Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Dec 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN \ THE, CLASSIRIED SE TION elley "350 NSO L] 4 ) ® ANNIS, BARRTSTYRS Notaries Publi, Ete, Con. Dttrons 71} Bimeon me auch! wa, Phone 4. G, D, : HA, Ten: AP, AOL, Conyey- rd floor Solicitor Notary "Public Money to loan, Thi Building, Opposite Post | 210W 4 X A fy H, jp : olicitor, Notary Puhlie, Con. r. Money to loan, Office, 14! t. East, Oshawa, hone #5. e 837. MN Fraser, Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Dank, Butrance Simcoe St, Phone 18, J. V. Grierson, K.0., T, K. Creighton, B.A, N. OC. Fraser, LA, LOUIS 8, IIVMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to. loan, 16 Simcoe irs nerth, Phone 67, Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- visters, ete. Money to loan. Alger g. Opposite Post Office, Phone A, arkhill, A, C, jel GREER AND IHUMPHREYS, BAR visters, Solicitors, etc, 24% Sir coe tN. e 3160. Money to loan ALEX 0, HALL, B.A, BARRIS. ter, ote, Conveyancing and general practice, 22% King St, East, Phone 3337, 'ur 18 & HARNIS, BARRIS ters, Bolleitors, ete, 41 Alger Bldg,. Oehawa and Port Perry, Phones 750 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 snl Tl rp 8, (Dec, 2-1 month) = Medica! DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher, Office and resis ence, King St, Erit, corner Victoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR. HAROLD W, TRICK, PH ISI clan, Susgeon, Obs'ctriciun, Special references to ynaternity work and di seases of wonen, Two vears' post Araduate experience, Office and resis ence 167 ¥imeoe St. N., {cor, Brock) DR, GRANT HARRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obscetrician, diseases of infant nd ehildras, Office Jd ! ' On( ast, one pp I HAZLEWOOD, 1'1YSI- ciar and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro. thewpy, fice, Disn./ Block, Phone 2080, OMic: open 9 am, bonm Residence 161 King Fast, Phone 2114 VR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM L. RC P and S Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St, N. Phone 3020 'residence 161 King St. E, Phone 3155, [ ARCHER BROWN, MD, L. R CP. & 8 Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at tention to maternity work and dis: cases of children, Office and resi dence, 185 Simecue 3t. North, Phone 3107 se AG ae PRG. W. CARR, PHYHICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office ond residence, 613 Simcoe stregt north, Plone 2415, (Oct, 9-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. TF. T, BRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will Le at his office over Jury & Loveli's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation und treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments mav be made ul drug store. Phone 97. Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat OR EF RICHAWDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hous 10 to 12 am, 2 to 5 Evenings by 'appotatment, Oftice phone 2660 432). : . AW, : TR | over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 12 a.m. 2 to 5, Evenings by appoint. ment, Office phone 1490, Resid ence 8548. "Dental : PR. S. ). PHILLIPS. OVER BAS. set's, Spedil attention to Xeray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at ten one 959. House 1312 . 4 = C KS er Mitchell's rug Store raction. Phone 54. 9 ¥, UBBELL, BuN'| LA trous oxvien gas fof extra. Nitro Office, Royal Bank Blde hi esidence, 1378M. BR T ? BROCK. DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St over Dewland's Phone 1987. Res. 202\V, Evenings by Ber SRT OFFIC Reuont Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 3 or DR. L E H WNG - PR DAVIES 3? Ring St. E. Special at: Suga, § gas extraction and X.rav work, - Nurse 'in attendance. Phones 3 A 1 a Architects STENHOUSE -- GENERAL C ectural work, Second floor, Korat Bank Building, Phone 1496 THO architects, Simcoe St. 8 Over Felt Bros. : c Stenographer "HILTON, 17 SIMOUR street north, Phone 1600, Bpeclal yates for malling lista end olrculay work, Nov, 20-1 mo) NOGRAPIY AND Moderate prices, * 0g. Dkk eeag) (Nov. 311 mo.) Phoue 912J, ENGLISH WOME FORK nies, hot Ti ran sakes and pastries, '| Field, Barristers, ete, sto., ete. 'Meank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 2873F, (774) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND ELA (ORTAR nd Civil En io Land Survevors A A ; planping, 8 or 411 King cers, sub-divisions, municipal engineers LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST East, Ambulance, Residence, 542 Sim. toe street north, Phones 210] and bi one DISNEY 87 Celina street, hawa, Bruce street, Ambulance, DAVIS AND SON, TNSURRACE. 