Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 8

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---- DE EIVIEE, "Brantford From S.P.A. 6-5 ah Bovina Sere Wi ning Counter--Brantford Made Great Rally in Last Period Parkdale Canoe Club narrowed A, Junior series down to teams at the Arena Gardens night when they eliminated oy obi Juniors of 6 seore, It was a gles font at all times, with the bie thrilis coming in the third period when Brantford made a great rally ols down and the teamns would require overs to rengh a verdict, Ralph ("Sootty") Bowman came through with one of his brilliant individ unl dashes und netted the winning ner, "Wheat Bowman's fine playing Rept Billy Blean's oanoelsts In the unning throughout, In addition to ing a powerful factor in stopping the Brantford sorties on the Parks fale net, he was highly effective on the attack, Three of his tesmn's pix goals were seored hy him on palo rushes, in which he sticks dled his way through the whole Pantford team and outwitted the yonlkeeper, The teams were tied at the first gst period with the wseore Beall, he midway session produced two more counters which were equally shared, Doth periods were tame sftatrs, with Individual hookey dominating the play, In the final frame Parkdale went ahead, and with 10 minutes to go had the Boorse " to # in their favor, Urged on by a few enthusiastie support ors, the visiting puckehasers ral Hed, and for the next five or six minutes had the Paddlers hacked » behing thelr ow goal ime, urnberger, in the I'eMdlers' net, was called upon to make some sens tional stops, but two shots beat lim, and the score was tied for @ fourth time In the game, Too Tired Near End It was a brilliant spurt the Tele: phone Clty youngsters made, but ------ A Nancy Carroll in "The Dance of Lite" with Hal Skelly ALBO Added Attractions 3 r------ I they did noL have enough endur ande lait to overgome Varkdale s lend when Bowman wseored his j thivd and the deciding genl of the game, In the last two minutes of the contest Brantford hud the ad. vantags In numbers, for '"Seotty' Bowman was penaliged, hut Park dule successfully defonded the lend, although the lownls were Tuoky on ome occasion when ""Bleamer on sifted through the dotense and, with only Nurnhergey to het, shot stralght into the pads Of the ne guardian, who rushed out to smother hig shot, The game wan a lively one In the tinal period ang the pres was considerably faster than In the frat two frames, "Hootly" Now man opened the scoring about nine minutes ufter the game siaried when he sifted through the Brant ford defonmse and drew Mason ont OF the net for an eiasy counter In threes minutes Brantford tied the soore when Cooke took n pass from Bmith and best Nurnberger, "Hootty" Bowmen eame through with another fine solo effort snd put the paddlers in front ugain But Brantford wis not behind long, for Bentleld and K, Kipp combined wight from the face-off and In ahout twenty seconds sven ed the count, Benfield seoving on Kipp's pans, rantford went to the front for the only (ime In the game short after the mecond' period boots Russell Bowman wie in the penal ty box sat the moment when "Mteamot' Kipp shot from outside the blue line and the puck hounos od high off Nurberger's stick and hit the top Inside of the net, The rubber bounced out of the ene an quick ue It went In, but both the goal fudee and the referee decided It was un seove, Parkdale came baal with the tielng counter In less than a minute when Teddy Oliver netted a pass trom Kitson, Noth tana sooved goals In this) period which were disallowed owing to offsldes, It was all rlght when Parkdalow moore was culled buaok, but when Brantfobd's tally was no wllowed the disgrantled supporters from the Telephone Clty 'went up the eustomary small town ery of "hogtawn Heantford's Great Rally Parkdule had the better of the play in the first ten minutes of the final period, and Corson put the Paddlers ahead again niter taking A pass from Oliver, Home minutes Inter Teddy Oliver soored on a fas shot that glanced In off the net guardian's skate, With a twosgoul margin the canoelsts looked oer tain winners, but the Hehting youngsters from Rrantford