Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1929, p. 6

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HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2; 1929 ome --- and the C ommunity 1 love the crowd that fils the Sa hp to ah li iy gc ' yeas the Hope that spies forn and the darks fn i the sehoateson of humanly | Jorn of grit a . The little "eripp A sight oo Adler playing nour at With such ws these belonging, | am To call myself u member of the erowd, Ming Abe, , Campbells oroft, : an aatrite g sker, Royal Bt. over the week-end i AL M3 ui 1aY y ng + AR Mrs, T. 9B. Mothersill, King 8t. W., for the past few: days, : Mr, aud Mrs. Olaud Bala of Winnipeg have returned home Mter vig My, and Mra, Frank Thompson, Taunton, Ont, M. Molatyre Wood returned home on Sunday from Regina, task," 1fter attending the nnnual Dominion Convention of the Cans dian Legion, B.E.B.L, Miss Mipion Mackie who atlend- ad the Maynard-Bain wedding in Ottawa 'on' November 21 han re malned in Ottawa to visit friends there. gE tA ar by © v Mich, motored to Oshawa last Thuradsy' and. spent the week-end with relatives here, Mr, snd Mrs, Win, Drew &nd son Fred of Obhawa end Mra, B, Nrima. combe Who were in Tonawanda, New York, attending the wedding of Miss Margaret Done of Oshawa, which took: place Saturday, Nn- Don't Miss THE PARSON" Prevented by The Helping Hand Class of Simooe St. United Church 'Masoble Temple Dec. 4th and Sth 04 At 8 pm, Admidblon==5 0c. morn) Wile ONE 378. NEXT TE PORT 041 obo wold. ha" Enns oF vole +1 tives in this olty over, the weeks 'Mr, ond Mra, Clarence Coyle, Mra, Thomas Coyte of Port Hope and Miss Bdythe Carmichael, Reg, othe ons 1 0 We o Fu 0 i) ossle Coyte of this city yester day, 3 ' \ An, hen GAGEMENT Wr, PT WwW, F, Smit, 104 Orchard Orov Toronto, (formerly of Oshawa) wish to an. nounce the engagement of thelr $a, daughter da to Mr, Valentine A, Gunnion of.© Wellington, N Zealand... The wedding to take plage the end of December, a DRAMATIC RECITAL SIMCOE ST. CHURCH Miss Theress M. Slegel of Western Canada RecitesVan Dyke's "The Mansions" The regular Sunday evening sor- vice at Simeos Bt, United church was somewhat varied last evening when Miss Theresa M, Siegel a dramatic entertainer gave from memory & wonderfully dramatic resentation of Dr. Henry Vane yke's famous story "The Man- glone'. This is the first appesr- ance of Miss Blegel before an Nast. orn audience, she haying spent her time in. study and work in Weal of Canada. 1 is quite certain LhA o made a favorable impression, The manner:in which she portray. od the different characters Was ex- tremely good, those of the wall meaning wealthy father and the sgmbitious young son, being the most outstanding. Her volea de played oulture that is only attain od after yoars of study and concen: tration, The atory which she reeit- od is itaelf & sermon but Misn te. gol's interpretation of/it added con. siderably more insight into what the author was trying to convey when he Wrote it. Instead of fin« {shing abruptly at the end of 'the " Ni story Miss flogel read a poem ei titled "If 1 Had The Time," which foft just a Mttle more. than the mor. al of the story with the listeners try applying the lesson to lives o veal people and not only the flo titious characters of a book, ' This evening at eight o'clock Miss Siege! is giving a recital In Simoes. Bt. United Church Sunday #oltool under the auspices of the Young Reople's League of that ehuroh, Sclssors have a place as a cooks ing utensil, They are better than n knife to dice chicken, celery, shred Jettuce and, cut raising, marshmallows, Almost all salad fruits and vegetables of meats may he cut with scissors more easly and more attractively than with a knife, 1 the food ' sticky, rub the nels- sor blades and fingers with a little buiter, Molsture will make the sels. sors rust. Wine them thoroughly both before and after using, woul feo Our Now Fall Line of Coats and Dresses at the FASHION SHOPPE $4 Simcoe St. South pu. EL a Collegiate. Staff 'Players san od ¥ PRESENT Has a L] # with Yon aw v Wedd i, i A $d AY OF THE INFANTA" VALIANT" YOU, DOCTOR" IN THE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM {Tuesday and Wednesday, December 3-4 B50 oconts «== As Wm, E & gear | knew 08 By the thousands : real relief until Cough Syrup. Now they would not be without it. One dose before to