Ontario Community Newspapers

, p. 26

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in EWE YBN : hk BOHAWA VAILT | IVES, | / EE . WELVNESDAY, LECLIBIER 11, 1949 LAAAAA ALS Lash 4a sss sds Lhd died da dbdididddidbddddad TTT TT YYYTY TATRA ITTTIIRITTITTIIVITIOVYIYVPOOPIPIIIS EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS PRT TTR TTI rT TVR INR ae Sdd aaa) Tr TTT TTY YOYY 25 Yours Clark Peterhoro=J, M, KMiott, for 26, years clerk of Peterboro County res ceived an wddros ond gold watch fro his year's council as 4 testis mon Translorred | to Brockville Brockville ~A, Wing, of the Dor minlon Stores, Lid, staff at Crnane oque, has been transferred here and is succeeded by Ky M, Vitzgerald, of Hroekville, Making Yoo pv + Brockville Broel bd dee-making operations have heen commenced ut the arens and with u continuation ef the eold wenther It Is antlelpated that skating und hockey. practices will soon be cominenced, ------ Lyn Postmaster Dies Brockville There entered into rest on Sunday morning one of the bests known and most highly honored 'res sidents of Lyn, Omar Mallory, whe for the past 32 yeirs hus filled" (he position of pommAs es In that village, Former Resident Dies Broekville ~The death oceurred of Saturday morning nt Vancouver, B.C, of a former esteemed and widely known eitizen ol Brockville, Jere minh Curt, for more than 38 years ong of the town's he known mer chints nnd for several years n memes ber of the town counell, Stole Turkeys A few feathers In un ald shel led Indirectly to the eonvietion af Martin Sabourin, 4, of Caledonia, Prescott county, and Phileas Lalond: 25, of Alexandrian, when they nppeny ed before Magistrate J, ( Milligan In polices court here, Both were sen tenead to two years at Kingston pen itentlary for the theft of 13 turkeys Bull Attacks Man Pleton==ldward MeCaw, of Pleton, lind & narrow eseap from serious If Cornwall TERT ITTTTOTTVITTTITY YY YYTYOTYY not fatal Injuries on Velday hil He with lending a bull to water when the animal attneked him, He ran, but wis ciutight by the bull which threw him beneath sn wagon, Mr, MeCaw probubly owes his life to this fact {eo escaped with a couple of hadly bruised ribs and a general shaking up, Pensioners Die Peterborough=Death, during the pist week, claimed two of Petethors onh's ou Awe ePusioners, A woek ano Monduy Mis, Mary Vayne, 870 Blownrt Street passed away, and on Sunday the desth of Wesley Boor man, 43 MeDonald street oeeuryed, Mrs, Payne was 8, and Mr, Boors man 7¢. Both had reeeived thelr first chequb sent out by the Ontario gove ernment this month, ------------ Unresavered The body of Dougal Low Paint, NS dell bout In the 3 Body Brockville, MeDonald, of ackamith on the lusting operations in the Brockville Narrows, hs not been recovered, Cirnppling operations have Leen ears tied out since the aeeldent on Tugs diy evening wind yesterday dynamite wis set off benesth the surface of the water In the hope of raising the body, Shot Through Hand Brockville ~On Saturday, Donald Hodglng, son of Mr, and Mrs, R, J, Hodgins, 389 King Street. west wis thet through the hand wt the resis deme of his brotherdn daw, Highs why Trae OMeer Douglas Wilson, He went there for the purpose of mt tending ta the furnaee, und proceed old to examine an Ab-calibre revolver owned by OMeer Wilson, "The revol ver wis loaded and In some manner dechargad potting a bullet through the left hand of the hoy, who Is shout 14 venrs vi aie, The Injury was not particularly serfods and complete re covery Is expected, Wrist Vryastured Brockville, ~FPriends of Curdner, of Kast Walpole ul Mr, and Mrs, W, Meleod Garde ner, Brockville, will regret to learn that he figured In an sutomobile ne cident on Saturday afternoon near Norwood, Mass, in which he sus tained a fracture of the left wrist, nes cording to information received hy his parents, The driver of the eur wis seriously Injured while & young lady seated with him In the front seat, was instantly killed, Another young woman, seated in the rear seat with Mr, Gardner, escaped uninjured, re---- § Old Lady Lost Two Days Lindsay~The village of Bobeays goon had a real sensation un few days igo when searching parties were formed to search for Miss Mary Mos Millan, aged 75 years, who mysters