Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1929 PAGE El EVEN THE CASS TED SECTION. 4 snd Surveying spring reins next year to compen~ | HIRED BY WRITING ; i sate tor the light reserve in soil Loy rr ii as on ' Pa pol" AND FIVE ROONED MOD || Rate f moisture at the pesent time, IN GERMANY asst ied Advertisin oro suites, including electrio refrig || $ 10Y {| "Admittedly, the Western erop a g oration, stove, lsundry, conven) |fi ope {| is wholly dependent on timely Bnd | py 1 2. Graphology hes a oe i ences, ete.; continuous bot water Classified Ads A ample rainfalls in the spring--un-| C000 oo Se awh an Comin Events Etc supplied. Apply Bupt. 'phone 3671, (| o | tows Immediate snows and a Inte | HE ie ith 8 ' od or The Trusts and Guarantees Co. |} -- | treeue-up help matters out thig ag LuMusss He. lig Sandwriting 144.,, manager for owner, Toronto, First insertion---11 cents tall," comments Dean W, ©, Kili. | © SHHCEHIER (OF SC a Sareluliy (3741) por word, i lean of Manitoba Agricultural Col- as to the app Hieant's honesty and stear | CORE BURIAL CO, : fast. Ambulance, Residence, $42 Sim. ' J NENT APARTMENT CEN. lege, But some prairie grain hes p ) ccisive coe sirget north, Phones 210] ard Nn a 4 Yoomn, " steam' bot. a Minimom shargs 300, Hl een spiondia wholly ax a resuss of | VR {Aten has deciaive nfiuenta . water, hardwood flours newly Bach subsequent eonseen- [§| opportune spring molsture, There | oiaroed by a business firm alter 1 NERA r------ decorated Immediate possession tive Insertion 20 per {| is no reason now for any PAFLICU-| yori vice with a clean reco elina bret, dihaws. $45, nlso five room mew brick |M word, || lar anxiety concerning conditions. | fs heoause u graphologist reported . 3 0 street. Phone This file has been found necessary because of expense and bungalow horth and, way mod. Thise souaniuiive Wiig rd oii Ii are SxDestAd o Mow to his employer unfayoubly on the BAR. arisin ern convenience, newly decorate | 0 V price of | 4 d y due to ad- handwriting, Ihe dismisse 0 , Notary * Publis, 'Con. v pre # from handling a args numbes of small acgounts $40, Phone 1400, (128¢) two first + (nsertions [§]| verse moisture conditions, but this un. ba pH redrem in the r Monty to loan. Office 1414 2% Menta, FOR RENT Wo WDUSKS, [| (three conte a word), J will ba more vhs balanced by sd: | ours at. Qihaws, Phone, 44 . four rooms and bath each, very cen- (ll Minimum eharge fir three || Sipas Soving sowing. lem inl) A warning against placing too mueh ing St. gray shaws, The ad For the convenience of customers who find [t inconvenient re Wired or electric stove Hd ! insertions, 00 cents, Bi atehewan, and Bouthern Alberta th feliane . upon, handwriting is iced , Barristers, Conveyancers, | 011" Asency In Qehavia, 30 Re Hf to came personally to The Times' office, a telephone call entre Breet. Phone 0833 IN poy sumber 100 additions [J] oxvecied to show a Laliing-oft in bes of Commerce and [ndustry by | fall wheat, A good deal of sume | ()r, Albrecht Sommer, who helieves 7¢) Kotaren Publfo, ete. Office over || will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement || 7m in Professions Pus Standard' Deak. Butrancs Simeey 0 er Onrds 89.80 ver montn [| mer fallowing hes been done, | noyertheloss that gragholony, rightly consult R. N. Johge, 80 Simeos and collect for same: bedroom, Three Juinute walk from _~ 10 yaie9 on noth {| thougn much of it may prove soplicd, OE eo rtant Setvicte Bt. "Phone J. ¥. Grierson, K.C : Cir | north, Your imsurssce wants