this | retiring 'usually y coms yields * preparation and children lke ita pleasant. taste. a] ~~ Air CO it COUGH SYRU mn V/ t J IT's CUTR A cute kiddie dress of printed potton broadeloth in red and white tones, box-plaits the front from shoulders to hem, The one-piece back is slightly flared toward hem, A Pater Pan collar of plain white broadoloth useh button-hole stitoh to fintsh edge worked in matching red hoavy floss, with/core responding treatment in turn-back flared cuffs and in front tab clos. Ing fastened with huge red vomy buttons, Style No. 987 is designed for the Hitle girl of 2, 4, 6 and 8 years, who spends a great desi. of her ine in play. The generously full fdth of skirt, allows plenty oy freedom for activity, It will interest mother for it no easily made, for it is realy Just a one-plece affair to be press. od into plats at front, aud then it is ready to close side and shoul dor seams, French _ blue plgue dotted in white with plain white contrast is very practical, Chambray in nile green, rose, daffodil yellow or light blue with white pique contrast is very fash flonable, Orehid and white checked ging- ham with white organdie trim pip. ed In the gingham is adorable, Wool ohiallls prints, wool Jersey in pastel shades and prints, sprig- kod dimity, striped percale, linen, and orepe de chine appropriate, Pattern price 30 cents in stamps or coin (cola is preferred) wrap coin earefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional! for a copy of our new Fall andr'Winter Fashion Magasine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON venssnnsnninnsnrniinneire OIE soir ennniin eens eine OIE Loineninamnene senseninnannsensnannicene BIE connenneniiens "we . Name Address Fown' (iio Provinee ouivissersrnessnsssnsionsanninnnnee Prien ta each. Hamp volun, rap cola oa y. - WOMEN INCREASE SMOKING AVERAGE London, Dec, 2~1In the last twelve months 823600 560 | cigarets 'were told in the United Kingdom, This means that if every man, woman and child had an equal share they would have had 912 cigarets each. This is jore: per capita than in the' United States, whera the ratio is 850 per por- son, Five years ago, according to a London retailer whose statistics are regarded as accurate, the British ave erage was a little more than 800, Wes nen are responsible for the in y "Among my n clients," said ri taller, "is one who regulap! 30 cigarettes a day" J I Ta POST OFFICE « OFFICIALS GET READY FOR XMAS Washington; D.C, Deer 2. «4 Four billion stamps, totaling more than 300 tons in welt, have 'been pre- red bi Axed ce officials who said anticipated I) recordsbreak ristmas trade, Upon the basis © advance orders, described as unusu. ally heavy, they said this number of stamps would Be needed, or 7 per gent more than used last year, rw Temptation usually heginneth with the funtasy and appetite, and vepres senteth some. worldly, floahly thing ak very pleasant-and desivables~Richs Pies Go Quick Wg are ot Shi Sa Sven of 8 a al Hay ed aed Baxter, Dr, Leone k 1 congestio st the th, . oh has riven gale sale and Testing oR 1 thousands ot) Nie sufteiera Ju will do the same to you or back Jury & Lovell Lid, and drugy § harm) Ngves this aftecrad i had averywhore sell Mem Roly with this Aaniee . v LITTLE T GRANTED SUPPORT St. James "Literary Society Enthusiastic About Movement SAVIOR OF DRAMA HMiustrated Lecture on Isle Of Man Given By ™ Member Montreal, Dée, 2,-~Bupport of the Little Theatre movement in Monreal was shown at a moetlag recently of the St. James Literary Society held In the Engineering Institute of Canada on Mansfield sireet, L. IL. McMahon, gresident gf the society, who occupied the chair, stats ed that he attermded the gathering in Victoria Hall on Saturday night to help the establishment of a Little Theatre and noticed a number of members of the society in the au- dience. This he thought spoke well for thelr organization as well as for the citizens of Montreal who turned out to All the hall, to such an ex: tent that those who organized the meeting were more than satisfied at seeing three timeg the number there they had ox ected, Th Little Theatre movement, con- tinued the speaker, had been the sa- vior of the drama in a great many countries, Drama was a part of Mie and was one thing in which as a whole society how's co-operate, He had no doubt that'the members and everybody who took an