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' It Is News" p Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer # A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VoL. >No. 1 EEE OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11,1929 16 Cents a» Week; 3 Cents » Copy FORTY PAGES 'News in in Brief i i nw Hs Paris, for She a the yeor on wa ime by pe ow he Bingen sd of if th Died of Bhosk Simeoe~Mrs, Clara Bealton, (ed 48, flow 0 Hs sn 1 4 "af terncon f ilk dont of the nint Charon bi a few miles west, Simcoe, Tome A street } ly Pe hi i) ifm 1h iit Arthuy ees peau | a that ol insur ing a forge eque Dallas, rina, In east 14 5 were injured, none fatally, last an fiterurban. 4 car and os a running from Fort Worth te Dallas, oft tracks at Irwindell, three es west of Dallas, Jott al Low Halt artial law has been strengthened here by a ou regulation requiring everyone to indoors by 9 pm, Save for t force continuing their rounds the city presents & normal appearance, _ Te Build Aiveraft Carviers Washington --~Chairman Britten of I'l se naval affairs committee announced today that he approved kh Sommendati on In Secretary annual report for the cons phy n of additional aircraft ear- rier tonnage, # * Marconi to Broadsast Yorke he National Broad: nator, Culeimo 0) ust milks | of A 0 Mare teles will b ot hig first radio from a studio in London on ¥y * Salling for H m=ton, Ernest a" te, min- e in the Canadian pve has been in En abpounced he | t Alexande ] Tr and now presi. ate, for the presi iral Kond- ad has fore out to 4 hy hy HER I Luh "cons | Ages, : protect! SON | plore the'BR Aeevater ents the A god er HE ONO MURDER CASE IS BEFORE JURY == 500 Convicts Mutiny in New York State Prison Floods Rising As Result of ISTORIC POINTS NEAR "LONDON THREATENED BY RISE OF THAMES RIVER wt ae Fresh Gales, Across England With Ter rific Force, May Add to Havoc Already Done by Severe Storms MANY TOWNS ARE NOW UNDER WATER Storm Has Already Taken 184 Lives Along the Coasts of Great Britain and Continental Europe, and Worse Weather Is , Feared (By Canadian Press Ledesed Wire) Londen, Dec, 11,--~Flood waters were mounting In England todny as fresh gales swept agross the Bri. tish Isles, adding to the possibility of further havog by the terrific storm which already hes taken 1» lives along the British and contiu- ental coasts, There were heavy floods in Por. {nl, swollen rivers in France and od conditions In many parts of England, particularly along the Thomas river, which last year over. d| Slated ita banks with great dam- overs) historle Points near Lowe don were being threatened sion The Tate an Gallery, with {is flay tne' heing guard or Thames mount 0 A Nid of Windsor Castle were under 'water while the grounds of historic Bton College across the river also were flooded, The famous Meadow in Runny. Made, whale Moy Masha harta od, no A big Inland Ag le hoi and boats were hor dui the main 4treety of va- rious riverside town in general the om of the past y week had abated ofcept for spo- radle outbursts, Wo nevertheless, was still don, . Dp al British Isles h 1088 severe on and the past few days, SEE Lon felt onl a, moderate rain and blustery both of whieh Joveloped aly fn the morn. to ing, The the lnflow of [aan in t hate" eaer and increased Heodings e river banks, The st od nearly three miles b in a Viaow. weather, red, a pi Eh ova of ho a an fot is not only with which have threat. nly each day, wt ith residents of surrounding Mos \ have y i} te XLT "he tered a a in new a big SS he some riverside towns th were using punts an 10 navigate: thelr main X Conttiiued on page 47) \ fon bel Beta! gs ra in the | in regard to the pis, wernt Battle In Progress In China (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Canton, Deg, 11,~The rebels' initial attempt to eapture Canton appeared today to have heen tems porarily checked by Nationalist government troops after a heavy engagement since Monday night, with many thousands of casualties on each side, (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Shanghal, Dee, 11.