' ad THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1929 PAGE THREE gs : . oe. ; A ' g ive Robberies Occu I "THIS MORNING is Large Trans Truck on for 81 Minutes, Disrupt: ing Service for Some Time, But It Was Back to Normal Later In the Day 4 Brm-- The new ten-minute service being Inaugurated by the Oshawa Rallway company. gat away to a flylng start yesterday, The new fleet of street cars, brightly finished In red and yel low, made thely first public appears anaes also, The snow this morning caused some diMeylty but the worst $xpprionte af the diay was the stalling of a Smith Transport track across the tracks at 6.08 o'clogk thin morning, which der layed the service for 21 minutes and fog a time completely disrupted the ten-minute schedule, Later in the morning, however, the cars were ax gain running on schedule, however, » Tried Out Yesterday Although It is enly Intended to ops erate a dU-minute service on Sundays, the ten-minute service was given a trlel yesterday afternoon in order that the motarmen might be fully prepared for the Monday work, Kye eryihing worked smoothly, and H, W. Cooper, manager of the compe any, and J, JT. Callaghan, superintend: oi were highly pleased with the res UIA, Vary little Interruption ln the sere vice has been noted thus far hy the shunting of trains at the CNR, les vel crossing on Blimeoe street, Mr, Callaghan sald today, 'We do not ex: poet to experience much trouble fram this source," he told Tha Times, The New HSehedule The new schedule provides for cars feaving Ross' Corners at the hour And every ten minutes thereafter, ach week day, Hach alternate ean soe to the Lake and go Cedardale, making a tensninute service te Cer dardale and a twentyuninute service "10 the Lake, The cars returning from the Lake leave at the hall hour, ten minutes before the hour and ten 'minutes after the hour, A twenty» minute servige ta Cedardale, with ¢ J eorrenponding service ta the Lake, Swill be. operated on Sundays, \ The new cars have a pleasing ap» Jpearance, and are very eany viding, {heing much more comfortable than the old ones, They also make gon: alderably better speed than the eld cars, and will, no doubt, provide pervice on Nimeoe street that Tal fheen desired for some time by the itiwens, a i i i Sen a It OBITUARY ' DR. BM, JONES ved word i of Dr, B, i fprmerly of this se, Dr, ones n vary well known In this having practised hore for some and being the owner ef eertaln 1 " Shaws. (} diath 06s outred on Saturday a4 sor, The funeral hy 4 6 held on tay it 480 vm, Dr, oes wave ropractis tiger and ¢ ted 8 practice hee {Or Sots 3 urs inl he wi hoykht out by Dr, Bleckiey, tC HURLBERT The dently hoo on Sunday at 180 am, of My, C, Hurlbert, of J meee street south, Oshawi, The Inte Mr, Hurlbert was the son WMr. and Mrs. A, Hurlbert, of Hays den, Ont, He Is survived hy his wily, by two sons, Hollith nl Loman, and six daughters; Mrs, CGallogley, Mis. MN, Morrison, Mrs, H, Lively, Miss Gladys, Miss Jossle and Misy (ALY Sie funeral 'Will be held on Tues day at 400 pw. Rev, X A Whattam will limve charge of the service, FE Shir a - PORT PERRY LA FIRM OPENS HERE Harris & Harrls Begin Prac. tice in New Oshawa Office a, he tiem of Harris & Harrly, barristers and sollotors, have open od an oMee In the Alger Hullding, This pice will be earvied on in ad« dition to thelr aes at Fort Perry, where they have practised law for HONE YOuTH, The senior member of the tirm, Is William Heard Harris, BA, LL, 4 He has practised law at Por erry wince '1000, He has devols ed the greater part of his profess slonal career to consulting and add yiging in econneetion with family business and municipal affairs, 4+ tate work, real estate transactions and worigage loaws, { Ty the year 1084, he took his don, Wohn Mdwin Harris, Into parts nerahip with him, J, 0, Harris has n for the past few years as [ el for the firm and In addi tion to the above matters has da- voted a great deal of his time to the law relating to corporations, haukruptey, and Insurance