refused ta nooapt defeat and they waged a bitter and desperate Blrugele that for a time had Parkdale con slderably worried, Benfleld wo duced Parkdale's lead to one when he batted $n a rebound off ol lard's shot, In two more minutes, Hmith goored from a seramble nite K, Kipp had tested Nurnberger Hut Parkdale galned the upper hand shortly after and the visit Ing youngsters were tiving fast Howman'e lone rush, when ended in the neoring of the winning goal, wan a beautiful bit of stickhandls HHL! ALARA OTROS ARO AE | A meeting of the OMA. Kye citive Committee will he held in the Mier bullding, fourth floor, on 'riduy, Dou, 18, to pass on sched ules and fake up other businems, It will he the inf meeting for pans ing on players' residence and other qualifications to play In the OM, A. this season, Members of the OM A, exeou~ tye, Ineluding President Richard Hatley, Treasurer J, J, Paxton, Moaoretary W, A, Hewitt, Vast Prey: ldont James 7, Hutherland, George Vay Horne and P, J, Mulquesn will attend the opening of the new Helloville arenn tomorrow night, The Wimvale Hockey Club hus decided to play In the intermediate warlen Instead of in the junior and his boon placed in the group with Penetang und Coldwater, ing combined with excellent Judge ment and It shattered Wrantford's pes, The visitors would not give up, hut they had Hitle left with which to make nu sustained attaok and though they threatened on woveral oconslons, Nurnberger was unhentable and the Parkdale de tense too strong for ad For the losers the pp hoys, Benflela and Mmith, were the gholee, "Red" Kipp made some speedy rushes, but he falled to soore, although he worked hardoy than any one on the lee, "Nteain. or" Kipp 1s a fine forward line player and one of the stars of the team, He Is always dangerous on the attack and backoheoks well, Ranfield was partionlarly good in the thirl period when Prantford Was making its great spurt, Grelg, Cook and Pollard were also good, but not as effective on the attack ak the others, Mason, In the net, played a flue game, and It was no fault of hin that the team lost, For Parkdale "Neotty" Bowman wan outstanding, but Teddy Oliver, Kitson and Russel Bowman were wlso prominent, Oliver and Kitson wore (he, most effective players around the net, Hall Corson and Johnson also contributed their shure to the viotory, Nurberger played an excellent game In goal The mime was cleanly played, al though there were a number of minor penalties Parkanle Goal, Nurnberger| defense, Ralph Nowman, George; entre, Oliver; wings, Corson and Hall; alternates, Kitson, Doyle, Johnson, Hrigden, Russell Bows mun, Carey ' Hrantford-=Goal, fanse, N. Kipp, Rentleld) centre, K, Kipp: wings, Smith, Pollard; als ternates, Greig, Kriger, Cooke, R, Moelride, Robhina, Referag--Dalt Lowrey, Mason; de Hardy microbes that Hved on wood and remained active for more than 16 months, grobabit Analntod In the formation of coal, bureau of mines selentists belleve, Heat adversely affects the eifis cleney of telephone transmission, making necessary antomatio des vices to control the service, pars tioulavly for long distance conver sationa, W------------"-- Twe othor designe at $265 and $281 give you the same Sutatanding features of Lyrlo nd at 9 you ave the greatest of combin IYRIC | 10 Tubes 5-Gang Condenser Radio Value because its ten tubes and fives amic speaker reception == best in selectivity, hs ser Lyelo fens ts give you the very disance, volume and tones BEAUTY OF CABINETS Sheers 18 Prince superiority LlntainErbey ty LL ada's el y f I J) AL NA IN li li 1 4 erg A) ¢) A \ { H Ih NY Ai CEN Beautiful five ply Walnut Con 'omplete with 10 Tubes and Ultra Dynamic Speaker n els Radio abd Phonograph wal push. | | fl a Jy Radio Value | PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo Oampsmia, Hports Editor Junior and Intermediate Hockey Schedules Last night the Junior und Intermedinte Hockey Schedules In which the Oshawa teams will play, were result | drawn up and the following is the INTERMEDIATE Dee, 26-Bowmanville at Port Hope, Dee, 27==Oshawa at Orono, 80~=0rono at Bowmanville, 2-=Port Hope at Whitby, awa at Bowmanville, G==Orono at Jan, Oshawa, O-=Port Hope at