Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1929, p. 4

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" i eh wigs didi i id A 4 > HY » # yo #4 3 y THE "SHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1929 oe Oshuws Bally. Times Prin ders of Oshaws R Proaldothr, ern dhe Rover or il apt 1s & mombel 61 Cane ¥ UBACRIPTION WATRS © 19d » week By mall in Canade ia mite), $400 » Cr Bt Rogina tast week, demon ing {agtors of the ex-service me ealibre' of the men at INE bleness of thelr views, and nee orgoniuntion on securing remedial action on behal of hurassed d suflgring ex-pervice men, Attended thy 816 d b ! gathering of Its kind evel 1 reason of fhe Thet that it province hr tie' Dominion, viewpoint off the many Important guest ons hin. ny ¥ my J Mot hilop rp one eo ingdea gl hn Sl wh was the annguneement made on the c1osing afternoon that 'there would be nocevietions of saldier wettlers from thelr farms during the bitter winter months, Por an hour the problems of these settlers, made ine tense In many cases by erop failures, were debated, and delegate after delegate told of men whe, on the first of December, faced eviction from thelr farms "because they had fallen into arreats with thelr pay: ments. There seemed no way out of the difficulty antl! there was an insistent demand that the chair ming of the soldier settlement board, who was In a room adloining the convention hall, be interviewed, ¥ «This was done, and In fiye minutes, back came his reply, » reply which meant home and happiness to wihundreds of distressed ex-adrvice men, that there 5 er Would be no evictions ungl! next spring, and that ve man. would besgvicted without the Leglen being given « wan opportunity to fight his case for him, It was a wender{ul viatory dor the ex=service men's parliament, " ane' which, in ite humanitarian effects, alone Justified the Regina convaption. nl in its which hit w a Another high light was the anneuncemient that the * time limit of seven years which had been placed upon "application for pensions by men of the Amperial "forces, was to be abolished, Ior years the Legion, in . Jenlinction with-the British Empire Service League, Ir. pid for thisseencession, which aflects lee - "Canada, and the news vy Ha : ie ¥ A ea he Tonjored of vw convention: which is > Mind maa) aehgpibifyeye 1 dame was the mesge of 8ir Arthur Currle, the war time come "wander of the Ganadian Corps, Writlng from a bed £4 of slekness, and after reading his daily budget of ap . peals for assistance from members of the corps, Gene © oral Currle struck right out at the pension regula: tions, Dgmanding that national pramised must be fulfilled, he called for a complete re-writing of the . Wiwhele pensions regulations from begliving to end, «Parham his demand wan a trifle drastic, because there Ta Many seetions whe' phnatons act which are abs solutely fale and Just, Ya the merc closely one bes pe fated with 'the work of seeking justice xeatrvise men whe hi broken dwwn as the res allt of thelr war pery A Arthur has become, © the more: ane realiaes Bee is yet a long way © "Yo go before the men an women and children who ; Da a-- A ah AY toed for, Som This brings up the ti WR was of the most pital Importance so far wy the problems of the ex- wh. Mervin Ten are concerned, the question of the burnt So out wan, the man, who by reason of his shattered physique and crushed 'mental 'strength, has become unemployable; has become unable'to face the burdens wif life, but who, because he had no apparent disablls we oe ever-growing ¢ le i thn committee whieh i soldier prodlews declared him Wi ha the pik problem facing the country hy A a oA%e 2 Saitand. i and 1 hase Wen Are not to become charges on ies on which they live, the Legion, Wao he ha they will have the support of the pees in seeking considérption for these men, A 19 put forward o one that free ho _ pial treatment od for tHoke wen "who might be hod 10 novmal HERR and Te. hs means, and the other that allows ae should ba provided for thete who are broken down to such an extent as to be unemployable, 0% These requests, which will be placed before the next "7 geaslon of partiament, seem reasonable and