Ontario Community Newspapers

, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 Miss Hard-Boiled BY JANKE DIXON Hustrated by Armstrong Perr) [ERE . What Has Gone Before After a visit to her former home In the Arisona desert town of Mer mo 4, Magque; fojos returns to New York and to her husband, Gerald Parker, memper of a wealthy Dos ton family, She hind cut short her visit In response (0 the summons of un specialist whom she had éon silted about her hushand's cond) won. Her tather, Pancho Rojos, Ke wmnanied her to New Yor Her vother, Lucy, and her siatef and wa heather, remain in Hermosa, ft was In Deauville, fashionable Franek neep'dp veanrh, that Naguel frst met Jerry Parker, when he mved Lar from Arowning, Fhe Was het on ha'tday from Parle, where he was emninved hy Alnhonse Sourhot, nated f° hion avrert, ne har modal Fhortly afterward nang! pnd Terry wera marpind on yorrd shin en ronte to New York 'no Parts aha 10f hay Anaran) friand Jeeta Taek, annthar made], wha 18d arnpmnaniad hey fram New fork th Parle (wa years anriiar Jeo Alnhones, wha had (neialied Lanne! as Oreen of Neauty In the "ranch eanlial, Chepter 68 As soon as she could do so with At arousing Jerry Lo An unreason ble protest against her being so auch as "out of my sight," Na (uel sought a telephone, fhe must know what the speefa st meant by summoning her. to {ew York, Jerry had assured her 10 waa feeling hetter, mueh better "i'm ag fit ae a fiddle again,' 10 1anshed, "now that you're jek." Ve lonked it too, evant for he faint shadows under his ayer md a certain lassitude that 'we grelgn to him, he assurance of the specialist nat there fs nothing new, Mrs fa wethine' eft her with the fiddiress and werkness she musf YARRA E Hp thavsht It better to have von pare," Dr, Lowan evnisined, "Your hushand 1s a very difffeult patient f "hout you, He fumes and frets Vour abeence seemed ta unset him 1a auth a dearen that T have heen andhe proeriv ta #nama hi fan tion, T knew van'd want to help me #11 you could." Of ooures, she wanted tn ha'p Bot that foe"sh Jerry! We was A pooled hoy, If he knew what his lmnatience had east her! Wha felt the warm nieht wind of tha desert In her face, Ciallanine awiftly vnder he stare and gonddving elands to ward a huddle of hate in the dark LLLLN The afterngon mall breught a lew fetter frém Cireta, "I's feft the soft spot In Neullly," ahe wrote, "It wan a moreue after you quit it eald Paglke at the Witw, The same o'A maulrre! fn thy same old oars," Ranue! save a ttle sigh of wate staction, It waa good te be home, mie and aeoure, with Jerry, "Hold everything now, dearle, while I give you the dirt about Unele Alphonse" "Well, he didn't take It off the deep end when he heard you'd sone and thrown him down, As the paying ls, They never do, Not his Kind, He tore right back to Paris and threw a party that made the Lonle feta look lke a kid's game of Ring-as-rosy, And whom do you think he sel up as Oueen of Reauty? No one d*riing, but your old pal Greta QuitNaughing, T wan a wow, "You met the drift, don't you? 1 did, pronto, The idea wan to make the folkn who fr eal around here believe that ft wan ma he wan gante aver a" the time Yon've pat in need ft to Atwhanes, dearle ¥'opohady's Domb Dante! ¥aonut it over, and 1 halned Bw In tact, I'm ati'! playing the mart, "Paes It cont him Deavte I've wot a dlsmonds atnA dad tanthhrnsh Ane time Ne shawe wlena of weakenine 1 threaten ta taka my Alahes mA =a home, Then ha ality un and hawg pnd T name me aries TAA ha ta ehake ma hut he's LL La 0} cheering, Ain't wa eal fund Wha pent tiwa yan Anew Joown paste, put A knot In Yom far me," Greta, the Queen of Neauty,,. @ lis blane, The Queen ia dead Long Hve the Queen, One should feel pity for a queen hareft of her throne, And If one atdn't, Qlever Alphonse. After all, had Whe aver heen wore than an inelden! In Bis lite, another bauhla for his gallery of art? Ble knew she had heen more than that, Aut the world vad never knaw And after all he felt sure, he won'd come to oubt that ahe had heen mare him PE ThA hamminmhind wan never long without ita taney for a flower nlente® A was travedthla, Pa \ Ihar elt, the wav Pancha Atted