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency Iw Oshawa, 30 Re 1 Companies, WHEN PLACING IN A gonsult R, N, Johps, B80 Bimeoe north, Your Insurapce 'wants At. tended to and your interests pro- tected, Transportation CARPAGE AND BTORAUR, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Bpecialists in furniture moving, storage ware. house and moving van equipment, Phone §2. id CARTAGE, MOVING, ORAVEL Local and long sand and cinders, distans ~~ hanling. Phone 348. ani 30511 Fmith and Cox, 887 King ut, Ww, OSHAWA'S lishe! furniture movers, car ave, Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park RJ South, Phone 216, Nov, 16-1 mo) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Phone 2631M, Chris Urabam, 870 Verdun Road, (Nv, 14-1 month) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU. PERMAWENT wave, Special #5 and $7.50. Finger wave and shampoo $1, Facial 75¢, Hair cutth g 25¢, Fhone 2068 or 86 Simeone North, ¥ EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman. ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham: poo $1, Phone 2968, " WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar. eelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 5) cents; For appointments phos 3663, (Dee, 18-1 mo) MARCEL AN OLDEST ESTAB- Park Road AND CURL S0¢, EYH brow arching, 25¢, Mrs, Everette Bell, apartment 9 Edward Apartments, Quebee Street, For appointments phone 3266F, (Dee, 31 Mo) VARGRL AND CURL 2be, MRS, Clark, 147 Agnes 8t, Phone 2640J (Dee, 11-1 mo) EET BS CS Building Supplies CTMENT BLOCKS TON SALTS To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date, W. Borrowdale, phone 1618, v of this nature, and collect for same, All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN. ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for Sale Articles For Sale WHITBY TOWN REAL HOMK seven roomed, brick house, fur- nace, garage, nice lawn, good gar den, asparagus bed, strawberries, Real buy, Get particulars, James Ryan, Cannington, (188¢) ALLL AA Willd Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER fields made tn order, We save vou money, Estimates free, G, A, Con stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1503), (5611) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, 75 cents, | ren wl supplied $1, Ratteries repaired Sian lideon, 20 Mil 81. Phone 1866W, Deg, 18.1 mo) BATTERIES CAAILOED AND DE livered 76¢, reutal #he, and Lhe entire electrical system of car re paired, ¥04 Oshawa Blvd, Phous J113W, (Dee, 13-1 mo) WE DO BOBY REPAIRS TO rars and trucks, Also general wondwork, W, Fry, 40 Bond wesi, Open evenings, (Nov, 14-1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, . nity, Invalid or general nursing, For information phone 1288, (Nov, 27-1 mo) PRACTIGAL NURSE DINEN: guged, maternity, invalid or general nursing, Doctor's references, For information phone T42M, (Dee; 6:1 mo RT Wel BOI CR Hemstitching Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To. ronte) pupils prepared for all exams, Oshawa, Wednetday, 02 Simos 8 North. Phone 2754F, (1291 CEONKRD RICHER, LT, T. A. M., Director of Musie, Oshawa Coliegi- ate and Public Schools, Studio, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 2034J, (Nov, 16:1 mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONK of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St, E, Phone 739M, (Nov-14-1 mo.) adio Service ADO EPA RE ON ALL MOD: els at a reasonable price by an ex- pert Radio-Triclan, All work guar, anteed, Nattery charging 7be, Bat' teries for sale, Geo, Burroughs & Won, Phone 882-11, Graduate Na+ tional Radi, Institute, (Dee, 2-1 mo) OSHAWA WADIO SERVICE AC cessorius for sale, repairs on elec. trie and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged. rental supplied, $1, Phone 1046J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, (Dec, 6-1 mo) Painting und Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS ['A erhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work guaranteed, 340 Pine Ave, phoue w or Ww, (721) A. G. TURNER, PAINTER AND Paperhanger, Only first class work guaranteed; 20 years experience Prices reasonable, Phone 2460W, (Novy, 16.1 mo.) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM LOANS, TRO. aress loans arranged, Parkhill & Alger Bide, one 1614. §HOOND HAND DEALER, FUR. niture bought and eold. 156 Bloor St. Rast one 1617M, (th Shoe Repairing BEST PLACE T0 HAVES YOUR shoes fixed is at Menko's corner Sim "| oce and Willlam west, Expert skate sharpening and shoeshine, i (Nov, 21.1 ma) Watch Repairing IA, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop #1 4414 King Street \Vest, Your pats vonage in solicited Caulking HAVE ALL CREVICEY AROUND your windows and doors filled with plastio cement and shut out the cold draft, saves fuel, the vos: ls small, Free estimates, J. fl. Law: son, RR, No. 2, Oshawa FHhene T2302 Dec. 4-1 mo) NINE CENTS PER YARD, PLEAT- ed Skirts, one dollar, alterutivns, ote, All kinds of veautiful fanay work on sale, Mrs, ell, §6% Sim: goe South, Phone 1656, (Nov, 15-1 mo) Li. F urniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. No job too small or too large. George A, Lomee, Phone 1406M, (Deg, 4-1 mo) MINED HARD AND SOFTWOOD slabs, $3.50 per loud, Also bone dry Fd wos aterous Meek Limied "hone 288, "nm 4 FOR EALe~--H A [V3 Ltd, pianos, pew and used planus, Also radios, latest wodels; torus Aleanged, Apply C, Trull, Phone 16664, (Ah 0) FOR SALE -- ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas geese and chickens alive or dead, delivered, Phone 1683+ 1-14, (1381) VIOLINS FOR SALE AND RE paired, bows rehaired J, Peel, Whitby, - a) OR SALE=GOOD FOUR TUBL radio, with tubes, bargain $20, Can be heard any evening 9 Buckingham Ave, beside Alexandra Park (139h) WHE CARRY A FULL LINK OF OCM skates and boots, Your old air taken In exchange, Open venings, 12 Nichmond street east, Phone 8774, (1408) ACTGATLY URED ARATER AND boots complete outfits from #2 up, also a large assortment of sleighs from B0¢ up, Open evenings, 12 Richmond Ht, East, Phone 2774, (1408) --. % Help--Wanted Male WANTED=ELECTRICAL ENGIN cer wanted do small' job around $30 ance $6 month, Apply Box 387, Times (138¢) RADIO HALEBMAN WANTED, Apply Bex #i8 Times, (1400) EARN $6 TO $10 PER' DAY, AM bitious, reliable men wanted at once Part time pay while training fur Aviation Mechanics; Garage Work, Driving, Battery, Eleotrie, Acetelyn Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Klectricity, Machinist, Rricklaying, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Halvdressing, Act quick, get your aps plication in now, Write or call for in tormation, Dominion Trade Schools, Ltd, Eastern Headquarters, 16) King St. W,, Torento, Employment service ~COast 10 coat, (131-134-137-140-143-146-152) Lake it out deposit on clear lot, Hal For Rent POUT AND mye kun ED MOD ery suites, Including sieetriv retry gration, stove, Isundry, couvenl ences, ote; evntinuOus BOL waler supplied, Apply Supt, 'phone 2671 ur The Trusts and CGusrsotes Co. ltd, manager for owner, Yoronto, a NT) TO RENTSVINE MODERN BUN- wilow and garpge, $15 per month, Apply 1 Ing bt, west, 1361) NICK OOM to rent, board it desired, Apply 78 Bond street west, (1i8e) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent, suit young couple, phone 2) COMVORTABLY, B1X ROOM brick house, 3 piece bath and furnace, rent reasonable, 271 Jarvis Btreet, (1408) TO RENT-FURNIEHED OR UN» furnished rooms alse bed sitting room with light housekeeping fivilegor ils so parage, Apply 165 Ritson Road South, Ge convenjences,, hardwood floors, electric fixtures, newly decorated, Also garage, Immerinte possession, Apply 81 Elgin Bt, East, Phone 1686), (1800) TWO "ROOMA™ ~~ MUANIFHED Kvery convenience for Jght houses keeping, IJdgbt and heat, hong 14707, (10Ke) MODERN "FIX HOUND ROURKE, fixtures, storm windows and gar age, $40 per mouth, hone 1876W, } (1880) 4 ROOME AND bath, fixtures complete, KElectrie stove, steam heat, linen And clothes closets, Central, Owner, Box 868 Times, (1881) FOR RENT: FURNISHED APART ment for light housekeeping, conven ences, near Motors, Phone 2297, 105 Colborne St, last, (130) THREE HEATED WOOME--ALL conveniences, furnished if desired, Apply 287 Dearborne avenue, (180e) TO HENT="MODENN" THRER rooms and hath apartment, electri stove, refrigeration and hot water heating, Apply 161 King Hast, Apartment 2, (1404) AOUEE 70 NENT=FOUR LARGER rooms, sanitary conveniences, Phone J281W, (1800) RN RE I a Notice to Creditors IN THE MATVER OF THE KES« LATE OF FRED BRAMHALL, DE, CLASED, Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or demands againsy Fred Hranhatl, deceased, who died on or about the Eleventh day eof November, AD, 1929, at the city of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, are required to send by post prespald, or to deliver to the undersigned soligitors for Ads die Bramhall, the Administratrix of the estate of Fred Bramball, deceased, thelr names and addresses and Tull