bonuly disappeared from ber home The night an which she disappeared wis very cold, und the aged fudy wih lightly clad, She wet no one in her wanderings, and for two days her whereahouts were unknown, She res mained lost until & man who was herding cows happened to discover lier, Fhe was In a serious condition from exposure, A -- Robert | Muss, son Charged with False Pretenses Broekyitle Robert Sutherland, of Toronto, atrested on Saturdiy ut Prescott, appeared In the polices court here hired with olitalning goods hy fulse pretenses and was remanded until Velday next while his record is being Investigated, Sutherland spent un few days In town und while hern stirreptitionsly obtained board and lodulngs at at Duell street residence and also tendered a cheque for re niles to his automobile, eaving Brockville he prosceded eastward and nt Prescott tendered a worthless cheque In payment for some gasoline He went on tn Montreal and returned to Prescott Friday and on Saturday in paying for his room and hoard with a eheane, ran foul of Pravinelsl Constable MeLaeod, who olaged him under arrest and brovuht him here It Is helleved the ear Sutherland was In possession of had been fe len at Toronto Labor In mune nnrts of Argentina Is being unlonlzed, A CHRISTMAS ' ™ IOLET Beneath the 0 DauHy mistletoe A kgs Is hk mislald-= When' fairy-lamps are burns Ing low Beneath the What lips! bow! Who was maid? Beneath the pearly mistletoe A los | Is easily miss-laid} SAYS FLYING NOT YOUNG MAN'S GAME Seventy-F e y ear OId Veteran Still Keen On Aviation | pearly mistletog perfect Cupid's little the suucy Bar Harbor, Me, Dee, 10~Avia- thon Is not necessarily a young man's game, necording to Alexander W, Wilson, 78-vear-old veteran of the ently days of Ayling, Wilson elalms to have Invented u devies which will make It possible for an alrplane to remain motionless In the alr} pres vent nese<dives, sldeslips and tall spins, He Is guarding his Invention carefully, but predicts It will mean a new method of eontrol and drive for all manner of alreraft, Wilson was well known for his aerial exploits more than hall & cons tury ago, Ha first attracted atten tion with balloon Mights sixty years wo, at the ape of Hifteen, Then came parachutes, gliders and finally nlrplanes of all deseriptions, and gep neling, He helleves the ale will yet furnish the safest modo of transpor tution "There will he no mrade crossings, dangerous gurves or pedes trians to contend with," he says, "It In only natural elements that are hal fling now and man will be ultimately master of all] Rg A 88 Simcoe Street North 88 HERE ARE A FEW Suggestions. Give Gifts that will be Appreciated | RAILWAY ACTION BENEFICIAL T0 SALT INDUSTRY pete Successfully With United States 701 nso New Glasgow, N, 8, Dee, 10+ Nova Bcotia sult is placed In a posi ton where it ean compete success fully ~~ with that from the = United Wtatas, by the Maritime rites vedue: tion, and the aetion of the Railway Commission In preventing cutting ol Yransportation costs on Boremn pro duct safeguards that market, it wan unserted here by an official of the Malagash Salt Company, The company it was - stated, had been making efforts to secure & shire of the Ontario market and doing h successfully, This effort would In continued and the extent of possible sles thers might be realized by the fact that In 'toronto slone 1200 tone of salt similar to that produced In this provines was consumed annually Other demands elsewhere In thai provinee brought the totul consumes to many more thousands of tons, was In this market that the Malagnsh Company had been sharing and hop ed to extend its Influence, Explaining the stand that the Rall wiry Commissioner had taken "J ire venting underscutting of the Mari time/s rate, Chief Commissioner M( Keown sald In Ottawa that while the board had no authority to change rates on the other side of the Inter national border Its powers were such that it eould alter ( anadign rates on imported commodities so' as to pre vent diserimination' or the frustra tion of the Intent of legislation, The Pennsylvania and New York Central lines had published rates of 21 cents a hundred pounds te Cornwall and 22 cents to Ottawa on sult from New York State, The Board had ruled, however, that the rates to those een tres should not be less than 2844 cents, as such rate was to apply over the New York Central Lines to movement In Canada HARMONY TUXIS BOYS ORGANIZE Ronald Clifford Elected Protor of New Group Harmony, Dee, $.