Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1929, p. 1

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i Fs a ------ All the RB Is News" _ a at scot ee aan FBR. nm ON The Osha Dai I _ Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer LU am - wr _. tet eats wt] ly Times A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City VOL, 5-NO, 131 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER +, 1929 158 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES 'News in Brief 4 4 a (By Canadian Press) Si. Jumeatve, oats Word" wl locke ing today of the fate 12 vessels that left here Friday for Bonavista ports. Steamer. Fromen In Kingston ~Ileport received here states that the steamer Concretin is frozen iu the lee in the Musray cas nal und it Is feared that the vessel may. have to remain there all winter, To Resumes Probe Washington ~Resumption of its in. vestigation into the entire field of radio, telephone and telegraph com- munieation dys ordéred by the sen- ute Interstate commerce committee, I p---- 1 Dies of Burns Steatfords=Ays the result of burns suffered on Oct, 12 when her gaso- lines FW was set afire by a ' el 18, died at Yh i rapper Port Arthurs=A, | A Port Arthur trapper, has be missing In the Current Hiver lly district since Noy, 25° el lige have been: regiested 40 ald in the search, : nided Gananoque, A branch of the Bt, drew's Hocloty In Canada was formed last night at dinner in the Provincial Hotel here of Hootehmen abd thelr kinsmen; Mayor Wilson presiding. Five Sailors Lost Satander, Spain ~Five members of the crew of the steamer "Reina Dy Los Angeles," of Lequettio, were be- lieved to Rave perished when 'the vegsel ran aground at the entrance of the port of San Vincente de la Barquern, Tunney Returns New York.,~-(Gene Tunney Is home again, not to fight, but to live 'quietly and simply." Tunney, with his wife, thet ormer Polly Lauder, returned to the United States yesterday from Italy, after spending fifteen months abroad, Ship on Rocks Vancouver.~Feeling her way into Vancouver harbor in dense fog, the steamship Point San Pedro of the Gulf of Mexico, piled up on the rocks a quarter of a mile west of Prospect Point at the entrance to the First narrows, Seriously Toronto.~When she was driving wi struck by angther ear, Kirgoton road, late last , Belanger, Shaw. es injuries pov br a vere seh, Welland Tie-Up - 8t. Catharines ~Cold weather of the past few years has cauted a come late tie-up of navigation through the fower end of the Welland ship canal, An effort was made last night to re- sume locking but was unsuccessful, Killed by Bandits Asuncion, Paraguayc-1ie police have received word from Pureto Pine aso that Dr, MacDonald, an Eoglish man, had been killed and Adminis. trator Scott wounded by bandits while riding in an automobile. x ----- Rr Seat regen TF Down, co, § tarlo Teglslature for Peterboro couns ol by @ decision given by Jogo cle granting him a new majority o { 29 votes over W. Ay An- ders beral. canto fratont bixtls J. B Fenton, minister of trade and ous Te W £ ti fn 5 | Tornigt ary, wil terday the appointment Fon La TR succeeding Dr, hop ih tal, Lon N obinson. The transfer will effective shortly, Re eles Newboryport, rohan WO J "Bossy" Gillis, the "bad boy" of lo cal politics, whose picturesque elec: Honseting, methods, pungent vocabu- lary and fistic prowess have won him apace, » ected mayor '0 land town | 46 votes, a. | t Eng: : by a majority of at higher | On higher 10} Cause dt had not '| Lord Harris Notable In Pub- . T 4 : ' FEATURE OF Outlay of Over Four Billion Dollars Is Provided For With an Estimated Sur. plus of $122,000,000 LARGE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM PLANNED Government of United 'States Plans Expenditure of $59,000,000 on Huge] Building Program to Help Employment Conditions Washington, Dee, 4~President Hoover today lald before congress a recommendation for tax reduction, a request for $3,830445231 for govern- mental use next year, and a bright picture of the state of the nation's finances, Deawing a lesson from. the lowers Ing of taxce in the past, the president suid that there was no doubt that increased revenues had always fol lowed and that the stimulus iver to business' was partly responsible for these upward jumps in receipts, In his first budget message he esti- mated the treasury's outlay for the 12 months beginning next July at $4, 102938700 and figured there would pe a $122,000,000 surplus at the end of that period. The difference between appropria- tions and the expenditures forecast was explained as being due to the act that the president had not ine cluded any amount for the revolving snd of the federal farm board: bes been determined now much youl be futcessary. jithe estimate of outgo, however, the a- mount was placed at 200,000,000, A further difference of $72,000,000. was due to a carryover of appropriations from the present year which will be available next year, As submitted, the request was for $145,606,000 less than for this year. The tax reduction suggestion fol- Jowed the previously announced pro- gram of the administration which de- sires a decrease of from 12 to 11 per cent in corporation income levies and reductions of one per cent, on norm al individual incomes, making those rates range from 1-2 per cent to four cont. Pe he resident called for increased {Gontinued on page b) . Aged British Peer. Retiring From Business lic Life and As Cricketer (By Thomas T. Champion, Canis dian Staff Correspondent) London, Dee. 4.