LV} THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 to the rescue, The physician hurried to the station, but found that he would have to wait two hours for the next train, He was relieved to hear that a goods train was leaving in a quarter of an hour, and was about to enter the 'train when sn angry voice called him back is owner was the stationmaster, who pointed out to him that the railway regulations did not permit passengers on the goods trains unless they were ac companying live stock, The doctor's appeals to reason were vain, Nothing wild induce the con- scientious official to neglect his duty by permitting the physician to enter the goods van, The train was ready to leave when the doctor caught sight of the inevitable scraggy hen of the Balkans walking up and down the platform, Catching her and jumping Stock Market Prices Mark . Mummary by Canadian "ress Toronto and New York "tock Quotations supplied by swble, Vorlong and Co. i TORONTO NTOCK EXCHANGE Toronto, Dec, 124,~~Trading was sluggish on the Toronto Stock HKx- change during the morning ses wlon today, The market appears to he In a rut previous to the Christ mas holiday season and the ses wens for the past week have been dull, Brasilian was the only issue to be traded In to any extent this morning and at midday was off 1% at 42. Other leading stoos suffered fractional lowses, Nickel was down 7% nat 81% while Ford Motors "A' after opening with a plirht gain at noon was off 1 point ou 48 Can, 2nd 20 Bid Onan, Brd, 20 Ask Cockshutt 23 Cty, Dry, B1% Dis, 8grm, 12 Dm, Strs, 26% Gypsum 25 "Tr, Wal, 13 Hm, Brd, 32 It, Utll, 390 Ask It. Nkl, It, Pet, -- = ; 1d, Alchl, , i ie Imp, ON . 400 New Canadians Arrive From Europe Pour hundred Walned CANAries re- canaries saw the light of day, thy eontly trilled thelr way across the burst into a cheery chorus of song, Atlantic from Hamburg, Germany, to showing ne ll effects from thelr Jong a Toronto firm The little birds made journey, the long trip in individual wooden Al thon Faiariee are the Roller, io, vin, { anges, each cage having & mall food iy pulsar 8th Jaguar Ded Ail bez ondge drinking cup, and which gives delight in thousands As the osses were unpacked and the on to the goods train was the work of a moment, sighed contentedly, the doctor, The stationmaster il | ied ili as a Jasmenger in due accordance Zaid | 11 i with the regulations, and the injured he) al 8 were enabled to receive first ald, of Canadian homes at 31, Walkers at 12% was off %. Internationnl Pete was the only stock in the olls to record an ad- vance being up % at 24, BA was off % at 40. and Imperial a'ter opening unshanged, dropped % to 28, ' NEW YORK NTOCK EXCHANGE (By Ftanley W. Prenosil, Assoch ated Press Financial Wditor) Now York, Dec, 12,-The stock market co itinued to drift lower todny despite vporadie attempts of pools to rally the general list Trad'ng, however, was not heavy in volume iIndiecatink' that "ben operators, who have been ham moring the market at intervals for the past few days, apparently wore havine diffieulty in dislodg- ing any great volume of stock, There were several disappoint. ing develonments In the dave news, Publiodtion of copper statin. tion, showing a large Increase In the mmount of stocks on hand conf'rmed widely olreulated re. ports that buyers were still hold ins to the "hand to mouth', polley and that a substantial percentage of recent productipn was piling up.' Heavy withdrawals of gold for shipment to England offset the anpoineement of un redyetion in the Hank of England d'scount rate which, however, Is expected to have a rotarding influence on fur ther exports of tlie yellow metal Omission of tha United-Schnite preferred dividend furnished fur« ther proof that prosperity this Yoar was hy no means general, Publig Utilities, which enjoyed A temporary outburst of strength oarligr in the week, were sold rather freely, although recent news from the electrical Industry has been tayorable, and proapeots gen- orally promising. Webgter dropped f points, North American Co, 7%, Standard Gas Kleotrlo 7% and American Water Works and nev. oral others 2 to 4 points, FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, Dee, 12=Prime mers cantile paper 5 at 5 1-2 pe' cent. Foreign exchange steady: demand ra« tes (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Great Britain, 487 5-8: France, 308 5.8; Italy, 523 1.8; Ger Io 0 2392: Canadian Dollars, 22.82 of ¥ne per cent, discount, TORONTO LIVESTOCK Toronto, Deo, 13,-Cattle re coelpts, 8, Left-overs on the Doms infon Livestock Exchange today totalled 1,000 head, 'Trade wan very flow with only canners mov- ing, Calf receipts, 4, Calves closed $1.00 lower for the week at $15.00 to $16.50 for echolee, Hog receipts, 81, Hogs were un- settled with packers bidding $10,560 ¥.0.B,, for bacon or $11.76 off oar, Sheep receipts, 18, A few lamba at $13.60 per owt, No sheep were offered, CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Dee, 12.