THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE THREE Skinner Plant Expected to Start. Operations About January 15 Campbell's Studio Entered And $50 in Cash Taken by Thieves ¥arly This Morning Door Forced Open and Cash in One of Studio Drawers Stolen by Burglars Who Work Daringly in Heart of Business Section ANOTHER HOUSE 18 REPORTED ENTERED The Times Learned Today That Cash and Bank Book Were Taken From Home of A. J, Dalby Recently Thieves hroke into Camphell's Bludio, 42% Himeos street south, gome (ime between midnight and early this morning and stole sim of cash amounting to about $60, The money was contained In a drawer in one of the rooms of tha studio, Nothing else was (aken, Last night's break-in was bold fy executed for entrance to the studio, which 18 situated upstairs above 'tha new bakery and eafes teria, was secured by foraing the door which opens on Himaens siren, A THEW of stairs leads from the door to the studio whieh sonsists of several rooms, The gins In the door was not broken but the look was simply 'foreed, Money Was in Drawer The money which was stolen, veprosented change and bills, and had been left in o drawer, Tt was An Apparently easy matter ta onen the drawer and it is thousht that the intriders then slinked down stairs to the sivest AWAY unnoticed hy anyone, Althourh the entrance to the wudio ts but halt a block month of the business section of the cliy the thieves were evidently nat diseon carted by working in the down town #eotion, Probably little more than n minute was required fn fore. ing the deer, and then tha roul must have proved eawy, If any Iate strageler on the slrest KAW persons enter the passage fending unatalrs they no doubt surmised that they were ocounanis of anar antl returning to thelr homes Tha hrank«n was not discovered until this mornin Prnean Camphell, proprietor of the studio, refused to comment un on the ineldent today and plated that he had nothing Lo Kay, The polices visited the studin this mornine and made a thorourh favestieation In order that thev might tind any elues whieh would lead to the discovery of the oul! pritu, Another hreaksln tna coma to Heht which eoonrred Jifeq woele 0 lant Thovaday nisht a CRD bi YR of A, J Dalby, 1 Aurk street, Mp, Dalby stpted to The Times today that on this aopuninn members of hin family were vialt mk friends while he was absent in Todmorden with the looal post oh the Canadian legion of which he 14 preajdent, When the family r turned that evening od fownd the rear door had heen opens nd discovered that 806 fn cash wan missing, also a bank book case and a bank hook, The orsh had been contained fn the onse, A gold goverelsn dnd a halt noveralrn haa also been taken while some time later Mya, Dalby found that her gold wateh was missing, The bank bool had been issued hy the Cent tral Laan and Ravings Co, Mr. Dalby helleves that entrance wan sedn by means of a nkele ton key a8 the rear door had been looked, 'His house la situated next to the residence of O, D, Murray, $0 Durk street, which was bur glarined Thuraday night, Mr, Murs ray 18 a sonsinslaw of Mr, Dalby and 16 16 a peculiar coincident that the breaksin In this Instance also ooourred early In the evening while-no one was at home, A statement which appeared In lant night's paper to the effect that the rear door of the Murray home had bean left unlocked Ia alt to be incorrect as the door had heen looked when membera of the family left the houses, It was found open upon their return, In addition to oash, ties and handkerchiefs which were stolen, It wan dlsoovered yeaterday that a boy's wateh was also missing, Somme a UNLEARNING (Chicago ally News) The elder a man grows the more he han to unlearn, and slipped BRUCE WHITE 15 T0 BF PRESENTED AT BAND CONCERT a Davey Lee's Double Will