THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER J, 1929 PAGE TWENTY-ONE St Francis of Assisi Started Carol Custom "Come," sald Wardle, "a song ~ Christmas song, I'll glve you awe In default of un better « Plek 1. lh ' is not known into which old ed Wardls broke but we way be very sure that it was one of the fume Maur ones and that he did Justice to ihe Singing enrols st Christus thine has wlwiys been part of our Christ mig tinal, But not as they wre sung today either by trialed choles or hy quartettes on thely rounds from house to house, Indeed these old snered and trad tional songs enshrine the very spirit of the season and carry It on from generation to generation keeping sive the spirit that caved the watehe ng shepherds to alse thelr volces and A the still night with the strains pf "Glory to God in the Highest)" gonjuring the simple plety of gingers long since dead, hon old Patel the parish elerk with the rest of the village cholr sang beneath the Tul)lver's windows Mag gle would have It that the singing owed nothing to human volees, (hit it wis dn short nn susernatural fhe nomenon, And Tom laughed at her ne renders of George Kliot will re enll, Nowadays It geems, for more than one reason, past bellef that the strain thet come in through the wine dows proceed from Luman volees Yet despite the deeny of organlied enrol singing, there is something in these old traditions! melodies nd in the charming Words that go with them that ste the heart strangely, Perhaps It Is boentad In them we hae the voles of a simple faith that has departed with the elngers of other days, When St, Veanels of Assis! wander ed near Parls one Yuletide he de id ed upen a Nativity play, The stable, the manger, the ox and the ass, the Mother und the Child were all fulthe fully presented, And when the uu dienes was assembled the followers of 5t, Franels gathered about and sang the story of Christ's birth, They car olled the snered tale, St Yeanels had been to Rome, He had preached before the Pope and the Cardinals, His Order had heen formally sanctioned by a Papel Bull Letters had been sent out to all the provinees ul, wf Chirlstendom recommend ng the mehasterles of the Brothers Minar to the good graces of the er cleslustienl authorities, These things arranged St. Feancls made yet un other request to the ope, le would lke he sald to celebrate Christin with eertuln unusual eeremont which had suggested themselves him, ceremonies which would bil the meeting of the day home to sim ple people; but he would not do thi without the approval of His Holiness lest he should be neeused of levity Tha Pope sanctioned the Innovatio which was duly Introduced In the vii lage of Greela near Anpisl, The seen la thus deseribed In Mes, Ol WN ) "Life of Saint Franels" "In this village when the Live of the Nativity approached, rancls In structed a certaln prave and worthy man named CHovannl to prepara nn ox and an ass, along with a manger and all the common fittings of & stable for his use In the ehineeh, When the solemn night arrived Franels and his brethren arranged all these things in to a visible representation of the oe aurrences of the nightnt Huothlehem The manger was filled with hay, the animals were led Into thelr place CA RES A a | reproduction In startling realistic des tall of the surroundings of the first Christians, The popwhition of the "| neighbonrhpod FONG BB ONE 1nkh to the eharacteristiogull, They giuthered round the village' choreh with tapers and torches making luminous the December night, The brethren with in the church and the erowds of the faithful who enme wud went with thelr Hghts in and put of ghe darkness potired out thelr hearts In praises to Gods and the friars sang new ean ticles which were listened to with all the eagerness of a peaple aeeistomed to wandering Jongleurs and minstrels and for whom such songs were ull the food to be had for the intelleet and dmngination," And we are further told that St Prancls stood by this simple theatrl en representation all the night long "filled with an' unspeakable sweet nase" The word enrol comes from the Tia lan enrolaresto sing songs of Joy, It wis