adjusts ments, partienlarly with relation to fire and automobile losses, He in actively Interested in the affairs of the County Rar Awmspolation of which he ia this year's president, Both members of the firm may he gonsuited at elther the Oshawa or Mont Perry office, NE in tonight at 8 o'clock to hear Firestone's celebration of ita first anpual debut---the very test in radio entertainment, i Listen to Franklyn Baur, Victor Recording artist and star of the Every . MONDAY # ~~ Ni RE Netwk Dlagield Follies, singing the songs you love to hear. Vaughn De J © Leath, the Original Radio Girl, will "delight you, And the Firestone * Symphonic Orchestra directed by ANDREW'S LADIES AID 4 Hugo Mariani, will play the masters | pleces of classic and modern music, Po at your radio at eight tonight . Sure--tune in on CKGW for this Thickson, Motor Sales Bond Street W t Phone 833 wa Ont. FOUR FIRES HERE OVER WEEK-END, ONE WAS SERIOUS Home of W, Gloslin on Division Street wpm i The tire department were onlled to four tires ever the weel-end, une of which proved to be serious, At 1048 on Baturduy ufternoon, they were dalled to the home of Thomas Howler ut 417 Bt, Julien pireet, where a defective thimble caused & small contingration whieh was woon got under contrel The damage amounted to about #6, The house In owned by Metro Dieneky, The second osll wan to 478 DI vision aireet at two o'clock on Byn~ day morning, the house heing oor oupled hy W, Glaslin, and owned hy A Wallage, of 104 Oshawa Houlevard, Hot ashes had, been loft smoldering against a wooden partition In the furpace room and had gained a firm hold when the department arrived on the soehw, The building fa a brick bungalow and the damage to this was esti mated at $800, hesldes damage Lo the contents of the house of #i00 The family was not at home at the time und the fire had evidently been smouldering for several hours before 1t was discovered, On Munday afternoon the fire men answered a vall to the High Park subdivision where a Kriss fire had attained serious propor tions and was threatening a num ber of rosldences, Actual damage wis small, The department received anoth or onl) at B86 this morning when a hydro wire on Bruce street hroke but caused no damage, "The fire men stood hy and watched this till the arrival of the hydra men, OSHAWA LADDIE CHOSEN AS DOUBLE OF DAVEY LFE Bruce White, Son of Mr, and Mrs. A. H, White, Award. ed Purse of Gold Little Bruce \White, aged § son of Mr and Mis, A, HL White, 330 Allee steel, wan Thursday night ohosen as the nearest 'donble" of Davey Lue, popular child Alm star at a special contest held in Loew's Theatre, To ronto, under the ausplaes of The Ta ranta Velegram, Bruce and five othe little "doubles" were each present od with a purse of gold, the presen tation beng wade by the young him SLAF 1 person Bruce wha is diminutive and sturdy had quite made up his mind what he wished to do with his money when it was presented to hin A steam voller, probably a toy one, "an a dump truek" are his present am bittons, With ehildish imagination hy could readily visualiee the fun which he could have with these two articles [ividently the trend on Hruce's part 8 more towards being a road con wraetor than a moving pleture sta The little fellow had five brothers and alsters at home The price which Master Bruce re eelved was, indeed, worthwhile, amounting to E100 in gold, The pre sentation and his appearance on the stage before the large audience whieh orowded the theatre will ha high Hahts In the memories of his ehild hood, Those who are familiar whili the appearance of Pavey Lee, Al Jolon's little stage partner, will have a fair gonception of what Oshawa's Master Revco looks lke, It goes without siys Inge that he ix an attractive ohild as none other could have received the prize, or in fact any prise, Mars rotates on {ta axis in hours J7 minutes 22 seconds, so thal its day ix only slightly longer than that of the earth, no RE AA aa AAA Coming Events ---------- $ ¥ A Conta por word each