THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 The Whitby ' : and Whitey Branch ths, at Cnnetta and Chronie Gi-Altgr Business Phone an, Daily Times nows will he vecelved nt the 8 'Telophionn REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, ORMISTON HARRISON FOUND NOT GUILTY OF SERIOUS CHARGE Last Chapter in Plot of Prisoners To Escape From , County Gael rr----h A charge of attempting to es cape from the county gaol, laid against Herbert Harrison, of Osha« wi, was dismissed hy Magistrate J, ¥, Willis in Police Court viday a wernnon, after eansiderable sonflict- ing testimony had been given, 1 wae alleged that Harrlsen was one of three men who helped to saw the bars of the bathroom window in the gaol, and had & hand in the making of plans for a general gaol delivery which were frusrval- ed a few weeks ago when Governor H, Lucas discovered a saw in the leggmg of one of the men, J. HR, Parry, and learned that an attack on Mim with an fron bar had heen planned, Three fellow prisoners of Havel gon testified that Harvison had no part in the gaol delivery plans and that he was never in possession of saws, flies, vagor blades and an iron hay discovered hy the Gover: nav in various parts of the gaol Two men who were found gullty of taking pave in the ploi, Fred Plawes, Neaverton, and Joan Parry, Whithy, were glyen two yvoars at Kingston last week, The trial of Harrison was the closing chapter In the gael escape oplsode whigh was declared hy Crown authorities to he ona of the most daring in the province, Prisoners Testify John R, Parvy, the first wits ness, testified that Harrison had no part in the gael escape plan, Describing To the court certain ex- hibits shown te him by Crown Als torney MoGibbon, Pawry sald that the rvasor blades were to eut the blankets to make a vope; the saws were to cut the bars, and the fron bar was to he used to force open the gates, Harrison had warned againet the plans as being danger: aus, Pred Hudson told the eourt that he saw Plawes, Parry and Harrison helping to make the gaws with a file, Later he saw Lh® thyee men sawing the bars in (he lavatory upstairs, He heard plans disousss ed for the gaol delivery, The iron har was to he taken off the bed in Parry's cell, the governor was to he asked to open the door to get something, and when he complied with the request he was to be hit on the head, Cross-examined hy Harrison, who had no lawyer, Harrieon des nied that he was a party to the gaol delivery arrangements, also that he had planned to heat the constable up whe took him irom the gaol, Parry, vecalled at Harrison's ves quest, stated that Harrison played no part in the plans to break maol, He added further that Harrieen warned against any such plans as it was too dangerous, He admit ted to; Crown Attorney MeGibhon that he had previously testified that Harrison had helped to saw the bavs, "I don't believe your evidence today," Mr, MeGibbon told Parry, "If you had lled one day yon are doing the same today, I aon't want any man convieted, no mats ter who he is, on any such eve dence as yours," Benjamin Cooper, another pris oner at the gaol, testified that he was With Harrison but did not see him with any tools, or ahderve any attempt on his part to get away fram the gaol, Daniel Sheridan testified that he oneoupled the same cell as Harrison, but did not sea him with any tools, nor did he sea Harrison make any attempt ta get out of gaol, Pawry ha the only man he saw with the 1o0ls, Magistrate Willis, In finding Har- vison not guilty, stated that the weight of evidence waa in hin fa- vor, as three men had testified that he ha no part fn using the saws or planning to escape, E a ia Shop Anytime at The Rexall Stores It doesn't matter when yeu do your Christmas shopping at the Rexall Drag Stores you will vecelve the same careful attention and Nave the same wide wvange of choles, And you may save money too, hove are a few examples, Nickelsplated, twoscell flashes Haght complate with batters bigs and Pupples in very bright colours... 