Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Dec 1929, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1929 MARLBOROS ELIMINATED 11-6 - DAVIES DEFEATS EUGENE HUAT Ni iagara Falls Juniors HOCKEY RESULTS | Dauies Defeats Huat EE limin ate Marlboros Hooker wales pinred Ist night In Bril illiant Bout From S. P. A. Series 11.6 #10 the riht Shing of the right Vite resulted as fo wh Intornations Wd he varied is taskies so sons HHantly that Fount Surely knew whisk olay, hi ak be has been in all the other Niagara games here this sea- Landon i000 ik 1 Bxpeel, AL times the litle Welsh 5 Heximer seoved seven Oshawa Clty / Windsor wun Mimieo Rovers 88 14 indsor oy wih backed away and made Jug 0 wing bhen he would dap in with # of the (i goals, While he sup: | Cragednts voy plied the passes for two More, and | Conkascy te iaAs aw 48th "Highland, i | Niagara Falls 11 Marihorog 1 'y during lett to the head, Ab othes ] most _of them were on hyilliant | G68, ov iarisconrt Ken, American Association Mimigo Hench 4 Minneapolis 8 Bt, howls tnd Himes, "apes Illy in the later rounds h he would teint with thik guiek le 4 fun lever figuring, flashy skat: Hun orlando Ht ng and tricky stick-handling, Hex- fancabive tA Final Standings in Soccer Loaguse Major i lh D, Pls, Oshawa Nat, 48 16 [1] PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Oampnuidy Sports Nditor nome emn Welshman Gives « Wonder: ful Exhibition of Boxing Both Boxers Cool and Both Take Plenty of Pun. ishment mm ed AT 8 Notige to Tod's Lacrosse Play yore The Tod's Juvenile Lacrosse team, winner of the Gify ehamplonship, wii hold meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 ollock sharp in the Y. MCA The medals for the winning of the Clty title, have arrived wind this messing Is helng held to discuss eertaln business matters of TUR rrmoms 1 0 3 Piluth wl CRU, To Take Drastic Action and suddenly ehange 1a whip over # hised pight to the howd, Dnee or s-- CMD OOW Can Ningara ¥alle be stopped? The age-old question about the hig oar can be aptly ap Pind to junioy ckey this year, and the answer Is Jiu as at, The starry sextot vom the Falls, with able reserves, * pontinued thelr dagsling display © Jest might at the Avena wardens, when they J Aarapt into the semi: inuls of As gompatition hy onting thkorcn 11 to The ame, while onewsided, 2 the fan amuteur clash of the season, with. the erewd lingering to the ast, Withough the decislom was geldom In doubt, An long as the amateurs con- tinue the tyros of hockey displaye Jast night there Is not any nee lo ace t faney rules ov woyry phout the popularity of profes slonal play, he Jouve os athy Ke Aagslin rom the first to the inkl he . nw With masterly combina: Hy iid snd brilliant individual work, while they maintsined an Simon one sustained thrill, The alls knaw too much inside hoes key, were too fast and expeplenced for the petehed-up Canadian cham- fons, but they were extended to eep the upper hand, ihe game was more like a well-mitehed O, H, A. March plagdown than a pre. B n exhibition, ariboros" colleetion from the outdoor rinks gave the flashy Falls force 8 veal battle, and their phy is all the more eveditable on it. is figured that only three layers have seen regular sevvice In Hy OH. A, ranks hefare while ataraots Rave het Jiazing i er for years, Led by Harvey Jackson, 'a member of the Cana: dan Shamplons, the Dukes put up , and weve fighting § LL vd rh the final bell when their chances of overcoming the re LAR wero futlle. uaa. vo wan i Ay with 'the Ities, hoth teams strength many times, Bn ? fi: players on sev. Most of the offences ih Sittin through over-ag- a" ona, hat the punishments | ry d It was while the hort staffed that tha{* LA ar were provided, weaken a Take fought deaperdioly homBbar the Falls Ti a always a ade of gh pide 48 and 1 BS ukes were short. anded ¢ wt they did most of thelr Falls J smart hockey, Xe a lead and then @ aff, and as soon as their A 1} by n danger 3 i Weslty pa the reas ty Ph al aEimer, who patrols oy WL for the Falla, was the standout LE eg Eh ai | imer was not alone in the star role, although he was the mest yom Jenl, foy paddy, Shannon, aminsky, Fan Heximer and Fisher, in goal, alsa took leading parts, aribaros algo had players ells gible fey stay honors, Jackson playing a great game wlong the left rail, While Chuek AL