Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1929, p. 2

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A [4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 easy Ho ttipon ad Seid Ine Chall | ie Satond beth ALAS Ba | Hunter Discards Idea Black il Tim » stolen the mone y Dalry, Limited, of $600, for a por- f ' i : by D ai y es Huyelson on Ws own behalf tests [lod of ten years, he pany's as aa aa Bear Goes to Sleep in Winter i vipthon. Aud nes ho recelyed at the Hota fo be hag not accused Bars lus and butldin b ltinied on A prom hs Office, ae Gas oka and Civonicle, Telephon VRARaR oh street, Qn hie property a : . : -' i & his wife came to no earl Bawkatoon, Sask, Dec, 4,-N, Bi-~After Business Honrw ~ "hone 850, BE ALere he maid, Harte tb jackisg butiding is now wearing Hat that during the winter the ond, REPRESENTATIVE---JAMES H, ORMISTON to me saying, "Am | the man who| Phe council has eutered into an bin hinak bedr vetivey (0 his den to] Instesd of a sleeping hear they took tha mioney? I veplied that I|agrdement with the company which tn han pO t.. th inti Cog had Aotiueted hime 0 spain provides thee u bullding easting "Ty | favor ef : not less than 88,000, » a prectr, | 7 ] awarding ol ig hat A Svewaked, that suspieton Pointed |g, 'Py company shall for Wu Vib . ; or with. severnk iaompsee | ind, & Vien of * insomnia and ruled thut its verdict was within | Ph MLL monthy in the year continye 4 ; / While OR § DURUIRE HID | aronine it aanad through the Ue rightly. © wibstuntlaliy | ar Th employ Rot less than six marth of have, com 10 & hake 480, | ual loft and ri re he (Haston claimed that (he defend | fared by hier husband The fled ausapsinent, I he 4 Hake Willi, one of the PAYLY | vaders Tho bear After a ny ant spocted him of steals |" Woh Goumsels foi the plaintig [OF DY the ratepayers, will ; 7 : Dersunded Growner What the bear | away the "southern exposure' onoyiivom the (111 of his store | wha defendant: nddrexsed the jury null and void it We Jomppng alk ; would be sound saleep end that | some punting PANES, wis matted ANd that this susplolon had gained [ai lenuth and My, Lohnox pointed jo hivag Tod dl 01 the Irevis Grosser might craw) Into the den | when Grosser pecovered hig rifle howtos ly he Sonunlty hd pub that & MALS KOGA NANG WOK | TC png (hind bylaw 15 ta authorise nd bring Bruin out, and killed the animal, ' { "| retion hud wuftered, The Atordnt Laer Wahaturs 0 Jan the issue of debentures fov' #8,600 Gea, Hall and J, C, Cockburn, attends | McKee, Dr, MoMaster; Al i a hand contended that | followlig the charge of Mr, Jus. |'0 DAY for gertain work done on '| 6d the meeting' of the Oshawa Ang: | Cawker, Jas, Boe, Frank 's Jat Sry Wa . WINS fe A not caused fo be aivbulated | tice Welht © A ' the, east side of Ash street, and the lers Association in Os rid Art Brodk a Perey tunephiandy n {| anything which might blacken the construction of 8 conoerete culvert A Iw Oehawe on Friday [Art rock and Perey Ingrave, It 1a apboqnsiv MB This work evening, hoped that there will be skating 5 : | Character of Barton, . on Dundus treet olat, da R, Croft, Jr, Robert I d {wi 55 FA andy ¥ onnox, and J. Di ¥ now nesring completion, faa Oh ga Robert Lyons and [within # couple of weeks, alk hun w AVS * taba MP ante ap a tor the corner of Dundas and Ash Bt, Garett, of 'Foronto, were in Fort] Friday, Nov, #0, wht "La " JUDGE rd the plaintitr while J %, Ahdorec n has been erected a modern EIvake CHAMPION POINTER AT WINTER FAIR erry on Saturday at Fidelity Lodge, AJ ry 4 vu, Mn, \ J 4 ov hired Hy aw 3 SURPRISED of Lipds represented the des and sales vooms whigh will net the | | rhe phate mon hore shows Champion Hove Withem shampion pointer Fl. Mesry, Bioufter Blight, Enelgrove, | About one "nundred ests werd pres Ko ot Hoiren 3 merry hd ndupk, The ruse occupied prac. town annually a considerable. an- | America, xno