at: . ig long without ; Wild Fry Jelgiton, B.A, \N,C. tended to and yqur 'nteresta pro: || 7 board, Apply 78 Bona Bireet weet, (ff ~ sevtes wora per month {| SECC, 1 CTURL CLO SURE | 0 Hea emplyir mask nek NS mie || Tymey" Classified Ads Bring Results || OTN T=s--Toow House} vo curs to, vant oes eur Gin, We ruth iy A ON [| d v d eet 1 TOR VR) 1 fo Ni ites, Nay. ore aver {De yiand's Transportation ; 8 INesuiLls on Hag Street, with garage, Apply [Ii TIMES CLARSIVIED sod on new hreaking, Karly snows a clerk or be sf fiat what Simos . y : ' 8 A. Gates, butcher, 22 Simcoe street ADS COND MTTLE; AC on the southern prairies, and subs | A person's general chavacter and 27¢) [li COMP'LISN MUC woquent moderate temperatures, | special aptitude for certaly classes of Ne yg nab pio. oan OAWTAGH AND STORAGR, COLE eer : o 67. i Yl mag's, 80 Bond West, spbeialiny north, 1 pg A ' in Jursithre moving, storage pti e ep one Shoe APAXTHENE To NEW, TELEPHONE oo may have remedied this condition | work, can, however, be revealed, "ITED, DAR. ty A Roby Brigid fide " vee Inyge rooms, oak floors, fire |k n SOme Kreas, Pr, Sommer says also that when ne 8 Ask for (Massified Ad Of the three prairie provinces, | y KD , Vere y is ve or Bobi risters. ete. Money ° loan ger Phone 88. CLASSIFIED place, electric fixtures, heated, f Bldg, Opposite Ey Office, P one| am SARTAOR, MOVING, GRAV ASK FOR AD DEPARTMENT i og Apply 7 itd. Al I Departipent {1] Manitoba has been most LOrtunate and detailed, it cannot he accepted ' ( ' Ro in the matter of moisture, Though i. (rustwerth The hest #rapholo. ; and, eh Jers Local and lon i " X vs ) - rainfall has been but half-normal, p " gists are cautions, While testimoni= Haters, Sollcitors, ete, 244 Sireoe th one 3048 an a ---------- 40. $13 por month, On Fark waesmses | early autumn rains prepared the [als and personal impressions of people 1 Pho e 3160. Money to loan Id Cox, 387 King Ce Eh 0 md North, Apply Jamies Lindse . soll for extensive plowing, Bupris- | ure lik to be misleading," they tor, oto, On i ! | Real Estate for Sale | Articles For Sale it R No. 3, Gehawa. Phone 930 WESTERN FARMERS ingly tate _frmination of weed: | should be eh we fictors, in eons ractics, 88% King 9t. Bast, [lished furhiture movers, Park Rosd| FOR SALE~SOME GOOD VARMS | MIXED HAKD AND SOV 0 v (128D) seeds In summer fallow has re- | junetion 3 if yf 1e, raphologist's res one 8237, (1) lear awe. Local and lang distanee | for sale or 'exchange on Oshawa pro- | slabs, $3.50 per load, Alsg bone al WEN I~ LARGE DOUPLE| mavad feay ok 4 Wasllg enon, Pion bits in judging character and eapia RIE & HARRIE, DARRIS- rank Cowle, fico 65 Park RA 1perty, Jones Real Estate, 36 Simcoe | body wood aterous Meck Lined house wnitable for boarding house od an ald In supplying molecure ters, Bolleltors, . ete, 41 Alger South, Phone 316. North. Ph Phone 2 2067. Lined 1228) ¢ pee 1268 op, 26111 or two families, newly decorated, tor dried-up hoi and has cons |™ Bak, Ortaws. and" Bort Romy | oor BUMETRUCK TSI VOR SnLT--TWTRIRAN 00 | rne et None' sos ne ken rbd i' moire porn to he ones 760 Oshawa Pe I t anos, new and used pianos Mabie @ or y " 4 24 ani ne 3, A ot m lal. Sarah sand bilan rho FA VON CUNTEN EXPERT ASO radon, atom: , widels; Sots bo FC OO wn Hope for More Moisture Yestvietion hii moisture (Dec, 2-1 mont , 215 Bloor St, shawa, Phone arrange Apply C, Trull, Phone ) THN Bi {OOM HOLID t y . nu | Few, (Nov. 61 mo.) i052" lo" Soros wpe yop at11868J, (AIRS [rick hawser Ali conveniences. y3| This