-<Influenced by upturn in Liverpool quotations and by easing off the British bank rate, wheat scored early upturns in prices here today, Besides, an official esti mate placed new wheat production in Autralia at only 96,000,000 bushels as compared with 160,000,000 bushels a year ago, Starting 1-4 to 1 cent high: er, Chicago wheat afterward made additional gaing, Corn and oats were also firmer, with corn opening 1-8 oft to 3-8 up, and subsequently showing advances all around, Provisions des clined, CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Ch'earo, Deo, 19.---Wheat Dee. 1.21%: Mar, 1.98'(: May, 1.88%" Corn, Deo, 80%; "ar, 4%: May 86% ¢ Oatn, Deo. 4 Vo; Mar, 483%: May, B80, WINNIPEG GI" IN OPENING Winn'peg, Dec. 13.-Wheat! Deo, Wi hi*her at 1353: May, to 8% higher at 143%: July, un. chanred to § higher at 14% to 143%, Ont: May, unchanged to B lower at 63% to 634. Is Your Child Thir end Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Boeilds Them U In just a few days-~quloker than you ever dreamt of-<these won derfu! Hisaith building Tiesh oreat. ing tablets oalled MeCoy's Co) fdver Extract Ta"leta will start 0 help any thin, underweight \ittie one, After alcknesa and when the children are exceodin~ly puny they are especially valuable, All over North and South Am erioa and even in Great Britalu and Amatral'a tens of thousands » a innyg Pry dOWR men anda women have put thelr faith in MeCoy's-- 24 have not heen disapnointed, "ey these womdorful tablets for \ dave and © your frail, wiekly 'A doesn't eatly benefit you t vour money back, Ask Jury & Lovell, TT. B Mit iW NH, Karn or any draw fave Coo Tver Extract snuy Ro take an candy te, 60 cents---Keonomy iat anil oan Rise $1.00, Lo , HAN Ms. Hr, Me, rt, Mt, Pwr, Ig, Her, Shaw, 8, Station He, Ol 1000 Hw, Gld, 80% Hd, By, 926 Kt, Fir, % Lk, 8h, 2000 Norda, 8465 gh, QGr.- 2907 Blscoe 40 Hd, Bs, 371 Tk, Hg. 610 Ventures 200 Wr, Har, 133 Wainwell 14% NEW YORK Stock Amer, Can, 181 Am, Fr, Pr, 08% Anaconda 80 Balt & Ohlo 110 Can, Pao, 108% Chrysler ,, 80% Js, Gn, N.Y, 101% Col, Gra, i Dupont ,.,120 Erie Rall 61% Gon, Fda, bo Gen, Mot, 2% Hud, Mot, b4% It. Com, ,, 11% It, Tel, ... 81 Jos, Man, 138% Lune, Wis, Mex, Sbrd, Mt, Ward Poore Co, Phil, Pet, 8t, Ol NJ, 81% Simmons Sin, Ol Ph, Woolworth 78 Yel. Truck: 16 Money rate 4% ARCTIG CRUISE BY GRAF ZEPPELIN Will Encircle Top Of The World Next Spring Washington, Dee, 12--Over the top of the world it once encircled, the Graf Zeppelin, bearing scientists and explorers who envision an unbroken control of the Arctic, will cruise mn April and May, Memorable expedi- tions have opened up narrow tracks into the Arctic but great gaps exist in man's scientific knowledge of polar conditions that scatter their influence to the inhabited world, Through systematic and widespread observations, for which the basis will be laid by the Graf's flight, a perman- ent control will be established by scientific studies hindered so tar by the inaccessibility of the region, The ship will float over stark wastes nev- er before seen by man, a ghostly re wion of ice and snow where the sun may shine at midnight or a night may be six months long, lighted alone bw the fluttering banners of the northern lights, Dr, Fridtjof Nansen, famous Nor: wegian explorer, will be the scientific leader, Included in his scientific staff of 15 will be Sir Hubert Wilkins, of Australia, H, U, Sverdrup, noted Nor- wegian explorer, and three American scientists, 'The expedition is sponsor- ed by the International Society for the Exploration of the Arctic Region hy Means of the Airship, more fre. auently known as the Aeroarctic so ciety, for a preliminary reconnois ance paving the way to more inten sive studies in later vears, Polar phenomena will be studied for their effect on weather and clim- ate, soundings will be taken in the seas, and meteorological observations so important in the development of Jp navigation w'll be taken, Arrange: ants in the United States are be 'wa made by Tohn A, Flemion of the "srhegle Institution of Washinton nd acting vice-nresident of the Am. isan branch of Aeroarctic, The project envisions a control of the Arctic regions by which know: ledge may be secured where and