--Wounded pPegan to arrive in Nanking today from a battle in progress 60 miles porth of Pukow between loyalist soldiers and the vevolting Pukew garrison, Fighting was desribea as intense, British and Japanese warships were on thelr way up the Yangise Kiang to ald in evacuating thelr nationals in case avents foree that move, An United Btates flotilla Is expected here tomorrow with a lke intent, A rebel victory, it was thought, might conceivably initiate a train of events ending in the fall of Nan. king and the nationalist governs ment, Berious disorders affecting foreigners in the central capital In the event of ita fall were feared here, The Pukow mutineers began the offensive near Chuchow, with sev. ore fighting developing along the Tienstin-Pukow rallway, The na- tionallst troops were sald to consist of three divisions and one regi ment, with additional forces route from Nanking. Five hundred Natlonallet troops at Nanking were disarmed by gov- ernment officials because thelr loy- alty was questioned, They did not i fy Additional foreigners left Nanking for Shanghai A striot censorship was bhelleved to (A preventing storfes of imports ant happenings in Central China trom permeating to the coast and the outside world, J pa ---- £5 POSSIBLE LSS OF (IFE WHEN ERIE FERRY BOAT SANK Small Vessel Lost Near San dusky--Five Are Saved Canadian Presa Losesd Wire) ndusky, Ohio, Dec, 11---A small ofl burning passenger boat, e Mascot, owned hy John New: man of Sandusky, sank in Lake Erie near Kelley's Island today, according to the coast guard at Marble Head, The guard reported that the two Raaadi ars and threw of the crew wer Te take en out of the | water by the peanger, another pamengor aout, which headed ter the island rd Ig cause of (he dceldent is un- known, although ft {s believed that the boat had been rammed with a cake of fee, The coast guard re. ported that the Messenger had seen the Mascot in distress and turned back on ita course for the rescue, It fs unknown how many passen» the boat carried, - It was a mall craft used to transport pass Semore from Sandusky to the near thy islands, en ded Rs SUPPORT COAL BILL Léndop, Deo, 11.--Private nes een govern jie an month Sa reduclug coal miners' | op hours and providing for national coal marketing schemes by dls riots, have failed to seoure to the or government assurance of Liberal support as the Labor re had hoped for, It was ine however, the government alarmed over the tate of l ) dy to [ite MIL, which will be given second reading before the Christmas re Storms In Britain I'm Alone Case Of Importance Special Report on Incident Is Made by U.S, Attorney General (By Canadian F Prose Tossed Wire) (By Ken Clark, Canadian Fress tall Correspondent Washington, Dee, 11,~The I'm Alone incident, the sinking of the Canadian schooner, I'm Alone, on the high seas by the United Sistes const guard, has developed Into a matter of considerable Internation~ al importance," it Is quoted In the annual report of the attorney-gen- eral, Former Assistant Attorney-Gen- eral Mabel Walker Willebrandt giving » brief account of the af- fale remarks, "The Canedian gov. ernment has taken issue with the United States in this matter and the case has been referred to In ternational arbitration," With respect to smuggling sotiv- ity on the coast Mrs, Willebrand says It continues to be a problem, Small motor hoats of less than five tons Lurden are still a source of trouble, "Thelr operations are dif. flonlt to control hacause the navie ation laws of the United Btates or tha most part do not'apply vw them," Only half as many foreign lq nor running vessels were seized this year an In 1085, The larger vessels, the veport says, are gradu. ally abandoning the trade, The report points out again the French islands of Bt, Plerpe-Mique- lon are still and have been for the past three years the main hase of supplies for those engaged fu the Ameriean lHguor smuggling busi. ness, Pa ------------y 34 Men Saved In Heavy Sea Shipping in Difficulty Off the Coast of Port. ugal Lisbon Portugal, Dee, He=A hear vy fog hung over Lishon all night and for a greater part of this morn- ing and several boats in the Tague had to delay their sailings, Twe coastwise steaniers carrying passen- gers were forced to remain in mid- stream all night, The royal mail liner Arlansa ari: ved in port after a four-day's delay, The captain sald that he encountered one of the fiercest gales of his egr« oer, the waves tossing the boat vies lently, On the night of Dee, 7, he recel: od an 8,08, from the Iallan ah Casmona and raced at full speed to reach her, All attempts to