SIXTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 HH History of Christmas Christmas trees) decorated 4 images of Bacchus, us described b Viegll (Dryden's Lransiation) In jolly hymns they praise the god of wine, were conducted too closely on (he MHnes of the old, hilarious Eatiy. palla==hut also Master, Whitsun, and all Bante' days, turthermors prohibiting the holding of any vell glous sevvieen on Christmas Day is ehilit But let i whistle as i will, We'll keep our Christmas merry will, ' GLOVES SHOW orincess lines which fit them tight at the wrist and allow them to Aare # bit further up, Large hyttons and huttonholes are features of new glove tyles for street and sports wear, Daginty bmittons of pesr! harmonizing and husiness mocha gloves sons, For Doctor, Lawyer, Merchant, Chief A very ise wilt far the profession #l man er one i business ens tills traveling is an efficiency case Jen; and a par of or more dressy occas miniature groceries == not Iimitations bist actual soaps, cereals, spices, and whist not, slong with & cash reginter, weales, and a telephone, Alagether there are shout Hlteen different sty les of grocery stores ranging from sill ones that you ean set on a thle Whose earthen images adorn (0% ing, And (hess are hung on honor of the vine, to large stores which are complete in themselves, and big ensugh for the merchant himself on herself to play side, There are even glase din lay shelves and counters in some of these KIGERTY BLOTER and some are eles trieally lighted, Vor twelve yours these great foul NEW DETAILS! vith the color of the glove often aps fuision Weis Assent tonuhed, Moin PERE 11 EVENING i adels and those ng Charles , On 1a restora n tar formal alterna ¢ { ton of the monarchy, chased the I% nart he five Won wens And the gloom aviay, and Christmas in all hick of the gloves mateh the stitehs Is glory was vevived Heotland, ng on the shoes however, held to the Vuritan view, While gloves for the maseuling and so today the Land of the hand show no outstanding new siyle Thistle bolds aloof when the fentures, they sill remain one of the Bassenach 8 thinking mast weceptalile gittgthree times so when the gilt Lox contains pigskin love § for Hort, cipe skin for street Yuletide Was Not Observed as Festive Season Among Early Christians OEE OED OL he Saw, of the Divi and iio free yank being conceded to slaves | t, wi wie during the seven days of the Bat laos, being not material fo Ai urnalia, tency dress deriving amo "eave Biv Tease NeWLOR, | gon ohoue viotous celebrations, were litle regarded hy Christinng Aghted candles were prominent the fit hin Ai i Seqein BE | ot the east of Baluvn, ss were ot your of Christ's birth is now pine trees (forerunners pf our on point at least, | mssmmmm-- aur DT pp = Our Storels Simply Jammed to The Limit With Hundreds # Of Extraordinary Bargains For Christmas Shoppers ! whieh has ten divisions for legal and ather documents, wn Index Me nd room enough beneath the fle for a few toilet articles and necessaries In the the clothing line, These cases come In tan or russet cowhide and nigskin, high In Cloves enjoy & new importance Just now gloves wre enjoying # new distinetlon, The evening mods again demands theme=this time In long, luxurious models tinted to har menize with the evening gow New 12 and 16 button lengths for ilternoon and street weir provide an yther nayelty, both beng eut along is perhaps well to vemind ourselves at this season what # blew our Holy days had In 1644, when the Roundhesd Varliament aholished not only Christmag----on the grounds that It as a heathen festival, and that the eslebvations pl, AYING STORE" Yen, vir oo everything yon need to entihlish a thriving grocery stare may he fond (PM the new sets which carry Buspended from an overhesd hott, an electrically operated elves Clay saw has been invented foi butchers Heap on more woodlthe wind rin, festa) a EE ES EA EAS EE EAE A ED SV