\ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE SEVEN | Miss Hard-Boiled What Has Gone Before Raquel Kojos Parker hes at last achieved & measure of happiness, Married to Gerald Parker, young and wealthy member of a Boston tamily, her Wie ls one of ease And Jukury, in great contrast to her existence In the Arizona desert town of Hermosa, on the Mexican hovder, where she Lad known bardships and faced poverty, Now, through her husband's generosity, she 1s able to make provision for her family, Gone are the days when Raquel served as chief model to Alphonse Courhet, noted fashion expert, and when she was soslsimed puring her to years in Paris as "queen of beauty, It was while on holiday at Denuville, (he fashionable French seaside resort, that she first met Jerry Parker aiid shortly ab terward was married to him, And while at first she refused to admit real love for him, thereby livin up to her name of Miss Mard-bolle +o oho has come to Jove him dev. ptedly, But all Ig not serene and tranquil with Raquel, fhe Is much eon~ cerned over her husband's physi eal condition, and Dr, Logan, the specialist whom she has consulted, has thus far been unable to de termine the exact cause of Jerry's siment, Chapter 78 Raquel waited, Dusk was draw» ing curtains across the windows of the room in which she eat, greeping Into the corners, seeping Inte her heart and across her soul, A dress that eradkled and a mite of & white cap that perched peril ously on the top of her blonde hair came into the room and switched ob the lights, "Dr, Logan will see you In & tew minutes," she said to Raguel, Raquel! moistened her lips, They were dry and stuck to her teeth, She felt 40 queer In the head, so giddy that she held to the arms of the ehalr in which she sat to steady herself, She hoped blonde-haired woman didn't notes, And she was glad of those few minutes the woman promised, Bhe folt too weak to rise, Almost at once, it seemed, the woman was back, "Dr, Logan will ses you now," she sald, erisply, Raquel dragged two lumps lead that were her feet across the floor and opened a door the woman fndiwated, Blie wan in a room, Spartan In 18 simplicity, A faint odor of antisep: tigs increased her giddiness, VAIL down, Mra, Parker,' wld the great specialist, kindy, He pulled out p ohair beside his desk and motioned her to It, fhe sank down numbly, "About your husband, Mrs, Parker," he sald, Nis oper - were fastened on her as if to command silence, woman in a starched white the BY JANE DIXON flustrated by Armstrong Perry ver OB, you mustn't..." Her voles seemed so shrill It was als wost & scresm, And she had spoke on In a whisper, "It we are to got on this this" sald the great man, sternly, "you must glve me your assistance, You oan do it by being ealm," Khe fell Into a quivering com. posure before his eyes, "Bomewhere," the stern voles went on, "Mr, Parker has pleked up & germ, Vm convinced it must have been either In water he drank or food he ate while he was Hurops, Anyhow, he has it," She was on her feet, leaning as orong the desk, "But you ean kill the germ, ,,." she eried, He 41d not anawer, Only bored her with those eyes of command, fhe sank into the chair again, "No," he said, and hurried on before she could shrill again, "But he dan, with your help," The room caresned around her and then floated, dissily, "I'll do anything," she manag: od to say through dry sobs rattle fug In her throat, "Do you unders stand? Anything? "That a good," sald the great man, "Then we ean go ahead, There is only one place I know where we ean fight this thing suecessfully, The whole battle Is a matter of olimate, Climate, quiet, and diet, There are your three essential ele- ments of eure," The: fee that had been outting tious her veins turned to lquid ire, "Then we must go, night," The great man shook his head, "You make haste qulekly, Mm, Parker," he sald, "You have not asad me where this climate Ig te be found," "What does It matter?" fared Raquel, "The germ of whieh IT speak ate taoks the blood," sald Dr, Logan, "A hot, dry elimate Is necessary, And the outdoors, Wat, sleep, live out of doors, Away from peoples, From things, Quiet, content, peace, I have decided the best place to stage the battle is southern Arle sons," The desert, The great oradling desert waa golog to Jerry, "I know the country well!" sald Raguel, "It Is my home, you see, And I shall be able to find exact ly the right place, fhe seamed