a Medieval Drama Was Basea Un Canrisumas| ig 48 many durchs in elder lands at time Mystery or Nativity Lie are given, noted by the mem- s of congregation, These plays are becoming year by year more general and ular, Somer times they are acted im the church itself, sometimes in the parochial hall, Soistimes even in fhe local theatre, dre very impressive snd in- v and are a rival of the old mediev, ecclesticnl apd monastic dramas, One such play was acted in Dunstable in Hi ', " by the lars of Geoffrey dlterwards Ab- ot of $t. Albans, was called the of 'atharine and does not seem 10 have looked upon as much of 8 novelty, which goes to ove that those kinds of plays must been acted at a much earlier o first drama known to have been written on & scripture subject a {evish ford fragments are wil yo found In Greck lambles taken from Kasdus.) ¢ author was un Jew called Kaakicl and it was sup: paved to haye een written alter the destruction erusalem, The three mest important characters were bas wes, Sappors and God from the burl ing bush," and it is suid to have been waiter In imitation of the Greek deama of the second rpus Christl processions first took plave in 1204 and were confirm: ed In 1311 which led to a closer une fon of the drama with religious feasts, Then gradually the religious plays began to sequire i certain amount of fay and jocular representations suit. able to the seasons, century popular heroes were brought incand we find Robin Hood and the Queen figuring in them us well as St, George and other saints, Bt George wis the most popular of the Saints being the patron of England and possessing & dragon, Tn 1298 at Welw hi Italy the Page slop was played while the sams year ot Clvits Veechin at Whitsun the clepgy performed the play of Christ that is His Passion, Resurrection, Ascension and udgment with the miplon of the Holy Ghost, a truly erful mixture, ¥8ix years Inter 1 acted the creation, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Magy, the Birth' of Christ, and other pacred historical subjects, : radually these Passion and Sa ered plays became more and more frequent so in 1846 the mysteries of eentury, About the 15th | { the life of Christ were epacted nt Poletiers with great pomp and cir gumstance, In 1509 at Romas In Dauphiny took] Jinks "The Mystery of the Three ns" a religious play that lasted] three days and thus In many parts of | France and Germany these Mystery "plays became most populer and free auent, From them probably sprung the famous Passion play at Oberam- MARAY, ye England about the middle of the sixteenth century Morality plays be gan to be mixed up with the Mystery vlays, "Moralities" were often "Mys tery" plays with a strong moral, po sid blow to these plays was in 1542 by a proclamation of 1 "blest of these plays, The chance} of the porish churen becomes u stage, snd there reverently and picturesque ly are portrayed scenes from the Life or Christ, The shephdrds and the wise men, with their mystic gilts, come to worship the Babe iu the manger, and thus the scenes con unye, some just hinted ut some in quite & lot of detail, One such play was staged a year or two ago, played In a large hall, It merely showed the foot of the Cross in the Crucifixion seens; with two prostrate figures beside it, A sup. pressed sob went round the hall, and the whale remains impressed on one's memory, One of the most beautiful and fn. structive Mystery plays Is acted every yegr by the members of a well-known English church who give thelr ser vices every year for a Myste play in ald of foreign missions and their own chur Figs pr "The Joyful Pageant of the Nativity" staged nt the Chelses Palace. theatre is un in- spiration 10 see' and is & speaking example of the strides the presents day Mystery play has made in the last few years, $ If is reverently played and. beaut! filly staged, the smallest child (and there ure several 'wee mites) enters into the spirit of It, each actor feels hig or her part, hence the acting Is perfect, It has its lesson to teach and it draws one away from the hard unkindly things of the earth (as a true Mystery Is meant to) to the wonderful mystery of the Nativity and ull that the first Christmas stood or, Thus are the present-day Passion plays becoming more