Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1929, p. 1

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The Oshawa Daily Tim Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer 4% A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Sobol faa St Vo hed OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 18 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES News in Brief (By Cenadian Press) ¥ive Die in Accidents Harrisburg, Pa~The blanket of sleet and ice spread. over Pennsyl- vania for almost 24 hours, tonight had resulted In five deaths and numerous accidents from skidding automobiles, . . Murders Cleared Up Montreal ~During the first 11 months of 1029 optreal police dealt with six murder cases and five of attempted murder, all being cleared up, according to returns made publie, . . Cream Dealers Warned Cobalt, Dee, 13, ~Cream dealers on the market here are to be warn- od that unless there is immediate fmptovement in the quality offer. ed, drastie action will be taken against them, B.C, Hone Opo Vistoria, B.Com British Col- umbia legislature will meet on Tuesday, Jun, 28, (t was announce od yesterday, 'The session In ex- pected to end about the middle of Maroh, * L Ll Laborite ¥iccted London ~~Alderman D, G, Lo. gan, Laborite, was returned unop- posed as a member of parliament for the Seotland Division of Live orpool in succession to the late T, P, (Tay Pay) O'Connor, » LJ - Wite of Canon Dies Toronto,~~Mrs, Bessle Campbell Vernon, beloved wife of Canon Charles Willlam Vernon, secretary of the counell for social service of the Church of Evgland in Canada, died at midnight last night at her residence, 72 Howland Ave, Given Bevin Your Torm London Seven years iu King- ston was the term imposed by Magistrate OC, W. Hawkeshawe, on Archie Hyatt, former Chatham athlete, who turned bandit and spread a crime wave from Hamil ton to Windsor. . Mail Carrier Sentenced Toronto, ~8amuel KE, Horne, let. ter-carrier, who was convicted ot removing a letter containing four dollars from the malls, was sent- enced yesterday. by Judge Denton to three years' imprisonment, the minimum for the offence, . . » Prospector Killed Kirkland Lake.~~Jamek Willis, veteran prospector, and an .em- loye of Lake Shore mine, was illed and three other persons in- Jured Thursday when tive sticks of dynamite exploded, it was learned today. . Sent To Penitentiary North Bay.~Three years im- prisonment in Portsmouth pen. teutiary was the sentence imposed on John Badersk!, Barry's Bay, when ho was found guilty by Judge Vailn of robbery while armed, Discuss Conservation St. Thomas.--Commercialization of deer hunting, incompetency of game wardens and the killing of deer by wolves were all discussed at the Initial meeting of the Ki- gin County Game assocMtion here last night, .s The Pas, aby Jovitted "six-months- old baby girl perished Thursday night in a fire which destroyed the cabin home of hor parents near the ¥lin Flon townsite. The 3hild was loft sleeping in her cot by her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Frits Guth- mann, new arrivals from Germany, Noted Yachtsman Dies Kilwinning, Scotland.--8ir Jas, Pell, banker and yachtaman, dled vesterday at the age of 79 years. He once contested for the Amer: fea oup with his yacht "Thistle," which was later acquired by the German emperor and named "Com- ao . LJ » Changos Position Woodstook. The resignation of Willlam A, Markle as high county constable of Oxford has been re- ceived by Warden 8llcox. This move wad made to allow the chief to take over the position of provin- ola! constable as part of the reor- ganization of the police system of the provinoe, Appeal For Blind Ottawa, ~~There are 4,000 blind persons in Canada withous means of support, D. B. Lawley, asaist- ant secretary of the Canadian Fed- eration of the Blind, #ald at a . moating of the Ottawa branch of the Pederation here last night, They could be provided for, he sald, by an éannual government grant of $3,000,000, WEATHER Pressure is low over the vitime Provinces and some Jocal rain and snow has fallen the Great Lakes coast. ward, while high progsurd and weather extonds over the western provinces and Lake districts, Snow falls +have occurred {n many parts of | ] West, Forecasts: Lower Lake Ree glon==Moderate northwest to northeast winds, mostly cloudy night, M ate northerly winds, partly cloudy and colder tonight and of Sunday. Probably fol. swed by light local snow, URGENT APPEAL FOR WELFARE FUND W.. M. Gilbert Is Manager of WELFARE FUND OVER $4,000] BUT AMOUNT IS STILL SHORT OF NEEDS FOR ASSISTANCE Saturday Brings the Usual | Week-end Rush of Ap- peals for Assistance From Families in Dire Distress CONTRIBUTIONS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED Citizens Are Asked to Meke Donations at Once so That Cases in Need of Im- mediate Aid Can Be Giv- en Help Once