THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN THE C ALARA , where oo" uger OOREIED 3 CTION Seller "939499500 = \ ; ANN1S, BARRTETVRS Notries Publi, ire Con: ( ate 4 Hing 8 Uouch KLEE AP, Adon Boa. a |, Notary Public, Convey. ances. laan, d floor Post oney t Baw Aluer Building, Opposite A » ofS » tor, Notary Public, Con- oney to loan, Office 1414 ot, Oshawa, Phone 445 NAND Conveyancers, ir Vraser, ters, Notaries Public, ets, Office over 8 rd Bank, Eutrance Simcoe St, 9 18, 1. P, Grierson, K.C,, J Creighton, BA, N. 0, --_tger, B.A LOUIS § HVMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, A Btore, Money to loan, 16 Blain FT ah Phone 67, Residence PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- visters, ete, Money to loan. Alger Bldg, Opposite' Post Office. Phone 1614, A. I Parkhill, A. C. H. Field GREER AND HUMPHREYS, BAR ers, Solicitors, ete. 24% St. N. Phone 3160. Money ta loan ALEX 0, HALL, B.A, BARRIS: ter, ete, Conveyancing and general ractice, 22% King %t, East, hone #337, (Lf) WARRTE & WARIS, WARNIS: ters, Holleltors, ete, 41 Alger Bigs. Oehawa and Port Perry, hopes 760 Oshawa, Port Perry S4 an 71 rp 8, (Dee, 2-1 month) - Eh Medica! DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher, Office. and resi dence, Kina 8t, Erst, corner Vietoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94, DR, HAROLD 'VW, TRICK, PH 'S8I sian, Surgeon, Obs'ctrician, Special references to maternity work and di seases of wenen, Two vears' post raduate experience, Office and resis ence 167 ¥.meoe St, N., (cor, Brock) phone 307 DR, GRANT HiRRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obscetrician, diseases of infants end children, Oflice and 1eside 7 Bond East, Phone 1155, DR, B,J. HAZLEWOOD, I'"'YSI- dar and Lurgeon, spegial attention given to X-rav work and Electro. theapy, Office, Disn s+ Block, Phone 2080, ,Ofic: open 9 am, bom Residence 161 King Fast. Phone 2416, DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM In RC and 8. Edinburgh Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office 142 Simcoe St. N, Phone 3020 ence 161 King St. E. Phone 31558 ARCHER BROWN, M.D, L. K CP & 8 Edinburgh, Physician Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at tention te maternity work and dis eases of children, Office and resi Senda, 185 Simcoe St. Nerth, Phone PRO. W. CAHR, PHYRIOTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Office and residence, 618 Simcoe street north, Phone 8418, (Oct, 9-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR F. T, BRYARS OF To0 TL.OOR Street West, Toronto, will Le at his office over Jury & Loveli's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 omy for consultation und treatment 0 iseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments mav be made wl drug store. Phone 97. ' ETP ERLTNGER Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat DR. EF, RICHARDSON, OFKICE over Mitchell's Drug Stere, Hous 10 to 12 am, 2 to 5. Evenings by shnolatment, Office phone 2660 o over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 12 am, 2 to 6, Evenings hy appoints ment, Office phone 1400, Resid. ence 2648, : Dental BR. S.J; PHILLIPS, OVER HAS: set's, Special attention ta Xeray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in at t n hone 959. House 1312, north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for exiraction, Phone $4. LL. E. HUBBELL, DUNTIST, ous oxid oxveen was for extra. Office, Royal Bank Blda HN, residen : ¥ BR Wer 16 N. over Dewland's Res, 202W, Evenings bv . , ' % ORFICT Rexent Theatres Bldg, Phone 1780 (le , A HANG M DW DAVIES Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at ten lon to mas extraction and X.rav Nurte in attendance, Phones 1 an a OTFIOR | Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH AR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin: eers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 65 or 411 King Undertaking ------ TI -------- LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING pt East, Ambulance, Residence, fy home toe street north, Phones 210] ard DISNEY: ERAT HOWE street, shawa, Corner ruce street, Ambulance. Phone A 3 DAVIE AND SON. INBURARCT. 