i {| i ¥ + i ba 4 § © [4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 {A pe : unl -- BICPIPTION pe be eh EL {a United ton 1500's yar TORONTO orrice v y 407 Bend Building, 06 Vompurancy Btrest, Telophons Adelaide 0107 HD Trasidder, voprosantative REPRESENIATIVES INU 8, Povers snd Bone, Ins. Now York and Chisage WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 GIVE CHEERFULLY AND GENEROUSLY Every day brings to the attention of the Associated Wellars Societies the urgent need which exists for ia large fund to take care of the many cases of dis tress which are to be food In the city, The needs of these cases are far Thoyond what was previously required for the Christmas Cheer distribution, ale though the welfare organlgatign ls alse taking care of that very nesessary and laudable work, The sltwa- tion ean only*be meb by '» prompt, generous End whole-hearted response from all those whe can afford to oentribute to the fund, and to these citirens, we sgaln appeal that they make their contribution prompily=-and a a generously as they can afford, SEND IN YOUR OLD TOYS In the general appeal which Ts being made for funds to carry on welfave work and the Christmas Cheer distribution, the people of Oshawa seem to be Hosing sight of the splendid work that is being done iby the Loy scouts of the city in thelr toy shep, In 'the toy shop, discarded and broken toys, donated by Hoon! citizens, are being remade apd repaired, so that, at Christman time, they may be sent out to. brighten the hearty of children whe would otherwise receive none, This Is an onli plece of vervice on the part of ithe avouts, but It can only be earreld on tp the extent 'to which it has the co-operation of the eltizens, More old toys, of any type of deseription are required to op the ssouts busy, and to provide for the needy of She Christmas seastn, In nearly ever home, there 'are toys which might well be handed over to the 'goouts to be repaired or remade for this purpose, 'Won't you please look out all you have which might 'be handed over to the seeuts, and telephone The WMimes' office to have some one call for them, ol THE NEED FOR EXTRA CARE The Highway Safety Committee Is doing its ute most to promote safe driving on the streets and high ways of Ontario in ghese days of treacherous condi= " dons, THY 1a evidenced in the striking display ad- * wertlsements which ave being used to give warning to motor drivers 10 exerglse special care on slippery vements The waning in Rigel On the streets and highs ways, on these days of senfbowintry conditions, the ' sof careless driving are to be acen on every d. Shidding of ears brought to a stop too eollilons Heo ears will not step as they do ther, and other incidents like character atleg the fact that there are wen on the slippery pavements, dangers a Ay an extra amount of sponse,' to use the High» Fwy od Crmmitees 2 ly REN GI YRRNMENT & When the fire power val conference meets in © London, England, on January 31, to discuss plans tor naval disarmament, the Tenruthiatives of Great Britain will 1 hits. with the assurance that in thelr in thi y have the support of " partiamens noplggel their geuntry, Thi made wie t he pie unanimive passing in aif - Beih Woutw of Cowman of 4 revoluion eal attention te the need for the Nmitation of armamen > and the desirability of the government using its Ww "most efforts to stimulate International action and cars into treaties the limitation of naval, military and Torees inchuding war material an well as persons may not have been necessary to pat & war this Kind in the British parliament, it has effect of strengthening the hand of the Labor ent In the deliberations of the conference, It : Ao an indiension of the sincerity of the British doniry | eduetion of armaments of war, and that be altogether Jost on the other nations of which are ta be taking part in the cons It should help to convinge that Britain 'oalling the conference, is actuated only by deste hota the peace of the warld, and has nothing the expense of the other powers by seek: an remy which will relieve all of burdens of wnalntainiog darge armed od and sea and in the ale . THE GROWING BOY. | "Weank T, Sharps, sont secretary of the Big Bros ther Asociation of Torante, had some het rtd i to NO hin fat monthly report on tha activities 'of the awmoeiation. In that report he made the ae ehatrvation that ninety per cent, of a > " "Jo tt which in Auerom," says