Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Dec 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1929 Stock Market Prices Mark. Summary by Canadian Vress Toronto and New York stock Quotations supplied by Swhle, Vorlony and Co, TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGY, Toronto, Dec, 13~=In spite of the nervousness on the New York Mar: ket today tne doronto Block Lx: change held. falily stendy at noon, Jvarcatly the situation on the New ork Market did not greatly elect the local e¢xchange, Frige changes Wor tractional 1 both directions at Laid wy, 1 brasilian and Nickel still held at wltendy, with corn starting % to % up, and subsequently holding near the initial range, CHICAO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Dee, 14,~~Whent, Dee, gy Mar, 1,204; May, 1,804; Corn, Dae, 008; Mar, 90; May 074; Oats, Dee, 468; May, 44%; May, 00, TORONTO Low Close P2.5E NINE The "SCREEN GRID RENOWN" (Right) Here Is the vadlo that brings you all the full power of REAL scraem grid engineer~ Book High Br, A, O11 AB% Ang Brag, ., '41 HEL" Can, nd 20 Bia Can, Brd, 20 Ask Cockshutt Cty, Dry, Dig, Bgrm, Dom, Btre, 4 Gypsum Hr, Wal, Hm, Brd, It, Nkl, It, Pet, 1d, Alen, Imp, Of} } Lob, "A" 18 Mu, Hr, 40 Ask Mo, ¥rt, 256 Mt, Ir, 80 Pg, Hr, 0é% Whaw, 70 B, Btation 40 Standard Mines Lh] LL] vox 186 110 178 1¢6 Big Mis, b&b 66 Oh, Res, 700 700 De, Mos, 785 7486 Faleon, 670 go Holl, ., 605 boo He, OIl p60 pio Hy, Gold #1 80 Hd, By, #40 778 Kt, Fir, f ™% Lk, Bh, 1088 1000 Nrda 9406 4°60 Bh, Gr, 2467 251 Biscoe 40 40 Bd, Bs, 850 440 Th, Hg, B10 BOA Ventures 376 206 Wr, Hr, 188 136 Walnwell 18 18 NEW YORK High Low Amer, Can, 118% 114 Am, Fr, Pr, 04 AMY Anaconda 70% 76 Halt & Ohlo 110%, 116% Can, Pac, 104% 100% Chrysler ,, "8 i Cu, Gu, NY, 08% a Col, Gra, 76 08 Dupont 180 118 Erie Rall 08% Bh 8 Gen, 1'ds, 4% di Gen, Mot, 12 40 Hud, Mot, B14 B08 It, Cam, ,,,, 14 11% It, Tel, ,,, 80% 788 Jos, Man, 186 114 40 1864 ing at the cout of ordinary vadlo, DeForest Crosley's wiper engineered Imperial Series aight tube screom grid thaisis and Blectro Dynamic Shiker glve you more sie tions == mote volume ~~ finer tone than anything close to its price==lt ir a revelation in radio performance, slight gems over yesterday st noon, The former was up 1-4 at 3 34 while the latter firmed J at 30 3-4, Tord Motor "A" was up 3-2 at 30 1-2, Canada Dredging nt 1-2 was up The NEW "INVADER * (Left) Je rt powir and eautiful lowbey cabinet of finest walnut woods, Vull guallty of push. pull audio with Inductor Dy- wamlc speaker, All the perfor mance quality DeForest ' F, J, CURTIS Statistician of the executive branch of the CPR, who succeeds the late C, M. Buell as staff veglstrar and segretary of the pensions depart: ment for the Canadian Pacific sys: tem, DISCUSS CHURGH UNION MOVEMENT Council Expresses Sympathy With South Indian Proposals Bell Telephone suffered a loss of one point to 153 during the morning trading while Maussey-rlarrls drop- ped 1+4 to 41 3-4, " The olls continued firm with dn» ternational Pete up 1-4 at 22 14, Imperial was unchanged and B, A, suffered au loss of 1:2 to #M, STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE Toronto, Dee, 13~Prices of leads ing Issues continued to drop during the morning session of the 'Loronto Mining Exchange and new lows for the year were recorded In four of the higher-priced stocks, Hudson Bay ec~ lipsed its opening price of B45 » dropping to a new low of 775 off #115 from 'yesterday's close, Budbury Basin slumped 20 to record a new low for the year at 340 while Sher ritt=Gordon with a drop of 10 chalk. ed up a new low of 2.55, Abana con- tinued to slip backward and at noon was quoted at 90 down J, This set a new low for the year, Noranada lost 35 cents during the morning trading and at midday was at 33.00, Minor losses wero recorded inAmulet, Falconbridge, Mining Core poration, Pend Oreille, Calmont, Ven- tures and Big Missourl, ° ; Ajax and East Crest recorded slight gains over yesterday, The former was up 4 at 1.23 and the latter firmed 1 at 1.21, Jeck-Hughes as unchanged, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Dec, 13~Forelgn ex change easier; demand rates (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents)! Great Britain, 187 9:16; France 393 0.16, Italy 5.23 1.2, Germany 23.92 1-2, Canadian Deller, 7:6 of 1 per cent, digeount, NEW YORK STOOK EXOHANGE New York, Deo, 18,~Violent contortions in price movement took place in today's stock market ae control of the price movement shif- ted between 'bear' and "bull op- afators, The sharp rally of 2 to 1§ 'wad Which followed the irregu- id opening was met by a flood of new selling which wiped out many of the early gains, and sent a num- ber of fssues orashing well below yesterday's final