© PAGE FICHTEEN 'THE OBHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 Radio Gijt That Will Be Appreciated Ww 8 Over & More Co ey Than than that of by titul, new spd up-to-date vedio, with its message of muse, of elo- quenss, of news, of fun for net only one individual, hut for all the tamily and riondal 'Buch a at #t Christmas time worl saoritice pesded for Me Ld i] will 1! LA During intanoy and the years of Ly A were ah erlopk ungainly oabinets and ins donigh, we were 190 006 with the mare of radio inna iaelf, Hut to we are hesoming move and more evitieal of the radio sab: inet, Jb must be beautiful, hare monious with other furnishings, ap charming 19 see a8 the Instrum ens in to heat, Very well thes, 'Wa need in be disappointed Hall & dosen ex qulsite new have Wade thelr APPERTAREE UPON Lhe marker and are 10 he found among thy aguipment af Simost every wells stocked radio eencern, The pres jem will he rather which shall it he instead of wheres shall we go to fing it, Above 1s ilusteated one of the very latest designi----an classic and distinotive wn expression of the wodern as we may ever ses, Yel it 1% so simple In treatment that it would fil inte almost any decors hive peheme, It goes without saying that this cabinet houses. an IEVUments that ig equally fine and up-tosdate, Ine cluding four soreen grid tubes, soreen Evid power detector, Heb push-pull power amplitier, a fam: auf dynamic speaker, all hulle inte one compact integral unit produes ing sound radiation The late model of another maker in an equally handsome oablues, utilises three UY-RR4 soreen grid tubes, two of whieh serve as radio frequency amplifiers und the third a8 A power detector The new UX-3486 power amplifier tube is used in the single stage of audio amplification, The vecelver haw three tuned vadio frequency ol gults, but because of the nature of the soreen grid tubes, han as much selectivity aa & net having four tuned elrenita and using the stans dard and the ordinary threesele. ment tubes, ; Another unusual feature of this aot is a twosincone tuning and vol e ogntrol, Arranged eoneenteies pae control, Thin adds mutavially #0 that they appear to be the external appesrance of the fver, and it enables the user to erate both controls simullanous: with one hand, A loeal long tance switch han been provided maintain the quality of repro ation for both strong local and weak distance stations, RY TT EGYPTIAN' TREE The Christmas tree, which has he game an almost universal symbol, and ia by most persons supposed to have originated in Germany aroma to have pométhing of a counterpart in pt at a period long before the ristian eva, The palm tree is known 10 put forth a branch every month, d a spray of this tre, with twelve hoot on it, was used in Egypt at dhe time of the winke, solstice, as o symbol of the year completed, TTT ------ gusta Bowe Gullen, the fest woman physician to trom a Canadian university, wan presented to the Academy of Meds ae a i pile green plant with the ghostly white bervies? Mistlolos with us and fnnoeent fivtation Was & time when It had a very dif ferent use, In the mythology of hall world mistletoe figures go a plant of strange powers, In anolent Hl tan the association of the plant with pagan vitusl avoss from the fact that the mistletoe Iu the para paered tree of the ald Drulds Pliny yecords show, after outting down the mistletoe, Ing It sacred ppivit of the God henee the mistle toa's close pelationship Deity In the Novseland the plant ap faldur san oll the beasts trees, t stones and metals that nape of them wou injure the gad, Hut Boke conspies ed to elreumvent ods and having found out from Pie that the mistletoe had sworn no sueh oath, he pulled a hraneh, god Hothur to shoot at the favul nevabla Haldur Achilles wan undone, the Drulde, After the eovemony of the eutting with the golden wlokle hank fn tha house Lt waa deained to ward off all evil, being held, In faet, more saeved than the oaks of the sacred groves, The oak hios soma and hears HA Reorns In sum mer, but winter finds It barren Not #0 the mistletos, a lying thing the year round, Henee It wan sald tn this tender plant veslded the eas gence of all life, the protective | krandunte | Origin of Chrisma Custom of Misletoe/" Wha, stalling o shy maid, armed slrewn over With 8 sprig Qf mdstidton, think [thme to assure good erop twiee of the siglaler theory of the | Hut (have [of time the Druldsd | ol made blood saerifiees to 10, deems [plucking a berry after the plenn nt | cut u dave, and persuaded the blind | Fina Given, |W Academy, The above portealt of Dv, Aus eine by the Medion] Alumnae, the vesenintion being made president Alwmnne, It wan poeelved by Dy, + Warneg Jones, president of the flelda Hellof In the magloal propertly OF milstleton ave sill dn existences | hy bw, of the A ror wt sowing | Business in Trees Runs To for those who take advantage of the annual lesnse to kiss and kim UNITED STATES USES CANADIAN CHRISTMAS TREES About $380,000 a Year Washington, D.C, Dee, 11-(liy Ken Clark, Candia Press Bialf cor respondent) =the Cheistmpg tree for young Unele Bam from Ws cousin pasties Jot in Canada is expected hy offigialy " the Department of Com eres to be ns big as ever this year, int yer It cost abot $350,000, here are more automobiles in the United States this yesr and more ol the elit dwellers of Boston, Chicago und New York will betake themselves 10 the country to cut