--Lord Harris, e grand old man of picket, who as served the king and the na- tion in many distinguished and who in later y a director of many pu panies is relinquishing and financial res is now 78 years © "I must make men," he sald, *" dauiney and it ia it § wet an on aE Yesterday he spoke . esting 91 4 com x 3 and, proved, the, : ly tant summer he played in orioket matoh at Lords, has been connected with the fortunes bot the Kent Cricket Club fer 60 yoars, Among the iitions held by Lord Harris in his long career are undersecretary. for India, under secretary for war, governor 'of Edward and King George. Crash Profitable To Post Office London, Deo, 4---~The recent Wall treet trouble haa left the British post office richer, There were hun. dreds of frantic transatlantic tele conversations durl the worst times in New York, one day all available channels of com. munication were in use continuously. The post oes wade as much as $1. iB hour In the height of the rush, : . { ) i Soviet Government Says U.S. Note Unfriendly Act Bombay, and aide-de-camp to. King | ast TAX REDUCTION IS CHIEF BUDGET AS PLACED BEFORE CONGRESS NATIONALISTS IN GERMANY SPLIT ON PLEBISCITE Six Members of Reichstag Sever Relations With Their Party Berlin, 4.~~The German Nationalist party, which is spon- soring the measure for a plebls- oite against the Young reparations plan is finding its going Inoreas- ingly rough. Bix prominent members, who also are In the Reichstag, resign- od yesterday, retaining thelr Reich slag mandates, but differing so completely with the leadership of Alfred Hugenberg as to offer lHttle hope of any future further collaboration, Their resignations followed a break which had appeared already in the Relehstag last week when several members of the party voted myuinst the Young plan plebiscite measure, Later the Reichstag overwhelmingly rejected the Nationalist attempt to censure the conduct: of foreign affairs by the government, Certain political circles predict. od an oven greater wplit in the party with the probability that those who withdrew will unite with about 18 members of the it ristian Trade party to form an R. B. SHITH NEW PRESIDENT LOCAL KIWANIS CLUB Club Donates $150 To Wel- fare and Christmas Cheer Fund pn -- Officers were elected by the Osh Dec, awa Kiwanis Club at its luncheon meeting in Welsh's Parlors yester- day, R. B, Smith was elected pre- sident and H, C, Lecky, vice-presi- dent of the organization, The club decided to guarantee to the Welfare Work and Christmas Cheer Fund $150 from ita membership, each mem« ber to give at least §3 to the Fund, The full slate of officers chosen was as follows: Honorary president, W, E. Davis; past president, A, J. Parkhill; Al} soi R. B., Smith; vice-president, H, C. Lecky; secre- tary, John Brock; treasurer, T. W, Joyce; district trustee, W. J. Trick; directors, R. N, Bassett, E. R, Birch- ard, Ewart Everson, A. 8. Ross, R, 8. Virtue, J. N. Willson, F. G, Cars- well and Dr, O. C. Mills, Two new members, Beverley Brawn and Charles Yellowlees were intro- duced to the club, Visitors were res sent from Kingston and from Sass katchewan, . Most daughters dlacover their | Barents' education has been sadly Mart in doing plens ~Potrolen Advertiser Hoover Presents Reduced Budget Another Disaster Feared Seventy Persons Are Miss' ing Aboard Newfound. | land Vessels fit. John's, NfWd., Deo, 4.~An- other disaster for Newfoundland, following the tidal wave that de- vastated Burin Peninsula last month, was feared today when sl- lence continued to conceal the fate of approximately seventy persons, including four women, aboard the nine missifg vessels that left here Friday night for Bonavista ports. No success has heen reported thin morning o the two steamers searching off Newfoundland. The Meigle has covered a two hundred mile radius southeast of here, while the Beothic is searching east ward, The hurricane that overtook the vessels after they had landed thelr summer catch of fish here and loaded winter supplies, wrecked at least three other gchooners, from which the crews were rescued, and battered a number of steamers, Labor Leader Dies of Burns James P. "Noonan Suffers Tragic Fate in Washington (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Dee, 4.