Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Dec 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1929 iss Hard-Boiled Mostrated by Armstrong Perry \ Has GonaBefore Tk , Where abe 18 empiyo- by Alphonse Courbet noted hion expert, as his chiet model, * |Raquel* Rojos 1s Sujering new ' tes and new pleasures--she has 'ome to the French capital, after '® brief stay in New York, from # 'desert town in Artsonia, Her "'Slthost 'constant compan 1s ane other model, Greta Tosak, & slan- . " ,§old-digger sud pleasure-seek: or, who Meompay her from 'New 'York, parats quarters , provided for the two, models y 'Alphonse. Greta residing st the Hotel Rits, while Raquel Is bstablished at the Continental, One evening Raquel is per funded by Greta to go into Mont: martep, to see the gay life in the Bort nubs, Thelr escorts are orite Adams ,a millionaire sports af, who has been attracted by Rael beauty on the steamer to vance, and his friend "Ginger" Smith, At Tony" Johnson's olght-club, Raquel attracts the unwelcome attentions of a nobles man, Prince de Rochells, who calls. her "Le lls noir"~-"The black 1ly"~-and pelts ber with imitation snowballs, Bemis Ad- sma, resenting the prince's action, slaps him in she face. The next «morning Raquel reads that the imobloman. has challenged Bertie Foblomian Bas challenged Bertie i a duel. She hurries to aor usint Greta with the news Chapter 49 Raquel of CGreta's room In the Rites and looked down into the street, People were hurrylog to snd fro there, Happy fnsouclant people. he world wagged on as if this dreadful thing had not happened, Bertie Adams, the irresponsible, tappy-go-lucky boy with the bright blond halr, was about to meet injury---death, oven-- what the papers aald was true, Decause o ther, Raquel turned from the win. dow and wakegjed Grete, shaking her néne too gently to rouse her, "What's the matter? Where's the fire," Greta muttered, fighting oft sleep with an effort. Her drowsy eyes met the black ones of Raquel, wide and awimming with the Intensity of her emo- tions, "Holy oats, dearle, you look as ft the landlord had just ealled tor his rent," added Greta, "Look!" Raquel hauded her the Jahan, and po.nted - to'the beads on, "Buffering kittens!" gasped Greta, "A duel! I thought that on. to exnress her apprec ly happened in the cinema." "But it canvof Bappen," sald Raquel, Her tone was crisp final "We must make sure it doesn't," "How?" Greta wanied to know, "with a crasy Frenchman waving his aword and crying for bleed." "Cgll Glager th," ordered Raqudl, "At ones, Compe! him to tell you exactly what has hap- pened." "It's true," she had bung up the noble prince aent Be Fipe way to Invite & 'kiNpd~--gond'ng | "I must see ' "You ra Grate tatperoptoc. 'He's disap A) "You mean" he's gone a . "Oh, no, not that way, rte ie ain't the runaway kind, He's been kidnapped." 'Surely that detestable. French dared play such a It was not the sword- waver, He was too busy writing , sweet little notes. Ginger says that Bertlp wanted to fight, but | that some of hia friends in Paris | got wind of what had hapoened. | They notified the family lawyer : here and the next thing Bert's, knew he was bundled up and on his way to an unknown part," "Thank heavens!" breathed Raquel, Wears of relief were In hor eyes, {1 "Ginger sald Bertie fought lke Dempsey never d!d afl insisted on seeing you, He threatened to ©! give them the slip and come back © the first chance he, gets." "He shall not, forbid him," sald Raquel, "You'll have to find h'm first," , "And he's dimy 4 don't you nad him, dearle s old man's got bocoo money, . Bertie has class himself, and ia a darn good ex besides And lodk at the high hat you could wear, with the Ad: amses for in-laws.' *'| Raquel returned to the window. i; 0 "It in quite dmposaidle," « she A mata, ; : She did vol say why the idea of «| fmarriage and Be Adams ap. {peared to her in the light otf the impossible, She herself did not now, As a friend, yes, As a pal 4 ke Glnger Smith was a a pal, Aa _ [tor the cloter relatiom, It would ot do. Bertle was too young. ne he was older than she by overal years, but that was meas rug Bp time. Actually, she felt it abe tvery well be his other, frresponaibility, is tireless race er pleasure. 