81.00 Note D'Amour Stationery tn large boxes, many delicate CMlOUTE: sia irae Save time, trouble and money by hopping at THE REXALL STORES Jury&Lovell SUPRENE COURT AT WHITBY ENDS SESSIONS FRIDAY e-- Aftermath of Auto Crash at Also Other Actions Altar a session of almest two weeks, the fall sittings of the Bu- preme Court for Ontario County ended Friday afternoon, All of the canes on the docket were eith- or heard, adjourned, veferred to other courts oy settled out of court, The session was the lenges, for many years in this county, and both the eriminal and elvil Mets were unusually large Considerable evidence wan heard by Mv, Justies Wright in the case of Dr, Bourret, of Midland, whe brought action sgainst ¥, KE, Price 6t al for damages alleged to havu heen sustained as the result of an accident, in which a ear driven by Price, one of the defendants, ana driven by his daughter, erashad inte plaintiff's ear, Dr, Hourvel asked the court to award him dam- anges for personal Injuries sustain: afd by himself and his wife, and nlso for his ear which was wreek- ed, The aeeldent took plage on the evening of October 18th, 1040, at the Harmony hridge, sant of Oshs Awa, The evidence disclosed that on that night the Price car, of which Miss Louise Price, of Toy onto, was the driver, and which had broken down, was being tow ed into Oshawa by & man named English, There was a hole In the read with a protecting barvieade and as Knglish turned out to pass it the car which he was towing orashed into the ear driven hy the plaintiff, Dr, Bourret, of Midland It was alleged by English that the lantern on the barricade was out and that the barricade was not obs served by him untll he was within do feet of it, Hyidence was given that the lantern had heen Ht on the barrel cade but that it was hroken hy pome unknown person 16 minutes before the erash, Dy, Bourret claimed that he suse talned a fracture of the bridge of the nose, two outs on the forehead and one on the chest, His wife sustained Injuries which were ale leged to he more op less perman: ont, Including facial outs, a fraos ture of the right arm whieh has not yet knit, also nervous troubjes, Alter considerable evidence wan heatd the case was adjourned to allow the plaintiff to make an ef fort toe bring In the Department of Highways of Ontario as a oodes fendant, Oldeon Grant, K.C,, of Toronto, for the defendant; J, P Mangan, Oshawa, for the plaintiie, Nelson va, Jones Nelson va, Jones was an aetlon to recover damages for hreach otf contract, The plaintiff, W, HN, Nelson, Quhawa, alleged that Un tah Jones, Ophawa real estate ag ent, had falled to carry out the terme of an agreement with respect to lots In High Park annex placed Af security for a loan, Mueh of the evidence In this case was of a highly teehnieal nature, The aes tion of plaintiff falled and judas ment was given for defendant with CONE Judgment was reserved in the case of Muftfit ve, Cltles HBerviee Ol Company, In the hope that both parties in the action could settle their differences out of court, The action had to de with the sale of gas hy defendants to plaintiff, aver which there was a dispute as to quantities sald ta him covering a certain period, Action Over Rakery Bale Wosteasyon va, Daolk was an aes tion for the specific performance of an agreement with regard to the sale of a hakery in Oshawa by des fondant to plaintitt, In Heptember of this year, Defendant, it was als lowed, agreed to sell plaintift hia bakery for $14,000, When the agreement of sale was drawn up, and afdavits slaned, defendant, it wan olalmed, walked inte plaintiff's place and told him that he could net carry out the sale ai part of the land described in the agreement was awned hy 0) wite and she did net wish to well, Defendant told the court that he did not understand the terma of the agresnent as they were not olearly explained to him, The case wan referred to the Master of the local court to fix the Amount of damages, if any, rrr ---- ve AGAIN ADJOURNED Paul Penestk, charged with shooting William Quihvle, well known Audley farmer, a few weeks 0, Appeared in police court be. tatrate Willis Rridag ater noon, 0 the request of hia sos Neltor, who was not veady to pros ceed with the submission of evi. dence, the case was enlarged for one week, William Guthrie, in whose bhava the acoused was found, and whe waa the vigtim of Penesik's rifle, was in court and ready to give his version of the shooting aftaly, He fa still autfering from the shots which entered his lege, Peneslk a Hi) the sounty gael awaiting his rial, "Some autos have four wheels, four doors, four oylinders, and four hrakea!" "Naw, it the drivers only had foresight!" Harmony Bridge Heard-- WELFARE FUND 15 STILL SHORT (Continued from pages 1) made, impelled only by the urgent need, and by the conviction that the genersushenried 'people of Oshawa will tespond Contributions should he sent ut nee (0 the treasurer of the fund, , W. Joyee, manager of the Dons Inlen Bank, or to The fo d uffice The following 1s the Net of contri butions reported up 1a noon today | Amount already nck nowledged ' M aperial Production Control Dept, GML, Catholic Women's Les ENE "harika rarrees Clara B, Brown cover W. A Corll' , veer: 1: Bunbeam Chapter, No 73, Eastern Btar, Fonle aMrks ooo 000004 Bimeoe Bt, Ladies' Ald Bupts, and foremen, mint Bhop, GML, Vather P, Iv Beneh ,.., Young People's Christ ban Unban vim Mys, W, F, MeA $3,658.00 70.00 A000 50.00 M00 A000 25.00 wal 16400 10,00° 10.00 10,00 10,00 10.00 eAdlg 4 * Christ Chureh, WA, +, Mes, ¥, V, Lander ,, Kligabeth Long Mission CAPRI spas rrererenin ) A. MeGibhon Ihe Misses Luke Bt, George's Chureh Girls' Aux, ' Miss VV, K, Hislop ,., Mrs, B, Gummow ' Hat 10,00 10.00 10.00 B60 AO 5.00 Rodd's Tire and tery Serviee W, J, Brownlee Centre 81, Home Nehool Assos Employees, Regal Bak 5.00 5.00 and 3.00 eries 4.5 Mrs, 1,00 Fotal to date #411610 DUTY ON LINEN 15 BLOW TO TRADE American Importers Protest to Nanking on Effect of Levy Shanghai=The inerease in duty on Irish linen, effective in Chink Trem last February, threatens seriously ta cripple the embroidery industry hers according to representations made by the Art Embroidered Linen Import ers' Association, Ine, Now York Alived Kohlberg, president of the Association, veeently fled a stat ment with i Chang, ehalrman of thy Tariff Revision Committee in Shang hal, pointing out the harmtul effet whieh the inereased duty Is having on the Chinese embroidery industry due 10 the fact that Chinas prineipal competitors in embroidery manutae: ture, aly and Medeira Islands, have removed all import duties on linen during the last year in order to re duve the vost of production Mr, Kohlberg stated that imports af Iinen inte Ching singe the inerease fi tart have dropped 30 per eent, be low those of the preceding year Last year China shipped 10 (he United Stated $2,000,000. worth af en hraidered Hnens, eentered chiefly in the Shanghai, Swatow and Cheelfoo districts, employed approximately S00.000 workers on part and full th Handkerehiefs and other embroid ery produets in thesa distiels are worked on three types of linen, sheer linen for women's handkerehiots, em broidery linen for deawnwork and embroidered decorative table linen erash linen used for the same purs pose, The material fs imported and then re-exported aa finlshed embraid ery, The industry has developed al most entirely sinee 1921 Italy and Madeira Reduce Rates Chinese competition in embroidery manufacture has heen keenly felt hy laly and Madeira, the world's leads ing manufactures of this eommodity The wovernment of these countries within the last year removed the time port duties on linen by the yar! to assist ln regaining the business lost ta China. China, on the other hand, inercased the duty on imported lnen, effective last February, from 745 pes pent, to 18 per eent, Mr, Kohlberg goes on to point out that the new and higher United Stats os tariff en embroideries will Somple cate the