him ge" tate hin new environment, fhe had alwaws heen stornnl af Ihe tansnesworn adave, "Mood will tall," Pancha, sha had halleved 2 \tetne av'danpe af the fWllase pt 1h For all he save af ha birth pie, he miaht have heen horm iv some mizarahla Mavioan mann ttn willawe Infented he the oat a™ of elvilization, the son of a pevatt and a toothless ~ Indi*w APN, Naw aha *ow hap canninsion cams at haw awn pavalt asaluet hie de 2} a YHaiwag nA lanear the raw Wasa walg™ Tha "ws » anand oh Wadlt In aa fine a eraln as that Goer Hrs had shown coarse, In the mutter of olothes, for example, hie hind pesn AL once Amenabls, "I wanL you to aceepl a loan from me,' Raquel told him, "It in mone, | earned myself, ., a8 & model," \ fhe dia not tefl him the reason for the 10an, It was nol necessary 'or her to do so; Me appeared, short ly thereafter, elipped and trim... . a oareful wut colorful, oaballere, The eyes of women followed him, ae the eyes of men followed her, We was, Indeed, a magnificent firure of a man, Like an sane, nullad from Its nest and thrust ine na enshianed eage Tuey wrolr that she moved Into # foursroom 'dobs louse, Khe had 't a? "Arawn Jinan (aha. sloth of Meviean work with nankine ta mate Jose paved all day on Wie new violin, "eo was possessed hy (ha witehapy nf tha sovnds he noni Avaw from It, Moslta had a hat with a wreath of disles on it whe wanld have dalalen, Nanna! thatieht, And Mmilo ate so mush of tha swebts from the hie how Nas ape) want that he was sink and hed tn tabig (wo euprfiuls of brewed hanhy Phineg were tivning ant vary well, Manunl thane Fhe had found sarnpity, aantant "hp fannd ahundant (Imp tn sivdy naw nd avntin wavy nf en'tivetine the haa v that whe hattaved had fap. inated Yappy, Anenita hia nentasl owas tha snnt af har he loved Mantinp of this nensnsl and taping heanty had hevun In nrpeh Inte tha goriely entumne of tha matranatitan nawenanem, A Tahpntnd gotlet Wed hawned hor in t far a narteaty A mamaning with v plamearing plpantatiag had aslead er to write an artiels In Whish ha world raver! fo wamen sama Af tha wenvetn Af her oharm and haw tallatia tants, ' Veen aammanalallam eannht fo hanafit wy her heanty A Mem Pam, Ae fap (ig gunthatia napisy had eal! AlEad har aneht fo wasp a mipand Fin npadust twinned fn har sphin Walp, ta shaw the nassltitiiiag of Aap t f.hvnnn fav pvanine rhe wou'd allow them te ee Won Ahataseanty fap phate plung, nw gamnntnn, plane whl thane Fathap 1nding af fanhing fn tha Fall war'd thaw wand he niannad a #anA hap pg ahank far twa 1h ANE. WA AAA ps, fav han nap phan e Twa thapsond Aatiaps! A ila while nen twa thaverangd Anttape woit'd haps wasnt the A1™asanee hetwasn gnvptin ROVARIY Ana Aanang eing, Tt wanld Wasa mandad tha In the arming 'dava hint SAREE Tuaw phase thal aan'A hata "APIA In Pham, hava wanld hava "ASH A new pad alll Apes, ant neine sk, not wlanay fmlintinn Ware wanld hove Bean na panine bar ne apawd ta Y1etan ta hap mar, wana hanng Wave with a ppand hth af a porn the Chnreh Wha Masead Viewty, Twn (hAnkand Antianet Weandgm Whan sha wanted ff, panded It we naratete, Buah A am wan fake ne, then, And naw, when wag hava far a nod of the head, tt | nathing, HPaante Widdan awaw whara nn wa sang 1 OF pavag ahant 1h avpane 'andy and paapntane, fo na hettas than welinane * xha thaneht mn tha nianed In A shawewindaw "ha patatand phat oh wan able to And a ahawawindaw, (Canttvnsd Wa Wapraw) Chanter AN Jerry thousht they should run up to Boeton for a few days, "IT want you to know my moths sr, he sald, "Hhe's been asking for you, and she's not equal to the trip down here, he had a bad fall A couple of years amo, It has left her more or less helpless a good deal of the time, Fhe won't admit "1, thoush, Fhe's a great little "lap, mother" "Do vou think ft would be sate 'a leave Pancha?" Ranuel asked, ha wan a hit friehtened of Jerry's familly, And Pancho was doling 80 wo'l, wan phowing such facility wd enen with hin new Ife, that Boanpl feared to lenva him out fare nAap har woatah il ave, ERA ts one of tha malin reas ann far tha fonrnev," Jerry sald YE want ta And ant ust haw vour Pothep feats ahant ft all, We haves I owlvan him iwa par Ananri