1 {adifference toward the things phe valued most, the thiugs the Adama money and position had . wohhod of all value for him. © "Yop into the apnarel, old dear," J 0 ota' advised "Yon find Cv rt von want ameng elveke a1 anita, We've got to face t's b'e bose this morning amd ft , may not be anvthing trivial" "Ot course he'll know," man hasn't triok" "No, | Greta reminded about you, ! | - BY JANE DIXON ' Raquel, . "He knows you've been A.W. O.L. all night, Nosey will see to that. But whether he's heard a~ bout the syords st twenty paces we'll ses, ~~ And it won't be long now.' In the Champh Elysses atelier of Chez Alhonse, business was pursuing the even dAenor of Its way, Georgette, the little Fremchwo- man with her funny wey of speak- ing English, and who had taken & fancy to the American' models, much to the disgust of her French compatriots! in the atller, was lay ing out the first of the gowns to be exHibited that day when Raque ol and Greta arrived' "Those girls 'bave made supper in these roms last night," she ex- pla'ned indignantly, "1 arrive today and' find these rooms disha- bille with what those girls are not oat. Poegs."" "With two dozen rooms in the dump, they would choose this one," grumbled Greta," "on, cookie, if I had only caught them!" Alphonse appeared shortly. be- fore the Jupcheon hour. He was sauve Sm ling, He had tiokets for the opera that night. For Greta, too, it she cared to ac walked to. the window, f company Mademoiselle Raque! company Mademoiselle Raquel and him, "I'm orasy about basses when they bellow," sald Greta' "but don't sent me any tenors, I can't use 'em."" ~ "Gosh, '1 hel'eve he's muffed It --the sword stuff," she whispered aquel, oe knows," Raquel sald, "Eye thing." What roakes you think so? He hasn't let out ao elgn of a squawk." 0 "No, He has other plans, "How do you know?" "Wateh him when he smiles." "I gotohu, dearle, Like the oat pleading not guilty, with a canary feather on its nore." Why did Alphonse choose to ignore the affair in the Montmar- tre, wh'ch must now be the choice morsel of gossip along the boule vards, fn the cafes and drawing rooms? Why had he changed his ath tude from that of guardian, of censor, of keeper, to that of a bl'nd fanocent, True, Ratuel was grateful that he had done so, She was nearer 10 feeling atl- tection for him than $i bad ever been before, She wirhed she could find a way {ation of his finesve, to show her affection ever 1'ttle. "1 will, too" stopped short hy, of course. 'There was a motive behind the unexpected be: havior of Alphonse, He had known she wopld react. exactly this way, He had found he could pot enforce her obedience to his will, S80 he would earn her obed- pee,' Through gratitude and affact!on, "Clever Alphonse," she sald to herself, watching him through she maid and *d. [eyes in which those strange ean- | dle<)'ghts of her soul danced to dervish tunes, "I know the game you play, I wee your Thand, And I like you for the skill with which you piay it." The three days' sensation over the rebuke administered by Ber. tie Adama to the Prince de Roch elle in "Tony" Jehuson's place in Montmartre was displaced dy the story of a young Englishman who managed to get himself shot bv a flery Argentine danseuse, The lady needed the puhlieity for her art in the music halls, . It waa pretty openly hinted that the most regrettable part of the encounter lay in the fact that the voung American did not adminis ter a more stinring rebuke to the nrinceling Gay Parla had suffersd overlang from de Rochell's arro- mance and fragrant sensualities, His aki] with the blade had made a bully out of a dastard Raquel wrote a court little note of dlsmiesal to Rert!é and sent it to Ginger Smith to dellver, She gave Adams to understand she would rather not see him again, That her time and her interests were centered elsewhere, "He'll believe I've come to some arrangement with Alphonse, she told herself with a little pang of regret that would not be assuaged, "Well, it 'can't bo helped, One must be cruel sometimes, only to be kind, I like Bertie too much to hurt him deeply, which {s what would happen in the end, {f hee cared." "I'll say you're hard-boiled, doarie, Greta gasped when Raquel told her what ashe had done. "You've gotta heart lke a frost. bittep potato." uel turned away, It was impossible to make Greta under stand a kindly baud must sbme- times wears a malled glove, Copter 30 Late on a June morning Rague! sat in a garden dawdling over her coffee and rolls, and gossiping with Greta, who had just returned trom a visit to New York.» 8he waa in aPris, Or In Neu. illy, to bes more exact---a auburh of thy Capital of