particulars in writing of their claims and that after the Jat day of De cember, AD, 1929, the sald Admin istratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the versons entitled thereto, having res gard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 13th day of December, AD, 1929, CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, Oshawa, Ont, Solicitors for the sald Administratrix, Addie Bramhall Dee, 14, 21 and 28, Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, BEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh. awa for men who care, Prices fair and reasonable, 1214 Simcoe Street south, Phone 1583W, (Nov, 29:1 mo.) Contracting CONTRACTING = CONCRETE plastering, electrie or alterations, Phone 139 for estimates (19h) Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS CUT" FUEL bills one quarter. Make cold houses warm and comfortable, Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free und quote low prices on Ready Glazed Storm Windows, fitted and (Dee, 2:1 mo.) annlied Uf desired. rr mre rere uni TA GOOD INVESTMENT $6000 CAN BE INVESTED IN AN old established and reliable manu- facturlwg concern that will pay the investor seven per cent, Inter est, For full particulars apply Box 361 Times Office, (189¢) Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. 1. SULLY auctioneer, M6 Simcoe Si 8, We can sell vour odd pieces of furniture and other articles at our vards, 41 King St W Os) Ontario 8 W, CLARK. 520 Himooe Nt, §, Phone 2603M, (Deo, 14-1 mo) Jets and Live Stock TWO POLICE PUPE -- HEVEN weeks, good natured, wise, Let us tell you mere about them, Phone G87K, y (188¢c) FOR SALE-- IRE PIGS, slx weeks old, Apply C, H, Bnow- den, Phone 208 r 2, Bowmanville, . (1480) CANARTES TOR "SALE -- HIGH class Rollers, guaranteed singers, $3 up, cages and stapds special prices, Oshawa Aviaries, A, Ro 183 Contre St, Phone 3118] a (1400) A Wate Hardwood Floors, 8c Foot YOU CAN BUY HARDWOOD flooring now for only 8c a foor, Freight paid on $10 orders, All end and side matched, Rasy to lav, You can dn tha 'work vourself, We tell vou how, Send for free circular, Halls dav, Box 311, Hawton. Building Material Specialists, WIT, | condition, Apply giving name and Agents Wanted | HAMILTCN DISTRIBUTING Company offers attractive proposition to responsible business or private res presentative, Exclusive territory, Pros position offers non-competitive field Write Room 212R, Lister Block, Hamilton ------ - ER SR Ra a I EB BES eS Position Wanted YOUNG ABLE GIRL WOULD like general housewdrk-or moth: er's help, $15 per month, Apply j00 Pine Avenue, (140a) Room and Board ~~ ROOM AND BOARD = WARM bedroom, suitable for ene or two gentlemen, close to Motors, Breakfast if desired, Apply Box 3% Times, Platonic sR TO ROOM OR BOARD, A GEN: tleman to share room with refined young man, close to Motors, Phone TW, Co (1400) Lost and Found [OST--TRUOR TIRE BETWEEN Oshawa and Solina, Finder please notity Gordon Leask, Taunton, Phone 164r24, (140b) Wanted to Buy - WANTED T0 BUY--G00D URED eleotrie radio, reasonable, in good rice of machine to Hox 360 mes, (1400) a TTI ERE For Sale or Rent FOR HALE OW RENT=FIVE room bungalow, newly decorated, All conveniences, double garage, 047 Ohristle St, Apply 285 Ritson road south or 64 Greta St, hone 1332, (1400) ) ATHHAW'S ~ CTROUTATING library, You will enjoy reading the latest Flotion at minimum cost. Phone 1472, 47 Clmcoe Bt. North (TIN 1) Cr ---------- STE ei ASN TC pp -------- LOAN WANTED CLIENT HAS TWO THOUSAND second mortgage, ill sell at a liberal discount, Louis 8, Hyman, Barrister, Phone 87, ( (1800) El a Military Query.~~What's the uae of a seat of war to a. stand. RRA Notice of Registration of Bylaw REGINTRATION OF NY-LAW Notlee is hereby given that a by-law, No, 1074, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Clty of Oshawa on the 21st day of October, 1880, providing for the lssue of debeytures to the amount of $9,461.00 to pay for the construction of two bridges, and that such byslaw was registers ed In the registry office at Whit. by, County of Ontario, on the 20th day of November, 1029, Any mor tion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and gannot he made thereafter, Dated the 20th day of Novems ber, 1089, F, B, HARE, Clerk, (138-134-140) (140-140-152) NOTIOR OF Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notice 18 hereby given that a by-law No, 1077, was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa on the 21st day of October, 1929, providing for the fasue of debentures tq the amount of $0,178,00 