Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 PAGE FIVE PERSONAL RADIO IN THE HOSPITAL No longer in a prison of white cote here. Christmas seems Just futile " Contriv friends and nurses with hehe yon y much alive to know what pain 8 MEAN Lew Now tired ones are stilled to quiet. By Christmas earolling seress the win These that 15 pemonal snd And power thet no weakness quite dehars, In touch with life----caught in its , throb again, Strangely at peace from effort or THe. Mak] Ook Mow a ORFistraes all gs Woven with melody of sutfering's toast All through the ssered night ff dreams v To wakefulness 'tis but to know Again Hin restlulness around thely weari- ULL Ed His Pence on Warth and His Good- will om, ~AMY CAMPBELL, W. 1, Burns 1s Saving this morning for his ususl winter trip to California, Mine Ruth Kinley, of Aurora, spent the week-end with Miss Vel ma Harrls, Rjshmona Bt, Miss Doras Waterson, of Brant ford, was the guest of Misg Mil dred Bull, French street, Mr, and Mrs, W, Lightle have returned to Detroit after attending the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Arthur Towns, Bruce Mireet, Mrs, 0, D, Friend of Ritson Rd, opened her home yesterday afters noon for the guest tea of Mrs, John Booth's and Mrs, Arthur Legee's roup of the King 8t, Ladies' Ald, poslving were Mrs, Vriend and Mrs, Booth, During the afternoon there was a short program, Mrs, IR, Holden played a plana solo} Mrs, Bd, Goodman and Mrs, Fer. guron gang 6 delightful duet, There WAN AB ing by Mrs, O, B, Cragg and o solo by Mrs, Arthur Legge, with the tea were . Arthur Legge, Mm, Norman wee, Mrs, White, and Mrs, Tarry- to The photographs hers show, gue. outives of provincisl commell of wo- men who headed a large deputs. lon to the promiev to ask for edus ow entionsl changes, Veont Row, left to vight, Ms, G, Tomey, Bt, Cath« awvines; Mes, Holman, Ningarn Vhlisi Mrs, 3, W. Bundy, president, EVER READY CLASS HAVE - BANQUET Annual Banquet And Elec. | tion of Officers A most delightful banquet was held in the ¢hureh parlors of Bim. 008 Bt. United Chureh on Friday avening last by the members of Kyser Ready Bibla Claps, Follows ing the banquet, the annual eleos tion of oMoeers took place; Hon, teacher~~Miss Luke; teach» are=-Mra, Perkins; assistants Mrs, Adair and Boddy; president weMry, H, Luke) first vinespresis dent-=Mrs, R, Harper; segond vices president--Mry, Niamey treas urer--Miss A, Kemp] neoretary Mrs, Bigwood-= assistant pecres tary==Mps, Hooper; visiting com~ mittee=Mre, Wilson and Mrs, Pull; relief committes=-Mrs, Hon and Mra, Btevens; missionary coms mittee~~MM, Clark; pianist Mry, Bartlett; lihrarian-~Mrs, Piper, A very interesting address on welfare work which was mueh one joyad by all , was mlyen hy Miss Pearl Fletaher, The annual res ports were also given hy conveners of the varlous commitiees, muon to the satisfaction of all present, and & most progressive year Ia looked forward to by the XKver Readies, A np ii-- TRUE SPIT OF OHRINTMAN It is well to be benevolent and to seek out the needy and distress od and relieve thelr necessities, This 1a indeed a true spirit of Chrismas, ' 'LADIES of OSHAWA: Madam Marie Beauty Specialist BEAUTY SALON Apt. No. 1 AND WILL SPECIALISE AT MODERATE PMICRS | High Class Beauty Culture ork of Every Description Rubenstein facials Tah and Mealp Prepavations Special Wie tn Sewiptanie Wa HLoam vant Farman Wave i 10 SATURDAY Unione Hair roo fg ARR Fm \NO.'1 APT, 31 KING ST, hag Te A 4 ote, Rvery Tyne of Fee trained and Western Canadte or England, | The 'Madam Marie Beauty Salon'- SER ' 31 King St, East HOURN WEEK DAYAR 9AM. to 4PM, 9AM, 10 PM. i! NOTE AhbRksy OSHAWA PHONE 1ive RE PROGRAM OF MUSIG | SUPPLIED BY PUPILS BR . Under Direction of Mr, Richer, Pupils Give Program L. December moeting of the North Bimeos Blroot Home and Hohool Association was held last evening, with a record anttondanos, Mes, U, Jones, the president, cons ducted the business, Miss Hteven son's roam won the prize for moth 81's present, Mre, Wesson told briefly of the work of the