situation and work fagther disadvantage 10 Uhinese industry The petition of the New York as soolation vegquests that the Nankin avernment oomsider the reduction o the import duty on the three types of imported linen used in embroidery manuiaeture ta 3 per cent, Jointing out that the revenue valleeted theres hy would he as large or nearly as large as under the present duty and would greatly stimulate the Chinese embroidery industry NEGRO PRISONERS FOR ROAD LABOR Washington, Leo, 14 The New Yark World has obtained » copy of a three-year contract bes tween the department of justice and the State of Qeorgia under which 200 Negra pelsonera in federal julls ave turned aver to the state to be used as laborers road construction, The practice set up hy this cons tract already has aroused Yigoys ous protest from Neare organisa tions which oharge it as dlsorime inatary, while various senators ins terested in prison reform des nounee it as an evil system, sa. voring of the old eonviet leasing methods and especially aut of lace at a time when free labor threatenad with waamployment, Henan Barah of Idaho, Wags ner of New York, and Hawes of Missouri all declared that they tharenghly disapproved of such a contract, and practice, 5 Consu Gifts that last li your Jeweller So Mh D, J, BROWN 10 King Street West Bowmanville JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAMTIES WITH DANFORTH, 4-4 Twenty Minutes Overtime | Play. Fails to Break Deadlock After playing 1wanl minuted overtime Bowmanville Junior Ho key team was unable to pull out of a 4:4 tle with the Danforth Jun nloras from Toronto In an exhibl tion game at Taylor's Arena lait night The game was fast but could not he considered a good class of hoos key, Nevertheless I was Interests Ing watehing far the twa hundred fans that took tn the gama No gouls wore seared tn the flest period and the second ended with one goal for ench team When the bell vanu for full time, the soare was 4, and It was agreed to play overtime, and at the sud of this periad alter two. more goals wore scored, It finlshed up still a tie and ale mora minutes ware allowed but nelthey team was able to seore and the game ended four all Fivst Period The flvst period opened fast With teams playing nenvessive ho key Most of the play was In front of the visltars' goal durtug this period and several goad shots wera made hut fatled to reach the net Brown was the stay of this peried, and played a fast and clean game, The period Halshed with na scare on elther side and with bath teams fresh and golng stark Danforths Beare Mest The second period opened with hath teams still doing fast work and the puek went fram one and of the fee ta the eather In short time Firat they would be a sevamble Wn front of the visitors' goal ann next minutes the Howmanville defence would he tn flghting hard to ward off the fast forward Hue ofsthe Dantorths, After a fant skate up the length of the foe, Pennie pat A nlee one past James vight In the corner of the net Rowmanville immediately an the face off ve pobre deeded dodo dbo ddd dod dob bd dod bd dod ---- News, advertising and subseriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The limes, [elephones=Office, 887; REPRESENTATIVE~B, HERBERT MORTLOCK Ay tallated and Brown fram a pass in contre loa took a sola and roared | before the game had really stagted | AEnin, James was playing a gheat | same tn goal and the Danforthe | took good advantage of avery ap: | portunity that presented itself, hat were unable to pass James again, | The period sndad ane each Thivd Pavied Adams put on the pads as he took his place at the net for the thivd period, when bath teams plaved with a determination tg win and in ten minutes Haste pul one in for the visitors when he emery od from a melee In front of the goal mouth, Piper soared for the home towners fram a face afl and the game hesan to get exciting shortly ater this Prank Jamieson, Notting possession of the puck, took a solo down the ce and plas od a nlee ane In the