so eager about ft that the great man watched her with pussied eyes, "Your husband will be relieved" he sald, "He had an Idea It would be the last place in the world you would want to go," "Then Jerry knowat' ; "You, He knows, He has asked me to tell you that If you will be un. happy about going, there are other places that might do, T helleve a yoar or two will tix him fine, In Arisona, It might take longer in another place." "We shall tight It out In Arle Al once, Tos warm BAYS "It's not, «you mustn't tell mesons," Raquel sald, Her voles was taint, far away, Darkness in the oom, lights out, It was the frst time Raquel had ever swoened in all ber turbuleng young lite, Now she aldn't mind the diesl- ness, Bhe was slipping through the humming lane of Vitth Aven ue, Lights danced and swerved and shimmered, They nel fire (0 the vuby thet smoldersd on her Anger, Jerry had placed It there, When they were together In the garden of the house iu Nelullly, There wag & warm red ring of fire are ound her finger too, her wedding rio. Ble nestled down Into the soft gray fur of her collar, Her chin rested on the waxen pelals of the gardenia Jorry had pinned on L.r goat before she went out, fhe could pee his dear brown fingers an he did It, awkward at the task, "Drive fastery please," she ord ered the chauffeur "Can't do It, Ma'am, traftio," "You must," Theres was no need of his erawling home, "I'l do the best I can, Going the limit now," Back to the desert, Velvet dust puffing up like mist neross the trails, Funny little old toads with joweled eyes, Boorplons with thelr amusing anties that mada you lsug at thelr pretense of wisdom, Munrises so vivid that If you Iatenad closely you could eateh the diapason of thelr loveliness, Sunsets 80 gorgeous thers was a polgnant pain In them, These things and, ,, Jerry, 8he was Kolug to them, To Jerry, With winged feet, With a song that made of her being a mighty sym» In this sphony of joy, "Jerry, she orled, bursting In upon him ke a bright bird that has found a dear lost nest, "Jerry, | love you, W 're going back to the desert, dear, We must siart packing at once He tipped back her brusliing the sable cloud from wide black eyes with the Hghts wleaming In them, "But Raquel," he sald, Grave, "You will be buried down thems, You're so beautiful, so filme, so alive, ,, to take you away from Mallee I know just the plage," Raquel! tritied on, "A rancho right on the border by the Rio Grande, A man from the Kast built it, There's a patio with a fountain, .we'll have our menls served there, and it's irrigated for a flower mardén,,.. there's running water even, You'll love it, Jerry" "Mut lonesome for the of Beauty, ,,." fhe was allent then against hig heart "There'll he you Jerry," she murmured, "And In a Mitle while there'll be, .,.." His lips op her halr were a bene. dlotion, head, her gad Queen Her head (The End) Bowmanville Daily Times LOCAL PIONEER 1 CELEBRATING Hi 88TH BIRTHDAY James Elliott Still Hale and Hearty, Despite Advanc. ing Years Tomorrow, December 15, Jamey El- lott, one of the eld pleneers of the Hampton district, is celebrating his With birthday at hiv hems on King Bireet, Bowmanville, When the Times called to see Mr, Liliogt he was found buy standing to hig mil, but net too busy to te i little ol his life, He was born in Millville, now Hampton, on December 15, 1841, his father being owner of the mill and most of the property In the village at that time, fe attends ed Baker's Behool, ilyree miles sway, and never thought of getting there any other way than by walking, The teacher at that time was a Mr, Camp- hell, Started Btove In Tyrone Leaving school when quite young he went te work for his father in the wrist and flour mill which still stands today the same old building, very lightly altered, His father also ran the general store in the village and witer a while the boy went to work there, Branching out for himself he opened & general store In Tyrone and wis In business In that village for 14 years, dhen he took sick and on the advice of his father he went to th west but did not like It out there, so he came back, being mueh better physically He opened a grocery business in Bowmapyille 48 years ago and after three years he sold out and went into the coal oll and gasoline business in whieh he is to the present day, He uppers to be In the best of health veto and wid the Times that som vers ago old Dr, Tilley, now dead gave him one