Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Dec 1929, p. 4

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JE ba ig § Bg . ' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 She Ohms Bally Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REVORMER 1 Admited: ay " The Otkaws Dally Times 1s » member of the Cana [Mas Broser he Canadite. Daly Newsiriptrs, As soslation, The Ontario Previneia) and the Audit Buresv of Civeulations. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier, the » week By ull in Sande iis snrriey ; . { fl hioy Slaten 00. Tour TORONTO OFFICE : 7 Bond Building, 06 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative REPREBENVATIVES IN WU. Powers and Stone, Inc. Now York and Chicago a TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1929 > CHIEF FRIEND AND THE PRESS $0 far, the only noticeably result of Chief Friend's righteous indignation toward Toronto newspapers has been an ohvieus effort on the part of those news: papers to "play up" Oshawa burglaries and other crime news as something of very unusual imports ange, One newspaper even went so far afield as to link up & Bowmanville robbery with this city, as somes thing occurring in the "Oshawa district" We pry sume the next move will he to blime Oshawa police 1% holdsups and other deeds of violence in "Toronto the good," That elty and Its newspapers are so seliseentred that they are more concerned about the sing of others than thelr awn, But while we fully sympathise with our police ehief us we do with anyone who is wrongly secused, we are firmly convinced it would have been mugh better to huve pussed over the offense of one Toronto news: paper or at least have heen content with making a denla! of the charge, backed up by evidence from the official records, In our opinion, that weuld have been a more dignified and effective method of deal ing with the siwation than the elosing of the police blotter to the press, The latte raction looks tea much Jike petty retaliation which should be unworthy ef a dignified and efficient head of Oshawa's police force, Perhaps It way be argued that there is a better way of giving out police news than by allowing res porters access to the police blotter, We very much doubt this, as the "blotter," whieh is really a large memorandum hook, is the only complete report of all ogeurrances that come ta the notice of the police, But if the Chief really believes that it is a mistake te allow reporters to look ever this blotter then we think it would have heen better to have walted until some other time to put the prohibition Into effect, After all, not much is gained as & rule hy starting a controversy over an ipolated Instance of newspaper stupidity, Far better to regard newspapers as friends of the police in their efforts to track down erlminals, for this they really are, In fact, there are numer ous Instances on record where newspapers have des liberately suppressed for the time being important erime news in order to assist the police in following up certain clues which they possessed, reference to whieh in a newspaper might have served as a warn: ing to the guilty parties or their friends, © As mate ters stand now, Chief Friend has made this form of cosapevation extremely unlikely, so far an Toronto papers are concerned, In the ease of The Tines, this newspaper haa too mueh regard for the publio weltare to be disturbed by any pique the Chief of Police or any ether publie official way display, It will continue, as in the past to consider it news reports on the broad principles of public interest and will seek to ¢roperate with the Oshawa police force In their unremitting warfare against thieves and eriminals of all kinds who wend soon have this or any other community at thely mercy if they were not held in eheck, Our adviev to Chief Friend is 10 concentrate every effort on running to earth those who are responsible for the petty theits that have caused a certain amount of alarm of late and leave to others the equally res sponsible and arduous task of newspaper editing aml publishing, It 1s likely there will occasionally be wis: taken in both these important departments of publiv sorvige, but the man thing is the geed intentions and Mh pvefulnens of both, of whieh there