THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 7 4 1929 LbbbAlssssl aes a Add EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS ede dod Lede rerryy rrr rT TY YYTYY bbb ddd ddl dd dod ddd id dd " NEW ARENA OPENED Spencerville == Spencervitle's new Yeoverad arenas was officially opene fast evening when a pif of over B00 ussembled to wiiness the occasion, FINED FOR INTOXICATION Brockville--A Finlander employed focally us u laborer, paid $10 fine and $7.25 costs bn police court this morn fing on a rharge of publie Intoxica ton, COUNTY BRIDGE COMPLETED Ihe large bridge on the Cobourg fsore's Landing round at Nixon's 1s weompleted mand open for traffic, The mew stedctire Is wider than the old bridge, SETTLED OUT OF COURT 3 Cobouwrg"The netlon of Perey Charles Berry ngainst W, i Gabeen, velit dmplement dealer of Pontypool, and J. A, Vinee, wn bailiff from Mill oo hrook, wis settled out of court by the Wilefondants paying the plaintiff $0650, It was an wetlon over the excessive selaire of $4,000 of Ahattely over $300 "rent due, ARRESTED ON FRAUD CHARGE Cobonrg=1Vdgnr Nelson, of Port Hope, was arrested by Chief Ruse on Velduy evening on a charge of fraud, it belng alleged that he secured an sin of maney from a Cobourg lady on the assumption that was an agent on the asswoption that he was an agent for un Cobourg "rm, Hp ds to Abe ar before Police Muglstrite Yioyd In police court an Saturday morning, and In the meantime he Is held in wii A... er 18 MIMCOK NT, ROUTH AAA Hi BOND NT, Wha PEP TVTVTTTTVTIVVTIETIV ITTV VIIIVOVIITIYIIYIOITYIIYIIYIYIIIOYYTYY ARENA OPENING Brockvillo=Considefable lce was wade ut the arena duping list jah and to-day, Manager CG, C, Howison attiotneed that the opening Tor this winter Is scheduled for Saturday aft erpoon of this weeld, If weather cone ditions continue suitable, CHARGED WITH THEFT OF CHEES Cupourg==At Roseneath on Monday n futher und son, belonging to Peter: boro, were charged with the theft of # cheese on fale night in that village, The case was put over for 4 week for further pe 0 eo COUPE RAMS TOWED TRUCK Cobourg=+On "I'hursday evening last un Chevrolet coupe, driven by 8, Zeu~ land, uf Port Hope, crashed Into ua large construction truck belonging to the Raymer Construction Co, as it wis being towed west on the highs way by another truck, The road wus quite slippery at the time, and the front of the Chevrolet was badly damuged, It wus turned over on its side on the road, ALMOST FROZEN OVER Broekville=The extremes cold wea- ther which prevailed last night snd through the early hours of this morne ing raised u fog over the surface ol the river that prevented a view of the water for any considerable dis tanee, but abou midsmorning with » noticeable moderation in the tempera tire, the fog Nfted and it was then seen that the rive from both shores had been covered during the night with a thin fils of lee, only the chan nel remaining ope n One reason why the old-time ma- | tron was thinner was becduse un can ory wasn't hier only responsibiloty Is ingston Whig Standard, Jrves sovmaipiase TIME TABLES Amarth dh Sdpdrion C, PR TIME TAPLE Effective Dept, 19, 1920 (Standard Time) Colng West am, Dally (Exeept Sunday 0, a.m Dally HAD aan Disity (Except Bundy) £05 po Daily 7.4 pom. Daily (Kxeept Sunday) Cong East a.m. Dally Toronto, Hubbk, They ure REAL ESTATE MEN GIVEN. REMAND Bail In Comins. Charge Raised to $100,000 for Each of Accused Dae. 14, Hibbs snd L, M, Durlingham, pres ident. and secretary of Hubbs