General Snwits, in not enough to make us want te be an Africans. AE It ue ofa UL on 'the braine on whish 4 is] who run away from hems do so primarily he in Ee 16aune. he hoy as 4 p i "le th # ot which I the Hila futh of t ie: orl driving homes Inte results ln rabmilion | ne, 1 th the ong who realizes that in his 'h who finds delight in sidying young 1 g in his Joys nod servews, In his ay, Where one findp a father who goes on camping and holiday-making expeditions with is bey, 'on terms of true comradeship, ons never finds & hoy whe ie anslous to breaks away from. the uldsnce of his parent, In such companionship, the develops his true personality under wise and sym- thetls | leadership, and the father, In the Joy of ng 8 ybung life, Is himpell enabled to keep his youthful outlook en the world In general, and thus both sre benefitted measurably by the finest of human contacts, THE NEWSPAPER A NECESSITY It Is quite & common thing nowadays to find prom- Inent men In all parts of the world paying a tribute to the contribution whieh the newspaper makes to the Wie of today, While there are always to bs found those people who sre ready to sneer at the news- paper, and-4o find fault with it, yet there Is, on the other hand, a large body of responsible opinion which recognises the service which the newspaper gives, and reallpes that the world could not very well get along with It, One of such men Is the Lord Chief Justies of Eng: land, Lord Hewart of Bury, In a recent address In England, he made publle acknowledgement of the place which the newspaper oecuples in the world of today, In the following words; "If 1s now the fashion to to glbe at newspapers, but, alr all, the person who sneers at the press hab A rot for the newspaper when he gonien down reakinst, In a country which ors repro sentative Institutions, the newspaper Is a necess sity, But do we always think as gratefully as we might of the amazing stability, diligence, cure and learning, the wit, humor, skill and versatility, the courage, the consclentiousness and the sheer hard work whieh fo to make up the best kind of news- aper het are words worth noting whenever there Is a tendency to belittle the usefulness and necessity of newspapers to the communities In which they are published and to the world In general, for there are few people whe could get nlong very well without the Information which they glean from day to day In the columns of their favourite newspapers, BRITISH COLUMBIA'S ACHIEVEMENTS f, pride whieh the people of Hritlsh Columbia feel In thelr own province is admirably expressed In an Interesting publication which came to the office of The Times a few days ago, In the form of a book entitled, "Beltish Columbia Manual, 1980." This hook is nothing more or less than a record of the progress and achlevements of the Pacific Coast provinge, | sented In & concise, Interesting, and comprehensive form which Jeaves nothing left untold that is worth telling, Starting with the histerical background of the pro vinee, the hook, which Is published by the provinclal government of British Columbla, presents a striking review of the development which the province hus enjoyed, and sete forth, in story and nfigures, sound reasons why It Is entitled to a high place in the thoughts and minds of all Canadians This Is an worth while venture, one which is worthy of being emulated by the provincial government ul Ontario, It would be highly interesting and Instruct. Ive to the people of this province to have presented to them, in like form, so complete and useful a fund of information regarding Ontario, and this form ef publicity can be highly commended to Premier Fer« guson and his colleagues of the provincial governs ment, EDITORIAL NOTES Ones upon a tmes=children were content with an orange and a candy cane at Christman time, Sunday used to he a day of rest until the reckless automobile drivers made it a day of afpest, -- : If the Kitchener authorities Insist on thelr snew: shovelling regulations, that way A begome an art In that city, "The African ls the only happy human I Have come' ven Thay, however, nee. Western interduts are pressing for the appointment 'ot Tv A, Crevar to a oAbinet position, #6. ar TRS | Gon Aare 1 Mei Ll Arg far rom befng ar SE3be weston sudth 130 cron does not fie In the amount 4 i 4 : Ww Who wir his tevg) the ane whe ye loudent 10,40 someone whe will, ¥ : Eh Every country in the