is ample and frequent evidence, THE PEOPLE TO DECIDE z L Xn I eeee--m-- Amportant sosision las been placed in the hands 'of the ratepayers of Oshawa 10 be voted on at' the ma of the municipal elections on January G=the islon whether or not the police department of 1% 10 have now quarters, The eity council by mal LEON ot hie Un Wis Sibiect. hay pla 0 Matter squarely before the rates yors, who ave o heavy Teaponaibility placed argament put forward in: favor of the (tation "bylaw, of course, ix the urgent need dehy exists in the city for & police stmrion worthy «of the name. The prosent quarters may have heen ght when Oshawa was a mere village, or a Uitle town, but for a ely of close (0 the police station ia nothing were ETAce, There is Relther accommoda: jon for the pelide foree, nor those whom Bo hey 10 place under ty (hat fe any thing Whe adequate oe suitable, It rests with rates payers of this city to decide whether this condis tio ds going te continue. Tt had been of conte, that It would be posible to have a hew "buildings, in which a police station | be included. but that preject, apparently, ha Doon ahelved for the time being, and the only "i the police foro for decent . qunriere lies passing of the hylaw on January 6, J § A DANGER TO CHILDREN A ------ While riding a bebslelgh, & Toronto girl ran under the wheels of a train and was killed, Burely this was # win 8 worthy Wo comment, éhnds it was so unnecessary, Yet it wi ur 4 6 B18 NOt more tragedies of o similar i winter is aver, and if some of them do not esenr In Osh Awa, Not that there 1s mugh danger of ehildren on sleighs running unfey the wheels of a train in this city, but because there 18 a save danger that some of thew may run under the wheels of autor mobiles, In the last few days, since the ground acquired sousiderable soveripg of snow, motorists have found It necessnry to be more than uually esreful while driving on vesidentinl streets, This has heen hesause of the peores of children playing right out on the strests with thelr sleighs, No one would wish to rob 6 ehildren of the joys of winter recreation, but few of them realise the danger they are vunning when they play with thelr sleigh out where the traftie is lable to be heavy, This Is & danger to which sll parents ought to he alive In these winter days, Children are spt to have 00 thought of risks in their play, snd it would be unfortunate Is some child were killed just hegause it had not heen fully warned by its parents as to esslty of keeping out of the way ef automobiles hile playing in the snow, There Is always the dang: er of 'un sleigh skidding out in front of & ear, a danger that may eost some young life if the ehildren are not warned, and (he time to (ake action to prevent this Is before, and not after, & fatal assident, has to be recorded, , ONE-EYED CARS The other night the wrlter, while driving slong the provinelal highway, met, within a distance of & very few miles, no les than five automobiles with only one headlight In operation, This eceurs 86 fre. quently that the danger of this practice is constantly foreed home on those motorists who try to observe the law in this respect, There Is, of Qourse, @ pro vision In the Highway Traffic Act whieh forbids ears being driven with only one light In front, but It wonld Appear that little attention 1s being paid to Its wis forcement, To prove this, one has only to drive to Toronto, or fram Toronto to Oshawa, after dark It will be a very rare trip indeed on which several Gare are not seen offending In this respect, The danger of meeting & ear with only one headlight Is well known to every motorist, There is a danger, not only to the driver of the one-eyed oar, but also to those who happen te meet It on the road, Judging from experience, it is not golng too far to TT that traffic officers need to make a more sirigter check of thess offenders than Is belng done at pres sent, CAN IT BE POSSIBLE? An interesting headline caught our eye while read. Ing & newspaper the other day, It sald, "Women are Gagged, Mrs, J, 8, Amos Says, and the article une derneath it showed that the speaker had made speeifio reference to the members of the Women's Instituies of Ontario in making that statement, If the remarks of Mrs, Amos, who is a brilliant