and renl-estate brokers, remanded for one week when they appeared In polles court yesterday, charged with conspiracy to defraud the publle and were ar« rested last night following Invest |« Harold W, ware gation of the books of the com pany made by the ettorney-gener- 1's department, The amount gone In estimated at $320,450, Pail was ralsed from $50,000 each to $100,000 eneh hy Crown Attorney Krlg Armour, BE A Traffic Is Much Lower On Canals ------ Ottawa, Dee, 13Reduced grain shipments almost cot (raffic in fwe through Canadian ¢anuls in Novem her as compared with November of lust year, Wheat passing through Canadian and United States locks ot Sault Ste, Marie was lighter by 2« 192000 tons through Welland Cane al, 499,000 tos and St, Lawrence cus COAL 3060 MALLETT'S a i A Re... -Ho. nals, 501,000 tons, Other grains were also substantial, MAGNETIC SURVEY WORK A magnetic survey party from the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, just returned from the field, spent the summer making magnetic whserva tions along the Albany river and in James bag returning via the Abitili river, FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE SENTENCED Orangoyille, Dec, 15, Vor many yours un Chief of Police In several towns In Ontario, Willlam Munyog Morgan is today occupying on cell in the county jail here, He wan tried and convicted by Judge J, C, Moore herve yesterday and sentence od to threes months for assaulting Mayor Thomas 8. Hewson of this town, Mrs, ¥lorence the prisoner, was sentence for ono convicted of the Wednesday, Morgan, wife of glven suspended year, She wan same charge on How can you possibly cross the street when the cars keopcoming alonglikethin? London Answers Charge Against Woman Drof pe. (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Vatican City, Dee, 14,-'T'he Vat fean legal authorities yesterday an nounced that the case againgt Mar guerite Gadum, who attempted to | shoot Monsignor Smit (n 8t, Peter's | Cathedral last month, had been dropped because the woman wos "of fofirm mind," The woman hus heen turned over to the Bwedlsh ACracHh, (° consul who Is arranging for her re | Ug a O! uh " RTy HEY Tr! turn to fweden, ----- A London reglstrar was astonished when a bride smoke asked his pernvission t i cigarette cremony., daring the And mar might ew modern brides would' have well he a a | permission Punch, nt e-- ELLA CINDERS---Short Story Conference hv Reg. U. 8 Pac, OFF, Copyright 1929 by Mewopolitn Newspaper Service Lr aa A ee By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb VP rom oy | THATS MS TURD, I'm F A gir TO START CASTING THE PICTURE! AND THERE'D BETTER, BE SOMETHING REI TELLING TOMMY MILK CALLED DADDY PASTEURIZED, MILK THAT HAS BEEN PUT THROUGH A PURIFYING PROCESS DEVISED BY LOUIS PASTEUR, TOMMY SP JA p---- -- THE STORY THE SICK OF FRANCE TOLD PASTEUR [ED MIM 70 THE STUDY OF CONIAGIOUS IILASE AND GERMS SUNKNORMS THEY HAVE 10 == THAT THE PASTEURIZE MILK 4 REASON THEY PUT 5 0 PURIFY I, THE COWS INA PASTURE ? i | m---- 10.04 Dally (Kxeept Munday) Daily (Exesit Bunda) Dutly (Except Saturday ) Dally BM Ee... A fi avid Anslis 's Famous 204 pom HOS pm 110 pm 12,08 am LOUIS STEUR Liquid Powder tion wo A ee Selvety y~ Yi fe oe hr. o akin, oh oh "RY AND LOVELL, LTD, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS PURITY OF MILK CALLED PASTEURIZING, THIS ISD0NE BY HEATING THF MILK TOA TEMPERA TURE OF 130° T0 160°F, THIS KILLS THE BAC TERIA WHICH TAUSE SOURING OR MAY PRODUCE DISEASE, PASTEUR ALSO DISCOVERED THE METHOD ed OF CHECKING HYDROPHOEIA BY INOCULATION 190. King Features Bynds CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, #¥, 1920 f h " (Standard Time) . 