to pay for certain roadsmaking machinery and appliances, and that suoh bys law was regiutered in the registry office at Whithy, County of Ou» tarlo, on the 20th day of Novem. ber, 1989, Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and eannot be made hereafter, Dated the 20th day of Novem: bor, 1028 F, B. HARE, Clerk, (128-184-140) x A Dritleh orulasar called for w few hours at an Irieh port. One of the natives, meeting a beard: ed Irish tar in the street, sald, "Mickey, when ave you golng to place your whiskers on the pes serve lat!" "When you place your tongue on the ofvil lst!" ing army? was the sailor's veply, Rates for | Classified Ads. First lusertion-114 cents per word, Minimum charges 400, Kach subsequent eonsoeiis tive Insertion leo per word, Three consesulive inser: tions for thy price ol two first \nsertions (three cents a word), Minimnom charge for three insertions, 40 cevits, Box number 100 additional Professional or Tusiness Cards, $2.60 per month for 20 wordy or less; 1v cents a word per month for each wdditions) word, TIMER CLAKSIVIED ADR CONE LITTLE; ACY COMPLIBH MUCH TELVIHONK 80 Ask tor Classified Ad f Depurtinent f | { Ran --_." i ak » EARLY RECOVERY OF BUSINESS 18 SEEN Financial Panic No Sign De- pression Will be Lengthy, Says Spesker "MOMENTARY HALT" Floyd 8. Chalmers Predicts Industrial Upturn Within | Six Months Montreal, Dee, 4=Characterizing the recent stock market crash as "on ly 4 momentary pause on the Can adian highway of progress," Vieyd 8, Chalmers, editor of the Finangidl Post, stated in an address tao men bers of the Montreal Advertising Club that within six months at most, he believed that business would he buck te normal in the primary indus tries to be followed hy & recovery in other lines, At the present thi business 18 at uw Wher level than two no, he stated I'he tople of the address was ada's Northward Mareh," Mr Cire Lun Chinle | PRINCE AS PILOT AROUSES TIMOROLS Those Who Objected to Him Riding Are Again Fearful NOW QUALIFIED H. R. H, Enjoys Speed, Pri vacy and Comfort of Flying London, Dee, 16-The mollyood diers again ave beginning to got on the nerves of the Prince olf Wales, Under thelr misguided goal for his safety and well-being they are always trying to butt in on and prevent him from having those rather ordinary pleasures which any manly, high-strung pei son of 456 likes to have, Hometime ago they were in grent fenr hecause of hig hard riding In hunting and point-to-point racing, Now they are In equally great fear because of the frequency wilh which he travels in airplanes, Up to the time of IMs royal fa. ther's serious (liness, which began about & year ago, the Prince was a prominent member af the Melton Mowbray hunting erowd, He also took frequent and aetlve part In the point-to-point hurdle races got up hy regimental organizations His frequent falls became a subject for Jest upon the part of some, of fear on the part of others, Is No Quitter All of them figured that where a man, day by day, putting his horse over high fences and hurdles, even the hest horse, plloted by the best rider sometimes will slip and fall, And serious Injuries from these spills are hy no means rave, If the Prince had been an ordinary rieh young man, there would have heen no publicity about his spills, But what the writers failed to emphasize was his pluck, Other ardent riders, whe had dangerous falls and had shoulders dislocated, loat thelr nerve and quit, But the Prince went right en, Then the mollycoddlef got In thelr work, Their theme wan that the heir to the throne had no right to risk his life, The matter wad echoed In Parliament, One day the then Prime Minister, Rt, Hon Stanley Baldwin, for whom Prince has a high told the heir to the throne the feeling of many people about this riding business, The Prince thought ft over and when he oame home from Africa In his celebrated dash to be at the slek-bad of his father, it was given out that he was disposing of his Melton Mowbray horses, ing over a large number of official duties of the king, he no longer had the time for racing and hunts Ing, The mollycoddlers breathed a algh of relief, Rut now they are all up in arms again, For the Prince has tak to travelling by airplane and even handling the controls, Ils first experience with flying was when he stayed at the front in France and made trips some of the Britlah alrmen, Ap parently he forgot all about the alr until a couple of years ago when he bought a Westland Waps iti and made au occasional flight piloted by Squadron Leader Don, But the Prince only