-~James P. Noonan, vice president of the American Federation of Labor and president of the International BrBothertiood of Electrical Work. ors, died hers today from burns received in an early morning tire in his apartment, Firemen, who broke into Mr, Noonan's apartment after an alarm had been turned in by a neighbor, found the labor official lying on the floor beside a burning couch. He was believed to have fallen asleep while smoking, the fire starting from his olgarette, , Mr, Noonan, who was B56, was the Amerfean Labor delebate to the worly power conference in London in 1024, a---- CHINA ANXIOUS TO SETTLE PEACEFULLY London, Dec, 4--China today com: munioated to the British government her reply to the British note calling attention to her obligations under the Briand-Kellogg pact to settle her Siaputd with Russia anchuria peace ully, The Chinese reply was brief and friendly, It {is understood that China simultaneously dispatched an identical note to Washington. Belgium's New Cabinet Named Brussels, Dee. ¢.--Henrl Jaspar, premier, today reconstituted his cabinet with all the old ministers inoluded, The official gazette pub- lished a royal decree refusing to accept the resignation of the fore mer cabinet. The resignation was offered last Wednesday after dis- sension centred about the new Ghent University, Moscow, Dec, 4~-The United States {note to Russia and China, reminding them of their obligations under the Kellogg pact for renunciation of war, cannot be considered by the Soviet government as a friendly amt, ao cording to a memorandum handed to French ambassador Maurice Hen bette Jast night by Maxim Litvinoff, commissar of foreign affairs. M. Litvicoft emphasized that the United States government had ap: pealad to that of the Soviet.at a time when direct Mukden-Soviet negotia- tions were being carried on, By strength of this circumstance, the United States note to Russia was termed an unjustified attempt to in. fluence Chino-Russia negotiations, and consequently could not be cons sidered as a friendly aot, The momorandwn stated that the "Manchurian conflict could be set, tied only by direct negotiations on the basis conditions already ae: cepted by the Mukden government, and that the Soviet government would not tolerate any outside inter ference. ashington Sa Washington, * Dec, 4¢,--~Uncon- coaled astonishment and vigorous, it unofficial denial today greeted hte charge of Soviet Russia that unfriendly motives lay behind United States efforts to prevent warfare between the Soviet Union and Chiua. pt of the Russian randum, forwarded through French ES lomatto gov. ernment officials studied the text of the communication as trans. mitted by Sross correspondents' d informally expressed complete surprise and amasement at the severity of its tone and the harsh. ness with which it criticized the Jition of the United States in call ng attention to commitments un- der the, Briand-RKollogg treaty for the renunciation of war The memorandum concluded by ex. ng Ativin, that the United tes, which by ita own desire does at have any official relations w the Soviet. government, advice and ~~ LL MAKE SPLENDID CONTRIBUTIONS R, 8. McLAUGHLIN A With characteristic gonerosity and promptitude have given the Welfare ork and Christmas ND G, Wy McLAUGHLIN Cheer Fund a splendid start by each conivibuting $1,000 to the Fund, Woman Killed On Railway Line Bt. Thomas, Dec. 4.-+~The ter- ribly mangled body of Mrs, George Kible, widow, aged 066, was fouuu on the Michigan Central Railway tracks here today, Mrs, had apparently been struck by a train last evening and oarried sev oral blogks, An inquest bas been ordered into tho irmmedasdin i i Negotiations In Manchuria Are Suspended Chinese Delegates To Par ley Reported to Have Been Recalled (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, Deo, 4.-~A Reuters dospatoh from Harbin, published today under yesterday's date, In- timated that Manchurian dele- gates reported to have reached an agreement yesterday with Russian plenipotentiaries regarding the Chinese-Eastern Railway dispute had been recalled. The Moscow despatches mald Roviet authorities had stated that an agreoment between the Russian and Mauchurlign government had been migned at Nikolsk, Siberia, The dospatoh from Harbin ssid: "The Chinese Mukden delegates slated to have gone to Khabarovak to confer with the Soviet dele- gates returned here today and left immediately for Mukden, It is understood they were recalled by Chang Hsvueh-Liang (Governor of Manchurie) hefore they reached Khabarovsk." SHARP FIGHTING IN CHINESE WAR Nationalist Aviators Drop "Bombs on Rebel Army Shanghai, Deo, 4--Sharp fAghting was reported in progress last night between Insurgent forces making a drive on