Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Dec 1929, p. 9

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AE NINE Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on... pr "Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World 'arrillo Disetied Civil EngMeering :' For News Reporting and Then Acting Englnéers | are supposed to be caus the Coast, refused to elias him 8 ols: Holle, Whether it was the rer tiny that come with caution or id 'of sree! girders that from, Leo, Carrillo. decided me das building was tao lonely a Busliess' After studying elvil engin four yeard ab' Loyolla Gols allfornia, he, Rndoted with thought 'that humn E y "than one format and | Wplicayele pnd thelr yh niore in Ay ket for five " ik on A He in Peru, iL. and gidomily Before he Analy i i COnirge upslgned, in ng back to Lhe, engineering Suda dt, yi a bold aves bi but net A to ore alter gath Wanate stiie, h Setar ONLPact ha fo, w fu ch com. nh LH LL) all=din Rue pros duction L Hoot, Tarkington's play, rn how we all enme about--=how an en: metor.vin a seportorial job on a news: aper and a ride on @ polo pony, sade him Animitable behind the foot- tights employing eyes and hands and {} shad more fascinating varii- . soul-stirring i Le ihe fi a A nh la hairy Pg and sent It HEURY Leo tarde on th heh ltd 5 on ap. Just sign: hob st, mot op ri 1 tah, It Mdnter hh unite to. hear hin tell sgineer metamorphozed into. a movi He tales with all the facial play that flashing smiles for emphasis, 'My. rother wat on engineer," he sald, "and he weed o five me jobs during vacation oy figured I'd have tt be earnin ng my diving when 1 got our of scheel, and I would be wwe of a job if this brother of mine |' wept on handing me work, But when 1 Brdehed college, along came an of. A. of a Job on the Los Angeles 'Ex- | Fild lowe' of people and Ils matural 'gurlosity were hme equipment or Acwspaper reporting, Leo Carrillo eof ¢ wrn his buck to the offer, "Lworkod on the Examiner a long time Carrillo daid, "1 was constunt- W studying character---momorizing geatyres and learning the trick of twisting words to sound like the lins go of types that faselmated me, It "was a pastime with me, and 1 never hed ht the time would come when | 'ude this store of impressions, When my assignments brought me in contact with stage celebrites and the eatrical managers, they hailed me as an up: -and-coming character AEA "Idea 'took 'foot, in wpite pf family objects, The Carrillos, have thought they had an engineer nly to discover he wan a newspaper ov nd couldn't be persuaded that an actor had replaced the enterpris ing X young journglist in Abel midst, WM borrowed money Catillo arrive ed in Chicago without a cent to ful | un engagement in a vaudeville Jieeh a theatrical Arm oo" the Coast arranged for him, but it was a ri cool reception he received at ¢ theatre, The manager, not the least impressed with this find from fh A 4 nickel for running expelises, A friend! told Carrillo that he was loo In or . Wriner for an act in New York, ¥ were soon Playing to Bronivay nt A salary that veatne ee oa | pw d th 6 was playing polo one day w Fred Stone, Beats Tipney, and the late Vernon Castle before a crowded grandstand, and 'o apie swing of his mallet caused hind to okaele'n Joke in broken English and tally, bringing " bik Inugh from a man seated A, to the viayers. Br ------ FAMOUS LAUGH HI "on BEDS" A" REGENT "awin Meds', a Fr A and WHILE BUAUGH BAM Vy hi poll STON Lrg dE E Bdge dee Ob (HE PRIN Hag 8 BL He BIL vbr forty AG MULLAY, JUICE av iil i BRITO NOME CLG BNE Mek Oly Like, GUL NES BIG peys EE piano with NEN CHR BU REY, awn seus' as mi comedy, The MRE RB RINNE Vila IN tie picture, Muwbail 18 ay med woe ue Making by B 0 Cust OL payers, ihe Citing Fatay Kuba Moen; 1s churns NE ERG lady | Bue Urobon, Ger: ruue Astor, Armand Kabhie, 4am witty, Kuve kriesson, Hen Mende vieks, Jr, Jocelyn Lee, Nite Marian, Alle LAsy ald B sure of olners, Lhe ovginal famous stage faree Was Juniy, dhe seieen version wm war fubimier, And in addition there ure sume highty' spectacular seenvs in whica a part of a mg niusieal coms ely 18 Wo ed 8 View, With 8nging, WHICH and ad Be trannungs, dN Luke scenes Revere gay and WUE eiouies Jie heard, mciuing Wie temo song, "AE You Were Mine, When bids iar ty nval "Lalae sme,' Weary Kiver"' and other serven \hentg songs in poapwarity, It Is sung by Armana Kae with musa eclat in A hho tenor voice, "twin deds" aeals with the wd: ventures of a