first used of those hymns sung during the performance of early Pan slon Plays, such hymns as are spill Ming it the Viay of Oberasmmergan, They were nlwiys sieved songs, fens ered plously by devout singers, In mediaeval England when carols played u large part in Christmas jollis thes they sung full blooded songs, sch enrols ns} Wiassnll, Wassall, Our tonst It Is white and our in brown Our bow! 1s made of the maple tree We all be good fellows=1 drink to thee One of the earliest known enrol makers was old Wynkyn de Worde who flourished In the sixteenth cen tury, It was he who eomposed the carol In honor of the boar's head the first Hones of which run as follows Caput april defera Reddens nudes domino The boar's head In hand bring 1 With garlands gay and rosemary, I pray you all sing merrily Que est Is In eonvivo The boar's head T understand Ts the ehief service In this land Look wherever it be found, Nervite eum enutien Gone the boars, head to be replaced Id enrrel to make way for the men hy the stuffed turkey and, gone th nie enrol sinrers without volees or Hut we must not imaging that stroll my musleal merit are peeulise to ou own times, When Queen Ellgabeth ant vupon the throng of England the wee hewnlled the wvoelferon "roaring baves"sstrolling carol sin who made night hdeous with | hele eoterwnuling, These were the | ballad sereamers wha conjured mor eold water than {pennies from high windows Of the earc's of today the most fa Hae are "The mistleton bough," "Good King Wenceslas," "1 saw three shins," "Chelstians awake," "We coma nW wamalling" and "Noel" The slmnle {muslelans who made the familias | musle of these earols both forgotten and unforgotten are unknown | oi hinve passed leaving a legacy of simple meladies for all time The great composers worked to a larger plan giving the world sueh mauniil cent musie, sueh as that of Handel and Nach, apnroprinte for Christmas nerfarmance and generally performed nt this season, Peonlg should be wratefv]l hgwever to these composers for white | simple ears! has dee elined to become un mere song of feos all over the town ule It res tive import, the grest Christmas nue sie, such as Haydeh's Christmus syme shany amd the superh "Slumber Be foved" of Bueh's Christmas Oratorio keep alive the saered music peculinr to the Christmas festival, i ---------------- A Joully-Saced old man with a mass of Wiishy white whiskers and a huge pack on his back, stood garlng on « main street more window, The street wis packed with motor ears, tuxl cabs, and buses, 'Thousands of women and ehildeen throng the sides walks, most of them laden with par eels, The great stores shone lke elegtrie palaces, The shoppin district was a great treamire house fn the process of bee ing sacked for the coming festival, "Waste, waste! All squander ;" snarled a high pltehed voice, The Jolly faced man turned round sharply, A lean, thin-lipped cadaverous man, well-dresved, stood face to face with him, "I filo all this he said to the old map, "A farce! the beginning of the end, Think of Rome, sir, Luxury, The nation is doomed, 1 xiravagance wlways precedes a fall" "But why extravagance id queried the old man, "It's trade, slr, Think of all the people busy the whole year round making these wonderful gifts Think of the money elreulating Think of the happiness, What about the children #" "Bah! 1 have fifteen nephews nnd nieces, 1 shall send them a postal order for Mty cents each, Blackmail I eall It, This Christmas custom has hesome a plague, a nuisance, an out rage, As for the fensting--=all glut tony and guzeling, It gets worse, too, "I think," sald the old man, strug gling to keep his heavy pack on his bnek, "you have not quite the notion of it, "These hundreds of thousands of people In the streets and stores now are Just bursting with pleasure ut the joy of giving, A fifty cent postal order will not give a ¢hild as mueh happiness as a tiny engine or an perobnt on a trapeze or i small box of soldiers," The thin Hpoed man looked uncon vineed, "Another Christmas foolery," he snarled "It oughtn't to be this waste with the income tax so high rent high, school fees up, cost of Hy ing