quotations, A glant volume, | 0 Crosley ri alght tuba weutrodyne clvewlt, It ghvor entirely mew fwiatiretation lo $ radio value, I ) : with tubes with tubes The Year's Most Important Radio Developments, Can Be Yours This Christmas Crosley models bring them to you, DeForest Crosley's great engineering re- sources and ever«increasing sales leader- ship alone make this possible--next season's values right now, Abang Alax Amulet OBSTACLES GREAT Says Careful Attention Needed Regarding Relations London, Dee, 10,-The report of the English Chureh Union Couns ell after expressing hope that con ferences, like that nf Lausanne on faith and order and the Malined conversations, will be continued summarises the views of the Couns oll on the Mouth Indian Chureh Union movement ns follows |= "So vast un movement animated by so strong a spirit of christian charity and goodwill claims our sympathy, It {8s Impossible not to recognise the courage and resolve to overcome obstacles seemingly insuperable but at the same time these proposals ought to receive most careful eritivism and consid aration hefore helug accepted hy the Chureh of England in Ina, | "Apart from details, careful ats | tention is needed regarding the relation of the United Chureh to other bodies, such as Wenleyans and Congregationalists tn England | and especially as regards the posl- | tion of affairs during the loterim | improvement in design and manufacture' At the same time, a production volume-- based on sales that have more than ever, outstripped all other radios in Canada -- he opened the way to new efficiency in manufacturing. So DeForest Crosley can give you, foday, the advanced developments of the past six months at the price of ordinary radio, DeForest Crosley Limited A 1, B, Haha, Pres, D. H. Pollitt, Viea-Pros. & Man, Dir, UST in time for your Christmas radio purchase comes the announcement of two new DeForest Crosley models embody. ing radio developments far in advance of the rest of the industry. Today you can buy in the new DeForest Crosley models, radio performance never before approached in satisfaction--in permanence. took Close 118% 80% 70% 117 100% as Do % TH% 116 02 40 41% Bl 18% 76% 180% 40% 108% REAL Value Based on Progress Here is real value -- based on progress. Because this Canadian company enjoys the advantage of being the largest radio manu- facturer in the British Empire, it has been able to make immediate use of every new Get the Newest in Radio The past few months have seen amazing radio developments, These new DeForest EATER PERSE VE SUNDER ELT RES Lae, Wis, 40% Mex, Sbrd, 20W Standard Gas & Blectrie, which And rallied Re to Mx. unge ore mid-day, neral Shatte converted an rly in of 4 points into a lass of W., merican Can, American Tele. hone, Johns Manville, Westing- use Kleotrie, and UH, Bteel lost practically all of their early gains of 8 to Lh points, Renewal of welling pressure against Fox Film carried that is. Aue down 7% pointfto a new 10280 low at MY. which contrasts with the year's high of 108%. Call money renewed unchanged at 4} per cent, WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE Wiknips , Deo, 13,~~Wheat! Dec, 's or at 1864; May, § higher to § lower at 1434 to 142): Tuly, § higher to § lower at 144 to 148%, Oats: May, unchanged to § lower at 63% to 63), GO GRAIN Chicago, . 18, ~~Active selling by numerous traders who were tr ing to anticipate a Firday break in prices did much to make wheat values average lower early today, It was contended that four times Op- % advance, 8 material downturn all round, Corn, oats and provisions were relatively Mt, Ward 461% Poore Co, + 87% Phil, Pot, ,. 87 Ph, Br, N.J, 0614 Radle ,.,. 44% Himmons 100% Bla, Ol ., 86% Nt, Ol NJ, 68% Utd, Alr, ,, 4TH UB, Steel 1714 1074 Woolworth 70% TaN Money rate 44 per cent, HAVE DAYS OF ENDLESS FUN IN OUR NEAR NORTH TEN 21% LN I'L} ang {FRY LR LER" [IR BH 8 AR ut oy 41% (ER 26% LIA 104 100%; 6% De skis through untracked snow? Or the sound of a crackling log fire afts er sundown! Or the aroma of bubs bling coffee after a brisk snowshoe tramp? Those are experiences you enjoy every day in the winter sports resorts of the Highlands of Ontario The lodges in Muskoka and Lake of Bays are open now, Parties are going up for week-ende=a week-or a fortnight, You can enjoy winter sports in ideal surroundings, accom- modation is as comlortable as at home, Wide variety of resorts from which to choese, You'll come back with a sparkle in your eyess-and an appetite almost embarrassing, An ils lustrated folder has heen prepared telling you where to go, the cost ete, and copy may be had upon request to any agent of Canadian National Railways, Fou like to hear the swish of period coneerning the Ministry and sacraments of the United Chureh The points needing