Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1929, p. 8

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Ulu A of al LL ¢lub, oa m os and alist n oli. i Tohngion, John 'Wat N Luke; 'Geo, Munro, "pla Er il AWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 Y CLUB HELD LIVELY BANQUET LAST NIGHT husiasm Is Shown t Oshawa Hockey # Oity Hockey Club, held ong of the most "nter- nquets ever held among ing elveles of this city. quetL WAS sponsored by wa City Hoe Club and n for the pur of A 'tellows who in to tum th the different teams ®'| ito get acquainted and mom A chance to ree and § with the executive ys About seventy or eighty pér- ere present at the banquet; dnojuding the aspirants to dior and Memior-Intermediate the executive and several of the elub, Mifaly wae a grand success fellows all 'went home re- hat they were going to be qd with a real' liveswire | Among those pPesnet Were Paxton and Hgrry Lecky, ps of the OHA, oxacyitve wesident of the lub, ©, ¥, ish. was in the chalr, Atlong Mr, Cutt Pound, Claude Nell Hengelwdood, H, Drew, m, B, Carlisle, W, Fak, HK, A M. rs ny others who wera there 2 nfl in some other ettieinl ty, f ve were many spbechel fiv- ne of which were long, and Billy everyone prophesied for the club and assured b of thelr individusl sup- Phe speakers, while having b Banquet Liast Night ght in Welch's Parlours, otferbd his services to the elubl for the coming season, gratis, N. Wilson, told the boys (hat they did not have 40 win but it Wes ese that they "play the game," W, Karn, stated that he did not know vary much' about the game but with what litle knowledge he did have about the activities of a hoskey ans hewas willing to help pas oh ag hg wos able, .,Mugeay Johnston, asked the hoys 4 give thelr co-operation and told "them that it they worked together, the bh wowld be assured of suds cess no matter whether they won any titles or not, "Sammy" Lowe expressed his hopes for a winning team and made special mention of the fact that this wis the first season that he had started oul with "&_benqtet, 14, Donald, a ont gran elub, stated that the anitiond + At 'Oshawa had been under Pamély that of inadequate fen fiofiwo tion, had been overs coma And tht Oshawa would no doubt come into her own in th JHookey World, Nell Ah Md stated In a very few words that he would not speak but that he would save his energy for the night work ahat Murrey had previously mentioned, Harold Luke asked the boys to got behind the team and to try to go a8 far aw It was possible to 'ge, George Munro, the next #ponkar, assured the club of hiv assistance and offered his help to the club, George Campbell, Etated thut he would help the elub An ANY way that he could and with had | the sid of the Publicity Commit anquet, [irs speaker of the. even As the Chairman, C,. E. Me . He stated that what the id to try to do was to supply d clean brand of hookey for as of Oshawa next yar after , have got going, to §0.in iof & championship, [tient person to be.oalied was MH, 0, Lecky; well-known A Aportaman snd member 'of HA, Executive, In #' very sbeech, ha impressed poh the need "of He men tioned 1 Ontay The next speaker on wh dont the f thelr executive 6 support o elr ] The | next speaker, Mheritt Paar { Jeritele assured the players, t |b i i" Fxecutive, Mr, (was able to UnPart Ame nd Information, that was aluable and inteventin® 0 to ha called H, Carlisle, 1sk Vice:Presl the club, In a few. words, ton, handed ont some very inter ent! The HAG nd pleasing Information, orary Treasurer of the OQ, stated that it was hig inten- tion to present a cup thiIK year, The ih nou D fetails concerning d the cup have not _ that they will th x in- nl later, aslewood, Club Phyalelan, tea would try to promote Interest, Walter Faly, expressed his pleas ure at being present at such a lively affair and expressed his determination to do his hest, Off Pound, stated that he considered Oshawa the West sporting town that