get near the vessel were unavailing and lifes | boats finally put to sea and succe ed in rescuing M of the crew, he captain of the Arlansa and the pilot were congratulated by the Portuguese part Ruthgbities on their gallantry in effecting: the rescue, CENSORSHIP IN EFFECT IN CHINA Government Suppresses All News of Activities of "Rebels ' ---- Shanghai, Dee, 11=Tha Nationalist government has concealed with a " | of conserahip the activitiee M ral provinee go angtie ut A [ i: ge Ve steamed 1 river to protect their nationals, an an Amseican flotilla is expected a Thursday with like intent, 0 news came through concerning ¢ rebels w for several days have threatened nking a nat N om the No) eet i een sonoentrating 000 men, There! Wht ence i the mut tet Er to I ty hel Ti gh! revolted ty roared tanta to he mobilising in Hen rovince against the govern r no witha al wa tut naval = orts sald that a Ar p the Falatse ther nd A ners chang, wm were peturniv 1A when Te olty waa which. they fle toeday J n danger of TRE WR n retired oa Nan We ls in $ oy I teporid ¥ Phd itions were report is PROGRESSING DR, T, W, GI, McKAY Medical Offloar of Health for the ely, who was reported at noon today to be progressing favors ably from the sevions lines which he suffered Monday eves ning, Big Toronto Fire Causes Two Hundred Persons Thrown Out of Employ. ment by Blaze (By Canadian Press Lossed Win) Toronto~kire here this morn. ing caused damage estimated at hetween G0,000 and $100,000 when it destroyed the offices of Lang Hrow, speciality company and Luckett Loose Leal Company, The tire gutted the three-storey brick bullding in which the twe companies had thelr office, 1 was discovered shorvily before six o's ¢look hy Pollee Constable Thomps son while making his morning rounds, Hy the time flremen reached the scene the bullding was A roaring inferno, Near sero wea ther hindered the work of the five. men in fighting the hiage, (lose to 200 persons will he out of work hecause of the fire, The cause of the binse is not known, Believe Crerar To Enter Cabinet -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wir) Ottawa, Dee, 11=Hon, 1, A, Cre rar's entrance into the federal cabin ot is now assured but no decision has heen reached as to when or in what eonstituency he will seek election, Hen, J, C, Elliott's colleagues deny he is retiving It was never reported e was retiring now, hut that he would not seek reselection and until there is a general elegtion the acours acy of this report will he undecided, A further denial is made that Han, Peter eVaiot is ta secure , another portfolio and to be succeeded in the post office departinent hy Hon, Fey- nand Rinfret, Japan Anxious For Agreement Willing To Go As Far As Other Nations on Die armament ST 1 (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Victoria, B.0,, Deo, 11,--~Reljlre Wakatsuki and Admiral Takarabe, heading the Japanese delegation to the forthcoming London disarma- ment conference, asserted here toe day that thelr vountry would a8 far toward Sducing ita nava force an wh other power, Nakatadn former premier of Japan, and Takarah 8, minister of or of the delegation last night from Yokohama, hey are on thelr way to Washington before eding to London ty the cans nana, W which starta nekt month, The former premier aald hia country desired to keep submam {nes as a naval weapon, "A country like hn 0 with ne ageressive designs and of infeplar NAVAL wirength is dependent in a large part an submarines as a he fensive weapon, he asserted, "Japan has many ideas and many hopes of lasting geod te come from the London confer; ence," he continued . $50,000 Loss! he navy, arrived with the remains | Lin Convicts Riot Auburn Prison Il Warden and Guards, Held ns Hostages, Released by Troopers (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Auburn, N, YY, Dee, 11,~War- den Mdgar BH, Jennings ana 18 prison guards, held for move 'than two hours Loday as hostages hy B sore of long term convicts rioting in Auburn Btate Prison, were snatohed from the hand of the mutineers by a pleked squad of tate troopers; One convict Was ve. orted killed during the attack, Robbed of thelr last means of Jurehasing safe conduct from the prison hie conviets prepared (0 make a last desperate stand in the main hall, while troopers and nee tons! guardsmen, armed with tear gas and