at the Rout, Tater pute. The le, rns " 0 hi A J ind Andiges Were among those, whe sent and & most enjoyable evening George Barton Wins : Suit Hogily the whole afternoon and Mount In taxes; North of this builds | Maloney, Pittsburg, wes gwarded host s] Attended th Breisler conser At Mas: [was spent, There were about twenty ] ' h [1.0] @ , o Jury was retired for almost an ing 4s the new creamery, Heretor loon Bquare Garden, New Yor table® of euchre, Ik A Against Herbert Harrison [hour betore bringing in a verdict, IN M ANY BYL AWS ore this gorner. was one of White - ue tre ATT se win wi . The annual mesting af the Port [nerd were Mrs, A, 1, MeDermott, Y's Worst eyesores, , ro George. Wesley Barton, plaintiff . : all | { Perry Rink Company was held re |Arat, and Mrs, Chis, Bower "of Loaskdale' in the. action, stated that on To Take The Votes guests being entertained with reelta- cently when the following officers | ond, Ladies' prizes and hh Pros The ah a fourth bys ADJOURNMENT 13 ol FOR J Fr elsstads Pregl Frank Shep: | Leicher, rss and. Mr pel Jarl fo rT : vertain aturgey in November last AL Duleie Pe f Ud Me. Be l dent, | ' ibong\ns ov . year he had called ai Harrison's | Watson Street Brid aw setting forth that the votes of guile Peters, of Lions, dh NF herd | Vice pres, A, B cawher Sec. |apeonds Gentleman ; A verdict for the plainiit Wika |store in Leaskdnle where he hid 4 goFix. the avait electors, on (he thres GRANTED F OR WEEK Patera, of Atlanta, was wnwbla to be [FRE "Agius Broek, D ectars It | the festures oF 'the Sven Sw anturned hye Supreme Coupk Jury | heen 'adovstomed to buying for ed Assessment for F money bylaws shall be taken on u present, but during (ge evening a long |, Purdy, Robert Somerville, James {singing of ald time so ) A tl al , Y / / SE [distance enll was redeived eqiveying ' } UI'LH [1 WAS hi hy 44 in an aClTan | spyeral years. Neveral dayw, after ~--Work on Dundas me in " he 4 IN SHOOLING CA E onkrtulations 10 his father And mis | sss A wdopy slander dhrolght by &eovkd | Ie head rumors that he had stals ep % oy ther, "Among the guests for dinner En ee SSR ---- day. in January, 1980, An adjournment "far another {were Mr, and Mrs, Jess Peters and yi a i Al IA. Barton, Brock, Township farmer, sn soma money from the till ih the Police Bylaw Amended week was made hy His Worship | family, Mrs, DL, Thompson and H'against Herbert" Harrison, geners) | store, Some time later, accompins Kotopayeri of the town of White SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON STARR SKATES Jugs iat 3 ny "iB 7p No AS ruse 10d. by bie wife, be accasted' Hus will at the January municipal The council. passed an amend: Magistrate J, ¥, Willis on Monday Mrs, Belle Tirking of 'Yorogte, Mr, TO CLEAR All the members of the party 0, Grosser of Saskatoon, big game | laid down thely he and formed y unter, has , | & human ghaln w or 44 Lhe b Alncarded the old oe ApoE Pook ot" the hb jhe on-------- pa ft ex od | Aurpris f : h that t iy WI howED Andi mn Sh Td EI elections voto. on Three money by-| ment 10 I yaruiny the |sventng tn: the ese of iui yew | James Peters wid Ganly of Dora messes | LOOK $0 Out of Youp ti} Ne hdd |/8WS Which on Monday dvenin pire gH { ht cons | BI, charged with «a evious offence | Mr, and Mrs, Ross Watson and fans 4 Head asked Harrison of : were Klven thelr first and wegen ours of duty o a i or in connection with the shooting of ily of Goodwood; Mr, Levi Day of j rendings by the Town Council, (stable shall be extended from William Guthrie, well-known Auds|lZpsom Migs 15 Peters of Uxbridge, "Yl ! J a Kn" ASTHM Bronohial , Jak Laurie told me wo", One hylkw i to authorige the fe [p/m unti} § a.m, Heretofore the ley Farmer, on the night of Sun-|Mr, and Mrs, Pilkey, Mr, and Mrs, wis the reply, 5 0 ply gue of debentures amounting to constable' quit work at 6 am, but day, November 