19 King St. wen, shawa, The old: n est Fire Agency In Oshava, 30 Re i) ni le Fire Co ANCE consult R., N, Johws, 80 Bimecoe porth, Your insurance 'wants At. tended to and your interests pro- fected, Ei A a Transportation EI EIT SO OW TH WEI, CARTAGE AND BTORAUE, COLE. man's, 86 Bond West, Bpecialiste in furniture moving, storage Ware house and moving van equipment, Phone 4. CARTAGE, MOVING, GWAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long listan: hanling, Phone MMB anil 3493P, Smith and Cos, 887 King Ht, LJ ih of this nature, snd collect for same, "Times" Classified All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts For the convenience of customers who find it Inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results Real Estate for Sale | ESTAS: OSHAWA'S OLDEST Purk Road lished furniture movers, car age, Local and long distance Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park RI South, Phone 218 Nov, 16:1 mo) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Phone 2621M, Chris Grabam, 870 Verdun Hoad, (Novy, 14-1 month) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOL PERMAWENT wave, Special $5 and wv. Finger wave and shampoo $1, aeial 78¢ Hair eutth g 25¢, Phone 2908 or 86 Simeone North, EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty "Ward at Betty Lou Perman« ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1. Phone 2968, Lend WATSONS BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina 81. We spe- cinlize In ladies' hair eutting, mar. gelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 0 cents, For appointments phone 2060, (Dee, 18-1 ma) MARCEL AND CURL §0e, EYRE brow arching, 25¢, Mrs, Everette Bell, apartment 9, Kdward Apartments, Quebee Street, For appointments phone J266F, __(Dee, 3-1 Mo, MARCEL: AND CURL #8be, MRS, Clark, 147 Agnes St, Phone 2640), (Dee, 11-1 mo) IESE op: Building Supplies EVE OURS FON SALR= To insure prompt delivery, place orders In advance of delivery date WwW. Borrowdals, phone 1018, Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VuCAL FA cher {Hambourg Conservatory, o- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams Oshawa, Wednesdaw 92 Simcoe St North. Phone 27584F, (129-11) LEONARD RICHER, L, R, A. M,, Director of Muste, Oshawa Collex!. ate and Publie Schools, Studio, 20 Westmoreland, Phone 20844, (Nav, 16-1 mo) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin' teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Siudio 86 Elgin St, E, Phone 79M (Nove 14:1 mo.) Radio Service RADIA TRPAIRE ON ALL" MOD- ela at a reasonable price by an ex pert Radio-Trielan, All work guar anteed, Rattery charging The, Rat teries for sale, Geo, Nurroughs & son, Phone 882-11, Graduate Na- tional Nadi, Institute, (Dee, 2-1 mo) ORWAWA RADIO RERVICE AC. cessories for male, repairs on elee» trie and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries res charged. rental supplied, §1, Phone 1046J, Charléds Wales, 146 Elgin Kast, (Deo, 6-1 mo) nting und Decorating R. GUTSOLE, CLASS TA erhanger, painting and graining, Prices right, work ranteed. 3 Pine Ave, phoue w or Ww, (721) AG TURNER, PAINTER AND Paperhanger, Only first class work guaranteed | years experience Prices reasonable, Phone W, (Nov, 16-1 n no.) Sut Money to Loan CITY AND FARM "LOANA, . arcss loans arranged, Parkhill & Field, Barristers, ete Bida Phone 1614 Alger Architects -- a uC STENHOUSE =~ GENERAL rehitectural work, Second floor . Bank Building. Fhone 1496 ON NE TORNSON. AS ate, architects, Simcoe St. § or Felt roa bi Stenographer "RILTON, 71 SIMCOR street north. Phone 1600, 8pecial rates for mailing lata and circular work. Nav, 26-1 mo) OAL T STENOURAPHY AND bookkeeping, Moderate prices, Phone $18.0, (Nov, 21-1 mo,) Auctioneer PHONE Tig). W. "1 SUCTEY auctioneer, H6 Simcoe 8. 