corner of the net, putting Nowmanville in the lead again, In the last tive wins utes the game got a litle voush and Jamieson and Auehinloss got Inte A serap and both wera piven A vest for a while, At the end of time the seare was 83 Play Overthwe When {twas declded ta play ov ertime Rawmanville determined to finish the game and seared in less than a minute, Piper taking a Yous shot fram the 40-foot Hine, Kharts Iy after Avehinloss scored for the overtime was plaved no other goals Pantarths and althoush additional wera soared and the Bova had te ba sftintiod with a tie, Final seove, Bowmanville 4, Dfnforths 4 . The Hnesupa: Rowmanville=Qoal, James: des fence, Lunney and ©. Jamieson: | centre, Piper; vight wing, Drown: . Phone 180 Daily Times loft wing, ¥, Jamieson! sub, Os horne, Turner, Oke, Walton, Moor oraft, Veale and Grant Dantorthe, -- Gonl, Timson; de fonee; Price and Haste centre, Haek) right wing, Downey alt wing, Auehinloss wba, MeKay, White, Beunle, Ville! Heteroe KE, Osharne ville PRIZES AWARDED Howman { | | | | * TOHIGH SCHOLARS Presentations Made at The School Concert Last Evening Another full hall greeted publie sehopl convert When It pregented fr the seeond thee last ovening In the Opera House Ad on the previous evening ull taking part did so In on very ditahle manner under the capable dives tion of Miss Helen Morvis, ATC M., supervisor of musle In the pub He wa oe sohonla Hetween the first and second parts of the program the prises do nited hy the sehool hoard to the highest standing pupils In the vari us roomd al June promotion ex aminations wera presented Prise Awards Those awarded priges follows Room 2 Joan Mrough Room 4, Hugh Hmale were ir, 1V Bileen Hately ir, We doan Morris Room §, sr, Hi=Einora Blake ly, Jahn Morrison, Haom 6, Jv. Hi-=Mariam Jewell, Ian Bell Rogm 7, Jv, Hi==Audrey Kliatt, Clnrence Witheridge, Room #, wr, 1-=Murign Jack Underhill Hoom 8, wr, 11 Huth Cryderman, oom 10, Jr, Hs i, Kdnn wheshin, Hoom 11, jv, Hhelisorge Morris, Wain Biot, Griggs Morden, Werry Bich and Donsld YVenten, squiky floom 14, sr, pro=Jean Logan, Kitty Blorey ' Bouih Ward Kaehool Room 1, wr, Tha Button, Kathleen Hlunt, Careline Brown, Phyllis Blair, Hoom 4, Jv, Lelvy Vasant, Jean Wee, Jenn Woodward, Viola Bars ret HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB MEETING Oratorical Contest Will Be Held for Public School Pupils ro -- The December meeting of the Home and Bohoal Club was held in the central Public school on Wednesday, evening last. with a good niendunce despite the inelem ont wenlhey Mrs, Marry Allin presided and opened the meting with community H neing and O Canadas, with Miss Leta Nragg aL the plano, "The minutes of the last meeting were rand and approved, It has been deglded (0 hold an oratories] sons test far publie sehool pupils slong the same lines as that conduoied lant your The program opened with vooul #nlok hy Mra, Usorge Pritehara and a Heoteh reading by Mrs, Hugh Cameron, The Rev, |, J, Bhires gave an excellent address on "Hau cation," making this subject inte esting to afl, Mrs, J, Albert Cole unve the fegend of the Christman Boot, Omery Mitehell, Charlie Churehs os | Carol in hedifterent countries and Wis naslated hy plig al 1s plano three of her pu Miss Huby Hobbs played "The Virst Noel," Mins Gertrude Jewell "Little Town N Hethiehem' and Master Bert John slop played '"Bilent Night," "fhe Hov, NH, J, Khives distributed ti Christmas gifts among the mem hers, Group #, with Mrs, ¥, Clurke AK conevener, served refreshmentys und he meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem The next meeting, Which will take place on January A will pe In oharge of Uroup 8, Mrs. Dunlop onyenm W. M. GILBERT 5 APPOINTED ARENA MANAGER (Continued from page 1) divectors, making publie the name bl the man they have chgsen to manage Oshawa Are Limited for this win ers netivitie It has heen the desire of the di rectors and Mr, Mebaughlin to keep canines of our own tri and our own merchant of materials and teehnienl