THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1929 / PAGE oor Era] Te-- night on dren ih ha the ving as of Through the night the Hat Sunday morning, while the for continued, Capt, A Younw, of Duluth, decided to chance launeh- ot ashore, The jttle eraft csi ih Ba a revealed com as dow HR: Ae be although coast guardsmen oir: My ) soarch | for them, Toronto, Des, | fri ates! graln ip has been ey with a loss Ife various) fmated at from five to eight, a8 a result of the storm which en Friday and Raturs day swept the Great Lakes with a violence yeldom witnessed upon the inland sea: The Mise! f trolghter Kiowa of Oity, Michigan, is the vessel Grim index of her fate, a ing the frosen body # pleked up Runday rails, about 100 miles ont, 1iteboat conta of a sallor off Grand Ms EE kA a i \ rlect Ea oflow Eenstives, Ly : it Your SEE west of Fault fte, Marie, The hoat bore the XKiowa's name Various reports are abroad as to the loss of the shipi one lake cap: tain reported at the Michigan Fault [that he had seen the pliot house of 8 lake vessel in the lake off Grand 7 | Marain, OMainl Statement From Cleveland Jt in reported i [that oa x Al president of dhe tL arent os Towing company, bean ndvised by his represe HAR at the Bault that the ship was drive en ashore off Point au Nable, four miles west of Grand Marais, and that tive men had heen taken from the vessel, m Newberry, Mich, coast guards report yeeelving word from thelr fellow guardsmen at Grand Marais that 18 had been saved and tive bodies recovered, Including these of the eaptaln, the wheels: man, the steward and two others unidentified, The Kiowa earried a orew of 86, If only 18 have heen rescued, the death Hist probably will be elght, Fisher of From Captain ", a, RE IE {informed CKGW Broadcasts "Voice of Firestone" the Sault te, Marie district of the United Hiates constguard, It wan learned that the ship ran aground and sank half a mile trom Point nu Sable lighthouse, Captain Fisher stated that the Kiowa's grain eargo shifted during the storm and that the ship went out of eontrel, ran aground on jagged rooks and pank rout § o'clock Saturday night, he ship's eaptain, he sald, was Alf, Young, of Duluth, Minn, De: tells of the wreok and of the res: oue of 18 men ware meagre, said Daptain Fisher, hecause telephone telegraph wires were out of aommission, Me thought that at least tive lives had heen lost, Captain Pishar sald he had heen that the Grand Marais const guardsmen had abandoned thelr seareh for the night, This morning, fhe report sald, the captain and four other men laynched a small Hfehoat An an ef fort ta remeh shore, hut the craft oapained ahd they were thrown tn to the walter, Em THE SURFACE SAVED {\ English visitor says the anly thi ne he doesn't lke about Ameren I the lack of old ruling, We have 'om old top, we have 'em, Hut you can't tell oh after they get their maint and powder on, = New York Times, SG | RV a] us ABT ol Christmas hint 10 husbands See these FR1GIDAIRES--al in rust-proof Porcelasn-onestee] 4 sures quick' rebults , , « always. For NPANDARD MINING RXUHANGEH Toronto, Dee, 8,~With the éx- ception of Noranda, minting stocks held firm at midday on the Stans dard Mining Exchange today, Norr anda, after an opening gain of 60 oants, dropped sharply and at noen was down S56 at B70 from Fri day's glosing tgure, Malntyre af- ter opening unchanged shot up 16 to 14,45, Mining Corporation wan up 6 at 0,00, Kirklawd Lake gains ed 0 at BO and Wright-Hargraves gained a ke amount al 1,41, Cals mount Ol was up 8 at 1,14, Faloon- bridge remained unehn ged, Ajax OH was down one at 1.046, In the unlisted section, Chemical Renoareh showed a gain of 400 at 5.40, while Dalhousie and Big Mis sour! recorded Kaing of § and 1 re npeotively, TORONTO NOC " KXCHANGE Toronto, Deo $= Fractional ning and losses were recorded on the Toronto Mock Mxehange throughout this morning's session, The market remained falrly steaoy at midday, Hrasiitan and International Niek ol, after scoring maine at the opens ink of the market, were down 5% and repost ively at noun. fra wilan wan off 8% at 4134 and Nickel at #014 wan down %%, Dominion Mores and Canadian Industrial Alcohol showed galing of 4 each at S48 and hy ree spectively, Ford Motors "A", Mas wey-Harrls, and Wai kers Nir unehange The olli*held steady, 0, A, Ol), after an opening main of 5% was down Mat 40% at noon, Ime perial was ) Wont 28 and Ine ternational Pete was unohanged, pEuper Test wasup S% at 87 TORONTO LAM EATOCK Toronto, Deo, 8.