him as any man in the Clty of London, even Inelud. ing==which fs a hold wordesthe oarporation, aldermen, and livary, Tot It algo ha hoarne In mind that Noraoge had not hestowed ning thought on Marviey since his last mention af his sevan«ysars'«dsad nartner that afternoon, And than lol any man explain ta me, I he oan, how It hapnened that Berne having his kav in the look of the door, saw In the knnoker, withaut the ruler with sueh | {ts underxoing any Intermediates nrooess of ohenge==nok 8 knooks but Marlev's face (To Be Continnad) RECORD AIR SPEED SOUGHT BY FRANCE! Government to Back Effort To Win Next Year's Race London, Dee, 16=Alr experts in Englund are alarmed hy the great ef forts to be made by France ta beat all vecords fur seaplane specds-a pe cord set up by Hritaln at the last Behnelder contest, Great Drltaln and Jtaly have a! ready signified thelr intention of tak ing no further offfelal part in the contests for the traphy, and any at tempts te win {it must be made by private interests, On the other hand the French Air Ministry is making extraordinary pre parations to enter several high-apeed machines in the next race, "France ix obviously out to take ads vantage of Britain's oficial with drawal from the contest," a well known alr expert sald to a reporter, "Now that the Government has ans nounced that it will spend na further money in building and entering ma chines for the race, it is obviously ime possible for private enterprise to coms pete against @ competitor like France, with her vast oflicial resources behind her, Wa cannet possibly do iti we start with toa big a handicap, "It seems a pity that Great. Britain should withdraw at a time when we have yg 10 win the trophy once again for it to remain ours, It is to be hoped that new we see this chals lenge from france we will be induced to alter our plans and have another shot at i" ---------- JUST A FEW HOURS TO SUMMER Get ready for Florida now, Decide to spend winter in this warm sous thern States=or along the Gulf Coast, Hundreds of resorts down there are patroniged by Canadians every year and there 1s accommodation to suit every taste and purse, trom the luxus vious palace hotels to the hamey pris Vale boarding houses Canadian National Railways traing to Chicaga, Detroit, Duftalo and Mou treal provide excellent | gonncetions with through services from those wins to Rlorida and Gulf Coast res arty, Any Canadian National Agent will be glad to supply you with litera wre and information and arrange our transportation, reservations and iokets, Nuk ah a Christmas oarel} bot | KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI) NOVEMBER IPORTS| SHOW DECREASE British Adverse Balance To Landon, Des, [ ember imports exceed the valug of enparts [ (approximitely $184. 000,000) und adverse vernher 30, stands ar £560 320067 (ap mi himately : pared with November, 1028, imparts huve simately $10,000,000) dawn EL AGABT1, while resexporis are olf 0,) thirds lower than for 1928, Catton shows a taher hus is nearly a0 (ifr on simately $10000000) helow the hig wrea for November, 1928, Manuface tured bron and steel exporis fell 16, 718 tons for the month, but show ar imereane of 145,153 tons ve 11 months trading, valued at EV 318,05 (appro whinately 80000000) Yalues of Nu vember exports for 1929 and 1928 ve spectivel in the order follow: Imports of vaw material, which are the backbone of industry in Great Byiain, increased hy UA A974 35 (ap proximately $2,250,000), compared with the same period in 1926, but the toial amaunt N06 AZ Aid (approximately $1,500,000 000) 1s 814581413 (approxi mately $07000000) lower than in 037 Imports of hnished articles ha increased hy E12079A40 (approxima ly 865000000) compared with 1928 bringing total imports of goods man ifuctured abroad to E306,603,515 (ap proximately $1,800000000), Exports ob coal have visen hy EBG55021 (ap proximately $43,000,000) Imports of Argentine wheat have increased fram 22,185872 to A308 29 hundredweight in 11 months, Ne vember impartation increasiig from LAK I69 as in 1028 10 B,J40,0E1 in 108 ~~ Tabacco imports hay 21 236400 pounds, Exports in the form of ships are lesp by half for October and are two November, in over One November 30 Stands at YB560,320,067 10 =Britaln's r Were Ng Coal Tran and steel mh VO nelerraus thelial mh faehinery Ileetrical goods Ships is COotlons seers Waoallens 4,544 Silks and other textiles Leather goods Automobiles | EAAGOLBY & 5276/05 Nay 211687 6,191 40) for tht manth hykse 50,124 the haslaneg for 1920 up to No 1 BOB 585 BUTE 1,252 04% 41,276 10,407 k3a JB Ai 1.4 LT 4,550,064 7,45) 972,276 12,576,224) 4,102,874 2,581,554 7E1,094 (48,54 $2 B16/644,338) Com decreased hy ELG008F (appros Exports are hy jumped 2,581,558 776,174 £801 834 82H AD (approximately $4,500, _ | . . . holding the line makes your "Line Busy" HI8 man is looking through his files to anawer a ques. tion a telephone caller has asked him, And while his telephone is standing idle with the receiver off the hook nobody can call his line, It is "Line's Busy", The calling party's line is tied up too, Another "Line's Busy", Half a dosen people may waste time trying to call them. And half a dogen calls may be lost, A lost call often means a lost sale, It is a mistake in such cases to ask the enquirer to "hold the line", It is better to free hoth lines and call again when you are ready with the information, For "Line's Busy" in the chief cause of uncompleted calls which total over a million every day in Ontario and Quebee, They mean two million minutes a day wasted--traffle songested--gonstant irritation, We are making every effort to give the best possible tele Jacllitiea are phone service® and we are pointing out these common Te : Raia Sie 3 improving, Our 1088 outs faults telephone usage be- cause public co-operation is es- lay will be more than $27,000,000, sential to maximum efficiency, It takes three people to com: plete a telephone call, We would be glad to have our experts survey your tele phone facilities and submit a report; H, M, BLACK, Manager, La Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it hy Buying Coal at the Following Prices orma ~~ Net Cash \ | GENUINE SCRANTON 1800 ANTHRACITE 18.50 Honest Weight, 2000 lbs, per ton "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.80 No. 1 Body Hardw $16.00 per Cord . $8,00 $4.00 per 4 Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity - Service W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED PEA ... NUT ... EGG . STOVE $12.00 15.00 ood per Yi Call US on the Telephone -- Nos, 230, 231, 28 Albert St,

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