Beauty and of Fashion, Above ber a flowering tree shook its dainty p'nk and green skirts In the sunshine The grave ol had bean freshly raked in the garden, and all around the alr sald was saturated with the acent of might follow, "She carped about She loved Bim, Fhe must him, She was poor end fick In quind and body, Lo what could save vor, gi But of he's found bestuty sad power to - A, stopped e's given Dex ter and Danny Cupid the aly?" laughed Grets, ad gel, "She's Dxnotly," said learned values" The imperative ring of a bell somewhere at the front of the dignified red brick house In the Walled garden brought s small men in un black velvet eont hur tyy'ng toward the grilled {rem gate, big ust be~Bric," sald Ra- quel, flufing up the sab! of Ror halr, / vou rely Reslnald)" " exclaimed a, "so esrly io' the mer This is serious," y ing! Raquel laughed softly, Bhe had risen snd was waitiog for an alert figure that hurried along the sravel path to greet her, rela saw q man of mediun holght, clese-knit, blondidh, with the ruddy cheeks of tbh put-doos Briton, + An alr of @iftinction sat easlly on his broad shoulders, His face waa grave, yet merry, Hig nensitive lips seemed bent on retaining 'a line of firmness tha! wanted to curve Into a smile, "Ive heen anticipating th's ples sure," he wald when Raquel pre sented him--with pride in hes volee, Greta thought, "Miss Ro Jou has been {noconaolable withou! you,' "It don't look that way t ' tinkled CGrota, sagely din (To Be Continued) HAMPTON Hampton, Nov, 33.-~The Young V'eople's League on Friday evening was presided over by My, Harold alter, After the opening exer- clsgs and business discussion, Frank Westlake, Solna, Introduced Al- lan Dalson, who is a candidate for 'he Older Boys' Parliament, who presented his platform in a most able manner, 9 Rev, Bick offered prayer and Will White presented the missions ary tople. Miss N, Horn, president, occupied several minutes In pre- onting a reporf of the recent a jus Convention held in Peterboro, Ar, Gordon Osborne fintroducea vames Hancock, Courtice, who poke very enthusiastically of the ork of the Older Boys' Parliamen, if which he is candidate, the elec: Jon for which is being on the 30th of November, The singing of a hymn and the repeating of the Mispah benediction Jrought the meeting to a close, Mr, Harry Cowling has returned lo Toronto after having been homs or a time, recovering from an op eration for the removal of tonsils, Hampton W.C.T.U, met at the ome of Mra, Jas, Jebnon on Tues Iny, Nov, 12.Miss M, Katersoy resided in the absence of the pre ident, who is {ll, The ladies pre- ent were delighted to have Mrs, sought .. A. Tole and Mrs, F, R, Brown, of Bowmanville W.Q.T.U.," presen: vrs, Tole brought an interesting jossnge and gave some useful in formation, and Mrs, Brown gave an excellent paper on the work, Mrs, H, J. Werry, of Enniskillen, who is a member, favored with a vocal solo, and Mrs. C, J, Kerslake with a plano solo, Next meeting to be at the home of Mrs, OG. A. Darron, on Tuesday, Dee, 10, Mr. Gilbert Adcock is improving his property by the erection of & new fence, Mr, W, W, Horn and sbn, Wal: lace, were in Toronto on business last Saturday, Mr, C, W, Hastings and Fred Jones were at Bobeaygeon this week on business, Messrs, Ross and Fravk Tre- nouth were on a hunting trip at Janetvilla on Saturday t, re turning with several cotton tails, The annual Christmas tree and concert is being planned for, pare tioulars will be announced later, Mr. A, E, Billatt and T, Andrus recently lost 4 number of chickens ' In 3, nyiteriods war "She's the lovelleat-look . fa Alle Wood, Orono, visited tan Tver av looking oo her sister, Mra, Geo, Armour, rec ungrudgingly * ently, "She ought to be," Greta sald. Mrs, Emanuel Martin visited her "You made her what she 1s today, | "on: Wil Martin, Dion, recently, You and Alphonse, By the way, |, M™ R. Avery and what did ahe do with the appen. |1TOrn Visited . Oshawa friends on dar gis rig Mrs, Gilbert Wilkinson "A . \ A w ) img father, she was ill" 3 ain't' knay Toronto, visited the Jatter's " rv, Irvin Trull, on Sunday, ny who eT for pauaband | "Miss Emma Niddery and triend, charmer. Bowmanville, visited the former's "Gretal" Raquel expostulated. mother, Mra, Georgina Niddery, ou "You get worse instead of better. Bupdnr, cit Levi Niddery, Tor onto, @ at home recently, It you are talking about Mr, Dex. * Mor, the last time T heard of him Miss Lena