Home und Behool Counell and urged those Interested In the welfare of ehlldren to become members A most enjoyable programme wan given under the direction of Mr, Richer, director of musie in Oshawa wehools, by the pupl) Great eredit 18 dus Myr, Richer for his excellent training, although he hus heen here only a short time He is arranging for plano and vie In elasses to he started In the wehiools In the new year and also for a Children's Mdsioa)l Festival to be held In May, The pros gramme was an follows Haveral songs by groups of pu pile from the classes, sspecinlly pleasing! the two-part songs hy the Nenior Fourth Girls, and the Orchestral Selections, "iano solos were given hy Jovea Priest, Allee Burley, Doreen Hhoenan, Wleanor Walker and Hetty Deans, a vooal duet hy Marian Gowdy and Glenys Rlack, and a plane dust hy Hileen Burke and Marjory Asten, A read ing was contributed hy Murial Kel WwW, Mr, Richer played violin solos which were mueh enjoyed Aftey moving a hearty vote of thanks to My Richer and the teachers for the splendid entertains ment, the meeting closed with the National Anthem, WOMEN'S MEETINSG | NTHE NTHREKT HOMRK AND NOHOOL ANROCTATION The meeting of the Centre Ht, ome and Rohool Association was held Monday 'evening In the Ass sembly IM of the Centre Hireet fSehool, The president, Mrs, Hobbs, wis In the ohalr After an short husiness session, the meellng took the form of a wsoolal, games and contests were enjoyed by all press ent, The prize winners in the cons testa helng Mra, Whitelaw, Mm Harding, Mra, Bryant, and Mv, Toane, The musical part of the program consisted of a veeal solo ®iven hy My, Foage, There was a recitation given hy Mra, Corbin, which was much enjoyed after which refresh ments were served by Mus, Moynes and her assiatants, CENTRE STREET LADIES AMD The regular monthly meeting or the Centre Htreot United Laidies' Ald Hootety was held In the sehoel room of the church on Thureds afternoon, Dee, 6, with the preg dent, Mva, Johnston, presiding, Mes, Riding read the Horipture lesson, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated In unison, The leader of the group for the Year arel Me, MeQil), Mrs, Drew, Mra, Ogden ang Mes, DeGuerre pave aplendid re ports of their work, The money PMEed hy the groups and from the' hasaal wan a very encouraging fous ture of the year's werk, The election of officers for the ousuing year then took place, wi the following result: Prowiden te Mrs, J, Johnston] VieesProsiden tes Mes, Lo A. Kooh: second vieespies aldénb~Mra, €, I, DoGuerral sa retary Minn V, Samells) trafsu see-Mbd BB James; planiot-- Mud, Goodwin, The group leaders for next year will he Mus, J, MeQUl Mra, A, V, Draw, Mra, MH, Ogden and Mra, A, Clittord: The soelety then dlgonased plane for work In the near futuve, They alio Made A donation of $10 to the Chelate mas Cheer and Welfare Fund, A tar the husiness session, tea Wal garvad by the executive of the: sms olobys and a soolal hall hour omy Joyed, * The BETTER AND RETVTER CHRIST: MAS B Neover was the world so wide fer hapniness, never so doep for the oy ont of dgendliness, Never so # desire for-peace on earth, pever men OF god will, never sa ardent Toronto; Mrs, W, ©, Tilley, Brane ford; Mew, 1, A, Reid, Moo, Back Row, left to vight, Ms, John 0O' Keofe, Smith Valls; Mes, ©, WH, Hd NUBTLE ONARM A new sath gathered fulness that reveals ohio femininity In the af ternoon mode, Miyle No, 780 smartly dips ts hack hem, The front of skirt shown A panel effect which adds gonslder able length to the silhouette The fiat hips and low placed ful ness of skirt make It suitable for Inrger woman, A narrew helt nips the nermal waistline of #lmple hodlea with round collariess neck line, - Bleoves ara attractive gath ered nto how tied ouffs, It In an exaet copy of Parla model in bottle green transparent velvet with trimming plece on left shoulder pleotted around edge It In designed In slwes 16, 18, 20 youre, J0, 45 40 and 48 Inches hunt, You'll adore It too In a printed sheer velvet In dark wine tones Darvk-dahlia sllk