and more like the old medieval religious dramas which were played Cy the monks themselves in the church or convent, A prominent New York clergy- man in en interview praised re Hglon, "Religion 18 & Joyful thing,' he sald, "It's a mistake to think that the religious 1fe ie like life in a Jail or poor house, "Yot this mistake prevails, An agitator 'was addressing a band ol strikers, "Only $18 a week!" he yelled, 'flow can a men be a Christian on $12 a week? " " How," yelled a voles, 'oan he ufford to be anything else?' " Magietrate: Where were born Prisoner: *'Olasgow." Magistrate: "Were you hrought up there?" Prisoner: "Yes, once or twloe' you "Mother, may I go In and swim?" "You, my darling daughter, Put If that's the sult you're molng to wear, Please winy under tle water," "A woman Is entitled to say what she thinks,' says a novelist, Hut she doesn't think half what whe says, tres ape SINGING THE CANDLE OUT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929 VERVE VET AY AY AY diy dr dr dY i VI Vi "Yr AY AYA AY AY dd Children's ilk Lingerie At Outstanding Prices Beautifully made from very fine Silk Rayon "Silk Vests & Bloomers, 2-6 yrs, . ... ------ 49¢ Silk Vests & Bloom: -------------- A -- comm -- BRANT All Wool BED COVERS At Special Prices During our 10.day Sale 60x80 Regular $7.95 for ...........conmmmmmmmmns 72x84 Regular $8.95 for ......... KENWOOD ALL-WOOL BED COVERS $0.50 to $10.75 HUNDREDS OF GIFTS TO | Crepe de Chene and CHOOSE FROM SRC EEG EEC IRON Ie eas A HOST OF SUGGESTTIONS ! Flat Crepe Lingerie BLOOMERS AND BOB- BETTES NIGHT GOWNS .... PYJAMAS .......... SATIN PYJAMAS and LOUNGING COATS PRINCESS SLIPS ..,. $4.76 to $7.98 $4.95 to $11.98 : Up to $12.50 50.95 & $11.80 $3.96 to $4.95 $6.19 Silknit Lingerie $7.59 IFISIIRS In abundance and at Prices we have never been able to offer before w= NIGHT GOWNS .,., Ofc to $2.95 GIFT HANDKFRCHIEFS Pure Irish Linen with Hand Tae roidery 34 BEAUTIFUL BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS 49¢ to $1.25 box BLOOMERS o» | VESTS ... 69¢ to 99¢ 6% & 79¢ EEE EEE EEE ERE E -1 i WATSON'S SUPERFINE 9 | LINGERIE LINEN LUNCHEON SETS, per set ,,.. GUEST TOWELS---Chineee hand embroidered, each INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS ~~ Men's Hand 38¢ each or 3 for $1.00 8 | CHILDREN'S NOVELTY HANDKERCHIEFS -- Embro'dered viv 52.05 to 8450 44 | VESTS ..9125 BLOOMERS ..$1,75 08¢ | i Wood's Lavender Lingerie ers, 8:14 yrs. B8¢ Silk Combina- A Wonderful Assortment , "i 38: to 73¢ Ph LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL w KIMONAS ..... drives $4.98 to $0.05 y VIII forbiddimg the acting of 8 In churches, Towever as lute a reign of Charles 1 the choris "of St. Paul's Cathedeal and the There ure many ewrious customs connected with the singing of carols In the Isle of Man villagers assemb led In the ehureh on Christmas eve | VESTS vivaey (D8c to $1.49 | BLOOMERS AND BOB. i SE i i pel ova fontinued to act then Sundays, The present day Mys, ¥ play is a li of thepe old fity and Pagglon plays and Is v wonderful to 'ee; It teaches to both audience and players, Wi beautiful and Tabloaux the <1.ife "Christ is depicted and each year seen a great improvement In the hum and, in turn, sang a carol, Fach held un lehited eandle and, although some of the carols were lengthy, the shhger had to stop when the candle "went out, According to an old superstition hremd baked on Christmas eve will never hecome stale or moldy, _ Ee S DDS BIS BIS BBS Buys T Ib. fan cy box of our We have @ large range of Art Boxes, Cedar 'Hope ests and many other fancy boxes of Chocolates for Christmas Gifts, Prices from 25¢ to $8.00 Our stock of English i - conal Candy Novelties (is Come and see. worth your \ Christmas Crackers, Stockings, Snowballs, Snow Men, Smoker Sets and a host of other things, ~The SAVOY 26 Simcoe St, S. Special for tmas \ Phone 379 to teachers and Sunday Schools Mixtures and Candy Canes, Our candy is made fresh every day SMIBIN SBM SIRI | t'ons, 2-10 yrs, 98¢ S'lk Slips, 2-14 yrs, 98¢ Night Gowns 814 yrs, ,..,. 