jupl, and og Sughh.o ave, at least mp ihetie eoniden fon, ! the As every at the time he To -- from 'the war, is declared? is ever growing more desperate ord since It demonstrated clearly thet Canada's ex-service men, Srna. thelr organisation, are Just as ready to 6 Rtas pits in time of peace wh ore In time pr! " i Hitt ] "The east 4 worming ai A 4 fie wept # great des) more than the western people are" Ti these words u prominent Reglng business mun, past : Soon of the Regine: Beard of Trade, epitomized He in Western a ub the present time, In they with the writer p few days Ago, . Ong_gannot, of cours, glaim & full knowledge of worn conditions after n week spent in the rapitsl oo of Baskntchewan, buy from gonversations In sere vice clubs, nt a Conadian Club luncheon, In hotel ro tundas dnd rallway Jinn one can gather something of the outlook of the west, and can reach bhit ons conclunlon, that'fhe west in spite of Its troublous times of the last {ow months, has never lost its breeey optimism, One thing which I" outstanding in Sag wn Is the faith with the average man places In. the action of the wheat pool In helding the wi Wheat crop back from the marker, Hvery rm man to whom we spoke. was of (he sam epihlon, that this wothon will eventuslly. enable the. farmers to obtain such & prien for thelr wheat as Will net those whe had wny crop at all a handsome profit, And the concensus of opinion is that If Tt had been dumped on the market as It was iiihad, the price would have dropped to n ruinous J The west Is almost past 'the stage of being entirely dependent on the oat erop for Its prosperity = 'wimost, hut net That Is apother whieh Is 1 conditions," 0, he north, rich mineral resources are being dev di In Alberts; the oll wells promises untold wealth; In the cities, Industry Ip springing up by Jeaps and bounds, and hehind all these Is the old bagkground of the graln fields of the prairies, So that, whereas In the old days the west had all its Begs In the grain basket today Its Interests are spreading, and mining, agriculture and industry are "going hand In hand to maintain an even balance of prosperity If it did nothing else, the aetlon of the wheat pool In holding back the graln crop saved the west from serious losses in the stoek market crash, Tt seems to have had little effect on the prairies, where the farmers did pot hve the ready cash with which to speculate, And so the wast #8 optimistic, Tt has a wholesome outlook on the present and the future, and Ia logking ahead te another year, As one mn remarked In conversation, "There have only been two really, good crops In the, west = the crop of 1915 and next' yelr's erop* And next year's crop Is the one to which the farmers and the city folk alike are looking farward = the crop which will demonstrate that It takes more thay one grain failure to dampen the spirits of these western people, RETIRES AT LAST "Billy" Wilson, the mayor ef Gananoque, has ro- tired from ofce at last, Down in the pretty little town on the St, Lawrence, they were quite ready to let him have the Job for life. He held It for eleven years and in all, he served In municipal office for twenty-eight years, And, In all that time, it Is safe to say, he never made an enemy, He Is the kind of chap whom everyone seems to like, the kind of fellow whose kindly and genial pevaonality, and whose wholeshearted faith in his own community makes him the natural leader In all its activities, As a mayor and & homestown booster, "Billy" Wil. son stands in & class by himself, He lost count years ago of the number of visitors to whom he extended the glad hand of welcome, and It is sald of him that once he had met anyone, he never forgot either the 'face or the name. We have good reason to know of this, for last summer, op meeting hm, for the firss time since a brief meetng ten years before, we were rather surprised to be called by name without any hesitation, Mayor Wilson has served Gananoque well, and the town will find it dificult to find one to replace him with the same zeal and spirit of ancrificial service, Few mayors have been so well known all over One tario than hg has been, and hia retirement from ofce will be