Appear in New Martin Tomorrow Evening Little Bruce White, of this tity, Hslected ns the best double of Dae vey Lee, famous Mitle pariney of Al Jolson, will appear at the hand concert being presented hy the Oshawa Citigens' Wand in the New Martin theatre tomorrow evening at 8.80 o'clock, The guest aris for the evenink will he Norman 1b hotson, of Oshawa The program will be as follows! O Canada; march, "Tavercars gill, Lithgow; overture, "Tan ored!," Rossini) intermesgo, "Non deg=vous,'" Alletter; cornet solo, UAddah," Losey; by Dandsman 1, A VonGunten; concert valse, "gold and Miver," Lebar; trom pone solo, "One Meeting Hour," Lee, by Dandsman J, Askew] Drow antation of Proce White; wolo, Norman Ibbotson; march, "WM 1," Hall; selection, "Sons of Brin," march, "Our Director," Dgelow) hyma! God Bave the King, TRAINING SCHOOL PLAY PRESENTED AT ORONO LAST NIGHT Ha two Orono, Dee, 14,."Mollie, Joly," & munsieal comedy In pote, was presented in the Orono Opera Mouse last night by the gholr of the Bowmanville Boys' Training Hehool, under the direo ton of 1, Converse Emith and War! Cunningham, of the school staff, The play wha splendidl) prasented, and wall well patron ned, ORONO MERCHANT | CRITICALLY ILL C. G. Armstrong Suffers Two Strokes of Paralysia Orono, Deo, 1de0C, G, Arm: strong, wellknown merchant ol Orono, Ie eritioally 111 as the result of two strokes of paralysis wuss tained this week, The first stroke poourred on Wednesday evening, Mr, Armstrong had been attending a meeting of the publioity nasooine tion, and on his return home, sat in his Uving room to read, Mra Armatrong had retired to vest up atales, Home time later, ashe Wan AWia waned by the dog barking, and, on looking out of her window, notioad the reflection of the living room Held, On golng downstairs, she found Mr, Armatrong lying on the floor, Medioal ald was summon od, and hopes were held out for hin recovery, Last night, how aver, he sustained a necond stroke, and as a result, chances of his re onvery are considered very remote It fs vemretiable that the first stroke oecurred on Mr, Armatrong's T2nd birthday, CARD OF THANKS Mra, Joule Cook, wife of the late Roy Cook, and Mra, R, J, Coal mother, wish to thank their many friends for the kind express slong of sympathy during thely res cent bereavement, also to those who #0 kindly offered thelp oars, (1400) CARD OF THANKS Mis, Josie Cook, wite of the late Roy Qpok, and Mm, R, J, Cook mothef, wish to thank the em ployees of The Fittings Ltd, alo the boys of the Chain Department for thelr kind expresalons of kyms pathy, and the beautiful flowers, (1400) POWER OFF service in Oshawa on There will be an interruption te power Sunday Next, December 15th, 1929 From 7 to ® am. and 1,30 to 4.30 p.m, IN THE SOUTH SECTION OF THE CITY FROM EMMA STREET TO THE LAKE fart! purpose of installing new high tension lines """YCRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION CHAS, T. BARNES, Local Manager and lighting DUNBARTON MAN'S CONDITION SHOWS LITTLE CHANGE Leonard McGlashan Serious- ly Injured in Highway Crash «No change has been notlegd. in the condition of Leonard McGlashan, of Dunbarton, who is lying seriously in jured in the Oshawa Hospital as n result of Injuries which he recelyed in & motor segident near Highland Creel, The Times was Informed to day, Little hope has been held out for his recovery, The meeldent which occurred lust Wednesday night Involved two curs and uo truck ineluding MeCilashun's taxl belonging to the Mallett Taxi Co, of this elty and delven by Lewis Clarke, and the truek of the Over night Transport Co, of Montres! The taxi had sideswiped the traller of the truck and ou few minutes lat of MaGlashan's enr piled Into the truck which had heen parked on (he side of the highway, He was rushed to the