Ontario Community Newspapers

, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 | PAGE FOURTEEN TLED BRITONS OWN ESTATFS IN ALBERTA Duke of Sutherland Has Largest Holdings (By the Canadian Press) Bdmonton, Alta, Dee, 12~Titled Britons own about 15,000 acres of Al- berta farm lands among them, these serves having an assessed value of ap- proximately $110,000, says the Ed. monton Journal, Of these, the Duke of Sutherland carries phe largest holdings, and pays the 'most in taxes The Duke of Sutherland, the Suther- fand Land Company, among them, own 9,202 acres Karl Minto is the second largest holder, with 1,908 acre He Is close ly follotved by the Prince of Wales, whose famous 12,1, Ranch consists of 1,685 acres, In addition to this, how- ever, the Prince leases ano ther 1,440 peres, so that his total holdings are 3.085 acres, which brings him actually into second place Lord Cheylesmore to his name in Alberta, Rodney, 618 acres, The mont still holds 320 acres near dis in southern Alberta I'he of Sutherland and the holding anies begring his name, pays hrs amount of tax, the REV, A, A, BOOTY Who succeeds Dr. R, A, King as principal of Indore Christian College, India, He is a mission. ary to Central India, represents ing Deer Pard United Church, Toronto, ment on the combined holdings being $57,000 in round figures, Earl Minto is assessed on a valuation of $16,830, and the Prince of Wales, $15,170, Lords Rodney, Cheylesmore also are assessed in considerable sums of their holdings, UNIVERSITY OF GREAT WORTH TO PROVINCE has 1,380 acres and Lord Farl of Eg Wrid« Duke com- the RLLIS BE = 18 SIMCOE BT, SOUTH (By the Canadian Press) Taronto, Ont, Dee, 12-Sir Robert Faleoner, President of the University of Toronto, told a meeting of the Poronte Garrison Business Men's Association recently that "the worth of the University to the city is $5,» 000,000 cold cash a year" He said Diamonds! ||| {vther ia thous the University ation, Bassett's Is aftalr ol intense On Oshawa's Mam Corner interest to busine Sir Robert said that of the 6,600 hE can he 5 men students enrolled this year about 500 are from other parts of the Dominion the United States and oversea He set the nnmber'of professors at 700 of whom 600 are resident at the univers He sald further that the posts graduates number 120 from not less than 40 other universities ] de | Sily David Ansehl's Famous Liquid Powder Foundation [mparts that soft, velvety finish before applying Also Ansehl" Cremes, Skin Tonle, Astri ont, Face Powder for each type of skin. wider, § HERR dodo dob] JURY AND LOVELL, LTD. } TIME TABLES = EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ( a ------------ 1. vy | el bee HR, TIME TABLE jo Sept, 29, 1908 (Standard Time) Going West v (Except { | | | | COLEMAN «| CARYace § 'LOCAL. AND LONG DISTANCE Bunday v (Except Suna.y) ent logation on Fleet Hireet site of the upproah of the teri channel t wough which OLD LIGHTHONSE | TO RF GIVEN NEW SITE IN TORONTO, Oldest Historical Landmark Of Toronto Harbor To Stand on Fleet Street of Toranta Harbor, It will | commemorate the shipping, Owing ar buck from the luke fro Tie lighthouse iv ene of t hor, builg in 1861, Tt has, 50 yenrs of active operitio upward of 300,000 vessels of 1 it could speak surely it (By the Canadian Press) logs of life and herole res Toronto, Ont, Dee, 12.+An inter- esting old Toronto landmark, the old red Lighthouse, has found a perman- in 1888, and of the schoo Tar in 1856, both thousands of ships in the early days days ol plonser to reclamation and levelopment gperations it now stands | intone al landmarks on Toronto hay inte and out of Toronte harbor, There 18 on wealth of interest ut tached to this old and silent sentinel late some thrilling tales of shipwreck, the wreek of the steamer Queen City of which, near the old wes it guided ys Colc's i Dest treated wit! 1 == Just rul on 2 Vist efforis to reach the safety of harbor during a heavy male, aground in the channel at the en«ly tranee to the harbor, and thelr