world, i the réport, is sulter: Ing from seasonal unemployment, and Canada is in better condition than most of them, ant on Job the, bom, mmm Tooke a8 If Gene Tunney Bas returned ta the United States to fight another battle of the century In the law courte, Premier Ferguson ln fighting for cheaper heer and | dearer newsprint, This seems like reducing the price of luxuries and increasing that of negessities, PEER An automabile manwheturer says pedestrians have not been sufficiently educated to safety, Yet a lot of them have acquired many bumps of knowledge. Woodstock started to ¢ Vater 3 Week ago; but sald hathing about Pa one pamplaint | was received. But if the Wondstonlans had known about it, what a howl there would have been, ga . The congestion of 'peaiity standing arelind an the sidewalks in the business section is becoming vo nos ticeable that the polive might And a uselul occupation in moving them along, » Oshawa FRANKNESS NEEDED (Owen Bound BundTimes) The police of Othuwa hae al ber thet no mere police news ven t to the press, the that | . hii feporys hme JH an his i ay Ls tis on pews er would #4 De foam | 1 fete oo he that kind wou helpful to oth, EE a] KEEPING IT DARK (Barnin Canadian Observer) The police 4 department of olen or e Ont, has plac Lome won the Faby Aerin th a loaned» 1 Rata + 2 er have Bimber, of or of f Jol Joldups and 0 por ee mission are bes sono ea by on that -Oshaws they "beng crime wave, word oly / dh off police news "mt yi poNres donrin reporters aeees to a", LA latter, the newspapers have published aol and insesurate stories or have exhibited unwarranted prejudices the department would have some Justifis cation for restr eling the news, If, however, the actual situation has been fairly reflected in the storles, the police will discover that thelr meth- od of retaliation will defeat the end thist it was intended to achieve, With the news from official sources una- vallable there will be the whidest kind of mumors, The word-ersmouth pub» lelty will makes it appear gertnin that there Is & crime wave In the elty The wildest kind of rumors will be passed slong, magnified with each telling, That Is the Inevitable rer sult where news suppression Is at: tempipd, If newspapers ereated the impress: slon that erime was out of hand the most effective action to the police was (0 use the same avenues of pubs | Helty ta show what the netual situa tion was, The Publie Is un fairly competent Judge If it Is given a full statement of the facts, an the part of those who are eon J, M, DAVIS, PRESIDENT OF THE DELAWARE, LACK:' AWANNA AND WES (ERN RAILROAD COMPANY, BAYS THAT a national menace has been Chou iuiny rus. Wpon Los evan MY BY Lug sliCIuBl CArsiesshus ul wntgmobaie anvers, the Aedident Hubei or the Jnterstats Colinisrou LOMITANIGN BOWE LIBRE IN LEGS Years 200 perfuns were killed and 1,14/ JUEed i aor busses and irueks aM grade erossings, in addition to all this herbie kibing and maiming, there was, ul gourse, the Maggering lags wine restated rom bale, most ly unnecessary, destruenion ol proys erty, All thin because the hi aiid impoi tunes of "the man beh the wheel' and his erare to hurry makes him trust 10 luck instead oF making sure of the road ahead, and despite the tremendous sums apgmt lor the separapion of grades at crossings, the mstallation of protective warnings, the unuisputed fact that the lecu motive has the right of way and gen: orally proves ity and that the Bu Prom Court of the United States ne sald that iF a man relies upon not hearing the traln or amy signal and takes no further precaution he does #0 at his own risk, The Luckawanna Rallvoad has spent approximately $20,000.40 elms nating dangerous grade crossings 00a! and tate governments probably spent a similar sum=-and yet only 30 per cont, of the grade crossin on is lnes In New Jersey, Pennsyh vanla and New York have been elim nated, Meantime, the gonstruetion of new highways created about as NIANY NEW oroasings as thin expendi: of some $60.000,000 eliminated, 0 estimated vost $ Sum tuatin Bll grade cronsinge=419,000,000 000-13 prohibitive to tax-payers, Other of overcoming these outs problems must be evelved, ) eddies sugwest themselves, gareful fitting of proposed nev routes into the existin ron h gi 8, making one crossing do the of twa or more, would greats tpaduce the number of new cross IE necessary, BFUL DRIVING Th Be wo Vi hurl TRA IN Be WING 7 AC, CIDENT, THnean