he had ever heen In and he ins clude his heme town, Kingston, He pffeved hig services to the Alb, if Lorton sald "Thanks", HL Merrie' offered his help to the oh. J, Bond amused the hoya witii a short story, 0, Hegselwood told those pros: ont of Abe progress of the builds ing of the new arena, He gssured the 'club that everything possible, was being done to hurry things wlong, During "the evening, It was 'anv nouneed hy the Hect'y Treasurer Of 'the elub, that the elub colours would consist of only one colour, The colour would be aerimson, | Wwalters and stockings are tp He #11 erimedn and there will be Flarge white numbers on the backs of the sweaters, Tt "was also announced during Bie evening, that a very generou tage ent had been made wit he Oshawa Curling Club, wheres: yY A certain number of hockey players will be given the oppor» tunity of skating without stioks, on tha Carding Rink, every night Maturday night excepted, from 6.80 te 7.50, This arrangement lasth until: the skating season oloses, © whieh will likely be a 'weak om I'rifiay, CURRIE was undoubtedly one of the best Banquets, that has ever been STARTING THURSDAY rr-------- a ht de oe You! You Killed Her! \ A pis Whot == a plercing sorenmie=n crumpled form in a House of Mystery=--and a wo» man on trial for hep life in | strangest Murder ever res onl od, An All Star Cast including Gladys Brockwell, Forest Stanley and Robert Frager ot ud i t [alovy dt Sana vile "IN DUTCH" . ye gi TCOLORED MUSIOALR pe MSEE YOU LATER" "0a" i aah pons . sential fo the suecoss of the elub| | the five pin single with a7, -. » » iy WHERIVP PA Honowary 1 Horkey A thom, present, at the banquet wan given by the Oshaws Horkey Club last night in Welch's Parlours, He announced that ha has donated a cup to be presented to the Juniop ser. few, The detalls concerning the winning of the eup have not yet heen worked out, od held in Oshawa and it speaks well for the Oshawa Oity Moekey Club, It shows that they are a real lve organigation and although they way not win any championships thin 'wanr, thé weason will he #& LUE ond hockey fans of Osh nwh ofr look for some ren) snappy hock Ames, In which, the play- ary, nithoush they may not be winging, will be giving the best they have, r Strikes, Spares, and Blows As Loesl Alleys The bewling season in this olty Is at present in full swing and this week several of the standings of the aifferent leagues are to he glven, 'While on the subject, I would like the secretaries of all leagues to give the standings of thelr partienlar league to the mans ager of the wlleys where they howl, I they wish to have them pub Huhed, » * The following Is the standing of the Ladies Major league! Name Played Won Lost Pts, Luoky Htrikes N 3 1] 4] Mlack Cats L] fl inky Dinks ] f Regular Fellers 10 § Whirlwinds 10 8 Centraly 5 0 Aten 10 a Wepaos 1] 1 Caranomes \ » 10 w . 3 What happened with the ladies on Monday night, Via Norris grab. bed off n 208 and ¥, Pipher roll. od a high two or 401, The Whirl rn swept up a high game of . * . It hua been sugested that a sure cure for the "Hues" Is to go up to the Motor Oty Alleys on Monday nights and listen to Lea Holmes' laugh, The odds are ten to one that you go home ouréd, LJ " . The NIC-NACH are slipping oa Httle, Monday night they only managed to win one point, They started out fast but apparently the pace Is heginning to tell, . . * Ohosen Friends Loague Played Won Lest Pts, Plow Never Dies 15 Wild Cats 15 Sliver Stare 15 Beavars Maple leafs 15 0 Kays 10 This league Ix well organise and the howlers are sure having a good time, The OKs are going to get golng next week, . . . The following is the standing of the Parte and Hervice League) 1st series Bnd series Oldsmobile ,.,. 10 ] Marquettey ,,,. 