Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1929, p. 12

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ron' the Bi ompetition (TR ! a" gonch, Mr, ¥, S------ Would Erect Batute Ha, Commenting 0 Broskvl 8 wi pon BARS: Pow shi to Pian: Mr, JonkIne An get o statue to him in the town yotivement of the mayoraity of Gi inchester Press Los citizens of that to rifle ~--Pollowing the com. Hydro-Bleetrie {walon line from in year of street urned on this week, Drew rookville,~~Two strate J, Albert Bors are planning pose, Ships Help folp Merchants Pleton,~~Pleton merchants have od deal b. efitted a the freighters this Ww. J. local men i toul of the law on Thursday were arrested under provisions e L.C,A, They appeared before age in police ourt yesterday afternoon and each Bleading guilty to a third offence nder the Act was committed to : gre eounties' jail for three months, Liberals To . To Organize feton,~TPrince Edward County to form po Club, It is expected that » ting will be held Dec, 6 to a ears, Mr, J, H, Porte has offer rooms over his store for such a the visits all to the gl harbor, Part of thelr supplies ere purchased here, One butcher ried that nearly every bhoat| of from #10 to $16 werth of sroseries of om. kinds wore pur SA 4 3 pa ii Ee rh with 8 low rook " yous Jom- ered Bt his home, Guoun" St, oieto for a sosial evening, Miss Merle Ostrander youd im rons which was Mined ty Alma xg ¥. C, Powers, Ray sy and KHphalet Har ly express- ed his thanks for the gift, JONOR MAYOR LECY Cornwell, ==Kmploy, of the Cornwall Pants "4 4 Prince Cloth: ing Company presented Aaron Hor: gvits general manager of the companys, with a large and beaut ful floral piece Thursday along with an address of vongratulation upon his election as Mayor of Cornwall My, Morovite has also re. and = scclamation to office, Action LY of the Bupreme Court of Ontario held Lieve on Thursday before His Honor Judge Reynolds, the action of Mrs, Annie EB. Harding, daugh- ter of the late W, T., Leggett, a wealthy farmer, who resided near Newboro, was heard, The plaintiff made a claim for remuneration .| for the services rendered the des cessed In his lifetime, The amount asked was $2,600, P-------- -- Birds Steal Bllverware Mysterious thefts of silverware in the Bussex district of England are now believed to have ween committed by large magplies, Meare. crows and other efforts to frighten the birds away have been ineffect ive, At first the birds stole lumps Sugar, then spoons and silver tongs disappeared, but no trace of the "leot" has been found, colved numerous telegrams, letters personal congratulations ih nilde Brookvillew--At a special sitting | A ot vey Rexall Stores, Save with safety at your REXALL STORE 1929 Eis I. . T I Hons h=V roth axing, a Hat to 73) LH a, "W' y "Whe | eon ila 4 o | i ", orinte, Mes Me, i id it i El, ks i ing | hich wl WP srcnrnrninnnnnin veatiebereindennen mu Plokering, Nov, 28---Mrs, ham, visited with Miss Fawkes on Munday, i, WH, and Mrs, Cronk visited with friends in Mariposa last week, The Misses Toms, of Toronto spent Munday with friends in the village, Many of the residents of the vil-|/ lage and vicinity have heen attend- ing the Royal Winter Fair at. Tor onto, Congratulations are due James havalg won the Inters mediate Boys' Champlonship Cup, at the Hoarbore High School re- trophy King for cently, James won the through his prowess in running (Dr) Stewart, and daughter of Marks re, Fawkes and Mr . Dairyman, HAVE YOU TRIED WESTON FEED? The base of this feed is sifted Sweet Clover Seed Meal, Chop, Oil Cake Meal, re-cloaned screenings, Cotton Seed Meal and Oat Feed, Protein ........ 