--Cattle trade opened #ironnm, with prices #8 to Ale higher on stears and heifers, Cholea butehers sold at $9.00 to $10.00, with somes heavies up to $10.00, Cows and bulls sold steady with oholee baby beef selling wp to §156,00 Calves sold steady at $15.00 to $16,00 for choles, . Homs unsettled with packers bidding $0,680 FON, for Dacons or at $10.78 off car, Lambs unsettled, with prospects $11.76 to $18,00 for good ewes Ma, Hr, We, Mt, BW Aban Alu Awa Pwr Pg, Hr, Mhaw, % LE 100% hi 1% allon 47 rt, Stock Market Prices Marks, Hammary by Canadian ress Toronto and New York #loek Quotations Supplied by Swble, Vorlong and Co, i" Tin 11h IT 76% 40 ati Standard ) 1 187 1] Dig Mis, 040 Ch, Holl, He, OI 1186 Bw, Hd, Hes, Dey Mw, Faleon, By, boo 710 000 y BO nid Gold KL 1080 Kt, Ply, LAT Ik, Mh, Nrnda, Bh, ( 108h anso i, S48 Binooe (¥ Nd, Th, J} Ns, 10 fa, BR Ventures M0 wr, Hr, Wain Htook im well 17 Mines 106 in 170 an Koo 710 131] boo Ko 1046 Ll 1086 ELT Uhh he 408 blo Heo 188 17 So NEW YORK Amar, Can, Am, Fr. Pr, Ansoonda ] Halt & Oblo 117% Can, Pac, , 10M Chrysler ,,, 04 On, Col, Dupont Krie (in, (en, Hud, it, © It, Tels, ,, Joe, Lae, Mex, Mt, Phil, 'h, fr, Radin ae, NY, 0TH Ura, Bo 11 Rall hd Pde, ,, BO Mot, Mot, Om, + "ny 10% 1 110 40% 18% Man, Win, whed, Ward 87 Poore Co, LL HE LRT Pot, NJ, EERE Blmmonn ,, A} Ain, ON At 0 Utd, U.N, Wael Yel, HN (1) 41 100 4 10M 10% I NJ, Alr, Hieel worth Truck TN TL 11) ag ha ad NB i" 11% n% HEN ON uartar OF conta urs te Watullon Clgar introduced a new smoking pleasure , , . a genuine J00% Havana Aller cigar of unusual mildness and fragrance, Because of this exceptions! quality, Malntained for '4 years, eri \ To honour the occasion, the Bachelor now WiLson's to prevent breaking, cracking or chipping In the puta, and to preserve its freshness, richness and délightful the Bachelor celebrates its silver anni. versary with the largest sale of any 100 cigar in appears in gald drese--each cigar indi, vidually wrapped ln slivery foil, Fol 16% eo bof BACHELOR T0TRY FOR Th WORLD'S RECORD Daytona Heach, a, Hee 2The erystal sands of the ocean speedway here this winter will see a new and spectaenlar sssault upon the world's automobile spbed record of 231 miles n hour, This time it is to be Kaye dom, well known Heitish driver, who will attempt to wrest the title from Wis fellow countryman, Sie Henry Segrave, Regrave set the present record here last March when he exceeded by 21.7 miles an hour the previous mark held by an American, it Wh Ray Keogh of Philadelphia, SepPave since hus announced his retirement from aun mobile racing and has taken up mo tor-boating us a hobby, Tis record holding ear, the Golden Arrow, has been placed In a museum in England Dates for the forthcoming speed clasmie, for whieh no Ameriean entries yet have been made, formally have been set for March 1 to 18, although they are subject to change, Pon, who 1a well-known 'In racing elreles on the bLuropean continent, will be a neweamer in the Amerlean high speed lassie, He is a veteran driver, The. American Automobile Association, whieh has supervised pres vious automobile trials here, has beon advised that Don's machine {s under construction, Little 1 known on this sido us to the specifications exenp that it {8 to be equipped with tw 1,000<horsepower motors: In dpe, It Is believed to be of the four-whee drive type, Indieatyons that the world's record plan might he attacked by another Writlsh driver before long Is seen in an announcement by the American Automobile Association thst Cap! Maleoln Campbell of England, a for mer record holder, is considering a comebaek, He set a record of 30698 here in February, 1948, in his 1d-eylinder Hue Hird before Keegh came along in a gant Jo-eylinder machine and boosted the mack up to 207.88, Whe ther he will come to Daytona Beach in the event he decides to try again In not known here, At any rate, regardless «whether Don ar Campbell succeed In estab Hahing a hew record, "the title |» doomed to remain abroad for another year at least unless Ameriea can pro duce & machine and » driver capabli of bettering Segrave's mark of nearly four miles a minute, It has been rumeyed that several Americans are interested in the con struetion of a record contending ma: chine, byt so far they have made no public ANNOUNCOMENt, * Are ---------- There Is deep [nthe hearts of men with all their faults