hospital here and 18 now un der the eave of Dr, Bird The Injured man Is well known In the Dunbarton district and the owner of & transport company with headquarters In the village City News DIL, MeKAY IMPROVING Dr, TW, (, McKay, medleal of fleay of health for' the elty, and who has heen seriously HI during the past week in reported this morning to be much hotter and Is progressing favorably, VICTIM PROGIIESNING John Gautier, vietim of (divs bullet two weeks ugo | ported at the hospital his {ing tn ba doing flue and IL In ox pected that ft will only be a mat tar of a few duys hefore he will be permitted to return to his home, It wad found not necessary Lo operate for the hullet that lodged in his spine, and he has only heen held in the hospital to prevent any com plleations setting In STEAMER IS SUNK, 8 i ban WHR Te morn FOUR MEN LOST Spanich Vessel Goes Down After Collision With Greek Steamer (By Canadian Prose Lonsed Wire) London, Dee, Mhe=The sinking the Spanish steamer Antonio and the probable loss of foul in & collision wera reported in Lon don tods)y News of the sinking was received hy the London agents ol the owners of the stoner Hydra, whos captain nent the fullowing message SCollided with Spanish steamer Antonio Gareln, She sank, Have gol leeted the crew, except four, Have sustained damages to the forepeak Proceeding to Vigo for repairs," The Antonio Garela ls a 4000 tan vessel, Hur port is Bilbao, Spain oi aro Gireek hon In Bath, England, water is still flowing through the lead pipes that were used In Roman times : El a 1 A J J 1 Coming Events } # Conta per word each ine sortion, Minimum charge for each insertion, Bde, al cotah min vie JR ORHAWA RICK ANB ANNUAL and Ladies' Hlek Clubs the gens eral meeting of the above eluba will he held on Deo, 18th at 7 o'vlook Important business, Dividends will be pald after meeting, (1400) REGULAR MEETING OF THE Hoapital Auxillary will be held on Monday, Deo, 16, at 3 o'clook tn the Nurse's residence, All members are asked to bring in talent money, (1404) OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Sathrday, Depember 14th, dane: fag 8.80 pom, Featuring George Norv Jat of Grand Neach Pavillon Winnipeg" and hia best conducted ballroom in Cans ada, (180h) PROGRER/RIVE RUCHREY IN Orange Hall, Monday, Deo, 18th Admisslpn 20 vents, (140b) THE WELSH IMPERIAL SING. eri will appear In twd Sacred Services at King ®t, Chureh tos morrow, Hed ad on ohureh page, (140) AT 87, Albert 8t, Deoem QUARRE Gearge's Hall, South, Saturday ber 14th, (13h) TUMMAGE SALE IN BASEMENT of King Street Chureh, on Tues day, Doe 17 at L300 pan, (Leon) HANDEL'R SMESHIANY ny oholr of St, Andrew's United Chureh Sunday evening, Decems her 18th, ¥ pom, Solotats Mrs Grant Rerey, Mes W, Leay, Mp WW, D, Robeptson Avccompant DANCK ino night, ments by My, ® Plant, Tos route, Conductop Nv, Geo, W, Honley (1300) Ia Happy Aces, Enjoy the prettiest The 'elty's business section 1s ass suming wn real Christmas-like appeir- ance today with the ercetion of twenty strings of eolored lights, which are bhelng strung from tele phone pole te telephone poly, the width of the street, The lights have, been purchased on the authority of the special hydro committes Including Mayor 1, I Mitehell, Aldi RD, Jlreston, Ald, George Hart and Ald, Veter Mugs Donald, They wre being placed In po sitlon under the direction of C, I, Barnes, manager of the loeal hydro utilities, The sugmestion for the lights orlgl nuted oi the retall gnerchant's see thon of the Chamber of Commerce, who considered that they would wdd much ta the aopesrance of the shop: ping distriet luring the Christmas furan They hinve ) 400 Colored Lights, Strun In Business Section, Add to City's Festive Appearance tage In other slties, the result belng that many people from outsides