thelr own trees on semehody elig's land, but the Des partment gannot decide whether this will result in u lessening of fmports or simply an inereise in the nimbe of trees, The markets for the Can udian spruce, Ar and tanaeack are In the big cities for the country people wid the people who live in small towns are ahle 10 supply themselves In New York vor example the corner stoke In the vetailer and thers every Chostmas the apartment dwellers prepmre to bargin fog trees sold at ahywhere from $1 10 $10 depending on the size wid shapg and Tollage hae favourite sige in shout five feet, heeause, it Id explained at the De partment, the tree must be low en oth to sit well under the eelling There are fashions In trees as in wo men's clothes and' sines the hullding | ind smaller planos and days | spar pone vet bins designed wn | legate folding tres I} Department is yor working "i a hmpoet Buures for TUK but mive many parts of the world and rl theving of It, i an excuses for amorous dalllgnes PRual that goes hack Into the mists I wt observed In the ka In Japan they held {the plant a remedy for all His and | the [out it with the greatest eavemoninl The modern custom of devorat Ing houses with mistletos ls not so | very anolenty the owstom of vogard- | | i Ing the plant as an exouse for Kim | 10M 18 oven Joes venerable gle of the oak and the oak wis a [to be the pale (Pat tha number of Wisson under any [never harvies upon The oak held the [vital Bat nue sp hoo more than the i" LT] It used ly should number h foupla we lve In decadent times | With the [and today there I na ration toy those whe would practles the op [oulatory are under the green sprie Gard As the pivetal symbol of the | Forgotten the baleful, Haldur, son of Odin, [ihe lovely pAVARILE dreamed of his own death, where: | pifieed, the death of Daldur, upon the gods exacted oaths vom [mistletoe 1a po longer regarded as the history of hiond sae The possessing ospult and diviee pros perity It 15 Just pare of our Chiat man desnral lone You Ita mani remain reining 2470.08 trees vul Phere Is A ten pet frees those tor 1937 as HAAN on Chr fed at [eent, dut | LINAS |Special Christmas | « Decorations ~ flowers and In deeorating for Chrlatings the twa eal wii hil he uti | wreen nd red Pew 1 to be had la this gombinati A urn our attention the | leh at this timp | WF oeorne inte thelr own Ustully the padnsetin furnishes the | nediately thinks Fant hue high point of Interest in Chitempe | flaval designg, and otherdecorations | ton't they are an established fae during the holiday Ihe ardisha | be telustars of hiplght eed berries bit i 1% (Ie grarae, and Ole oan | anit on niin f th flovift shops fwhieh eombines green and i MEN OUY supply in Another red | | This is an Easy Matter for those who will do their Choosing at this Store Take Advantage of The Tremendous Savings On Men's and Young Men's Suits, Overcoats and Furnishings wonts the desire Is for small | 8 3 DAYS LEFT I'ree Mig vilue with AT OUR NNIVERARS | SALE SIBERRY 27 KING STREET, EAST, Opposite Post Office. ---- | / See Cirewlars for | Special Sale Bargains 'S PHONE 1110 tl a bushy well chery plant] Ornge trades come next in decorative | are thelr oh ehh sinall WON TW Thus Maldup Hke | To return to | and the hiood sacrifices, the young | men eareled off each a aprlg to] . hi ii | LISS | | | hn i Th ll) re E Ii! HQ AI bs Iv 2 LG Ff Ig J NETRA VY plem glohe A Of ones, These blend well with wn eolorfnl plant hav Rete us the Jerusnlem Cherry | brighigolden fralt against the green green plant with a | leaves, In eul flowers the most effeotive the ved vosenwdark, deep red the pansies may thelr apeparanee, This year, for RFE | surpassingly lovely, El DD DL lhe kde Ll polnsetta plant, and If one wishes to [sus, sweet peas, and snapdragons have a breath of spring to temper | and little the cold winds of December, It Is possible to find a few of the early 0 Do howern ine dntedile types are uvallable, And they Are aloo make ft roses, two new OT TT Rt 70 0 PPP 0 PP SR TO TO TO TT TO PO PO PO PO OW SEE and HEAR The NEW ¢ Now life suggests love and so "GIFTS AN ANCIENT CUSTOM |we sna the twist that time and els tom have given to this legend, The "The giving of gifts at Chelstias hably originated in one of the | Ohvistmas kiss 1a the symbol of rist Child stories, that of { Thre love, In olden times It wan sald ke Men who brought te the Holy [that this plant had magloal pros Baby gifts of gold, frankincense and | perties to cure all manner of dis myrrh, oanes, It was chopped up and _---- KOLSTER | Invest in Enjoyment Say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" with a Kolster Radio AN you think of anyth eaplable C ooh ably ig hy Tomly an 8 mognigent Kolster Radio? Kolster's alertness to reach out ood wale he hos end met yy PK ohters ow A cabinet bey " te 4's what \ . ASE al Lan § oo : po! J A "ane Christmas i onelti=ey enue CANADIAN ERANDE LIMIT 2, go anade Ww wade $188 wt. Sold and Serviced in Bond Bros. RITSON ROAD aud " KING STREET EAST 3 ; \ i : t W 3 a - é# Phone 1 Ee atiattom | {th thing oth ls Wholesale Distributor: BENNET & ELLIOTT LTD., 1108 Bay St, Toronte | For Sale by -- BOND BROS, King S\ E., Oshawa. at (he Hamble aerodrome, Heonso ABA contemplates avqwin aS PRR NE 0 R00 0 0A 00 000000 00 00 00 5 AS 05 05 ANS 0 0 AS RS ME ME EA the we In which he and Bowthampion, ity Aer made the thigh, a fight Wm a theeewew | pt ! od hy Louls Paget,