8 We cay sell vour odd pices of funiture and other articles at our vards, 4| King St. W, Oshawa, Outario, Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney nies, hot or cold, brawn, cakes and pastries, eto, ete, Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street, Phone 2872 F, (1781) Second Hand Dealer SEOOND HAND DRACER, FON niture baught and sold. 186 Bloor St. Kast, Phone 1617M (tr "Shoe Repairing AEST PLACE TO HAVRE YOUR shoes fixed is at Menka's corner Sime coe and Willlam weut, Lxpert skate sharpening and shoeshine, > (Noy 21:1 a) Watch Repairing shop 21 Your pats Swiss watchmaker, repair 444 King Street \Vest, ronage is solicited CHICKEN RANCH, CANNING: ton, brick cottage, five rooms; fur pace, six chioken houses, Two electri incubators, electric brood. er, Fifteen hundred will handle, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, (147¢) BURINESS OPPORTUNITY GENERAL HTORE, VICTORIA County, brick store, houses eight rooms, Conneeted, Turnover twenty thousand, Jas, Nyan, Can ningtan, (187¢) WHITBY TOWN REAL HOME seven roomed, brick house, fur nace, garage, niece lawn, good Ear den, asparagus 'hed, strawberries, Real buy, Get particulars, James Ryan, Cannington, (148¢c) ---------- RR RT i Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTFRING, CHESTER. fields made to order, We save vou money, Estimates free, G, A. Cons stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1594), (Sor) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered, /§ cents, If ren: tal supplied $1, Batteries repaired Sian Blidgon, 20 Mi 81 Phone 1886W, Dee, 18:1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE livered 76¢, reutal Shc, and the entire electrical system of car re paired, ¥04 Oshawa Hivd, [hous B118W, (Dee, 12-1 mo) WE D0 NoBY REVAIRE TO nares and trucks, Also general wondwork, W, Fry, 40 Bond wes, (Open evenings, (Nov, 14«1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER nity, Invalid or general nursing, For information phone 1808, (Nov, 87-1 mo) PRACTICAT, NURNE-- DINEN: gaged, maternity, invalid or general pursing, Doctor's references, For information phone T42M, (Deo, g-1 mo = Hematitching NINWOENTS PER YARD, PLRAT. ed Skirts, one dollar, alterations, ete, All kinds of beautiful fanay work on sale, Mra. Dell, 644 Sim: soe South, Phone 1084, (Nov, 161 mo) CR ER ARR RR Furniture Repairing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repajred, No job too small or too large, George A, Lemee, Phone 1484M, (Deo, 4-1 mo) ran aa - Tailoring PAUL" VERLAND, LEST AND most artistic clothes maker in Osh. awa for men who eare, Prices fair and reasonable, 124 Simcoe Street south Phone 1583W, (Nov, 29-1 mo.) Contracting T CONTRACTING = CONTRET Phstering electric 'or alterations, Phone 13% { imates Storm Windows STORM WINDOWS CUT FUEL bills one quarter Make gold houses warm and comfortablé, Phone 2830w and we will measure your windows free and quote low prices on Ready Glazed Storm Windows, fitted and 3 r Dee, 2-1 mo. or Cars TPIT WAREK COACH. WELT taken care of, good tires, moing at $825, Twelve months to pay. 96 Centre street, (14%) EARL a Caulking HAVE ALL OREVICES ARO your windows and doors filled with plastic cement and shut out the cold draft, saves tuel, the coat is small, Free estimates, J, H, Law: son, RR. No. 9, Oshawa. Phone 728-12 Dee, 4-1 mo) library, You will enjoy reading the lateat Motion at minimum cost, Phone 1478, 87 Cimcoe Bt. North i __ (a tf) Pets and Live Stock TWO FoLIOE™ PUFR RRVEN weeks, good natured. wise, Let us tell you more about them, Phone aay, maar. { 1340) FOR FAT E--YORREHTIE -- PION, alx weeks old, Apply CO, H, Snows ) | Simcoe Street North, suitable for of den. Phone 208 r 2, Bowmanville, (1380) Articles For Sale NTXTD TARD AND BOF T"WOOD slabs, B50 per load, Also bone dry body or uterous Mewk Limiwed LI] un 1) FUR 2A Lia--~HETNTZNAN ev Ltd,, planos, new snd used pianos, AlSO radios, latest wodeln; ters arranged, Apply GC, Trull, Vhone 166d, EA LT FOR BALE -- ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas geese and chickens nlive or dead, delivered, Phone 108) Be ATG. ------ (1381) GOOD PHONOGRAFPH AND RIE cords for sale, Apply 287 Arthur St aw au (1381) FON WALK MANE HEAVY leather lined overcoat, Fhove 1014W, 004W, . 