old hulls remained a menanee to marin ers for some years, hots How the rival steamers Turbinia | sized and Maecossa erashed together oppo- | site Queen's Wharl In August, 1906, whe, of four vessels seeking shelter in the harbor, omly one, the sehooner Van Straubengle, succeeded in navi gating the Western Entranee, Of the ether three, how the steam ort har gerve to nt harbo he oldest I the Fil | wer luring its lo n, guided wll kinds could res Vis Lf Cle Of iuht Raval in thelr er IL IE neke, t, Lowls, realiglog that the shallow vgs of the i impasse out the storm, anchors were dragging, How lifebelts hoard the Kesolute, | an" the ehannel ta the Wharf, How at midnight the tow of the made two Arips and crews of 1, B, Locke ans These are [tle the tell Threw or four mas ors, square-rigged barg wheel steamers and prope en ships, composite ships, und even freaks like Kn Ie solute, In command of then "Cap" Sullivan, foundered a distanes west Queen's f, while her consort, the 1', 1 and the three-masted schooner ol Western entranee made for them to reaeh the intending ta vide to hind that thelr and that they on to r, anchored, only the Today the ould Western filled in and buried the Boulevard plinee as un artery of tra old Red Lighthouse, wh gone hy guided a yearly h715 slowly but surely drifting shor were served ont on nd the two life one of whkh eap with the loss of five lives, Mow Sullivan, elinglng to the of a eabin wis deiven through Northern Klevator etied hy the lnunehed, cin uu cession of motor vehiele from 10 ta 12 thousand, and west along which pr lifeboat, in' the greatest industrial I, Mitchell, | the Dominien of Canada where hi ia I wate hmmn [SHH M HEI rescued the but a few of the ald Red Lighthouse hout, passed by the lighthouse during 80 odd years it wis In serviee Flat Drive hay vessels into and out of Toronto Harhor, now witnesses a dally pro § numbering For Your Aching Head Pake one ZUTOO TABLET and In 2¢ Wiauteny the pain is gone and you fesl | Bt, Lonls many could ted schoon 16s, paddle Hers, wood steel shiv, app's voller] 1 FOO will stop any Headache, Blk Nervous, Dyspeptie ox Monthly=in 2 reinntes by the eloek, 250 of dealers I I Chgnnel | Breet and a taken its} er Me, and the chy, there hi leh In days | laborers and average ol | is Peterboro to he Employment conditions unsatisfactory in the ing an abundance of very few openings, It harder for the unemployed to se cure work at present in the eity than it his heen for several years past, stated H, Wobertson, Aistriet manager of the Employment Berviees of Cans ada, notwithstanding the fact that these ure the poorest months of the YUR't Nine passing east omises to he highway in ELLA CINDERS~--Unsettled Settings rep V of Copyright, 3 wh § Tian Hewspapes Serv By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb COMM! T S50 WE pn p Whar A CONCRNOR! we 1] THE MOUNTAIN DEA, RETR A STORY OF THE BAN SNOW COUNTRYS Yom CLICK, OM TOMETHING ABONT THIS PICTURE OR, THERE WON'T FELLING TOMMY ap p-- TELL ME ABOUT THE SALVATION ARMY, DADDY IT GREW FROM A LITTLE MISSION STAR ED IN 1865 BY MiLLIAM BOOTH IH LONDONS {i EAST SIDE, TOMMY | f HE TITLE ARMY HAS Mom Daly (Except Sunday), Going East nf am Iw S04 pom. Dally (Exeern Sunday) 803 pm | Exceit Sunday) 110 pom Da (Except Saturday), 12.08 am. Daily IF WANTING INSURANCE I of say kind Keal Estate or money en other toun. frame houses allow me to Serve you | J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, | Phone 871 or 887 | YHONE 2 x For Your Drug Needs Ela THO. IPSON'S | | i: corp 10 Simcoe Sv, Be=We Deliver We i Yt onlb except Sunday, excent Sunday, Whitby Oshawa : Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective an and shies Apri) 28, 1000) Dain Saving Time) ong West Lesve Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 815 am LIC wan 1.25 am, 10 am, £10 am, SX sm, 8.20 aan 3 am 245 am, A am 10.20 am, "LY am LY pm, LY pm 1.30 pom, 440 pom, 5.40 p.m, 1.00 pm 130 pom 1.45 paw H.00 nm CANADIAN N TIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 