sentre, Fry Gray an ea Turney rw, Ha gond, Jaoks Aon wet the pace fop the Dukes, and played one of hs hest games, working hard all the time, while he was subjected tp special cheek: Ing hy the Cataracts, Chuck Good also played a high-class game, hut could not keep up with the torrid pace and was foveed to seek relief often, (vey and Turner, graduates fram the guidoor leagues, proved finds, and with a little more ex Jeiieate should he able to hold heir awn with the hest, It wis the work of the Falls' forwards that proved the deelding factor, the regular trio working Hkey a machine In thely short passing attacks, The defenes did not appear so good, heing tested seriously for the fivet time on loeal ie, Marlhovos stepping around them several times top anny goals, The Dukes' defence was also unvellable allowing players to slip arbund them ton easily while they played he puck too much and futled tn caver up in front of thely we. Tho back-checking of the Ig" forwards saved them from i tranble, while they seldom permitted thelp oheoks any 1b: erty, The ¥allg' regulars had cons ditdon on the loeain and could keap up their burning pace, The teams! Niagara Falls-=Coal, Fisher; de- fanea, Kalfelseh and Haseltine; entre, "an Heximer; wings, Ohhs feximer and Hteele; subs, Shaw. non, Kaminakyy Sweeny, Ally and Stradwiok, Mariberos---Qanl, Roberts; defence, Pringle Gamble; ocentrae Good: wings, Jackson and Turner; whe, Gray, Gary, Pears, Milling, Fay and Kit» ohen Wetorse--- M. J. Rodden London Defeats M filionaires 84 Landon, Dee, J oidon Green Atrines defeated ho Taranta Mil apaires by the score of & tp 4 in ia oH ternational professional hoekev game staged before a erowd of 2,000 at the London Arena tonight, Roy Brothers' gextet broke their losing Jinx at the expense of the visitors, and the fans whe have been adyes cating more goals and open hockey were well satisfied Habe Donnelly, Pred Elliott and vin Groh seored two goals each for the winners, while Eddie Rod- den and Johnny Sorrell nettted the ather twe counters, Proudlack net tod twa goals for the Yalior while Fields and Hiller registered the others, and and Moore Havvey | UR A TE Di ee ee DTW TTT Benches 1 Miva Haviveaur Crusader Mt, Pen it vind Dales, Bramp, o,14 Loasido 1101000 LW iviwion or, 14 rover * 5 a MED TTWODOW 5 a] WD +S I0 a WITS STW STH ps Gy WD ee pl pt i WS SWOT W/T WD TRI ~I-2T Massey. Finbile ** ' T.0.0,8L Clay 14 pecond: Di Bony Washer +4 n No &Dyvvirnend 6 (Ha0rgotown rir 40 [1] Blavia ova seed0 8 Yorkahive Hoelal 10 8 Avondale , ] High Park Bonspiel Monday fy=The fivet an: - SOV9SmTwW Rati TID ~@e TS Wo TE | ATE Taronta, Dee, nual Invitation bonsplel sponsored' hy the High Park club will open at the wink at 100 Indian Road, en Monday morning next, The frst game will be ealled at 0.80 am, each day, and succeeding games will follow at 18.80, 4,80 and 6.40 with one game at bpm, Fwel elve ends will be played, and ne rink will be asked to play more than three games a day, A trophy of unique and avtisl A will he awarded to 'the win ping rink in the main eomnetitior It will ha known as the Thomas Thauhurn Memorial trophy, as a tribute tn the well-known sports man from Hrampton, recently des ceased, who was for a number of voats # member of the High Park eluh. The trophy is heing donated hy Mr, BP, Atkinsen, af Tarentn, in memory of his old-time friend and eomrade In many A fourna- nent, and will finally became the property of the lub winning it the greatest number of times in ten Yes, Cataracts Lose Close Game 2-1 Ara Falls Dee «The Nia HAYA "alls Cataracts Se their hest showing ta date here fast night when they held the Windsor Hulldogs to a 4 to 1 victory in an International league fixture hore Though the visitors har an edge in the play and showed a little were speed on the attack, they were for: cod to work hard at all tinfes, How: ever, the' Bulldogs had many more dangerous shats " each period and Farrell goes eon: waking many Niu tn Goaler Paddy siderable oredit for elover saves, The Bulldogs presented a well bal anced team. Stan Brown and Ars baur gn the defence, bath turned in stellar performances while the regu: lar front line of Neville, Emms and Carson was an offective working machine, i 4 } ap & 14s Toul ap 1 aun lee 'when you see it a i regular prices! Henley, E, Bimmons, A, Bmith, H, Hicks, ¥ Hed Ace