Canton and nationalist gov. ernment troops defending the eity, Despatches received here sald the armies were engaged fifty miles northwest of Canton, rich commer. ofal ventre. \ Nationalist government aviators dropped bombs on the rebels and re. ported they had caused confusion in the enemy banks. GUELPH LINEMAN IS ELECTROCUTED mm Sarnia, Dec, 4, --Five hours ot vallant effort by his fellow work- men to revive the spark of life in Jagk Turner ,of Guelph, telephone lineman, shocked at Petrolia yes- terday, proved unavaillog and Turner died in" Petrolia hospital last night. He received & charge of 4,000 volts of electricity when he took hold of a fallen telephone line which had come in contac with a high tension hydro line, Kimble | Extra Guards On U.S. Border U. S. Estimates Makes Pro- vision for Larger Customs Washington, Dec, 4.---Addition- wal epstoms guards for ude along the Canadian border are provided for in the increase of $407,300 in the appropriations for the customs bu- rean announced today in President Hoover's budget message, Details of thg re-organization of the bu. eran were made public by Customs Commissioner Eble, A total ine crease of 228 Inspectors, customs guards and other employees is to be made, but the announcement did not state just what number would be added to the border forcos or where the extra border employees wera to be located, STRANDED VESSEL NOW IDENTIFIED Belleville, Dee, 4,--The steamer which Captain Tremblay of the Kim Bay reported at Kingston as boing adrift Sunday, and which he was unable to assist due to the snowstorm, was identified today ww the M. Sicken, of Trenton, which wont aground off Telegraph Light, four miles west of Neseronto, when her intake pipe became flooded, Sadi The Christmas savings acepunt looks big until the owner under takes tho task of making it take eng i) the claimants that bob up. ~-Detroit Free Press, There might be ¢onsiderably fower divorces in this country if the wife took the trouble to sep. arate the cranberry sauce from the skins, Chicago Evening Post, ------------------------ Lord Byng To Visit Africa London, Deo, 4A bulletin le sued at Lord Byng's home today says although he is muoh debili= tated by his recent serious illness his dootors are satisfied with his progres sand hope he will be able to sail for South Africa on Decems ber 20, His physicians anticipate he will ultimately recover coms pletely from the effets of the con. gestion of his lungs, A El TS TO WELFARE FUND R.S. AND G.W. McLAUGHLIN GIVE $1,000 EACH TO FUND FOR NEEDY OSHAWA PEOPLE JHINESE BANDITS MAKING RAIDS ON SOUTHERN TOWNS Over 100 Officials Slain in Week-end Orgy of Looting Amoy, Dec, 4~~Belated Infor~ mation coming from Kauchow, Ki- wngel province, stated today that Vv communist army which in reality ras a bandit horde that in recent nonths has been ravishing and oting the countryside south of Mukien, northeast Kwangtung pro- Ince, now fis operating In the outhern half of Kilangsl, It was reported that the outlaws wi Sunday éntered Kangehow and yartigipated in an orgy of looting, laying in twp days about 100 Chinese officials and members of the gentry, * An United States Catholle mis- slon there, which has 18 nuns and priests was reported to be attempts Ing to communicate with authori ties outside the area seeking pro- tection. Due to meagre informa tion only, their situation and which authorities they appealed to were not determined, CLAIMS BRITAIN BENEFITS MOST FROM PREFERENCE Australian "Premier Makes Statement on New Tariff Policy Canberra, Australia, Deo, 4. Great Britain enjoys more tariff reforencos than Australia In the interchange of trade between the two gountries sald Premier Scullin today replying to critielsm In the Australian parliament to the ef- fact that the new Anstrallan tariff amounted to cancellation of the British preference aystem. The now tariff schedule was the most solentifio Australia had ever had, he declared, He also announced the government intended to cone tinue the present bounty of 38 conta n gallon on wine produced in Australia for another year, BEAUHARNOIS C0, | OFFERING BONDS IN PUBLIC- ISSUE Toronto, Deo, 4---~What is claimed to be one of the largest ings of public utility bonds ever made in Canada makes its appearance today i nthe form of a $30,000,000 fssue of Beaubarnols Power Corporation Lim. od. ' Financing of the project, involving' the construction of the 14-mile canal and 'development of 500,000 horse power on the St. Lawrence River be. tween Lake St, Louis and Lake St Francis; will be carried out through the sale of 80-year, 6 per cent, col: lateral trust sinking fund s, In addition to the Beauharnols Power Corporation's bonds, a bonus ia bel given in the form of five res common stock for each hond and a warrant entitling the holder to pur chase, at §36 a share, 20 shares of