in sortion, Mintmum charge tor each insertion, Bde, Lh i A BARAAR AT ALBERT BY, United Chureh, Wednesday, Deo, 4 at 2,80, (13¥0) IENRINT RUCHRE IN ORANGR Hall, Monday, Deg 2nd, Good prises, (1380) Church fate and ohioken pattie ton, Tueaday, Deo, 3rd, 2.80 Bp mw, (128b) VoO, Uy MERTING RING 8T Ohureh, Tuesday, Peo, 8, at |8 ON (13%) OIHAWA POULTRY PIGRON And Pet Btook association will hold the vegular meeting Tues day, December 4 at T.00 pw, fn the Liberal Club room over ftandard Bank, Thelr show will be held on December 10, 11, 13, Get your prise st now, OO, W, Law, SHoovretary, 243 Kendal Avenue, 188h) TONIGHT, OHHAWA WINTER Gartens, Monday, Deo, 2nd, Special Old Time Round and Square Dance, Musie hy Pal Shannon and his Haymakers, These Monday nilght Pances are hy apeacial request of the dancing patrons, (1284) $1,100 Damage Done to] SQUAT pguivalont Generously to Oshawa's Christmas Cheer Fund The enll of need Ix being herd the appenl of. the Christus Cheer I Cltdeens of Oshawa, responsible to und, which iy helpg ywsed if order 10 Mg oni cmmasure of happiness and Chielstmas joy to hundreds of Oshe awa families which would otherwise be in dire want st the Chelstimas sear son, wre contribu n to make It po (3 commities 10 ehre or the needy and destitute, Jwimiounged oly an Friday ast contributions are already goming in saible for the Christmas Cheer Fund Although the umd, was They wre not many, but thy ire roeelved with gratitude, nog only because of vilthe the money went mm, hit vathdr began will ba pevaunded ta follow sult, an litle Walp wo make Christmas i Tapp The need for Christmas Cheer 1s the fund will hive to mount up quick Bu, 10 those eltieedls of Oshawa wl Christman, wo would appesl, so this wt "that happy seasdn, Contribation OMiee, or to dhe Oshawa branch of nowledyed from day to day in the ¢ The following are the contributions 1oeslved up ta noon ' EA LART] by, MacKay Waoalworth Company oir Oshawa Letter Carriers Dr, fF, W, 6, MeKay , Vy KE, Bartlett |, Mes, Kita Craig I, 1, Minns and Bon rer Toto! to Date INAUGURATE H.W, COOPER Manager and Superintendent, ve: spectively, of the Oshawa Rallway Company, which yesterday Inangura Bragg's Election in Durham Confirmed by sa they show the way to, others who d, unt of thelr wbundance, to give a y seibon for wthers, alg tu he desperate this year, and 1 othe situation Is 10 be met ut all, wo wre looking lorward (6 uw Joyous the needy anes will not go wantin § ny be handed In at The They the Dominion Bank, and will be ek oluwmns ef this newspaper, today $10,000 10.00 10.00 10.00 Ra] BARRA RA PRE RNIR LAY PARR RRR RRIRN ERR RR ERR r 55,00 NEW SERVICE J. J, CALLAGHAN ted a new tenrminute services and placed in wee a new fleet of modern strenl wars, Recount, His Majority is Placed at 10 I 49 Disputed Ballots Were Argued, But Net Change of Only 4 Was Made in the ing Reduced from 14 to 10---Friendly Feeling fested Between the Candi ing His Opponent When nounced, and Mr, Brag Result, Bragg's Majority Bee dates, Mr, Elliott Congratulat. Result of Recount Was An. Declared His Appreciation of Fine Methods Used in Campaign William Hrapw, 1iberal al Jahn Bowmanville, has at last been wiven | whieh | the Durham County wink conceded to him at the JO, and for which a held Hraga's majority at thy the oount of the disputed Sutirday night wa the narrowest margin by candidate has over tal the seat in this riding Me, Eliaty, mo commenting on the final result to The Thves last even Ing sald that he found the recon ie in oevery respect and he thought that he got all the extra halos that were coming to him, Me spoke in very glowing terms of the gentleman ly manaer in which the dye and the apposition had treated the atlaly "Iowan a good clean fight all throyeh and 1am satisfied" he concluded My, Breage had no statement minke when The Times called im on the phone last night, except that the J Nl aii, LLU (8) election an Oetaher Ve Count was in Cobourg last week, My glase of ballots on which 1a whieh am en wi Wi Hl