Orono, Bowmanville at Whitby, Jan, 18«Whithy at Bowmanville, Orono at Port Hope, Jan, Jan, Jan, 16==Bowmanville at Oshawa, 16Whitby at Port Hope, 20«Oshawn at Whitby, Port Hope at Bowmanville, Jan, Jan, Jan, Whith Jan, 20-<Port Jan, 22-=Whithy at Oshawa, 22-«Bowmanville at Orono, 27--Oshawa ut Port Hope, ut Orono, ope at Oshawa, 80-Orono at Whitby, Feb, 8rd and Oth, 1st and 2nd teams playoff, Goals to count, JUNIOR Dec, 26--Bowmanville at Whitby, Dec, Dee, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan, 27-Port Hope at Peterboro, 30-=Oshawa at Port Hope, 1==Whithy.at Bowmanvilie=8 pm le=Oshawn at Peterboro, S==l'ort Hope at Oshawa, T-=Peterboro at Whithy, Bowmanville at Port Hope, 10==Oshawa at Bowmanville, 13==Peterboro at Oshawa, .. 14-=Port Hope at Whitby, 16-~Howmanville at Peterboro, 16==Oshawa at Whithy, 17-=Port Hope at Bowmanville, 20-Bowmanville at Oshawa, 20-FPeterboro at Port Hope, 22.-Whitby at Peterboro, 24-Peterboro at Bowmanville, Whitby at Port Hope, Jan, 27-=Whithy at Oshawa, 1st and 2nd teams play off Jan, 81 and Feb, 3, Goals In the intermediate series, As vou no doubt notice, the schedules all the league games will be played % LJ to count, "Oshawa" means the Oshawa Slmeoes, re urranged so that practically by 0 end of January, 3» AJ Loeal Soccer Player Ill It Is with regret that we have learned of the sudden illness of Tommy Rouekloy who may probably be sent to Christie Street How pital, Tommy was a great soccer player and ix known equally as well in Toronto as he fs In Oshawa to golng overseas with the C, 15 I, wer he took up the position of goalkee) wits a erack centre forward previous and when he came back disabled, He was on the General Motors teams, which had the henor of bringing the Fiest Division T. & D, Tros phy to Oshawa, Me has always taken a great interest in soccer and I am sure his many friends both here and in Toronto wish Tommy a speedy recovery, We extend our time, . * sympathy te Mr, Houckdey at this . » Oshawa Simeoes The Oshawa Simecoes, Oshawa's representatives in the OHA, Ine termediate series, will hold a workout at tha Motor City Stadium on Friday night in preparation for the playing of a game in Bowipan ville on Saturday afternoon, workout for sure All players are asked ta be out so this I'he date of the Hist game has been decided 'und the management has now got something to work for, STEVENS LEAVING POLITICAL LIFE ---- Member For Vancouver Will Retire at Next Election oe Vancouver, Deo, §, «Hon, H, WH, Hevens, member for Vancouver Centre in the House of Commons, in a statement lssued here yester day afternoon Announced his ves tivement from pulitioal lite, from political life, Hon, Mr, Stevens, who haa ve presented Vancouver in the Feder al Mouse for 50 years, stated he would not be a candidate at the next election, He will continue te serve during the life of the prea. and CG GHURCHLEY Manufactured at Toronto by Mohawk Radio Limited ent Parifament, however, and will then devote hia entire time to his business interests tn British Colum: bi "Fhe former Minister of Cuaroma in the Melghen Cabinet stated that he had carefully considered his des olslon to retire, and had reluctant. 1y come to the conclusion he must deolde between "the mrewing des mands of Ria business and the one ous demands of publie te" 'fhe greatest prominence in the Parliamentary oaveer of How, Mw Hlevens wasn probably achieved in the Customs proba of 1838, COURTICE BRIEFS Courtios, Deo, 2.+~We are glad to note that Mre, Husan Shortt is able to return home to her son, Mr, Jack Rhortt, after being in Bowmanville Hospital for several weeks, She ia some better but is keeping her bed, re, A. F Rundle ta In Toronto visiting her counine, Mr, and Mrs, Ohas, Wabster, On Friday evening, although the weather was extremely cold and windy, & gbodly number gathered In the Bunday Behool room to ate tend the Hox Hoolal given by the CoO, LT. The address of wel come waa splendidly given by Misa Harel Walters, The first thing on the program 'was a play "Romany Camp Fire," given by some of the O.G.LT, Miss Loulse Courtice ee a reading, A plano adlo by Miss Aunts Wilking, a roading by Miss Heth Gay, then the O.G.LT, had a sing song