Hoskin, Kedron, vis he attempted to jump into the god her dunt, Mr. NH, X: Rundi, Selne because Mrs, Dexter would: | * wiih the heavy fall of snow on ti him, | Wednesday, and the advent of the on't tell me the Eendarmes 'oo)q weather, we have had the last went and spolled the "party? fow days, one might think that Yos, they qaught him gome people's prophecies are true, time, an It 1s a good start for a. real old 'Too bad, Poor Mrs, Dexter, | Canadian winter, The pond is als m Afraid the Jinx is still" en |ready frozen over, and unless the or, . ERE) weather changes, wa will have Ryoquel's lips, thelr vividness !ykating by the end of November, helghtened by some sort of ¢o8+ as we have had in previous years: metic the color of ripe tangerines, The children have been enjoying twisted asardonically to show the the snow by making snow men, and blue-white gleten of ber teeth, firing agow balls, some even trying "Men!" ahe sald. toboggaing, but found {it rather Dexter had deserted his wile, 'hard going, However, had the The mother of his sons, Mer snow been the right kind, there devotioy, her love, her steadfast was depth emough for slelghing. Toyalty in the face of his ruthless | Mrs, Howard Cole 1s visiting and ahw 1 attempts to shake Teronto relatives and attending the her off, theke gounted for nothing Winter Fair, 'when the fire of his passion for | Mra. Jas. Curtls and Miss Ysabel Bla young wife had burned out, gh are visiting Toronto SS LS et) roses. flirting with the ardent sus god, "Do you know, Grets," Raquel sald, Ming delloately pointed fingers by way of enumerating, "I've been away from home---Am-~ orion that ls~~more than two years?" . "I was wonderiug when you'd be ready to be shipped with a tag labelled U.B.A.," said Greta, orionkling ber slant = blue eyes quissleally, "I wasn't thinking of Hat," Raquel sald, lstlessly, "Why should you?" Greta asks od, "We've got a preity nifty little bungalow r.ght herp, Three floors, one of 'em with wn glass front; our own ballroom, a studio big enough for a sketing-rink, a flock of bathe, and a retinue, Five [servants is 8 retiuue--eh, wot?" "I haven't thought about going house. It's. more like home going back--sinée we took this than any I have ever had, | was sort of restless, though, this last time you went over, You sald you'd stay only two months, and you stayed four" "But Alphonse did the trip In six weeks flat," " "Yeu! Raquel's eyes yandery od, to ' where a rose-vine clung gracefully to a high brick wall, gracefully to a high brick wal, Greta eyes her sharply, "You seem to do fairly well! without us," she said, "What's this ¥ hear about some young English blood burning to make you Lady Somebody or Other." "Erle Stafford?" "That's the blokle. And what a name! Talk about your Lime house nights." "Hrie ia=-he's charming," sald Aaquel defensively, ' "Of course he 14" Greta agreed, 'You don't think I see the toast on the boulevards --le is Nols barging about with a dead one, do you?" "Ploags don't eall me thatwle Hs nolreeGrota, I hate it, "Why?!" sagely, "It's a swell monlicer, The Black L'ly, With a name, lke tuat a gir! ought to be able to wangle most anything she wants," « "It wounda---unhealthy" "So do orchids, But plenty of us are willing to take a chance and war 'em, I'f admit the bloke who tazged you with the moniker that night in Montmart- re was an awful egg, but he had a how! of an idea, All Paris has taken LS up, To Paris you're le lis no!r, "I saw BRertle York," Ranuel's black eyes Greta's blue ones with interest, "Did you?" she asked, "You, He told me you gaves him a hard wallop, But the pats lent will recover, He's engaged to some little doll, who rides to the hounds on Long Island, A debutante, If you know what I mean." "I'm glad," sald Raquel, with the wraith, of a smile, "Bertie deserves the best." "Then he ought to have got you," aa'd Greta, loyally, "By the way," Greta chuckled, "I saw your rival at Clro'sa ladt night," "Rival? Who?!" Raque! wanted to know, ' ¢ "Mra, Dexter, Next to you. she's the hot choles of the judges for the Queen's Cup, She cer tainly is a fast worker, that one, There was a cloud of men bussing around her, too, And the rest of the entries in the {nternationa! beauty race that goes on in this burg without ever closing the gates, were glving her the evil ovo." Adams in New in Only beauty, physical beauty, friends and attending the fair, could fan that dead passion to My, and Mrs, Fred Tamblyn, and flame again: Ho had_been too daughter, Mary, of Orono, visited selflal; too welf-contered to awake At the home of Mr, Bruce Fefgu- [on & want 'for beauty in his wife, fon on unday. It was easier to find Dbeav®,, ["Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cryderman, ready-made, elsewhere, Yet Mr \and Mrs, Charlie Smith and when he discovered how he had '®ughter, Muriel, of Eaniskillen, oheated himself, he yelped like a !81ted 'relatives in the village on ' trap. 