Your and Good Wet lav. ' many Mave, Manitoba ba Medica! CARTADE, "MOVING, GRAV. 4 King Sirse OR AAT E-- NEW | Harold Strest, Apply Mr, Falrhead, Spring for 1930 Crop "For hat a century, T have not VPA SICTAN. SUR snd aM cindenn. Fhonti 2081M, Ww Wanted Hudson Heal cap with peak, Phone | Phone 000, EE bi seen Manitoba's flelds so dry, ris Graham, 870 Verdun 1 ork Wan 8184M (127¢) TO RENT = TWO HRED (By Gils Purcell, Canadian domments Hon, Albert: Prefon- y nh inate, Eee eto (Nov, 14-1 month) 7 THTSTER APLENDID OVERCOAT. BIZ 40, [furnished yooms, Phone 3274W, A Press Staff Writer) athe, Proyintinl Ministor of Agri PIKL 14017 y for sale. Only worn a few times, | > (1282) Al. feulture, 'yet never In as many hd i Olan, Chon W thick PH 'ST Beauty Pastors /belis m ih Order. We. #2Ve hou | Cheap, ABply 11 Bond street east, FO RENT -- FOUR ROOMED ra ibeg, Man, Doe, 2.-Ab hie have 1 Sem to much fall | gg Colina St, "hone 1088 J] Surgeon, Obs'ctrician, Special BE stable. 74 Mechanic street, Phone] comer on 1880) Hhouse, sanitary conveniences, Apply | Ing of next year's crop, though the bike Synipleted, hn tanning : ta references to maternity work ard dic] wave, eclal 8 3 as ve or 4 (561{) {FOR SALE -- ORDERS" TAKEN 1151 College Avenue, Phone 3231W.| drought-reduced 1929 yleld 1s not MHA) 80 ne ao fr n the ? nd ---- 3 for Christmas geese alive or dressed (128) | yet all stored away, Suprisingly NORpOC B i oid at senses of we'nen, Two vears' post| wave an shamip pao 3. Facial he Etre Jonce 17 Sxnariantu, Office and rem air guitth x 288, one 2968 o 0 DATTERIRS CHARGED. CALLED ready for the oven; also Northern | ROOM TO NENT---~WITH OR |unalarmed at meagre rains this | 0070 0 "have a better crop | ence 107 #imeoe St. N., (cor. Brock) | Simeoe North, o* an A oH pn. revalred Suies, Phone 1653r14, (128) | withont bonrd In new home, Phone | summer and fall, he is banking on | yous "oie (ie von wher Mani: RY TIVENTAY "ERT MARCELLING Ao Sian Blideon, 20 gL 81, Phone APPLES FOR SALE TWENTY. |8100W (187¢) [8 wet apr'nf June rains have the | obs' praduced the prairies hight | me HARRY, STCIAN | Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman | 1885 W, ' (Nov. 13-1 mo) [five cents large basket delivered; | AFAR WENT, 4 ROOME™ AND | #aved the situation before, reflects | Loi nei nape wheat yield, Surkeon, Obscetriclan, diseases * of | ont Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham | === - NGED ND DE. | to hundred gere farm for sale or ex | bath, fixtures complete, electric [the ontimistio farmer, and they | ipeaotieally nll the plowing for fantn end children, Office and 1, Phone 2068, rvs. | BATTERIES CHA a th change cheap! also boarders wanted, | stove, steam heat, linen and | can do it again, \ rn Hon ast, H] N S BA [HA AND {iviteg Joe, Joma yee, pig} mn Phone eo 234 Dearbourne, (128b) | elothes closets, Central, Owner, Lats October anows , HAZLFWOX Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We spe bas} yy ied Phone A VICE BATFE, | Dox 888 Times, (188¢) | Morons the southern section of the | are profontaine went on, "And Author of i clar and Surgeon, secial attention cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar: Sraw Nov. 18-1mo) | Will sell cheng it taken at once. | TO RENT=HOURW AT 1541 AN: prbivies i» "Wide white band, ser=| yhe ayy wenliter has helped to de- Shs. vee ts Mosurn ule given to X-ray work pu " get eelling, shampooing, facials, Maree! : Apply 24 Bimcoe Street South, thur street, $30 per month, Apply | Y60 to allevinie the