again the end of the week has brought its tremendous demand upon the resources of the Associated Welfare Societies aus scores of needy families are appealing for fuel und Yood to keep them warm and fed over the week end, The appeals are com- ing In from all parts of the city, and the task to supnlying the needs of the families in distress is taxing the efforts of the welfare workers. who are giving freely of thelr time and services to supply them, Buf while the workers are ready and willing to do their share, they are finding that more and more mo- ney is required to provide for the families which are in need of imme- diate assistance, In today's issue of The Times, a special appeal is made by A. R. Alloway, chairman of the Associated Welfare Societies of the N. Henry, chairman of the Christmas Cheer Fund, for an immediate und « enerous response on behalf of the BR dreds of men, women and child. ren who are almost in destitution and who must be provided for, not only at the Christmas season, but immed. lately, Today, the fund Is over the $4,000 mark, but it is still far short of the requirements of the situation, So the appeal for contributions is once again (Continued on Page 2) 300 Homeless In Flood In Portugal Lisbon, Portugal, Dee, 14,.«Floods and storms today continued to rage in all parts of Portugal in some cass es driving families from their homes, At Miranha near Manilcoa fifty tas milies, numbering in all 300 persons, were made homeless by floods when the river Pelha burst its banks, Se- veral houses caved in and many were threatened with destruction, ------------ FIRANK, SOAN Young Toronto filer, who wa kills ed with Lou fiyl dent, when his plane attempting to land near ton, Ont, on Dec, 1 vers TO ENTER CABINET HON, T, A, CRERAR, whose entrance into the federal cab. inet seems assured, but ne decision has been veached as to when or in what constituency he will seek elec: tion, Sees Market For Canadian Goods in India (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Taronto, Dee, 14.-~~There is a groat potentinl market in India for Canadian products, H, RN, Jous sotto, Canadian trade commissioner nt Calcutta, India, told members of the commerce olub, University of Toronto, yesterday "Ausomobiles and tires form too large & proportion of Canada's $12,000,000 of exports to India, he said, and suggested this great mar kot should*be cultivated for Cana~ dian manntuctured goods Five Convicts Make Escape Dug Opening Under Wall of Oklahoma State Peni- tentiary (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) McAleater, Okla, Dee 14, Five men, believed to he among the mont dangerous mmates of the State Penitentiary here, were at large today after digging under the walls of the prison and escap- ing some time late yesterday, The men were reported missing at the ¢ o'clovk roll onl] last night, A hurried search of the prison revealed tho hole under the wall, and prison guards and a puck of blogdhounds immediately took up the trail of the missing convicts, MoAlestor police and the Pitts burgh County sheriff's office were askod to watch for the men, but named of the missing convicts were not revealed by either of these forces, althongh it was sald one of the men who escaped was named Underhill, Rook Independence Amman, Palestine, ~The (rans. 1 Jordan National Congress, attends od by 100 delogates from all parts of the country today reaffirmed its loyalty to Emit Aldullah, A policy of aiming at complete independ: once was decided on, ---- scr Medical Research Has Recorded New Success 14,<~Medlioal ra. poarch is speeding on its way to other triumphs due to the helpful encouragement given it in the past two years by the Banting Research fund, Working quietly away with his researches, Dr, H, A, Skinner, of the Western University, London, Ont,, hax made some interesting tindings concerning the origin of acoustic nerve tumors, These rare tumors have been a source of perplexity to the medical profession for many years, Dr, Skinner, following an extensive study of the aftliction in all ita phases, first found that the pecy- Har tumor occurred always on the eighth nerve which supplies the oar, ! 