7 \ We oo Ean LIASTEUR WAS A FRENCH CHEMIST WHOSE RE M4 am Runiiny only SEARCHES AND DISCOVERIES IM THE FIELD OF Li7 Bink: lly: exonty Sunday, BACTERIOLOGY HAVE MADE HIM ONE OF THE WORLDS GREATEST BEMEFACTORS, AJC DEVISED THE METHOD OF PRESERVING THE 43 pom, Dally, exeept Sunday, ih EX am Nid am HA poi Dally, except Bunday, 143 pom Daily 1.3 pom, Daily, sncept Saturday, 107 am, Dally 12.2% po Daily Westbound 48 am, Dally S85 wom, Dad iv 550 wom, Daily 6,20 wom, Daily S08 wm, Daily except Sunday, 202 nom Daily except Sunday, 447 pom Daily -- | 7.19 pone Bunday only BETWEEN) MAGOIR'S 7.00 pom. Dally exeent Sunday | ky ' QR 54 bom Daily escent Sunday SINGIN AN HER a BROTHERS VIOT Whithy. Oshawa Bowmanville WERE, MY LAME BUS LINE ONE MISERY. AFTER WEEK DAY SUHELULE ANOTHER (Effeative on and after Apt " (Dayligm Serine ive) ate, Ine Ovest Britain rights reserved WILLIAMS' Taxi Service it PHONE 1400 Oetnor Bong a aince Wtroote except Sunday, By Geo. McManus mi HAT © THIS? A | I TTER FROM [| MAGGIES BROTHER iH -- | om Jaa4 pe i) qo Limb oes am Er Ady loseds oy I'M GLAD | MY MOTHER ( CAN'T HEAR | 1") ! T! J | Atamel Maa KX amv ¢ W.A. HARE OMPOM ETRINT 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people weay with utmost comfort Hare's Fanltiess Lenses : . 4S p.m | HCD | li Ba Ra DI AMONDS BURNS JEWELRY 4] ily 7 GO STORE : King & Prince Nis, g 2 232: PETSssss 382 Sess esy Ssasasss 2 EJ CECH ERwRET SrogerCTas E38 > magweih SLER2BERE2 TNS Bore All Wool Wind. \ breakers. All $1 95 plzes . ....., DOMINION CLOTHING to ' oN ING BT. W 1 hone wid We Deliver =D er ase Ts LIBERTE 333333333 Se THE VERY SMALLEST DOG IN THE WORLD |S INSIDE \ Hine ae ello AWhithy Hosmal SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Whithy ave Leave Borenranvile Oshawa ful em | HA am I Spm 148 pn Sam Ep . REPA TRING WAT OUR SPECIALTY It your wateh ts not glving pitintaction. we oan repalt and make it tall the earpect time D. J. BROWN \ THE JEWELER Oficial Wateh Inspector for Canadian Natlonal and Osh awa Ratlroads 10 King 86, W, Phone 180 a eed Nam H 3 po Hom Nam THEY CAME TO THE POND AGAIN= AND THERE WAS THB UGLY FROM = "THEY TOLO HER "THEIR STORY- "I WiLL. HELP You'= IT SAID = AND DOVE DOWN IN "THE WATER == \ Hem LA bey ime ninthen Whithy Hosmiak Rentmabe Mores poo te Uhr Sen \ dt 014 hry ON Bowmanville "" t Waltisg Ream. 10 Prince SL PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 0 Sipigoo Bt, HB. w= Wo Deliver Te FROG CAME BACK AND HANDED THEM A WAL NUT 'GUARD IT CAREFULLY} IT SAID -- You SupposE "THERE'S A DoGAIR . BoBRY~ AND WHEN "THE y INSIDE? SAID AY Waal Boeay AND COMEY WENT SADLY ON THEIR WAY= "WHERE CAN WE EIND THE SMALLEST Dod IN THE WORLD P THEY CRIED a TILLIE THE TOILER--A Long and Short Argument QLAD "S00" By Russ Westove: IP WANTING INSURANCE of any Wind Neal Estate or money wn wher wn fame bontes allow me to MVE You H, R. LUKE pe eit Theatre h one E71 er 087 HELL ©, [ON GARY! BIS "YoU SEE "TUE JN THAT LONE RRES™ YT |S Fa & oem \'M 'EM I'M NOT = LIKE THE \F "THEY | HAD ANY [SENSE SEXO STICK TO THE SHORT DRESSEY THE G\RLS ARE COMING BACK TO THEIR SENSES WITH THE LONG A ao Sales for ADA RADIOS me In und hear them oF 4 ' a, i fi | : ' 10 lo "st, Ww ho he A ARE ' y i 7 Ms g ) ny Pi : JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Byosight Specialist Phone 8210