from thelr book, Ans other short play, "Unbleached Calls 00," was presented by some of OQ, GT, and the different parts take en by the girls throughout the whole program were taken wally Much pralee should be given their loader, Miss Alloe Avnold, The boxes were then sold, Mn, & 8, Nrooks acting as Auctioneer and the box which won the prise Was owned by Miss Hasel Rundle and she was presented with a fountain pen, The givla had a oafeteris booth Where those who had ne boas os could buy luneh, 'The proceeds of the evening were $40, Mrs, Ira Trull has returned hame alter spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs, W, H, A, Putte, Oshawa, Mr, Howard Courtice, Winnipeg, called on his father and mother, Mr, and Mra, W, B, Courtice, and his brother, Mr, Kenneth Courtice, for a shart visit, He ia on hin way to Ottawa, A -------------- Newspaper pletures of Shriners demonstrate that AnglosSaxon fear tires are not consplonousty adapted to the Turkish fea --=\Voodstook Sens tinel- Review, -- Gorman solentist herb kindling and fagiots have a nutritive value, Pers haps that's why so many chaps top off a weal with a toothpick. --Rorder Cities Stan Tr c---- "You know, dear, it's & funny thin but whenever father eames Rue an catches dear Algernon calling we, my love flies out of the window, ==Mont. real Swan A dey o---- toh from Pieton says that the herringsrun in the Ray of Quuite is the largest in many years, It all CPOILS APE trite, #0 in the rumsran in That vicinity=-Guelph Meroury, Hamilton Deltas Beats St. Thomas Ht, Thomas, Deo, B,~/The Ham~ fiton Deltas won the Ontario Hee ondary Sehools wpenior ehumplon- ship for the third year and the Vhht to meet Kingston next Bat urday fov the astern Canadas champlonship hy defeating the Ht, Thomas Colleginte Institute sen fors 16 to 8 in a sudden-desth game played at the Athletle Park yonterday afternoon, The Deltas won the championship in 1026 and 1087, and are favored to defeat Kingston if ftleld gonditions are similar in the latter city on Matur Any to those here yesterday, Kingston hes a light, fast team like Bt. Thomaws, The looal plays ers simply couldn't met away with thelr tricky backfield plays that proved effective against Sarnia, he only triek, & faked kiok and end run by Jack Carter, the team's leading kleker, Carter worked thig play time after time with puo- eps, but other plays falled, When the loeal boys hucked the Deltas' line they generally went back a fow yards instead of going fore ward, On the other hand, the Deltan, outwelghing the Ht, Tho- mis hoys hy at leant 15 pounds a player, literally plowed through Zvonkin, the Deltas' 17-year-old 1H8 pound oaptain, Bob Ishister, their 186 pound kicker, and Wulw ard «and 'Thornton, were the ground gainers on straight line plunges, Zvonkin often finished a plunge with four or five of the lighter 8t, Thomas players olin ing to him, The Bt, Thomas play- ors showed poor judgment In at tempting body-checking rather than low tackling, the Deltas simp ly howling them over, GEORGE TOPORCER ABLE TO PLAY ------ Chattanooga, Tenn, Deg, 4,=Als though the National Ansariation of Professional Basebgll leagues me In annual conventioh today, the bulk of the day's baseball news oame from outside the convention hall Charles HM, Knapp, Baltimore lawyor, was elected president of hte International league by upanis mous voit of the elghe clubs, In the late afternoon, while the morn. ing brought to George Toporesr, suspended Roohester, N.Y. Ins flelder, the lad tidings that he would not have to remain out of base"all for & year, but could run out te play second base for the Red Wings a8 soon as he PAYS A fine of $5500, Applleation of copperas er sul phate of fron around trees whose green leaves turn yellow during the spring or summer has been found an efficient remedy for oor recting the condition RESULTS OF OSHAWA BOYS' WORK BOARD "ATHLETIC MEET The trllowing tw the results of the Athletle Meeting which was held under the ausplees of the Oshawa Noys' Work Dosrd on Novy §, 1049, Clubs Blmeos WH AH, Average tevenrnnnieeBBLB Harmony BM, sovvvrrineei888,1 King Bt BB rriiiiennniIng it, Joorpe's Bl yovovennniinLB Contre BL, BB, , oivveveri