RARRIN Of Part Perey, who have opened a nose In the Alger Building, ws ---- A [matter was finished and he had pa thing 1a say, i} Jef Anderson, who represented { My, Prag, told the Times this mar [ine that the feeling throughont the recount had heen very teiendly. and ab th My, Blhiotr had ong ratnlated his opponent agross the fiblo, My, Heapn thanked Mp, fHott and tna Hide speech stated how pleased he wan with the way the cam pain had been ran fade LV, O'Uannor whe eon dueted the veeonnt sald that it was a pleasure ta have done go as both candidates had proved themselves perfect wentleman fn every sons of the conclusion word Phere were 49 disputed ballots held by the fudge for consideration during the recount, The argwment proceeded hetore the judge Saturday afternoon, and only a nel ehange of four was reonrded when all of the 49 hallows had heen disposed of, They were well catered throughout most of the polls of the viding EN OFFICES HERE branch office of thelr law busi Oshawa, Wag" Chovolates Latest Jan" chocolates have hoon mak. ng Wg money for fakem in Bue ropes They are gaarantead to pros dues a roay slate of inedbriation in 18 uhinutes, and are sold at the of G8 centa for an amount equal to the nlokel hare in this country, The vital ingredient comes fram Greece, | Be Hohbi 4 nh I" Pallcemen of London are seovets 1y complaining that they must be 0a versatile, In a recent police amination they were asked, mong other things, how they would vepatr a stained floor in a house, make a three-legged ntoal or' arrange a tha shdw ter ohtids ron between 10 and 18, ani Fle | BUONO MUST STAND TRIAL «AT WHITBY wr Application For Change of Venue Refused--Heavy Docket for Court Vreank Buono, of this elty, who lias been charged with the murder of Mra, Frank Kobernlok, former well-known Ophawia Womab, mum stand trinl at Whithy, Mr, Justice Kelly decided on Baturday In @ Judgment handed down at Osgoode Hall, W. A, Buliwell, Toronte barrister, had pppesled for a change of venue for his ellent on the grounds of prejudice sgninst Buono in Ontaria county and of inability to confer with him in a vate, 'The trial will proceed this ufternoon or tomorrow at the sounty court, Whithy, The eriminal Het, the heaviest In the history of the county, has been posted as follows Rex ve, Frank Buono, murder, Rex ve Ewart Rummerfeld, rape, Hex wu, Edward Harrison, robs hery with violande, Hex va, David MeDonald, tempted rape Hex ve, Luther Pascos, knowledge of girl under 34, Rox yu, James Bheub, obtaining money hy false pretenses, Nex va, Bmithers, obtaining mon. oy hy false pretenses, Crown Proescutor, W, H, Wil Hams, K.C,, of Pembroke, nasisted by Crown Attorney J, A, MoGibhon, WHITBY MEN WIN AT EXPOSITION IN CHICAGO, LL. Hugh Jeffrey and Campbell Brothers Take Soy Bean Awards at aarnal Chicago, Deo, §-=Hugh Jeoltrey, of Whitby, Ont, won second, and Campbell Brothers, of Whithy, won third prises in exhibits of mince) laneous varieties of soy beans, re glons one and two at the Internas tional Livestock Exposition here, Today's Judging of prise steers, barrows and wethers held the at- tention of spectators, following WWards, Montana grain growers took aweoepstakes In barley, rye, alfalfa and timothy, while KE, I, Hall, Aw gun breeder of Meohanioshurg, Ii, marched to success with his ears load of fat oattle, repeating his font of last year, Purdue Univers plty wan tha Intercollegiate lyes ptoek Judging contest and with It the Hie Thomas Lipten trophy, on--y I rE---------- Monwment An Enigma Efforts are being made Lo solve the Identity of an ancient monus ment near the ruined elly of Baal book, dyvia, Bullt te commemor Ate some event, now forgotten, It stands 60 feet high, and on its widen are soulptured hunting seenes and hunting regalia, Ita oMgh, known, ita ae and its builders ars wn City News NEW MEMRERS RECEIVED At a communion service in Centre street United ghureh yosterday, five new members were received into the church, The service was particularly well attended, . ELEVEN