tiny deal with the proposal universal episcopal ordinations at the end of that period and uo re gulrement sacramental rite completing ban LBM as a necessary element In 1 ne Ife of the ehureh and not morely a ceremony of admission to « munion, Hopes For Scheme "Indeed, It Is to be hoped that further negotiations will produos a scheme which all can weocept without doing vielenee to consclences but If the conference approves and the Church of KEnrland plac opate Elves assent to the Mouth Indian Proposals in thelr present form, partioularly in providiug that the Church of Kpgland Is to be in full communion simultaneously with noneplacopal bodies and If the ors dination at the end of that period Is to be universal and such aps Proval imp' s that episcopal ore dination 1s unnecessary at least in ordinary colrgumstances, for the valld celebration, of the oly Kurcharist, then the gravest quoss tion will undoubtedly arise for many chureh people whether it will be possible for them to re main In conscletious communion with the Hee of Canterbury," -------- » $12.00 15.00 15.00 15.80 $16.00 per Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by B Coal at the F ou g by "ing Co atthe ollowing Prices | GENUINE SCRANTON ANTHRACITE Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs., per ton "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.80 No. 1 Body Cord $4.00 per % Hardwood $800 per %4 Cord : A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING . Price - Quality - Quantity - Service W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED : Call US on the Telephcue - Noa, 230, 231. 28 Albert St, "e-- careful werw | for | that confirmation tv nl thelr | Lambeth DE FOREST CRO ScreeN GriD RADIO Compare-- any DeForest Crosley with the best radio or phonograph' you can A hear SLE Thirteen Models . , . Screen Grid and Standard Tubes. , $7810 $685 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA" ADAMS FURNITURE CO. LHE JOHNS PIANO STORE 80 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA SIUDENTS "RAG" CEREMONY Conferring of degrees at University College, at Dublin, Irish Pree State swecently was conducted amidst ex telient caus, hy stud ats anxious o "rag' the event, As a precaus ten a limited number of students were admitted to the counell cham ber, where the dejrces were confer: red behind locked doors by President Coftey, Although threwing of flour wa banned, it was smuggled inte the chamber and spritkled on the candi lates, Underneath the windows of the chamber were nolsv demonstra tions, which at times caused appre hension, Mith the arrival o the "rag" parade, there were many tees [light house and a caretaker of a diss rific explosions, followed by wild cheering, IRISH ISLAND EVACUATED Indstrahnll Island, six wiles north east of Malin Head, Northern Ive land, was evacuated recently, the 7! inhabitants bag conveyed with Y household goods in boats ta © the mainland at Malin Head, The people of Inistrahu™ lived al ost entirely by Sshing, and when stream © trawlers swept the extensive fishing beds around the island of fish and destroy fof the heart 18 unknown, ed the spawning b 1s, they had (0 ]posal was made by the { habited Irish islands, and is passed Oy many continued fog horn yemain on the 114 acre piece of lana with ity cluster of empty houses and school house, nistrabull ix most noether'y of ins Amerigan liners SCOTCH KING'S HEART LOST Proposal that the heart of Robert the Bruce, liberator and king of Scot land, should be taken to the Holy Land for burial has led to the diy covery that the present burial place The pros Rey Dr, | for many years as a missionary of the United Free Church of Scotland Several years ago a casket contains ne a sheivelled + ort was discovered wm Melrose Abbey, but experts cons clided the heart could not be the Bruce's, Dro WV, 'ackay Mackengie, secretary of the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historie Monuments in Scotland, states he belidves that no one knows where the Bruce's "eart is interred, PEAT BOG IN BBAUY shOP he traditional peach hloom complexion of the Irish girl is Wo leave, Only the keepers of the|Christie, who has been id Palesting | bu offered to her sisters in other em countries, So declares a wells known aoap manufacturer, who is testing the eftects of a new soap possessing Ingrédients composea of peat water and the concentrated essence of bog bloom together with a splash of soft Irish rain, -- "AIRW 'YS BLOCKED Colds and Catarrh frequently clog the wit passages ¥0 that breathing i ditheult, fet = "Noatroline" help, "Noatroline" el away all congestion and mives such LR lief at the fest touch, Seine . sant, SO cents hom = WH, Kar, J Store, 8 Your Nose Needs "Nos

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