water supply firoy the mow thistle, There the Your Eyes sna Health re oe nen ® 4 les ' P one Boss. For Appoiptments Phe WE DO BODY REPAIRS TO (187¢) | A, Gibson, 64 McG] street, Tos Bilemmi jus Cry sf wet snow of 1nte October and early Eve Care snd Eve Strain ) ; J m , 2- nars and trucks, so general nt nerally, however, the fall sn Novem! . . esidence 161 Kin is bone fils] = Build] 3 wonawork.: W. Fry. 49 Bond west GREY AUSTRALIAN GOAT FUR phi ro PRT RIMRING™ aL bo fur, had nok applied the arid Novembep by : elbed Momewhat Disney Block yo kr Cl ' )o LM, u uj pen evenings. _{ Nov, 14:1 mo) n 'p 1 soll with moisture ugh to sink | tail vain o Tt 1816: Phene- 1518 ng pplies reasonable, Phone 2067F, 31] with or without board or light | well balow the surface, In almost or Winter paw 3 br lp T-- ee seediny has been done in Manis stretehod | ong and done in good shape," EYESIGHT SPECIAIST | C. P and Edinburgh FOR SALE x ¥ Burke Street (1200) | house -- . skeoping, 2805 Cellma Bt, iy Bulcn: 8 Surgeqn nd Obstetrician Al Ll Nursing MUSHROOMA FOR BALE, PICK- i Cotta Be. every caso, the early winter bI¥ | igh the ground until lata May or ' Simeoe 8 Phone 3020 | stone and black loam, $160 a vd 0, A ! sards brought 'welcome top-sofl Mo : r : \ ny vB Phone W088 [For quality and service 'phone Ks | PRACTICAL NURSE, "WATER: | od daily, Phone 608M, (1390) | FO MENT-THREE UNPURNISH- | motature--and hope for more Wet | (ne ton the stony i? ne Tain Radios Repa ired 1 un Irs. MH Ta 1 nity, Invalid or general nursing. For | BARGAIN RADIO, BATTERY | ed rooms, water and heat Included, | weather hefore the freese-up final. Ra LIS All hepa : ! 7 in burgh Physician J SAL information phone 1298, wet, In good condition, Phone APPly 20 Brock St, Kast, ly sets In, bile Ell MTR , Good sand and gravel To Insure (Nov, 87-1 mo) | 1719J, nt) | er nero or (130DFL IN the last six-months, the weal GAMBLING The Ontario Motor Sales BELL. y 4 + Sosieteician special ats mo) oo "to maternity. work and dis | yrompt delivery, place das In Boarders Wanted FOR BACE="ONB® HINGLE AyD EXCETFTONAL VALUE ="RIX | has . weathered .as many crop ona % fron bed, good mattresses | 00m home, hardwood thfoughout, [Koares, New cries of disaster are AMITED ia of children Office and resi | Advance ot dol very date, W. Por ence, 185 Simege St. North. Phone rowdal.e Phone 1618, BOARDERS WANTED, COM |and springs, One vanity dresser, | electric fixtures, blinds, storm win. | GAUAIng no agrarian stémpede, 00 Simcoe #t. 8, _ ; Musi fortable heme, very central ADP | Phone 1604W, (120a) | lowa and garage, $40 per month it| The crap was to haye been a i i wine ud ARH, "PHYSTOTAN, ugle 174 Drew St, phone 1519w. (12/¢ (128¢) | taken Immediately, Keys .at 00 | fallure this year-~but it proved to tn rn sw eon, Obie totriolan, Ottice and PUPILS ACCEPTED ™ VUSAL LU) EY a pits Greta #t, Phone 1875W., (1800) be an unexpectedly good Naif. Both in Phone 418. $13 Simook street north. | instructions, re. (Dr) Orant'| Brook street east, (187¢) Help Wanted--Female {70 RENT----SELECT ~~ GARAGE, Fiala, The wp 'vas (0 Have Arid) Shanghal, Dee, 2~What is declared one Berry. Phone ' "ec Loot and Found 418 Masson Bt, Immediat sos Ul r ably high: | to be the world's first mobile oh Oct. $1 mot (Nov. 8:1 me) ound LEARN SHORTHAND AND alon, Phone 068 oan! 0 ponies class yield, well over 90 percent, | ing den has made its i h : . A A TORT -- TETWEEN "LAMBLE Sieh Joins Al hie IA 4d webs wus | Within the statutory grades, | this city: This latest innovation