1 Toronto, Dec, This nerve ix a double one, One| part goes to the mechanism of the oar which enables an individual to hear, while the other portion sup plies the organ In the ear which enables any human being to mains tain his equilibrium or balance, Pursuing his Investigations, Dr, Skinner found out that similar tus mors do not ocour gn the other nerves of the head, With this in mind he proposed an intensive study. of the elghth nerve and Its tumors (0 ascertain why these growtha were confined to the one nerve, whether hoth parts were in. volved and what cells in the nerve multiplied in such abnormal man. ner to produce the tumor, The Banting veseareh commits toe, through Prof. V, E, Hendler son, anpounceg that Dr. Skinner has been successful in his study, To the Citizens of Oshawa i= mands immediate gent calls being made ussistance, necessary for this alone, grateful to those But the Fund wre generously to it regret that so far the response, there to those in need, their contributions at once, situation can be adequately met at hand that there should be butions for Qur NOW, work of the distress inthe city, while the C., N. HENRY, Chairman Christmas Cheer Fund An Appeal to the Citizens for An Immediate Response Oshawa at the present time is facing a relief situation which de- and generous attention, by families in In addition, we find. that the Cheer will this year be greater than ever, and that a much larger amount of money than the $3,000 provided last year will likely be I'he officials of the Welfare Organization and Christmas Cheer citizens who have immediate need is so great, that we are still far short of the actual requirements in money, while generous on the part of those who have contributed, has, not been more general are still hundreds of citizens who intend to contribute to the Fund and who desire to have a part in the We would suggest to these citizens that they make ' 80 that no further delay in making contri a cause which should appeal to every citizens of Osh awa who is fortunate enough to be in a position to give at least a little to help their less fortunate appeal then, to the citizens of Oshawa, Is need is so great and so widespread, Associated Welfare Societies in relieving suffering and and that of the Christmas Cheer Committee providing Christmas Cheer for needy families can be manner in keeping with the needs of the Every day, we find urs the greatest of need for necessity for Christmas already contributed 80 pressing, We We believe that work of giving relief the immediate needs of the The Christmas season is so close fellow-citizens that they GIVE so that the in done in a situation A, R, ALLOWAY, Associated Welfare Chairman Societies (Neptune Is Reported As Being Safe (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) St, John's, NAd, Dee, 14~The threesmasted schooner Neptune, with nineteen on board, is reported "all right" about seven bur dros and twen ty miles southeast of this port, by the liner Cedrie, which passed on the Neptuhe's request for a tug, Fifteen days out of St, John's the Neptune is the ninth te be accounted for a fleet of ten fishing vessels which sailed on the night of Friday, Nov, 29, for Bonavista ports The Lloyd Jack to St, John's ly, and another was towed in, It had been erroneously reported last night that the Neptune's crew had been landed at Liverpool CHINESE EDITOR HELD FOR LIBEL (By Canadian Proms Losi Wire) Taronto, Dee 14 Ernest © Mark, editor of a local Chinese newspaper, was arrested herve last night gn a charge of publishing a demamatory libel against a woman now deceased, It is sald the aes cusation Is without precedent in Canadian law The arrest was made on a wars rant sworn out by Peter Wong, young Chinese journalist, whose mother it Is alleged, was the tars get of certain articles published in Mark's paper Mark was released on $2,000 and will appear today, safe ball of in court Tax Reduction Bill Approved Both Leading us. Parties United in Passing Meas- ure Quickly Washington, Dee, 14,.--0bliters ating all political lines save one, the administration's $160,000,000 tax reduction resolution swept through the senate today to prob. able adoption by nightfall, Republican regulars and Demo orate alike were united in support Ing the tax cut and approval by a wide majority was indicated, On ly the small band of Independent Republicans from the west were opposed to the measure and while its opposition was of a determin. ed nature, it apparently had no in. tention of preventing a vote, Under the resolution, one per cent would be Jopped from all nor mal Ihcome tax rates, hoth corpprs ation and individual, with the eut applying to taxes on incomes of the calendar year now closing, JAPENVOY MAY NOT BE WELCOME Unpleasant. laeue Feared Over Naming of Ambaas- sador to China (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Tokyo, Deo, 14, Possibility of an unpleasant Sino-Japanese inels dent has arisen in connection with Tokyo's intention to appoint Tors ikiohi Obata, former ambassader to Turkey, as minister to China, The Japanese government asked Chinese approval of the appoints ment last week and not having rYocelved a satisfactory response has instructed the Japanesa ocon- sul at Nanking to press for an oarly reply, Despatohes from China report considerable opposition to Obata, who was charge d'affaires at Pe« king in 19015 and was prominently concerned in Japan's famous twenty-one demanda on the Chin. ose government at that time, ------------------ Well Known C.P.R. Agent Passes Away (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Toronto, Dee, 14.