Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, PEC] EMBER J 1929 PAGE ELEVEN VEIHENGS, vary He sarl Who fallow | HH wow, i" i bh ba She ho pik iid whe b i euttuf he | Ul ol Mtg tion oy i yi ant wl the jours "ju ¢ will | po | ! ws by rly Ap reine y wind Al J hy Bh. } W ¥, / ad] LAL] We Ww y Fri "lh ay . "Je en, 0; No | id ti WA Ar oh h Lr Wy if, tha mer was veld yA van : £ GEG Eien = = der ow Jor dither Christmas Hornteg bs fy wha ph onl BRIT ; Ah i TR) i" I] lo colopits yh od 4 10 6 met HL wie Tor out (hit your wiley Ju the of ' " Mates were sul down the ol with the result that ne ary work in the sehools wis M lee wnt] the time eames when It We one with the sonsequsni a, id piled In ne | oily fra oi out that bn Moon ne pow. od oo ol hl .'C unel ons on the Af We ook § bio ho bi for the me« | The Ax alter fi Aaa irion, uh ed 10 WM wh 8 0 I oh iilonnl: "anpond, ras of Ww querying 4 n over n | il gh nt 'on PAS AL " --------------------. Lr Wht ahi foy "hun : i rh Xi ke IA ih: afion wry ry ay wih ogeur M ut his wh Sy ron |B ah " rent ah on BAtustiy ol 1 wie | il | pd fo ™ 0 ying mimer he ved | hy man, J th heed of a 0en | Ann Wlrtovant, | ) ar '8 ! ; berth 'yy ' Breet Bv L) pol wn ni doiaase , or 1 sdard " now i og my HN wf OFRiIN 4 fl ® we "i J Ty, X Sf jet i og pHi is i futher of Are [4 Yi 1, dor NpOrimenis { re Tin ne 4 i fh tonnes! oh wih the | Ponte fl i ie Line , § ov A vs "ih [1 x * ward | J ' 6 ori i My Ae eredied on Rey) oh om Nu Ul ' ! 3 f i 4 " IR it \ af hin Nines "tle Toole, (TN ¥) » ll i aft fh 2 3 ¥ i i A pid by hi Hath Mani lniur i | Apoed equivalent to B00 MAJBSTIC BBAUTY wi illustrated In thi ull ' ll 2 ~ i iA h AWN) of ile LLL fart was do i ily and causing | Company, In which factory he was hy ho miles an hour, owthentic Borly Englih period model matebes h-- wo - the incomparable brauty of tone provided by the femons Mojnilie $197.00 LE8S TUBS : 'A r. J} pe di d - pl ehasrli and Bu per-dynamic speaker en Exar: eof | HERE Is the perfect A © P's Lower Prices Gc ai, sotn sri The famous brands you see on A & P shelves Indicate elearly the quality of merehandise drama. , yours and your family's sold In A & P Stores. This quality, sombined with A & P's low prices, make perfect value Christmas day apd all the days and sombinations , + + values that offer amasing savings, Ights to follow, Lid Abie S2400080 444 (Hoar Majestic's powerful, life-like PEEObEPIIEIIIPIIIIIIIIN0INY .MIEAT SPECIALS FLOUR SALE soproduetion of every program, Obuerv Ae All A & P Moar Markets Ar AN a ® P Foodehops \ the brilliant beauty of ll music '4 pir Bid wk f! FIVL "ag cv Rall esd tet in s orchestra or band +. Instrument or CHICKE oR fpr ROSES ATL RATARKAMCRRR Ny voles + . high notes and low , . , ARs \ Bb, ney ERLE 'without interference, distortion or back. MONARCH * ihe fried po around nol 1 4 volume PASTRY b, Bag iy "i "81.08 At any distance, Fimo o boo! Qrder now: A small down-payment will BAVISN' PURE WANDERED insure delivery of your Majestic on More Meat LARD 3imovswde ||| Chimmonis . ., J