interest in literature would be anxious to help to the best of their ability, So far as they ns a society were concerned he 'considered that A would be a fine thing if they supported the movement collectively at thag meeting by pass- ing a resolution Ny thet sup- port to the Little 'theatre, Offer Support J. B. Thomson moved that the so- clety should communicate to the se- eretary of the provisional committee set up to draft a scheme for a Little Theatre their sense of pleasure that the movement had been undertaken and that any mora' Support that the society could give would be freely at the disposal of the ®ommittee, A, Ty Chapman seconded the mo- tion, 4 ' W. Hayward, supporting, com: mented that drama a form of lis terary expression which appealed to a great many peop in & way that the reading and writing of literature did not appeal, It was a fact, too, that many people could express them: selves in words and actions more cas- ily than in writing. Cultivation of the drama would encourage a literary in terest which in turn would lead suraly to the desire to read and to find expression in writing, . The resolution was adopted unani- mowly, \ James R. Wright gave an illustrat ed lecture on "Elan Vannin{ the Is. land of Hall Caine" His slides re- the beauty and charm of the le and popular Isle of Man and the discussion which ed the pegs many members recalled hap- + days wpent there on vaeation, Mr, is Scottish, but, as he said, his Tamily had taken him te the is- fand as arf age when he n HE of Monteen! on! » described the Island as being, ae the size of the Island of Montreal, some 33 miles long and 12 miles wide, consisting in all of 22% square miles, At one time it seems to have beon part of Ireland, he said, and probably of Scotland as well, The Isle of Man, he said, was the birthplace of the Aunt hook. oor | ears members o Ww Enso house. of Derby had been ound up, with the island, At the present time, he sald, there is a Governor, wha has many respon. sibilitles_and great powers, He adds ed that there are no party politics the Island, and autonpmy has made the pe pi 1 ax any to be found the Britis re, y "ke howed the places made famous by the pen of Hall Caine, Who fever app od the Teland _ "without & thrill of the heart" and alluded to the charms of the' "Wee villages in alleys X cosy Vv . The lecturer paid. tribute to the simplicity and pooduess of the Manx men, and dwelt on the influence of the sea in moulding their lives and conduet, \ Revefige is a kind of wild justice, which, the more & man's nature runs to, the more ought law to weed "it ottte-Francls Bacon, HELPFUL HINTS | d no say | "Pk Alwaa serve "apie euse with roast the main diet at o shortening for ple erust ion be very Bard and oold, 'Beware of too hot an oven when baking any sort of layer cake, Stew seedless rulsing and serve cold with a little orange juice, 1f_the slice of ham is very lean, put one tablespoon of fat into the pan before frying. Corn fritters served with currant jolly aye good with any sort of roasted poultry, * Warm the oranges that are to be peeled, just for a fow minutes, It will eause the skin to peel off onnlly, If vegetables must stand after paring, cover them completely with cold water to prevent discoloras tion and wilting, Potato parings burned in a cook stove about three times nu week will keep soot from collecting in stove pipes, For a pretty greenery for 'vinter place a few grapefruit soeads in a low jardiniere with rich earth, You will be, surprised at the groen vine that will result, pretty A little brown, red and black plaid- ed umbrella has a red dog with topaz eyes for Its handle, RECIPES Cheese sud Spinach Roll Important moulh HH a H Two quarts of spinach, - one- fourth pound of cheeses, one table- spoon butter, salt, paprika, bread- crumbs, Baking time: . moderate oven until brown, Wash the spinach and shake dry, enbk without water five to ten' minutes, drain (reserving the juice for a bedtime or breakfast time drink), chop fihe and com- bine with the butter, grate choose. American will do nicely, sonsonings and enough crumbs to tinke a stiff mixture, Shape into a roll and place in a greased bak- ing dish. Bake in a moderate oven until brown, basting several times with melted butter, Serve with a butter sauce, ------ MOLDED APPLES Four tart apples, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine, 