dear, Christman ought to be abolished, 11 1 were in Parliament "You couldn't stop it," sald the ald man, "because you couldn't stamp out the human touch by Act of Par Hament It does more good pmong men thom any enactment of Parlin ment, It has Hs roots in an idea! Perhaps | might eall on you some time and explain 11" "If yon Hike" subd the other, "Ther fs my ecard" The old man read it Mr' 8S, CC Rooke, I'he Willows | "T thoneht it would he someth'n like that," the old chap murmured to | Wmself, thrusting the eard in an In ner pocket Then he went on his way visitin store after his pack growin heavier and heavier, At last his farce Hghtened, In one shoo a musienl he was churning out Christmas earols "The very thing," he sald, "I'l take It. 1 wonder what Mr, 8, ( Rooge will think on Chelstmas morn | when I of op this down hin hire Vii) "II set it ta start with" "Good King | Were iy and "Gad Hh ve merry, | gentlemen, Let nothing ve dismay," to follow, There was a merry, mis | chievous twinkle In his eye store, Radlotelephone conversation | which was held recently hetween New York and Bydney, Australia hy way of London, a distance of 165,000 miles, in sald to be the longest on record, a TE aa The really ardent motorist cons'd® A VULCANIZING worth. How long a Tire Will Last When it has Been Properly Vulcanized, Vulcanizing Is Our Long Suit, Years of Ex- perience Plus Expert Work- manship and a Desire to Please Our Customers, no Matter How Small Their Needs has Always Been Our Aim, GIFT - - - - # SUGGESTIONS Goodyear Tires Goodyear Tubes Goodyear Accessories / NEW BOYS' SCHOOL RISES FROM ASHES $700,000 Trinity College School Rapidly Nearing Completion Port Hop, Dee, 10,~Hileeped In the traditions of more than half ou century's useful wervice, the new Trinity Collega wehool, whieh 1s helng built at & total cost of $700, 000, in fast nearing completion on a crowning hill, overlooking the waters of Lake ntario, Embracing avery modern facility for the efficlent conduct of an oduentions] institution, the new structure, of concrete, steal aml brick, will practically eliminate the hagard of fire and from the archis toctural standpoint will place old Trinity In the first rank of Candas dian schools, Dr, 1, Graham, Orchard, head master of the school, sald today that the new hullding will be ready for classes in April next Two wections of the old sehool are helng utilized In the present plan of gonstruetion, thers weetions embracing the heating plant and the chapel, the latter being a de Hghtfully pleasing example of Gothle architecture, None Turret Towering 76 fest into the aly the fancy "stone turret, somshow symbolionl of the aspirations of u Ing old wehool, 1s uw striking thing and the ornamental masonry, the big, commanding window to the Moning hall, the numerous arohes and specimens of earving are ull rare examnles of painstaking araftsmenship, Prom every angle, the buildin Is a commanding structure with « strong surgéstion of the Knolish type of sehonl construction and of Trinity collere Taronto, with which the school has close (les With ten classrooms, the mai Instruction building brace three selenes dah necfous rymnnasium, swimming wool, rifla vanes, musie practi rooms and two squash eourts This un't | Infne hall, » tructure with an trance and fine wi ely distributed, Tis nd prettily earved woody connect hinh chan fr nosin on Tow plone lofty oe » ( Hing | irk lend | MENEMENENE RR E T RT will ale em | ntories a | qd with the | an artistic atmosphere to the in terior, Bast house dormitory Is linked with the dining hall' bullding, Aeventy-five boys can be sceommor dated here, Just across the way Is Bouth house, a second dormis tory of similar design, Cantre house will coutain the ad. ministrative offices, reception rooms ete, and when completed will command, from the parents' receiving room, a rare view of the luke helow, First, Opened nt. Weston Trinity College school was first established at Weston, In 18685, opening under Rev, C, WH, Badgely In 1668 It was moved to Port Hope, The historie building was swept hy fire in February, 1806, the damage reaching «880,000, Henlor gchool boys, since