WERNOR L(V ad db Pall, ooviiiii 40 Bb, Pall 000, The A deposit of §8 and §8 per week will assure delivery of a Radio on Christmas Eve, The balance san be spread over 20:1b, Pall oss eiiiaaaiis $3.00 10 months, "BA J VIE eA "RATER ON CPA id Geo. C. Allchin Ltd. 5 Church 8t., Oshawa OUR OWN NECTAR TR 3 EE G9 || | ------ -- RTERH i EI br 2 AM AN JNDIA et-- - -------- PRIME RI (ARAB ER ERE] by REE EE REE EEA IEE EAE) A hh The WHITRY NIGH SUOMOOL REPORT | 0 Clarke 20 J Watts 10 J F TN STRLOIN _ w3@e | Shana AKow ion i | APPLIGATIONOF [Whicey Cisicen a Ces AVLMER CH LANES, IL] Have Che ues For The following are the results of FORM 140, LITERATURE FAROE VOUNG ROANTING ry JAM wy 19 WHITBY FARMERS Ol l A i examinations Neld last week a Wiis 07 an, oo Wilsher "na \ 1 EB : § FORM V, IMGONOMETIY a ' son j } ' Age | ension Ac Draper 00, BD, Manndrell 80 AYE Th A Nihathe fd CH JA NOTICE - GOMES UP UP MONDAY Id Axe Pension ohoques [Bucher be i Orem b6: w bois on 0, Gontion 47 y Ka Atou col: TORK were received over the Yhaseom 00, IR Bently 80, H, Quinn 4.0. haiter 4B, Darke ie, We th weekend by several aged oltls > Jhb " O, Roberton | poviion 63, 1. W a ram 0 sonn of Whithy, Inefuding 89 [#0 O. Robertaon ab, Onin 8, ¥ Hearing Bofors Rallway Inmates of the County Mouwe FORM IV, AGRICULTURK IY, Bouthwell HY Norra 1: Si AUPRENE BO R. We » " ' Je Board Adjo ook of etuge, The Iatter will now K, Lomax 08, M, MoArthur 81, [Claughton 19, 27e 5 wed & Ww be able to eontribute WAI R White TM, Ruddy 74, 1, Od |COMMRRUIAL A, NOORKRRMNG FINETPUBR WINNER AY SRIAVE CUNTINIAL Some New Developments pi ti Sua £30 Farkas Rabin 00, A og i thely malntennnod at the in i, 0, Mime 81, J. Giroux 60 wold 00, M. Little 8 8 0*Clock A PURE BARTON COFPSS eg App!joation of several farm | AUIULIOR And will have a deol Take 00; th Mouth Bb, KX. Homi | We Osborns i, Na ---- . nde BE ow! in the Town ut White Iar or AWwo to the good for. [son OF, J Mattoraell AT, J, Draws [M, Smith 84, K, PF Ah order of dethohment, sponding monay, The County oy 040 NB Lawler G4, O, Wartolk [Throadgold 83, J, ues WAN ! ow been heard BY | opr Ontarle will save hundreds | 0% © Webster 88, M, Osborne 47, (0'Gonnar 78, 1, Tucker 76 ih way and Muniolpa) Aig \ 'i oll " Amit j) of dollars ARNUAILY an the ve FORM 1TH LITHRATURN oN Regt fa ® ORF Back Bacon, Sliced be Me WN wn 38. WA BACH a of (hh AND IAare oF ag Hous oa [lh INL 08 Ih Kuwlon 0d do Le Blotahinotm: yh % Mulp 81 0 \ farme L] Vv 0, 1, LWke fo son, Ma Biot M0 | leave wha in ab Ble fo Hot M, Weanay 00, IV, Hakor ob, Baa 0 Nod xi ! bin foha RANI place to live and - natn } Onday NeXt al ten Wee G8, J, MoOiitook 48, NM, Mans CULL TI hh I Ane Counoll Ohambor, | o Nomolves on (Ne amount of fig gs, § Now 48, 1, Price 04, H be hell 4", s XL JoNFmeN! wit v WEhL by gv Jeaaion, Jo 18 hot thoukht, ation 61, 1, Remetiant 0; V, Hall JOMM A tHe 1h 1s understood, in| - however, | of the {gn "8 Lawler 0% O, Blws 81, M + CAN, wierony c& 4 Inmates will MR An s RREERT) MLS HL oe Wh ow hein u stiieitore "He of \hia BrIVIIeRe 48 