bridegroom and bride, separated on their wedding night, she exciting adventures that follow make up a pot that is gay and role Weking, and n this Shu Glunent Mul hall is at his best, He 1s an easy: working, polished comedian whose sereen roles are always satisfylpg and thorough, Miss Miller, of course, is charm: Ing as the bride, and the vaglous other members of the east acquit themselves splendidly in their respec tive roles, "Twin Beds" is a deast for the eye and the ear, and is certain to increase Mulhall's popularity local thea 4 copie i ---------- Brent: "You say your wife doesn't pay much to you when you stay ou late at night?" Howling: "She doesn't say much, but the trouble {s she keeps on repeating it! Sar Se ---------------- Yes, we've heen to see them talk: in films, but if you ask me, I'd ras ther 'ave saved me money and gone to the erdinary unspeakable ones,' Anxlous mother: "How do vou know Myr, Hobson is in love with vou?! Has he told you so!" Pretty Givoup of stars comprising a few of the twenty-five celebrities who ---------------------------- I Jack Mulhall and Patsy Ruth Mik ler in a scone from "Twin Heds' now playing 4 at the Beguat dui} "Noa! Dat you should see the way he looks at me when I'm not looking at him!' a. RA I a I -- o | New Martin Theatre "MONDAY For Days Leo Carrillo AND Virginia' Valli «IN- 'Mister Bowhunting New series * RI i, 3 | II appear fn the sensational Tollywood Revue" talking, sings SEAGRAVE BRIEFS Ferra. Hoagrave, Deo, B-=Rev, KE. N, Bowles, a returned missionary from China, ocoupled the pulpit in the United Church last Bunday eve ping and gave a very interesting and helpful sermon on his wor in foreign fields, 'This should help all those interested in mise plenary work to fight the good fight and put on the whole ar mour of God, Our missionaries need encouragement, Mp, and Mes, A, Ploughman and baby, of Nougox, vialted Mr, and Mra, ¥, Watsop, on Sunday Mr, Bertram Wanamaker visited friends at Prince Albert on Mun. ay, Rev, Mr, KE, N, Bowles was the guest of Rev, Mr, and Mrs, Green aver the weekend, Mra, H. Kagloson, Mra, ¥, Buti, Mra, (Rev,) Green, Mrs, Hl, Loank, Nr, O, Htone, Mra, ¥, Watson ana hn number of others attended the basaar at Pleasant Point on Pris day last, The ladies at the Point are ta be congratulated on thelp wonderfyl undertaking, which was % Aucoesd In every wa The pro- gram in the evening row a large crowd, and was enjoyed by every body, Mr, Robbie HNrown, of Flint, Mich, was home for a few days lust week, Mra, Gordon Cherrle, of Bougor, in visiting hep parents, Mr, and Mrs, B Weynolde, Mr, and Mes, ¥, Billingham and family, of Toronto, visited the lat. ter's parents, Mr, and Mm, O, W Moore, over the week-end, Mra, Jay Gibson, of Sonya, vis ted Mrs, J, MoTaggart on Bunday, Mr, and Mrs, UC, Bleep visited In Lindsay on Monday, Mp, and Mrs, Geo, Clarke, Mra, CW, Clarke were in Lindsay on fhureday, Mr, MH, Hood, of Oshawa, visited Mv, and Mrs, Orval Stone on Mune uly, Mr, W, Flahley, Nr, J, Holder shaw, Mr, W, Hoe, Mr, W, Olarke, und Mee, John Wanamaker have in. nailed radios during the past week, A well-attended meeting of the women's Assoclation was held on Jnesday afternoon at the home of ire, ¥, Watson, The president, ove, J, Bhunk, was in the ohalr, +he meeting opened with a pn «allowed by prayer: The business oalled for plana for the basaar and hot supper on Friday of this wees, after which Mry, J, Harding sang a pleasing solo, The meeting oloss od with a hymn and prayer, Re [reahmenta Mai then served and' a ag [) n § " An hn , Short, Mr, Md ire, John Ehort and v, Roy pent a day in Toronto a Hoe r, John Hhort has improved somes hat after hia recent ilineas, Mr, Nell MeMillan and Ming Aw eel Risbley visited at Hartley on mday, The ular monthly meeting of 0 W, hd will be held in the Unis al Chureh Sunday school room ow Wednesday | afternoon, December Athy Mv. Wd, Richards, of Whithy, 1a to be present, and will Ee a an address on miss slonary wark, All 'the ladies of the congregation are ootdialiy in. vited to attend, Jas. MeDougal has returns el om Toronto after an enjoys able holiday with relatives, Mr, and Mrs, A, Barnett and amily, of dort Perry, spent Sun. a ha friends v, Norman Smith is reported © be around agatn atier his recent notor acoldent, $ The many friends of Nr and Jdva, Jor, Watson will be sorry to hear of 'thelr motor adoldent, aud nope Mw Watson witl soon he ab! 10 be arotnd in aw usual, ~The chan m the mild wea. ther te real