machine guns, prepared to rush the barricade In the few hours remaining before darkness, Henry Sullivan, spokesman for the mutineers, and two other convicts not vet identified, were killed during the attack by state troopers The veseue of the warden und four prison guards was made under cover of & tear gas attack, A detail of troops hurled the gas hambhs through the Inner gate into the main hall and walting until the gas had taken ef fect, flung the gates open Warden Jennings A the four men rushed through, hut were followed by cattering fire of ryote sho Guard George IE, Taking was a tioh through the neek, guard J Van Housen tumbled through the opening with his eve gouged out, The two re maining to escape as well as warden Jennings were suffering temporarily fram the gas attack, The two, Claude (Continued from page 1) New Critic of Labor Minister Manchester Guardian Caus- tic in Attack on Rt, Hon, J: R, Thomas (Bh, Thomas 7, I. Champion, Cana dian Press Neal Fits 4 dont) London, Deo, 11,+--Tha Man. chester Guardian now adds ite voloe to the general oritiolam of the wohlevement of Rt, Hon, J, H, Thomas as minister of employs ment, This new epitie Is Interests ing Inasmuch ag the Guardian has always displayed an attitude of friendliness towards the Labor party, and invariably exercises re strat in condemning ministers with whom it fs hardly expested to be in agreement, "Thomas doea not speak Be man who had any Aros he problems involved,' a tua dian, "That a hy he 1g norant of the % ane of econamios 1s not necessarily at all to his dw oredit, but he 18 not the man to make minister in charge of one of the most obstinate economic probs 10ME, +01 ow Hyvery time Thomas explaine or apologizes for his pols foy he supports the conviction he fa not In the right plage, Thomas fs not asked to perfarm miracles, but he might be expected in alx months to he abla to give & # vay of his problem and futy plans, But Ala survey 1a a mist and hig future plans are more neb- wlous than the present ones." -- MEAFORD TO HAVE NEW ELEVATOR ---- Two Million Bushel Project | Depends on Improvement of Harbor -------- Meaford, Dee, 11-=0fficial word was received here starday f Harry 1, Price, Fah managem eu Canadian Terminal Syst imited $ that the hi SAY wo i pr ones with the erection o Roo bushel grain elevator at Menton, This is subject to harbor impravemem hy, the Federal govern: mon Hon, J, C lion, ministe dow works, promised a M eputation same time ago that® ford Mrbor would he looked ain Th BS Mea lord ia amured of a oy Thine -olovatan, which it has beg eekln fi for years, The elevator Wilt without any guarantee nds or other assistance from town, Hungary ty "labor "sition a wn Ally Improving, FRANK BUONO Waterway Scheme Is Attacked Washington, Dea, 11, ==Digauns ing the long controversy over loos. tion of a proposed walerway Jnk- ing the Great Lakes with the Ats lantle Ocean, HMenator Copeland, Democrat, New York, in an ad- dress befora the mations! rivers and harbors eongres stoday, said that fpalfigh Interests'! who Herre the Bt, Lawrence voute were seeking to "eorral the 'waler power Fé sourced of the country." The New York senator advoeal od development of the so-called HAN-American route through New York Btate to the Hudson River and thenes to the osean, "Frankly," he told the songress, "1 regard the Bt, Lawrence Water: way as & watep-power scheme, The navigations feature Is merely nels dental to hydro-electric develop- ment" Copeland said the Bi, Waterway, approved growers of the went, the question," "It does not sompare in value to the United Btates with the aos called All-American eanal" he gontinued, "The latter in capable of acoomplishing for the Creat Lakes and the wast all that the Lawrence ean give," He admitted, however, that if the proposed cans! 