within the ple supply RI to doy and perhaps which ds at this June ture i not more importance, (8 the fact that the building of this rink has afforded work for 4 great many men who otherwise would have been ont of work during mest of the winter I'he contractors, Messrs, 1, B, Ma thersill & Company have employed des pi the another point of equal upwirds of one hundred men in the constrsetion of this wrens, W. M. Gilbert Appointed Many applications have been re eelved by the Dirsetors from none sidents of Oshaws, for the position of Manager of the Arens, but they have persisted in one of the first po leley hey Juld down, In securing, possible, from Oshawa, & man to Hi the position of Manager, as well us the uther positions which have been, up untll now, filled from Oshaws, And In this partieular, they have been eminently shocessiul In securing the consent of Mr, W. M, (Bill) Gilbert to operate the Arena this season, An absolute stranger to Oshawa eighteen months ago, Mr, Githert has, hy Mig enge, persistence and good somnd business principles, established and brovght to & state of parfestion not equalled by any other similar Ins dustry In the distriet, the Oshawa Lamber Company, Limited, of which be ls owner and president, My, Githert'h Principles In My, Gilbert's first announces ment to the pubile of Oshawe, on June 40th, 1046, he sald, "We lave every confidencs in the tor morvow of Oshawa and (his dis triet, and avery member of our or- aniuation in pledged to give un« stintingly of his time und experi ence, to further the ideals upon which onr business is founded, ana to maintain apd enhance that hearty friendliness and encourages ment, with whieh our efforts so far, have heen vecelved, tn the end that we muy truly bs one of you, with whom we have chosen to onst our lot, Our emblem Ix the Totem Vole, chosen as such, to keep be fore us, those tyaditions, hopes and {denls, for whieh the totem pole has niways stood, amongst ity orig, Inators, Tradition of honest, hon orable oltisenship, hopes of Hel vice and companionship within ony community, ideals of business and fottonal relationship, the respons! ilitien of which we will endeavour to discharge with howor,' ' The Times, ss well as practioally ovary oltigen of Oshaws, can hear witness (0 (he fact that the place which has been ereated in the com munity hy and for The Oshawa Lumber Company Limited and fis OMaoers, Is one of eminently good eitigenahip, untiving Industry, and donstant endeavour towards the bhoattarment of the community al large Tha Directors of the Osh awa Arena Limited are to be con Eratulated on securing a man of Mr, Gilhart's calibre, and one im hued with sueh sound business prineiples Other Activities HIT Glibert's aotivities have not alone heen directed towards the bullding up of his Company, the Oshawa Lumber Company Lim ited, but he has wiven, unatintingly of his time and ability to many worthy sabjects in the City pring hin residence here, Perhaps chief Among them are the setivities of the Rotary Club, and as evidence of appreciation of these aetivities, the members of the Rotary Club have alacted him to the Directoy ate for the years 1939 and 1080 It 1s entirely due to his generosity oxpressed throurh the Rotary Club, that the Red Cross Hoclety have had for thin past year, the lsolas flon cottage at Lakeshore Park Thin cottage was given through the Rotary OL outright) and fs minine tained and kept up by the Oshawa Lumber Company, There is no doubt hut thet theses splendid qualities of business abil iy and good citizenship, which ne hag demonstrated, will he brought whole heartedly into the atfairs of the Oshawn Arenn Limited, and the wihletie fraternities of the City, Vor the next couple of weeks, until such tims as sn office 1s ready for oseupaney in the pew Arena Bullding, Mr. Githert will conduct his duties ns Manager of the Oshawn Arena Limited, from his own office, at 46 Ritson Rosd North, He may be reached thers a wll times hy a personal call or by a telephons