1 lemon, 2 cups bolling water, 2 ta- blespoons little red c¢innemon candies, Make a syrup of sugar, boiling water, grated rind and juice of lemon, Add apples pared and cor od and cinnamon candies, over a low fire until fruit is tender, Turn frequently and baste with the syrup while cooking, Soften gelatine in 4 {ablegpaons cold wa~ ter for five minutes, HKemove ap- ples from syrup and arrange in a porving dish, Add enough boiling Coqk J water Lo syrup to make 8 cups and add soften elatine, Remqve from fire snd stir unt(l dissolve, Pour over apples, Let stand sey. eral hours to Sil and become firm and serve with pped cream or custard sauce, HAMPTON W.M.S, HOLDS MEETING ------ Hampton, Nov, 30~~The monthly meeting of t ampton Women's Missionary Society wag held on Tues- day, Nov, 19, at the home of Mrs, Hilton Peters, with a good attend. ance, The president, Mrs, (Rev) Bick, took rge, rs. Clatworthy conducted the devotional part, after which reports from the Heralds were ven, Mrs, W. Wilbur presented an ntgrestin program, the theme be- ing Thanksgiving, peace and our duty to the foreigners in our land, Ap propriste hymns were sting. Instruc- tive papers were read by Mrs, Ste- ens, Mrs, Niddery and Mrs, Knox, re. Wilbur favored with a vocal solo, After the meeting Mrs, Pet ers served refreshments and a social half hour was spent, All are looking forward to hearing Mrs, Richards of Whitby, and Mrs, Jno, Baker and the C.G.LT, girls of Solina at the annual thank-offering on Sunday evening, December ath, Mrs, Mabel Taylor, has returned to New York to resume her work af- ter spending several months at her home here. Several from here are attending the Standard Training School at Bowmanville Trinity United Sunday school rooms, Mr, and Mrs, W. G. Doldge and Mr. and Mrs, Will Withur, were in Toronto on Wednesday, ! Mrs, W, W, Horn and Mrs, Fred Honey, are delegates from our Woe men's stitute to the convention held at the King Edward Hotel, To- tonto, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Mr, W, W. Horn and Miss L, Horn accompanied them to the city on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Adcock and family visited Oghawa relatives on Puesday,, Mr, R._Allin is a patient at Bowmanville Hospital, Myr, Arthur Wakely, Oshawa, visit ed his parents on Tuesday, ry, Levi Reatoire has Fedn cons fined to the house through illness, A number of the young people ens joyed. Mofiday evening tobogganning on Winterburn's hill, However the snow had all disappeased by Tuesday night, but more fell on Wednesday and Thursday and the thermometer dropped to 6 degrees below zero, Mr, and Mrs, C, E, Horn and fame lly atfended the Royal Fair at Tow tonto on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Robbins and babe, Liskeard, visited Mrs, W, J, Virtue on Wednesday, -------- A very honest man, and a very qood understanding, may be deceived by a knave.~ Junius, | Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY | At | ATKINS HOSIERY & | LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Simcoe St. ee - NS PN J you look inlo € EE cit ai i. lin i, GH cin FO the Ceoffiele- washer ou see w the Loffiel o es "& "ArH Ye this a8 fe éxamine pee what -- THE Faotory 00 Bowra Electric Shop Phone 1075 ON'T be misled. 'wash clothes - Machines, like many men will often create a false impression. The worker that makes the most fuss is not always doing the best work; it is the steady unobtrusive worker that pleases most in the long run. The Coffield Gyrator Electric Washer is just such a worker. You perhaps don't see "such boisterous surface action, but if you look care fully you will see the water swirling and boiling deep = Joa is the botiotn of the tub, doing the work where e'work is needed; cleaning your clothes as no other washer can do it. When you lift out your washing the collars and shirt cuffs. There you will a real washer can do for you. Washer | uvarsdy, Electric Motor or Gas Made in Canada by COFFIELD WASHER COMPANY OF CANADA ond Head Office: HAMILTON, ONTARIO. and Warehouses: Toron Montres), Ottawa, Winnipeg, Regina, \N (} i Down ALT] ILE A | £0 Engine as al Sole Agents DEMONSTRATION NOW ON at 70 Simcoe St. N, i UH i EE TTT TITRE 11 | [1 | Ei i SE SUP NS GG a l yr anh um Required I I Rh MEARS AY Convenient (RAAT) | KS _-- Oshawa

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