Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1929, p. 5

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 ul PACE FIVE SUNDAY, DEC, 15th King Stree! United vhurch 'HY: OMAN, 1, CRAG, MAL BD, Hasidonce Phone Ul Umrah Phone 1881 Vv Woanry of (he Consechation of Tey Bunday (tomarvow) the 1hth inst, will mark the Lhth snniyer- Canon de Pencler ta the priesthood of the Chuveh, apd at the morning worvied Mew, T, It, Varker will he doloint, "How Amabile are Thy Tuhornnoles, © Lord of Hostw,' Mr, Matthew Goldbhurne, A, WH0.0, a8 secompanist, AL the evening wervias thers will he spe ein) welactions hy the eholy, with 10 am=Class Borvice, 11 am: Communion Bervies, donverts are urged to be present, 2,30 p.m, = Bunday School and Bible Classes, 68,48 p.m, == Bong Bervice, Yow favorite H } " wr fav ymn sang, Imperial Singers in A acred 0 The We All members snd new A Special Invitation te All Strangers COME ONCE, AND YOU WILL COME AGAIN ~ A ry | Baptist ¢ INDEPENDENT GOSPEL CENTRE Athol Street West (North Side) Rev. Albert Hughes Will preach at both services 11 ame="THE MASTER IN THE MOUNTAIN" 7. pmie="HOW CHRIST | MAKES MEN," ' "unday School at 3 pm, Wed, "rayer Meeting, \ | The Salvation Army Nimeos and Oak Bireots Ensign Dison and Mes, A aon In Charge, 11 aanesdioliness Meoting ¥ pmealvation Meeting 10 Amy ANd 3 pan we BUS day Behonl J tl GRACE Lutheran Chureh MAHONIO BUILDING Hunday, December 18 9.00 am, Bunday Hehoo! 1080 am, Morning Wor ship, Rev, A, ©, Halin 140 Allee Hirest All ADB. SORRIA LLY N rth Si... coe St. | United Church Rev, A, MANSELL IRWIN, | BA, BD, Pastor 180 rota BL, Phones daeaw i 11 ames aptismal Rovvico Sunday Bohools Bessions | ALB pon and 8 pon, J Aah NO, Moore, Aun BD, will preach, Monday 8 pmo oaguo, Anal Riection of oftivers. ; si i ---- Christian, Science Pleat Qhureh of Obrint, Moleytisg, 8) Colborne Bireet Kast Sunday, December 13 NUM HUT) "God the Preserver of Man" Morning Service at 11 am, Wednesdey Meeting, 8 p.m, fheltding testimonies of Healing through Ohriatian Belones, You are cordially Invited to attend the services and (0 make ine Of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorised Christian Nolenee Hterature may be fund, borrowed or purehased and ariodlonls submeribad for, Open on ueadays, Thursdays and Haturdays from 2 to b pom, A Centre St, United Church HEV, W, » FLETCHER HA, OD, Sunday, December 13 11 am == "The Cry of the Wilderngn" 2:30-=Sunday Nohool, 7.00 pm == "Coming Te" Mon, 8 pany == Young People's. od, 8 pm == Annual Sunday School Christ. mas Concert and Pa: weant, Unity Truth Centre WELCH PARLONS, King Bt, W, 10 wm, == punday Bohool 11 ame=Morning Hers vies, First Baptist * Church King St, Last BUY, AUBREY W, SMALL IN Aberdeen Mires 1h am "Meaning Business" Sunday School 7 pm, / "Passing Judgment On Oneself," Monday, BY.P.U, Wednesday, 8 p.m, Prayer Meeting WHLECOME TO ALL 4 KNOX Prashytivian Church Bimoos direst Nurth aud Wroek Sires Hey Duncan Munroe 04 Nek SE, W, Mone S564 Sunday, December 15 anon w= "The Master's View of Lifes," 3 pme=Sunday School and Bible Class, 7 pom, == "Our Environment' Wed, 8 pm, Week Service, Unseen « Mid» CHRISTADELPHIAN "THE HEAVEN, EVEN THE NEAVEN'S, ARE THE LORD'S; BUT THE BARTH MATH HE GIVEN TO THE CHILDREN OF MEN," The mesh shall inherit the oarthy Read Paabm 15 10 Matthew § §) Paalm W1, Si. George's ANGLICAN Cor, Bagot and Centre Hie OANON © BR dePENUIER, 80 Athol Hirest Weal Holy Communion=«8 aw, 11 amyes=Morning Prayer Sunday Hehool Centre #ts 2.00 pom, ¥ pm, = KEvensong « Raptlame 2nd Sunday each month, Sunday Services in The Qshawa Churches Holy Trinlty Anglican The oy. Mey, 8, GC, Jarrett will be in ehurge of the regular service of Waly Trinity Anglicans Chureh toe MOF ow, Unity Truth . Unity Truth Huth Cont hold ts regular meeting and Sunday school In Welel's Parlors tomorrow mori Ing, a aed Grose Lutheran The regulur worship of Crags Lu« theran Chureh will be held Sunday with the pastor, Rev, A C, Huh, In charge, , Bt, George's An "n Canon C, RK, dePencler will be In charge of the services at