2F, 1920 | (Standard Time) Easthaund excel lay «¢ cert Sunday, ept Sunday, except dunday a pm Daily ox 6.47 pom Baily 1.42 pom Dall HE pm Daily 13.07 a.m, Daily 3 pon Ha except Saturday Westbound Sunday, EEE W.A. HARE OPTOMETRINT 8 Bond Street East | Hundreds of . people wear with utmost comfort Have's Faultless Lenses Arvive Hospital Boys' All Wool Wind. breakers. sizes DOMINION CLOTHING 08 KING 8T. W thone 2141 We Deliver 0S am HX pm EX pm, S% pw, 4.35 pm, SX pm, 8X pom, AC pm, SX pm, 104 pn 1S pm, ng East Arrive Arvive Oshawa ville SC am Lem 0am AK am am (Xam am AS em +83 pn (SL) Leave Hospital ron Dow DIAMONDS | i oi BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts, Ftd 838 pm (3 am 0% pm am BEScBRRE 438 pom, 6.50 p.m, ~~. beg SER ENRA Smee ws - a ePPUVUOYP i 1 pm 1300 are through busses 11,00 pom, lime marked Whitky Hospital SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Uning Ves eave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa dam AX am HX am 1200 pm 145 pa 215 am 145 pm 415 pm 5.45 pm 615 pm, fT pm KIS pm 10.00 pom, 2 233233 REPAIRING WAICHES OUR SPECIALTY It your wateh is not glving satisfaction we can repalr and make it tell the correct time D, J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Wateh Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Raflroads 10 King St. W, Phone 180 feapital ta nar mn. 12.9 pom, ime marken Whitby Hosmitay ., Seecial Busser Far AD Ussastons ble Rates ang Carel! Ovivers i A UARIUN Bowmanville Phone 11 28% toten WW anaws Wattiag Roam 10 Prince Si i - WILLIAMS Taxi Service PHONE 1498 Corner Nond and Prince Streets JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORE W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyealght Specialist Phone 8215 - Mere -------- ------ L -. ASALVATION \ QM LASSIE H00TH THE SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS DINNER | mE POOR PEOPLE | 'weer INE POT BOILING /} *SAVATION ARMY * tIAS DEFINITELY ADOPTED 1 1880 WITH BOOTH AS "GENERAL, THE HOY MORE THAN [4.000 CORPS OR SOCIETIES AH ABO UY 2? 360 OFF ERS AND ENWHLIAM FVANGELINE BOG COMMANDER IN THE U3, SINCE 1909 WW PAE | CADETS EH1GAGED I SOCIAL AYO FILLD i, AL 2 WORK. THE SALVATION ARMY 15 SUP | (4 EN PORTED BY CONTRIBUTIONS AHO BY Y) THE SALE OF VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS, = I PUT A DIME (1 THE SALVATION ARMY POT BUT 1 DIDN'T SEE T BOIL {TIT ------------ WELL, MOTHER SAYS | THAT A WATCHED POT NEVER BOIS! THEIR SLOGAN 19°A MAN MAY Bt DOWN ~ BUT HEVER OUT." t 10. King Feature Syndicate, Ine. Great Briain rights reserved J EE ------ I'M SORRY JIGCH BT | MACCIERD BROTHER 9 SUSPECTED OF "MAT BANK ROBBERY AN) THE BLOOD HOUNDS HAVE TRAILED THE ROBEER TO THIS MOUSE S01! MET SEARCH VY a [ =E% UNDER SUSE CION OH? my AN CHAIN) | UNDER LOCK | \ OUGHT TO BR | | | = LONG M SORRY "OL DIDN' GIT wim | Sy 1 | ade |G WELL I'VE DEARCHED "TE PLACE AN \'M SURE WES NOT HERE DORR'Y (= Y ROUBLE 1 \ DA + A ------------------ | THERE COED Trig DOOR ¢ BELL AGN ET Qed? A -- | SS-- TURN IRLY Feature Sorvive, fue, Croat Britain rights reserve = SAY Fr -- By Gro, McManus THREE OF THE BLOOD =OaNDS ARE MISHIN' N J ATT e-------- I WHATS THE MATTER fl pt ay 4) "a uaLY FROG STUCK K TS HEAD VIE HAVE TO GET A HUNDRED NARDS OF FINE LINEN FOR THE BAD FAIRY BEFORE WB | € AN FIND S\N FRoGE, eu CAN'T HELP ua' SA\Q+ BUT THEY TOLD "THE FROG JT OF THE WATER - A -------------- EER ES ---------------- FI wit, HELP You! SAD THE [FR AND ITDEVE RY WHEN IT TT 0G, "THEM INTQ "THE DOWN ATER w= ------------------------ IT Wik | SARELY THROUAM | HER WING THE FROG CAMB BACK» AND HANDED Give THS * we THE BAD PARY? \* \v AR, DON'T WORRY = IT Will BE Rony You QIvVE HER= AND L PASS rs tn isan t fli RISE A PEce SOLED LINEN op TILLIE THETOILER--Uphold a "Principle" "THE WETE TV WAS "THIS * WAY: S\N FE iH "Na An VES , S\R «+ UM NOBODY ELSE BOT Yc i ARE YOU THE BTENOA | SENT Fort) hy OM, A WOULD By Russ Westover me | CRIME RY A

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