regrétted because of his colorful personality and the breezy nature which made him popular wherever he went, w EDITORIAL NOTES Many men have & hard Hime because they are Ine clined to take things too easy, I -------- Clothes may not make the man, but his wife's clothes often go a long way towards breaking him, ------ Culture does not always bring & guarantee of sues cons, for many a polished man has a duit finish, At -------- a] There is net much chance of the man wha ls dolug WeET------ n considering books with unhappy endings, one must always give first place to the chelue hook, I-------- Qld man winter has Boon trying to demonstrat: | that he fi not 10 be fooled hi Last Woe 'was' National Ee sh Waek, hut i wan! votes, X Currie's, mes 10 Io Canadian Les uth vag many war viet tolief and Justice are unrecognised, | ---- Aba, how in Kaisa, the "ideal hog" was ae nothlilg way sald Aout the make of ear he was driving, i Vi dn rr ---------- There can now be no doubtipf the popularity of Sie Arthur Curtle With the men of,hie old Canadian Corps, Forty-three. states In the United States passed over 16,000 new laws last year, It is no wonder that #0 few of them can be enforced, The Kitchener Record suggests that future federal] budgets. Will bo kndwn aa "Dineen" But no one, has ever called the Jast finance: minister's budgets "Robbers." Christmas is now less than a wonth away. 'This means two obligations, First, remember the Christman chear fund, and second, do your Christmas shopping : early. 7 viewpoint ' everywhere one speaks of western | his level best remaining at the bottom of the ladder. om vil in' many Ontarlo Ju Other Editor's Comments (Chistion fo wi Fein Monitor) # 6 comment Wi ditions fu the br pr Hater the are ipringas it Ta Page vo Some the pape ro wer a 4 week or oh anil ago durin period In ™E whim LOUK. (Watford Bescon-Herald) Oshawa's town clock Is ready to quit and the tower that houses is leaning at & men sngle, The handy men around the vill nie have rushed in to place props to keep the lower from orashing from the dissy helght of" 28 feet to the Areal, away down below, Oshawa report says' It 'was the mean east wind that buffeted the town tower, fet oul, The men around Oh: AWD were in the stoek market when it ornokad wide open, The a stood in vows and gased at the o'd town oloék wondering If they could hang on until olosing time came at 8, No town clogk san stand tao much of this heartrending local history, CANADIAN BRAINN VOR CAN. ADA (Vancouver Bun)' , The facts are that Canadian sols nee graduates prefer to take thelr uwek In the United Hiates rather than try to live upon the wages of- fered by the Government with a miserly Joation of $1,600 at the 3 ® of 46 years, This Is the age of engineer and the chemist, Un. void millions, through forest cen. servation, through study of field erops, through development of mines and water-power, have heen added to Canada's wealth by Oov- ernment engineers and chemists, It is time thet these engineers and chemists Jot adequate reward for thelr work and a financial induce. ment to enable them ie continue that work, (hook BOOTTISN "KIRNAK" oke ! In Dally Chronlele) At raf of the year "Kirn, or harvest homes, are the vogue in Beotland, These are usus ally held In the granary of the farm, whieh 18 suitably decked for the occasion, The fleor Is none too smooth, but the tackety boots of the dansers are quite able to contend with it, The "band" cone slots of a flAdle and melodeon, and the dancds bear such weird titles as "Petronella,'" "Ritleman," and "Drops of Brandy." The most am: walng part of the proceedings comes when the steward returns thanks ta the farmer for riving the kirn, It tn the one speech he makes In the year, so It In a prest event for him, He usually be~ins In hivhs flown Buoglish to the admiration of the compeny, but invariably falls to keep it up and ends in 'bhrald foots," | Bits of Humor | "Where are you going my pret ty maid?" "There are numerous thoerles, sir," she said, PRACTICN "How gracefully Cushman seems Lo oat corn on the cob," "He ought to, He's a plocalo player,"==Union Pacific Magasine, "I ean help you, There are one or two things 1 ean tell