98¢c Pyjamas 2:6 yrs, .... $1.40 8:14 yrs. ... $1.98 BOXED EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES, Pair assortment of these, each ITALIAN MILANESE LACE DOILIES, CENTRES, etc. each, ..... FADD BD UBB S BBB 3331 BRINE NOTICE! It is the Aim of this Store to be of Real Service to the City and Community during this festive and Gift season, and to render every assistance possible in choosing the Proper Gifts, Gift in mind and which we have not in stock it will be a pleasure for us to procure that article for you if poss ble, vor, $1.40 to $1.89 SILK RAYON SPREADS ~~ A wonderful CEE BETTES . ......... $1.49 to $1.98 EE ---- ---------------------- % An Excentioral Offer LADIES' PULL-ON CHAMOISETTE v4 £3 C ITALIAN AND FRENCH KID GLOVES GLOVES ¢1 95 1g $2.95 $4.98 to $12.50 50: to $4.95 If you have some particular Simcoe St. North DEWAND'S osHAWA "ik Neatly boxed, MISSES' KID GLOVES To fit up to 15 yr, Tricks For The Party The moat welcome guest at a Christman party is always the pers son who can "do something," And it the "something is a few simple teks his popularity is unbounded, Cut a round hole, the exact slze of a 4B6-cent pleco in an old hands kerohiof, This is easily done by penciling the olpeumference, Now ghallonge the company to pass a fifty cont pleco through the hele without tearlug er stretohing the lattpr, Attempts may be madoes-- the handkerchief must be held out flat and taut--but the verdiét will be "impossible." Not #0, however, Fold the hand kerohlef so that the crease runs acron nthe middle af the hole, Drop a BO cent plece into the fold wo that a small portion falls through the hole, Now, bit by bit, Hft the ends of the crease, kegping the handkerchief taut, Gradually to coin will pass through the holet Au experiment will show you why. Here {n another handkerohiet trlek, Two are regulred. You throw them into the air and they tescend tied together. 'up Again and they fall untied, For this telek you noed a very amall Indiasrubber hand, Buy two before Christmas, streteh them out and paint them flesh color, 8p the band wheh no one is looking over the thumb and forefinger of our right hand, Keep them close together, Now plok up the handkerchiefs we left hand and place them between thumb and forefinger of the right, Just below the band, The latter will be invisible buteapparontly for room to throw--you oan stand a few feet from the watching coms PANY. I As you prepare to throw the handkerghlefs up-="patter" somos thing funny as you do=-you allow {ho band to slip and encircle the handkerchiefs, Up then they go dnd desend apparently tied, Plek oue up gently by the corner and as fou throw again give that one a Jork, That frees the band and the handkerchiefs descend untied, While they are Dbelng examined Alp a spare band on youd fingers #0 that you may be ready to re. peat the trick, HOW IT HAPPENED "I hear Skimpale was hurt, How did it happen?' : you: see that' ditch over "Well, he didn't," HIS TRAGEDY A little boy atroet, "Whats the matter?" asked a kind passer-by, "We've got pancakes and treacle for dinner," blubhered the boy, "Well, that's nothing to cry about, SE know; but 1 can't find my way homes Victoria Times, was crying in the UP AND UP "ls their Rowse upstosdate?" "Oh, yes, and up for anction,"w BE A WHITE.-HAIRED BOY The beat method of fire prevention is to do your work ho bh Boston Transeript, KNOWS HER CATALOG "You can get anything at a mail: order house," remarked the lady next door, "Everything, * alack! but a male,' sighed the old maid,~Cincinnati En- quirer, REVISED VERSION Sonny == "Must 1 glevp in the dark" Mother-="Yes," "Oh, then, let me say my prayers aver again==more carefully," Detroit News, FEMALE SHERLOCK HOLMES Servant Girl=="Madamy, master lies unconscious in the hall, with a piece of paper in his hand a lange box alongside" \ Mme, X, (joyously) ="Oh, my new hat has arvived,"-=Rorder Cities Star, DAME NATURE TRAFFIC CoP When leaves turn brilliant hues, | think They should hang on all winter, then," When comes the spring, like traffic lights, hey could turn back to green agai, «Cininnat Baguiver, reir ------------ CUE FOR APPLAUSE Salesman (showing customer some sport stockings)--"Just tho thing for you, Warth double the money, Lat- ost pattern, fast colors, holeprood, won't shrink, and it's a good yarn," Customer (palitely)==""Very well ==0NO corner of each--with your Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, told, too," \Vall Street Journal,