-The Har mony Tuxis Group met at the school at 7.45, A group of Tuxis rom King Street Chureh, Oshawa, were present to organise the group and initiate the members, The Plonear Tuxls' square put the ean Aldates through the Initiation pro ceedings and there were six full lndped Tuxls boys The folowing offleers and mem: hers ware elggted: prétor, Ronald Ulifferd; deputy pretor, Donald Hern; seriptor, HNianley Cook) romptor, John Laverty; sponsors, Gerald Paterson, Roy Flom ing and Gorden Thim, The Tuxls group will meet every Wednesday night and any boy 15 years of age or % 0 ¥ 3 Winter Fronts Tire Chains Rubber or Steel Car He Anti-Freeze ires and Gene Access aters Tubes ral ories wr in f i ) You'll Want Your Oil Changed from Summer Oil to a More Seasonable Oil MOFFAT MOTOR Simcoe St.N. QALES Limited Phone 915 GOOD WILL USED CARS over will be made welcome, The mentor ls XK, H, Bteher, The community extends aympas 'hy to the Motheralll family in thelr recent sad hereavement, Mra, M, Maokle spent Monday In Foronte, The C.GLT, "Chums" met "riday evening at the school, A hort business meeting was cons lueoted, It was decided for each Wf the girls to bring fome food nd some clothing and toys If pos ible to help out with the Ohrist. nas Cheer Fund In the vielnity, mes a month the "ohuma' are to neet at the home of some of the nembers, A few songs were sung wd the meeting closed with nrayer, The community extends deepest wmpathy to Mrs, Roy Cook and son, Mra, R, J, Cook and family In thelr recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband, son and brother, The Trall Rangers met on Wed: neaday evening, After the busi ness masting war over, 8 new members were initiated, making a membership of 17, despite the loss of several of the older boys who were taken into the Tuxia Group when it was organised, Mr, Tim ming, the mentor, takes a great Interest in the hoys, The Bunday school service was well-attended on Hunday, 117 be ing present, The Trall Rangers took part in the service, The (.Q, LT, Yohuma" donated one of the new primary ohaira to the Sune day school, Mr, Millard expressed hia thanks on behalf of the Runday sohool for thelr donation, The at. tendance at Hundayachool one year ago wan 87, and the 117 present Sunday shows the wonderful growth the 8unday school has made, It fs hoped the attendance will soon reach 180, The Christmas concert will he held in the school en Thursday, Deo, 19, (My Nir Arbuthnot Lane, Bart, The hhhroach of another season marked by feasting and ganeral in- dulgence in eplonrean delights specially designed to titillate the human palate bhringe with it the inevitable budaet of 'Dont's' hy va vious morta dietary speglaliate, The cheery advice of the familly doctor to the question posed tn the title of this article will probs ably take the form of a warning against exo but otherwise will not hampers *anyone in ordinary health, To the young the ocapacity to swallow polely Influendes thelr idea as to whether the diet provided for them ia right or wrong, Par ants regard the excesses of Christ mas fare very lahtly, belag von. vinced that if the food la good and free from any deleterious matter on Nova Scotia Can Now Com do Ja do do do do do do do do do di do da da da dad Give SLIPPERS THE GIFT THAT'S ALWAYS WELCOME No gift ean better express the true spirit of Christmas than a palr of these lovely slippers for dad, mother, sister or hrother, vices means Jou need not miss any of your of or ing es invite you to The wsefn) gif In mand the sconomy Fi one appreciated most, vionds, 'Wa have prepared for jour come Choose Now While Stocks Are Complete Gifts for "JULIET" SLIPPERS Fur trimmed, flexible leather soles in assorted colors, rare value af Her-: 11d 1012.40 "KOSEY" FELT SLIPPERS, soles and heals, all new colors, ribbon trims Comfortable padded med or plain O5cto $1.50 CHIC SATIN BOUDOIRS, Naw figured uppers and real pom pom with silver kid trimmings, or $1.50 to *2.00 A chiffon or service welght, LUSTROUS SILK HOSE Full