evepe Ia very fashionable and extremely woar able, Red-dahlia la stunning in orepe Kileaheth, Black satin orepe with shoulder trimming pleca and narrow onlin of emerald srean sheer velvet des NOLEN NOW AmAartness, Wool orepe, ohnton crepe, crepe de ohine, erape Roma, crepe mara oaln and Rayon printed silk suits able, Pattern price 20 odta In stamps or coln (eoln ls preferred) wrap ooln eavelully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 oents additional top a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Maga vine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fe ™ Oeawe, DRI ima Pattern false AE Gains SNL ioave send pattern tated Selow saat BER inane OTL I LL TNR a LL ETTTTTIITIIN aan aes 088 Gen RL EE EE TEE SUEY CHRISTMAS TREES? In regard to why Christmas trees Caine into use, the following explanas on In giveni It waa the desire of the church to combat the heathen oustoins whieli prevailed at this seas son, Christmas varels and Christian plave © were introduced and. later SChelst wogs" or Christmas trees, the latter dn Joommemoration of the witty brought ta the Christ Child by the "wine men" There is a diversity of opinion as to where the Christ: mas tree eustonmt originated, it being credited to hoth Ialy and Germany, THE MISTLETOE BOUGH 10 make tive mer | ns House Companion, » 1 Reittany is the wlace of arlgin of a prent deal of the eommereial wistle Petevhoroy Mrs, Golng, Kingston; Mes, W, L, McVariand, Toremtoy Mrs, Arthur Avimiiage, omy and Mes, John Rose, Lone on. I A 0 PA 3 wards, Young People's Meetings WI, AHONGE'S AY TA, The regular weekly meoting of Bi, George's branch of the Anglis oan Young People's Association was held in the Parish Hall, Centre Wt, on Monday evening, Dee, 0, 1040, at 5 pm, The president of the association noted as chelrman of the meeting, The delegates who attended the local eounell meoting at Unlonville on the 'third of December, then gave thelr report, Following the business hour was spent In games ing eloded about ten o'vlook ALBERT NT, YOUNG PEOYLE The Albert BL, League held its ropular weekly meeting last evens lug The President In the chalr opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer, Miss MoQuas contris buted a reading, After a short business session, My, Orval Eagle togk charge of the program, Ans other hymn was sung and psalm 16 was vead responsively, Miss Roherison, the speaker, gave an addvoss on "Indians In Canada, dhe also made a brief outline of thelr manners and customs a few YOUR apo The repeating of henediction brought to nn close, KING NTHEET YOUNG PROFLE I'he weekly meeting of the King nl Young People's League was held an December 10th, in charge of Group "OY, The chalrman yw the even'ng was Art Wood, who gonducted the worship services, Fol lowing this the League was favors od with a delightful duet hy Luella Htovens and Myrtle Amuhury, Hovera!l matters of business were hrought to the attention wv the League hy the President, Bob Hrown then took charge, and asked for nominations for the office of president for the coming year, Vel: ma Hares and B04, Kiefaber helng nominated, These were voted up. on, With a wajority In favour ef Hd, Klefaber, the present presi dent, The other officers for 1080 will be elected at the meeting next Monday night, The story of "The Other Wise Man," ny Henry Van Dyke, was told hy Meredith Molatt, leader of Group "C." accompanied by slides, At the conclusion of this, the meeting wan dismissed with the Mispah bonedietion, NIMOOR NT. YOUNG PROPLN The Young People of Rimoeoe St, United Chureh were at home last evening to the Young People's League from Kbeneser, The visits orn who numbered about sixty, had charge of the program and pre ponted a mont duteresting and des Hghtful evening's entertainment, The Bible lesson was taken hy Mise Arnold, and Miss Harel Runs dle played a plano solo, Miss Bu. slo Latrd gave a most instructive talk on wisslonary work Among the Indiane in Capada, A vooal polo wan then given by Mrs, Stalin. ton, Miss Heth Gay entertained the young