Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Dec 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 | NONTREL FIRMS GIVEN CONTRACT Federal Government An. foe # nounces Awards in Several Large Undertakings a rye {] Tasty ot arta bi tie! 86 ve hte Ti o on ih te' ia on na Li AL ay Joni "ompany for $880 Sith Sob Mant-Morviaon Comper, Montreal, will Loup wy 4 vay! seow {or he on al / at Port Churehil] for Lin) new amphibion pirplanes have heen ops from the Canadign Viekew paay tor $14,000 each by the Honat Detence 'Department, A contrast, OUR tng to $l a to the Canadian Marcon! any for the supply of 18 rae aon aml re for differ tne Orushed Stone DY of Montreal, Is the wuo- | bidder for the ballasting a miles of track In eonnec: th the new lake terminal at x hol Its tender was $17,600 boi br at Bie, one oil hufit Brunet oy Son for $16,860 hillippe Tety is the succenstul ig or to bulld a Roination wall " Moncmarny for $16,760, Miltan, or Halitax, will A for $16,000 a Hghthouse Hitan, at Chebuote Head alifax, B an, Dae, aud, =Mr, and Mrs, n and sen Lloyd an pn Avery spent Wednesday | on't 1 t the Hunday Sehoonl tmas t on Dee, 20th, A rogramme is hein prepare Roi Pollock and the pupils holding theirs on Wednesda iy flerngon e, 18, In the sehoal, Mp, » En Ay dpent § > tr] Ly ry parents, Mr, an 1) tas Violet Thommon spent Bun- wy " het home her number from Bere attended " dance at Columbus on Friday night, also the concert hy the Mis slon Band, Myr R, Webster, Oakwood, visit: od at Wm, Avery's recently, Mrs, J, Kellington, son Ronald, FORDING THE AMERICAN BOUNDARY TWICE pd Mis. P od Plorson Shia oe from Toronto urday, wh | Lo report Wien, so ol hid Is in the Torente hesplt ol Is improving, Ls A it pla, iy ® i Hil Mo hr and Nyon Ay the week-end ni thelr hi The Ladies' Ald are plannin thd & hot Ipber | and fall on somber 1 I onue Hrby in Hh Whitby (TR Hira at the assises, have' bora a Ly i did n Hak which they Inte Ld to ating te In visiting h W A oton i Md pe a Ean has Hon to MAPLE GROVE GROVE Bi BRIEFS No pi y After shopping "==time for LYONS' REFRESHING & INVIGORATING J: Lyons & Coy, Lidy Toronte DBO Wena 2 Ala d®" hel oe, iy ~=Regulay Maple Grove, Doe le Grave 4 a nervioso h vote ml a Cr Wy, endance MY in, services, Miss Wi nnie Gib: 'won Kwa a Wiselonary vending at the Bupday Sehoal semslon, The Paster, Hey, Htainton, preached "er lendid sermon, fae Great Munday spent the week-ond in Toronto an Attend: ed the High Behool Editors' Cons vention held In Convocation hall on Wriday and Baturday, Mr, and Mrs, John Snow don. Mr, and Ms, Lou Hoekin and daveb ter Eileen and Miss Vera Trimb) Visited relatives in Oshawa on --. ny Our young peeple are busy pre- paring a progvamme fov the Christ man concert which will be held In the hall on Monday evening, Des, r Our Young People's meeting last Wednesday evening opened with Miss Marjorie HBtevens, president in the chalr, After the apening exercines the President called on Migs Trimble to take gharge of the {ollowing Jlogranime. Bible read. Ing, Ted Paley; Devotional Taple, Hileen Hoekin, Reading, Oharlie Collier; Duet, Iva and Floyence Foley) Heading, Marion Bnowden, Then Mr, Walter Blackhurn was oalled on, who spoke a few words pnd Introduced Mr, Stanley Rick ard, a candidate for the hay § Hr lament, who presented his pla form ta the hoys. Hele, gt Souch; Reading, Vavewall Black: hum, We then had a shert cons test and the weeting cloned, BIYLES FOLLOW AUTO RACKS Feminine styles in Northern Ireland have been Influenced hy this year's International ante paces ab Belfast, Hilver and gold mods ols of famous makes of cave ave helng worn as hat brooches, As the various groups of machines were painted In different colors, soarves In corresponding shades became popular and are still in vogue, Longest Suspension Bridge In World Opened, BOVE and Yala, the interna Alon boundary helween Cans Ada and the United Biates Is being spanned where the Detroit River separates Ontario and Mich: gan, Already the twomile Ambassador Bridge In linking the people And Interests of the two countries. Poi lowing a dedleatory ceremony on Armistice Day, the span was thrown open for public use on November 6, Far three years, it will enjoy the dlstinetion of being the longest suspension bridge in the world, Ry 1088, however, iis Blreteh of 1,860 foot between the twh sky soraping towers will be forced ta take sec ond place because of the longer span of the Hudson River heldge Huking uptawn New Yark and Jer sex. Until the hullding of the Am hassador bridge, world distinetion for the longest suspension ERAN WAH enjoyed hy the PFhlladelphia-Oam den bridge over the Delaware River, its suspended length being L760 feet In the meantime, dredging and OXouvaALIing are belng rushed on the Windsor-Detralt tunnel, It Is ox peated that, before another year has passed, (his international thorough fare aloo can be In use, An example of the manner in which this work is hola expedited In given by the record a amplished by Ford trucks in removing 40,000 fuhle yards of wol olay from the Windsor entrance in the