menth 1a live, Chops Wood for Exersise He can still read his own letter with the ald of spectacles, and oc cuslonally ehops wood and shovels snow tor exercise, Mr, Elliott was married 10 Mary KE, Munson, who predeceased him in 1910 There were six children, three boys and three girls, one girl and two of the sons being now dead He lives with his daughter Maud, who keeps house for him, and his other surviving daughter Is Mrs Avery Johnsen of Bowmanville, Une son is also ving, He has heen a member of the SOE for 45 years and was treasurer or Jo vears, Asked to what he at tribused his longecity, he sald, "hard work," He was a smoker from the age of twelve years up until a few vours amo, Mis father was 95 when he died, and his mother lived ta be aver elghty, Mr, Elliott is receiving congratulations from friends from all over Canada and the United States and the Times joins with the eltizens of Bowmanville in wishing him many more years of useful activity, »y BE YOURSELF The Plumber (to his assistant who ) singing)==Nah, then, Caruso, 'stop I! Remember, you are mendin' ath, not takin' one ~Pearsons, He: "I'd die thoutand deaths for ou" She: "Oh, I assure you, one vould suit me perfectly," hy A Delighttul Breakfast Food SENATOR SIMPSON WAS PROMINENT IN BOWNANVILLE Old History Tells of His Ae: tivities in Early Days of the Town ee This Is the third extract from an Id history In the possession of ohn Lyle, town clerk of Bows manville, and was published in 78, The book contains many Interesting facts congerning Hows manville and Darlington which have proved to be of great ine terest to many living in the neighborhood, The first part dealt aly with the ploneers of the district and last week the town of Bowmanville was the main tople, This week the story of Bowmanville is continued, In 1848 the first branch of the Bank of Montreal between Tarento and Montreal was established in Dow manville™ by Mr, Simpaon, who also in 1851 established an agency in Whithy, Elected for Queen's division in the loghlative assembly in 1850 the Hen, Mr, Simpson wan called to NUT ... EGG .. STOVE $16.00 por You Are Saving ithe PEA .. $12.00 18.00 15.00 16.80 Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? Buying Coal at the Following Prices Net Cash Cord $4.00 per % ' A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity - Service - W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Call US on the Telephone -- Nos. 230,231, 28 Albert St. GENUINE SCRANTON ANTHRACITE Honest Weight, 2000 lbs. per ton "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 No. 1 Body Hardwood $8.00 per 2 Cord Cord the Senate of the Dominion en the adoption of Confederation in 1867, Hin career since was a somewlwmi eventful one in the political history of the country and. as A man exer cislng a large influence in the elec: tions in this and neighboring eoun tes, The Ontario Bank In Bowmanville was deseribed as a very handsome building (now the Bank of Montreal) and is situated on King street, lt was erected us the head office of the bank which was mainly established by senator Stmpson and of which he was made president in 1857 and cons tinued in that position until his death, Senator Simpson | farmed some 150 acres of and at his beau tiful place, Rothes, immediately east of Bowmanville, and when the cares and responsibilities, of his public life permitted ho was said 10 he an are dent follower of Nimrod, Passing on through names that are now unknown we come to the MeMurty family whose descendents are still lving in the town and had up to a few years ako heen engaged in the mercantile business in the block where L, WV, Nelson and R, J. Rovan have thek stores at the present time, The ors ginal head of thg family was a dis rector of the Ontario Rank, Further down the page tho history continues "Bowmanville fs favorably situated as a town, having excellent water power in and around it, It is a port of entry, a station on the Grand Trunk and has telegraphic and ex: press facilities, a mephanics institute and several temperance, benevolent and other societies, The Montreal steamers from Hamilton call here" "Port Darlington (now the sums wer resort) in situated about two and a half miles south of the town, There in capital wharfage and the harbour iv safe and commodious, Mr, Simp: son laid the frst timber piers and became president of the harbour coms any in 1841, The present year 1878) $3500 has been spent on 