Ontario Community Newspapers

, p. 30

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¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 The ie. Whitby Daily Times AAT gon With # domparatively Eh or | [4 slong of oho afternoon with His Honor dude Ruddy presidin or main oourt u nee for /the Buprems Court, (4H Sons ong "wre being held in the County Coun~ oll Chamber, The sourt oontivmed the appoints ment of Norman Baunders, of the Township of Bast Whitby, es » county constable, Granted Natoralisation Applications for naturalisation ritish subjects were favorably ¢onsidered from the followingt Alaxander Mandvesk, Kar gh ehuk, James Drussin, Anthon a0, Annla Blobedsian, John ut, aul Deendrowski, "deorae Pale ahuk, Koster Chasesewskl, All of the appleants are from Oshawa, nd the Judge md court oMolinls frcainad at the i. ol naoy Kay ean untll they ob knowledge of Wng- # schedule for id i i sourt ad Shot Gaunt on he Yor 1 9, and don bY! fr ohse Hlbtod was soitied out of SoU, and one was proceed- od hk Asks 98,000 Ver Biles. John Allen, of Bephyy, action to or §5,0 4 dame " from Mr, | OWReY © threshing outfit the Townshin of for injuries received hy He Inintite fn an neoldent In op. 1087, and while he was Years of he. Plaintiff claimed that on the day of the aesident, the defendant asked him to aseist in the fi ing of the engine while the outfit being moved from the farm of Mr. Johnston, In the process of move ing to another ry it was Alleged that the operator of the machine, Mr, Thompson, made too short a turn in order to wi throukh « gap In a fence, hen the engine « | stgpped, Mr, Thompuon, It was stat od by witness, attempted fo hack the engine, As a result, the wood | h en eab on the onkine heoame oruabed against the feeder of the separator, and unm Allen sus: tained a broken lam, Plaintiff stat: FR hs a] THE PAIN or RHEUMATIS "Fruitatives" Rid Him of opin tra Eh renin! od that after recovering from A disability he was overcome A fainting dig in which ha fell an again broke his leg, As a result he was confined to a Toronio hep tered | pital for & Seosderatle peried, Apes earing on his son's behalf, the father, David Allen, stated that although h @ had received the dos tor's billa if the first aceldent B {trom the loss be Jhyuloan he hed an ot not received any hill from the oronto Hospital. He denied all knowledgé of the Covnty of One tario and the Township of Boott paying the latter bill, Mays Care Was Taken Mr, Thompson, in his own des cumstances surrounding the sels dent, He had been in the thresh. Ing business for fifteen yours, H¢ sald he took every presaution to avold an sedldent, In question, but wis at 8 loss to know hew Allen nenbeged to be in the eabh as he seen him standing beside the separator Just before he started to haok oh up helnhart, a member of tha ora of the Township of Maott, ' fense, testified concerning the aire | pointing Presontin courtyard o strikes a on irs an par rags, bel Light in or ik oom. at the corner of an Snalant note in design and t in earried out to t hrawn on t Montreal's Mayor Vi sits New ; C.P.R. Office Mt. Catherine and Metoalfe Htreots, and will be used for the sale of both rall and steamship tioketa, Panis house, { the general appearance of a "patie", or office decoration, bs o smallest dot , with its stamped and Jobat no'toun, righ walnut tables and ne apeeially impressive, oraftex walls by electrie PROTEST DUMPING OF GERMAN GRAIN IN GREAT BRITAIN Comaetiliiven,. Urge Phat Steps Be Taken T Remedy as wien Hr ondon,! Deg, 13--The Hrithen Foreign offles should make re- presentations to Germany Indieats ing the unfairness of the German praction of "'d4mping" cereals into Great Britain, urged the agricil ral committee of the Congerva- fee parliamentary party, meeting in the Parliament buildings last night to consider the importations the spirit, If not of the letter, of the mutual obligations which had haen entered inko the cemmitise added, The committee, however, sus gonted the responsibility for deul- ing with the present difficulties of British agriculture rested prime urily with the Labor government, which had pledged itaelt to "make farming pay)' The emphatic opinion « that no naw treaties shiould he entered Into if they tended to tie the hands of the government in any section It