winter seems to he rather abrupt, The present fall of SNOW seems to be quits welcome, On Wednesday evening the mems hers of the Girls' Quadrata Club met at the home of Misa Alma Clemontsy, The meeting opened A ------ '| Ziogtold or Georg ing, "dancing production opening a the Megent for four days nest Tuesday, with the %Singlig of a hymn and the Lord's Prayer, Roll call and busipess followed, and at the close of the meeting deinty refreshments were perved by the hostess, very pledsant time was spent on Tuesday evening last, when Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Short entertained in honor Gf the vecent bride and groom, Mr, and Mrs, Lowis Bhort, formerly Miss Allos Keeler, of Ma nila, Thirty guests were present, The evening was spent in games of various kindw, after which res freshments were served, The Dap py couple are now moved into thely own home, and have the best wish es for thelr future happiness and prosperity, The Loague, which fa held in the United Chureh on Tuesday eves nings of each week, in fairly well attended, The president, Mim Irene Hpotfard, will be pleased to see the Munday school room filled and every one taking an Interest in the League, Kveryhody wel comes, Editor Completes 21 Years Service (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) london, Dee, T.o«Many compli ments have been extended to J, Ly Garvin on his completion of #1 years as editor of the Observer, At & luncheon in his honor or ganised by Kvelyn Wrench, editor of the Hpectdtor, most of the men prominent in the great newspaper organisation of Fleet street and ita neighborhood were present, The health of the chief muem was proposed hy Rt, Hou, Arthur Henderson, Forelgd Becretary, who vlalmed the distinction above all the company of having known Mr, Garvin longest, Mr, Hendersun was preferring to a time 40 years ARO, when My Garvin was working In a humble capacity in a News custle newspaper office and Mr Henderson waa working in the sie Lown as an iron moulder, Rt, Hon Davia Lloyd George, another apeaker, declared that the editorial counsel which Mw Garvin had given forth had prov od embarrassing at times, but ney er patty or malicious, Me had al waya shown himself free from strong party bilan and completely free from pemsopal rancour, My, Garvin, speaking of his early days as editor of the Obsers ver, when the paper was owned by Lord Northoliffa, gave some fun: teresting veminscenes of how the late newspaper magnate and hime self conned over the back copies of the paper, to deolde how it ought to ba conducted in the future, *I told Lord Northeliffe I would make ftn editorials absolutely independ. ent, ta news absolutely impartial and that the long article on rs fous hiecte should be revived," declaped Mr, Gari "Those were the days of ag Journallam, even through the Kreat storm of tha world was fast oo 'lng upon ue, There ia in this country a large and iporeasing number of earnest and thoughtful people who are batter worth preaching to than all the others." In an editorial disousaing Mv, Garvin'a'conduot of the Qbservver, the Manchester Guardian pays it will alyhyd be remembered to hia renewn® at when he took over hie command. of the Observer le immediately fought the ohlet trend of journallam in his time, Nearly everyhera the tabloid re. port and the ohaity paragraph were gaining ground, and at fivat Dazzlin T alli w Theatres he ufforde ness & gigantio adh allsmusical, sin fie and wensation, "I'he lywood Revue," gagoment, With a galaxy od together for one motion plefure sbunda ant tuneful melodies, 1] ish the eye [7 Ing chorus, " well ] a huge dunce 'he Hollywood Revue" Broadway Melody called "Tommy Atldns on Parade, bodyguard, Norma Shearer and gosstar In a modernized Juliet" skit, Dessle Love sings und dances and In otherwise most entertaining rad Nage! makes hs singing debut i John Gilber "Romeo an Hroadway Melody" Page, song hits, talking nupears "gags," aspirations of a stage headliner, appears with Gwen Lee In support, sereen, with ene of his Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer's soreen tri umph coming next Tuesday to the Regent for a special Your day ens stars In the larg ont stellar i Ry ever gathers comedy nanny gorgeous settings to rave ls the first Lig sereen revue, It Is Notte. do wy Mayer bo most ans astounding Fodulilons in regent years an fotlow ouely In the wake of that other M- Gs M auecess, "The Marlon Davies makes her bow us & song and dance comedienne, In a