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News While It Is News" Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshawa Daily Times [------ A Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City VOL. 5--NO, 137 TEL Bs Sy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 18 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy Second Bection--PAGES 17.28 Ww CHRISTMAS 1929 § / To Joy and Jollity COWS, WITH HOLLY. ENTURIES AGO, CHRISTMAS GREW FROM A STRICT- LY RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY TO A DAY OF COMBINED SPIRITUAL CIENT CELTS ROBES AND FESTIVE SIGNIFICANCE, ATTENDED THEIR CEREMONIES FASHIONED FROM THE SKINS OF BRINDLED THE AN- IN THEY WORE THEIR HAIR FLOWING AND ENTWINED TODAY WE ENJOY NO END OF MERRY-MAKING AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF RED AND GREEN, WE LAUGH AND SING AND DANCE OTHER WITH E ANI BEAUTIFUL TOKENS, ) PLAY, WE WE KISS SHOWER EACH UNDER THE MISTLETOE, WE FILL OURSELVES WITH ROAST PIG, TUR- KEY, PUDDING THANKS, IN THIS AND PIE, THEN, THAT ABUNDANT LAND SUCH CAN BE LET US GIVE A OUR ' THOUSAND CHRISTMAS weber lebih ac dade bach ecdcinc acne bdec baleen bce Dacia decd ba ee beac ee bar fede aid * How They Spend Christmas In European Countries FRANCE party at midnight has hol to cople the id-fashioned i Lom effect of going to that is why pos one # commonly precedes . | and little spectra) y " | i ol: od other parties are 0 noise is heard | up. l hemi ad. 11 vo pops tion of course 11 the frien of July Is pure velvet, It ot of galety up to which i ad unsteady de- s and from which one descends ily slow and beautifully fr oy ays' before the Day the f the mis- hree great caravanseries © ah tin Quarter, the Dome, i. and the Select at the june: on of the Boulevard Raspail an ontparnasse, Tegiates » glowing in. e : wiers and adele rites and , interior decorn She \aywrlghts ts of all tlonalltie colors religions, don dull cars and joyloss w one accord and prepare to have good He Arab, Shintoist, Mos fom and Jew appear--in Mentpar- nasse at Jemst--to have no objection [0] ebrating the religious feast of the Christians, In a quarter where work 1s fitful and eccentric, and e if done at all, rather away from ontparnasse than within it, 'whi nights are given over to intermin: a chnversations in the smoke filled cafes or under fhe, trees pangled moon holiday Ia seized as & aCApe ee hole The feasts of French therefore, and the feasts he Scandinavians, tremendous and he, are celebrated with equal as the saints' daya of the Irish o Independence Day of the ericans, h i night on Christmas Eve the ¢ 3 wig ht will Rein a frolic Will tast into New Year and ers even the of Modigliani, wild and nt painter of dontparnasse, who died a denly five LAE 35 ance ha ohemian sine 3 hy To for one night not haunt scene of joy : GERMANY Just six weeks Christmas the Jdren In Germany, especially in the ts, commence pavin A big wreat | hung with red ribbon bom the centre of the living room gelling. In the wreath are six red an the first of which ia lit that yo It is a truly German to do the job well even g time, The follow: same Sandy is It must learn a poem or u plece of prose 19 recite to the old saint, St, Nichos los brings with him a small bunch of long thin oslers and with this he whips any child whess 'poetry is not properly learnt or whose behavior during the year has not been of the best, for St, Nicholas seems to know ' soon as it Is dark the excited children (staying up late for the oc: casion) have thelr belief in fairies and the Tittle Wonder Folk intensified by every slight sound real or hmag- inary; when the naughty children he- gin to wish "they wt! and the good child takes a last peep wut. his verse to make sure that he does not forget; then is heard the clanking of an iron chain, the tinkling of bells, and the klop klop of heavy wooden shoes; the hone door Is quickly thrown open and there stands St Nicholas in his redecloak and hood and with a long white beard, his girdle un fron chain and a bulging sack upon his buck He enters, the children ropeat what they have learned and some receive a severe whipping from the * strict int, Fen La ieholaa oh has sack-ful of on t gor, Ime mediately some of the chide spring across 40 the pile but St, Nicholas is still very nimble despite his age, and he lays his oslers across the backs and legs of these youngsters with such good glfect that they very quicks ly return to their more patient comes panions, en the saint gives out all the presents and goodies so dear to the children but with many admonish» ings and instructions as to how they must behave until he comes again, "Where the children are always very naughty St, Nicholas gives thelr mo thers a bunch of osiers and as he de- parts tells her