hockey teams, ¥ » end of this season, \d ¥ ing for the gaming season sign that hockey is going td he § importance, The following ave requested te he present for wurei J, Dick, B, Bell, G, Bradd, E, Drinkle, Torante, Dee, d=They ered when they cabled lugens Hat, hirdshi ¥ LJ Red Aces Meet Wednesday There will be a meeting on Wednesday gay ut B o'clock sharp "in the ¥ MCA, of all person intending to turn out with either of the It lo requested that all players, both junior and juvenile, be present at this meeting hut only those pegsans. whe intend to play for the Red Ace teams are wanted, play for the team, come out to the meeting, but If yon wre only com ing to see who else is there, slay away » w Niagara Falls Win Again The Niagara Fally Juniors treat "om all alike Marlboros held no terrors for them, Niagara Falls look like & sure winner for the BPA, series and if they keep going, it 18 likely thay they will be en top of the heap when the sticks are put away at the LJ Ld are being held on the varigus ponds near the eity evived in Oshawa G, Campbell, J, Toppings, D, Black, H, Aver BE, Armour and 'W, I you intend to ven the champion Local Hockey Teams Getting Ready The different teams that are intending to enter in the several leagues which are going to be yun in the eity this winter, are prepa Meetings are helng ealled and practices Phin 1s & sure -- we Collegiate Chater completion uf the ww aurary tie Oshawa Coldeglate and VYoeabienal Institute will he able ty hoast the Anest seeondary school hb rary in Ontarla and most likely wn Lanada, The brary has the mast ideal posi Han GF any rewn in the sea0el away wom the noise of the shop roan, Hymnasium and auditorium i is situa ted on the tap fear at the extreme rant averleoking the lawn and »im poe street, Lhe ream sell 18 spac pus and has heen carefully conatrig ted for 1s purpose, A series of large windows all on the west side make I the best lghted room in the school auring any kind of weather, Besides housing the Librarian's private affos, a reference roar & elrenlation desk and' spas for 10000 gopies the lib rary ab ite twelve unifern tables will seal comfortably Fd students or twa average classes, In addition she lh avian will have adequate means fy lantern pleture projection, this extra fustor has always an appeal to dhe average student and adds to the en joyment and value al times af ef tain studies such as English ov His ory, the librarian, Mr, A. Slyfield, is endeavouring 10 increase the student interest in this department of the sehoal and has great plans for is fy ture in the 0. Sr -- For the first time the OCT, will not he represented in the local inter scholastic hookey leave) 1t has been tontidered a8 a0 Pdvantage 10 enter juptor and mest likely a juvenile an | heck team in the City and Indus trial league, Marg games and a bet ter brand of hoekey are assured if the seheal makes this move and it is practically Sarai how NOW, with the Haskethall a Jaton is well under way now Harley has two of prospective basketeers un wymo every night Showings that : e Number of prospects is far in advance of any previous yearn The staff have decided that hase kethall players cannot play hoekey or in other, wards, a hoy ean play in only one df the two sports, Bing they are both winter games it was considered advisable with regards to studies 10 take this step, Tuesday and Wednesday the Cols 'ogiate staff players will presen their December enter uments ANS ao of three one-ast ASHE te Birthday at the fan, "The Slant an and "Thank tor," Wiingered he ast year kL Bh can at) red that the Handed § 00s Ma FA then certainly more than stualied w th he ion presentation and whe have yet 10 see the O.C He in the ea: pacity of a XI LR tw ay i Wh | is a worth Wh QppOre an. evening of high: rei entertainment, tunly Loh Saat dibs SiS WOLF PACKS ROAM NEAR P MENT BUILDINGS, OTTAWA r-- 3 ne Hull, Quebec, Deo, A---Welyes Jae to ro in large NO dt tia MATa eon SEE at of the ani sass Protection od or A Was " wo If FEE Re olurers of plein L Ba fgnere to ny En OR dhe Ale is meeting Woy' RIO that Ha ng wt pa WRATH eB nk Wal Ph 'Fred Morrison Lea.s Parade i Low Angles, aking his way through the most competitive round why up for the Hillerest Countep Marvison, Los Angeles professional, posted i 8 this afternoon for & total of 184 to capture medal honors in