Bt, George Anglican Chureh tomorrow, ----_am€$sorT Pentecostal Assembly Wav, J, I, Ball, the pastor, will be In charge of the regular services of Pentecostal Aa tomarow, Christ Chureh Rev, BB, Patterson, the rector will eonduat the regular services © Christ Angllean Conreh, Bunday, ------ Oshawa Pantesostal Holiness Wev, Mrs, Hulehinson, of Toronto, and Miss Jean Hart, outgoing mis slonury to Bouth Amerie will speak wt both services In Oshawa Ponte vostal Holiness Chureh, Bunday, we Salvation Army Eoslgn and Mrs, A, Dien will he in charge of the regular services to be held in the Balvation Army ella del, Bundy Christian Belence "Cod the Preserver of Man' will he the tople wt the morning servige ol the First Chureh of Christ, Selentist Bimeos Strest United Mev, A, L, Richards, pastor of Whithy Tabernacle United Chureh, will preach st the morning wer vies In Himeos Hiresl United Choreh tomorrow, Albert Btrest United Rev, NB , Moore, associate of, will preach at the morning ser vice of Albert Street Unbted Chureh, tomorrow, Rev, 1A Whattum will onduet the evening serviee, Preaching Is No Easy Task How often does Lhe Average ehurohsgoer vonsider the work en tnlled In the preparation of the parmons ho or she hears from Hun day to Bunday?! There In Just & possibility that some good, peopls are under the Impression that the minfuter enters his pulpit and ox pounds the Gospel In the same manner an an individual engages In a conversation with a friend they mbet on the street, Thin (0 a wrong conception of the task of the devoted preacher Hin tank 18 not an sary one by way means, The minister who tries to satisfy an congregation of four or five hundred people with '"hely food" must spend many hours, pers haps days and weeks In Ita pre paration, In the Inst messaie of Dy, Joseph Parker, of Londen, one of the Kreat preachers of modern times, the diffloulties encountered hy sinoeres ministers of Christ are ame phasined) He wsaysi "There Ia only one thing that I dread more than selfs Important learning, and that is nelfimportant lgnorance, 1 dread the minister to whom preaching Is enny, 1 hate, 'with religious ana even holy hatred, the sermons that are shaken out of the coat sleeve on A Naturday night, We do not want sueh man in the ministry of the gospel, Preaching should he a shedding of blood, Preaching Ia not a triok In plans In ounning outlines, In shapely soulpture, "Preaching is not setinoubulid: LJ! five ine, It In hte eloquence of a redeemed and grateful soulp it tn the glow and radiance of a wise exposition oops firm by a holy and satiafying experience, Never regard the goes sormonsgrowing pe An 'simple' In the sense of hes NE ahallow; rather be overcome WELSH IMPERIAL SINGERS King Street United Church An aggregation of fourteen male volees and every member of the organisation a noted artist, Don't fail to hear them THE Will Again Appear in Two Services at To-morrow, Sunday, December 15th At 3.48 to 8 and 7 to 8.18 pam. Yo weovtunity comes rarely, Pree Mathodist Chureh Rev, BR, L, Casement, the pastor, will gonduet the regular serviess ol the Free Methodist Chursh, Bunday, Knows Presbyterian Rev, Dunes Munros, the pastor, will be In fharus of hoth services at Knox Preshyterian Church, Sunday, In the morning he will prem hon "I'he Master's View of Life" whils he evening subject will be "Our Un» seen Environment," Ew-------- North Bimeos Ui A Baptismal servies will be held at North Nimeos Btreet United Chureh, Munday, morning, with the meter, Rev, A, M, lrwin, In charge, ay, B,C, Moore, associnte pastor of Albert Street Church will preach in the evening, -- 7 J bh Ai "4 a "Enter Into His Courts With Praise' i) 1 as 7 : The House of Friendship HEE SSN SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. 