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"All the News While It Is News" ' Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshawa Daily dimes A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL, 5~NO, 138 "er Cheon Riniugs snd ile Skdors OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 16 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES News in Brief | (LR Press) ASS ttt sts aa 2 wi - Lad 4 v Myhal Bxocnted Budbury, Peter Myhal went to his death on the gallows early this morning at the Sudbury jail, My~ bal was found guilty three months Ago of murdering Rose Karas, LJ *" Bourbon Princens Dien Parts, ~Vrincess Blvirs De Bourbon died yesterday at a Parle clinic at the age of 6S years, he Was a, daughter of the late Dou Carlos and a sister of Don Jaima, head of the Bpanish branch of the House of Bourbon, . L] - Artist Digs Lowell, Mass, ~Thalles P, Hall, artist who served on the Lowell Park Commission for ten years, died yesterday In the Moldiers' Home, Chelsen, after a brief {ll ness, He was born in the province of Quebec, In 1840, coming to Lowell as a youth, " w w Constance Talmadge Wetives Los Auvgeles, Cul~Constance Talmadge, film star, is through with motion plotures forever, pho announced last night upon her are rival home from a honeymoon with Townsend Netcher, Chicago broker, The couple were married May 8, and at that time the aetress intimated she might retire, * LJ * Resignation Asked Columbus, . Ohlo,--A resolution demanding the resignation of D Leigh Colvin, president of the Na- tional Prohibition Party, was adopted by members of the party's national committee at a meeting here esterday, Willlam ¥, Ar- ney of Rookville, Centre, N.Y,, was appointed to succeed Colvin, The resolution charged that Colvin Was not in harmony with policies of the prohibition party, * » " ~~ Game Wardens To Mest Toronto =The annual meeting of iii wardens of Ontarle will he held here Dee, 16, Donald MeDonald, Des puty Minister of Game and Fisheries announced today, Conservation, the game Jaws and the efficiency of special game officers will be the chief toples of discussion, ad » LJ Charged With Manslaughter New York, Dee, 12+-Two executives of the Pathe Studios were arrested foday on charges of manslaughter In connection with the death of ten pers song in the fire whieh destroyed with Manhatten Film Studio on Tuesday, They are John C, Flinn, 40 years old, of Yonkers, a vice-president and Henry F, Lalley, 40 years old, manas r ae el ¥ Narrow Escape From Fire Leamington Mr, and Mrs, Hartwick and thelr five-year-old son, Jackie, who live in Mersea township near here, barely escaped with thelr lives when oil-soaked fuel in a kit chen stove exploded yesterday, Mrs Hartwick's elathing caught fire, and she wan seriously burned before her husband managed to extinguish the flames, The little was was painfully burned also, * * Inventor Dies Washington], Harris Rogers, 79, whose inventions In the field of wires Tess cammunieation were of Inestim: uhle-henefit to the United States dur. ing the Great War, died today at his home in Mvattaville, Md, near Washington, after a heart attack, CI Three Killed in Five Wichita Falls, Texas~Three men Including two firemen, were killed here today in a fire that destroyed the Antlers Hotel, a three-storey brick structure, * . . U. 8, General Dies Washington, Dee, 12-=Drigadier- wight E. Aultman, of Allegheny, a. the ranking officer of his grade in the United States army, died to. day after an ness of five months, Bank Rate Drop New Yark=Reducton in the Bank of England discount rate from 5% to § per cent today waa immediately reflected in a drop in sterling ex. change on the New York market below the "gold export point" Posse Hunts For Youth Jackson, Miss~A posse of ap- proximately 100 men was organized at Pelahatehie, Miss, early today to search for Millard Hamm, 19, ae. cused of wounding two police officers in a gun battle near [idnight, Ne Candid te Named Prince Albert, Sask--After four hours of debate, the Prince Alhert federal Conservative association des cided vesterday not to neminate a candidate to annose Premier Macken. "wie King in this riding until the date of the next federal election is ane nounced, WEATHER High pressure and decidedly cold weather extends from the Ottawa Valley eastward, while pressure is low over the greats or part of the Western Mtates, t snowfalls have ocours red from the Great Lakes Noabward. mu Stine cold Baska wan and Alberta but: it is becom milder in the region of the Great Lakes, Forecasts: Lower Lake Res rong Ontario, mostly clondy and milder with Mght local and Friday, n strong cast and southeast winds, mostly cloudy end mild er with some local snow or slect today and Friday, Rert A DENIAL MADE OF TORONTO PREDICTIONS Toronto Report This Morn. ing Stated That Mr. Sin. clair Was Seeking Seat in the House of Commons "NOTHING IN IT" SAYS MR. SINCLAIR