are enticed to bo thely shopping In the community where the business soc thon has been mede witractive, I'he lights way also be regarded ns a permament Investment 1 1 muy be used In connection with sny Import ant munlelpal celebration, The fn prossion they will create upon the minds of tourlsts will, no doubt, be to the effect that Oshawa Is u pro gressive and wide-nwake city, The window diggi.ys In =ractically all the stores are particularly attri tive this vear and logal merchants are offering uw splendid variety of hristmuas gifts, The ee'sr trees whieh have been placed at Intervals shroughout the business section add i plessing touch, while the new lights will complete the attractiveness of the nleture, -------------------- Mtoble, i ---- TORONTO NTOCK EXCHANGE i Prices ¢losed higher on the Toronto Mock Kx ghange today, The mayket was quiet with very Httle trading dur ing the twoshour session, Wiandard Steel and Ford Mol ard "A" led the upward trend of prices by swerving a net wdvanoen of one point each, The former closed at 16% and the latter at BU, Walkers wis up 5% at 18% The Otls enjoyed wu good day and [nt the close were all up fraction ally, LA, Of was the leader with an advance of % to 14, Imperial wis np at 28 and International Pete closed at 287%. up Hraellian International | Nlokel both unehanged Toronto, Deg, and cloned Chieago, Deo, 14 Fresh down wheat values hers took place early today owing a Kood deal to new methacks of quota tions at Liverpool, Argentine wheat roported as helng offered in povoral cents a bushel than wheat from the | United Ntates Opening Mo to 1 C %o down, Chicago wheat after ward Auffered an additional drop | Corn, oftg and provisions were also | weaker, with corn starting we to 80 off, and subsequently declin | still more, | FORKIGN BXCHANGH New York, Deo, 14 | exohanges firm, (Great Britain In | dollavs, others In cents) Creat Britain, deman, 1.870%, Montreal 00,00 N% [ | CHICAGO GHAIN | turne in Whn | | Kurope vhenper WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipeg, Deo, 14 Wheat Deo, % to 2 lower at 181% to 108%. May, 1 to 1% lower al 1,11 1.100 July, 1% to 8% lowey 1.18 to 1.11 Oats! May 5% to 4 to nt lower at 63 to GRAIN OPENING ii Wheat, Dee 1.80%: May 1.00%; Mar, P38 May, 40%: Mar, 47%] CHICAGO Chicago, Dee LADS: Mar, Corn, Dee, YW! 08; Oatn, Dac May 4), TORONTO High Close ( 10 il HL ERY 11% Nlook Low Hr, A, Nrae, Can, 2nd 20 Cookshutt 23% Din, Bgrm, 11% Oil 40 il PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORUNTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale deaieis In Bay and straw are MOLE 10 shippers the following prices bw Jariote deliverod on track loronie re Ne } Fimothy, baled ton yi No, 3 Timothy, baled, ton «91080 RTE straw, per tun «1000 10M Wheat straw baled, soy JED LK No. | Timothy loss, 8 quoted at 819 w pe ton delivered TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce 10 retail dealers © the following Prves Baa Vreah extras, fn artons, FA extras, loose, 680) Neate sooonde, M01 puller extras, AN Extras, 4607 Heats, 4307 seonnds, Rutter=No, 1 creamery, prints Creamery, Prints, My Choose = New, lave, oi triplets, dvi stilton, A wing 89 Lag triplets ations, My wiry Chivkens, $15.80 pla oo Ty loose," 80) Slarane eHus Ay ei N ol twing, 21 LX Ody large, 9% and outs, Mei vid over 3 Awd Hens, [I Nyolers Peking Turkeys Qeese TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronte wholesale dealers ave quoting the Glow hur Brees the trade i= Nineked meate=Hams, medium, 28 to Boy cooked lois, 8 10 30; smoked tells, #ey breakinst haven 2 10 Me, hacks, peameal od. N10 401 doy, wmeked, 43 0 Sh, | "Owed metas Long clear bacon, $0 to TO [hs 8401 10 Wo W y Woe 10 bs, Me, Heavyweight iw Hghtwetghy ® ila, My EWN Hay 04 Ladle, torees, 1001 tubs, Fey