UF.W.0, leader, are to be Interpreted literally, then the keeming impossible has come ta pass, One can hardly concelve of any hody of women, no matter what their form of organization might be, being res duced to that unhappy plight, Why, it is absolutely contrary to all the popular conceptions of women's most potent attribute that they should allow thems selves 10 be gagged, And, Judging from reporia which we have read of women's institute meetings, we had always imagined that the members of that organisation were perfectly capable of holding theis own in a discussion of almost any subject, EE ET ------ EDITORIAL NOTES Thera is not mueh to be said for the man who Kets his greatest enjoyment out of peeing others work, ---------- Looks as if there is going 10 be a real old-fashions od setting for Christmas this year, rE ---- Only two more weeks until Christmas Christmas shopping coming along ? rr ---- Now is the time to say it with a shovels=coa! of Now, How Is that Tm -- Never call another man a hypoerite until your own sidewalk has been cleared of snow, Lake trafe in now over for this year, editors ean dispense with the heading, wrecked on the Great Lakes" At lant "Steamers A Chicago doctor says clghty per cent, of the people nowadays have flat foeg, This is a natural result of the burdens moat of ws have to hear, Judging from Premier King's recent speeches, the coming session of the federal parliament is going to provide some very interesting disoussions, The advertisements in The Times these days are ll of interesting suggestions, There in really no excuse for postponing that Christmas shopping, ETT ------ Many who used to get information on the. ticker Ate now trying 10 get something on vok=Sarnia Canadian Observer, Report says that turkeys pre going to be gheaper this yearn, which is good news for everybody except the turkeys, ------ Hoover advises the people of the United States to "Go 10 work" There are plenty of peaple in Oshawa who would give anything if they could, The Londen Sunday Express notes that Scetsmen ate now sending out boxes of cigars they received last Christmas from Scotsmen who received them the previous Cheistimas, Why net give some poor, unemployed man the job of shovelling the next fall of snow off your sidewalk, Telephone No. 87 and one will be on the job in a hurey, R Toronto newspapers are making quite a fase About the ban placed on poliee news from Oshawa, But if they had stusk to the facts in the first plage, instead of printing greatly exagwerated reports, there would have been nothing to complain "about, drink too mush; they heve to build OtherEditor's Comments NOT WHILE VERGY 18 BOM (Btrathord Beacon-kHerald) The Bault Star believes the mun loipalition should get a share of the profits the government Hyuor stored, 'sities have to provide the polies to look after thoke who july and ntaln them for the odging of those who offend, and hen pay & magistrate to name the tine, The Siar will not get any of the vavenus Away from (he Beverns ment, Governments do not 4" hier pinens that way, Once they sink & well and find that It produges reve he property, an voads| Koop out," ; rey, 6ouire NOY ALL AN Tin MI CLAN | Focy, contr { Globe) Oshasns gondempation of news: papers in general because of sensns tional and exaggerated v une or twe Toronto papers wou apparently convey the ides that the newspaper fraternity ehaln is no better than ie rotlenest link, It {8 unfortunate it an order has to prevail which will permit of no ditterentiation, The great majors ity of newspapers Are faly And Aguare in the presentation of news, It a mistake 1s made occasionally, il. is heosuse of misunderstanding of the tacts, There ts only shout One NAWEPAPET HO eager FoF AONAA« tions that It would hide reporters nt Massey Hall to spy on a meets ing, or cable a representative in London to evash the gates of Buoks Ingham Palace and write up his experiences, To judge them all hy what one does Is manifestly une Just It must he admitted that the Oshawa authorities had onuse for resentment When tha alty was advertised an the centre of a erime wave with vlich the polles ware unable to ofa IE WAS AR UNWAPs ranted blot on the veputation of the place, But should all papers he denied access to leritimate