Report Is Seid To Have Emanated From Meeting of Liberal Candidates Held in Toronto Yester- day "Absolutely nothing In It," sald W, EN. Sinclair, K.C., Leader of the Liberal party of Ontario when shown by 'the 'Limes a report appearing in a Toronto morning paper stating that he would resign the Liberal leader ship to aceept the post of solieltor keneral in the Dominion Cabinet at Ottawa Mr, Sinclair stated that he had not resigned the Liberal leadership nor had he offered to do so, He stated further that no suggestion had been made to him that he enter the Fed: eral Cabinet at Ottawa, "Will you eontinug as leader of the Liberal party and House Leader of the party at the next session of the Legislature?" asked The Times, Mr, Sinclair replied in the afirmas tive, adding that he would be on the lob ut the next session, My, Sinclaly added further that he knew nothing of the report which had accredited to him with the ae- ceptance of the federal porifelio, He added that this position is now held by Hon, Luclen Cannon, The article in question, as It aps eared in this morning's Issue of 'Lhe Toronto Globe, rend as tollows! He further denied that he weuld resign his seat as member for South Ontarlo in order that he might be elected for Federal Parliament and thus qualify for a Cabinet post as suggested (n the report, Rumor of Retirement Toronto, Dee, 14-~Willlam WB, N, Binclaly, K.C,, Provinolal Lib. eral Leader, is llkely to retire from the Ontario leadership, seek elec tien to the House of Commons In hig home riding of Houth Ontarie, and, it is reported, ay becomes Nollcltor-General in the Mackensle King Government, * This 1s the Information which emanated from the conference of elected and defeated Provinelal Liberal candidates, meeting at the Prince George Hotel for the last two days, on the call of Mr, Sin olalr, who 1s sald to have been definite in his request to ba als lowed to retire from the Provin. elal leadership, A Provincial Liberal Conven- tion wan the biggest single issue (Continued on page §) GERMANS CHEER FOR YOUNG PLAN w------m Head of Reichsbank Ap. plauded by Assembly of Industrialists TT -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Berlin, Deo, 12,~-Three thous and leaders of German industrial lite today enthusiastically cheerea Dr, Hialmar Schacht, head of the Relchabank, for his "back te the Young plan" broadside of several days ago and his attitude on Ger man financial policies, The induatrialisty were assembl- ed in an extraordinary session of the League of German Industrials ista and thelr cheers came when President Carl Dulsberg welcoming the official guest, wmontloned Dr, Schaoht's name and thanked him for the recent statement, Preal dent Dulaberg was unable to cons tinue as the audience inalated on applauding Dr, Sohacht, -- PT ---------- UKRAINIAN HANGED IN SUDBURY JAIL Re 13=Deter Myhal, sentenced Dee, convieted and Sudbury, Ukrainian on Sept, 21, for the murder of Mrs, Rose Kita. pald the supreme pens alty of the law at 12.57 e'elock this morning, Eight and one half minus tes after the trap was sprung by hangman Ellis, the boy was pronouns ced dead, Myhal is reported to have retained his composure and faced death with the same calmness as he maintained throughout his incarcera tion, inclair Denies Rumor of Resignation LATE "BOBBIE" KERR, V.C., IS LAID TO REST v The from late Captain George Fraser "Bob. ble" Kerr, V.C, who died recently from effects of carbon-monoxide gas, photonraphe here show scenes Moueow, Deo, 18=Complete net aration of children from thele pn: ont from infancy has been recon mended to the Boviet governme| by L, M, Babsoviteh, one of Ru sla's leading economists He argues that under oon munistie regime, ohildren shou! not be the ""property' of thelr pa ents, but should become the prey terty of the state, which should a sume complete responsibility fo thelr care and upbringing, Babroviteh recommends that ba bles should he taken away ron their mothers immediately afte birth and should never be return od to the parental roof, He woula lace them in special "baby houses" to be established along the Tines of Hoclallstle pedagomy, If this were done, the Noviet econs omist contends, future generations fn Russia will not only enter ma turity with greater physlonl fitness, but will also have no "false ideas about the ebligations of the Indl widual to his parents or relatives Children will, Instead, grow up to regard the state as thelr parent abroviteh malintalng that tne "Influence" of the family and of arents is In most instances harm wl, aven In capitalist! intr He therefore urges that ehidren be sent to "baby houses and later to "kindergarten homens" as far as possible from their birth places, He also recommends establishment of special "ohildren's elties' fn which state-reared ohildren would live until the age of 17, n CATTLE FROZEN AS WINTER GRIPS PRAIRIE RANGES Regina Stormbound