24th, Maglotrate [George Beverley and Norma, of albey ) TT q oo ho Yo i th Wk, Ke Tet ah. tues culled $3,800 to pay for the new Watson [the counctl at tbe Inst meeting de: | ii "io Canoe tho weoond ad: | Claremont; Mr, and Mrs, Carruthers, phd Ay yr NT convershrion with the defendant, street. bridge, Port Whitby, = This aided on this change to bring about journment, Mr, Guthrie, vietim af [ery of Uxbridge, Mr, and Mrs, Els AZMAH: nb following the Saturday in question, new cement und steel structure re- | more equal division of the hone the shooting, has now recovered [wood Careuthers, Randolph and Nors be, 9 hve 4 ded [November 8, 1080, he had refer. | Rincon the old wooden bridge which | of the two police Scart, Ohief ard prepared to offer evidence |een, of Glen Malar, Mr, and Mrs MAT to Bnbgph dogg a Med to an rumor conderning Barton |#erved for many years and which | Ginkon and Night Constable John | Coe = ease aualn comes before [om Stephenson, Oshawa, We hope | to | Which was In elreulation, He had | wes washed away in the floods of Thomak, the court, that Mr, and Mrs, Peters will have ---- ---- the privilege of spending many nore Reli fn heard thiut money had been taken [last April, The wew bridge is now -- ae v he Re ol aban 4 L DRCK, IRpPRY Years Wether, PORT PERRY rom ; worth or mone Irom the tN nearing completion and is one of No ul drugs, A0o and $1 boxes "Do you suspect George Nave [the most substantial struetures in "I'm the happlest woman In. the Miss Downer attended. the. Raval "ab your denler's, 162 | ton?" ba hud nsked, the town, The Count Jurchased world, I'm preying the man | Winter Fair on Wednesday now and \ Witness stated that Harrlgon ve- [the gteel portion of the bridge nt.' : J Miss Francis: Mallow. af Toront PP apap fled "suspicion pits that way. |from the Proyincful Department bf "Oh, that's nothing. True hovel | part Perry, Doe, 2A" reception [was ome for the weekend, H 2 k. home of Mr, and Mrs, AD, Peters, | foionds in Seagrave : Mrs. Derton gonfirmed 'the evid- [Mighways at a great saving to the | ness comes toa girl marrying the | was held on 3 hursduy, Nov, 28 at the art : | RAZ . MA man somebody else wants," Mr. Owles spent Sunday with ! " SE. " ST ----.. RR SR SAAS it being the fortieth ARRIYEraEy oi Mr, and Mis, Neill Sweetman were ; --- thelr wedding, In 1880 My Peters, in 'Toronto for a couple of days this who was barn near Udora, tn North wook } Mary Mi i York, married Miss ! Ad TY Mr, and Mes, H, L, Collagutt ate 'ort erly of Kicnmond Hill toronto, formerly of Kien W tended the. Koval Witler Fad Hi sors Also a few pair of CCM, skates, These skates will be sold below cost while they last, Na phone orders, Bring your boots, We put the skates on FREE, ence af her hushand that the des {town, « Come Early =~ Only 100.Pair on Sale w= A Smal) Deposit will Hold Till Christmas The they were married hy the Hey to on urdu A Rodwell in Pld Auigs Bt, Meth Mp, I Plouguman had the misfor { dist Church of 'which Mr, Peles was iunn Na 2ull' Wa week 2nd Rutt fie CLEVE FOX, Hardware NEW UNDERWEAR SOHVEY Won, * oxen' shidren were born ta My [300 0a i ---------------- \ i a . = is here / Ia VISLLINE friends in town, BEI C,H Kellett has returned home after vigiting friends in Chica For wearing under the silk Garments, Combinations ..., $2.80 Knickers .iiivviv $1.98 "STEPPING OUT" Mrs, Beverley in pink crepe and Misg Kdith iw pale green crepe de ehine During the afternoon and evening many friends from Toronto, Oshawa, hanaguet at Neweastle on Wednesday might which whe given in lenor of Grand Master Roderiek Dargavel and ather Grand Lodge officers, About INSULATING BUILDING BOAPD Uxbridge and Part Perry called to | five hundred sat down to! supper, | offer their hearty congratulations, A Mr, and Mrs, B,D, Henry have re beautiful letter of appreaiation and | turned home after a pleasant motor congratulation was received from the | trip to various points of Interest in United Church, Mr, and Mrs, Peters [the States t WARM IN WINTER » COOL IN BUMMER Battallon C, Coy, 'terento, lost his 4 life In France, June 13, 1016, The Mrs wide variety. 