fashioned or clreular knit, in eames plete gange of the new colors, at #1.00 to *2.00 A Golden Opportunity te Men's Everett Cholea of many styles In hinek ihle sewn solbs and low haels, priced $].45t082.75 Practice Veonomy Slippers brown kid or eallskin, fAex- welcome gift, reasonably Choose from the low eut please the thrifly shoppers, 65¢ the popular high out eavaller style, mal patterns in clever oolor combinations, the kiddies and the economical prices will appeal to Don't Forget the Kiddies! "Kosey" slippers, strap effects, or Then, too, the new ani They're sure to THE MONT EXTENSIVE ATOOK IN THE OITY ROONOMICALLY PRICED to $1.26 New Colors In po vi " brown, or patent, padded soles, low heels derful gift, priced at : Exceptionally Ving Relection of Kid and Patent Boudoirs Deoldeddy smart houdelr slips pers in saphire, cardinal, green, hello or black, in kid with They'll makes a won 85: to $2.50 "ROMEQ" SLIPPERS sewn soles In brown hid, to 11, real value ,, The popular styles with flexible slsen 0 Gifts for Him:- $1.85 t0 $3.00 wool slippers In plaid or jy Patterns, flexible leather soles, ENGLISH WOOL SLIPPERS Bevera! styles In theses warm all lain O5c to $2.50 Good quality wool felt In gre brown with turn-down oulf, padded soles and heels, price "KOSEY" FELT SLIPPERS y or pol, ad al $1. % 1081.75 MEN'S SPATS, Made of domestio or English ported felt and boxeloth in wanted shades, All slees, at GNEW-SURPAS SHOE STORES, LTD, "CANADA'S QREATEST CHAIN SHOF STORES" LL by & dose of castor ofl To those who have passed the meridian of lite the meal Is approached in a varied spirit, That section which in still vigorous, robust and greedy, feeling that a moderate Immoaers ation I the secret of happiness now wets itself to enjoy In a reck loan manner all the good things provided for ita delectation, © On the other hand, those wha realise that thelr Internal economy has long suftered from unsuitable food and that it naturally resents any excessive strain on ita fmpalred machinery, are reasonably careful in the cholee of such portions of the meal as they know by experls fiste are lkely to be digested eas: iy, On the whale, while many carp at aver Indulgence in rieh food at this festive period, ita scompoals tion Is usually excellent and harms less, Roast or bolled turkey, with chestnut or veal stuffing and orans herry sauce served with hotled ham or tongue, la most tempting and its flavor promotes digestion and prevents that feeling of dis comfort and distension that follows An unsuitable diet, Apaln, the goose with ta stuth ing of sage and onlons and a cares fully prepared applesauce ia pre. ferred hy many, who rarely find that It disagrees with them, It cers tainly ts most appetiving, an fms Rortent factor In ta digestion, Pars aps that part of the fare that aps eal most to the old and youn a the traditional Christmas puds ding, and few there are who oan realst some of thin deliolons and nutritive luxury, The flame that onvelaps It at first stimulates al potite and eoheers the soul, while the brandy butter served with it 1s #0 good that even a teetotaller cans not have the courage to vefuse it, Mince ples, the preparation of which has called for endless skill and Judgment, are very digestible and add to the tout. ensemble of the meal, A moderate amount of aleohol In the form most liked by the cons sumer halps largely in luauring the Rpttect dlnohiion of the meal, ana de greatly to the general haps plness of the party The old proverb "Christmas comes but once a year, and when ft comes tt brings good cheer," 1a oxoellent in its application in that portion of the year which nature conspired to make most gloomy In her drab wintry dross cspecially in the large towne, The vexetarian need only replace the usual food by abundance of foult, salads, orgs In various coms binations, cheese souffle, ames fettes and so on Porsagally, 1 prefer the old fas any disagresable QONRBA MANOR which may arise can be safely met \ shioned Christmas dinner, ! ' ' 8 bene nea) Ime the $1.25t0$3.00 23% SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Christmas Day For Baby - WIDE CHOIGEIN While everyone feels that even the youngest children must have same share ly the feast that is so especial ly theirs, it