short pe and in numhe ty, The nw eards WEIR fave beautiful thisnked 1 WEFE BOIY SOMpANY pleased Barrow Wm Thursday his Katey departed he fune ir an ehildren, latives at My ol & surp Belaw=-Curve af the huge span of Ambassadar Bridge, opened het i WeeA Windsor and Detroit Navember 18, Is shown hy the ha level af the further cable tower, visible thraugh the rear window of the Fard sedan, Abave=Werk an Windsar-Detrait tunnel Is being spedded sinse apening ef international bridge, Phate shaws trusk Femaving shay fram Windaer entrance, AWE, Gn A varied vlad of two weeks, This vesord Achlevament vequired that the iueks make 45 round trips dally 8 distance of three miles sah trip With & load of two yards al wel Val Ciay al WILLIAM PASCOF PASSES AT ZION! Deceased Was in 80th Year | in Community Elon, Dee, Nav, 8, & merry eraws Allan Fisher # surprise birthday VEFV lies Dawney presented Mrs, Fisher with # wee litle speech spent together Ceell Pascoe in the Pi his hed six weeks fal He was nearing the 80 mark in ils sind he will he mueh witssed, funeral was held on Baturday fram tery ta he laid heside his wife tributes were heautiful nd Mes. J, W Ethel Richards, splendid time, nlayin radia musie sents, Refreshments were served near Was Well Known BO Feday evening, whont forty 7, from Oshawa, gave Mrs qe EYRNINNE Wik BPent In play md dancing When nies nn Me Bert Linten véud address and Miss Yensh linen tablecloth, wha then he company very heartily in Hefreshments ed around miduight and the departed for home, well MF, HEPBURN, MP, with the spler id evening ign West, Ont, whe was pPesent at the game betwoen Hoan Agoatie olab and WY Thomas, whith ended Inu vio, sted he eomld not believe his eyes, Veo opaw BE Thomas play oie hopelessly autshumbered holng held speead-engle fashion wad Awol Fepeatedly IR the fee," he deci ed, Mis, Chas, Ferguson Hope, My, an Me and Meg, l. lie Hogliti, and gona wl Oihaw i Viel with A. Balson an Th fay all attended the Min strel ah SE he Ehureh bn the even Vay In felt far Mr, and Mes death of My iene which aeeurred lat, alter being eonhned ta Wing # stroke 1) Thi evldence ta Hampton eens whi a lie Just 13 months sam ral was large and the flo iil id Mrs, Allan Fisher and Vera and Gardon, visited re Ashburn last Manda In Halson attend Lhe winstrel rise Birthday party far Mes |erowds wd | rom guile Yonwe street, Osh: [a fi ned und fri ™ Th ans Con Wednesday last and had alners, Weleame and Oshawa It sure i eards and with fwas & pond peagram, sonsisting of Kon, Peeibations, monalogues, slag, duets and eharuses, The hove wera hlaok and the veesipts fram the sven tnws wore SAR80 profit 10 wo towards A new Bunday Boheal plana haw de lis Mrs, Richards veoeived eallection of heautitul pre Wl Mes Port Fred Wells sO HAMPTON BRIEFS EE -- Hampton, Des, 4M, iat Burns In company with My, a Mpa, Giiherl Adeosk, vised voles tHves In Oehawe on Sunday, Phe weather on Priday snd Balurday was very anld, aseams panied with very high winds, Hane Any was mueh milder, 8 fall of ain ful of snow came Auving the IKE making It possible Tor the Bletghe ta yin on Monday, Hlnting tn one of the shief ARP FOS peoples Are on heas dave Mr anf Mya, W, 0, Doldgs are In Taovanto, My, Doldge 1s under; BOURKE Bn operation at the Geners! dd] ying Hanpltal Fo Harald Willams 1eft nn Baturday fap Oallfornis whers he Intends spending part of the wine ay Miss Marjorie Paseos viplted Tavonto friends snd attended the Hoya) Winter Paly, Mr, W W, Horn snd Mr, 1 Wray, motored ta Taranto on Mon: ay on n business trip, Mr Clan, Bionhouse and My, 0, W, Hastings spent several Nays wh Hohoavueon Inst weak, MY Haatings 18 bullding some fatiamad thers Ming Fihal Blephens has peturn- 8 howe after spending several weak nl Boarhera Mr, and Mis, Theadore Halter have valiirned hame afiep Hpend- Ing tha last hres weeks "oa home af the 18ers sluter, Dunlop, Eeldwiler, Mis, FG, Kewlnke In ving relntives In Wh My nd. Mr 0 AGI he LAPLRINGY §OmE Ki 1h 8 roast Mink Hime "resent rer i The magistrate ue sald that mee fapisis wha vefused 19 keep shy must keen apt of antomobiles of ered the whale subjest in a sented - Petevhora Examines a. A eR \ icto Lcondinitin Radio tlectrola thrilling tone tid ICTOR dealers are giving Victor Radio-Electrola a test of tone quality everyone should hear, Five minutes of listening will give you the facts about Victor Radio-Electrola, in words and music, This new test, specially prepared, submits the Victor combination to the most unusual musical difficulties, A gruelling examination! The human voice, instruments . , . full orchestra , . . full symphony orchestra with full grand organ in the same composition «= all are mercilessly included in this strenus ous Victor test of tone quality, Ask any Victor Dealer to perform this test for you, Ask him, , about the Easy Ownership Plan, which makes it possible for you to have at once, this wonderful Victor Combination w= superb music from air or records, VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITER j MONTREAU EE a - NE

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