52 Simcoe $1. §. Church OF, Bagot St First Baptist Chureh Hoan man charged with a erline could supplant the Jury snd give (hi verdigt In hs own ease, would thu verdiot be eonvietlon ar sequitial, And (f he eonld supplant the Judue, what sort of Judgment would be giv ent Has such a thing ever oeeurred Rev, Aubrey WW, Bmall st Viest Bap thst Chureh next Bunday evening will speak upon "Passing Judgment on Oneselt) King Strest United Communion servies will he obsery | in King Street United Chureh tu morrow morning snd sll members an now converts are urged to be present Wey, C, J, Cragg, the pastor, will ha in charge, His subjeet at the even ing service will be "1h Heart ul Christianity," A song services will 1 held trom 648 pan, to 7 eelock, | Bt. Andrew's Unlied A special Tnymen's service will bh held In Bt, Andrew's United Churey Sunday morning, In the evening the eholr under the direetion of Mi George W, Henley, conduetor, will resent the cantata "Messiah" by fandel, The soloists will he Mrs, | want Berry, Mrs, WW, Lesy, Mrs, J. | Reld, and Mr, W, ID, Robertson, with | Mr, FF. L, Plant, of Taronte, as or nist | Centre Birest United "The Cry of the Wilderness" will he the subjeet of the sermon hy Rey W, I, Fleteher, at the morning ser vice of Centre Street United Chur I, | Sunday, In the evening the subjeet has heen announced as "Coming To and prostrated an by 'a Heht ahove tha brightness of the sun,' a bap tiem of glory at the Damasous gate of the pulpit, Never preach in haste, Btudy much, not to make the sermon ob soure, but make It an olear as ory tal, and when you hava done your very heat, ulways remember that you have not yet penetrated to 'the secret place of the tabernaeles of the most Migh,' and that far beyond all star routes and orbits Immensurable, and all shadows 'dark with excess of light! there In a mystio path Infinltely brighter than the Milky Way, whieh the vultura's eyo of the sublimest power and genius hath not ween," SIX QUESTIONS FOR CONFERENGE Anglican Bishops Will As- semble at Lambeth in 1930 for Decennial Conference The completed agenda for the Lambeth Conference of the bishops of the Anglican Communion which will meet in Lambeth Palace, Lone don, on July 20, 1920, contalng six main topless for discussion, The Inst announced 1a "Youth and fia Vooatlon," Others are concerned with relation of Christian dootrine to modern thousht, the life and withess of the Christian commune ity tn the fulfillment of divine pure pose with special reference to neve oral phases of modern Interest, Groups, "three, four and five deal with questions of the unity of the ohurall and the minstry, woman's position in the ahureh and the pros Mem of faith healing being Inelud- od In thin latter, The Lambeth Conference, which meets avery 10 years, oalla into conclave the bishops of the Anis Haan Chureh from all paris of the world and is ranked among the areatoat religious gatherings, Thie will be the sixth conference which han met sines ita establishment in J BEIT I ry re \ ATTACK ON CHURCH BY B.B.C. DIRECTOR Religious 'Serviess Most Highly Apprec'sted By Listeners-in London =A seathing eritielam of the methods of the Chureh was made by Sir John Relth, Director-General of the NHritish Broadeasting Corpora tion, at the Coventry Dicgesan Can ference at Leamington Sir John sald that statistion eo plied by impartial observers who studied the correspondence and gen ord reagtion of listeners to wirgless programs, showed that the Sunday mht Kpllogue and religous services generally wero among the most high ly appreciated items during the week I othe WILE, In {ts early days, had {ven wo place to religion, but had BR fare musi on Sunday ehureh people would nows-alter seven yoars== just be waking up to the dam ale being done, No initiative eame from the Chureh, continued Nir encouragement either here were oles more concerned fp the possible diminution in thelr congregations than about' the spread of a religlous MEARANe 10 over 1 000,000 of people Nir John sald he marvelled at the exhibitions some clergymen were content to wake of themselves In the pulpit Sunday after Sunday, It was largely the fault of the peo ple in the pews, wha expected we more and got what they were ens titled to expeet le thought it was little short of a scandal the burden Chueh of Kogs land people lmposed on thelr pars AON, It owas a damnable thing that