pally Wo prints 18 te The Shortening Tier C0 12 we MH Lui tubs, He) palls, WW 16 Lani prints, 18 Law, Laing, 8 1&1 New York shoulders, pork. Butts, 21 100 pork hana, SN Ie---- TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Gata dealers on the Tomato Noand of | Trade are waking the following guetatione for oar lots: Manitoba wheat=No, 1 North ern SLAY 12) Noy A doy, $11: Nay be BLN Now A Sh 2d: Noy § Bt 1; Noy 8 LAOH Stock Market Prices Markey Summary by Canadian ress Soronto and Now York stock Quotations Sopplied by Vorlong and Co, | Mh, Forelnn | mem TVR 20 HAO Dom, Btr, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Hm, Hed, It, Ut, 49 It, Nk Ih Pet Id, Alehl Imp, ON Lah, "A" Me, Hy Mo, ¥rit, Mt, 'wr Pg, Hr, fe Blinw, 70 Hiatlon 441 ah ii 180 1% Auk 01 1% TEA 14 wr 11% 41% Did 24 hid 108 Hid Mtandard Mines 00 ¥ 144 104 740 Hoo goo ho hilo 1010 01s Ko ih 0 " go 140 140 120 Abana Aux Amulet De, Mus, Faloon Holl Heo Hy Hd Kt, I'l Lk, Wh Nrnda LE] Mlncon Nd, Ds Th, Hg Ventures Wr, Har, 147 Walnwell 134% Merld, OIl 112 Of ald Hy 5 R 1050 A600 480 40 a7e ulin mo N 10 110 NEW YORK HY 117% na iy 1% TT 110% 119 104 100 He % HERA i} HIN 118% 04 118 i ) i) 110 1h ha LX M% 11h 04% i 400 0d 14% TN 106% 08% 20 00% a8 a8 LTR (TAM 0% Uh Lh) 174 7% 16 4 Amer, Can Am, I'v, Pr Annconda Halt & Ohlo Can, Pae Chrysler Cu, Os, NY, Col, Gra, Dupont Erie Rall Gen, Fdw Gn, Mts Hud, Mot It, Com, It, Tel Jus, Man, Lae, Wis Max, Hbrd ME, Ward Phil, Pet Ph, Bie NJ, Radio Hlmmons din, ON Nt, Ol NJ Utd, Ale UH, Bteel 174 Woolworth TT Yel, Truck 10% Pa na % 110A A an TERM 0d 10% 8% 190% han 0% 014% a8 00% 0% 1004 2 60 Th hy $1.00 13 feed, ™ Like (0h Goderleh ang Nay porte) Manitoba oats lx American eam No Nu 1 feed, 610} No, 2 de, ¢ yellow, $1.08; Nao \ yellow, $1.00 3:47 No, 4 yellow, 9 (U, Wofunds) all rail delivered Toronto freight, Midteed, deliverad Mowutvea! fretght, hays Ineluded=Tran, per ton, $3835; shorts, per Pony BON muiddbings, $4.28 Outane grain Wheat, $1.20 10 $1.35; oats, barley, Axi rye, #11 buokwheat, #0 wo LAN EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Dev, Wo Roopa of ohgs, LEO holdovers, a0; wotive, 10 10 20 cents higher bulk, 160 to 468 dhs, 810 ta 810.00; late sales mostly $10; 180 wo sO Ibs, S50 to 1008 pigs, $035 packing sows, SN Ww FN), Revelpta of cattle, steers, $i 8 Receipts of ealves, 300; veslers slow; tw 30 penta lower, 817 down, Revelpts of sheep, 46007 lambs wnehanged pond 10 choice handywelghts, $1050 10 Bid UE dhe, fed western BLAS medium aad strong weights, $11.50 to $2300 common, HON ww #1, steady medium Ww 0; utter gown, 8 to ATH dy he . CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chivage, Deo, 1 =A steady and unohanmsd market suoh an the egw spot vall has wit nesued for the past several days was suai order today, Traders seem to be pursuing a rather mixed course but are not Napostd to be committed tou heavily, A similar ait uation exists on the futures and wm the lat tor case tn reflected throwgh the naraw ange of the past week, A further dechne was remistered on the butter spot eall w day and while values may not be at a level where a veal movement of butter will begin yet wo feel that prices ought to hold for a day ur xo without whanges, The gov ornmental vepat indicating the higgest sn | plus on record for this season of the year was enongh to induce lower quotations at the apeiing, llowed hy a good rally due to short vavering Open commitiientss December January exes, 1M; February comber butter, 154 January butter mary hatter, TY Chilean snot market =Dutter, extras, MW \ Lostandavds, 3 1200 tone wasettied, Ng LUN I tone steady, York \ marker=Hutten, extras, 1 tone steady, Eugs, firsts, 0 0 SN) tone Arm Born COVERT-=AL the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesaday, December 