might wish to take regarding the British bounty on food imports generally, was expressed hy the gommittes, The relevant provisions in the existing treaties should be terminated, if and when the opr portunity arose, it recommended, Bn "You," sighed the old gentleman, "women were always wanting new bonnets in my young days "My wife wants one now," sighed of ¢ovenls fram (hevmany under the hounty system, The fmportation In 1avge quantities was a breach of -. the young husband; "one with a limousine behind: it" Te _ This ls hue of» series of seulptinal ny on the eandlea fitted In wrought-ron chandeliers » BoOncen, identified & cheque And receipt | #ivueted eile Bauare . from the hospital, He stated that the cheque represented Hoott Town. ship's share of the hill inourrd hy John Allen's wleknens in Toronto, a. SN et of the Nn very oer are ---- Liki, Whithy, and Tadges distilet, wud they recelved wikrm welcome, The loeal and visiting Oddiglows githered In the Kastern Star lod rooms, wheres Warner Lodge No, 78, of Port Perrys, with Worshipful Muster Leteher Degree Captiin, and Nable JSirand N, Evers nnd afigers entered und seanferred the initistory degree ron #oeandidate Inn Meant ful and highly eradituhle manner, with Past Grand Bro, 1. Doubt, sged 00, and a menther of the order for SO venrs, acting an FG, In the lod BNE vary line addresses on the prineiples of the Order and thé obligations of tx members wer heard from loa! and visiting Oddfel lows, Banquet Held After the lodge session adjourn "the by +r Sia { tery) of Genoa, 11aly, Ne \ Is Wy Ha inter ie, sents the » ™ hai, 1 " avave, Nt endowed wit eloue port appeal and naturalness, Iodge at this recent session which he wttended, He told of the legis lution passed hy that body {or the betterment of the Order, and appeal ed to all present to take un interest In these mutters when they came he fore the Grand Lodge for considera lon, The Grand Secretary declared that the good whieh the Order had and was accomplishing was not to be measured in dollars and cents but rather in terms of spiritual value Oddiellowship wits not a religion, nor intended to take the place of the ehureh, but It was a philosophy of life with the highest deals, | Diatelet No, 41, presiding as toast master and ehalrman, Clarke's or choatri of Whithy provided some musleal numbers, while other num hers were a voeal solo hy Bro, Kd Whithy i reading by lira De, OF, MeGilliveay, Whithy, und u plane sola by Robin Niaholson Whithy, Toasts were proposnd to the Grand Lodge Ofeers, the Grand Master, the visitors and the newly initiated candidate o By Grand Master A feature of the banguet was the wonderful and Inspiring address hy Grand Master Carseadden, who (ra voll the history since {ts inception 110 yedrs ago until the present with its membership of over two millions and Its payments of seven millions annunlly for the benefit of the sick and the affheted, The grand master ment made 10 Whithy Town Mall | rpoke eloquently of the principles of for a banquet, or the fourth degree, | the Order, and the great help it had Fhe ladies of Whithy Rebekah Lodge | heen for over & century to humanity had charge of the banquet and furs | Founded on true religious principles nished ® tasty and bountiiul spread, ! and ever dlaplaying the banner of leaving Hitle Hf anything to be desir | fellowship, love and truth, it would od for the satisfueton of the inner] of Mn e to prosper in oun material maf, The hall was ablaxe with Bags, | and spiritual sense, reaching out to and the stage was heantiiully degofa | Bn even greater extent to help those teil with patrlotie und fraternal em | In need playing an important part blems, shaded with beautiful floor [in bringing to the fullest realisation lamps, Nov wis tHe decoration of | the true and lasting brotherhood for the tables forgotten, these presenting | which men longed, and looking for A very attractive appearance wird to the day when mun's suprem After the good things had been | happiness would be found in the disposed of a programme of toasts | higher Nie hayond and muses! and Heerary numbers was Grand Seeretary Willlam Hrooks, earrled out, with® Disteiet Deputy | gave an Interesting review of the de Grand Master CW, DeGuerre, of | liberations of the Soveselgn Grand D, J, Lueas, of Lennox & Luean, Toronto, appeared for the plaintiff and CO, ©, Richardson, of Plokers ing, for the defense, The hearing wan adjourned uns pe ten o'clock nn Wadnonday worn A Burial Service With A Reputation Well Earned Howman, BREAD FIVE ROSES QUAKER MOTHER'S FIVE CROWNS PASTRY SAXON MARVEL Bn... OUDFELLONS OF DISTRICT HONOR CHIEF OFFICERS Gathering of Over 200 In| Whitby Tuesday Night Fine Banquet i -- The reason why so many people turn immediately to us in their hour of hee reavement is because of the reputation we have established for a superior and thoroughly competent burial service, "I is known that we lavish on every funeral, large or small, that distinct Disney-Cott. method and elegance that develops a respectful tribute to the departed, and which Is further compensating in the extreme moderar tion of cost, Disney-Cott Funeral Home Corner Bruce & Celina Streets, Oshawe Phone 10828 ° "Lew V, Disney" "Stan Cott" "When a poor young man marries | {A poor young woman, that is love | Dut nowadays wealth---yes, aven the [thought of wealthdrives all Idea of marriage from your poor young man's head," Clarence Darrow, fhe new Vel [tatre, was eritieleing postewar mor [nls ot a dinner at the Blackstone in | C hieago, "A young man" he went on, ton young girl one evening! "1 owinh 1 had enough money to marry on,' "The young girl's heavt began to boat wnateadily snd she wmurmured In a low, unsteady volos! TWhat would you do had? YYPhrow up my Job" saM the young man, 'and travel and sow wild oats all over the whole world'* X ECLIPSE POTATOES 901bBag 1,80 Hogg & Lytle Ltd PHONE 203 Members of the Independent Or for of Oddfellows from all lodges In JNatriet No, 41, comprising Toronto, Linduy, Piekgt i Hirooklin, Osh Pa Wowmanville, Port Perry and Port Hope to the number of over two hundred, assembled in Whithy Tuesday evening to da honor to the rand lodge offeers, Cirand Master Carseadden, Grand Secretary Wil fam Mrooks Grand Warden William The visitors were the Eastern Star THE LAST THREE DAYS of Our Pre-Christmas Sale ONLY 76 PAIRS LEFT OF THESE WOOL. Irish THUR SD AY KID GLOVES Ladies' Eiderdown KIMON AS - LINED BBL COMER: AT HALF PRICE Rtibrelduind at $1.69 pr. | lined Silk BI "olors w= atson's ool lin oomers in Colo ow FRIDA Y Ladies French Kid Made from good quall : Cotton 4% 9. 9) 8 SATURDAY INA $6.85] LA Peach, ry White, but not ch 1 Pale in a box, eg Gloves In Grey wad 140 a a0, Ww Lie Gar." "$1.20 signe, Sizes small, medium and During this Salaapany itema have) become odd- ool Bed Covers in Plain i ur ot of Nowe sizes loft in any color, A rare Hick only, Bises 0 to large. Regular $3, 95 for po a ments owing to assortments and sizes baing Trani Ww | Sand, Mauve: Poach, Also ee rRAS, Mauve, Groen, yr Vy You should not mise, Regular $1, a TH, Mew #108 & SILK broken----these_items are being cleared during '3 Days $6.85 Each $0.00 qualities, Three days at $1.69 PYJAMAS AT LESS THAN the last three days at really rediculous ony 69c PENMAN'S SILK AND WOOL HOSE 65¢c PAIR Boxed Se ---------- HALF PRICE Just 38 pairs left from our 10day sale of these sub PENMAN'S PURE SILK a habe fine Nyon d standards of their $1.00 Wally i hich we have been selling at - 5 Ry High RK Y 65¢c Yeald It you zal i if 4\ : a il! Ji, . and -", -- a -- Armatrong muests of SS -IISS RE -- -- . | PURE WOOL Watson's Silk BLOOMERS at 69c¢ TALE Ir, hut the Vests = 69¢ - Pure thread silk fall fashioned Hose with Paint heel «= only 180 fre left, our ar 81.80 quality, Clearing $ 1 d9 LL ERE Bran is Ve seared HOSE $1.19 fm Sa Hae Fa NE 12 PAIRS ONLY STAMPED PILLOWS CASES AT, PAIR 2 BED aay To Clear sr08 " te Se a wd an nwt a ved an nnX \ EX TRA SPECIAL 70 Pairs 3 BED SIZE 3. 1 4 9 ar Pheer 3 DAYS $3.98 Y Worked Models of w Cases & Towels to Clear at Half Price Slip On Chamoisetté Gloves Regular 93¢ for T9¢ Pair eit Prins Autom "%8c Men's 'Pure 'Ish Linen Homatitched Handkerchiefs a Hud bu 90 (2 Flannelette Blankets Ne 4 Bt gy He 23x43 inches with f 800 oy Regular 930 wi. 60 On sale A sennen Not more than twe pair tp a Customer. phone or COD. Orders on this Item, 20 only to Prime at, each SEELELERR) ' i 0 We WW Bis er WP Be We NT Si ie gh Se i ie Se a Ti i We We Te a We WS WG Sh We WR - 2d po gp ty - ry ' Ew nl ao nn nls nn nS eo ws

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