eal (8821) hy anys one Interested in winter sports ses tivities, with which he will come in direct contaet, or in the Rink Itwelf, Neaving Completion More will be ssid Inter, on the sompletion of the bullding proper, respecting iw many unique fem tures of construction; hut Just st the present time, the type of roof constriotion tn something unique, Thin 1s construeted fn such a way, that there ure absolutely no ohe structions to the view of the les surtnos, no matter from what angle In the building, it 1s viewed, The roof Ik set hy liself and thers are 'no posts whatever in the building, To Open Karly In 1080 Every endeavour Is helium bent Lownrds opening the rink directly RILer the new year, An Annoiness ment of the definite date wr he made later, The contractors, Mess srs, TN, Mothersil! & Company, Are now making excellent progress In the eonstruetion of the bulld Ing, and just here, we might men ton one point, wheres the ability and whole-hearted anergy of the new Manager ling entered into this construetion, As President of the Oshawa Laimhay Company Limited, he was foresighted anough tn ress Hee that the huge places of British Columbia iv, neeassary for the roof construction, If any speed al all was Lo he made In Its erention, must he ordered and on the fob we mont, we soon as the contrant was wlened, He therefore arfanksd for faulek shinment from Nritish Cos limbia of all this material, and had It bought and rolling on ears to Oshawa, before (he contract for eonstruetion was actuelly signed, This bit of foresight alone has per haps done as mueh as any other snele aetlon, towards giving the oitieans of Oshawa, proper skating facilities for the Winter of 1089 1080 Inaidentally, If you do net knaw Ni Githert personally, Yau undoubtedly are familiar with his Totem Pola trade mark, which is; gn untque and whieh apnears dally in his advertisement in the Times, WHITBY MAN GETS A MONTH'S SENTENCE IN ST, CATHARINES (By Canadien Presa Lensed Wins) Nt, Catharines, . Deo, 14=Hers man Frederiol, a one-armed man, aged HO, a travelling salesman from Whithy, was sentenced hy Magistrate J, MH, Campbell yonters day to f month in fall for Impey» sonating an officer and demands Ing money, The mawlstrate sald he was not matisfled with the evid« enve, an ar ak twas possible | 4 I -- wo NEW OFFICR LOUATION 37 KING ST. E. CERRO if +h a, NOOM 44 ALGER BLING, FRANK V, EVANS Diaviet Representative pl Abin Bt a Practically every line of buais ness in rebresented in this dis rectory=--a handy reference tor COAL COAL there 18 W. J, SARGANT Vard=dn Hoar "treet B, Urclers Promptly Delivered acquainted with the various business houses, List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! LUMBER F, L, BEECROFT Whithy Lumber and Wood Yard Phone Oshawa 384 Whi } Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LARGUM NOTHING 200 WMAML | Adanac Machine Shop | 1181 King 86 W, hone A814 We have several desirable houses tr rent, & PRESTON tnsurance DE ll] Blt 1VG0 8, West Real Wstate Night calle oh King FOR SALE: When we say bare Nein wo don't mean maybe, @ room brick houwe : R600, Nicely located, All cons ventences, ete, DISNEY REAL BATATH 'hone 1530 WIDER SERVICES TO AID BLIND SOUGHT National Institute Officials Lay Case Before Cabinet at Ottawa Ottawa, Doo 14=A plea tor furs ther Govebnment assistance and cos Dehn in furthering work for the blind was made Thursday before the Cabinet by the Canadian stitute for the Blind, Thev seek an extension of the seps vices for blind people hy co-operation from the health Sevarument and othe or agencies in Phe nit blind workems in positions and in educational work to provent the development of blinds ness in those threatened with that atiilietion The delegation which was headed by LM. Wood, Capt, BA, Bak ational Ins akon, and M, Lo T, Davies of Toronto, res ceived a very sympathetic hearing, Another Toronto delegation way from the Amputation Association seeking an adjustment of disability ratings in respect of pensions,