nat to spare it, he next morning, the children, who the evening before were so defor ential to St, Nicholas begin to eat his image, which 1s made of gingerbread, Whenever Yomi the sweet saint is made lifesize in Height and breadth and about two inches thick, Jothes, face Ad hoard ate gh vith colored feing. After a few days St, Nicholas has disappeared, ITALY Italian youngsters must wait twelve yi longer than their Canadian bros thers for their Christmas presents, ust about the time when Canadian ys and girls are beginning to tire of thelr new toys, sleepless nights are be wt spent in Ttaly in antioipa- tion of the treasures with whieh ex- poetntly prepared stockings will he Hed, Christmas in the Anglo-Saxon sense-of the word, with exchange of fills, is not eelebrated in Italy, in act, till Epiphany which comes in the first days of the Ney Year, When the presents do make their belated and therefore doubly welcome rance, their bearer is not a y Sotpulent, ruddy-faced, white- hwhiskered gentleman, clothed in red fur-tipped garments, carrying a bulge hy J sack slung over one shoulder, who 'surreptitionsly glides down the kitchen thininey, but an ugly hag who comes salling in at the window astride » broomstick, She is never seen by the children, who shiver in bed 'on the eve of Epiphany in mixed fear and anticipation, Her name is Refuna and she is the far-off Bethlehem, ve: Just what each child has been doing. | pad. his | d very 0 woman who on the day of | Rativien i MISR BETH VOSTER Thivdsyonr student at University College, wha has been elected to the executive of the newly. organised League of Nations Club of the University of To ronto, a -- fused to go to the window to see the Mag! go EY. because she was too busy sweeping her course, She was con demncd to sweep for all eternity, with but one yearly respite, when she was permitted to bring joy to children by showering gifts upon them, Imme- diately afterwards this feminine Santa Claus returns to her sweeping for ans other year, Foreign children. living in Italy are told a different story, The Hefana for them is the wife of Santa Claus, She does his work for him in southern climes as his sled and reindeer cannot cross the snows less ground and he cannot endure the warm temperature, Some children are fortunate enough to be received by both Santa Claus and his wile and ta receive a double ration of pre- sents, RUMANIA As Rumanians fast for six whale weeks before Christimas--an ordin ance of their ehurgh==there is natur- ally much feasting when the festival oes arrive, Pork and turkey wre then their favorite dishes and espe cially do they love hot ham which has been cooked in wine, Whether be- cause the pigs have roamed the for- ests outside chores and there fed entirely on acorns or hecause the pork 1s cooked with the black skin eft on the ham is certainly delicious and deserves all the praise the Rus manian gourmets give it, Holly one never sees in Bucharest, When first Queen Marie came to Bucharest as a bride she sought to have it cultivated in the park at Cot. vocent but it did not flourish, Mistle- toe, however, is plentiful and as it rows on fir trees one can sometimes By mistletoe and Christmas tree all in one huge tub, Though the trea is always decorated in time for Christ mas it is not lighted up or the pre. sents distributed until New Year's Eve, Then the ceremony takes place at miduight when everybody drinks everybody clse's health and success in "champagne it can be afforded, Skating fs the Rumanian's chiel outdoor amusement at Christmas and they are adepts at it, The fashion able rendesvous in Bucharest is the pond in the Cismigiux Gardens where a band plays and a huge fire glows and it is the thing to refresh onesell with that national bonne-houcheshot vancakes sproad with caviare, Among the Rumanian peasants in the villages dotted over the snow wrapt plang Christmas 1s frolicsom in a different way, VYarties perambu | late singing carols and getting pai in cash and kind especially with | home-made cake Bam of alternat layers of dough and a mixture o chopped apples, currants and suga What the i lads like bes however ia going from door to do carrylng a covered with | tightly stretched sheep's bladde punctured with a few horse hairs which when drawn to and fro throug the skin make a nolse like the bellow ing of a bull, Tomb of Wesley baal) Lejaceu The tomb ef John Wesley in the graveyard of City Road Chapel London has recently been restores, by the generous gifts of John KE, An drus of Yonkers, N.Y, But his br ther Charles, whose hymns are rich part of the world's treasure, lies clsewhere, His tomb and modest monument are in the yard of Maryle vone ¢hurely and a writer in the Me: thodist 'Limes says: In order to see the tomb I visited