when it is needed, a control impos thle in the age of sledges and sea: ships but forecast in the success of sxneditions with planes by Byed, Wilkins and Eilson, and with airship' "w Amundsen, Ellsworth and Nobile, From northern Norway, at Tromse 'he dirigible will start April 1, Its destination will be Fairbanks, Alaska tefinitely selected as the base because af the government railroad which connects it with the west coast, pers mitting the transportation of gas and vanlies, From Fairbanks the Graf will head azain over uncharted regions, areas in which only narrow strips have been covered hy explarers, Looping close nthe pole, it will return to the hase, Yi home flight ta Norway will cary ever mate unknawn territory, Cant "wanet Tohmann and a grew of 3M wll operate the big ship, Early in the new year, and following an elghie day Yuletide Festival at the Empress Hotel, tho same hostolry will be the scene under Canadian Pacific Railway auspices of a Son January 106-18, at which British and Canadian sen Among the more out- standing will be the ballad operas, "The Order of Good Cheer", incorporating old French sea songs of the period of Champlain; "Bound for the Rio Grade", an opera filled with many favorite sea chante) #; and a fishorfolk' play written by Bthel Mino volees, first. class © soirs, some of them from the United States, pative, and excellent Instrumental effects chanteys will be featured, Bassin, "At A Lews Mashing" others GUILD BAZAAR GREAT SUCCESS y= Barga George's Women's. Event Was Well Attended St. bazaar Guild uniter Pickering, Dee. 10.The held by St, George's Women's in the town hall on Saturday toon was very well attendgd, and re paid the ladies for their work and trouble of preparing for it. The or ginal idea of having a booth for each day in the week, was successfully carried out, and the vari-coloured decorations gave the hall a gala lool In Monday's booth could be pur chased everything necessary for the wash-ddy, Tuesday looked after the children, by way of a Christmas tree laden with surprise packages, Wed nesday displayed articles for his ma jesty the baby, Thursday sold mis cellaneous articles, Friday entertain ed the mothers with afternoon tea, and Saturday interested the whole famly with a tempting display of home-made baking and candy, The proceeds from the sale of goods were one hundred and seven dollars An item of special note was the auctioning of an autograph quilt which had been made by Mr A Fowles It red and white, with an excellent reproduction of the church embroidered in the centre The bidding was at times quite amu img and finally the quilt was knocked down to Forbes Ross, for fAftyesi dollars and fifty cents, The names on the qWilt had brought the sum of ene hundred and thirty-seven dollars and both amounts are to be put into the new rectory fund, Mr, A, New man was the able auctioneer THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Dee. 10-Walt or Muss, of Toronto, is home for a «ew weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Williamson, of l'oronto, were Sunday guests of Mrs, Willamson's parents, Mr, and Mrs, ' John King. Born--At the Oshawa General Hos pital, Dec, 9, to the wife of W, I Person, a son, | The annual Christmas tree and coh cert presented by the Sunday Scho '| was otf and Public School will be held in the Sunday School room on the evening | of December 20. Canta Claus is ex: | pected and a good program is being prepared, |p Many from here are expecting to attend the banquet given by the Osh awa Milk and Cream Producers As sociation in the King street United Church on Friday, December 13, wt noon, Little Master Jack Pierson is stay ing with Ms grandparents, Mr, and | streten of line, and an urgent te! Mrs, Edgar Pascoe, tor a few weeks, W. S. Dies, of Shannonville, stay- ed over night recently with Edgar Pascoe, TOO LARGE A BELT BRINGS JAIL TERM Detroit, Dee, 12~Too much beam amidship, or, in less nautical language, a bulge around his belt, bought George Strand, 30 venrs old, recently of Toledo, to a Trumbull dvenue sta- tion cell, He is held on a breaking | and entering charge, | rdered by radio to a grocery store at 3301 Severiteenth street that had been looted, Patrolmen James Dagwell and Louis Williams encoun» tered Strand in the neighborhood and were attracted by his bulky sil houette, Beneath his coat they found a jacket equipped with commodious pouches, In the pouches they discovered a quantity of canned vegetables, Police believe Strand to be the man who broke the grocery store display win. dow and fled with an assortment of edibles, HEN CUTS