of 20 people while ate tone has La 188d 0. We Arinking of Boia pg Ry A) betkonous by a enamel of the Jugs In Moh I I he made, a yi w ra ---- hin, 1'™ x ¥ \ Bp boi a the TTT now i Shen the dead Shall ing . as t At fo t hE lh N ol i ha Fade A in Ma ave Lord Jesus, we -- in the knawl me that all power Is given unt on Frankneis | Pointed Comment O On olice Ban On The Newspapers with publicity Is thelr best quad, maint | misrepresentation, AY LIAR (4 HEL B.Saok LL pt" dep Md! wlded by mm vio In Oshawa, hip a aphlle 6d B gag 10 the press po fur up police news Is concerned, That Is they think they have and for the sake of A amen We all, the same, The tro hat arisen apparently be cause of sensat foal fe orts of Oshe AWE 6 news of he uve been a. n" he oronto papers and new i attempt Is to be made 3 shut news from the press, br i yA 1] abrarantly th the ive ris mn d thus # hardship n ions since thers Is ne Wéstion but that the Oshawa Times, like any other oeat " ry has und J Il sor Whether Juniieatl tlon for operat ollee tare A Wi Fd on {or the, 00 plaint Against the Pants § net for us to wr y dines It n'a fi mn private fight but it ikht be said In passing that | the officials there wanted to avold Huplieity the they took a poor way of 0 Apart from that howbver an important prinelple is Involved In this fight In which the press In general Is interested, An Misi Is 10 be made to Impose press censorship, un entirely Toren peinglple te Canadian ideas, Of course It won't work for the papers will get the news anyway and niske more of It when they do it than they would If the newh wera obtains ed In the same way but Just the same the Oshawn Police Commission needs B BUMMArY It can be dene tao if our memory serves us aright for unless we are mistaken there was a slllar wrgument to this in Woodstock some years age, which ended up in the courts and Judgment was glven to the effect that the po. lice blotter was 8 public record and must be open to inspection, In any event It Is au losing mame for any police department to play In these days and since the City Council: in Oshawa Is supporting the press in the fight 1t Jooks us Af It might de. "lo " inte & real scrap before It Is lesson, A Other Editor' [ Comments a ------ CANADIAN EXPLORATION (New York Herald 'Loibune) he worougnuess wit whieh the wanAdians have been expioring then own Nurthern territories py alr In FECENt YORFS 18 NOL RIWAYS appre ated in this gountry, Lhe long chains of lakes open the way to sea planes in the Sumner, or planes fitted with shin miter the "water treeses, and the work of mapping and exploration of many hundreds of thousands olf squire mbes has been pushed rapid ly lorward, to open those territories to some use wl development, Perhaps, It. will I ee. tendlngs HY n shiheriia » at Folkes R succeed; In the meantime, the ad venturouaness of the undertaking las dinates the mind, THE PEDESTRIAN AT BAY (London Observer) A Pedestrians' Assogiation has WOU a med 10 restrain the depres wibions upon bile, ab and gumion of the motorist with: his supeniority vomplex, Lord Ceell, its president, wad aptly ealled attbution tu the axe tonisninpy different standards o) faupment applied to road and to rall, A sequence of rallway aceidents will grouse A personal eimor, wltaeugh vhe total easunition. may be ne more than the motor ear piles up every fortnight, And the erring engines driver or slgnalman confronts a far more forbidding countenange upon whe Bench than the reckless usurper of the highway, The redress of these visparities in wadly overdue, SUPER. SALESMAN (St, Catharines Btandard) The preatest salesman in the Bel tah Empire 18 without question, th Prince of Wales, His visits to many out-of -thesway TR in have Ampito trade appreciably with' the British Isles, And he Is able to talk better salesmanship at home with an authority which is wie questioned, Ong of the fine tinge about speeches made by HRH, is that he does not try to flatter his hearers, His addresses are stimulating and seem to be founded on an inherent COMMON sense, The prince, In securing informa tion on the many beet on which he talks, must be able to separate the wheat from the chaff, to get at the real kernel of any question, C--O ST the world Bits of Verse What bears me up? "Tle not this earthly frame, Thess vigorous Rios, this selid teem: nie earth, That hore me patient ever since my But something inward, some fleree mystie flame, or which our hath no subtler name Than Jet: some dread hidden of That Noakes far out and dreams from |) whenee it came, language Those ethers weaken, Fever ain, dias ese, The shork of leurtaine and great topp 1 Shatter Pie ot this that dwells wit Kiiow oll or oret Prem fort tain hea Of power and life, where sense na) never been, w= Wilfred Campbell, Maybe the veasan why Russia and China du not get down to Aghting a youl wai fs because they fear (t may ve a Japanned fAntsh.