news on this secount? The Oshawa Dally Times was not guilty of impugn. Ing the good name of the alty, ner wis The Olobe This has heen asoneedead, Hill, they and others have heen placed fn the same elas ad the offenders simply heoaise thay Are newspapers, What the Oshawa paper says, The Globe might also he permitted to apply to itself "The Times has always go-operated to the fullest extent with the Palles Denartmant, even t#® the extent of holding haok news which might embarrass the poliea in thelr efforts to apnrahend ovim nals." Mhould the Times he puns fshed for the sins af one or twa Taranto panera? Rhould any papasy he held gullty beeause of the of fone of others? It 16 not customary to condemn a whole eommunity heosuse It ins eludes an individual or two who are oul of Mne with the ethieal or moral standards of the res Most newspapers anpreelate thelr responsibility to adhere to hieh stapdards of fairness and (ruths fulhiess, Undoubtedly the Oshawa authorities felt Alffident ahout making a distinetion, They prob ably veallned that If news were permitted to wet out to any chin nel It ould be rewritten and garb 'ad to sult motives, hut they would Ai have the satisfaction of know. ing that newapape™ readers are fairly able to apprajse the merits of a news report surrounded hy sensational atmosphere, . | Bits of Humor | FRIEND d that course THE CAND! Golter~1 went ro In NB, Friend wan an old as that, tario, Really! T didn't know {t Belleville On QUALIFIED At a certain gourt a diminutive youth was called as a witness, "Do you know the nature of an oath?" asked the Judge In a stern voles "OF course 1 do," promptly ve plied the wrehin, "Ain't 1 your onddie? wdlalitax Herald, JUNRT WONDERING | Home Americana were standing in front of Hi, Paul's Oathedral when a fellow-00URIEY WO WM AN, slght-seeing alone, came and stood near thew, For several moments she was motionless and allent, and one might have thought she was drink. ing in the eathedral's heauty, Suddenly she turned to one of the group What," she asked with enthus« faam, "do you suppose that ehureh welghat! PDOOTORS ORDERS A woman who had not heen feels Ing well decided to consult A apes olaliat, "You are Just a litle run down, madam," sald the great man, after making a oaveful examination "You need frequent bathe and plenty of treah alr, T would alse advise you ta dress in the o eit, most comfortable elothes member, nothing formal.' The woman Leturnud home, "Wall, dear," waked her hum band, 'what was (he specialist's opinion? ; "He sald 1 hun #0 to the wea: aide, do a 10 of motoring, and met gome new dresses, she replied, { Believe in Qo Verl say unto you, He that heaveth wy word, and helieveth on him that sent we, hath everlasting lite, and shall not cone inte condemnation} but is Jatied from death unto lie)ohn ve verily, 1 \ : Braye ; "Praise the God of our Salvation: Hosts on high, His power prochain," kesp the ton in the Biate of Bb: awn and Orillia, fnlaries Pointed Comment On Oshawa Police Ban On The Newspapers| HMAL TACTION (London Vres Vrows) Using the lame excuse that they wore "aunoyed" beenuse of aller od "sensational! newspaper reporis of evime, the O & polles have of _60uTno=~10 clean iried-~ine () Tao wourd Lan all police news, ublie in Knoss us Lo whet the polise are te In this respect, Oshawa pol ve torn # soiled page trom Ovillia's book, There must be "something yois wk When tha police want te a thelr ae tions behind un vell of ofiolnl mess to Anglofunon Use over, If there # an imususl amount of orime in it " well that the who pay 6 policemen's should know, If thelr Wired men are at fault, then they on Ae new ones, It Is certainly not the place of a paid public wer. vant to say to his employers; "It's none of your husiness,'" Buch in- solence should be promptly digit with hy the electors, They "pay the shot," they have a vight to know If thelr gash Is getting the desired resuiis, All oriminals whelnk from pubs Hetty, which 1s the most uffective orime deterrent yet invented, Just recently the Vreovinelal Government announced It would co-operate with the press to check drunken driving and Hauer nel violations, When any person or organisation tlies to cover, the publig becomes suspleloun, If the Oshawa police believe they can prevent