1th, 1888, to Mr, and Mes, A, Covert (nea Flossie Colliver), 180 ark road south, a son, CRE \ 0 FALE RW ob LL | NO PAYHENT FOR ROAD WORK INLESS ORDERED BY SUPT, Darlington Council Takes Steps to Regulate Expenditures Hogulary meeting of Darlington Counell was held on Haturday, Deo, 7, with members all present, Neove Williams presiding, Minutes of last mesting read, approved and signed, dames Curtis, BN, A, O, presented hig report as for month of Oetoher whieh was approved An nocount of W, J, Leask, pre souted In Janunry last was wseitled Mr, Lonsk anooopting $76.00 In full payment of his snecount Payment of Accounts The counell decided that In keeping with the rules and regula tions of the Department of Puhlie Highways that on and after this date no payments would he made for work merformed on the roads unless authorized by the regulaviy | uppointed ond Superintendent | The resve was Instructed to nots | ify Balllff Munday to have all ay rears of taxes from 1048 pald Im | mediately Agvioultural Cogrse J, 0, Kellough, Agr Heprewens | tative for Durham, made a request | to eounell to pay a share of the | cont of heating hall In Bewman ville for the holding of Agrieuls tural Hhort Course which was held recently Counall declded to pay | thelr share Dr, MH, Ferguson, MOM, pre woning the annual voport of the local Board of Health for year | 1080 which was received and ore | dered Ned | C, J, McDonough Cobourg, presented san mecount for $118.18 boing the amount of costs | for the provineinl election recent ly held, which was ordered pald Mrs, Hen), Cochrane made a re (quest fer information to whom to apply for enrolment under the oud | Age Vonslons Act for her husband Clerk Instructed to reply Hond Work Hupt, presented his vouch month of November fol $2, snlary and oftlon ox SAK.0ON; No, 88, road main SRUR.00; 44, road oon struction $830.45, These vouchers were approved and ordered pald Road Supt, filed his report as ta cost of work on town line of Kast Whithy performed hy Darl ington for year 1080, amounting to $207, whieh was approved and ordered forwarded to township of Kant: Whithy A Ny<law wan introduced for the holding of munieipal elections for the year 1000 and was given ita several readings y The Treasurer acknowledged the | following receipts Douglas Pars ton for trees, 8106.1 L, T Pascos, (axes 1028, $040,158 Counties treasurer, necommodation and equipment grant for schools $4051 74; Fred Lane, trees on roadside $0; Lloyd Willams, rally, $8.00; Russell Virtue, rally, $5.00; Dons ald Davey, rails, $6.00; Herbert Cameron, ralls und posts, $7.50; Harvey Fraser, tree on town line, were election ¢lerl Hoad ors for lows panne nu NO tenunce NO Ordei's were drawn the Treasurer ay follows TT WH, Richards, maintenanos, $548.00; TN MH, Richards, salary nnd offloe expenses, $88.08: IN NH, Richards, construction, $8820.40; HN. A, Northeott, sheep Inapection, $4.00; A, WW, Annie, sheep Inspec tion, $14.20; Mw, © Htephoens, palary as oavetaker, $40.85; Mrs Hatherley, milk for Mrs, Havage (ohapity), $8,007 R, H, Collacott, coul [for Mre, Savage (oharity), $7.60; RK, IL, MaoNachtan, 80 per cont, maintenanos, Mra, J, Cowling and Infant, Bowmanville Hospital, $0.88; CD, Hodgson, supplies Mra, Savage (charity), $12.80; 0 L MaoNachton, 850 per cent, maine tence of Peter Nemish, B8lek Chifiren's hospital, $24.00; ® RW, Koralake, disinfectants, $3.80; Sis law Willlame, worviees, LR, of MH, $10,007 A, Hogarth, werviees IL, I of MH, $16,007 W, R Allin, nev. viees secretary, I, BN, of WH, #10. 007 €, W, Hastings, sanitary ine apeotor, Loh, of H,, $48.30; Dr, HH, Ferguson, medionl services, M.O, Ho, 308.28; ©, W, Blemon, medioal services, assistant MOH, $188. 00; Thos, Ntevenson, sheep daw agen, 4 sheep, $43.00 W, J, Stains ton, sheep damages, § sheep, $40. 