in Ear, , Throat Specialist ly LIRA Conservatory, 1p | tore end Standard Bank, Simcoe Simp vl RL iy A Wanted to Rent graushy Jxsbllont Jaymany for de« | the world of erime consists of a | 0 tonto) pupils revared or i axa St, and J. A. McGibbon's law of po nia hoo! Tel ives i YOUNG COUPLE WANT THRER reased harvests, An arid autumn | Hwo Wel lottery, a favorite gambls 5 hn Wednesday, 92 Sim (ice n hg ri ominion School Telegraphy, Hinited, was promised In the wake of a ing pastime of the Chinese, on wheels « ae un 8 "tov ho i t Dri Ne th Phone TAF, (1.1) Valued peg PRY Tower Ears Troe, a a Stat " ARR dry summer but early winter | with a travelling staff on bicycles fee over iM i : MAID WANTED-~MIDDLE AGED + hea otors, Ate partiou- | snos, molsture-laden, fod the xwho assist.anmbi veal ye ity (OCKLEY MeGibhon, (1 18710) Li In reply to Box 838 Times, thirsty soil and raised new hopes| money, I" ers vesting their Stare each rday, Is for sib OE preferred, Two in family, Apply A Biv 6 onto and ggmoly pmo, wil tec pad (or he FOUN NEAT RRCRBE STORE | X15, geo? peo | TT] i SA Ad nly. A ointments may Bema. 8 Bruce St, Nov, 21. mo) have, With sum.0 matey ner A Y | 8t, (1270) | 000D™ WARM "SINGLE ROOM | Hven the wuneertainty of the] tlement, (he proprietors of lottery es y. Api " Nid 1 have same by proving property, Ap. PLAIN GOOK, FINALE WANT. wanted, Must be within five min. | wheat market has not perturbed | tablishments were at their wits' end \weotor of sla, Oeha wa "Colles: §7 King Bt, East 3 od Apply 24 Simcoe St, South f Ys Sf aenerl Moth vi #157 Shing back ey bat h he a go eupelt 3s Antiogambling ot 4 Be d : sitting back, confident that he will | sade inaugurated by t lice of ale aud Tule a die, 301 Johns Musle Store, and Willian (1870) be pala the best possible price for Shanghai several months ey when | SON, ALE '(Nov. 10-1 mo) and Simcoe St, Leave at Times of- the 1030 crop, ~ So far the farmer |the-fast motor truck accompanied by Don't Lose Your Can over Mitchells AR {on ih SEE ONE fice, (180b) Position Wanted Auction Sale hasn't really got around to worrys [outriders was hit upon as a solution, 5,30 Sa Solr Sian A CONT ECE LAU ik | ~~ Flammaiching ~~ |FOSITION WANTED RHI | re Ihe, Ott VAL AL tual | the rh bin sine fo ares Lot Mo Finance Youl is in Oshawa ori Thursday a fternce NETENTS enced grogery man, phone ; : N SALE-IF STAR 26|wopk to be done almost without (the Wangs and the TR. «ling's crowd E Phone NI VEN YARD, FLRAT: (127¢) | sedan, number T 256-438, Motor nuin- | interruption; the mild weather hes { around, invest on their Jon I A G. R. Holden Studio 8 Ele St. F '| od Skirts, one dollar, alterations & 207 ul \ \ b i | ber 'W§-39, k Nov. oto. All kinds of beautiful fanay wr ot ur Tos AOUSE a 0 de Jot failed A + in part offset feed-shortage, singe hes. and go back into their homes, MOTOR LOANS AND DIS | BRS I. "PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: adio Service work on sale. Mra, Nell, 36% Sim: ag a 1994 Ll 12008 a.m it Will be 80Id by public auc: Sion ive Dot evan Jet been sta " he resnity of the drawing are COUNTS LTD, soe South, Phone yA tion for repairs and storage | oi "" precipitation 1s gen. [brought ta the investors by the men |B pei Biook Boom @ Phone.8T80 sott's, Special aia to X-ray 4 er -- erous hefore frost grips the surface | on bicycles who also pa the wins work. Gas oxtraction. Nurse in a aT ERVICE "AND Nov, 181 mo) charges, West End Garage, a A vost, grips he surface gn bieys tw 0 also pay out the win Phone 959, House 