Ontario Community Newspapers

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 PAGE TWENTY F IVE odd Ad Ado do do dio 4 a BETHLEHEM White as an altar Juve upon & hill And honr with There stands within Amid a AOL AIIMIS MIL AI ow yet gently touched by Time, udaes, lovely still, the elusters of the fig and lime The hallowed shrine that still ean move and thrill The soul of unbelief and shake the will, Avound the holy plaee the throngs of earth Assemble to adore, to vinerste A ny whieh i n splendour for the birth f One divine! while angels opened the gate Of Love in life, and, with white peace hegirth Gave to the world a song of 2% ve and mirth, ] EBIAN PIC, CLAINS KEY T0 ANCIENT WORLD LIES IN ASIA Scientist Declares Theory Linking It With Alaska Unsound Washington, D.C, December 10 o=They key to American prehist- ory Hes not in Alaska but fn Asia, An the hellef of Dy, Ales Hrdlleka 'Hmitheonian anthropologist, His contention supports a previous view that Monogoelold migration noross Bering Btralt was so edwy ft. was Inevitable, tonttasting wi with a prevailing opinion that the Me: Kimo had & purely American ors igin, cans hope of uncovering even dim pecords of the far past In oentral Alaska Is sean hy the not od selentist, who traversed the Yukon river from source to mouht during the summey in search of ars chale love, "Unless some most unfortunate accident occurs," he sald, "we shall wever he able to find veal ancient remains in the Yukon val: lay op delta, because the country has heen remade by sea and viv or, Remains have heen swap! awAy by the water as IL ENAWE at the banks or lle covered up in deep Jungles or tundras, "In directly, however, through archedlogienl and other evidence, substantial steps have heen made this 'year towards the solution of the problem of the origin of the Hakimo and his velation to the Indian," The anthropalogist returned with more than 60 hoxes of mater: ial, one of the most striking parts of the eollection being nearly 800 tools. and objects In fossil Ivory, helonging to » andertully righ and artistic old ewlture, disciver od but a few years ago, Light also may be thrown on the past hy a double burial in a stones ne od grave, the oldest uncovered so far along the Yukon, and similar in types to soma In northeastern Av Dr, Hrdlieka sald, "is wok, but only careful study will shew how portant, he in achievement was to SAve nt much that would soon 0 n lost for all time, "Smithsonian espeditions, while savin a etious mate re a data from American side of Beving HOR, Aone more urgent a exten: sion of the work in northeastern Asia, It is there, it ls felt even more aren, that the material and information le that will olineh indications obtatned on the Am © erioan side." More than 8,000 miles were trav on the vlant river, famous from the days of the gold rush, The sclentist, asalsted by Dr, J Maly; of the University of Prague oriss-grossed from bank to bank in search of anclent sites, more than 1,600 miles bhelng covered in an open 18-faot canoe, A larme mas ority of the surviving full-blood ndians and Hekimos, melting be fore olvilisation even as the rellos of thelv ancestors are belug de ror hy nature, were nieasured, obse and photographer, ntial records of this yan. lahing pobulation, on Hrdlleka mid, fhue are are safe FARMING FACES PERIL IN BRITAIN of Agriculturist I Lunchion Address Theme London, Deo, 11.