JOIN CHURCH Eloven new members were receive ed into St, Andrew's United ehuroh at the reception and communion ser vice held in the ohureh yesterday, VITAL STATISTICS Vital statistic figures lsaned at the eity hall this mening show that there were 4 bivths, 17 marriages and 21 deaths in, Oshawa fu November, This eoipares with 30 births, 16 marriages and 18 deaths, in October, NINE NEW MEMBERS At the regular monthly eammuns ion service held last night at the close of the evening service at Cals vary Baptist Churelt' the dlght hand of fellowship was extended to nine new members, TO ADDIS 8.0, WORKERS The Rev, Mr, Bradbury, assists ant secretary of the General Roard of Religions Edueation, whe preached tn Bt, George's and Christ Chureh yesterday, will address a conference of Sunday Soheol works era tn Bt, Geovge's Chapel tonight at elght o'vloek, TO REPRESENT ONTARIO At the oloaing asealon of the ans nual Dominion convention of the Canadian Legion at Regina last week, M, Molniyre Hood, delegate from the Oshawa Branch, was aps pointed to represent the province of Ontario on a National Commits toe on organisation and extension of the Legion, : TREACHEROUS DRIVING Laat night's heavy snowfall made olty streets and vinolal highs Ways treacherous driving and sovaral acoldenta of a minor nature were reported aver the week-end, A1 leant four cars went inte the diteh betwen Oshawa and Plokewn ing last night, Provinelal Trafo Ofer 8, A, Hillard, of Whithy, reported today, Fortunately nome Epidemic of r in Bowmanville Over the Week-End Give Cheerfully And Burglaries Has Again Hit Bowmanville ~ Car And Cash Taken by Thieves EVANGELISTI CAMPAIGN OPENS Rev: Albert Hughes in Charge of Meetings at Calvary Baptist A two weeks' campalgn of evans golistis meetings opened yesterday at Calvary Baptist Chureh, Athol wirest west, with Rev, Albert Hughes, WBA, In charge, Mr, Hughey preached thoughtful, wth ring sermons at both services yes terday, In the evening the chureh wan wall filled and much Interest was shown Mudam Jones, the well-known colored woprano solo fut, sang weveral numbers, which were very much appreciated, A band of about thirty young people are coming down from Tol onto Bible Colleges for tonleht's meeting and arrangements have been made for other assistance of talented speakers and singers dure ing this and next week, The meetings are undenoming tional In character and appeal and # hearty welcome Is extended to all, of the ears were damaged and the pocupants all esenped injury | REMANDED FOR WEEK H, Trevall, of Oshawn, appeared hefore Magistrate Willis In polige gourt this morning eharged with driving an automobile while Intex leated, This was his second of tonsa, After the evidence for the orown had been given, noeused puke ed the court for a remand to en able him to get a lawyer, This was allowed and he will appear again on Maturday at ten o'vlock, He pleaded not gullty to the charge of driving the our, but admitted bes ing Intoxicated REMOVED TO HONPITAL John Teresohuk was arrested hy P.O, Terry and Detective Hergeant Motes on a charge of bhelng Intox foated tn un public place, He whe lodged in the local Jall and when he sohered up he asked to be par mitted to wes a dootor, Mis re quest wad granted and he Was found to be sutfering from u hroks en shoulder and was removed to the General Hospital, " TELLS THEM T0 BF PREPARED FOR WAR fydney, Australia, Deo, 2A strong plea for preparedness in the southern Dominlons was wade by Lord Stonehaven, governor-gencral of Australia in a recent speech here, "Wa are living at a time when way, and war on a seale such as the world has never before seen, la a res cent memory and, an has always happened fn the world's Mastery: at such a time, men and women are centering all thelr efforts on devis ing some sort of machinery for pre venting quarrels hetween nations des enerating ever again tute armed cons fot Lord Stonehaven sald, Mn the past, the machinery devised under suoh auaplees has heen suecessiul for varsing