1ikh) VIOLINS TOR SALE A wired, bows rehired FP i | (Wiithy, (1390) 1 FOR SALE-GOOD FOUR TUB) radio, with tubes, bargain $20, Can be heard any evening 94 Muckingham Ave, beside Alexandra Park (1490) Help-- Wanted Male WANTED=ELECTRICAL ENGIN ger wanted do small Job wround $50 Take it gut deposit on clear lot, Bal ance $6 month, Apply Dox 357, Times (1 3%e) Bai ibe ATE --_-- siasSSH Help Wanted--F emale WANTED -= (OOK ORENERAT Mrs, ¥, J, Rundle, Apply by tele phone LE] (18%) Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT=VURNTSH- apartment, 3 or 4 rooms and bath Rox 352 Times (137¢) Room and Board ROOM AND HOARD = WARN bedroom, suitable for ene or two gentlemen, close to Metors, Breakiast if desired, Apply Box 356 Times, : d _ (138) WARM WOOM ANT OATH YOR one gentleman, Ten minutes from Motors at north end, Also two rooms furnished for light houses keeping with eleotrie, water and heat, I'hone 1464M (180a) SRR Ee? ep Lh --. Lost and Found LOST=WEDNESDAY 6.50 P.M, ON King Street between Hridge and Post office, parcel of child's Ningeric Phone 228, Ww (139) FCORT=THUOR The" THTWEEN Oshawa and Toronto, Finder pleane notify Gordon Leask, Taunton, Phone 168rad, (1880) Wanted to Buy WANTED 70 W0Y---=000D0 URED eleotrio radio, reasonable, in good condition, Apply giving name and price of machine to Box #60 Times, (130¢) Rik Mddhalut NIALL dat M For Rent TWO ROOM APARTMENT TO rent on ground floor, Jones Hlock 80 Pel fices, married couple, or bachelor apartment, Phone S18, Rose's Real Estate, 153 Simcoe Street North, a ry 'Q RENT == Mrs Shortt, 18 Warren Avenue, vhane 127 ae) TO RENT=FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooms alse bed sitting room with light housekeeping privileges, al s0 marage, Apply 165 Ritson Read (1371 ve ROO K, conveniences, hardwood ° floors, eleotrio fixtures, newly decorated, Also garage, Immeriate possession, Abi #1 Blin St, Rast, Phone 10847, jh __(130b) TWO HOOME FURNISHED, Hvery convenience for light house: keeping, Light and heat, Phone ung, (2486) MODERN "Hix ROOMED "HOUSE, fixtures, storm windows and gar age, $40 per month, Phone nv fo) APARTMENT AND FOUR GAT: ages for rent, Apply #7 Colborne street east, a (13a) APARTMENT, 1 ROOME AND bath, fixtures complete, Riedtrlo stove, steam heat, 'linen amd clothes e¢losets, Central, Owner, Nox 288 Times (18810) FOR RENT : FURNISHED APART: ment for Hght housekeeping, canvens ences, near Motors, Phone 2292, 108 Colborne St, Rast, (18a) THRER HUATED ROOME ALL conveniences, furniahed if desired, For Rent VOUR AND vive nous ED NOD orn suites, including sleeirie relrig oration, stove, laundry, eonven) ences, oto; continuous Boy walei supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 3671, or The Trusts and Gusrsates Oo. itd, manager for owner, Yoronto, : $741) TO RENT=TINLE MODIRN BUN- walow and garage, $16 per month, Apply 1344 King st, west, (136f) THIEN ROOMED WEMI-DETACH. ed house to rent, Conveniences, Apply 46 Louisa street, Vhone 1424), (1370) NICELY PUMNIRHED BEDROOM to rent, bonrd if desired, Apply 74 ond wireet west, (1880) APARTMENTS, CENTRAL, FOUR YOOMS, Sean honed, sleciric in i reasonable rental, phone 1400, (137¢ TWO VURNIS " ROO Ms 10 rent, sult young couple, phone 2102], y dard Administrator's Notice In the ¥state of Violet May MeMillan, deceased, Notice 18 hereby glven pursuant to the Miatute in that, behalf that all persons having any claims against or entitled to share In the estate of Vielet May McMillan, Inte of the City of Oshawa, Bpin- pter, who dled on or abont the 14th day of October, 1030, are required to send same to the un- derslgned, Administrators of 'the eutate, duly verified with parties lars of the securities If any held hy them on or beforsa