--The plieht of py agrioulture wag the thame YT vy delivered by Hir Wal we 2 at a luncheon here, ring to a recent statement a Hon, Neel Buxton, minis tor of agrionituye, tn tha House of Somuont. that he was unable to coon thes uwngestion that the as Teultura) industry generally was In such distress as to demand spe olal _Immediste relief measures Sir Walter sald he was sure Mw ston eonld wot understand the vo Mg He (Huxton) must know If 1 were not for the farhearanes of the banks and other creditors of the avrloniturists wanv of them wan ld be wound up at the present ime. Undoubtedly the asrionitural in dustry under existing olronmatan. oon Was oollapaing, sald Bir Walt of, The farmers did not want temnarary help, Thev all knew no oles In the community could trade arainat the serlous dumpine wen ate the CONRITY Wak now Koinw through The farmer had to have same subaldy or hawnty to meet this menace of dumping, Two of five teams in the hasehall leant of Mazatlan, Mexico, are som: posed of girls "Our material,' MARIA OF CANTAL PICKED UP DEAD IN DINGY TOWN Beggar-Woman Clutches Coin Bearing Her Own Picture FE------ Paris, Deg, 11,==Marig of Cane tal, the Bower, & dead, For "La Remeuse,"" whose eMuy changes hands wih ever ylen-cent ime plese In Franee, was a peas ant woman of Cantal in old Auy: ergne, Roty, the French sculptor, saw her one day as hy yu elimh- ing the sunny slopes of Cantal, He had passed the vineyards nnd the grain fields when his eyes fell up on A woman sowing, Bhe steed | siihountted neainst the sky, sow ing with unchanging rhythm, Al her as a "spivit from the mornin of the world," volcano which Is the peak of the enpltal range, but he went ne tur ther that day, He asked Maria to pose for him fhe posed with complete lack of | self consciousness, He paid her a gold Louls, the color of the gorse at her feel, With her gold, Maria went down to the oltles and the mountain knew her no meye, and she became famous although she hersell was unknown, For Roty's statue of her as "Le Bemeuse," so typified the passing season, so expressed falth In the sowing and reaping of the nation that the French Repub Ho adopted It for its oolns, In the commonplace manufan turing town of Crussot the other Aay a heguar woman was pleked up, dead. In one hand she cluteh sd a blackened ten-centime plece It bore the imprint of & woman sowing, The hewgar woman had reaped her last harvest, It was Maria of Cantal, VRS. PANKHURST'S Unique Ceremony Is Held In Warhington- Colors Displayed Washinton, Deo, 11.=Ameri oan women Joined with the repre sentatives of Great Britain's wom memory of Mee, Emmeline Pank- huret, leader of Enrllsh militant suffagists at a unique ceremony in the erypt of the American Capital under the ausploes of the Nationa Women's Party, Mrs, Raith Houghton Hooker. of Baltimore, In behalf of representa tives of forly Amerioan Women » organisations whe were present, spoke In high tribute to the Eng Hah suffraglst leader, and amons others who replied was Miss Ohpis othel Pankhurst, daughter and oon. stant companion of the late lead or, The Brit'ah Ambassador was ve presented hy T, A, Bhone, first seoretary of the Hritlah Hmbansy who saw for the first time the nurple, white and gold banners of the Amveloan feminists, and the nurple, white and green of the Mnglish women oarried aide by side, The cevemany was presided ov ap hy Mrs, Willlam Kent of Call fornia, With the processional which was led by Mrs, Vietar Dupont Jv, Winniperton, Del, there came in. to the Erav walls of tha orypt & line of hrilliant color which sug: gested to those who had knowin her the vivid, eamer, personality of Mrs, Pankhurst, Hehing "The American Wag, oarvied hy Mr Dupont, flower girls marched in double lune with garlands of purple, white and mveen flowers, the oolors which Mps, Pankhurst made famous, Toe me -------------- 400 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ON STRIKE William wt, Pag Deo, 1lFour hundred Willlamaport High Sohoal students went on strike today, vefus ing to return to thelr studies unless Sol Wolf, head football coach, was offered a contract more accepiahle than the ane he rejected. When the students were informed of his refs al af a one-year contract they at onve walked out of the sohool and paraded through the ety, Welt t onmpleted hia fourth SOASOH an oonoh ab Willta High School, During his vegime Wik laspart teams have won 40 games, lost three and tied one Nearly 800.000 laborers have fms grated to Argentina in the Jast 10 ARTI N Roty was climbing to the extinet | 2 HENRY HONORED § anhood on Sunday in honoring the | § a eT} D.