~-John Jolly, oity freight agent, Canadian Paecl- fie Rallway, died last night at 8t, Michael's Hospital following an operation, Mw, Jolly entered the sarvige of the company in 1897 and in 1908 was appointed canvassing freight agent, In 1019 he became travelling freight' agent and as sumefdl the position he Weld until the time of Bie death In 1925, Mr, Jolly was widely known and highly respected, Mrs, Jolly and one son survive Girl Jumps to Her Death,New York New York, Dec, 1 14.~Christmas shoppers swarming along East Béth street suattered In horror yesterday afternoon when a girl working for BD, Altman and coms pany, jumped in thelr midst from the elghth floor of the store to her death on the pavement below, Miss Ruth Roth, 19, who had for the past year worked in the cashier's office, was later i{denti- fled by a sister, Helen Roth, a saloslady in the store, Acqui ed I Node Case Grand Jury Decides Shoot- ing by Kingston Youth Was ustifiable Rochester, N.Y, Harry Leonard, 18, formerly of Kingston, Ont,, charged with the fatal shooting of his brother<in- law, Kelly Hagerman, 26, at the latter's home, November 20, was sot free late yesterday after the Monroe County grand jury had found the homicide justifiable, District Attorney Willam JF, Love, commenting on the case, said: "The evidence warranted Leon. ard's belng freed from the murder charge placed against him, Natur ally; the fact that he was given his lbebty does not mean we sanction the shooting or taking of human life in any manner, Hut In this oase, the grand Jury acted on the proper grounds" Nelghbors who saw the shooting testified that Hagerman who was a man of violent temper, started to attack his wife because his sup- per was late, and that the boy shoy in defense of his slater, BOMB EXPLOSION DAMAGES HOME Dec, 14, New Yor, Dee, 14<A bomb explos sion _of which was felt for miles as round, today did $20, damage to the home of Felix Dalessandro in Eastchester, Westchester County, and hurled the owner and his family from their beds, Japan Protests Soviet Attitude (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Tokyo, Deo, 14,The Japanese government today informed the Russian foreign office that Japan fs not satisfied with scanty news concerning Japanese nationals in northwestern janchurla, where Russians troops® have occupied a wide zone of the Khingan Moun. taing, The Soviet government was further informed that details would Inslsted upon in the future, he Large Cargo of Liquor Seized Boat Had Made Vain At tempt to Get Through Lake Erie Ice (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, Dec, 14 An export lquor cargo of 110 assorted cases, returned to the Ontario mainland after soveral vain attempts to get through the ice jams of Lake Ons tario, was seized In a vacant house at Point Pelee last night by Leam ington Provincial pelicemen, While the boat cleared from Leamington on November 23, with customs papers showing 122 cases aboard, when the provinelals went to check over the cargo, after its return had been reported by the Tum runners, they are sald to have found four cases of rye whiskey missing, ong case of rum added and several cases broken into and bot. tiles removed, The liguor and the boat carrying it, the notorious "Gray Ghost' are owned by John A, Gordon of Cleveland, No charg. es have been laid, LORD BRENTFORD DEFENDS BYNG Former Home - Secretary Takes Blame in Goddard Action London, Dec, Then Full respons sibility for the confiscation hy the authorities of funds deposited in gertain London banks by former Police Sergeant .George Goddard, prior to his convigtion on a charge of corruption following the raiding of a number of west end night olubg last January, has been 'as- sumed by Lord Rrentford (Sir Wil. llam Joynson-Hiocks), former home deoretary in the last Conservative govarnment, Writing to the newspapers with reference to Mr, Justice Rowlatt's remarks tn the King's henoh court yesterday that Lord Byng, oom missioner of Metropolitan police, 'had no right to retain money tak. en from Goddard previous ta his conviction, Lord Hrentford says: "I think it is my duty to state pub loly that in this matter Lord Byng acted upon direct instructions in writing from myself as home sec retary, Refave giving sueh instrues tions I had naturally taken couns #0] with law officers of the orown but the responsibility for the aes tion is entirely mine." St ------ DEAD AS RESULT oF FIRR Buffalo, Dee, 14.