folks with a humorous reading and Mr, Jim Hanoook diss played plenty of pep and action in pinging "Dawn by the Farmyard @ate," Miss Hagel Walters, who won an oratorioal contest In Eben. enor League a ahort time ago, favs ored the meating with her prises winning talk on the "League of Nationa" At the conclusion of this pro- gram the Rimoeoe Ht, Leagues took eta King Jo ftw an half Meet~ the Mligpah the meeting EVERY DAY Now This Store Is THRONGED With Busy Gift Shoppers Every Day a Special List of Attractive values in Gift merchandise Handsome jacquard colors, With borders in contrasting shades, size of these towels 24x44 inches, Regular price $1.00 On sale Wednesday at, each When These are Gone There Will Be No More FEATURING ON WEDNESDAY, 25 DOZEN EXTRA LARGE GIFT BATH White with colored borders or in solid Average patterns, TOWELS 69c Wednesday, 100 Only Round Plush Chesterfield Cushions In plain, fancy and two tone effects, filling ie of pure Kapok and Wool, I'he pree of these cushions is notu- ally less than the cost of the filling, Many of our customers are not only buying them for Chesterfields, hut are using them fer footstools in front of Chesterfield or chair, $1.00 Each very what are patterns On Sale Regular A Special Purchase of Irish Linen Tablecloths Much below regular cost price, We were fortunate In securing about 75 handsome cloths from an Irish manufacturer at an remarkable termed as There are no napkine to mateh these available Regular $7.80 for $4.95 Size 2x2V2 double damask These are discontinued saving Size 2x2 $10.00 for $6.95 | charge and after a social hour had heen spent, the evening - was brought to a eloss with the sings ing of "Auld Lang Hyne' The membars of the Himeoe RL, Young People are asked to keep in mind the attendance contest which Is now om, and to be out next Monday night to support thelr Leama, CHRIST CHURCH AXA, Last evening the QOhrist Chureh AY. LA held in place of the regu lay meeting & rehearsal for the coming 1080 Review, All prepara tions have been made and the 1080 Iteview will undoubtedly he a reat success, The stage scenery is all prepared and it alone is worth gos Ing to ses, With the scenery, the nolors, and the excellent sage managers the 1026 Review will cers tainly he an outstanding even, Christ Church AY. PA, are pre senting this Review in ald of the Ohildren's Ald Hoolety Christmas Fund, \ Next Monday evening the Christ Churelr AY. 1A, will hold a births day party to celebrate the [first birthday of the AX. PA, branch there, All members of the AY.V, A, and Christ Ohuroh are expected to: he Jrovent and a good time in ARBUTOC , I ---------- RECIPES BACON OMELET Cut 6 thin slices of bacon inte dice and fry a golden brown, Remove the bacon from the fat and keep it warm then pour off all the fat from the pan but just enough to keep the omelet from sticking, Turn in the following mixture: 1 rounding tables spoon af flour mixed with a little cold milk: add the yolks of J eggs, 33 cup milk and Anally the 'egg whites beaten stiffly, A pinch of salt will im prove thin, Have the pan hot and cover with a hat cover, cooking from J 10 § minutes over flame, then put pan over simerer, turned low, to fins fab, It takes about 10 to 18 minutes, Hotore folding sprinkle with the orlaply cooked bacon, -- PEAR CONSERVE Cover 134 pounds of peeled. sliced pears with cold water and simmer until nearly tender, Cool and thei add 1 thinly sliced orange, the juie of 1 lemon and 1 orange, 1 pound o sugar, | cup of seeded raising and boo oup of chopped nut meats, Hein slowly to a boil and cook until thick as marmalade Cover with paraffin when cold, A -------- HELPFUL HINTS | i Use This For NEURITIS "Nouritls way he localized in a single perve or may be general, invols ving a facge number of nerves For aniok and lastiog volie NH acists have Tor the past few months dispensed Joint Hasewa quick penes trating remedy that, when rubbed over the atfected parts for about one minute, soaks right in 20 that not a trav in left on the skin, Jolnt-asg (ade In Canda) far