B44, COMMENCES TONIGHT Toronto, Dee, b,~~The first of & two-game weries for the senlor M, PA, trophy will be played at the Arena gardens tonight with Varsit and Rangers as opponents, Coase Juek Vorter of the Colleglans will send with one exception, the same blue und white tesm on the lee ay renched the Mastern Allan oup tine als lapt weawon, Murray Bnyder, gonl-tender, will he the only player missing from that good Hne-up and Doo Ames, former Newmarket ju« ior star will Nkely fill the posi tion, The defence work of the team will be looked after by Harry Whitehead, Wruce Paul and Bill Dewar, while for the front line Conch Porter has Mel Harley, mill Htewart, Jimmy MeMullip, Fred Murray and Doug, Marshall avails ible, The Rangers are a new team in the wenfor OM, A, series but Coach and Manager Kd, Wildey Is confi dent that this youny, fast aggre gation will be able to hold Its own with the more experienced stu» dents, Wildey may have Fred Roberts won, sturdy defence player of lass season's Toronto Canoe club juni» ors in uniform, providing he fs uhle to obtaln the consent of the Red Ringers' management, Robertson starred in Inst night's T. and Mercantila league fixture between Imperiale and Katons and undoubtedly would holster Wilds oy's vearguard, Pearcey Allen, one of the outs Handing ON. A, juniors last season and Andy Ritchie, a hard working forward, are certrin to start win Ran~ers, M, J, Roden will ref. ares, Tomorrow night, Niagara Palin and Upper Canada colleges will meet In a Junior BPA, semi-final, Making it possible for the ama teur photographer to take snaps shots tu color, & special film recent. ly has appeared on the British market, Blind persons do not hear better than those of ordinary vision, but they inten harder, Investigators of the National Hoolety for the Pre vention of Blindness have found, pressed from that time on, Hagen and Diegel Are the Favorites Low Angeles, Onl, Des, 4.~Paee od by two favorites-~brillisnt Leo Diego), defending ehamplon, aha Walter Hagen, tive times holder of the titles~contenders for the 1940 Professional . Golfers' Association champlonship stroked thelr way to- day through a gruelling second round of thirty-six hole matoh play that saw the fleld narrowed down to eight, Diego! swept through his maton In eany fashion with Herman Bar- ron, Port Chester, N.Y, 1040, Hag- en's win was not as decisive, Hut he eliminated Charles Ouest, Lows Angeles, bh ta 4, The Apus Calls ante professional won the first hole from Barron and was never At the uinth he waa three up and had in areawed the lead te eight at the eighteenth, The mateh ended on the twenty-seventh with Dienrel posting figures of 87-80-70 for the morning round, with a 84 on the third nine. Barron shot 40-8878, and took #6 on the third nine, Haugen had a 40-04-89, two un der par, for the first eighteen and went out In the afternoon In 874 he was three up at the twenty-sev. enth, Guest had a 87-87-74, and U6 for his third nine, Morrison Kliminated Two former national open cham fons, Cena Marasen and Johnny arrell, advanced to the third round, Barasen defeated ¥red Mors rison of Los Angeles, tournament medallist, B to 8, whila Farrell eliminated Henry Culel, Nridge port, Conn, 8 and 1, A -- Nmall towns and eountry roads are more danrerous than the streets of larne cltien so far as au tomobile accldents are concerned, acaording to a study made hy the Connecticut department of motor vehicles NEW MARTIN "NOW PLAYING A ------------ -- DPRAMATIO TRIUMPH "TRUSTING WIV A Comedy Domestique IN DUTCH Colored Musicale SEE YOU LATER Travesty Bk -- Why Burn More Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices Terms -- Net Cash EGG . STOVE a] $12.00 18.00 15.00 18,80 -- Price - Qu "Otto" Furnace Coke A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.80 No. 1 Body Hardwood | ~ $16.00 per Cord 8.00 per % Cord 4.00 per % Cord A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING ality - Quantity Service W. J. Trick Company LIMITED Genuine © Anthracite Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs. per ton cranton Call US on the Telephone -- Nos, 230, 231, 28 Albert St. EE

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