. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 "PAGE TWELVE DUBLIN AUDIENCE AGAIN SEES PLAY BY LORD DORAN After Lapse of Ten Years * First Production Staged ©" In Irish Capital hy the Canadian Press) in, Dee, 12~Alter 8 lapse of arly 10 years there wis again a st production of a play by Lord wsany at the Abbey Theatre, Dub , recently, More than 20 years sgo 6 trade his debut as a dramatist at * Abbey Theatre, and it Is strange t this production should be only the fifth of his 27 plays to be staged here. Such of his plays as are known 10 Dublin audiences have been popu- lar, 'particularly "The Glitterin tic" and "A Night At: An Inn" both of which have recently been ree vived here by amateur companies, "Phe Gods of the Mountain," which recelved Its first production st the Abbey Theatre, was first staged at the Haya wet Theatre In 1911, It squires 6 cast of 30, Its reception fin Dublin suggests that It will be vevived from time to time, as Ia the polly of the Abbey Theatre, The fable on which the play 1s built 1s fantastic, but It has an undereur~ vent of frony, The lrony passed une noticed Ww the lorus audience which enjoyed It us a grim Jon. With a cunning that ean only be termed Ime plows seven beggars impersonate the Jods who Inhabit seven vast images of jade which squat on & mountain They masquerade as the gods, and succeed In having thémselves necept- od by the citizens, adored, and feast ed, The gods themselves, however, are not decelved, and they come to the city fo the shapes of seven great green idols to wreak vengeance, Sceptles who doubted the divinity of the beggars became convinced of Ahelr godliness when they were turn Into stone, FORCED COPS' CAR TO CLIMB TREE, FINED Windsor, Dee, 12~A Windsor man Wis Monday fined $100 for forcing the speedster belonging to the Sand- wich police department up a tree, thereby seriously damaging the po« fice car. How the car happened to climb the tree was explained to. Magistrate mith by Police Constable Morel and rut, Reid. Milford Gravelinag of ihdsor, alleged to be the cause of the mishap, was fined en a reckless driving charge. The two officers were traveling on Sandwich street In the roadster when hey noticed a car golng west on ndwich street at a high rate of ed, They followed, trying to force the other car to the curb, The bumpers entangled at Huron line and Prince road, both cars smashing into the convenient tree. » ik DAUGHTER OF FAMOUS CLAN 1S ENGAGED (By the Canadian Press) London, Eng, Dee, 12-~The en- ement da announced of Miss Vio« ameron, elder daughter of lonel Donald Cameron of Locheil Lady Hermione Cameron, and r. John Stewart, of Ardvorlich, orth, Both Miss Cameron and Mr, tewart are well known and popular gures In the Highlands, both being members of two historic houses, Colonel Donald Cameron was come nding officer of the Cameron Highlanders, composed tinsipally of members of hin clan, with whom he perved In South Africa and In France, The Cameron Highlanders were wed In the reign of George IIT, who plomised that they should never be drafted Into any other regiment, After the Battle of Waterloo the War rtment tried to draft the Cam- n Highlanders into another regl- ment at 3 b Allan Catneron t 4 egont, "You may tell your roys father that he order the regiment \ ta hell, and I will ride at the head it, but he dare not draft us" And meron Highlanders have never en drafted, Mid~mernin Pick~me-u WhEN sleven o'clock comes and you grow a little weary ~=that forasteam- toe, oR of 0X0 ~I1T'S BRACING ! In Gop. Flashes and Tine of d and 10 Cubes » "It's "Megt and Drink" to you i " CHARLES OLIVER son of the late premier of Cor lumbia, who ls held In connection Yh, the tar and feat of Dr, V. C. Latimer, physician of Peontie- ton ~Copyright, Pacific and Atlan. tie Photos, ne. "FISHERS OF MEN" PREACH AT MYRTLE Evangelistic Band, Toronto, Held Services on Sunday Myrtle, Deo, 11The Yishers of Men Band of Toronto held services in the old Temperance Hall here on Sunday, the afternoon and evening services being well attended, They are young men from the Christian and Ma Bnary Alliance whe go out to places within 120 miles of Toronto Sunday by Sunday preaching and singing the gospel, These young men have .