00; EK, kL, MaoNachton, counties rato, $32,980.00; Chas, A, Wight Rowen dog worrying sheep, $5.00; C0 J MoDonough, election ex penses, $118.14; Nable I, Meteall, adv, 1, 8, 8 8 No, 4, $300, Connell adjourned to Monday, Dogember 14, 1989, at the hour of 10 o'eloek, pm, Ww, on R, Allin, Clerk Hireet | | the | known Me Back to Old Vierglnn | "Lont Machinery Already Arriving At New Building, Which Is Being Pushed to Completion WELSH CHOIR GETS AN ENTHUSIASTIC REGEPTION HERE Will Return to King Street Church Tomorrow Afters noon and Evening The Welsh Imperial who have been touring Canada nnd of Lhe receptions Miners Newfoundland, received one most enthusiast Lhely tou before a capacity audience in King United Churelr lant faot, voll they wel comed that they mined Ie turn here Munday from Toronto, and wive two sacred service rom 4.406 (a 6 o'vlock und from 7 ta 168, in the ¢hureh In thely ensemble work, as well as in the Individual solo and duet numbers, the male vided the lu musienl lus come to Oshawa time, Thelr harmony al when they uppenred night In Ko ware i) lo ane one wingers trent In In th pre that HO choral selections seemed perfect, with th Yolees blending into Whole, It, Vestyn Davies, ductor, had the ahsolute ton of his singers, who obe baton fmplieit The rangin united the COOporn od hig aon W varied eal to wall mont nonsen program HA from the lend, and Includin melodies of the English Irish, Beotoh, Welsh and Amerk people, In their rendering of numbers "Killarney," ( clin in ueh nn Are nd the aurried they wel Chord audience Into recalled each Hie wppluus I'he man vane, the 17 panist, added tiveness 'of 1 numbers Kiwin Kdwards the 1 {«your-ald was also given a fine reception his solos, Juck Newbury's singing of "Asleep In the Deep and the duet "Watohman, What ol the Night," by Jahan Trevor, tenor, and Howard Williams baritone, were also worthy of special me tion The undaey ol they i time und with enthusia tuey playing ot onr-olg noc the ofl on much to 9 n entertainment the auspleoes the chureh, SUIT TO RECOVER LOTS HERE FAIL Uriah Jones Successfully Defends Action of William Nelson Uriah Jones, well ronl estate mun ang successful yesterday, in the fle Court ut Whithy before the Hon, Mr, Justice Wright, iu de fending an action brought against him hy William Nelson of Oshawa, demanding the return of certain lots which were deeded hy Nelson to Jones In June of this year Nelson claimed conveyance was glven as security for a loan and demanded the return of the lots 1 consideration of payment of the loan or damnges Jones clatmed that Was absolute conveyances and he had In the meantime sold the lots, which appeared to have uitimately come nto the hands of thelp ovigs mal owner, Mr, Justice Wright In diamine. sling the action, remai sed that he preferred to bhelleve the evidence of the defence rather than the plaintitt and bis witnesses and In any event bhelleved the lots were not valued any higher than $200 each, which was less consideration wa of th eholy loenl Wis AN known bullder, the deed A | Gl { shout Ja [ finished, | nearing Luna 1h | of 1 | ho | tTranting honm Leonor, | in| given | | | New Factory Is Large Sttue~ ture, a Feature Bemg Ample. Lighting Facilities Provided for the Works "men STEELWORK IS DONE, RUSHING BRICKWORK azing Will Start Soon, While Partitions and Offices Will Be Construct- ed as Rapidly as Possible in the Building The Hkine helng sireet in operation Inochinery Is the plant, to com now Oahinwie plant ol ner Compan Ldmited, a { Cedardale constriet In pouth, mimeon neu school, expected to gel into Hun | alread urriving ut which getting well on metion, I'he steelwork on the hullding fs and the brickwork is completion, There still re tho glaeing of the bullding, proction of partitions, us