they have Nerrian Li! oN adnate ar, ik SE o , 90 ChE ot "Whey, | through the oof home And are well 144°) "aivew A Rte d 1 HN {Shetiial to the Rdjsurne Toe od after where they ave, Fini 4, 4 » roenfield 20, Ey Dw h i i POrLURILY to Bros fy of tha Doard of Bdueation, | 81, Ji Chapman 20, K, Richardson i fo Ww Le bd Ul NE ARRIDUR 10 give the te IRIE date | Oy Be mon \ oN ate for presentation to ahpaar bhetore \ the, Town Couns [28 M, Augustus 15, J. Heard 18, ntl, 81, XA oi) Monday weilny tn _oonneation | If, Clarke oll 44, 1, dordoy Way iy "a wow Angle WIth another mattef, gave the olvi & Wilson Ye In Whe meantime the application | leglstaidre vome hg haroing FORM i, PaurSH NR " Birkett 39, Far of the farmers has arouse sonny figures, Ne Pointy i) that tol Ry Avleaworih 14, ¢ ovine TL O'Connor 18, but oad 1, 0A 9 > h horty : di Shuey T Madge Heard TH ohards 19, pn interest ame wy Poy the year 109 verage coat of [¥ McConnell ob, avo: Al hada APSRARAANAANNASY i me! Wi fant hat mations of each publip aohool : is Kani fave ¥ [pil 1a "Whithy wan $40.41 and |Boott 86, ©, Lh a8, § Dives : FURS LAMA a Ww oe LY of We wth a Ashen natn The the ok LN hy AR & i 10 DUN Wr ar nomw" a ! y | uren toy you ok W---- 1 ] i na Mout 3 Slabla bat e A Mt HY " ih \ Mamas 4 a 'Ai A Wid be he ty ox e OY, © CI One of ; ity) bd wont y Wn CW] Wy win Wi non 0 feat wooonntyl oy [|] wire f URLS 'a Ly \ Ww. oh he ata in it to Ae ed To Ah) MS Bio oN oe m 3 yy [0 * Rvely L hy NOM In WA Was the annual " ' loo naw angle the | Ohildven attending 5 the th Kin A MR Rh ti le tra un Ania Wohool (rom | GUBIe | Would be | LN "Be 3B But olansed as County puplia and their M, ha 40, AILEY decors Ly for Ae | maintenance poe tor By the Couns (I, Neal 40, ™ Brooks 42, W, Johns waveral SY Kr XN own. Sohal, i with MALE | yy of Ontare, i) fo a x anh | in the Wh ba » Di M MotHiivray pointed out that ' FORM th LITERATURR mined Bry phy 'Woon an ' ¥ rod hy "ali HAT when the Road of R, Andersen 88, BW Bavion TH Junti) 0 Pablio | Bavontion devided to oharee a tee ) RL. na Anion Bor Swidare tae oa RBI altaadng the [I Plow TE, W, Harkness 70, 1 [tea supplied the oa ep te TWO | pabiie on Rawat wan [Nudvey 84, K, leap 80, bn Wik land the o iS nu argned owing ota th the [HON COLA. Rousgani 4, B, Meaher [move t Jatuteh Sty that they should be entitled (A, B Johnson 88, J, Cows 66, Ki fproram a AY t eon * dette fd ho LL] » i 10 send thelr ohildren to the faocironor 84, M, Oornish 61, 1 |vived, During the evening not thy Shi on shoots fren of oharge, The Board | Wilken 80, 8 Yacobosky 80, W. the least enjoyable number - RAveNy 0 anawered this contentign by deold: | Mowatt 88, ©. Maundrell 50, M [the 'lunch werved the hoan oth INE 10 romit the Public sehool | Bamsett 47, No Wilkinson 46, R, fatatt, and, needless to say, all MY on the oh 1h question, | Disney & Gy Bell 86, 1, Downey ample Jun hs Be ar OWORER, Wate tollvet N. Ran 84, ©, xo HE PAE LUBE 0 | AC pokes odd ww 0, Rom Mn B . Rleop 24, Pe tl vy "

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