10 Chevrolets 44 8 Buloks varanae AO Catfiinoy 18 Vikings 'an | LJ ¥ Via Norris and Annle Reece tied for the weekly roll off and Via Norris won out with a 208, ] * * Mra, Ireland wing the Ladies Prize for the high seore for the month with a niee game of 281, Jennta Morhan 1" high for this month with 278, ERR 1 |] 10 J 1 faa * - " Charlle Rowden got the Men's pike for the Men's game with his aan « oa George Nparks, of course, got The following Ia the standing of the Mixed Major League, perhaps ihe most interesting league in the elty, Ntanding oh the Major Mixed 0 Teun Pa on Tost' Ma, Conaols 7 DewsDrops Ti-rollers Honey hudu Originals Plyates Plua-Faune Hparkles rollers Ternadovd a -- Melts DI -VD ~1 20 LEED Arlo DD i. ET] - 5S 2 m0 On OSH De On On \ PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oamvanis, Sports Editor to come out with the teams, 4 one who can pussibly get there Is , 0» MCA, tonight at 8 o'clock, Hockey teams, be at this meeting, Ed w They Have tories and two of them shutouts, wish him the best of luek, please both the fans and the players - . » * Oshawa City Hockey Club The banquet that was held last night sure was & success, There were about forty-five hockey players present and there are still morg Practices are going to be started right away, In fact the first workout will be held tonight, oN Tod's Meeting Tonight The members of the 'Lods Juvenie Lacrosse team are reminded of the meeting which Is being held in the YMCA, nt B o'clock, Eyery~ wanted, . » Ld 1 Red Aces Meeting Tonight : You are reminded of the meeting which 1s being held in the Y, If you are going out with the Red Ace * » King Street Tomorrow Night There will be a hockey meeting of the King direst Club tomorrow night at the YMCA, at 7.00, All players are asked to be on hand, w Ld + Got Going The Toronto Maple Lunfs are stepping rignt along now, Three vig The new rules are beginning to now 4 » Bill Joyce * It la noticed In this morning's paper that Bill Joyee, former Osh awn hockey player, has turned pro, Bi signed a Galt contract, Wea ---------- Inspection De) LJ The Ingpection hl aont and the Advertising dept, from the (enernl Motors office rolled on Monduy afternogn as scheduled and there were some very good seores, We will be hearing from them luter, And not much later at that, ¥ RA " Just to show the Bowling Vans how popular the old five pin Kame in becoming, here 18 a list of the Tongues that are at present in opess eration ut the Motor Clty Alleys Ladies' Major Inspaction Dept, Advertising Dept, Cost Dept, Parts and Hervice Dueo Boys Mixed League Jollekors Club Oshawa Lawn Bowlers Canadian Order Chosen Friends Standard Dept, (.M.C, Isn't that a nlee let, 1 will try to got Jack to give a list of his leagues for next week, Ld \4 Ll Notloe Mr, Fred Roberts, of Toronto and a whole bus load of howlers are expected al the Motor Clty Al loys at 7.80 on Saturday night, He Is bringlog along a ladles team nw well as & men's team, Who will voluntesr to take them on? Don't all yell at once, Whatever you do, don't let them go back and say that they couldn't wet opposition In Oshawa, J " [] Wullle called Gord Creamer 1st, Walt Phillips 3nd, and Morris drd an the results of the ten high roll off which Look place last night, I will let you know how he fared, If he missed them all, Wullle has consented to be kicked three times at Ross's Corners, Get that "at" » * CENTRAL ALLEYN The tollowing Is first five pin men to quality for the ten high roll off for the month, which Jack han wtarted, Red Cardinal ,vivveee TT Walter Branch sieeve 704 Chay, Vasey 700 Fred Kunkel ,,ives0s T00 Johh Cardinel 0, 704 L] \ Y Going to Belleville A team in going from the Cen tral Alleys, to Belleville on Thurs. day night to bowl a team In that olty, There will be a return game Rinyed in the very near future, he team will be made up of the Uhuek Walt, follewing: Art Donahue, Mason, Jim Huxtable, Branch and Jaok Purdie, All teams withing to have a pris vate Turkey roll off at the Ohrist- man Holidays, are asked to reserve thelr alleys as there is only a. Jims fted number available, Phone 3363 or mee Jack In person, * LJ » Juck wants