publioas Hon of erime news merely hy slog ing the oMelal records, they are peviously Iaeking In the intellige ance all polleemen whould have, Tne genlous reporters are not thus sanlly folled, and the peaple will goon come to helleve that what news of erime ls published fs only a fraction of what Is taking place, Parliaments and governments for centuries, when they had somes thing to hide, (ried to wag the press, which Is synonymous with the publle, That sueh attempts have never susdfeaded should be a lesson to thess small-time polloes men In Oshawa and Orillia people THEY ARM WRONG (Htrattord Descon-Herald) Oshawa Polloa Commissioners haoame wary of reading reports in Toronto and Oshawa papers about the amount of erime in thele oity, 'There have been sn number of hopse-hreakings, and recently A Kroder wan shot In such an ess onpade, Ho the commissioners there de olded that there shall be no more reporters allowed around the pos Hea station, No Information will he Niven out, Ho the commissioners ; expeot there will he wn decrease In the amount of news published from that nources In Oshawa, Our guess In that ft will not affect the situa ton alt wll, Reporters are not stopped that easily, ostrich thet stusk his head in the sand, and 16 will decyease orime in Oshawa or In ny other place, Reporters do net Invent stories they are recorders of f after the events take place, so M Onl Hw Som missiondns ri ng 0 0 Wron bt Hat y oan pisces hu entiing the amount of ¢ ' dons i s will sutomatiostly rime stories, Svm----ro XOLUDING THE PRESS Brantford Expositor) The Oshawa Times le thoroughs ly Justified In to Plsiants sgulng he order of the Chief Constab of that avy, refusing all of re tion wegarding police affairs from representatives of the Newapapers, including even the local paper ibe self, The cause of the trouble was the complaint of the chief that uertain nevspabers in the city of foronto had been giving exes govated nooounts of what was siyled "a orime wave in Oshaws An # result of this the Chief Cone wtable, With the support of the commission, decided upon the ex- traovdinary procedure of vefusing all Information concerning polices administration In the elty from reprogentatives of the press, It 16 impossible for outsiders to understand all the various phases of this cane, hut It appears Lo be gortain that the chief constahle hun noted unadvinedly, and hag talien a position from which he wili he fareed to recads, Clvie governs ment is not an autooratio Institu tion, but one In which the people are particularly Interested, hecaiine it vitally relates to thelr welfare, The gitisens of a self-respecting gommunity will not long tolerate a condition of affairs In whieh orlmes may be committed, and all the partieulars gonecerning them withheld trom the publle, The Times rightly sontends that it ought to be regarded as a sup» porter of the police administras tion, and an upholder of the highs est Interests of the elty, There are times when Information re garding violations of the law ought to he suppressed in order to ald the perpetrators, but, whenever thin 1s the case, neawapapers cheers fully -eo-operate with the polices suthoerities, The elty counell has nlso expressed strong dissent from the polley of the ohief constable, and It will ba interesting to oh. serve how long this autoeratio pros sadure oan be maintained in this nalf-poverning community, NMALL TOWN COMPLEX (Ht, Outharvines Htandard) The Police Commissioners in Oshawa have put a stop to the handing out of police news to re porters, While nominally a elty, it nppoars that some oMalals fn Osh Awa stil) have the small town coms plex, There should always be oo operation hetween the newspapers and polles and that for the welfare It looks too much like the old per m------ sevahm---- WAIT D, D, DUNN, MANAGING EDITOR OF THE MADISON (WISCONSIN) CAPITAL TIMES, SAYS, THAT by buying at home you Are astuaily puibing part oi the MOREY yOu ApeRi Bask Inte your own peaket, However paradoxical that seems, it HTH SUP PURY YUN Wailied Wo par CHAE Has TRUEY OF 8 leigh ul KALLE Bab JUN ME UWL Buu look UVEE ORE BF the mad order louse valdlogties wich Hood every home AULAY 0 haps YUU BEM YOU Cll suv A IUW Sully by BUYER wubk oF lewn Ald YOU proved 10 oruer, Ae money