is not wise to let the in fant under two years old be too much aware of any unusual occurrence Long before they can speak, babies grasp any stir or excitement on the part of adults around them, and too much coming and golng into the nursery to decorate or unpack pars eels or bringing baby downstairs for too long a time to join in Christmas patherings may result in an upset of the nerves sufficient to cause a raised temperature, certainly to bring on toars and sleeplossnoss H Baby's winal routine is strletly kept to, he will, however, be found quite playful and happily awake tos wards the end of the atterncon and can then he brought downstairs to recoive his share of attention and his presents which, even to a one-years he often gives great delight, over show him more than ene toy at a time, "and lot him explore for himself any new and sudden Noises It way contain, Lambs that "haa," ducks that quack, and so on are sive to form part of his stocking contents, and if they are all wo rie) at onee, or toa loudly, he will be frightened, All new toys should be glanced over before being given to Raby, Button "eyes" should be removed, neck ribons with bells sewn firmly to the animal, sharp edges protected, and painted toys tested as to thelr quality, The Wind that shed thei hues In water must not be given to Baby, who is certain sooner or later to convey them ta his mouth It must be remembered that bright ght is Just as stimulating to a baby as nofse and only a very fleeting glimpse of the glittering Christmas tree should be allowed; If Haby is over six months old his Christmas reception should be held iw his own pay room, where, lald on a hs ag, he Is safe. from draughts, Carpets at Cheistiuas time are so quickly cove ered with cracker frammants, erwimbs, oven powdered glass trom the breaks ing of toy baubles that they are snecially unsafe for an infant's prox nity A timely warning is necessary to slightly alder brothers and sisters who want to share thelr Christmas fare with baby; dnd to grown-uns whey while busy with candy, may bo tomnted to poke a delicacy into his mouth, \ King George of Baaland is continu ng Ms collection of stamps, which pow fill nearly AQ volunes PEWTER, POTTERY Tea Sets And Breakfast Sets in New jaw Foltury ¢ Christmas tea sets or Preakfast gots in one of the new pottery designs will undoubtedly make bright splaghs es of color in many homes this ye They're too (aseinating to pass when in search of presents, One dashing modern set has a 3 Jak low pottery background overlaid wit black and ved and gold desl A streaking through the centre a plates and down the sides of the cups, Rainbow effects in pastel shaded pottery are very new, Italian pottery always gay and eaolarful, arriving in plquant peasant path rma that adant themselves equally well to eons ventional and modern sehemes, Rreakihst sets come in pastel colors to mateh the houdoiy oa. ings, The dishes are rather plain, their distinguished note of calor ing the tap-knots of flowery which form the knots of lids for the tea pot, coffee pot and sugar how Powter is being. shown for gifts giving in practically all af the Aron Swedish pewter adapts itself the modern trond and is often cabin] with inlays of colored enar cons position, - The new polianed He will net tarnish or eorrode, a. and pepper shakers are so whi that the salt will not effet the metal as if often did of old, The demand for pewter has grown $0 steadily that at present it outdiss taneds that for silver, It is to be found tn all the popular metal pieces such as toa sets, coffee sets, smoks ing setss=which are very popular cooktail shakers, flasks, A dish» er trays and famps in both colonial and modernistio types \ Beautiful occasional table of cons sorvative modern design would prove a longstime gilt of great charm for many 4 household, Hlustrated iy , most effective model-an original de sign hy Paul 1 Frankl, New Yor 4 HRINTMAN « AKR OF course Ohristmas cake is the fiat thing to think of and tor a recipe we are publishing one sent in hy one ol our readers, "ROC KS "Don't slgn wp tor geology, I took the course and didn't lke it" "What was the mattepd® "Wall, yon eon't 5h) on rocks Taranto Goblin

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