as Blix. zard Rages for Sixth Day Regina, Dec, 12.Prairle farms Are mtormbound and roads throughs out the Province eontinue Impans sable, For wlx days sero cold and blissardy weather has prevailed, and activities throughout the couns try are held up, while winter haa made ta mark on business in Sas katohewan oltles, From a number of widely seats tered areas have come reports of oattle freesink to death on the ranges, No effort to save the ani mals was possible, hecause of blissards which have swept the greater part of the Provinee for nearly a week, Regina streets are practically cold and a strong south wind, a railway oars lant night erept slowly through the bllasard, At times Hghts were not visible a block datant, Christmas trade had been hard hit by "Cheristmas" weather Stockholm, tonal Bank of duced ita rate The today per Na res cent Sweden Sweden from §§ to five per cent, eo funeral, yesterday, of the! Proposal by Soviet Economist That State Take Over Children (3 Ww, WAR: TIME COMRADES ACCOMPANY CORTEGE TO MOUN Hundreds attended the ceremony and many war-time comrades acsom- panied the easket to the graveside at Mount Pleasant cemetery, Full military honors were acco A A---- i -- Ss featless Days Decreed, Moscow Moscow, Deo, 18,~~Moscow ress urants will serve no meat dishes n two days each week-~Mondays nd Thursdays-=beginning today, he decision of the Moscow Hoviet us made November 23 to relieve 10 meat shortage now keenly feit ore, On days when restaurants are ermitted to serve meat, snch ouns omer will ba allowed to order no more than a quarter of pound, In factory restaurants the meat ra tion will he 1560 kilograms for each worker, It is estimated that these restrictions will reduce meat consumption by 100 tons per week, Britain's Coal Bill Published Government Measure Pro. vides Means of Stimulat. ing Coal Industry ------ London, Dec, 12=The Govern: ment's coal mines bill, designed to alleviate conditions in the coal indus trys was published today, It has been the subject of protracted nego tiation between the government, coal owners, and miners, The measure provides for establish. of marketing schemes, regulation of cutput, fixing of prices, establishment of a national board to act as an appeal tribunal on larger questions ol wages and comditions, and reduces tion of working hours by a hall hour The bill was introduced formally in the house of commons yesterday It would become operative April Light Grain Shipments Port Colhorne.~~Lesy than 80. 000,000 bushels of grain were ships ped through the Welland Canal during the navigation season just cloned, which is a decrease of 110, 000,00 bushels compared with last year's figures, New Metal Will F loat on Water New York, N.¥,, Deo, 13=Pro- duetion by the ton of a metal that floats like cork on water, the lat ext achievement of American metal manufacturing, was revealed last night at the New York Electrioal Soofety by Dr, W, C, MaoTavish, professor of chemlutry at New York Univeraity, The substance fa Lithium, the world's lightest metal, allvery In color, softer than lead, one half the welght of water, and auch a ready mixer with other metals that fis used range from aviation to sWweeterstoned bells, him, ! Holmes, ----- a - (1) V.C. comrades at the grave-side, LEFT to RIGHT, H, H, Robson, Col, E, J, Holland, Capt, B, Hedley Geary, Capt, Collin Barrow, Thomas | + L. Rayfield and Lieut. Riot in Auburn Prison Caused | Loss of 9 Lives 300 ARMED MEN PAT- ROL PRISON WALLS "TODAY Rest of Rioters Will Face Charges of First Degree Murder (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Auburn, N.Y. Dee, 13-=Three hundred armed men patrolled the walls and corridors of Auburn pri pon today after a day of rioting In which elght conviots and the head keoper were killed, The outbreak, the second within five months, collapsed when state police in a spectacular dash resened Warden Edgar 8, Jennings and sev on guards hold as hostages by the rioters, The dead Principal' Durnford Parry Johnson, sentenced to life fmprisonment from Ilroome eoun ty. Alex Johnson, sentenced to life imprisonment from Wrie county Bteve Pewlak, sentenced to dou ble Ife tmprisonment from lrie county, Stephen Sporning, sentenced to) from 18 to 16 years, Krie county, (Continued on page 1) PASSENGER CAR, TRUCK FEES DOWN Drastic Cuts Made by On. tario Cabinet's Order- in-Council keeper George A Toronto, Dee, 13==Not only the cut In passenger car license fees a was sromised in the election manifesto, also a reduction in the charge for truck licenses went into effect yesterday when the provincial cab inet approved a new order-in-council covering these levies preparatory to the {ssuance of the 1930 markers next week Motorists and truck operators are saved a total approximately $2,800, 000 by this wholesale fee slashing Of this amount the truck owners got the benefit of about $340.000 or on an average $0 a truck, and