you about your make of oar." Motorist: "Well, yourself; there are ladies present,' "Do you know that your wife Is telling Seqryone you can't keep her in clothes "That's nothing, I've bought her a home 4 and can't keep her in that, ther, "Old man, T want to tell you how much 1 enjoyed your lecture last nighte=1 certainly did." "Thanks, but I though you had A data aver at your girl's house" "7 did---her parents went to hear you," AN OLD LADY'S CONOURRN wo sentrles were marching up down thelr seh pArate beats, For a @ time the old lady watched Fin allenee, But at last she . keep sllent no longer and bed one of the men by the gan'y you two silly lads make UP and be friends?" she asked ronehfnlly. --Notingham News, i) i fhe hed Wore evar thing wrong, he "hd a disve he signal | 0 his, 'then ata a "n the middie the street, at bora starting HH) taken out nN powder puff and atarted to apply it to hey face, An rate uate Loi Tu hed up! yw lady, now Any: Why at al oR tame rules?" ¥, You, What tu it that you want 10 know 2 '~=Ohatham News, God's Love Gift or ' God wo loved the tha ward, that he gave his aply cbagotten Hon, that whonos stat bellove Na We lh in hw should not overiasting lite, Dear Lord and shalt o aver livd At this poor dying wh our le VA oii 00 veld to Tee, Cai winy 1 Lenn ohare Son, ¢ That now Is the time keop them to | SARS 9 a0 grunt custome s vad id PEL hig her fro ale iting with fo rend he fad they will save you money, That 'if 'you ave nok Fabio / to buy mow, wi hop. juny. way, Fhe move hi dat he tines » wars hase aw worth The advertises fet that he keeps BE J you ean 0 w ou SAN pure ys You am yy That sdvertisements are time-sav- efs a8 well as money-snvers for the busy shopper, That the business concerns who advertise nro ready to serve the pub. He whenever they may need them, Keep thelr names In mind ay FOUNDATION OF fore PUL I8 QUAL: wii AEx GOODS ARE AL- Y8 ADVERTISED, READ THE ADS | I fy ov W Barton, M.D WHEN FAT 18 HELPFUL At a time when thousands of In divin nen reaneing in welght, and rigutly #0, it Is interesting to know tuat many physic lune are endeavors ME to 'Iatten' others whose extreme Hinnass,' or leanness' is causing Liouble, As you mow the abdoming! or wane Bre held wn place by lgaments tached to the spinal column, It wis been found that in 20 per cent ol persons that there is a lack of sup. port that holds yp & potion of the wrge intestine, "i his portion 1s sit uated on the right side and the ap | pendix happens to be a part of It The vesult is that this part of the Intestine drops downward and is of: ten found below the hip bone In the very lowest part of the shdomen on sha right side, Now sll these Individuals, one In avery five of us, do not suffer any paln or Inconvenlence from this dropped position Howevre it has fheen found that while many of thes ndividunls never have any troubls t is only 100 true that the majority of patients with stomach and lutea tinal allments do have this 'movable' or dropped right slide of large intes tine, with 'drearging' and palnfol sym toms accompanying it, As the ap nendix is In this reglon, many cases of 'ehronfe appendicitis' have under wvone onerntion without any relief of the symptoms, Another operations that Is glvine voellent resnlis ls to simnly sew or tinch the dean® dd {ntestine to the Seminal wall, and thus hold it up However one of the safest or san t mathods Ig the one shove nen " 4; the actual fattening of the pa " Ar vou know, we were meant tn "ave aocertaln amovnd of fat in and Lang the orenns, It is this fat, ald 1 bv thelinments, that holds and nopta the abdominal armang, The ov Hon inn he? of far, and (f thie ! he removed a floating' kidney re 1a, Phe fattanlne process means that ent Invig ments varied and they are en like It or not, The individpnt ls are Wathap they weparad tn ant 'evervihine Rast in 1hawisn wivan, on that the fat wilt net he warkéd off And finally axavplnn far the ahdom tal mueatey (x vluan, ponaliting main woaf Wine an thadwaele and palsine a" bnann steninhtes to a righ anata with the hat Sn don't warey If vou ar oun te wnlerht, C10 may pape" van Taam die teageipny nhdaming] conditions an! tha sata NV of an