construction of offloes Hine floor Well Lighted the larg lg af the which will probably he a who have the most ls the ample for the henefil ALL the windows placed in the trueture, so that the will be fleoded with sun Practically the only places brick 1s boing used are in the teel columns and lon wally, the vest os the wall bging composed of steel pal which will hold windows Brickwork 1s nearly completed an the south wall, Had weather and wo searcity of competent brik held up this part of the aperations, hut it being rushed rapidly an possible The brick g should he entirely completed fn i than two weeks, according to goneral contractors, the Fergus Contracting Jompany of Toys main the NOLAN | log butlding, revelation to ang ¢ltizon nov yer goon I, noticonbl features Hghting tacilitios vhe ol workmen hie wills of the Interion Hight where being {hi flayors ha on unt Now Hooling I'he rool Is alsa being placed, lurgor part of it being now on, isu steel dock type, and 18 hes built hy the Truseon Steel Co, ( Foronto, Heather and Little, Foronto, wre placing the finish I ng y | rooting Glaging, which is te he done by the W, I, Phillipa Co, of this ety, will be started soon, The elegitmae wiring ls being done by the Canada Bleotrie: Clo, of Torante and the tool wash Is being supplied by the Canada Steel Bash Co, As soon as the exterior hpioks laying has been finished, work will bo started on the tile partitions, The wood and glass partitions mm other parts of the bullding and in tho offiees will also he started soon, Machinery Arrives Two carloads of machinery for the Skinner Company have already arvived ot the buildin, and further shipments are expected soon, Most of the equipment will ba new mas ohinery, although some of the mas chines are being moved up from the Gananoque plant of the coms Wn \ The factory hullding is 410 feet long by 187 feet wide, The west. orly hall af the bullding will have a mogzanine floor, which will eons tain the offices, "he easterly half, which hus a 32-foot eelling, wil contain the forge shop, Floors in the bhullding ave of concrete, The company will manufacture automobile hampers, which had passed between the parties, Jones was represented hy (a, DD, Conant and J, P, Mangan appeared for Nelmon, os ®t Co i Mesauring only elighteen inches in | length the wrasse a fish found m Reitish waters, has such strong teeth that it can crack the shell of a large | orah TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY APARTMENT, CENTRAL, NEW | bullding, four rooms, steam heat, | hot water, elootrio stove, Newly | decorated, Phone 1400, (1400) | FORT SALE OR RENTE-TIVR | roomed house with extea lot, 88 Montrave Avenue, Apply 188 Vers dun road or phone HIM, (1400) ROOM OR BOARD FOR TWO OR three' gentlomen, Private home, Central, 208 Chureoh street, (140a) | FOR SAE R-ONTE SINGLE ONE § | iron beds with springs and wat tresses, hone 16804W, (14a) FOR SALE-UCHRIRTMAS TREKS, | Phone 1852 » &, (om) { 443 to EET * * Welsh Imperial Singers A wondorial aggrogation of talented avtists will appear ab KING ST, UNITED CHURCH Tomorrow, Sunday, December 18th In two Sacred Services aad 7 to LAL] NOCOSNAYY avo, TENDERS will be vecoived by the undersigned up until Satueday, Doe, Vist, 1080, for the privilege of operating a hand truck vefreshment service throughout the buildings of General Motors of Canada, Qshawa, Ontario, The sald service to be operated accounting to schodulos deters mined by this Company, and the vefroshments will consist of: bottled milk, soft deinks, sandwiches, chocolate bars, chewing tobacen, and such other avticles as this Company deems The lowest or any tender not necessarily aveepted, For further intormation apply to HW, W, Nicoll, Divectoy of Pormonnel, General Motors of Canada, Limited, Oshawa, Ons Limited;