30% $46 per Ton, Hogg & Lytle Limited 84 Church Street Fat cov 4% To this is added Corn Phone 203 \ Whv Burn More Money Than Necessary? You Are Saving it by Buying Coal at the Following Prices Terms -- Net Cash PEA ... NUT... EGG ... STOVE $12.00 15.00 18.00 18.50 "Otto" Furnace Coke A First Class Product at the Price -- $12.50 No. 1 Body Hardwood -- $16.00 per Cord 8,00 per YA Cord 4.00 per 4 Cord Seam 'A COMBINATION WORTH CONSIDERING Price - Quality - Quantity Service J Trick C Company CallUSn ------p ~- Nos. 230, 231. 28 Albert St. Genuine Scranton Anthracite Honest Weight, 2000 lbs. per ton ey ' , In fe ronal UR] 07 un 0% presen CE ELLE TdnoNTe Jnavision PRICES lolita dun fire quoting the bri a fo Mey Ff i] Be ok ft tn Lp ke A ¢ ned [ vio Lg Pure, ¢ I 1a) fale: hh En fin Eid 1foning~ Lh Ve, show tha] A Vey be i fh ARMERS ERY MARKET eit fawrenss market, fh ek per do E 1 Pollet extras Morag CCA do. do, firsts ' Wirt A i atl a 6 Qf i ! "la. § » latte, [LN] firuteeis Boro 's, Ohlone, dry, 1 bal, b Cab Retren iphone Canhiflower (ooi1 ndive, Ny hpch, pee [Heshrooms. vor "pound | onl letiues, three for coin n oad etiyes ? lor ' Potatoes, DOE oo ieriiiiiiin 1 185 | evenly 35 ta 780 hither cows, W.25 wo $825; 5 ty oh peoririiieenne Garnier, FT hy AN168 HOF rorsansivnsirenns 0k eqs aii Ad #0, LU dong reeaehorenine Liye Hi fs repre rribesnnipreneiie fi CL LT fin ccsarsnrs ee ARE ELL] EL oo auuy pn ne ee Lurgips, ia BOLI {mes Ts, CORERTIINARA fumes bgt, bush. seienieien CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chigaga, Nov, H=Opsn conmmitinentss «bebiruary butter, Ah) Jinuery butter, 48) Lscember butter, 44) Dessmber eggs, Wo; Wegener cheese, Y, Ulisse market reoslpte- Butter, today GUS lest year, 0m "Eggs today, lust your, HUM, Chicago spot Market «lbutier, extras, 4; standards, # Lido; tone wiandy ta. him Lugs, current Naty, A to Adc) Lone sleady, new York spot mavket- Buiter, extras, Ade; vane him, Ege, Bieta, AN Le Bog) pms hrm, Movements ut four markeis--Butter, net aut, GMA; lust year, net owt, BIB, 174, fs, net ont, 44,006, last your, net aug, OHH Pirest stovks Hutte ilny, WL d6d; lust 100931, fast your, th i 14 1 w, Kage today, ¥, big Range of Prices Visy, Opn Hah Lgw Clos, Clos, a A a VI your, wn, Devember dM WA JUnunry ine nly Wa MH yebruwry oo i$ wa hig Wy TORONTO GRAIN {QUOTATIONS Grain deflars on the 'Toronto Beard of Trade are making the followipl Quotations for ear lotgs hiiiotth Wiheat=ao, | portly si, BIW Adj No, 4 do, ha, 14) No, § $l de dp No, 4, BLA7 $4) $1.85 Nu oy Ml Wi feed, Ys (oll oerich and May [i Pi riioba oate=No. 1 feed, 6 ide} No, 2, do, od dod, American wom~No, 1 yellow, $104 (U5 funds) all rail delivered Taronto freight) Milled, delivered, Montreal freight, bags (weluded Town, per ton, $85; shorty, pei pon, $7,051 muddling, 05, Ctrl gram Whest, $l 0; oats, She barley, 76} rye, bi buckwheat, 0 1a Be, EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Hast Muttalo, Nov, 0.~Kecelpts of hogs, 50; haldovers, 630; active, mostly 156 aver Priduy's average) bulk 150 jo 250 Ihe, 00) 123 ha, $0.00, Heoeiptn of eattlg, 25) week's trade un ihtweight killing aloers up mast) supply hts quality Julai wo steers and yearlings, Hi wo MAM medium and shart-feds, $11.28 ta $13; von mon steers and hellers, el ta MI fat cutter grydes, $075 to sonipte of calves, 3%) vealers closing i ateady $17.80 down Receipts of sheep, 501 lambs steady with one week M4 ently loss regained; good to eholee, $1005 to BIATS) medium Bhd stiong weight, M11 to B13.50; es amon, $10 tn $10.5 UNABLE TO GIVE MONEY AWAY New York, N.Y, Dee, 2-Jvery body remembers Leopold She pL the cocoanut king, who back in 19238 vis Mo dreadfully in earnest about giving away & fortune estimated at $10,000, 000 that he asked newspaper readers to send him suggestions, In 100 Leopold Schepp died, after disregard ing most of the suggestions == and there were millions of them, And he left hall of his fortune to his daughter, and the other hall to "deserving" boys and girls, after hav Ing first given away Mel millions to various charities, Just what hos happened to that fortune, and who are the "deserving" girls anu boye being alded by the Schepp milliom ¢ That is what bo curious about, Mr, Schepp had a hard time giv ing away several million dollars, and the Leopold Schepp Foundation, which is still giving it away at 224 West Thirty-fourth Street, is having even harder time, For giving AWAY { vin the interest on several million lot ars acems to he a difficult job, Not that there aren't plenty of applis | cants, J, Harry Johnston, executive | secretary, estimates that the appli cants have run well up into the mil lions, and if the Foundation investis Homi fvery FMS boy who wants part of the to set him up in a pop i 92 ou or take a course in avistion, the salaries of workers and the stamp bill would eat up the entire interest on that sum, The country may be full of deserv- ing bays, but that dosnt alter the fact that only about 1000 boys a Year can receive each on the in- ferent on $2,500, It doesn't seem 50 much money after all, What in. terest remains over the sums given to boys who have kept the Schepp fori for three years, is to be used or scholarship 3 for eapocially deserv- and needy boys, particularly those ox Rr re Ten A some line of particular benefit to Nhl Tavs ! T ue the Schapp Foundation 1s on one Young wed edical wtudent Jha Harvard because he h inter- orks in research work to discover just what can be done to make liver extracts more effective and available in the treatment of pernicious ane. By Still another is Studying the use of high frequency currents'in the Kaan Alegent of cancer at a eal College, When the trustees Jet Jatin in Jandary so hol arship plans. for espec ly Jeary ng | and talente ng men wi furs ther eu nt = i, r the pledge~one 13 keeping Gad commandments, another iy lay- alty ta country, the third i to honer arent nd. all to whom honor is due" fourth, ta™ observe strict honeaty in 4 dealings and to follow FOR STON To "For x Jeans 1 oak jode k indis an Then I at | FRE Adri nei Hh brought "Ahh andy, A tha Ad sour Notch Wn Fla, Ae on ho H upper ok lower 1, Temov. ihe Joli never i edkipe a cleans point T of the els, but in Al tha 8 She stomach 'and bowels a R and & ge good you! Lovell - dy Dr a AL i the golden rule; the fifth, not to gam ble, drink or smoke, to shun evil companions, to go to church and gon erally to "eultivite those manly qua Mtles which make for desirable eiti genship," A orisncross design that glves a remarkable appearance has been used In the decoration of f new ten-story meroantile block in Ham» burg, Germany, Diagonal lines running from the first floor tg the roof are combined with projecting headlike designs whieh give a fa. cade effect rarely carried out In a business blook, | OR GAUTER 1$ IN BAD CONDITION (Continued from pags 1) made thely encape, a 10-year-old hoy who had hesn wtanding on the sidewalk, sald it looked lke a green ear, Besides. Mrs, Ganter, lwite of the Injured grocer, ne one clue saw the robbery, police state, Mrs, _Gauter's Wory Mrs," Umsuter, who 1s also of Clermuan extraction, had been in 50 | the Nying room tp the rear of the 4 | ktore with the connecting door open when the men entered, she told the polices, Phe ean speak Polish und she heard the pair way something to her husband In this tongun, Her husband rushed tow- ards the rear of the store and as lie fled one of the men levelled a revolver and. fired, Cuuter fell to the floor and the men turned and flod in confusion out of the store, Although greatly eoxcltedl Mrs, Gautgr made her way to a desk phone at the front of the store and ealled the police, "Home one lies shot my hushand" she sald, file wus hie to give a description of the two 'men which, police way, In exactly the same as that glven hy Bimoo, This morning "husiness As usual' was the order of the day in the Witle grocery wiore, Als though in constant attendance upon her husband yesterday Mrs, (Jauter was husy behind the coun ter