anapation, Manlaterad In npsapdanes with the Canyrioht Aet SE ---------- ------ AMERICAN AGENTS « - ARE WITHDRAWN w wilinglon, Tee, 2 2=Sent back to Francs a tye 0 Shed neh of a year and a hal State Aevstoms aents have phen natruete ] avoid Son of A ng into the a bo dy oF French be les, agents were withdrawn on a from Paris that the Americana were trade secrets mn lawn in position to obtain and tans them along to American competitors of he, Tench, By consent of the French govern: ment it had been their business to acquaint themselves with the domes tie value of French eXnorta treasury had no choige exeept to ase sess ad valorem duties on French merchandise on the basis of value in Ameriean markets, Tt resulted in dutiea vo high that in many cases French manufacturers suffered a loss of trade, The crying need for this country today fs a safety razor blade that is rood for somethine besides * paring sorns=Detroit Saturday Night, Washinkton reports that f natton. wide trafic jam {s in prospect, Then the era of the two level highways Tagt from hayntin night; ' he) TH mountaing , By ; H After | thelr withdrawal the United States | MOUNTAIN PEACE God, Dow I thank 'Thee! 1 have Jean'd Got, how 1 thank Thos L have ZR rng hy cls fo place; " phi ag praise Thee! 5 lf uh | fa th fal peaks That Thott ert, th there. PL k oN a thas mountains fold i a 4 or #6 dim sgure heights have In Hames of gold, God, how 1love Theel I have gain'd fount of joy that ne'er will cease he sas have o'er these mountaing rain' Ktornal peace. / w Marjorie Crosbie, Th we Joh in Great by C.K nT OK, STRABISMUS, (SQU.NT OR CROAS EYES) PART II T'wo very good eyes may be 8 poor ) hod Tad palr of eyes if through muscle imbalance they do not work In harmony, This In an er« ror that requires eareful Investigution and skill in the handling but like most other eye troubles can be core rected by the proper oplieal treat: ment and attention, While it Is true that errors of vis« lon may cause a muscle imbalance, it Is alse true that muscle 'imbalances re the cause of errors, Astigmatisn for example, Of course thera are many kinds of Bits of Verse I Astirmatiom, some cases of which we are hound to consider as hereditary ---- Srosie for ORLONG 8@ fond Office Batord Bung 8, F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 | "him 0 Vl ay iN fon QF 4 "ire ny i l WA It's the quality inside a pair of shoes--not thelr rp su counts most, Lamps also look but if you seek veatest value for current consumed you will oo dison Mazdas, Lo10e EDISON MAZDA UNL DE RUG T ED LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT BUWKA LLEC I IC SHU 70 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 1078 due to some weakness which has been | by our metheds of measuring an ime handed down to us and this anatonis | balance it is found that the. devias condition 7 Astigmasiem 1s alton from narmal is high, It indicates or develop: monn other things th t the eyes so I have already in the forewoing | fixed are under too constant a strain articles explained muscle imbalance |w hen seeing, to comfortably Ax the as a cause of Astigmatiom feet seen rr ---- fy drawing near=Detroit Free Press, Give your party time to answer . . . telephone provide the oo po HIS woman has aR downstairs to answer the telephone but when she gets there she may be telde: *No one on the line now, Madam", Perhaps she should have anawered more or had her telephone located where she could reach it more easily, But on the othet: Baki, Whe Dereon calling aig: have waited a reasonable length of time, ; Impatience chuses many people to abandon calla before | the other party has time fo reach the telephone, It ia | another cause St uncompleted Ga cally which wo over ong million very day in Ontario and Quebec. bps two minutes a day Waited w= constant i it to business, Wa 816 JOlig Suk Sotts 0 VAS asouuch Jade In wry ie gt ae yd 4 ph wd Arg Ei pi essential, It takes omag by oh ane age yA § Wait a reasonable period when you place a call. Answer promptly when your telephone rings, If your telephone is not conveniently located in your home, lat us advise you. HM 0 ) Managen d |

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