Mmbeving up stiff joints, rvedues ing the swelling and causing the pain to disappear, and for this purpose thousands of tubes are sold dailves ol cents at Jury & Lovells, & King we for W foreign markets, St By or any live dragaist anywhere, For the benefit of LS, who wanted to know a method of cleaning hght colored kid uloves that are not washs able,; put the gloves on and wash as you would any other pair in water and soap, in gasoline, Rub them uh. tl all the dirt {x out and rinse in clean gasoline, Hang outside to diy, or In a place that 8 not too warn, To make croutons quickly, out olght slices of bread and butter on both sides, Cube and turn into a pan and brown in the oven a few mins utes, When crisp and brown serve with soum To put summer clothes away clean this fall not only will save time next spring, but will save them from the damaging effects of dust on the fib. res, RE -- Starch is quite passe when 1 comes to lace curtains becanse we do net like our window hangings as sft as did our mothers and then, too, we have learned that starch will eventually rot the lace, However limsy curtains do not look well and they cateh the dust, se housewives have found a satisfactory medium, This 15 gum arable and it Kives Just the dressing required to make the curtains hang gracefully and look lke new, Dissolve one ounce of gum arable in hall a pint of bolling water | strain and bottlefii keep It well arked When stiffening the curtaing one dessert wpoonful of this lguld te a pint of gold water, a -- The Women's Corner For Anythilug of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper THE BUSINESS GIRL AS HOSTS The business girl entertaing with Mlmplieity and intormality, yet her menus must be every bit as appetias INK WE those of her married sister, LO serve a tempting dinner or a late RUPPEr In 4 one room apartment equipped with a tiny kitchenette or Just a SETVINR pantry is ne GARY Pros blem, but it Is ane that the elever business girl can solve with a little Ingenuity, For the main dish, a mixed grill Is sure to win favor with her guests and it is easly prepared, The plate ter should ion, BR a lamb chop, a placa of lamb or veal kidney, a saus sae and a tomato, all off which. can be hrotled over the electrie wri! For a salad, New Manhattan would he a good choice, Dissolve a package of lemonsflavored gelatin in a pint of holling water ta which one teas apoondul of vinegar has been added, While the gelatin is cooling, ehop one eup of tart apples, one cup of English a Ee = ae walnuts and ene cup of celery, Mix, eason with salt and pour the gelatin aver the mixture, Cool in individual molds, Serve on lettuce with mayons nilse or Froneh dressing An easily and quickly prepared dessert Is Jellled Charlotte, Dissolve a package of raspberry-flavored gels atin in one eup of bholling water, Add a eup of eold water or fruit juice, Chill, Gut out the centre of a iponge eake wud when the gelatin has thickened pour it into the cake hollow Chill until firm and cover with whipped eream BLIND PURCHASES Hy Ldgar A, Guest here was no price mark on the hat I merely sald: "Well, I'll take that! 1 liked it and it seemed to he I'he port of hat which sulted nie; But later on the bill divelosed \ price much more than I'd supposed \ price 1 never should have paid Were not the bargain blindly made, How many times when Tured to buy Soge trinket which had eanght my eve J I've asked the gost, and wirned away, Hegause it seemed too much to pay, And yet how many thes I tdke Some fancled thing for pleasure's sake Only to learn at last that I Y Should ask the price before T huy, And so with Wife ft seen to be, Pleasures are heaped for us to see Hut many a bargain bad ia made fecayse the piles In not dlsplayed Nlindly some Joy we rush to clateh Later to find the cost tea muely Home temporary theill we win And prumile when tha hills come In, En I a ET A wide Selection of Christmas Gifts Await you at FASHION SHOPPE 84 dlmeon Bt, Routh a ERI up that - Caldl]

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