THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1929 PASE NI Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... THE LOCAL SCREEN or Who's Who & What's What. in the Amuse- ment World Famous Story of Old "Frisco's Waterfront Midnight and the waterfront of old San Francisco, Sinister figures flitting through the mist from strange ships manned by weird erews, Faces in the fog answering a mysterious summons, and looking for the ship of "Tiger" Larrabee, Qut of the night comes a girl and | production of the picture before My, her rival lovers; a ragged derelict | Wilcox was satisfied that he had following the path hs revenge; | something unusual, and now having wronged man seeking the one who been released through World Wide sole i wife and" then--the grizzly | Pietures, the photoplay will have its midsnight fog and a black man | first presentation in this eity at the launching wnseen death darts--weird | Regent Theatre on next Monday, drum beats--a hand cutting the| The action takes place In a San cables of a mystery ship, and the lisse | Franeiseo Night Club, the docks on ing, black waters, carrying the boat |the water-iront and on beard a ship down the bay, afloat in the fog of the harbor, It From this thrilling opening, | was written by John Williard, author "Black Waters," an all-talking ples|of the famous mystery stage play ture, earries on to a sensational elis| "Phe Cat and The Canary," I'he max In one of the most intriguing | diveetion Is by Marshall Nellan and dislogue photoplays that has been | the principal players are James Kirks thrown on the screen this year, wood, star of Many screen successes | "Phe producer is Herbert Wileox, | Mary Brian, whem Barrie selected to produeit head of British & Demin: | play his screen "Poter Vang" John tons Film Corporation, Ltd, whose Bh handsome English leading man alertness io up-to-date screen enters | hrought to America by Famous Play taloment, has resulted in a novel all ers; Lloyd Hamilted, star of many dialogue photoplay with an evenly dis | sercen comedies: Frank Reicher, not vided cast of English and Ameriean|ed stage anid sereen plaver; Robert artists know' on both sides of the] Ames and + Hallam Cooley all sup * Atlantie, worted by the piek of Amerlean and Three months were spent in the Enalish nrtists "Black Waters" is ple ture with all the subleties that made "The Cat And The of the most talked plays of its day, Tt was adapted fram Mr, Williard's other Broadway success "The Fog" that ran in New York for the best part of an entire theatrical season Along the waterfront of present day San Urgnelsco and in the eabin of a mystery ship manned by a my: terious erew and a weird captain, the pleture moves swiftly and with sus pense to a surprise denouement that ia sald to held the audien spell bound, Through it all Is woven a delightful lave story spleed with thrills that end a mystes Canary," on the eonclusion of a most unusual evening's entertaliment Dressed as an Indian and with the better part of a bottle of soda nop dripping from the front of his clothing, Junior, the H-year-old son of a Hobsler attorney, romp ed fnteo his father's office to diss turh the equanimity of a group of political conferees Lloyd Hamilton in "Black Waters" coming Monday to the New Maps tin Theatre, only when the last werd is spoken at | CONFIDENT BREMEN WILL HOLD RECORD Official of German Lloyd Line Gives Opinion During Visit TALKS ABOUT WAR Joseph Henry Ross Here in Connection with Eu. charistic Congress Montreal, Dee, 14,.The Bream en can heat the Mauretanin's time, if the latter should heat the Bremen's record, in the opinion of Joseph Henry Hows, Bremen, Gefmany's official of the North German Lloyd, in an luterview herve, Ross 18 in Canada at present making arrangements for the next Hucharistie Congress, to he held in anclent Carthage neay Tunis, As Knight Commander Papal Or ders of Mevoedarians, Lateran and Maint Mepulohre, aitached to the eoclesinstion] department of the North German Lloyd, as well as being brother-of Bishop John Ross, Wa, Hiroshima, Okayama, Japan, My, Itoss 18 entrustea with making arrangements on this continent for the transportation te the Ku eharisite Congress 1n Afriea, After conferring with Joes) ecolosinstion, he go to the United slate Mexleo and Cuban, before [ vaturning to visit Western Canada, Oviginally he had hoped for a whole shipload of delegates to go to the Mediterranean eity from America, but he thought that the stock market crash had hurt pros peels considerably, He could not from Canada In Australin The last congress fu during 1088 drew people, that Chicago hrought 4,000,000 A special host frog Genoa would take many Huropesn delegates, but he could not esti mate how many would attend aus ing the eeremonles, which were to be held trom May 6 to May 11 Mr, Ross wad a major with | Blasting in ° 'wlum during the war | He sald that he felt the German regime was not unduly harsh, the war being considered or ingténoe, Belgium being shout HU percent Catholie, the Germans put a Cath. ole in command in the later