the 24th day of Lecember 1080, and that nfter eald lant named date the Ad minlstrntors will proceed to dis tribute the estate among the pars ties entitied thereto, having regard only to the elalmu or interest of which they then shall have noltees Dated at Toronto this dist Novembher 1030 The Toronto (General Trusts Corporation, #54 Hay Miree!, Toronto, Administra tors, by Malone, Malone, Redgewlck und Monigemery, Molleltors (181-187-1008 180) ER CE RR Aen 5 Notice to Creditors ILN0, 1087, Chap, 180, Neetlon BI Watnte of William I, short, Mason, Deceased ALI, persons having olaims against the Ketate of Willlam R hort, lata of the Oty of Oshawa, In the County of Ontario, Mason, Deceased, who died on or about the Twenty-Meventh day of Oslo por, AD, 1080, are hereby notified 0 file witn the undersigned, on or hefore the First day of Jans nary, A.D. 1080, full particulars of thelr oluims, Immediately after salad date, the assets of the de. consed will he distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having re gard only to eolaims so filled Datad at Oshawa the Twenty Wighth day of November, AD, 1030 Ww RINCLAIR, K.C, Oshawa, Ontario (127-180-100) AUTOMOBILE OWNERS PROTEST T0 TARIFF BOARD (Continued from page 1) oally every Canadian automobile factory is a branch of, or closely affiliated with, a corresponding Amerioan firm, From careful in. quiry, we are also led th state that there is an agreement, or at least a tacit understanding, whereby no Canadian automobile dealer may or oan enter inte contract and sell in Canada an American automobile of a make which ta manufactured in Canada under the same trademark, "Thin apparently would leave the Canadian automobile manufaos turers absolute masters of the Use nadian market in so far as thelr products are oconcernpd, There would be mo harm in this, pros vided that these particular Canas dian-assembled autmobiles would be sold to us owners of oars in Canada at prices which would not exceed those pald by the United Mtates consumer for similar cars, plus a reasonable advance, which ahould never exceed the percentage of duty protection which ia given to them, Otherwise, we Canadian purchasers of automobiles are pres vented from getting an American oar which, after paying duty and excine tax, would cost us less than the similar car as assembiea In Canadian factories, Comparative Prices "For instance, the Whippet-Ovs erland coach, five passenger, pix oylinders, sells at the American face tory at $728, While the Canadian assembled plant prices the similar ony at ita own Canadian factory at $060, thin being an advance of 83.41 per cent; the Chevrolet ooach, five passenger, six cylinders, sella at the American factory at #606, whilst the Canadian assembs ly prices it at $770, thin belng an advance of 29.41 per cent; while on both of these makes of automos bile the duty is only 20 per cent and they are both exempt from any exolne tax, "Getting Fale Deal "Judging from the above, may we not ask the following ques tionn; ; "1, 1s the Canadian automobile purchaser getting a fair deal? "2, Have the Canadian automo hle manufacturers oarrled out thelr promise ta the Honorable Minister of Finance and 10 the publie? "Ar a remedy we owners of auto. mobiles hey to submit that the exolge tax imposed on American ears in the 20 per cent, dutlable olassen he removed, or, if thers EN Apply 227 Dearhorne avenue, (1390) should be some reason to provent Rates for Classified Ads, First Insertion--11 conte per word, Minimum ecboarge 80¢. Fach subsequent conseci tive insertion 1o per word, Three consecutive inser: tions for thy price of two first fosertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge fur three insertions, 60 ecovts, Box number 100 additional Professionsl or Business Cards, $4.60 per month for $0 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word, " TIMES CLASSIVIED ADS CONT LITTLE, ACs COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 8b Ask for Classified Ad Department