# singing testimony of Joy and victory in thelr lives through Christ, Thelr story is a thellling record of the marvelous working power of the Lord and Saviour, Mr. Simmons, the leader and chief speaker, had a special aps peal, Mr, and Mrs. Gustav Hahn and Harry Mooke of 'Toronto spent the week end at thelr summer hone here, The Women's Missionary Soclety is holding the annual business meet- lng at the home of Mrs J. A, Car michael on Thursday afternoon of this week, when a full attendance is requested to close up the books for the year and elect officers and make plans for the new year, A number of the high school stus dents attended the school concert in Whitby on Friday night last Mrs, W, Parker visited friends last week Ed, Whippey was In Epsom on Monday seeing Alex Calder, who Is confined to his bed under the doctor's care suffering from heart trouble and a heavy cold, . Tho various committees with the ehildren are busy preparing for 'the Christman, concert, which is being held on Friday, December 20, Frank Moore moved from the Bright farm south of the village, to the Lambert farm east of Drooklin on Monday, There was no preaching werviee here on Sunday since the pastor, Rev R. J. Merriam was officiating at the funeral of the late Mr, Charlie Lambe of Manchester, Next Sabbath the service will be at seven o'clock In the evening The young people of the nelgh- borhood flooded I. Claughton's pond on Monday night and they have heen enjoying ideal skating these glorious moonlight winter nights, Mrs, Todd and Fred were at Man: chester on 'Tuesday attending the funeral of un old friend, Joseph Ralph,' who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs, George MeClintoch, on Sunday, Prior to moving there deceased lived in Raglan for years and was well known herd, INSTALLMENT PLAN ROBBER 18 ANNOYING Chicago, Dee, 12.=No new models in burglary, but constant improves ment, Latest: The instalment plan butphar, re, Harry MH. Kerr visited the Evanatorf police station recently, Her story was this: Last week she had her front gate stolen, She replaced It, The next night stolen, She replaced it, The following night THAT gate wan stolen, She didn't replace it, but the next night a 1d-feot section of her ruse tie back fence, newly phinted, dis appeared, She shook her head sadly. The following night 12 feet more of the fence way spirited off, A system, Mrs, Kerr decided. K he night ot this conclusion ans other section of fence walke n Mrs, Kerr got mad, ray "Look for a man wha is building a Justice fence with three gates in I" she instructed the police, "And put a man back of the bushes tos night so the burglar doesn't begin on the house by lifting the roof ofl, Ashburn that gate was ------ AERIAL PICTURE 200 MILES AWAY From a distance of 27 miles, an aerial photograph of Mount Rainier has been made hy Capt A; W, Steve end of the army ale. corps, who has reported technical results of the ex periment to 'the Rastman Kodak Company, save Popular Mechanics Magazine, The picture of Mount Rainer, in the state of Washington, was made trom. well south of the centre of the state of Oregon, and exceeded hy more than fifty miles the previous record (or long-range photos graphv, © The © photograph clearly showed mountains far beyond the diss tance the eye san see, VICIOUS CONVICTS FROM FRANCE G0 TO LIVING DEATH Steamer Conveys 670 Bad Men To Penal Colehy At Devil's Island Paris, Dee, 12.~Balling for a lying death, 670 convicts mre on the fitle cargo steamer La Mar tinlere bound for Devil's Island, the penal co.ony in Franch Gul ana, They will arrive about Christ. mas time, Of these miserable mon, 410, designated as 'relogues," can never hope to see the shores of France again, The remainder have # slight chance of gotting back If they hehave themselves ahd wii vive the toll und other hardships of the dreaded colony. The "relegues" are the vicloun convicts of whom France is ridding herself forever, They are being deported, exiled, although not all of them are condemned for life, They wear large felt hats to dewig- nate thelr caste, They arg men who lve, now fairly healthy and strong, but who never more can come back home mont of whom barely escaped tne guillotine for something perhaps worse, 1s Lo escape, in Is un slim chance, for escape is almost ime possible under the strong guard, und even then freedom means Lin- versing the fever infested swamps and passing the perils that live In the Jungle, Hill it has been doye, Joihapy that Is why on the last day on the dogks at Faint Martin de Ie, uesr La Rochelle, groups of the condemned men a¥sume galety, They pitifully, attempt bravado, possibilities of good weather ana remark thet the climate "down be- low In our bell" wil be much warmer, ' Convicts In ¥rance onl! this the "grand voyage." It takos place nhout