RED TAPE FOR BALKAN DOCTOR Belgrade, Dec, 12~How a scraggy Cochinschina hen saved much suffer. wg and probably the lives of several victims of a recent railway accident near Zagreb by propitating the great Balkan god of red tane has just been revealed in the Zagreb newspapers, | of Harold Eustace Key, from "Bound For the Music Festival, | Dancing," and "The Order in February cess last year and attracted torin, where grass Is green year round, will thus aga! considered the Rivierw of € mate making It a pleasant The accident occurred on an oper ram w ren py will all be In evidence under the musical direction Rio Grande," "Fishwives lowing the sen music festival, there will be staged the Victorian mid-winter golf tourna~ mont at Colwood Park, with a special trophy pre- sontod by KE. W, Boatty, chairman and president of the Rallway, which was first held with such sue- FOLDED AWAY 4 Wil i The angel of our thoughts will make The year is always busy at tidying . ; such moments bright again, up the world, And laying by the seasons, so. thick : with memories pearled, The curtain of the summer has fal. | And now his time's devoted to fold len o'er the scene ing up the days, eo Of lakeside walks, of arbor talks, of And shutting out the summer scenes J | forever from our faze, : Le ig onthe green, And then they'll all be packed away I'he yachting tours, the forest strolls, in Time's most solemn trust | the drives through rain and mire, To le until the mists of years sha'l| The songs and stories of the camp moulder them to dust around the blazing fire The seaside version of love's dream, with many a whispered vow, | Like grasses crystallized, are worth a double value now, ns "escort of live stock," was i Lay-omt shows scenes of Good Cheer." Fol- You know we cannot 'of the woods save every tree that grows, we can press some erimson | lenves to look at through the no So while the autumn's magle touch is So we may have some memories and | turning green to gold, loving thoughts enshrined | And the old year gently wrapping up Of momerits gathered from the days the blossoms from the cold, our life-march left behind, [5 are culling from the fading days | elected a fine entry lst, Vies But and flowers bloom the n prove its title to be 'anndn with a mild oll rest resort In winter. tion of ws, of an cloging And when the cobwebs gather o'er some memories sweet to hold, geon, ns sent to the next village, our weary heart and brain And coming years shall find youth's' er, doctar lived, summoning him Oeste - A - Il increase In | more than 60 per cent marked the n-- . ] dreams still fresh in every fold, ~Minnie I, Messer, Proper Mghting for your work now costs less than poor eyesight and glasses later, CHEESE MAKERS' CONVENTION ENDS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Belleville, prevailed hore todny of the Central Ontario Cheesemnker's Convention, A tone of optimism at the closing officers and announcement mombership of activition, W, A, Drewry, Warkworth, was president and John Dué- Kingston, secretary-treasur« WYRE Thursday Friday Saturday To Demonstrate our Faith in Oshawa we Gladly Give Credit Cash or Credit Silk Dresses Sizcs 14 to 54 SLICKERS - $2.95 WOMEN'S BATH ROBES *3°95 {isses Coats CASH Ok CRELIT Girls' Coats ' While they Last SHIRTS A large select Men's Shirts in stripe effects, $1.49 of and imcoe Street N. J Bridge Lamps Positively the very best va'ue in metal polychrome bridgd lamps. You could even hope to buy these lamps complete with very beautiful cilk shade, 6 ft, cord, Metal Polychrome standard on heavy ornamental base, $8.50 Men's Coats quality fabrics, lined over shoulder, Coats of Thirty Dollar value in this group at *1 Down Goods All wool chinchilla coats of extra good Guaranteed Indigo dye, Good plush lining. $18 95 on all . "WB Boys' Suits "DOORS OPEN 9 a.m. Adver- tised As 45 $5.95 Bloomers suits in tweeds and serges in large sizes, $8.95 to $185, for ... y Boys' Coats Hundreds of boys' heavy winter overcoats in tweed and navy blue chinchil'a cloths, wool plaid lining [ ' Girls' Dresses Charming little frocks of choice serge velvet and flannels, beauti- fully trimmed with $2 95 braid, ete, «viii [S " , ON N : AY No BORA 8 6 AY re $13.95 - $3.95 Youths' Suits A Group of good tweed suits in small fawn and brown check, Smart doub'e coat. New cut vests and fashionably cut pants, Extra good $10.95 WIE ivi siieivinanis sivseiiphe GLASS BRO | Mama Dolls + /1! | > RH ( he 5 The best dressed doll at a price that speaks for itself. SKATES Oshawa Hockey Skates .....$1.50 Tube Skates .........$2.50 session Elec~ a