the 44 holes qualifying round of the 1680 tans elub wonrse Professbonal ehamplonship, Fred Calif, aliers (0alling the Eames, Against Rideaus Montreal Qe, Deo, §,~Dinstlo action | be taken AEAINEL meme here of Ottawa Rideaus team for thelr park In the melee Which oer aurrad after the Junior yughy final al the erie Malurday, | I Was Ans nounced today by 0 Holland, resident of the AR Rughy Infen, Reports ary being veeelys ad from the referees and other of« flelale &t the game, and when they 'e Sompisted, My, Holland sald, a soliton on the unishment to hi Imposed on ihe Ottawa players will he made Hoddy Poster, of Montreal, ref: aren of the game, said today IL was the wovat fracas he had ever ween in his "long experience in vughy ae an oMelal and player," Aceording ta Poster, It was he, and not Hare old Halllle of Paronta, whe lmpos: afd the penalty an player Johnaow, whieh vanulied in a near riot, "Eopepalised Johnson for using Is iat on a BE, Thomas player apd wationed him off the field," Foils or wall, "He pelused to leave the fleld and saldi 'Don't buck me,' Hond linesman Hilvar Quilty, saw trouble hrewing and grabbed ihe player trem behind, and then play ari of both teams started to Janis I Halllle was struek from he hind by an Otiawa player and tPuok again by another one, It was then I asked Quilty what we had better do, and he suggested which we did Hy that thwe the Bt, Thomas plays ors had reached thelr bus with the Hideaus still threatening them, As for the game, Bi, Thomas was mueh the hettap team and deserved thelp victory," Foster concluded, Haleres 1oster "The whale tpeuide surpaunds the inability al the Rideaunstn take & defeat, Thay ig duropein Nyweight Chipion 'the ¥reneny { miny Wilde" Willie Davies stellar Nite Welshman from \harlerol, proved hut night wt the woliseum when he boxed his way to a welsmerited deelsion over the vrenehman a eliminate him from the Bhiimroek Club's word chimp 1anahip tournament, Hust flveny upnresive battler with eng of the Mast dangerous punches of any fy. weight, but he husky the boxing, hit LIE, Reeuraey and ringmanship ol the famous Wilde, It wis a sensational boul, ene of the best contestn Bt wy Welkal ever geen In a 'Yeronio ring. Davies give i wuperiatively glever diiplay of box - Wt oiee best, Veet hanus and bimin worked with perfeet eusardination, and througnout the bout the winner wub-manceuyvred his earl oppun eit boat on the attack and on the uerenae, Davies has shawn to advan (ANE I previous vielapies here, bat never heore hin he shown the abil Ay that marked his efforts last inhi, Popular Victory Pavied' victory waa # popular ene sie orawd, with him Anessa Wannot because they wd not ad mire Hut, but beeause they liked HAVIen Iaresgave him i rousing oy ation when the deelsion was ainoun eed, Mayer Pam Malvide, wii ul Lae MORE enthuainatie boxing fans in ie sity elimbed the steps leading tw we FINE 10 shake the vieter's hand i eangratulation, Coupied with recent vietaries, lau night's bout entitles Davies (0 the iavorite a position In the series ol AOU 1 progress here to determing ihe vightiul ewner of the world's hamplonship, wileh has been held py auch stars as Wi de, Pancha Villy il Fidel La Barbi, Within the past ow menths he has, tn addition to leas important wing, defeated Frank twigs he led to the body, but Huat's FIRNE counter puneh wis too dangers ab Lo make this move & whee anes In fact enee, #8 Davies hooked # left ta the stomish, Huat whipped i pight 16 the Jaw that pent "Wee Willie" hack on the defensive, fiven when pressed the hardest Das vies boxed with an alr of soni "nee, nevey on Wed In spite gf AP speed, and" seldom making a * faleg move, Huat started some pun jt that would have spelled dionster hie they landed, but liey served only 1 emphasise Davies hosing ability i the latter ducked over sidesbepped ta let the fast-travelling ghves whist tle harmlessly through the aly, . Huit though eutpointed, was 08 cool as the winner, ven when misig ini the most, he stoleally set himael 16 try again, without letting his falls wre to land a knockout exasperalg Wim, MWe hurt Davies several times during the bout, hut wis never ablg tn sueaeasfully follow the advantage, Davies landed several punehes=right Wanders they weres==thit should have hid Hust propry, but the Frenehs man ean evidently take a punch 1a the Jaw