Class "B" dhimmon stock on and af ter Oot, 1, 1938, The Baord of Directors of the con Jutation consists of prominent ana ans; Np Toronts, Deo, 4---Every govern. mental effort towards provision of suitable employment for amputation men Was promised last aight by Hon, J. H. King, minister of pen. slona and national health, at the conclusion of conferences which Bold yesterday at Christie Strebt hospital with representatives of the Amputations' aasoolation, the Cana. dian Penatoners' dation and the Instituté for the Blind, i His department, the/ininiater said, would deal 'with thaimatigr by en- reavoring to interest. othel govern. ment departments as well as large employers to provide suitable work for disabled ex-wervice men, The question, he amhie, was otfe about which the amputation men were gravely worried, Minister Promises Help For Disabled Veterans - A large part of the conference was glven over to discussion of pensiops, on which subject Mr, King later re. marked that the pension policy of the government had been fixed by. parliament on the findings of noms partisan committees. "Pensions are a new problem in Canada as coms pared with the older countries, where the polioy has been settled for generations," he remarked. The declaration of Sir Arthur Cur rie that the tinie had come for more sympathetic treatment of the returns od men was described by the minis ter as "in line with the thought of many people." He added that the pension ques: tion had been under the study of a departmental committee for the past year, \ 'stated Splendid Gifts Give Leader- ship to the Citizens in Pros: viding Money Required for Welfare Work and Christmas Cheer LARGE SUM OF MONEY WILL BE NECESSARY Contributions of Large or Small Amounts Are Earn« estly Requested in Order to Cope With the Great Needs of the Present Situs ation Giving splendid leadership to the citizens of Oshawa in providing a fund large enough to take care or the welfare work and the Christ- mas 'cheer distribution, R, 8H, Me Laughlin, president of General Mo~ tors of Canada, Limited, sna George W, McLaughlin, have sent ther cheques for $1,000 each to the treasurer of the fund, T, W. Joyce, manager of the Dominion Bank. These splendid contribu- tions are a direct result of the a peal which was made last night through the columns of The Times, and they show a recognition of the great needs of the present situs- tion, as well as being a demonstra~ tion of the large-hearted genero ity for which both of these eiti- gens have always been noted, Other Gifts Expected y Now that the combined Christ nas shaer and hd: fund has eon given no spland 5d U is expected that many pb contributions will come rolling in, #0 that the many thousands of dal~ lars needed to meet the exigenciem of the situation will be plated at the disposal of the Oshawa Assoel- ated eltare Socletiss and the Ohristmas cheer fund, It is im- poesible, at this time, to make even an approximate estimate of the amount which will be required to take care of the needy families of Oshawa during the winter months, and to provide for the Christmas Cheer distribution, but it is kno for a fact that the sum of $3,000, the amount of last year's fu will be hopelessly inadequate w meet this year's situation, For th reason, the two large gifts from oi 8, and G, W, McLaughlin are all the more weloome, and the coms mittee in charge of the work are hopeful that they will prove a stim (Continued on page 6) MacDonald And Cabinet See U.S "Visit In Films "Talkie" Showing Shows Warmth of Welcome Given 5 + * British Premier : (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, Deo, ¢.~Fremier Rams say Macdonald, at a private. film party Jeft his cabinet, several dips lomats and 150 friends sea hime self as he appeared in Canada ani the United States, during his recent visit, 3 Newareel extracts of his tour, with talking accompaniment ga the primo minister's colleagues | idea of the warm welcome he ' ceived, Cabinet members deri considerable entertainment du the showing when it wan dem strated how movie operators had to tell the government leaders how to stand, where to walk = when to walk, when to talk, p sometimes what to say, QUEBEC GIVES GRANT FOR LARGE HOSPITAL Montreal, Deo, 4--Premier IL. A; Tasch: u of Quebeo, t at a grant of $1,500, would be made to the University Montreal in connection with the erection .of the wuniveraity's mn dulldings. The money, he sta would be devoted to the construotion of a clinical hoapital of 500 beds, © Three Rescued But 11 Drowned Pago Pago, Samoa, Deo. d=The steamer 'Trongate wireleased lag night that she had resoued th members of the wrecked frei N Not» © Norwioh City, on the reef of ner Island, and that 11 of the wich City's orew perished when the vessel was wrecked Saturday. ' /

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