4 . She was assisted by her three doughs | with friends In Beugog, bl These Brevitics represent the latest mspira- ters, Mra, Carruthers in a pretty About twendy members of Fidelity Class of the United Church, a lustre { moved into the house on Bigelow = tea set from Mr, and Mrs, Tom Steps | street, formerly ocoupied hy My PEHAWA LUMBRR COMPANY LIMITED OSMNAWA. ONT, and Mrs, Peters, A wo datghiers vied in early ehildhood and one » { brs Min arin opti or arGiiv four surviving children are Ernest M . ' Albert, of Atlanta, Georgia, Mrs, Els [RY Models that fit the princess frocks . . , brief, wood Carruthers, of (len Major, Mi he Misses Davis were guests of ) ' . mast td " George Beverley, of Claremont and [| Mes, A, Heown and Miss Murtha | dancing knickers , ,, Brevities for street Miss Edith Orma how teaching inf | vearson in Guelph last week, Uxbridge, Rev, I, RB, White of Aurura, were Mrs, Peters received in a handsome | guests of Me, John Irwin this week, | : : : : frock of Rosewood crepe de chine, | Lodge AF, and AM, attended the "tion of Woods, . , the last word in lingerie : \ in Canada. They are designed for the mode of the moment, They express the modern : a fy : HY y \ A brief princess kunfeker for trend ina refreshingly different way, a ruiar oe i / n NY AY ple In Applique With them, of course, go the new extra 3am pa $1.95 long hosiery. We shall be glad to show you were the recipients of a large nun Miss Edith Adams is leaving next our display of the new Brevities next time het of lovely presents: a handsome week to spend the winter with hes floor lamp from the ohildren, a poree: [brother in New York henson of Oshawa, Little Migs Mars | Morrison "THE NEW Jory Tinsley's boguet of {arty ruby Mr, and Mrs, Frank Mitchel were foses, made entirely hy herself was |in Toronto for a couple of days this FRENCH CUFF" roatly appreciatgd, A pleasant afters | week, oon and evening were spent, the Messrs, W, H, Harris, John Harris, A feature of thin knlcker in pa A A A tt RA # smooth French out held wo Do Y ou Own Y ou Own I Jome! . boral Howard 1, Peters, of 4h was home for the week end wear , , , the new Brevities are here in a down of black satin with ruby ros Miss Hilda Wallace spent Sunday i | you are passing. lain elock from the Ladies' Hille Mr, and Mrs, R, A, Savage have DISTINAUTED BY in place hy elastion, $2.25 | "DANCE KNICKER" \ Here's a knlcker admirably suitable for dancing, Lots of freedom, very brief and slim, The "bra" 1a of the modified uplift variety, $1.49 and $1 95 Ny W "ORAS dy be LH yor ' CLORED CAR accepted Jarment on @ room new ence, All conveniences, 0 oated, Ho alr heating, ste, pr 0 buy as fwaer means business, A DISNEY Me King ee. MT wg "AUTO RACKS OVER SAHARA Auto races are 10 ba held over parts of skh phat within A Yen arranged. 10 arouse ey 1 We highway oconstruotion program Mont the former d of Mystern wie X bE are baling ballt throughout ¢ wy a ) ted' ritory, and already an oan rd ' " 3 ent reach Ri-Golea, the mest beautis 5 aiid ful Saharan oasis, and continue on Wn LAVENDER Lon! RR : to the mountainous region known ma TURSOAY SER i Ra © mesweYouamons [II ECR RA HR awww fl List Your Firm in the "Times" | caus sith 4 suonsm rae with our Complimeine. Tal Business Directory! Wachinery Re; NUTHING OL a NOTH "PECK POCKET" ' A little bird: said that there 1a a pooket in thia trim little princess type knloker---and Pies ial $0.28 ad FEL = #3 T 0x 0) "W. A, DEWL Ar ELA A Se NG NO hl Ma dob | [ER SEES } 161 King 8 W, those 4 "| Bt West shire ofolale are arguing \he tle question, hed Sal hte

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