the removal of it, sald excise Lax should be levied on the Canadian assembled cars as well; In that case, the Treasury would benefit from it, the public having, as dem onstrated by the above figures, been paying for that exelse tax anyway, to the benefit only of the Canadian sutomoblle manufacturs ers,' President W, R, Camphed] of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, who this afternoon presented the memorandum of that company re garding the abolition of the excise tax on cars valued at less than $1,200. explained at the opening "We are not here 'on our own application, and we did not ine tend to submit a brief, but after | oonslderation yesterday we decided at the last moment to do so; wo that we think no discourtesy has Leen shown by us to the hoard." After declaring, as did the briefs of the other Canadian manufactur res, that his company had passed on to the consumer, tha benefit of the abolition of the excise tax, Mr, Campbell muda some tariff sug. gontions not identleal with those sontained In the briefs of General Motors and the other companies, Ford PricesNpread The Chalrman, Mr, Moore, al the conclusion of Mr, Camphell's brief, stated to the latter that as a result of Investigations made hy the board's officer It was found | that the percentages by whieh the price of the Canadian Ford was In excess of the United Niates car AL comparable points In the two countries were as follows; Chars lottetown, 11.1, as against Aus gusta, Me, 31 per cent,; Quebeo, a8 against Doston, #8 per cont. Windsor, as against Detroit, 31 per oent,; Winnipeg, as against St Paul, 84 per cent; Regina, as against Denver, 84.8 per cent.) Edmonton, as against Rolse City, 40 per cent; Victoria as against Heattle, 88.6 per cent, Mr, Campbell amended the last two percentages by making that for Xdmonton 3u.0 and that for Victoria 84.18, Mr, Moore-Mr, Campbell, tell me your practice regarding delive ery of oars to your dealers, Do you retain control of the cars? Mr, Campbell-We keep control of the oar and pay the freight rate, Mr, Moore~=The other cars show less spread between comparable points than 'you do, Explained by Distribution Mr, Campbell--The explanation fa that in the distribution of this oar to various points In Canada there In a saving of freight rates In condensed shipment, and that AAVIDE accrues to ourselves, I, H, Racine of the boards You suggest that the duty be coms puted on the price of the oar in the United States, That would be A hardship on the Canadian cons sumer, In it done In any country that you know of? Mr, Campbell replied in the negative, and A. XK. Darby of the Canadian Council of Agrleulture sald he had computed that in the oase of the Kesex oar such a meth od of computing the duty would result in an increase in the duty against the nited States oar from the present rate of 20 per oént, to 84 per cent, A componite brief was present. ed by L. Qlare Moyer of Ottawa on behalt of the following Canadian automobile manufacturers and ex» orters == association members; The Chrysler Corporation of Can: ada, Windsor; Durant Motors. ef Canada, Toronto; General Motora of Canada, Oshawa; the Stude- baker Corporation of Canada, Walkerville, and Willya-Overland Limited, Toronto, All these com. panies in the brief submitted, aa well as in that presented meperates ly yeaterday morning by General Motors of Canada, through John Dain, declared that they had pasa: ed on the benefit of the removal of the excise tax on the low-pries ed oar to the consumer, They als #0, in the briet submitted by Mr, Moyer, wade tariff suggestions practically identical with thowe contained in the General Motors brief, a summary of which has al ready been published in thin news paper, President J. P, D. Malcolm of the Hayos-Anderson Motor Comms pany of Vancouver presented a belet asking that the basis of the duly on motor truoky and on parts be made the same, His company manufactures motor trucks In Van. HABA -------- i i ass TORONTO V.0, ARPHYXIATED