-J. BROWN'S CHRISTMAS Chime Clock This clock is made the best makers of Chime Clocks, The case ls solid mahogany, beautifully grained, strikes the Westminster chime on rods, Regular price $50, Special Price $35.00 China Plate Clocks Makes a cheery kitehen, Duteh scene h blue '8- day. special price == $). 49 Tambour Clocks $90 We have over twenty five different patterns, of clocks in our stock to choose from, Eight day, half hour strike on Cathedral gong, Guar. anteed for one year, Reg, price $14, Special prices China Cups and Saucers Artistic Decorations, Reg, price $1 to $1.25 19% Special price. yo 50s China Tea Sets 23 piece, Regular el $6, Spec'al price == 3.98 Luncheon Sets fos Regular riee$9.29 Special price == Coalport Indian Tree At a big reduction, Cans nd pues or $1.49 Rov. 41:50. puch = Be 8 . 31.90. Spent rice. $1.34 ALL COALPORT INDIAN TREE AT CUT PRICES China Berry Sets Hand painted in strike ing clon Rowe 98g Pretty Milk Jugs Special 49¢ LAE EERE EEN REE Sherbert Glasses or Plates Regular price 25¢ each, Special = 19¢ Reg. price $1, Price "~ SHOPPING NEWS! | GENTS WATCHES LADIES WATCHES DAUPHINE 'Enstotolly engraved dustaproot i rmplete with me ease IN Jewel, Bulova movement complet band wad Banker Dustproot Cane, 10 Jowel Bus Wh movement mn I4k Solid Cold Case, fine with fligree flexible bracelet to mateh $80.75 15 Jewel D, J, Brown $ 25 | STRAP movement with new type woven wire bracelet, Guar WATCHES anteed one year, $20 Fine 17 Jewel watch in pers manent white gold filled case with woven wire braces let eet with sapphires, Fifteen Jewel Gent's wrist with woven Pr.ce | wateh wire racelet Misses' or school girls watch, A good time keep er in green or white gold filled case, Fine gold filled strap walch ped ial price $10 S149 JOIN OUR CARISTMAS SET CLUB ren CHINA DINNER ni? Floral and bird decorations Special Price ,,..y. EEN $23.90 SR i Be, LW RIB) APARTMENT DINNER sEY $5.00 ¥ DOWN 50; Will put a fine dinner set in 04 Rose or Blue diciralonh. Special P FIC® 444» a RC RR PINCH ENGLINH your home, then pay $I DINNER NRT weekly until paid, "$19.50 TT) We have a large stock of china on hand with fully 28 different patterns to choose from In Pear! tone. Fine Toilet Sets $15.00 per se The most Beautiful Goods Made t ELEVEN PIECE PEARL TONE SET SEPARATE IVORY PIECES Ivory Brush .... $1.49 3 B50 to $6, Special Comb $0.49 rice . $249 Mirror . $2.49 See our Toilet sets before buying -- It Will Pay you, Ivory Clocks, Regular Perfume Bottle Soap Box... $0.39 $0.19 | CUT GLASS WATER SET - tumblers and pitcher, Reg. $7.50, Spec ial price LADIES' HAND BAGS--Aassorted colors and shapes, Reg, price $4 to $6, i Ji we $2.98 | Six price $2.49 OPEN EVENINGS Solid Gold Brooches Set with pearls, amy- Reg, price #5 10 $10, Special price $3.90 thests, etc, Gents All Gold Chains In white or green gold, Regular price $12 to $20, Special price w= A large assortment of gold filled chains from $2.00 to £10.00 Gents" Signet Or Stone set rings 10k solid gold, Regular pr ce $6 to $8 Special PIC® viv nnsnnrnne $4.49 [Ladies or Misses' Fancy new designs set with ruby, garnet, or any particular stone you ike Regular $4 to $5. Special Price $1.98 Baby Rings Signet or stone set, 10k solid gold, 79¢ Cuff Links Fine gold filled, Reg. 2 to $4, Special price 98¢ Costume Jewellry Bracelets, necklaces or sar rings, Regular price two to three A omy Special price "EERE EEE 98¢ Lockets and Chains Fine gold filled, Reg, price $3 to $7. Special Silver Candle Sticks Regular $4 per pair, Special price * $2.49

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