----0ne man ay as result of burns and 25 persons were driven from thelr homes ears ly today fn a tenement house firu in the Mack Rock section, The dead man 1s Michael Lesniak, who lived with the family of Stanislaus Kossuba at 62 Joslyn street, New Oshawa Arena WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN'S APPOINTMENT IS HAILED WITH MUCH "ARENA MANAGER WwW, M, GILBERT of the Oshawa Yumber has heen appointed manager of Oshawa's new artis ficial lee arena, which is to be opened early in January, Pilots Will Be Isolated Until March (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, Dee, 14,3 D Vanes and M, H, Blasdale, pilots of Northe ern Aerial Mineral' Kxploration, who were stranded at Baker Like, Man,, while participating in the search for Col, MasAlpine and his party, lost in the barren lands of Northern Manitoba, will not get out until March, This information was given out here last night by John Hammell, ofMeial of the coms pany, German Gov't Will be Upheld Groups Decide To Give Sup- port on Vote of Confidence (By Canadian Press "Rasand Wire) Berlin, Oct, 14,~Tha situation in the Relchstag today indicated that the government would be supported by a safe majority when it seeks ita vote of confidence on Finance Minister Hilferding's econ« omie policies, The. BSoolalists, Centrists, Dem- oorats, and People's Parties in caucuses, decided to vote yea on the confidence motion, The Bave arian, becanse of the heer tax clause, were still debating at noen today, Opposition of Dr, Hjalmar Schacht, president of the Reichs hank, to phases of the Hilferding program, have made the approach. ing vote of more than ordinary note, President Company, - -------------- TWO MEN WOUNDED IN GUN BATTLE Port Huron, Mich, Deg, 4=Twao men, ane a state trooper, were wou» ded in a gun battle on the outskirts of Peck, Sanilac County, early this morning, Trooper Larry Meeham, of St, Clair Post, roceivéd a bullet wound in the leg and the, other man, giving his namp as AW, Bk had his jaw shattered by a bullet, SATISFACTION New Artificial Ice Arena Made Possible by Assists ance of R. 8, McLaughlin, Is Now Nearing Comple« tion EXPECT TO OPEN IT EARLY IN JANUARY Manager of Arena Has Splendid Record of Suc~ cess as Business Man And Public-Spirited , Citizen Ata banquet given in honor of the victorious General Motors Lagrosse Team on their return from' British Columbia early in September, My, George Hezzelwood made an ans nouncement on behalt of Mr, R, b, MeLaughlin, which was perhaps the most importdnt announcement that the athletic well as thy average citizenry heard pro nounced for some time=--that was tha announcement of Mr, McLaughlin's generosity in providing funds to as sist in the an artifielal skating rink hat project has been, since that time, carried along te such an extent, that now the eitiz sea fon themselve actual evidence of this public iraternity, as had erection of in Oshawa CHE Cdn tangible spiritedngss On land which was owned hw Messrs, MHambly Bros, who operdtn the City Pure lee Company, and Just back ef the City Pure Ice Company plant, to the nerth of King strecs west, is beihg erected a building which for its definite purpose, 18 the last word in architeeture, equipmeny and utility, The and refrigeration tor the arena will be supplied by Hambly Hros, who have played PY large part in the organigation * and construction af the arena and wha will have control of its physical a+ rangements, There are many features about this building which are unigua and the viewing of whigh, will repay any citizen, who cares to go down ins to the Hollow and loek it over, fon the time spent, Manager Chosen Perhags the next most important announcement in connection with Oshawa Avena, Limited, which is the name of the joint stock company wn- der which the new skating rink will operate, is the one now made by the (Continued on Page #2) wa r-- Chinaman! "You tellea where rallway-station?" Strang. or: "What's the matter, John-w= lost?" Chinaman: "No, me here station lost!" me LOUIS ERN8R Of Mount ¥ovest, Ont, whe was Killed in an acvoplane orash, near Milverton on 18, Plane Search Halted By Weather Conditions (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nome, Alaska, Deo, 14-~Veteran Alaska pilots gathered today at Teller to searoh for Pilot Carl Ben Eielson and Earl Borland, his me. chanie, missing since Nov, §, hope fully waited colder weather to clear the atmosphere so they oan start ont heir hazardous undertak- ng, Visibility was poor throughout the northland due to relatively high temperatures, which were slightly above sera at Nome and Teller and barely above zero at North Cape, Siberia, near where Elelson's plane was believed to have landed. The pilot Was ats tempting a flight to the fur trads ing ship, Nanuk, icebound at Ne Cape, when he was lost, oki Philo colder weather will tm« prove visibility it will increase the hazards encountered by the avias tors hecause with one exception the five planes avallable to engage the search are of the open ego type, This type of plane oud ford ita occupants no to Uv elemen ad dh noah Hy Pilot "Nat Niomenef chanje Cope, wha from Anchorage in plan hire on del ing thei t to of poor v vist

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