the Christian religion: should be so mueh a thing of old women, Bible clasges, and coddling "saints, Why was It, he asked, when they had Generals and business men ready to testify that religlon was the strongest weapon in the armory of a practieal wan today Sie John Reith, who {a 400 is hme sell un son of the manse, his father being the Rev, George Reith, DD, of Aberdeen and Glasgow, He served his engineering apprens tleeship in Glasgow, and then came to London, He Pecan oneral manager of the Relish Nroadeasting Company in 1932, and ainee {t has been a Lorporas ton under Government has been ity director-general, NT ------ "I am quite familiar with your musi, sald an amateur planist to composer, "It seema 80," Tan ponded the composer ourtly, "You are taking great lbertien with tt" 1881, At least 100 bishops will actively participate in the proceed: ings, many of them as members of the committees which will discuss rohlems facing the Christian hupeh, There will include ves adjubiments {mposed hy wolentifia discovery and new Knowledge of the Rible, the sex question, mam viage and divorce, the placa of wamen th the ohureh, Christian une fy, faith healing and, world peace, Following a conatderation of the agenda with his consultative hody, Mast Rev, Coamo Lang, arehbishop of Canterbury, the addition of the youth problem wis made and ane nounced to American bishops, The revised agenda Athena the ime presaion create by the prelimine ary communication of the archbles hop ladned fn Maroh that the Lame beth Conference would be epoeh making in the efforts which the blahops will be called wpan to make to velate the principles of Oshawa Pentecostal . Holiness Church 811 Celina Ntreet 10 aames=Nunday Seheol, 1 ame=Morning Wors shin, : TAM, we Hvenlng Wore ship, Rev, Nra, Hutehinson of Toronto, and Misa Jean Hart, outgoing minslonavy 10 South Amerioa will speak at both wervices, Tuesday==38 pw, Prayer wrrive, Wednesday, §& pM Young Peopla's Meningy ihle Christianty fn termg of the present | day, | Friday, & ow [tudy, Come and enjoy theas bright Services With Us, | REV. A. L. RICHARDS B.D. We have a splendid Young Men's Class, 6.48 p.m. ~Old Time Song Service "THE SECOND CHANCE" THE MINISTER WILL PREACH THIS IS A HAPPY PROGRESSIVE CHURCH A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here eT HE | Power of the Holy Spirit." Phone 148 Phone 3128 freditridttinnegg Fine Fellow, Helpful Services Sunday Services 11 am, Good Saigo» ' NH ] \ WHITBY | 3 p.m.~Sunday School You will be welcome 7pm HHH RIE HHA eH | i i 1 i ALBERT ST. CHURCH | HEV, N, O, MOORE, Associate Ministep #0 Klena Wt, Phone HaT7F 10 am,~Classes for Young and Old. | 11 am. ~Rev, 8, C. Moore will preach. 2.30--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class, 7 pm.~Popular Song Service. Subject: "The | | i! | ymen who. were | | | | I John, and not eh BE St. Auten' Presbyterian Church | Of The | United Church of Canada Rev, F, J, Maxwell, Minister, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant Sunday, December 13 11 am, NUR ROT "A Laymen's Service" 3 m, » Sunday School and Bible Class 7 pm, HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" BY THE Choir Sololste--Mrs, Grant Berry, Mrs, W, Lesy, Mrs, J, Reid, Mr, W. D, Robertson, Organist==Mr, F, L, Plant of Toronto, Conductor==Mr, George W, Henley, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Nts, REV, 8 C JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St, 8 am =~ Holy Come munion, am, == Mating and Sermon. 3 pmo~=Sunday Scheel, 7 pm, == Evensong and Sermon, Christ Church (ANGLIOAN) Con, Hillcroft and Mary Sta, Revi Ry By Patterson, M.A, incumbent, buy Massdn w. Il am, == Morning prayer, 2.30 pm, == Sunday School, 7.00 p.m, == Evensong Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG, 'entre Bt & Rev. J. T\ Ball Sunday, December 13 10 amv=Sunday Scheel Ha me==Morning Vor ship, : Free Methodist | CHURCH in Canada (Over Arcade) 10 RIMCOR 87, N\ ? pm--Evening Servis 'Good Singing I The Message for Yow | BY : i

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