without the effets of it In searing the hous, the writer gave Davies seven of the ten vaunds, with twa, the seventh and tenth, to Huub uid the fourth even, That seems lke v anasalded margin in faver of Dave fen, hut Hunt's amardssiveness, his hard hitting the fact that he was Iwiayi danneront, and the added and mora imnortant item that several of the gaunds were fiven to Davies hy abv a shade, mada the eantest mush lower than ean he indieated by the hoot HOCKEY RECORDS « Internatien] Loam navn ) W Jp AP 0 71 oar Ruffalo Wind TITRA fl Foprnanany Off to a steady start In hia first J18 with a par 71, Morvised eut loose with a dassling brand of golf in the afternoon round that chap ped six strokes off perfect figures for the course, Ten hirdles and an eagle fn the B68 holes brought the Midwiea Country elub entrant medal honors over ans of the fin out flelds ever assembled for the | hig event, Bteletly a looal product. of the | same, Morvison showed the way the "biggest gups" of the profes slonal golfing world, His play was flawles sal the way while his Tea hots hoomed aut for yardage un equalled by most of the ather #3 sectional entries wha teed off in the final qualifying test yesterday, Four strokes heliind the leader came Lon Diegel, of Agua Calk ante, Mexico, defending ehamplan and pre<taurney favorite ta repeat or hia title, Diesel eavered the rolling golf layout in 1 In the morning and trimmed the eard hy twa atrakes In the second veund | far a total of 140, SNOWDEN RFPLIES Says Government Has ol Idea of Varying Securl ties Obligations Landon, Deer yw ng Philip Bnowden, WR ve of the Bxoheaver, told the House of Vom mone recently that the Cavers: ment had ne intention of varying ita contractural abhligations enter ed Inte with holders of Govern: ment securities, : The Chancellor made hin states ment in reply to several questions J ted A peoent oh of 'om Bhaw, Mintater of Wap, Which he asserted that the nation wan paying 'a hundred million sterling toa wueh interest ta 4 | denis The hve Jot the smallest A hie My, wim MOTI a A Ah ra Opposition Prodi n Ne Panation hg! ie Chan or 88 lo Boiy lh topeahade LY Haghiion on Ri ta fogs hg? ii securities, hth: OW- LL) D fa flo ha x: take aivap a apporiugity ty the \oans op avening ata lower rate oii 8 1 i oi i i aa OLD AGE PR TO BE L INTO ow York eN AY fi i i i \Va Dea RR Rate big a FETT WA k\ k of "propaganda bia" The on thes 40 NO! coax They say the oF * The one NT RF gees T0 SHAW SPEECH | i 24017 12 i RIE I iw 02a 4 RH In 2 01 Uenara and Corporal lesy Behwaris in_deelsive fashion, Huat wis the stronger, semewhnt the more agressive and undoubted ly the harder hitter, but gould not hein to ath Davies In aetuil hox nN ability, He appeared 19 garry a knockout in hand and senting ally pressed for an opening to land the Whos BL Y whieh failed to ma tevialise, The constant threat af his hitting power however, added an aly of tense exeitement and gurved to inereinse Interest dn a prea battle hetween twa worthy {aemen Davies APRs Wl te most Always | Detroit ) Cleveland ivvnn | Condon irre f 4 Hamilton S111 4 Millionatres «111 7 fn hE | Niagara Falls 7 0x 0 This Week's Games Tiesday Londen at Detyolt, Windsor at Hamilton, Cleveland al Ruffalo Thursday Millions Alpes Fridugs=London at Windaoy aturdays Mona res ot Nigwara Falls at Cleveland Huday- Huftule at Detraly, were a heaton team and they knew PIARAAY 1, hut thy just eonidn't take the defeat Hho APOTIAmeN " a aa Welter Landings for Glider (iliders are helng equipped with nantoans tn Germany to make Inia ings posaible in ease of necessity, Tha machines were at A disadvan: tage when alr currants foroed them aver apen water heoause they could not land, and a teat of one fll ted with, ponteens demonstrated Chat landing on water was simon Al SREY PR on land, Cloveland at Hultaloy 'Why Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices' Terma -- Net Cash L Genuine "cranton Anthracite Honest Weight, 2000 Ibs. per ton PEA ..« NUT ... EGG ... STOVE $12,00 18,00 18.00 18.80 "Otto" Furnace Coke A Firet Clase Product at the Price -- $12.80 No. 1 Body Hardwood w= $16.00 per Cord 8.00 per 4 Cord 4.00 per 4 Cond A TION WORTH CONSIDERING Quality » Quand W. J. Trick Company LIMITED 230,331, 28 Albert St, | Call US on the Telephone -- Nos.

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