Ya. footn think and ant far himaait ® Ha mish halt Wa thinks ane five wane turned tataemar, Ven anon te wtvane in him," HVA nerd wal Paap thal A pote th Yaspels pales asnagd her eyes to widan, ta seek hig, Hitan samathtae hannansd sh ha sekad, the gitdivess upon her wala Wahine thal neat warry © vou, tanp pint" ha wid kindle, "Phat maanng tntnttton af vanm has sae ad von tha tranhle There wan A Witla pvnadtiinn pees tha harder wish hetare ast Fram Yarmaea Va oman nandaps wars stranded "Rot thev'll tell avervihine wal weenad "Banaha wan thalp Vander, Wa mest have planned fb "oy A FT A Ya tank har tn ha arma, YN he sad, gravely, "that ean v hapnen." Wawa von know" Wank tn fresh alarm, "The hand attempted to shoot "way out There were only five WF them te spema" Now she wadapetoof Limp dark 'adies In the dust, G'asine eves staring un at the dasart stars thay wand never nenin wee, Ant for her, and for BIT Jobhm WwW PRRehO os WR ek he knaw ®t she whitenared Wis brawe' Thava was stare ty \ vanane thity mapnine That N) drawing whe 1 feal © tx all rleht now for \ us to gn tn Boston, To leave him | eould mother lilm, And thet wom to bis Vw The big white frame Toston house with the many-paned wine dows and the fanwhaped gisas a hove its paneled door brought a tesling of solidity to Naquel This was Jerry's homes, On this broad sireteh of olipped velvet fawn Jerry had romned an a baby, We hed plaved hidsand-peek among the elumns of Hine bushes, (res: sfynd now, There was & bronse tahiet on one nornar of the house, A Nevolutions ary Parker had grabbed his musket fram behind the panaiad door and rushed throngh in Asfense of the Wie white hovae and all if ald that was dear to him, We had detuned coowith a tattoo of Niritiah bullets in his rheat, Jerry wae so much Vike his moth. ar that Miponel's heart warmed to her instantly, YWaleome home, my danehier," he eravshaired woman ssld simnly when Jerry hed dvawn un vroudly tn present to her this newest mame. her of her treasured family, Nae nial howed har sable head over the frall white hand on which blue veing wove a Aslienta tracery, In this hones of treditton and family tremuiirs she wan ive anme vivid trannies) tawer fn an olds fashioned garden, Yel wha felt sipanealy at hame In It, Jerry's mother manswad to make It wn, Toren platay wag more A'%enit We're wind tn waleama Jerry's wife ghe anid, when aha came fy with her ta' Alepinmpniohed hii wand to rreat the hamacomers, fhe hed not miessd a «inet de. tal) of Panupl's attive ar of Tanne! harself, War only brother's mare viawe to thin unknown had not mel with Yop svanting (Aap of nohlesee Ahling, Tha Varvara married In Yanlon, hay ehnse thelr mates from other We white haveas whens an Pavalntinwary hinvasy had pane ta glovions death or eiarinus vies tapy, War awn hoahand wan from the hi® white house Aerosy the Mamman, HY wnenone von'd oat har haan. Hen Naney Parvar Alden told John Alan, her hnehand, when they warn niane, "If vou eave for that tons af beauty, Ta ma 0) gasma Loa Wall, tan asnte, Nap a¥analve, af pores Wap abin'yg 140 nels he that, Mut enpt of pamentiine and LL not oni g eamfariahie HY t¥aneht she was tha moat avptinally 1avaly waman I hava aver wegn,t anid Yaka Alden, with sen. tna pAmipntinn, N= av toaked at him with raised AvalipAwy Hy AAR Ynpw wan paved for wwptiatam 1 sha anid, orienly John wag uncomfortable and awed |} Tr ghar tA hava nreferred Pras Apnea Paviein Kis wife sald "Rha wha In love with Jerry, you know, I be'lave she Alwave thaneht Jerry world pame hark ta Pasion In tha and And when he AA he would And Yap woitine for him" YThen she was a vary foollafi woman, John enld. "Jerry never #aye her retson to harbor such a hana. Anyhaw, he seams to have winked the rieht one, T've never spon Wim po camnigtaly hanny a Wark anything as he fa about his wifa tt There wan to he a eatherine of Ma clon phout tha naltehed maho. wanwy (akin In the d'nineronm AF tha hin white houes, Tr seemed tn Meana' that aha could see the Aim fonen of the Parkars wha hat watharad aravnd the hased for wen sentione re prted In Hin mellnw slaw, Orava farsa fnenad aenectant 'v tows rd hor, Bhp naddad ta them A Vite