the secretaries of all lesgues howling at his alleys to have thelr standings ready immedi ately after thelr next roll, » J J. Cardinal, Marothoner, Is high for the week with #88, This also puts him in the lead for the month, L - * Men's Long Games for Wednesday night at follows' Kiwanis va, Bell Telaphons (1), Canada Nread vu, Hell Tele. phone (8), Pedlars Office va, Nankers and Nervice Cleaners ve, Ontario Motor Halos, - us Miss MoDonald won the Ladies' High for the week with a mice rame of 34¥, * AS ¥ The City Kenlor Five Pin League will have the follewing games on Friday night, Dumbells ys, Head Pine, Cocoanuts ve, Maroons, Longue Handing Won Lost Dumbells ue 7 4 (locoanuts 4 Maroons 1] Head Pins 4] . Points 18 * L] 4 ae | f | LJ Times ¥ive Pin league Last night's pin spilling contest fn the Times league was right up to standard with the tirst four teams still bunched, and the fifth place team slowly creeping up, No one team seemed strong enough to break away, and the tall-endars nroved bad medicine to the Jeaders, dividing the points evenly, Rup- remes managed to stay in second place, with the Rinky Dinks break. Ing the tle with the Invinelbles by taking . three points from them, Ohuek Mason came in with three nico games for a total of 804, Oth. or highlights were; 1. Magill, 06K; H, Rorabeck, 601; 1B, Dunstall, 81; Mise Mae Storks rolled 204 to take the ladies' high single, league standing follows: Won Lost Diamonds woes os - 11 Hupremes Invinolbles Dumb Doras wow 0, Rn J's Now the Oshawa bowlers have a real mark to alm at, Allan Knight, of Rowmanville, rolled 441 for one game of five pins, He had eleven consecutive strikes and on hin last ball he hit the head pin but he only got six, 1 think this ia a record score for this distriet but 1 stand to he corrected, This game was rolled on Bowmanville alleys, LJ] LJ * I'll Pe Heelng You, Neoring twa goals in the second period, and adding four rere In the final 20 minutes, while holding the tall-end New York Americans sooreleas from starting bell to the last gong, the Maple Leafs chalked up their third straight victory at the Arena gardens last night, and it was also thelr second shutout In succession, As a result; al though they are still in fourth place, they gained two paints on the leading Ottawa Senators and alse the second-place Canadiens and held thelr own with the Mar eons, who drew up on even terms with the Habitanta In second place, It was a merry scramble all the PWaAY, with the Leafs having an edge on the #peed throughout, and what pleased as muph as the de- oliive soore was the lmpravement ahown in the Leate' play, both oh fensively and Jeferuivair, Indie vidually and colleatively the locals were much better than in previews games, and it should not long before jot are plght up in the thiok of the contention for the landerahip, The firat visit of the Stav-8pau: led orew ta Toronta this season bad an added attraction ia the Maple Leafs Win Second Shutout Victory from New York Americans meeting of the Conacher brothers, Lionel, the playing manager of the visitors, and Charlie, the sub, right winger of the Leafs, The clash wal antiolpated as the probable highlight of the game, but, lke" many other expeuvtations it did wot blossom forth as pretty as expects ed, Lionel played what was pers haps the poorest game he haw turned Jn on local ioe in pro hoo key, efensively he was fairly strong, but he did not stage many of his rushes, and when he did he falled to show the speed he used to have, It may be that the wor vieg of managing a tallvend olud, And one that does not appear to he destined for any higher place In the league race, has sapped his vitality, Three of the looals' fiat" four goels came when he wan a spectator, onee in the penalty bex, and on the other two occasions he wat taking one of his more fre quent rests, Charlie Takes The Honors Charlie was a tritle over-anyions in the opening halt of the mame, mt he gradually