13 Repairs on electric bi -- A a sets. Tubes and batteries Storm Windows GFFORTUNITY FOR™ YOUNG (1300) | ghape through the winter, Dry Store| tested, Patteries recharged, reptal STORM WINDOWS ~CUT FUEL man to start out for himself with p to the present, however, the ion o 84, supplied $1. Ph . rah Charles he bright prospects to makg money, dry summer and fall have left the ; | Wales, 140 Bigin bills one quarter Make cold houses | we have an opening to place an Auction Sale prairies with little or no reserve DR. L. & HUBDELL. Py hk ® Nov. 4-1 mo) | Warm and gomfartable, Phone 2830w | ageiicy in Oshawa, for our Ritel- moisture, But harvesting, undelay- rouse Koval Bank Bide j prmnsiiesimaer | 8 and we will measure your Windows | Rady (Metal - Radiator Govern), | AUCTION SALE--HAVING _ Ru-| ed by rains: was. completed very 3 Office avy free and uote low prices on Ready | something that every good home, | ceived instrugtions from F, J, | early, leaving additional time for ols at a reasohable price by an ox~} io ed Gorm Windows, fitted and . Cl ' : to 2, A iy office and store desires and needs, | Clements to sell by public auction | ektensive' preparations for the | QU ALITY is the element in mer Ld north, over Mitchell's port RadiosTriclan, All work § oh a applied if desired - It you re & live wire, live in Osh | at Lot 7, Concession 3, Bast White | 1080 crop, Fatl-plowing. it {a be- over Dewland's Sood, Rattary charging 700, Erg) ' b ' : 0, , have a little capital and are | bY: Thursday, December 6th, 1980 | Meved, will show a decrease due p Eh ores Row. 202W. Evenings bv Jerice tor sale, 9%. Jurtougia x ; For E not afraid to meet people, this {s|Aat one o'clock sharp, Thirty-tive|to the dryness of the moll, but chandise and men, that wins, tional Radio, Institute, ! a real npportunity, Address us by | milk cowa and a number of yearls | stubble discing has been substis (Dec, 2-1 mo) | house with conveniences for exahange | letter, giving full particulars as Ing Durham Stockers, These cows | tuted, Theatre Bld, Phone Vou OEOTD, OFFIC on good 150 acre farm, ten miles to age, selling experience and ve-| Were bought at Campbeliford and Undoubtedly, prairie acreage . res | Pl ol Dei | from Oshawa, P Phone 2067 Jones Real | ferences as to character and so |f2re An exceptional fine bunch, will show considerable increase, This truth was never ao strikingly : Estat oD) forth. Strictly confidential, J, J, | Majority of them Holateins a few | By drawing the purse strings a illustrated ad 'in Cbuildi Ag 4 Hgts, y Ring St. LA A MIN at Fara. pine asd UN-| De Young Limited, 991 Spadina |Ayrehires, part Jerseys and Dum |little tighter, the farmer will be Ig ma and EE ng and dred acres. Six thousand dollars, | Ave, Toronto, (1208) hams, Cows tested for T.B, rerun able to weather the winter finane tention to mas extraction tendance, Phones three months, Credit on cows and | cially, despite th tial fall. Eel in, wtianean Pine he "Shove w or fi aren rou Use. [ For Rent fi: Mouthg on Macken hy seven are 'Generally Speaking, vesiarn | Estate Exchange, 6 King 8t. | TWO OR THREE UNFURNISH- [turnishi Alm raons | farmers are not saddled with a \ i 0 ng approved joint notes, | burden of debts, for S3travaghnde Quality is one thing you are as x aA t, Phone 2470. | (1886)'| oq rooms, heated, hardwood floors, : ENERAL Paperhanaer. 