Marylebane chure' yard a few days singe with my camera, The chiirche yard--the one cttached to the old chureh--has been closed since the bes ginning of the Jean but it is poss sible to obtain the key of the gates from the verger at the new church facing Marylebone road, The tomb is easily located, bei the only one in the whole graveyar with an obelisk, Moreover, it is vis: ible from the yoadway at the back of the church, Disintegration of the face of the stone was very marked, and the obelisk badly needs refacing and relettering; the rails surround- ing it need painting, and the growth within' the rails should be thinned out and properly arranged, In some places the lettering on the tamb ean scarcely be deciphered, For example, there is an eight-ling verse on that part of the obelisk facing the camera, The first three lines read: "With poverty of spirit blessed, Rest happy saint in Jesus blest, A sinner saved through erace for all" Many of the words in the remain. mi Nnes are Yegipherable indeed, the whale verse might with difficulty be made out, especially by anyone pare tially familiar with the lines, On the reverse side of the obelisk one reads: "Thin nfonument was erected MDCCCLVILL by the Meth: odist conference to replace the stone originally tavering this grave, and which had decayed, in token of their reverence and respect for the mem- ory of the Row, Charles Wesley, M, A, founder under God of the Meth. adist connection" The memorial also records the names of Sarah Wesley, wife ol Charles Wesley; Charles = Wesley's son---named after his father--who died in 18M, and Samuel Wesley, an eminent musical composer and organs ist, Charles Wesley's second son, wha died three years later, -- MEDIEVAL CAROLS One of the earliest medieval caraly still in existence is preserved in 'the Beivish museum, It is written in Nar. mansFrench and dates from the Thies teenth century, CHRISTMA" ASTATE OF MIND Christmas is observed just because it had, and still has, to do with pea: ple. Christuas 1s a state of mind, It is a beautiful spirit, GHORGH DICKENSON Hamilton, Ont,, man, who namow, oly escaped death, when shoved off a 100«fo0t precipice In Moun. tain Park, hy an armed thug, after belng vobbed, GOD'S GIFT ---- fot sweet Thank Gad for life; life is always | Hands may be heawy-laden, hearts carefull; Unweleome nights follow unwelcome days, And dreams divine end in awaken ings dull; Still it is life, pnd life is cause for praise, This ache, this restlessness, quickening sting . Prove me no torpid and inanimate thing; this TURNER VALLEY OF ALRERTA LEAVES OHUROHES HEHIND The rush of settlement inte the Turner Valley, Alberta, with the oll developments there, has left the churches far behind, Rev, Dp, Lew: is, who hap heen stationed there alnoe January, states that home are being established very rapidly, as many as five families arriving in one day, An emergency meeting of the High River Presbytery has heen held to deal with the situa. tion and a site for a ohureh has been procured, A CHRISTMAS SUPERSTITION In hy of rural England it is a cepted as beyond argument that it on the morning of Christmas day, th sun shines thraugh the apple tree the apple harvest will he good. --~Maontreal Herald, LIGHTING CHRISTMAS CAND. LES The custom of lighting candles at Christmas is an ancient one, Accord: Thi to the old idea, these candles were to be lighted on Christmas eve, places ed on the window sill, and left burn. ing there all night, Cr -------------------- Masatlan, Mexico, fa to have an athletio tournament next summer, and baseball, basketball, voll. ball, boxing, tennis and otfer sports will be featured, HEOLURK MADR FORTUNE NOW GIVEN TO RELIGION Eleven church organisations anda institutions will benefit to an un- known amout by the will of Miss Pauline Poppits, an 80-year-old ve- ¢luse of Brooklyn, N.Y, Miss Pop. ( pits, who is the daughter of Chris: tian G, FPoppits, who eame out from Germany and was a manufacturer of packing eases, had lived In se clusion for many years, handling her own fluanetal affairs through contact with the financial pages of the dally newspapers, Honda, montgages and bank balances vari caps man rh ously, estimated to total betw $100,000 and $400,000 were foun by the police at the time of hey death, It was stated that at the time of her mother's death about 40 years ago her assets were ih the neighborhood of $10,000, the inerenna being due te eareful in- vestment, Ireland says : * SPARTON" RADIO FOR CHRISTMAS! Face-To-FACE REALISM 'SOMETHING NEW IN RADIO Fe snd form your owa "nd To Wioen Ask About Our Popular "Easy Term System" RTON RADIO "Radio's Richest Voie® "WE MAKE GOOD ALLOWANCES ON USED RADIOS" IRELAND'S 67 BURKE ST. PHONE 288M

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