Capt, Geo, ¥, Kerr, V.0,, of Toronto Just yasently veturnsd from Prine of Wales reunion dinner In London i Who was found dead In his garvag: wt his home on Cheltenham Ave from the effects of earbon monoxide Is 20 per cent, nnd are sold In Canada at an advance of 20 per cent, over United Mates let prices, plus freight, His company, how aver, has to pay rates of duty ranging from 274 per ecent, to 46 per on material brought In from the United Btates for the manufacture of the trucks in Van couver, and added It was plain that "we cannot sell our trucks on nn eompetitive wholesales basis to our dealers when all the forego ing material comes in from the United Hiates for 20 per cont when assembled into and oalled motor trucks, to he sold mgainst aent, us "We are, sald Mr, Maloolm, "presenting this petition for the removal of the present schedule of preferentinl Canadian customs dus ties In favor of United Btates mo truck manufacturers only hes tor Venuse we simply oannot get along unless our Government gives us an equal trading opportunity in Can ada with competitiors in the United States." He asked that the rates on motor truck materials be us follows: British preferential, 18 per cent; intermediate, 174 per cent; general tariff, 20 per cent HOLD COMMUNITY SUPPER, BROUGHAM Members of Beef Ring Are Sponsors of Pleasant Function oul nrougham, Deo, 10%-The mem bers of the beef ring held a coms munity oyster supper in the town weather conditions were not the best a large number were In ats tendance, and enjoyed the mood feed of oysters and the excellent cooking farm woman oan produce, Mr, Middleton took the ohalr and opened the meeting with coms munity singing led by Mr, and Mrs, Harvey, Mr, Leggitt, of Lo- oust Hill sang one of hia ever popular songs My, Carlisle and My, Gerymn also contributed two humorous musioal selections, and Master Hddle Milts delighted the audience with several mouth organ nolos, After the singing of God Mave the King the young people cleared the floor and enjoyed dance ing to the muslo provided by the Devitt orchestra, Cars and outters are about equally In evidence on No, T high way at present, Old Dobbin is no longer denpined, The Women's Institute meeting for December was held at the home of Mra, Harvey on Tuesday afters noon, the president, Mrs, Holtby, hall on Tuesday evening, Although | in the chair, A number of items of business were discussed and voted upon, A plea came from Quesh Mary's hospital for tubercular children, which was endorsed. the Ww. I. making a donation to that institution, The wick and flower committes was empowered to make suitable offerings to the sick And shut-in members ut the Christmas HOARON, Mrs, Harsey gave an excellent report of the W, I, convention held in Toronto and Mrs, L. Johnston described the banquet tendered the delegates by the T, ¥Eaton Come pany, Mrs, Harvey also spoke on the winter faly, stressing the hortis cultural show, The W, J. Sunday with Brown, Ted Boutty and Jack Gerow call od on Brougham friends Monday Miss Della Drown has returned to the city afer a two weoks' visit here, Howard Malcolm was in Toronto over the week-end, and found his son doing well although he will not be able to return home for some time, Rev, W, P, Vietcher, of Oshawa, gave a forceful moespngo from the pulpit of Bt, John's ehureh on Bun- day last, It belpng the anniversary psorvice of that congregation, The cholr of Bt, Andrew's Chureh, Plekaring, holped materially in the wervice of song A falr congregis tion was In attendance The RBunday Heheol entertaip ment 18 an engrossing subject with the Juveniles these dnys Brown family spent Mr, and Mrs, T, C. a ---- Ah omefly EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Ihe Eyes in Modern Lile / Optometry Venture Servise Your Eyes and Health Eve Care and Eve ain 4 Own, Disney Block Jo 1016 Phene-~1010 -------- oo uw Do You Need Money? Don't Lose Your Car, Let Me Finance You! G. R. 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