settled down, and 1 the last half-hour he was better han he han heen in recent games, HARKY LECKY Member of the OMA, Nxeeutive, who was one of the chief speaks ors al the big hanguet last n.ght, Mis words of advice were well rocelved by the boys present, were looking for the family angle, kept an eyes on the two brothers, they missed the real family gour test, a brother-in-law not with Lio- nel Conacher, and Harold Cotton a# Lhe pringipals, Cotton, who was formerly with Conacher in Phtts burg, was hot the minute he was dropped over the fee for his first turn of duty, and he became hot- tor ag the game progressecd, Me Wtjekhandle his way through, sited ut Roy Werters, another former team-mute, went In for re- bounds, skated miles and cheoked like a flend, and when the heat of hostilities cooled down niter tne Final bell It was found he had soored two goals and given as many assists for a total of four of the Leafs' 14 scoring points, Art Duncan, who had played one ly one minute in the previous two games, started on the defence with Sap Day, and the veteran turned in by far his best performance this season, Apparently he needs time to round Into his best form, He was strong defensively and staged a number of rushes, seor- ing the opening goal fn the third ¢wukker on u rush with Cotton and Conacher, Duncan passed to Cots ton sand then crashed through to net the rebound of the latter's shot, Day was also strong and he made lots of use of his speed, Mo participated in the play for the opening goal, passing over to Cots ton, and on other occasions he gave the Americans defence and and Morper also did thely bit, He hind the defence Chabot was In' great form, making a number of smart saves but he did not have as much work to do as had Worts MAROONS WIN -- Montresl, Dec, 4~With both fonts coming from rushes by the Aroon heavyweights, Nels Rlewart and Dutton, Montreal, took lngt wight's Nations! Hockey League contest from the Pittsburg Pirates by two goals to one, Tex White who played probably the bewt game he has turded in on Mon- {ras! fee In years, secured Pits WYR's marker, All goals were in the second period, KITCHENER WINS OPENER Kitchener, Dec, 4,~Tralling 8 to 1 going into the third period and wpparently beaten, the Kitenener team rallied and tied the seore in the fing! period and won out in overtime by tallying two gonls to weore a Bb to B vietory over Guelpn in the opening of the new Cana- dian pro league heve last night, GALT WINS IN LART PERIOD Brantford, Deo, 4,--CGalt open- ad the Canadian Professional Hoo. key Lengua here last nivht with a win over Brantford, #8, A lit tle slackness in the second period nllowed the visitors to score three "onls, "This came an a shook to the local fans whb saw thelr team skate off in the first period with a lead of 2.0 CHAMPIONS DVMFHAT CANADL : ENN Boston, Dee, 4,--01d Lady Luck, Who usually favors the Boston ire ing when they clash with Canadi- ens of Montreal, thelr speedy Ntan lay Cup form of last year, worked overtime last night when the world's champions won the fastest #ame played here this season by a 8 1n 1 score, Howle Morens and Aurel Jollat, the sensational Canadiens' fore wards, staged a dowen thrilling rushes In each period, but thelr oourareous efforts. were ruined by the almost imYossihle saves which Tiny Thompson, the Doston goals tender, turned in, Oshawa Simcoes Hockey Team Holds a Snappy Workout with Orono Team Newcomers Show Up Well in Practice--Orme Gams by's Team Is Fast -- An- other Exhibition Game Has Been Arranged ---- The Oshawn Bimeoes haa thelr first fee workopl on the Toronte Ravina, "There were some 14 play~ ors out, The Mimecoes had Srne Gamwaby's Oronoites for thelr oppos nents, Orme certainly has good y ne for entering in the O.H.A. thiN year, for they certainly gave the Pimeoes a great workout, Orona's team are a fast skating and breaking team and with a few more workouts Orme Gamsbys team will be one to watah, The #Mimooes are in good shape for the 60 minntes and there is * no one else to thank but the train or, Bandy Brodie, Bert Constable has now started hin work and he wure will have some Job selecting out the six reg-* ulnrs, Among last year's players, Wal« ton, the stalwart defense, showed very good form, Burr, Atkinson, (rey and Nrenning are going Btronger than ever and breaking very fast, Carrison wasn't kept very husy in the nets hut we hope we Will hear more from him soon, Pete sald that he froxe his feet, Well, we are sure that he wouldn't be able to get his feet into his pockets, no 16t them freexs, The new recruits are all good and in fact some have showed more then what was estimated of them and they are going to make the old hoys step good and lively, Found has heen very fortunate in securing another exhibition game In Toronto next Tuesday night with a Merchantile League team and this should glve the fans an idea of what the Bimooes have, I ---------- ry He: "It's to be a battle of wits" She: "How Yrave of you, Gerald, to go unarmed I nm QV ors, at the other end, Chabot now leads the moalles in the League with two shut-outs, The Ameri cans directed 31 shots at him, 18 in the first period and nine in ench of the others, while Worters wis the target for 18 in the first an dihird and ten In the second, Maple Leats~-CGonl, Chabot} de- fence, Day and Duncan] eentre, Ninir; wings, Halley and Cox; subs Smith, Horner, Primeau, C, Con noher, Cotton, Pettinger and Brya- son, Amerfoans--Gonl, Worters} de fence, IL, Conagher and Simpson gentre, Burch; "wings, Boyd and Masseoar; subs, Reise, Hrydge, Sheppard, Himes, Holmes and Bure mister, Bill Joyce of Oshawa Signs with Galt Pros. Galt, Deo, 4.~Just before the Terriers loft for Brantford yester- day afternoon for thelr opening gama {n the Canpro league, Manas- or Herble Matthews announced that he had signed Rilly Joyos, centre man, who had heen with the Oshawa Intermediates for the past two seasons, Me has been work. {ng out with the team, Joyed is a native of that hookeysproducing town of Qollingwood, ------ HOCKEY RESULTS National League Maple Leafs .., 0 Americans ,.0 Boston ..., ++, 8 Canadiens ,, } Montreal ,,.., 8 Pittaburg sve 1 International League Detrolt ivy. 8 London ius 1] Windsor 8 Hamilton «so 3 Butfalo ,,.., 1 Cleveland «vy ¢ aapro Galt « ov000e 8 Brantford (os 8 Kitohener ,,.. § Guelph yy 8 American Association Kansas Ofty ,, 4 8t, Paul (400 0 xTuled oo 1 Duluth vogue } xMinneapolle ,. 6 8t, Louis evi } sPlayed Monday, Pacific Coast Vancouver ,., 1 Heattle ,4.yy 1 xPlayed Manday, Leo Diegel Wins Round Loa Angelen, Deg, 4.--In a firet round erowded with all the thrills In golf---upsets;, comebacks and a new course record---the "big guna" of the professional ranks moved through yesterday's opening 38s hole matohes In guest of the 1939 ohamplonahip of the FProtessional Golfers' Association, : The moat damsling round ever clubbed out of the volling falrways and tricky greens of the Millorest Country Club course, saw Leo Dies gel, of Agua Caliente, defendin champion, post a morning card © 04, seven under par, to eliminate P.O, Hart of Wheeling, Va, hy the lopaided wmecore of 10 and 8, Dienal's 44 bettered hy one stroke the former comnetitive record set Monday by Fred Morrison of Low a While most of the crowd, why Angeles, medallat, MIAYRL ANNIVERSARY A better Ci and better value ps gar BECAUSE OF THE FOIL. WRAPPER Cigar. Sealed in silvery foll, Aller, pocket or cigar case. NYWAY you look at it, the foil wrapper adds immeasurably to your enjoyment of the Bachelor famous 0c cigar comes to you with all its factory freshness, with all the rich. ness. and delightful mild. ness of its 100% Havana this Protected by the foll wrap. per, the Bachelor is in no' or ravelling when carried in Smoke a Bachelor to- day. You'll find ita better cigar and bet ter value than ever, because of the foil

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