the passen ger car operators get the balance, roughly $2,000,000, The passenger car liconses, as pros viously annoineed, now cost $3 for all vehicles of 25 hop, or less: more than 28 hp and up te J $10 and more than 35 hop $20. It is estimated by the Ontario Motor League that under the new schedule 80 per gent of all motor cars will come in the $3 class, 15 per cont in the $10 class T PLEASANT CEMETERY and the rest in the $0 class, EE ----.., e ssid sonra Col, Pearkes, (2) Gun:Carriage bearing casket In funeral procession, (3) Toronto regiment band enterin Mount Pleasant Cemetery, and " firing party at grave.side, General Motors ___ Benefits by Wife of Police Chief Convicted (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Orangeville, Deo 18, ~=Mrs I"lorence Morgan, Orangeville, wa) convicted of common assault upon Mayor Thomas Hewson hy Judes Moore in polite court hers yesters day, She was remanded for sen tence, Mrs, Morgan and her husband William Morgan, former chief of police here, were accused hy Mayor Howson of assaulting him and causing bodily harm while he (Mayor Hewson) was returning from a council meeting on the night of Beptember 10, At this mooting Morgan had been dis changed from duties of chief cons stable, Floods Rising In Gt. Britain Western Counties and Southern Areas Inundated by Overflowing Rivers Dee, 12-South and west Hritain's flooded rivers continued to rise today, inundating considerable sections of farm land and urban secs tions and threatening vast further damage Fhe Thamea valley, Somerset, and parts of the western Midland coun. ties partionlarly ;were hard hit, als though wherever there were even small streams flooded conditions pres vatled, Constantly fed by their small tris butaries, now swollen to torrents, the Severn, Wye, Usk, Tone, and Parrett rivers in the west and the Thames in the south poured millions of tons of water over miles of coun: try, Numerous roads were made fmpass sable by the water which in some cases was two to five feet deep over the thoroughfares. Many towns were mapproachable from various direc. tions, with their streets swamped Some railroads suspended service als though all the great main lines still functioned London, Divorced From Nagging Wife We ---- (My Canadian Press Leased Wire) Atlanta, Ga, Doo, 13«A divorce granted to Edgar F, Ross, who complained that his wife's nagging caused him to live in a rear room of his houre for two years, doing his own cooking and making hia own hed, was upheld by the state supreme court yesterday, The des olson quoted from (he Proverbs: "It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawls UONO CONVICTED OF MANSLAUGHTER OSHAWA MAN SENTENCED TO FIFTEEN YEAR TERM IN PROVINCIAL PENITENTIARY NEW ENGLAND HIT BY ZERO WEATHER Port of Bangor, Maine, Is Closed to Navigation By Ice (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mass, Dec 12=Wintry blasts from north of the Great Lakes held New Kngland in the rip of zero weather early to day, Increasing cloudiness tonight and tomorrow probably followed by rain or snow, however, was expected to bring relief, The cold wave was felt along the After the cutter Klekppoo had broken un chnnel through four inches of lee for seven miles from Bangor down the Penobscot tor the Inst bout to depart, the port and rls declared closed to navign Femperatures there Boston, December sea const ver were tion for the yeuy ranged to six degrees above zero In Serlous Condition I'ittond, , who ha tl Rome Tommaso former allay still In wu se foreign Hl was minister for heen gravely ous condition today Poincare Necovering Paris The departure of form or Premier Raymond Poincare from the nursing home where he has heen convaleseing from an ops eration, has heen postponed until ahout Dee, 26 His recovery Is sald to ho proceeding normally, Says Car Buyer Excise Removal Ottawa, Deo, 13, Declaring "definitely' that when the excise tax of b per cent was removed from automobiles under $1,200 in val ue that company passed the reduo~ tion on to the consumer, General Motors of Canada, Id, in a brief which was presented today at the hearing of the Tariff Board on this question, contends, in a lengthy argument, that the delivered price to consumers was reduced by the amount of the tax, The brief was presented to the board by John Balin, of Ottawa, representing the General Motors of Canada, Limit od, . In the reference ment to the board by the late Mon, James A, Robb there were reonlled states ments in Parliament "that certain Canadian manufacturers of autos have heen and are now taking full price advantage of an exemption of exolso taxes provided under the budding legislation of 1086," and the board was instructed in that reference to "at once start {inquiry into the relative prices in Canada and the United States, as well an an Inuiry into the percentage of content of Canadian labor and ma. | terial used in onch of the