0 Only first class ork ------T A Ti S |'Wm, Maw, Auctioneer, (133h) ow hewn, avoided, and the ne i Servo: guarantee vears experience homens tone RY Cran aystem of deferred payments has [8 4 freind mon : oor Prices eds Phone bv. hy | FAV LT TREVOR TXOVND |, St in uction : encouraged better pnd mow) buys sured of when you buy your lume 1 : t Bank fl n "Fone your winlows and doors filled with then 124 i re bay he AUCTION SALE--HAVING RE- BE a priate y ; bor and camplementary ba y , > ay prove diffiow Money to plastic coment and shut out the 2086]. 127) | colved Instructions from the |ih some cases, but the investment products from us, Our stocks rE Sid dRaly, sSves fuel, Lhe oii lo - Knights of Pythias to sell at thelr (has future years to prove its |B | carefully selected, liberally pb) Parkh ; ANS, small, it Sanat, J, i Law. d bath" } ross i arrank &| son R Oshawa, Phone | tric stove ath austin, 4 tla lodge room over Burns Co, Lid, worth, n ly \ ' "late on Tuesaday, December ird, Hapaelally encouraging fa the sol prices, eld rristers, ate, Alger Alda | 7 y (Nov, 4-1 Wo) | water heating, ¢ Apply 161 King fat § pan, turmhingy Including | conviction that the Dominion Gove | and sold at fair pri Kast, - Apartment 137d) 4h plano, 100 chairs, 3 stoves and [ renment will not be called up to pipes, a guantity of carpet, 1 book | Advance money for seed, In some aah sha soe) nl coo and William V'.at. Expert skate |:806M, 127¢) | numerous to mention, Terms oash, R op yr ina, id anti haceninn and shoeshi Pop | { ) W, J. 8ulley, prow lo a any assistance necessary will be AIRED © AND 1 [oten PAAR, Draken 9 3 : ov, 31-1 mo. iP (1290) | accorded hy 'provincial govern. FURS a RD of rooms for rent. dfectric stove, i pir IR ns te Cooked v a RY apartment to Tent, private on | CAS (five weolione) writing deek, | cases farmers will be in need of wi Bn HOME MADR shoes fixed is at. Merko's corner Sims | trance, self contained, Phone | olectrie fixtures, Other articles too | feed and. next wpriff of seed, It 1 1 ob of fn the general belief, however, that 0 sh aw a Lumber i made to nieAsure sree : Phove 2373F, 0 anted to | Hot alr heat. Low rent to By fac ms pa k Nea Hicks | === SA TTT a Wanted to tenant,' Apply '174 Ritson Ra. | 3 WANTED = DALED WAY AND [South. (137¢) give a thousand pounds tnt gran pasa i COMPANY, LIMITED "ed mo! a to have a little boy oar | aimee son' 3." Se Bey WIT: Dawaauel, OR ER Teoh ve a ch toon ry ut 3 4 ) \g ATARI TMTOR | and ge ew a Wig ' aL Hampen nywly docoraten: fam" querled Willie mer, ir hy eal weather from the y 25 Ritson:R d N th street nafth. soe pocial W Ontari +. Tailoring A Fog 8 LB. Ph ha. "Net, Tor me,' Smiled the lady, In be ataxt cd we hapting Jrearun oan son. Read Nor | v 2 2 NET EY ' A cause I've lots of mone no | aa ® on, they belleve, F : ter for mall te} 30% Jo) Ba FRU SVRRLANIS, EST AND | 1680. (1m) fit Ho WN But thet 4 another side to the || A TELEPHONE 2821.2820 or 1 BEAT ER oe' mast artisMe Elothes maker in Osh FOR ENT) STUOT0 COTTATE, "Mather wonldn't fet you have me | question, dents of crop wea- R RA A . Y AEQOND HAND DEAL Fr awa: for men who care, Prices fap} four rooms, gellar, veranda, elec [for wood," sald Willie thoughtiully, ther alata there ds an even chanee : bookkeeping. Moderate prices. | nlture hought and void 186 Bloat find reasonable, 12% Simcoe Street | tric light and gas, Rent $15, Phone | "hut with convietipn="hut you may for damp days this fall and for A y Phone 9 al, (Nov, 21-1 no.) Sh East, Phone dan, (th south, Phone 1583W, (Nov, 2-1 mo.) 382 wr 34, (138¢) thold my a for sixpence !" generous snowfall and ample

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