YOU BO BPURG A JHONe, not ony ram YUUP OWH pocket, bak dram gor VOIIUIILY wa well Your local hardware dealer la 0 PAYNE anes In the pave where you hive, Me is hoping Wit the WE burden In your COMIN ARAL AL may reat the Lphter Bn YOUR POeNeineok, | he mal order Rouse in some distant wily whieh YOu have patconised bh net son Wwibuting one cont to the uphesp of your aity government, your steele or your acheols, The money which you spend out OF WWI dx 1080 10 UE QOL, Your loval merchants lose your trade and their volume of business decline IN OXAOL proportifn to the amount business which you, and others like you, send out of your community, 14 Is enay 10 see where a situa: tion like this, if sarvied to the ox: treme, would lead to, Business depression will he the fret step. Business suspensions and bank: uptele Pn . th seen Dig properties an eolloetn tan. os will he the -- veaulta, And this result ix a sovlous situs Hon TOF any community to have to fave, Your taxes will stralghtway go higher, You, Mee OutsolsTown Buy of, Will have to pay the price! THE FEW CENTS WHICH YOU WERE SAVING WILL M T IN1O DOLLARS } L HAV TO PAY QUI IN INCREAS TAXES AND RISING COSY IN YOUR HOME TOWN, LEAVE THR Ban Mig, Black: "How do yo'all cans trol yo' husband while ye' aw away" Mra, Blue: "Ah leaves de baby wid him" of the community, "WOMEN UNSUITABLE AS TAXI: DRIVERS Worthing, Bag, Deo, 10,~Women are considered unsuitable for taxi onb driving by Worthing Licensing Committees, Hut a different view In held by Worthing Town Counell, and they reverded the Committee's decision not to grant a lloense to Mrs, Hilda Booth, Hhe was one of the first women in the country tol take up motor driving as a means of Hvelihood and when war broke out she offered her services to the mill tary authorities, Err Sa -------------- REARONN re "Your dog bit me today" "He did not," "How do you know?" Firat, my dog has no teeth; sees ond, he Is not furious: third, he is partioular about the person he bites; and fourth, I haven't a dog!" ih 10 aut down on the number of | Srosiz Fortone s@ wl 2p Veni arin sia ronintbe 8, F, EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 Who Will Pay Your Mortgage? How Jrould You Uke hl. iiarunten that the mortgage on foved ones will not lose thelr home even if you ave gd at your deathe=that your nf By moans of 8 North American Life Mortgage Polley you can mortgag sufficient hey n t e, You can make corta i yp gd that, such an emergency, your home will he freed from debt. hod orth American Life Mortgage tative worry about that morigage today, Investigate "alley by calling our or writing for our booklet' which gives full particulars. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY President | THOMAS PRADSHAW Dinteiot Offlee, BL King Mt, H,, Disney Bock, Oshawa, Ont, Chalrman af the Board: J, i, GUNDY Gonoral Manager) DE KILGOUR those whose dutly it ls to discover | wes Head Ofoe TORONTO, CANADA oe [} [vg Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service LEAVE OSHAWA AM, d7.00 d7.30 8.30 $30 10.30 11.30 PM. 13.30 1.30 2.30 OSHAWA ~ TORONTO FARE~85¢ LEAVE TORONTO (Standard Time) P.M, AM. 3.30 d7.30 8.30 4.30 5.30 9,30 10,30 6.30 7.30 11.30 8.30 PM, 13.30 9.30 1.30 10.30 11.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.3 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 ell,18 Ge=Dally except Sunday, ofunday only, Coach connections at Toronto for Barrle, 2.30 Orillia, Midland, Sshombare, Orangeville, Brantford, Ham ilton, Conch Hotel Niagara Falls, uffalo and intermediate points, connections at Buffalo for all U.S.A, points, Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES Oshawa OSHAWA Phone PEA .. NUT ... EGG ... STOVE You Are Saving it ; $12.00 18.00 15.00 15.80 No. 1 16.00 $16.00 por C000 per Y Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING , Price - Quality - Quantity - Service W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Call US on the Telephone -- Nos. 230, 231. 25 Albert St. Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs, per ton Buying Quel st the Following Prices GENUINE SCRANTON ANTHRACITE "OTTO" FURNACE COKE A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 Body Hardwood $8.00 per '4 Cord

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