took to the alr In earnest after his father's recovery, With hia many engage: ments, it heoame irksome to him to have to take traing to travel 300 to 400 miles, Hven while travel ling In a private car, he was star ed at as If he were a goldfish in a glass bowl, do ha flew to Dognor where his father was convalesving, Later, in rather bumpy, and stormy weather, he flew to Rirkenhead to attena the Hoy Scouts' Jamboree, The comfort, the privacy, the thrill of tiylug appealed to him, ER ------ Firat Boy (hoasting)=My pa'y got a wooden leg. detond Noy-~Huh! dat aint WRN, wy sleter's got a cedar ohest, ' the regard, had a quiet chat with him in which he Tre rea aon given wan that, as he waa tak machings with referrod first to cond) In Can N nies busine lu Effects Felt { "Just at present bi Canada," he "we are feeling the effects of i slight decline In the volume of bus ess helng here 1s no gen eral depression the volume of busi ness today Is greater than It was two vears ago, We have held four-fifths it least of the major inerease In Can dian trade that has taken place dur w there last five years of prosperity "The stock market Is net ta blame for the declining husiness, The peak of the | swing in trade was reached Inst April, Helore security § hroks me deeline In business was notlecable, Tight meney, a short crop and a slow moving erop, read justment in several major industries vore Influences that at work r to the steele market smash up "The financial paule has had an effect that is largely psychologleal so far ns Its direct effect on business Is concerned It does not foreeast a lene term period of business depres glen "The upturn In our primary indus come within three Ix months at most, With in a vear we will he hack again on he higher road of even greater rosnerity, We have lust heen paus ing to eateh nur hreath Brief Interlude of the most profound influ ne on, Canadian husiness and a factor that insures us that the pres sent decline In husiness valume Is merely & hrief interlude In a gener sinld, dont UWA were tries should months, or "One os y There's a lot more cackling=--"'1've laid an egg' =-when you give your hens a daily dose of Makes Hens Lay More Eggs fold by all dealers Wrike for Pratte Poultyy Book Free 14 Dm. i Some dot COOPER-SMITH CO. Oshawa 16 Celina St. ation of IIL puesptiiny that we my hops to enjoy, 16 the 10st Bee gly vapid development that is Hike ing plage in a northern empive this ig only now beginning to bring us # retin "I owag Inn great many of our ple oneering northern towns (his suns mer, 1 saw many things of interest from u merchandise standpoint, "I saw # low cabin store fifty miles from rallway with ready-made wine dow displays that were exact dup)is entes of window displays in stores of Toronto and Montresl, Tn a mining town that 15 entirely made up of temporary buildings, the products ii the stores were advertised products of national distribution, sttractively displayed, "I bought film peeks of an odd slze at Cranberry Portage, a standard rigor blade at Flin Flon and a nas tionally advertised elgaretts In the Peace River block of Northern Brite ish Columbia "At Island Falls in Northern Sass katehewan which ean only be reach» ed by airplane or canoe, 1 had a glass of a nationally advertised ginger alg cooled with jee eubes from un nations lly wdvertised refrigeration maehing, New Markets opening of the north Is ereats / CHE MANY new mkrkets idan merchandise, Canada ls running d mall hy airplane tw the Aretie Ocean, The northern tors minus of this alr route will he twice as far north of the American horder 18 It is from that herder to Mexleo, I'he postage on a letter Is two cents, "he for Can "hi regula Inter ryiee i Jptoms EYESIGHT SPECIALIST EOI" A v Eve Care snd Bye io Disney Block 13 1516 Phone-- 1510 ------ Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! MOTO LOANK AND DIN COUNTS LTD, Felt lock Hoom 6 "hone B/W0 DISNEX-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina Nt, Phone 1088 A MA Radios Repaired The Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED 00 Blmeoe Be, A, Phone 900 Phone 8 On the inevitably effects of construction, the marks of Time's destructive hand will slowly but The best protection a just, the Red Cedar Shingles. They will endure the disintegrating attacks of passing years; and endurance resisting all need of patching or repairing. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 Time most durable building become apparent, time ia "ED their etrength

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