'hare hor fmprovements making a total of $AR000 expended from private funds since the company was incorporated in 1832, There is also considerable business done at the harbor including the collegtion of customs, Note, At one thwe Nowmanville used to get all {ts coal «| ship all its grain by beat from the harbour and this harbour was considered the finest natural ane on the lake shore It is now in ruins and the plers were washed away lst apring, In addition to this history there are many fine old prints in the book and many old Rowmanville homes that are now dilapidated looking, are shown here as being, what were no doubt called wi that time, mansions, Looking on through the book a ples I alf, HH ture of the farm of Mark Munday, who Is at the present time the sher: rift of Bowmanvilld was noticed, Ehls farm has fine Jewns around the nouse nd people can be seen plays mg sroqust, the women in crinoling md the men In very sombre attire, n sagh corner ly & pleture, one of dry, Muy a and one of Mark lim Mr, ay had wu fine beard Cov most of his chest nnd possible to tell vhether hie was ring & solar or not, To this duy Li Ha ny has, heard, his with Lomagail unt gtowth us lie had of that ne, ir, unday toll the Times that that pleture was tak en when he was twenty-five years of wie, Mro, Munday, who Is also alive today, Iv wesring huge earrings in he 8 of hey ears and has her hair brushed back In a most severe mun ner, It was resl nothing ke she nppents at this time, Toduy she is the pleture of what one expects 1 mother to be and the dark bikek hals has been replaced with a grey that wives her that dignified look of un old ploneer, (Continued next week) One of Bowmanville's ing residents, celebrates his S8th birthday on December 15, -- -- ----_--_----_----m Special For ToDay 1927 PONTIAC COACH ... $500 1928 ESSEX COACH $625 SEE THEM ON OUR SHOWROOM FLOOR Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Ltd. HUDSON.ESSEX 135 King 8t. W, JAMES KILI0TY oldest, Nye Phone 1160 Phone 1160 (1 on lw BY WESTINGHOUSE mark of every Public Utllitys=eve t Railway=every . N av OL The (ONs0laire IS PRODUCED IN CANADA The name which is known as the hall, wality==by every Industry- Rallway and eT ET re fle Vv rioal Sclentiot--ev sor 0 Electrical Produets in the Ay would be helpful in selecting your radio... especially since he could prove to you the value of the salient features em. bodied in The Consolaire, Complete with bes * BBY '310 Comnsolaire 99 complete with tubes "An investment that will give the maximum of plessure " yment for a lifetime", tures offeced in the (onsolaire New Super Heterodyne Circuit on sensitive oll lifyl A . dpi 9 he ai of Grn Bi dhe 1) Ce In bn New Power Detector Circuit A powerful detector olreult Invented and protected patented. (Gingers up weak signals from distant stations), New Hypernic Iron Transformer A Westinghouse achievement that baffles other audio systems. (dota lhe the supercharger on a racing plane), {On New UX248 Power Radiotron " Another Westinghouse development, used universally by the industry, (Gloss the Speaker "Power on the hilly" a1 it were), OY the ludustey (en - » . New Synchro-Dynamic Speaker (Sells for #88, Establishes Radio once and for all as a musical instrument, >i » by Wevinghonsems ar a separate Concert Speaker) New Tone Modulator | Changes pitch te sult the sarwereduces static and interference, (As waeful as the | dimmer on your car), » New Illuminated Dial bg gh figures. magnified, for easy tuning (Marked in both New Local-distance Switch Assures heat ible reception from all stations, WIR wevial sreitehed to lope | edioms New Provision for Phone Pick-up Enables you to get real enjoyment from phonograph records, (dmachment to phonograph makes (t worth ng): New Universal Power Supply Guarantees constant power at correct voltages. (Assures quiet operation on 2§ or 80 cycle 40), New Walnut Cabinet, Tapestry Panel Ty Distinetive and beautiful cabinet acoustically designed. (Material and work: manihip of he Nghe quality he New Westinghouse Radio Loy di U wave length channels, (dlso an All Ly 1H Stations conveniently ated | index Canadian and Rien anly lived, - | - 7. > (Powerful signals are best | u. 0. a CY 10. il. 'Westinghouse PIONEERS IN RADIO AUTHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS welcome comparison critical regardless of price. WILSON & LEE 71 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2388 | \