and all thei wickedness, a kind of moral sens which makes It a horror when th weak are trampled on and there is n one to avenge theme=Maude Royde: TOBACCO GROWING IS INCREASING Wellington, New Zealand, 'Dee, A new #ource of Empire to- acco fs meen in the flelds of the {olson district of New Zealand, here culture of the tobasco plant W Attalned on an" extensive scale, It has been proved that flests lass pipe and clgarets tobacoo oan oe grown on the island and the overnmont is planning to stimuls ate the industry in various ways Nealdes the Nelson district, cons dlderable headway has been made on the North Auckland and Rotors ne diatriots,, the natives in these arts being particularly interested nthe growing of tobacco as a means of livelihood, It In estimuted that there are new more than 1000 acres of land levoted to tobacco growing in the Nominton, The hulk of the orop at "he present time is under contract n New Zealand tohacoo manufacs urers, hut plans are going fore ward for the development of exe ort trade, RA RA A WINTER TONIC FAMOUS ( FR SO Yia SCOTTS EMULSION vii our display room and see the Frigidaires now offered for Christ- as delivery, i, eo the greatest most amazing values, in daire history, All are atri tiful. For it Md : 0 vos pe bid white Foran ated hin. Btery jnch of and weathers, No sheep were sold up till noon, PORKIGN KXONANGER New York, Deo, §,-Forelgn Exe I ohange wteady; demand rates: Great Britain in dollars; others In conta] Great Rritaln 4 TAM Cas nadinn dollars 1 1-16 per cent dia COUnt, the mechanism it controls is extra. bello + + + Meeting every demand with effortless case. And, though extra.powerful, the Fosidaire mechanism is Incredibly quiet, 1 completely enclosed in a te DE in the bottom e cabinet in the coolest part of the room. With all of these features, Frigidaire ces are remarkably low and our special Christmas terms make any household model unusually easy to vrs The vy - uan- = ror re - dovated 15» con eight. buy. Call at our display room for com. | ji. 8th. 38 th eight, y, tO dguble the ter Jarvice plete information, 'Aypaum u ways + PR ti. hed 84% ui nope] : wl . rigidaire has old model modell now fh uy A" Special neh Christmas Terms 14, Aleh, Bb Lob, A" 18 We are now Juakin a special or on all househ gid- TORONTO Htook High Low Br, A, Ol 41 an ras, 19% 41 Can, lat IAN 18 Can, Brd 18% 18 Cookshutr' 28, Oty, + Dry, 40 Dis, Sgro, 12 o z To hawa, On a. a--] lo DN CAR accepted, an o ton § room haw brick once, All convenlonces, We ated, Hot aly heating. ete, prepared to buy as the ow FE FEFEreE P= == J BERS IWE ED Ieee © IEW FEPETRSEE FZ FE dt EB a NAS =e a Tr Ty RC AD AD TO RE 4D GE a BD a Bee Me re. Py b en FOROS hae fy 3 5 RA ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 1072 List. Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! w 70 Simooe St. N, Oshawa DISNEY REAL Nor WN a Who Is Your Skinny ALKIES DISCREET Call at our displ Jultdueii abou pa) Thorn o_o Friend, El Ethel? IN NEW NEW ZEALAND Wellington, New . New Joints ract Tablets for a couple of about the talking SE months and ot shoul hood ealthy Healand will +] |! th lalative . him Ay the EA 10 'take ale to Gounod hat § a ocensomahl " Tell him that thousands of thin, with the obiset of Bethe way, peaked, Jiradny halt over spoken a X oalth Appes 0) Wd Sew | "ome of the filma "ee the day \hey th 8 hear thege Ford Ae positively 0 0," . weight producing and health Mh Ei 'The "The Motures ob ad CA shhtinks, A voloew are worse, One si aX Wh a Liver ne Lovell, T, showd our children listen to Sort of avivel druggist By them=-60 tablet SOR timueanoimy sind 81 that as a wore moans business, Loh. aires bought for Chriimas. TALKIES DISLIKED Tell him to Take MeG MeGoy's Cod Liver H--Homething has feah on his bones to like a real n,Q MT lorie fo n i | \ : tow the desirability ot Yoh and neck, | £ th Awerica ha have improved. t sie | | purity of the English derful sugar coated | tab) i #0 a at doen't talk that way and : aE Aes X Ad and every Hon, William Rurathie Machinery Repairing AUTHING UU BAGS A NOTHING OO SMALL } Adanac Macha Shop } 161 Ring 86 W. Vhone 1814 ' h -- Alwgst AY thin man oF woman can he pounds of healt wits a EX days ¢ money will 0 WOmAR, put on nw a, in alx weeks, Children grow robust and strong foeble old people feel younger In a fow weeks, Night cate 4 King wt, CUTLER & woul be done, He favored & © sorahip of "talkien™, but awh oF It conld be done |)