'were to he used exclusively for the export. tian of wheat and flour," the Lawrence voute is "superior," but he argued that "unfortunstely water trae cannot sunceed on a ane-way basis' and that "within a very short time the United Btates will disappear as a wheat expori- or, because Great Britain will pre. for to import Canadian wheat als most axelusively, REFUSE REPRIEVE SUDBURY. KILLER; T0 DIE TOMORROW Cabinet Will Not Interfere Lawrence hy wheat was "out of Bt, With Sentence of Court «=Myhal Is Calm (By Canadian Pees Leased Wire) Ottawa, Dee, 11-=Pater Myhal, of Budbury, Ont, will pay the death penalty tomorrow for the murder of Rose Karas, The dominion cab» inet, having reviewed the ease, has decided that there will be no Interns ference with the sentence of the oourt, I oN Dee, aml Swi the reject on o Peter My Tile vie 2 pe 1) fepriaye, newn of wh mun nt 10 the eon ned man today, the only ob 0 Was removed from the path whieh has now been prepared Hn the death hue' 0) a allows al hat ing to fhe tir ving, he trap will be sprung ! brow "about sunrise," Arthur a fiolal hangman, haa been in Bude bury for several days RT ne dates for the supreme on al was told this morn. ing that Orta had yeleoted hia application, he showed practical no emotion and his manner, acee ing to Jall efticlals, is heh ne their "ha he toot 81 Eee a A " RC 8 Oh of Worry, ier id o have heen ha Li Arbre a ie risoner, appears to he { fon of the coat of the a = for reprieve Which has tallen on h friends, LINDSAY'S HYDRO SYSTEM PROFITABLE a Madi R Deo, al the Lindsay tan mont LI LIE manager W, BR a the regular Bey the ohm» Vig Jantetie, [| APerRting Wi an he Hay Da he oom Yom a ae In the previous yeah ow FR TESTIFIES THAT HE DID HIS BEST 10 SAVE MRS. KOBERNICK prey Accused Tells Court His Version of What Happen ed in Whitby Harbor on Evening of Drowning Accident Uxbridge Barber Gives Startling Evidence As To Story Told Him by Buono in County Jail (By Matt Reporter) At 4 o'clock this afternoon the jury in the Buono trial had not returned to the Court Room to present ita verdict, Whitby, Dee, 11.The trial of Frank Buono, 8f-year-old Oshawa Italian, who has been charged with the murder of Mrs, Hophis Kobere plek, of Oshawa, has now gone t@ the jury at the Fall Assides of the fupreme Court here today, Buona in alleged to bave drowned Mis, Kobernlok by throwing her out of a boat while rowing in the Whithy harbor on the night of Wedness day, Jupe 10, The trial has been in progress since last Monday afe Srna A, Btilweil, defense ecounge! ITY one hour this morning { addreasing the jury, He asked that his ollent he aeguitted on the grounds that the Crown had falls od to show that Buono had dene the deed with which he is charged, That the evidence pointed strongly to the guilt of the ascused was the contention of W, H, Wile Bt [Hams, X.C., special Crown proses outer, who alse took ap houp In presenting the case of the Crown, "You have heen lstening ta W great mass of evidence hearing 8 ww on this case, some of diveat and pome of it ntl #n Justige Wright stated in BW charge to the jury, 'The time hay now arrived that you must peasy fndgment up on this ease aecovding to the evi 49 oe and the facts whiekh are hefo you," His Lordshin presented a general outlinasef the evidence, He pointed out tA there had been evidence to sho that Huong had made against Mra, Koherniok, but ag the other hand the defense hadl'oons tended that this evidence had heen the result of malice, There in also svidence, Je stated, that impropes velationsh ip I had existed between he Acouse d Mr, Kobern With regard to the evidence John Hreonuk, Who hed "oH A Wan and woman quarreling in Mr, Justice Whikht asked whe {t would be possible, as th fense Sontended, that this evi was but a figment of the Imagine tion of the witness, He also referred 'to the conduct of the accused after the fa had occurred, It was for the § to decide whether this was hoy conduct, In connection with ontention of the defense that oberplek had jumped inte ter of har own volition he at the jury had a right to con er the evidence pf a woman olalmed that the deceased threatened "ta do something herself, It was for the jury ta decide whether there was any sibility that the adoused wae g\ 4 and | gp Iansinighier and that 'the ae with which he waa shatyed been done in the heat of te land with some provocation Wal not a suggestion on he hointed out, "You have & a pain wl faa 0 Pit on must kel aveld Wind hut decide the case. Toth the ev Hente. hi old a? |] Upon the SX: IR a Uiwell the 1 Wri Sly 10 the evidence ) Juhetintin vod ont that when Huon resaued N sald someth Campbell Rad not unders PN HW CR evidence XA oe pa NY or) Hono, a heen sy "Mk a 5 ha Lo ot and Ne ts he -t RA ET hows hed with \ Na Mis, sn of O ppened on the a with $3.178,28 for the same ne MOAT ne ma

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