fingteread, hut unteald "T mnat wear something that will tone me down." aha (A'A Jerry when they ware dressing for the famille dinner, HEY ha aehald, eamine tn where sha woe rifiine a elonst far a wawn she thought suitable to the awnlting, "T don't know, Weaent that T fan! aid, oo HPs a Woh pote In a soft wemne of moale UNonaense," pal Jarry, "1 want tn wiva tha family a trent, Mother will enfov 1b, Bhe tal? me onoe whe wan the first wir) In Panton to wear hiank leoe mitt, Try that shite thine, ,,, the shiny ane tha! wakes vou Teak Hike a lly with a "ack e'ond for a hood, I've sen! for mardenise Komehow they seem A hart of you, It Jarry wanted 10 mive his kin Pathan Phe, ha anessaded hevona We mont antimistie hone, The dark haanty of thin forefenar amaone themafurnished a tonio of wonder and concern for monthe te come "he was ike a hreath from some faraf teapteal taland, Paint spantad. luminans, nafapsatahlp, A woman with fair hale and hevnnhiy aver anusht Ranval gut, "Jerry wave us all a tramendans surprise," aha anld, Desnite het enined swita Barna anand pan hat Ha wnenvten, an thie woman tes warded 1h wan nat attasathap plea sant, We hat aama to think hm A hanalane haohelar" "Then you mada a wrest min taba tt Banna! anvntapad, and saw he wasrinane In the woman's aves heneath thate hanteur, "Jerry what ana wisht call a conatity' sn. a hushana YH alwawr had a Panay Be the extraordinary," sald the wom. AN, And tr ad sway Raanal amaths ave har amite, Tor tha waman alm hin 1a nateanane dart IF 1 save Yar aatiefaatian Banna! had read hn wanpat tn wanry ave ha Pele waman ta hive Tae vant Wannal tala Yaree thee night when the olan had dtendreed and thee warn paesining tn the room that had heen Tarev'a, "Prudence Rankin? You're iaaming, dear 've known her vinas we ware hw ® SThean wan Ahan? knaw what "Av fg tena A nanes, YBha wonld hove mada a eplendid mother for ALLL IRN TL Re Jered taak how he tha ahanldem ean ge to 100k up Into hie grav AE] WEEE anh hapa & san ha wall Whe watan Asan and Hew WRT am AvAr An Wassad, anle ana waman is my wile | S---------- "Welcome homes, my daugh ter, sald Jerry's mother, GENERAL MOTURS SAYS BUYER GAINS (Continued from page 1) sumer was ull that was agreed to hetwesn the automobile manufie turers and the Minister of Vin fines, wa have pines then gone furs ther, by reducing our prices to dis tributors and donlers, ne Indloated by us in the letter to the Minister of Pinance, signed by our Vices Prosidont and Gonoral Maunger, H, A, Brown," The letter 1s then re. produced in the memorandum, "We have complied," the memo randum continues, 'with the re- quirement that automobiles entitl od to exemption from the excise tax of 6 per cent should have 60 por esnt of thelr cost produced In Canada, and have furnished wovi dence thereof, which hus been ne oopted un satisfactory by the De partment of National Revenues," $07,000,000 Investment, * It In pointed out that oMolnl fig ures for the year 1028 show that the total capital employed In the automobile Industry In Canada was $07,060,888; the average number of employees, 10,740; sul aries and wages paid, $20,048,114; value of products, fob, plant, S102. 887,400; onpital employed In the manufacture of parts and ad consories for automobiles, $14, $40,000) average number of em ployees in thin branch of the tndus try, 5,600; and (ie snlarvy and wag on pald, $4,750,400, To show the growth of the In dustry the memorandum gives the corresponding figures for the first group in the year 1018, an follown Total capital Invested, #81,660, B68; salaries and wagon, $0,800, B80; average number of employ oon, BH. UAE) valus of products at the plant, $04,814,860, In avin the percentage of imports to total domenstio consumption was 12% per cent, and In 1028 It wan 24 per cent, The total value of automo biles Imported in 1018 wan #0,108 #606, and In 102% It was $40,004, 70, The memorandum also states that the output of General Motors of Canada "represents approxis mately, for home consumption and export, nhout 45 per cont of the total Canadiah output," Dealing with the effect of Im port duties on parts upon the cont to the consumer, the memorandum gays: "Automoblle manufacturers in the United Htates do not puy higher prices because of customs duties on material and parts, whereas In Canada the average rate of customs duty on materials and parts In 80 per cent, subject (0 un drawback of 206 per cent, pros vided there in 50 per cent Canadian vontent, making the net average rate 22% per cent It surely will be recognized that this Is a most important factor in the price gues. tion, "The net rate of protection aEainat imported materials and parts has an Important bearing no on the price of materials and parts manufactured In Canada "It must be observed that the net rate of duty 'of dutiable parts of automobiles under $1,200 In vals ue Is 2% per cant greater than the rate of duty In complete cars ol that value, the respective rates hes Ing: on parts, average U3§ per cent, after deducting drawbaok, VLME Fruits,Vegetables & Soups this label-- that is the way to make sure of that Finer Canadian Flavor on your table and on completed ears 20 por cent, und It Is doubtful whether any oth er Canadian Industry Is simi treated, Wo may state here that wa do not press for a lowering of | the protection on the parts, Ans | other substantial factor is the sens | sonal demand in Canada an coms | pared with the United Mtates, with | ita varied olimate It In a fact that 68 per cont of all the domenstio shipments of this corporation are of necessity made during four | monthd of the year, February, | March, April and May," Gronter Profit Npoossary The Canadian dealer, It was Wino | contended In the memorandum, must have a greater ratio of profit | to enable him to carry on suoces fully, ""Recausd of ,weasonnablo de mand It {x necessary for our Cann dian dealer to maintain a place of | business large enough to handle 606 per cent of hin business fn only four months of the year, Our Un nadian dealer has a larger Invests | ment per unit, resulting from the higher Mat prices, which Is due to amaller plant volume, combined with the Influence of the searons able demand on production and other ftaotors, such ax customs aus ties on materials and parts, In oy der to counteract, an far as possis ble, the influence of searonable dos | mand upon production, our Cana dian dealer stocks oars farther in advance of the selling season than fa the oaxe In the United States Thin further Inereass in our Cann dian dealer's Investment in stock on hand," moluded in the suggestion of shanges in the memorandum is the following: "That, In len of and in substitution for the drawback of 28 per cent on imported materis als and parts, provision be made for a discount of 28 per cont to w taken from the face of the Cum toms entry." t ia pointed out tha, as uming the most prompt pays ment of dvawback olalmys, the "Qovernment has in Ite possession subject to drawback at least $1. 000,000 of our money at all times, and we suffer the loss of the ves turn ont he investment Wmploy Net Rate It Ix suggonted aluo that the rate of duty on parts, whether import d by manufacturers or others, for epatr or venewal, should be the | ame an the net rate of duty, after he payment of drawback, as Is Wid on parts for the production | iW automobilens=that ia to say, an | Average net rate of 22% per cont !inatend of An Average rata now pays | {oven the threat of legal action has | 'hie of 10 per cont, Another suggestion has in view | oe encouraging of manufacture in | anada oy the reduotion of cost of nachinery and plant euipment, | The montorandum urges: "That provision be made for the free ad! Thin appbars to us to be unusual, | Harly | | In the United States," {ber of the leases J _ % wim "am ANADIAN-grown Vegetables and Fruits set the world's standard for Natural FLAVOR, Canadian Vegetables and Fruits or ""AYLMER" Brand, Thus the "AYLMEK" Label always signifies real quality inside the can--AYLMER Green Label for Fancy Quality, AYLMER Red Label for Choice The best selected 'or Canadian Canners, Limited With over 80 Factories Packing Fruits and Vegetables from the Gardens of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, ALWAYS ASK FOR AYLMER kin, Spinach, Tomatoes, VEGETABLES 1 Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Corn, Carrots, Kraut, Peas, Pumps FRUITS ¢ Apples, Apple Sauce, Apricots, Cherries, Grape Fruit, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Plums, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Chicken with Rice SOUPS ¢ Tomato, Vegetable, Grpen Pea, Celery, Asparagus, Oxtail, Consomme, Also ¢ Jams, Jellies, Catsup, Chili Sauce and Beans with Pork, pA Better Because of Their finer Canadian flavor a ER ia minglon, or at a very low rate of when Imported hy manufacturers for uso exclusively in their own | factories directly In manufacturing | proceso Flonlly, ft is existing provisions for on sheets for making stampings be | | suggosted that the | continued, "It ix our understana drawhaok ing," ways the memorandum, "that plant to make perfect nheots fo. automobile stampings would cost in the netghborhood of 87,000,080, and sueh an expenditure would not | [ bo justitied tn Canada, because the | | plant would produce in three or four months ull the sheets require od by the industry for the whole year, There are only a few planta ROCKEFELLER PLAN IN N.Y. BLOCKED Speakeasy Operators Thwart Proposal to Build Opera House New York, Dee, 12=The plans of fohn 1, Rockefeller, Jr, to build a plistening' and palatial opera houie in the midtown section to bo known as "Rockefeller City," apparently has been thwarted by a determined group ol speakeasy operators, Announcement was made last week | that the Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Company had abandoned its intention of erecting the much needed new building on the site bounded hy Filth and Sixth Avenues, Forty=Ninth and Fiftieth streets, "The property is encumbered by Columbia University leases which do not mature until November 1, 1931, and ft has been found impossible te gecure possession of the site before that date," sald an explanation ac companying the announcement Puesday 1 was learned that a num. | which constitute | an insuperable obstacle" to the Metropolitan's plans are fn the hands of hashparior proprietors Who seem orttrenched that | to be so strongly failed to sway them, Whether New Yorkers prefer bock to Bach is an other question It is estimated that at least 30 speakeastes operate nthe two blocks ont Forty=Ninth and Fiftleth streets A RN LE TR ER ER Ihe two parallel avenues are taken duty, of machinery and equipment | up mostly with business houses, but almost one out of three of the brown stone houses on the side streets quipped to satisfy the thirsty, At one ne it was almost impossible to ens of these residences unless you vere personally known te the er any ! |] t \ but since | Husiness th mos drinks have Scents M in ve changed, spokesman, declined to admit that the embattled bootlegger wat re sponsible for blocking erection of the new opera house, SCORES TEXT BOOKS Vancouver, D.C, Dee, 10=Storie \ in which British warships are de 101 ser'bed as "the hated enemy," takon ven champagne cocktails wre now available at the latter price from supplementary hooks whieh have been used in Canadian schools, wer cited by Hon, Joshua Hinchliffe I I USED IN B.C. SCHOOLS Er -- - = a Minister of Education in the course of an address Monday before mens bers of the Canadian Club, My, Hinchliffe was speaking on the subs ject, "Foreign textbooks tn ow schools," The whole story held the British navy up to ridicule, continued the Minister, and was typical of o | book which while technically suitable as a pupplementary reader, was en tively uwusuitable for use by young Canadians, The Rishop of London recent announced that he had boen asked by only two parishes to use the now Communion service, $12.00 15.00 15.00 15.80 Call US.on the Te Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the erms -- Net Cash $4.00 per Ya Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity - Service W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED lephone -- Nos. 230, GENUINE SCRANTON ANTHRACITE | Honest Weight, 2000 lbs. per ton "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 . No. 1 Rody Hardwood $16.00 per Cord $8.00 per 4 Cord Following Prices 231, 25 Albert St.

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