several models upon which exemption from exolne tax Is now claimed. It Ia important that this Inquiry be conducted without delay and to be an comprehensive as possible," Investigation Made During the past summer and fall, it la understood, officials of the Tariff Noard and technical exe porta employed by that body have been making a careful investiga tion of the questions referred to in the instructions from the Min. ister of Finance, and the informa. tion thus obtained will be supple mentary to that presented by such Canadian automobile manufacture ers an General Motors of Canada, Ltd, and the ¥ord Company of Canada, "While suelf reduction," says the memorandum of General Motors ot Canada, Ltd, "In favor of the con. (Continued on page 9H) SKYSCRAPER MAST NEW DEVELOPMENT LANDING AIRSHIPS New York Scheme Would Bring Passengers Direct To City Now York, Dee, 12==«Alfred XK, Smith, skyscraper builder, nounced today that the 1,100 toot tower of the Empire State bulld. ing will ho surmounted, by a 200 fool mooring mast for Xeppelin alrahipa through which passengers can descend in seven minutes to the street. instead of landing at Lakehurst, 70 miles away, Mp, Smith will go to Washing: ton tomorrow to ask Secretary of the Navy Adams for the help of hh Jury Deliberated For Five Hours Before Bringing in Verdict Freeing Buono From Charge of Murder PRISONER SOBBED AS HE LEFT COURT ROOM Sentences Passed by Mr. Justice Wright on Other Prisoners Convicted of Serious Offences During Fall Assizes "Guilty of manslaughter," Such verdict of a Supreme Court last night in the trial of Frank Buono, Oshawa Italian, charg ed with murder arising out of tha death of Mrs, Sophle Kobernick, of Oshawa, who was drowned in White by harbor on the night of June 19th, last, when she Is alleged to have been pushed out of au boat rowed by tha accused, The Jury had been out since noon and returned its verdict shortly betore six o'clock, Buono who had remained ealm throughout the hear ing heard the verdict quietly but after he had been sentenced by Mr, Justs fee Wright to a term of fifteen years In Portsmouth penitentiary he burst out crying and was led sobbing from the court room Mi Justice Wright thanked tha jury for its patience during the course of a three day trial, He commented that it had been a difficult case and that the evidence had been welghty, W. A: Stillwell, counsel for the des fense, wished to poll the jury but as the verdiet had already been recorded fie eould not do so, "Have you anything A sentence is passed upon youl" Lordship asked "No, the prisoner volce which was hardly a hoarse whisper, "I'he erime for which you hava been convicted is very serious," Mr, Justice Weight stated in passing sens tence, "The evidence shows that by some means you have caused the death of this woman, The verdict might have been guilty of murder and then I would have been under obligation to sentence you to death," On dismissing the jury His Lord ship commented upon the fact that the jurymen of Ontario county meas sured up to a high standard and were prepared to enfarce the law, The court chamber was crowded with spectators and the audience (Continued on page b) CUSTOMS MEN BUSY AS CHRISTMAS NEARS Walkerville, Deo, 12 Customs oMolals at the local and Windsor ferry dooks and at the Ambassador Nridge are experiencing busy times with Christmas but a few days away. (An unusually large number of men and women were detained by the officials yesterday as they came from the United States side, nattily dressed, but showing suse plolounly bulky lunes, LABOR GOVT AGAIN DEFEATED Egypfian Policy Condemned in House of w Lords London, Deo, 12.-The Govern ment suffered another defeat in the House of Lords last night, when thelr Lordships, by a votes of 46 to 18, recorded thelr ocon- demnation of the Labor Govern. ment's polley in Egypt, h The vote came aftér an appea by Lord Thompson, Minister for Alr, that nothing should be done to complicate a delicate situation, The House of Lorda would have further opportunity to consider the Government's proposals before they became part of a ratitied treaty, he pointed out, The motion was moved by Lord Sallsbury, Leader of the Conservas tives In the House ords, It res gretted the "precipitancy with which the Government. launched the Kayptian pollioy, whieh entails risk to the meourity of Imperial communications," NOVEMBER BOARDER TRAFFIC WAS HEAVY St, Albang, Vt, Deo, 18.==Tho volume of border automobile tral. fie in November was the that month in the 'ermont custom dlsteiot, a today hy Collector Harry ©, Witter hill showed, The 36,841 ochre, which carvied more than 100,000 DAsrengars, were an Increase of 8. 000 over Nuvembor 1938, and 16, was the fury here to say befory His answered in a more than ing woman and in a wide house," navy englueory experienced in 000 more than November, 193%,

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