years of the was, which nade. J. pepler for the Delglans, since' the Cathe offfeinls sympatheti Eu Australia 1,000,000 wart Fh as a A Sensational Me An' All- Talking Picture! with MARY BRIAN JOHN LOADER LLOYD HAMILTON ROBERT \ Ww an WoW gah gpg wh oY ary ow Vy wil A {of M wy of Ww . frst wo a natty Ao Ww A me Wn \ AO \ Joy oe Cort \ RW gar athe' Ww Tie \ (oo\? awn prov ae! ol LE an ane ow of & fol por hl won gard 4 vow oat \ nel LL po V {8001 JAMES KIRKWOOD HALLAM COOLEY FRANK REICHER BEN HENDRICKS NOBLE JOHNSON lodrama AMES Lloyd Hamilton \ '" Peacetul Valley' ALSO ! ANTOLE FRIEDLAND in TINKLING TUNES FOX NEWS | NEW MART Starting MONDAY 3 DAYS glve a guess ns to how many would | ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS STOPS THE SHOW FLICKERS FROM PILMDOM AND GOBIP OF THE SCRERN Ll OERAL REVIEW OF BCREEN ACTIVITIES -~ Warner Baxter in "Queh Men Are which will ba direet®f by Kenneth per, Claude Allistgr and Bela Ls » "A Night In a Dormitory" a P Harry Delmar, has bog paid the the third week at the Colony Theat Vathe Audio Weyview No, 2 was the same theatre, CR Joan Arthur Is ta he again, Bhe Is to play wpposite pleture tn whieh the young the recently completed talking filin performers, "Young lagles' 1s 10 who guided Rogers through his firs » w Conrad Nagel has been slgned 10 This sll=talking production Is ta be The King's Men," Houston Branch, who " Plante and John Boles pravislonally entitled "The Lund of its long-term contract with Boles wrote w Dorls Kenvon has been signed by lead opposite Rod LaReeqgue In Smith story, Other lgned for Laeorpe will direct * # chosen by Universal to direst "Th well-known stage play ha Hoffman and Tom Reed of the year I LR J Karl Dane, the great D mustache brigade 'My new girl jo And now has Joined the site adornment one," he explained The officers, he sald, were kinder and better as one went up the sonle, an' the highwe offieials were fine men, who were forced to do thelr. duty He belleved most of them felt with the Kalser, that the Impey lalistio a'mu I a place in Lhe sun were necessary for Germany's fut ure, He himself had always be leved that the Hwisg republican system would be good for Gel many, and when 17 years of as had taken a olout from his father who resented such Moelalstle ut terances, Hindenburg was not a! epublenn at heart, bul 1 was willing to de his duty b his eountry. und as president, he served as his wie wished him, | He added that Germany did nol Want to see war again Two Intopseting Men here were two interesting men standing alongside him at Bissing's burial, he declared, One was Crown Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria, a dashing officer, and the other wad a high official who subsequently married, had his wife desert him the same day, and today that of fleer is a canon In a ohureh in Rome, his dives belng granted by the pope on the grounds of It belng no true marriage Personal friend of the My, Ross sald he consulted Holy Father peveonally permanent Catholle altars North German Lloyd boat Pope approved, and now steamehip lines have copled model, , Mr, Ross sald many Germans although they felt wlad to he away from military supervision, felt sorry when the Hritish Army of Oceupation left Germany for the Germans had got to lke them This sentiment did not colnelde with thelr feelings upon the de parture of the French and Rel glans, he averred, A ---------------- Pope, the ahout far Thi other | his Mis, Grigas! "hose naw nelghbors of ours must be pleh Judging from tha clothes they wear, Mi Griguw "That's a poor way to judge, my dear, Home of the most gorgeous flowers haven't got a soent," J \ Clara Bow and Tames Hall in "" soene from "The Saturday Night Katherine Dale Owen Is the final selection as 1eadlng woman with ussigned to featured roles In the pleture are Albert Contl, Hedda Hop leading woman lor Rogers in" Paramount players will go still higher in the alr than they went In thelr previous pleture, has completed un story for the Duryea, Charles Middleton and Walter Long William Wyler, wha has just completed "Hell's Heroes" heen adapted to the talking will go his upper lp [Large Crowd Sees Bruce ha thought | EE ------------. | near future, Dangerous," the Elinor Glyn story Hawks for Vox Movietone, Others e, » athe Melody eomedy produced hy compliment of being Weld over for re, New York held over for the second week ai Ld ry Charles "Buddy" Rogers oung Vagles," an aviation "Hull Way to Heaven," In whieh they played werial tripeza he directed by William Wellman, t aviation pleture, "Wings" do the lead In "The Second Wife" hy RKO Froduetions, uesording to an announcement hy William Le Haron, viee-president in charge of production, IKussell Mack will direat an adaptation from the play "All 4+ i" * Marselllalse" starving Laura La use of Holes, wlso renewed Pong." Universal ha LE J Radio Pletures to play the femme trietly Business" from the Wallac this all-talkie nr Litehell Tewl Lambert Hillyer LITTLE BRUCK WHITH Who was chosen at Loew's To. vonte, as the best double of Davey Loe, almost stopped (he dances when he appeared at the Winter Gardens here, . # hiss been MeCaormack's Hugh first Langdon sereen hy around the a Marm" into production . ENJOY A PLEASANT WINTER IN SUMMERY CALIFORNIA Don't delay that California trip an other year, lan now te be in Cal Hornin this winter ol will ou have u restlul, comfortable and well earned holiday in "the Sun shine State" but a dellghttul travel trip ws well You'll exchanges the cold of the North for the warmth of the South You'll eross the famous deserts and [the majestio mowdaing of the west You'll see new slghts and meet in teresting people You can add wo the pleasures of the | Journey by ineluding beautiful Nan [ Gouver and Vieterla In yoye/dtiners Lary either on the way down or re Wrning All winter golf, famous mo scenery make CA Mayer lot voperls hi at wanted el I Inok th OSHAWA'S DOUBLE OF DAVEY LFF 18 BIG ATTRACTION Metra-Culdyn ringed bh ane of the only tor roads and majestic the stopsover well worth while, Full indermation, lterature, ete, [ from any agent of Canadian Nation White at Winter Alter looking over w preview this morning, discriminating film fans will find much to quench thelr thirst for veal screen comedy wt the Hegapl theatre where the all«diglogus pie ih $ "The Sophomore" is being presented for threes duys, this ntier neon The serial "foe published in College Humor his been revimped into an alldwnghing, all exciting, all talking deren comed under the name of "The Sophomore Eddie Quillan, Sally O'Neil, Jeanetie Loff and a host of other popular youngsters ure seen In the most im woriant rele The offering Driaht, hilarious, sein{Mating colleges lle ermmmed full of net thrills, dramn and Tang! { about one of the most entert talkies of this particular have seen 'this yvenr The opening da at colleges the first fraternit the "gathering ol the grinpus sweet shop the initiation of | Mamma's Bo the class pla thi rilly and the big foothall game a human and charming 1 twined throughout the ei you are watehing the soreen makes "The ture that anyone enloy ppeeinl added feature sarting College" recently Hon mn Jat ning brand wi of the new term danes the | en 1 snc tim pleture 1 th phomore" in the fam Winters" Now Mars Hobert Ames in "Black vofng Monday to the Gardens ( al Rallways, tin Theatre, Little Bruce White of Oshawa, College Comedy "THE SOPHOMORE" at Regeit Clara Bow Coming To Regent On Wednesday Clara Bow, the vivacious YIU girl of the séreen In her new alltalliing comedy dram "The Saturday Night Kia" somes into the Negent for un threes day engagement commencing next Wednese dny motines the programme present Harry Lange cuinedy sketeh wh y Boy" On the singing I'he Ruvellers ure heard in saveral songs und many seresin celos brities are seen and heard in Intimate wlnmwes through talking screen snaps= hots, don in u rlatieu od "Bk gereen Altogether Munuger Osler has rounded out an exceptionally enters programme of amusement een toda Monday or twining heh L'iesdny ib Just ask 'em to drop round your way And they will eall wit) out delay w know thorough! sire von vour home way of deg cleaning or dyeing 'will be looked after by us, Send phond eall, THE NCW SERVICE CLEANERS £.DYLRS PHONE OSHAWA 707 WHITHY 41) it Lisl strict io and business well, wa ups Whatever needs in th pay tention nes wa oul i BOWMANYILIE 16 39, SiMcot 8 Narn who was chosen out of hundredy | of younusters as the hest double | In Toronta and all the surround. ing district, caused a small sens s tion when he appeared at the Win ter Gardens lhoere I'huraday | night hiv sallor's ur on | five-year-old, dvessed In | sult, looks the exact T 0 D A Y Jolgon's By a 4 i re | MONDAY | || TUESDAY || his fauhle Kinring Fool" and other pletures, On the ocoaslon of the appearances af the real Davey Lee at Loew's theatra In Toronto, Hruece won aut over the best kiddies Toronto | eonld nradues, and earvied haok | home the first prigg of $100 in gold At the Winter Gardena almost stopped the dance women, partieularly, took taney to him, and sueh a orowd thronged faround him that for a while the dance was forgotten He has a pleading disnosition that | makes friends for him Lid he THE Brus | The A veal | HOes Poueo fs a san of Mr, and Mm A. H, White, 280 Alice street, inf oly (ta hoya cholp favely, Enthusiastle Chueh lady female pewsopener, an choly wareh tn from vestry to slalln) "Don't they look Just like little anpels,' Pew opener: Yes, You should wea them when they come out, Just like Mttle devils a ------_-- Kid" coming to the Regent in the An All Talking Picture with EDDIE SALLY JEANETTE UILLAN "NEIL 3 -Days-3 on NC .nertainment HICH NOTE IN COLLEGE PICTURES / YOU'LL GET YOUR A LAUGHTER WHEN YOU SEE Tha jou of commencement weeks the PRAGEDY PAIN of fratermity initia onse=the LAUGERR of a class pluys=the RO MANCE of young lovd~=the THREE of a great football games=all these and more embraced tw the story of this appealing preture, LOFF WHOOPEE ! . LAUGHTER ! College Lite! College Love! or of examinationss=tha and plotons dinlogne Shows Daily at 230 pm, 1 7.00 8.00 pm, LS