this morning attending to the needs of the customers who enters od, The store denls In Kroceriaes and ments and does an extennive Lusiness with the population of the distriet which Is ehiefly forelgn, the Polish and Ukranian elements predominating, Both Mpoke Polish "I think the robbers were old aountry boys" Mra, Gauter told the Thoes In good English, "They spoke Polish you know, Perhaps they wera out of work And wanted money," Distriot Exclted Haveral customers were In the store and as they spoke excitedly in a foreign tongue it was evident to an onlooker that they were dig cussing the attempted robbery and shooting, The whole district han bean excited by the ecnnse, In answer to a query from The Times Mra, Gauter gtated that one | of the pale was tall and slight while the other was much shorter They wore handkerchiefs over thelr fuces and she did not recog nige them as persons she knew, My, and Mrs, Gauter have been doing huBiness at this stand sines last August, The stors ia situated on the south wide of the street, Pollea yesterday discovered the shell from the gun with which Gauter was shot, 1t was from A 89 onllbre automatic revolver, With one vietim of the depreda- tions of holdup men in the hos pital and with the accounts of housesbreaking eplwodes and mess penger boy vohberies still fresh in the minds of the peoples the whole population of the city has become A REAL ENERGY-FOOD READY-COOKED, READY TO-SERVE SHREDDED With all the bran of the whole wheat d carboh ly balanced with the pe an] _ rf floaces cal bal : wri ge tp! appetizing--sat It with yi sny meal, CURR or cream or fruits, ae eo thoroughly alarmed with the erime wave which seems to have broken out this fall, The city police are doing all In thely power to eope with the situation and every ef- fort 1s helng made to run down the offenders, The police, however, de not bhelleva that the two who are responsible for the incident of last Maturday night have been mixed up In other previous rohher fon, eriminal investigating department would probably arrive in Oshawa this afternoon, At the present time the police are without a clue as to the iden~ tity of the hold-up men, Every oMeer, however, Is doing his ute most to assist in bringing about the apprehension of the gullty pair, Chief Friend Is at a loss to ex« plain why the bandit fired at Cau~ ter, as the grocer had offered no resistance, The theory Is put forth that the Intruder had shot in ex eitement and that he and his coms panfon then became alarmed and fled, Provincial Police Awslst Chih of Polles Friend stated {o- day that the provinelal police had heen asked to assist In solving the crime and that a member of the BUY NOW! Body Hard Wood Hard Wood Slabs Soft Wood Slabs Cut to Stove Length, And |" _ Guaranteed No, 1andDry . ./ " = Dixon Coal Co. » BM Telephone 262 ive Direct Lines th erities and friends | of Mr, Schepp's scheme have been || J OLLY old Santa hry knows that Furalturs s such come, pract everyone in the fam PLUS liberal terms makes it SO easy to purchase which is s0 usefu uine Tennesee Red Cedar Chests from . Birch Walnut Coda" Lined... peat ol SK 1 0 Cedar Chests Wha could be nicee than # Coder Chant a days to preserve furs and clothes, Gen- these $1395 $17.95 Walnut Cedar, Lined, $1 8. 98. DE LIE BN} Bissells Sweepers Every home should have a Bissel Sweeper, if only for oly ma taking up crumbs. You cannot go wrong in secur ing ene, Put a sweeper on your list. We will show you a fine range, Priced $5.75, $6.25, $7.25, $7.50 Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. E. "83.9 EET ITER) av EE EERE EER REE ER IEE EEE EERE EER hres $14.95 and $1 7 English Baby 'Buggies: le Baby Buggies. Just arrived. Will a Christrias gift. In = and maroon, mounted on strong wire hal wi hick, aber re, EEE EE EE EER EF RNR | CULE SERRE Phone 78-79

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