skit in which she (» supported by a tale ensemble of slx-footers as a dancing Con a comedy skit, singing one of "The nunbers to Ania in Imitation of Charles King, King himself Introduces several new Joan Crawford makes her singing and dancing debut befora the and Willlam Halnes famous nearly wrecking the screen He Cast in All-Star ie Coming to Regent ory Of Oshawa ave to wn opportunity to wit staged ou lo hite, in the dancing Buster Keaton, frozen-faced eomer dian, takes one of his longest falls to Introduce his sausage dance, a fen: ture of this wonderful entertainment, "Ukelele The", maestro of the Instrus ment which gave, him his name dows his stuff Hengrously and becomes « soreen comedian| Gus Kdwards, sus thor of four of the revue's song hits, appears in several numbers, arly Dressler and Polly Moran, famous comediennes, are teamed together with Bessle Love in & vlotously fune ny number, Their male attendants mre Charles King, "Ukelals Ike" and Gus Edwards, In a comleal burlesque of un old«time vaudeville skit, Karl Dane and George KK, Arthur, the famous laugh team, do thelr. wut for the first time before the sound camera, The Brox Sisters, singin harmonists from Broadway, blend thelr volees In several melodies; Nate acha Nattova, famous Adaglo dancer, i startles her audience with exotic oi halr-ralslug leaps and. bounds, Jack Menny, for years a vaudeville headliner, Is humorous as the pass t|ter of ceremonies of the Lig sereen | {revue althought he suffers considers ably at the hands of his playmates i | who affect not to appreciate his stuff, Gorgeous chorus numbers are {sprinkled throughout "The Holly wood Revue," set to new song hits by members of MUM'S stAfl of song writers, "Singin' In the Rain," it |e yredicted, will exceed "I'he Dall dance" In popularity, It was written by Naclo Her Brown and Arthur Freed, nuthers of the latter hit Among the other tuneful numbers sure to become hits are "Your Mdth. or and Mine," "Lon Chaney's Goln' to Get you," "I Gotta I'eelin' Vor You," sung by Joan Crawford, and "Orange Hlossom Time," gorgeously produc ed boithe background for un song g by Charles King, The Albertina Rusche tallet gives some spectacularly beaut. Iful dance numbers, MRS, JOS. HOLTBY DIES AT PROSPECT Prospect, Deo, 1, 00, TyemBurviving her husband b only three weeks, Mrs, Joseph Holthy died suddenly at her home here this morning, Mrs, Holthy was one of the old- ont residents of the Prospect dis. trigt, having attained the ripe old ngo of 76, She had been in poor health for a considerable tims, but her death this morning came as « shook to her many friends, She had retired aw usual lost evening, and seemed to be in her normal henlth at seven o'clopk this morn ing, When her daughter, Mss, MH. Carpenter, with whom she took iu her breakfast at el o'clock, however, she found A] nt her mother had passed peacefully away, Mrs, Holthy, who was Clare Bowen before her marriage, was born ian Plekering and came to Prospect about BO years "$a, 5h he was a member of the Ohureh at Port Perry and was ms of the best known residents of the district, Bho was the last of a family of twelve, 'Tiree daughters survive, Mrs, HM, Oarpenter of MAnehionves, Mrs, J, Cole of Toronto, and Mise Helen At home, The funeral seryies will he held from the residence of her dsugh- ter, Mrs, Carpenter, at two o'cjook on Monday afternoon, December 8. Interment will be made in Pine Grove cemetery, Adapted From the Famous Ntaga Play It's Here - Filled with glamorous alitlos, ting songs, choses, tertalnment he had aa proprietor of Observer Lord Northeliffe himault the Wain forge behind the tablotd sng moy The Obasrver wet the snippet wit the full veport and the gossipy smattering with the informed te argumentative column, and opposing the ode of the ent it atiained a pr power hitherto unknown in the hole cortury and a quarter of te life, om: 'uo and aij At this Modern Marriage 1dea That ls Setting the World on (The Greatest The Whole Family Will Roar a peds Laughter, Wateh and listen for the fun goes up, Half of this olty In golng to laugh {ta head off at the pel vomio complications and difficult de when the ourtain pitating predicaments, olnlons, Daring Broadway Show Scenes TALKING -- SINGING DANCING The Screen's First Spectacular 4p a) lavish settings, am lay aii marvelous dance Soreen ene of ta kind yot offered! 25 STARS JACK MULHALL PATSY RUTH MILLER ZAZU PITTS lL ¥ p Wy Nk A

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