SO EASY CHAIRS Well made Chesterfield chair, uphol wloved tn toe quality mohaly with wpring Nlled oushion, veversed with Kill damank, ) $45.00 Hpeelal ,, Junior Floor Lamps Always an nscceplable present for the home is a nice floor lamp, These are parchment and vellum, mounted on walnut finished mndwdn Qa 1 4°08 Complete , , BRIDGE LAMFS New Siyle Standards In walnut finish with shades in Vellums or hootcloth, smart and very ore "$17 78 Soy $11.95 Table amps An inexpensive and acceptable gift are these pretty table lamps, They have de- corated vases with parchment shades, $16.95 at # anusry ith, ber 86th, In ky in vg year 0, was fssued " imperial re- rip neming hristmas with or and the Epiphany as feast | BS fo he on which all theatres were | 8 It in ui yf a that the Sth December A chosen by the \ urch as the day on Which te f pelebrite the birth of Christ in order that the early Christa ihe i ight conduct thelr Thvala wi fear of disturbance rt of unbelievers, who pend he . { an festivities on, or about, fhe ! ars SMOKER CABINET one he will Hmoker nn A ron! prosent for a man, appreciate, Thies well made Cabinet Is Hiveh Walnut, nleely ished, Complety with Nitings , , a date, On the other hand, t hoon of the church may a 4 only Bik and Georgetis hades with heavy silk fringes, The standards are walnut fine ished n tn dlstract the attention of its lowers from that great and un- deniably attractive feast, the Sat , Brnalia, or Veast of Saturn, cele . Prated in Rome on the days 17th g4th December, But, however, date came to be fixed, that Nativity occurred in Winter is poarcely feasible~--for shepherds do not and did not, lle out in the fields of Palestine round about the sime nf the Winter solstice, Long before Britain became eon: ' werted to Christianity, 86th De. Bl her was a feast day In these i] ands, il "The ancient people of the dnl, pecording to Bebe, ""hegan @ Fear on the 86th December, the very night which Is now oly to us they called : o mothers' night, hy reason, we t, of the ceremonies Which tn Tat night: long vigil they per: formed," The Saturnalia , The early church refrained from ering converts too awliftly from What Could be Nicer Than a Good Radio For a Christmas Gift ? A Radio For Christmas gn | | FLOOR LAMPS | Complete OCCASIONAL TABLE Wall made Living Room Walnut, Himilar to out Hpeoinl Table in $17.95 -- SEWING CABINET for in your own home =--seated in a comfy chair listening to the world's greatest artists, Think it over and buy Ranging from, complete w= fn $5.75 to A useful present mother Is this fewing Cabinet nieely made and fin In hed tn walnut shade, + $12. 95 AR Ta KIDDIE CARS Hirongly made Kiddie Cars, Wall made and Anished, Mounted on Rubber Tired Dise wheels Hanging In price from, each $2.50 to $4.98 ll VELOCEPEDES A present every hoy looks fore ward ta 1s a Velocepede, We have them ranging In price Ormnen rated ein nouGuneEnes LIME LIS EIF LIEN EIR IIR ERE 3 WALNUT FINISHED END TABLES ,....,.. $298 SOLID WALNUT END TABLES ,,.. $8.05 to $13.05 WALNUT FINISH MAGAZINE STAND $9.25 to $12.00 SOLID WALNUT GATELEG TABLES $24.95 to $37.80 SOLID WALNUT TEA WAGONS . ,, $32,80 to $47.80 WALNUT FIN, CHES'FIELD TABLE $12.95 to $21.00 SOLID WALNUT TELEPHONE SETS $16.95 to $48.00 SOLID WALNUT CHESTERFIELD TABLE = $32.80 SOLID WALNUT WINDSOR CHAIRS $10.95 to $22.00 SOLID WALNUT BOOK STAND $10.75 WAL. SPINET DESKS, $28.75, $34.75, $40.50, $75.00 fram, each Buy These On Ow Chub Plan $4.95 to $19.50 wi oni [KIDDY PLANES Equal Monthly A new tay that is sure to he Payments very popular, Hultahla for ohild 1 ta 2 years of age, Has wings lke an aeroplane mounted an three $3 50 . igo wheels, Maoh Telephone Sets Useful and inexpensive are these Telephone nets in walnut finish, Complete $13.95 Eureka Swee pers | A wonderful present these high P Bureka | Rieotrle Bweepers make, $ 49 50 They will save many hours of hard work, A hah San machine at a