'unday, * coyotte tn a trap Russell and daughters, of "And Mrs, Dexter," Raquel _ Mr thought' out loud so that Greta owmanville, visited at the home of H. Cowling, recently. | My. and Mrs, Theodore Salter rs, W, W, | recently visited the lutler's sister, Arm Dunlop, Coldwater, . Migs Edna Crydermuan and C. Mhampaigne, Belleville, visited nt ae home of A, B, Cryderman, | Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Clarke und | laughters, Ethet and Lilliap, Tor onto, spent the week-end nt the aome of Mr, end Mrs, Hurry Hol well, Mr, and Mry, C, A, Johnstown, of Bowmanville, and Mrs, Kate Allen, ofs Brooklyn, N.Y., visited Mrs, |, Kateyson and Mary, COURTICE COUPLE | 7/3 CELEBRATE WED- DING ANNIVERSARY Courtice, Nov, 80,~Mr, and Mrs, | Walter Bolder listed his relatives at Wamersville recontly and Mry Bolder of Wagersville and MHitle son returned with them ands vis iting nt the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wi H, Nichols Mr, Frank Walters, Ms, G, 7 Annis, Mise Hazel Rundle, with the male quartetie of Kink Street Chureh, Oshawa, and Miss Lyla Os. borne, Toronto, motgred to Cole borne on Thurkday evening, where they gavo uw concert, Mr, and, Mrs, A, J Miss Mabhelle Walters Winter Valr on Thursday, On Wedfesday evening, Mr, and Mrs: W, H, Nichols entertained shout twenty-five of thelr frienan in this community it'being the for tloth anniversary of thelr weds ding, Fire guests assembled at 6 p.m, when a splendid dinner a8 Mrs, Nichols is capable of pres paring, was served, Two long tas bles were spread, the bride's table adorned with heautiful carnations and the other with marigolds, Mry, Nichols' two daughters, Mrs, Wile ter Sulder and Mrs, Jno, Montgom ory, and her daughter-in-law, My Herb, Nichole, and Mry, Bnlder of Wagersville served the dinner, to which the guests did ample justice, and a very social time was enjoy Gay and auitended HUG od at the tables, Over the bride's table hupg a bhenutiful acetylene amp, the gift of the sons and sughters to Mr, and Mrs, Nichols After the dinner hour, which wus a mefry one, musig were 'the program of the evening The time glided hy all ton swift Jy and the guests departed for thelr {fferent Romes, wishh | | re. Niehfls many happy returns of the day, nfter havh pant » delightful evening, T) hols' family wore mont host y and enteraining to thelr guests, | | and games | | | A 7 - yo than 60. of the Pros use the G2 8\% BNY2 24) Y) K the Boston Bruins, World's Hockey Champions for 1929, what skates they A Ask the Montreal Canadiens, the runners-up, Champions P2.7E NINE So (A of their own group in the National League, From Boston to Seattle, from Halifax to Victoria on both sides of the line--more than 80 per cent, of pros fessional hockey players wear CCM, Specials, Amateurs, 100, ort Arthur Seniors, World's Amateur Champions, 1929, Why ? Because CCM, blades are of super-steel. C.CM, Skates have the right "iceday," C.C.M Specials have rein Ask the forced tubes, Sweden produces the world's finest ore, Sheffield produces C.C.M. Special $7.50 per pair OSHAWA CYCLE WORKS Open Kvonings phyB FEN Pl up to professional C.CM., Extra (Olympia) $4.00 ie ¥ Cor, King and Simcoe BTR Fg Se AY Te ie St - " ---- FRED FLINTOFF & SONS 3550 18 King 5t, W, Hardware A g wo (Sol AJ! the world's best steels, The blades of the CCM, Special are made b of Sheffield. from Swedish Te C.C.M, specifications, heat-treated and tempered in the CCM, factory hy special COM; procenss to stand ockey on haed lee, C.CM. Extra (Velvet) $5.00 BURNS SHOE CO. LTD. Streets CLEVE FOX HARDWARE 15 Simcoe Street North A & ['} Christmas Shopping Edition 0 The Oshawa Daily Times It Wil Be Published Be Sure You Get a Copy. ., This Issue will feature the Christmas merchandise thi | Oshawa merchants have purchased, and will display for the benefit of Christmas Shoppers. / Soon | i } ERT eEBLLBY i FEETTY ¥ seins eeeef ei sivas SigeFers

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