March, 1028, have heen quartered In the MeManter College bulldings at Woodstock, A few days after the fire, the academio life of the wehool was in full swing in that ely, Miss Mary Bpragge of Cobourg, wis the flrst person to send In a gontribution wfter the buildings were destroyed here, It arrived on the morning after the fire and a message of sympathy secompanied it, ¥he had the honor of placing the corner stone In place this yesr whan the Bishop of Torontp offi elated Dickie Construction Co, To ronto, are the general contractors, and Darling and Pearson, Toronto, the former being an old hoy of the gehool, are the arehiteots, FIVE MEN MISSING IN MOTOR VESSEL fit, John's, Nfid,, Dge, 10 A search has proved fruitless for five wep who drove seaward In a mo torboat from Lance Plgeon, near Cape Dauld, last Friday, accord ng to news received hers today, I'he men are Absolem and Ron tid Tucker, Georgin Roberts, Bolo mon Goucher and Allan Hiller, Deecause of the Increase In the num! of women smokers In Lon don, Heensing Justices are advis ng theatre and mavie proprietors to provide more neh trays Wr Defore a Veena to drive an au mobile is Issued In Natal, Pouth frien, the applicant must taka a ractienl and ecomorohensive test vith an oe omining official beside him In the ear, odd} nu a oT TT a eee FS TARY EE AN 7 4 YH EE 2 The fabric quality alone shows ths these are much higher pricgd dress. es, The les are those most promis nent in today's mode, Princess styles, cape effects, drapes, flares, trills In black and shades of brown, navy bright blue, red & green, Pre-Christmas Se'ling $12:%5 WINTER COATS » * k SPECIAL PRICES Special Showing New Millinery Scores of new styles, made of the fine quality felts, sohels and velvets you would expect to hind in mere expensive hats, Off the forehead modes long. side pokes, chic brimlees and roll brim stvles and novelty effects, in black and smart ( alors, Pre-Christmas Special 9.95 See Our Stock of Hosiery and Lingerie, Gloves, and Many Other Articles Suitable for Christmas Gifts -- Come In and Look Around. The Fashion Shoppe vd Simcoe StS. . . OSHAWA TT TICE. | A Wonderful Array of the Better Toys for Boys and Girls Everything to Delight the Kiddies ---- -- Moving Picture Machines Magic Lanterns Steam Shovels Steam Engines Steam Rollers Sand Trucks Aeroplanes Fire Engines | Hook and Ladder | Street Cars & Busses | Hill Climbing Tractors LL ac. Ste Hockey Sticks Pucks Automobiles Tricycles Kiddy Cars | Rocking Horses Waggons Kindergarten Seta Dolls Beds, Cradles, 1 Laundry Sets Sewing Machines Electric Trains Mechanical Traine vv vi vivian A490 up EEE ERNE EEN AREER EREEE] $0.50 0 $17.50 $4.98 to $20.00 $2.50 to $5.00 verses $238 wp 80¢ to $8.50 . 8 $2.50 up Waggons, Chairs $1.79 wp $1.28 up $6.50 wp EE EEE EEE RY Sandy Ande Tinker Toye Merry Go Rounds | Gramophones | Chime Toys Tootsie Toys Erector Sets Drums, Trumpets Yops and Botta All Kinde Games Blocks Dolls, Stuffed Animals and Doll Carriages SPECIAL MA MA DOLLS, SPECIAL SQUEAKING TEDDIES, GROWLING AND MUSICAL, DRESSED DOLLS, each up to + ivi vain BABY DOLLS each up to... Rot $1.33 for «easier snus $1.23 for «a vannes Reg. TEDDIES STUFFED RABBITS, CATS, DOGS FRENCH DOLLS {Unbreakable} VEARE MA MA DOLLS + viivinevn aan TREN TEDDY BEARS EE EER DEERE IEEE RR NER ER 98¢ 9c $18.00 $7.00 $1.68 wp 89¢, 78¢, 98¢, up 28¢, 38¢, up to $10,00 COARSE WICKER CARRIAGES POLL SLEIGHS + {ian DES RN SCOOTERS +11 ius ent saa FOLDING CARTS: ++ 3 cect sss frnih's +31 Sinema trims FINE WICKER AND DISC WHEELS OR Y~ BETTER CARRIAGES 14144 sees 31431 LEE RE TTTE SERN PAARL ANY Ln BLACKBOARDS i iintavnens vim SLEIGHS EEE RE EOE E TTR RT TTR SE SUR $1.49 $2.80 $8.80 $4,650, $5.00 to $18.80 $1 80 89¢, 8f¢, $1.80 to $8.50 38¢, 88¢, THe, to $2.88 $2.89 & $3.79 CLI ETT ETTY RET TT I LI Rt A Small Deposit Wi'l Hold Any of These ers his car as one of the family, And so you can't make a better selection for him than a gift from these useful Auto Accessories, Give Him a Repair Kit for Christmas It Will Be Appreciated! ROY WILLMOTT 11 CELINA STREET PHONE 2462 quit mm y i io y - - Open Evenings until 10 O'clock HEN DERSONS #