~-Loulaville 08, ie haus of power more so th earn from some foun: Assets dhe wm ul gous, Ia Interest Paid on Deposits | A EE r-- | overs Eleven Millions Established back In 1884 the Central Canada has grown steadily untll now with awets of over Eleven Million Dollars it ranks as one of the oldest and strongest companies of ts kind in the Dominion, And back of these resources we have a volume of business and a host of satisfied customers; the value of which Is inestims able,' Our Oshawa office Is well equipped to handle your business and respecttully solicits your mecounts Temporary Offices 20 Simcoe Street North CENTRAL CANADA 19AN AND SAVINGS COMPANY, i tn ---------- By Jamas W Barton, M.D INGROWN TOR NAIL One of the commonest and meanest allments with wheh mankind is af ficted, or rather afilicts himself, ia in wrown toenail, © Lie | suue usually to madly fitting VOUS, OF RULES IIL IIAVILHRIE Waly Arg ON thelr Teel A HivBt well of tw wing, ANE Lhe Nui WsNRLY on Lae WINE 106, 18 GUL BO BRUTE That It vow Gob Pree Buy und the heal pat vi We toe And Thus the Bill gets pres: Jil GUWR IG the Mie suluw be: ade at The drntates the sn and aol parts below snd then ture 18 PAI, AWRINLE, and a break Wm the SRI WHICH 10108 An Beery Now ah you nave 10 use your feet an MUCh a8 your head tor tue every: WHY RIALS OF hie, & BMple IErewing vena Can really become A BerIUA watie i the condition has existed for some tune and the weer 1a deep and 8 apreading, the best pan 18 to cone ANE A BUEEVON WHO Will remove the anil and scrape hall the suviaee bee ow of ite aint whieh wil pres vil any na Sowing on the pors won seraped, A his 1a done under an anatIthele @ hod However with tae majority of eases Jie above 18 unnecessary, ad any method that will keep the nail oul al the flesh, and slow the weer tw neal, will uaumily bring geod resulta, One method wand sume yOars aw and NOW CORRE inte favor again, o lift the edge of thil out of tae rey wolien sore spot and wrap the edie with tin fell flue | part underneath the outting edge of the nail, and the eth: er on the outer ov og o This can \ hon 10 strong collodion, fa then "he litle ase treated hy being Nathd Fi | aur place Waeptia solution Dr, 1, Fraser, Lon \ England recommends * an alee: Hon. elu lon hy one of the an He on, whio only helps to heal i ory hut a alin be wh tough skin a h bout the w owever the point ls that shoud! try to prevent wit toes nail by sar) Xo the [3 ad you would an: BM of the bod The na he hen t 80 Ala their Hy raleet be the seit rity and dd eh hin Mm -- wear ihner side EL Bly ha bes ongth and width Reglatered in accordance with the i (RARITY Conyriaht A ot) yOu I i et LU a a 0 i LA, 100, Shoes ! Uncle Richard had gained a rep tation for always keeping gool, | a erlme, Mere than ence this gif had proved vrluable when thing went wrong, Hut his best effort wai put in the shade soon after he had Kone 10 lig: with his married ne: phew, "Unele!" wreumed the nephew! little pon, as he burst inte one morning, "Daddy's Val. fen of the voot' of the house! Unele Riohard nodded . he gol up and followed him "Hw ") know, my hoy" he sald, "I saw hin pass the windew," i Bits of Humor | CONVINCING The boss was very busy, He ilanced with {mpatience at the vise tor's card, which the office hey plage od on the desk HW him, "I oan't see him!" he snahed, "Go and tell him I'm out, But make it sound eons vinelng, I'm hartiewlarly anxlovs not to offend him "Yes, ain," veplied the boy, He walked thoughtfully ever to the doar, Then he turned, "Look here, sir" he added, "don't you think it might seem' more convinelng if went to him smoking one of your best clara" The man who deals in sunshine, jig the man who ot the crowds MA A Jot more business Than the one whe peddies clouds, I. Iie convent and may save you dup to town, . Your bank book, with FOrLONG ¢ 8G BUNDLE GRAIN i Vovivae Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST OSMAWA Phones 143 and 144 ull ------