once u year, The police an thorities walt until there are onotigh condemned to fill the pri. pon transport ship and then they nro collected from all parts of the country at Saint Martin de Re in no owmull Island<fortress, Town's Windows Shutteved On the day when the convicts plonmer laying outside, windows of the town were shuttered and If eitlzens wanted to watch the de file they had to peek through, The mayor had fssued an order restric ing all residents to thelr houses or shops nt 4 o'clock, the hour of thw transfer, The order, however, Was hardly necessary, for 670 bad men might try to make a bréuk-~thelr last ehance for liberty, Forty guards conducted the con viets to the boats, but hard us The only chance of these men, | these guards are, theer was near CARL BEN EIELSON for whose rescues from the Arete wastes, where he has been stranded with his mechanic, Earl Borland, for a month, elaborate plans have been made, Elslson was last seen about 50 miles from Nanuk, a trad. ng ship locked in the ice off North Siberia, Four aeroplanes will be shipped from Vancouver to Nome to engage in the search. v nt hand the support, if required, of two companies of Hegegnlone rifle. men and Republican Ynards, The men wore transferred In groups and no outbreak was attempted, Thoukh not manacled, they went docllely and were poured into eight huge iron cages in the hold of La Martiniere, 'I'yey included men who had killed brutally, and habit. unl eriminalg considered Incorrigi ble. ¥ronch courts and jurles are known for thelr mercy and leni oncy in crimes where affairs of the heart are concerned, so the men that go to Gulana are preity cer~ tain to be bad men, When the convicts arrive they will be put to toll, facing years in the tropic sun until, with many, death brings a pardon, COMPANY FORMED TOWAR ON JAZZ Music Publishers Link With Radio For Fight For "Real' Music New York, Dee, 12. Jazz faces a campalgn to relegate it to the backs ground of American music, following organization of a musie publishing company effecting a merger of two nationally known Institutions with a great broadcasting system, The new organization, which Is to he known as the Radio Music Come pany, effects a combination of Carl Fisher, Inc, and Leo Felst, Ine, lead IT HAS A TEMPTING FLAVOR-- AND HIGH FOOD VALUE SHREDD With all the bran of the whole wheat pr The crisp, crunchy shreds of whole wheat have a delicious flavor when heat in the oven and covered with hot milk, Here are vitamins and mineral salts and everything the bod for perfect nourishment, Delicious for Rgt ry 4 ada _ i a ing music publishers and the Nation: al Broadeasting Company, M, IL Aylesworth president of the radio company, will be chairman of the bourd, and E, C, 1ills, former chalrs man of the American' Soglety of Composers, Authors and Publishers, will be president, "The new firm will have its Ins fluence in putting jazz in the back. ground of the American musieal ple ture," Mr, Sills sald, "It seems about time for some one to lead a move. ment away from Jazz, | think we should go back to melody and let if serve instead of nolse to give us the inspiration which we expect from music, The policy of the new firm will he almost revolutionary," "I'he policy of the Radle Musle Company will he dedicated to the ims provement of musie in general, the ndvaricement of An, rlean enl'vre and the promotion of education of young people in the art of music" Mr Aviess worth said, $168 MIS MASTER'S VOICE WY EME En VICTOR MICRO. J SYNCHRONQUS RADIO orTNorHoONIC VICTROLA No, 470 Wik COMBINATION RADIO LECTROLA REAYComplere 715 ' VICTOR gift ranges from 75 cents for a Victor Record to $515 for the very finest de-luxe model Combination Radios Electrola. In between see A wealth of choice! Victor Red Seal Records by distinguished stars begin at $1.00... a collection. can be madé up at various prices , , « Victor portables at $35 . . Orthophonics at $95 . . . Victor Micro-Synchronous Radio at $255--~combined with Electrola to make the wonder«instrument of the age~--at $375, ang Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited Montreal Musical Masterpieces by world-famous Symphony Orchestras, come plete in albums==with descriptive matter, some with spoken explanations by Leopold Stokowski, dean of great orchestra conductors, priced from $5.00. Tor friends or family--=a gift at any price is at your Victor Dealer's. Each and every Victor gifteis in every way~ the gift that keeps or giving" ==the longer you own it, the better you like it,