periods of time, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FURNISHED TWO ROOMS, Kvery convenience for light house keeping, Phone 14781, (1800) TOILET = FOUR ROOMED a amm-------- house, Mhone MAIW, (18be) Residences of Mrs, Richard Souch, W. B, Couch, J. B. Legglo arid J, C, Samis En- tered, While Car of Mr. Moore Was Also-Stolen OSHAWA GANG IS SAID RESPONSIBLE Methods of Entering Houses Is Same as Used by Thieves Who Have Been Terrorizing Oshawa Citi zens With Many Burg. laries Recently Bowmanville, De de=December opened in Bowmanville with an epis domi robberies whien ogeurred alter Suturduy, when jour residences in the town were entered and in each cape ® sum of money wih stolen, $45 was taken from one and small amounts from the ol pidgin Hone others At the home of Mrs, Richard Souch on Liberty street the marauds ers mined admission hy prying open a window and while the wmily slept took from one of the rooms a small sum of money, 'Lhe home of W, NM, Coueh, veteran merchant, was NT entered duringrihe course. of the night #nd the wm method Wie used to get in, Cash was also taken from this residence Phe other two homes entered were thease of J, C, Bamis on Carlyle ave enne and J, HW, Leggle, Liberty street and these were entored by the use of a skeleton key, Cash again Was the only object uf the robber as naths ing else was taken, At the latter home $25 was stolen, which proved to be the largest. haul, Oshawa Gang? : The police who are Investigating are of the opinion that this Is tha same gang that widiked in the town some months ago and are now works ing in Oshawa, as the same methods were used to gain admission, Ihe theory I Abat it 18 the work of sume person OF persons who have heen hard hit by the aewte employs went situntion and who afe using this wity of providing the nedessities of life, y A pegiliar thing about these robs berlen (B that it 1s seldom that any one Is awakenedsby the unweleone visttops and the actpal thefts are not olten found oul oi the following morning, which does not give ih police much to work on, any o these robbers were caught in the ae even if the occupants of the BoUEh gould not hold ih a phone "esl! would soon bring the police 1a seerre and with the men in the w - borhood there {8 always that mugh wore chance of their being appre: hended . ' Stolen Car Recovered ! A further robbery took black (0 Sunday night when A ear owne a My, Moore, af Howmpnville, x stolen from the street, The mi was immediately geported to the lee who notified other departisel cist and west of the town, The wan found early thin morning hi 86 ponte and the ear ia being ret to Bowmanville this afternoon, ETE TIE \ PA % Born . Re CAVERILY-=At Oshawa Ceonbiad Hospital, on Baturday, Nov,: 40, 1900, to Mr, and Mes, VR, Caverly, the gift of a son, (tw) a i a In Memoriam i CARR-=1h loving memory of Baby Ronald, infant, sen of Mp, And Mrs, H, Carr, who passed away Deo, fnd, 1028, ; And Jesus Called a Little Olid, (18%) a i. EE Ep. PE -- Evangelistic Meetings Every Night (Except Saturday) at 7.30 REV, ALBERT HUGHES, BA, IN CHARGE Calvary Baptist Churchg: A DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH Nant TONIGHT A Growp Of About FROM TORONTO RIRLK © 30 ow | on This Bvangelistio Rand of Students will have entin tharge tonight's meeting, Their members will preach, sin toatity, They alio have a 1 the aineing, J PTAY an which wi help \ kd oreh Taesday==Young People from Nigh Park Baptist Church, Te POR, X Weduosfaremitiv: Glen Wardell and singers from Soarborg! « y wreh, Thursdaye=ttov, James Mitlag and Male Quartette from Toronto, Alaa Madam Jones, colored aingen, Friday==Qospel Male Motte, Hear thom Sunday 5.80 to Py, over CFRRB, (Home Evangel Hoar), ¢ Next Sundapesitov, Albert Hughes at both pervices: Special w XY ¥ nate, dat EE Prayer Meetings in Homes Every Afteroon 4 All meetings are undenominational in character and ap ) Paople of all churches and of no ohureh Ave cordially Wateh for Dadly Announncement tn Times g i = * viv Le ay