low en Attachments §8,00 Batre, bo BUGGIES Amart Dell's bugaies in vas rious shades, nloely enaw elled, and mounted on good strong under oarris Ale, eaoh Others wp to 210.08 heir secustomed rites, In time the ore innocent of the pagan ous some became recognised, If not fo adopted, hy the chureh, many of our Christmas ustome LH A large extent owe thelt ANintones to DAES oeres , Our merry, jovial Christ 4 Vio in particular are models Fig old Roman Haturpalia, at Mera pays Fraser, "was @ of general mirth . ps In were closed , , no hment was inflieted , , motions of rank were laid | Alaves sat at tables with F masters, or were aetually on hy them, Gambling with at other times |llegal, was a hited and practiced, All Slasgen exchanged gifts, the eom- & being wax tapers and olay "fool's-eap' tucked away 'n Christmas erackey is sym» olieal of the pointed hat worn hy free men of ancient Rome, the ¥ilege of wearing this badge of r LANDES ESSENTIAL Goodies Will Make Chil dren's Eyes Sparklo--Ex- | Prem Yuletide Spirit dy canes! Candy brownies | in the Christmas grab-bag ed that make the Ha rs kly with joy oF beloved of the frivolous young the net-so-frivolous==these are of every Christmas SSlebta ration are tucked into very as gifts that is sent A or esscnger, or broug + | Oats, L hristmas stocking is really | §§ theut a sandy mouse in its toe, | foatt ively Ned baw of sweets English Baby Carriages New ipment of English Baby Carriages in lus, Fawn and Maroon, Any mother would he proud to OWN one, NEW WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE #0 popular now, The suite comprises Dresser, Hed, Vanity and Ohest of Draws ors, all plecen helng Walnut Vaneered, Smoker Stand nd Cabinet We have a splendid range of Smoker Stands and Cabinets complete from $2.50 to $27.50 Silk Bedspreads. FIBRE ROCKERS { They sme ind . splendid vange of colores and designe | AH that mother would gf $4.50 to $8.95 bre Rookers in antique Rul op A } This suite features the new smart vanity 1 8 50 Our special price only wm $ 9 he | in Walnut finish and solid walnut, Ranging in price, | Every woman likes to have a nice Rayon Silk Bedspread | walnut finish with seats of Rin { very Lb Pia of candy ity is being made tor thid year's nas trees, 1h will be A the clusters of drapes and Seach al ul a "3 around a Lin Molattes ite in gay red-and-w ves Ask 4 of candy Sars and put into Ny rah bag=0 ean think afl Fiat A dinner aN and yi les hich { & Walnut Smokers Thin auto apeing construotion and covered In moguette and Jae 12.95 COMFORTERS Large alee Bed comforters that would ha most acceptable this oold weather, Thay ave very ama with satin panel on in price fram «- lined humidor cow work quicker and 95 moguette Priced | peotty ohints ground, Filled $13.95 or nartment, $9.50 Peantnt $32.9 very $18. 50 with pure ootion $5. 95 Luke Furniture Company, serial 63 King Street E. WHERE VALUES COME FROM quard, Rach yoann LR) L) CEDAR CHESTS Every Yount lady looks fors ward to having a oedar ohest, We have them in Red Oadar, Walnut finish, and Solid walnut, Ranging Living Room Suite You will find this sulte the anawer to the question of what gift to buy for the $129. 50 home, It is damask upholstered with Phones 78-79 PULLUR ORATR A splendid gift that would grace any Hving roam, those ohalve ave solid walnut with seats covered in wmohahy and hack In Reureqa \ J Just the allt to sve wile or mother countless stana and make hey kitohen , handsome | eo aa in i SHekon walnut ve neared, Wap Re Be are Hy tempting dishes of bons pared, has copper on living-room table, in the lis 3 a near the open fireplace, and on ie i. gwostion of festivity \ hin e gift of candy, el: sweet mother, hostess ov day-ehild, makes it one of the eatures of any "eceasion" ay candies will include many barley-candy sweets, so des the tiny tots, and made up ful shapes, Imagina reverse oushions, Tha style ia new, Priced niga EE EUR Th a