Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1929. PAGE THREE Conflicting Stories Told by Witnesses At Knight Inquest Two Years in Kingston For Attempt to Break Jail Three Others to Face Tria John R, Parry, of Whitby, Plended Guilty Before Magistrate Willis Yester-' day and Receives Two Years on Previous Term JAIL BREAK WELL PLANNED Alleged Accomplices Deny Guilt And Are Remand od Until Next Friday Afternoon Pisanding sully to wu charge of attampting to break from the sous ty Jal) here, John HW, Parvy, of Wh ty Wie sentenced to 4 yuars in the Kingston Venltentiary hy Magistrate J, 10, Willis in loeal po Hee court Wednesday afternoon, Vas vy had heen previously sentenced fo tye yours when hy was eenvieied tor sommitbing a, serious offen. agalint hin tanayeimold daughter, "he sentence of two years will yun consoeutiyaly with his fival term he ohare aghinst Parry fol jowed the discovery made hy Jail oMalale last Thutsday that he and three other prisdnevs had form he noplan to oseape from Lhe Jail, A bay In the Jal bathroom hind heen almost sawn through with a litle wiles! sew which had been manufactured by Parry, I alaimed that tha prigoners whe were Involved had tntended (6 of oape Thursday night, An tron bay whieh had been vemoved from a bad was also found fn the sibopink artes of ong of the prisoygsrs wy ft Is sald that the MH gonfensed that the bay was to he used tn atteoking the governgr, M, Loan, Although Parry pleaded gully, three others who wera charged with the same offense, faeluding Her Harrison, of Oshawa, wha 1s awaiting telal on a procuring share, Luther Pascoe, of Plokey ihe, eharged with rape, and 1'red Plows, of Heaverton, who Was regs ently sentenced to the peniientiary for rohbory, entered pleas of not pny, Theale oases wera adjourn ad untdl next Fridgy Bfiarnoon af ter they had elected to ha tried summarily By. Man iniosta Wi, When Parry pleaded gull is buna! W, H, Kennedy, of W hitb ¥ (Continued Page §) { NEW HOTEL HAS TEMPORARY NUAR- - TERS FOR: GUESTS m-------- | Tamporary Aecommodation 1a ul now oftered for guests at the new Hotel Oshawa and the first guest algned the vesister lant Tuesday nlight, . Nedroama in the second and wilt wtareys of tha hatlding nave bean fupntshed and 4% of the hotel's 110 fooma are now hein Maed, 4 No date has ne yet been sel for the offieln) apening of the hotel noes wording to hotel ofolals, The lohs Ly, men's lounge and olher roams have been opened bat the dining yaom 18 not bhalng operated, A plerk la on duty, however, Al announcement of the afelal opening of the hotel will be made Bt 0 dater date, ft ia oxpected wT . Coming Events . fA Conta per r Worl each im sertlon, Mintmum charge for each Insertion, Bde, AUMMAGE HALE AT 20 RIMCOR Htveet Routh, ¥olday, Nov, #¥, 2.40 pw, (1860) ALL MEMBRRR OF ORIAWA 5 lodge Number 41, Kilghty of § Pyihine are requested to avend the veanlar meeting held Nous of Wngland Hall Friday, Novem. her 20, Flt nemination of of tloars, (1380) QRHAWA WINTER GARDENS, Thursday, Novamber g8ih, Dane Cine 8.00 pom, Toronto Varig! : Colleaiang ovohnatpa featuring SWarren Rowes' Toronto's fms pun planta, An orchestia with real entertainers, (1860b) NOW, HLTA WILL OPEN a Raraar at North Rhneos © United Chareh an Friday, Nin "vember 20th. A pow, Faney work, I home wade cooking and candy for shige, Alternecn tea served 2d, (1380) VLRARING BALR FRUT, VEL Covel and Metall Millinery on Friday and Raturday, Nov, 28h and 0th wt Pearson Hat RN FTA Bimoos #y North (impale), 1196) HADAME RROWN, PALM, Phone appointments 2834, Wi Loulsa direst (138h) QEHAWA WINTER GARDENS Ag November 29%, Dancing CRED pw, Olde Tyme Round and Square Dancing Coma and ender (hin weekly popular night with "Pat Shannen and his Christmas Cheer Fund To Open Soon --_-- The Chriptmine Cheer Vand, through whieh good cheer 1s diss peised to the poor snd needy wt Chielstmns time, will soon be opened, it is expected, A megts ng of the committees which handled this work so effeatively lust your, has boat, Sitio fur thin wfternom by Mor George Hamilton, It a fy ibe dealded ul this meeting what plan of aetlon should be taken m order that no deserving family in the ety Is without the means to celebrate the gad Yuletide season, Die gauge of elrewmstances aver whieh they may have no sentrol, S------ WOMEN'S LEAGUE NEEDS FIXTURES CLOTHING DEPOT Loan of Shelving, Counters and Clothes Racks Would Be Appreciated The Women's Wellure League, witleh hun fis headquarters in The Times Building, could use to ads VARLAKS & quantity of shelving, counters and clothipr ravks, Quaiis Littles of good used elothing uve coming In dally and sims store fixtures wueh as those mentioned are needed to assist In properly wasariing and arranging these sup plies wo that they ean he handled vonvenlently, If uny merchant or other eitigen haw fixtures not In uke the loan of same will be very much appreciated Please notify Mea, Gowdy, phone S421, or The Times OMoes, ONTARIO COUNTY H ORSES TO THE FORE BROOKLIN BOY'S CLYDESDALE FOAL, TAKES FIRST PRIZE Ontario and Dutham County Horses Make Good Show ing at Winter Fair SHEEP DO WELL Shearlings Are "Judged For Quantity and Quality | of Wool Ontario snd Durham county horses are still winning fn many different elunson ut the Royal Win ter Vale, "The most notable woo cass of recent date 14 that which has bean neoovded to thiviesn-yonts old John Batty, of Brookln, son of W, J, Batty, wellknown hresd or, whose foal, a filly, Crescent Hulme, by Bank Draft, was given flyst place tn an Interesting speoinl olass, All horses In (his glass hind to be bred tn Canada and sired b) an vagintared Clydesdale stallion I, Duff & Non, Myrtle Mlatlon, racelyed twa prices for Clydesdulos, namely fn the oluss for mares foul 6d In 1086 and In the elas for mares fouled In 1087, In the for mer class thelr mare, Brldgebanl Mielln, vecalyed fourth prire, while in the second olass, Bridge hunk MWanehe, ranked sighth J, Wi ney Boyd, af Ovone, same ninth with Judy Meott, tu the special elas for hoyk, In, H MeLaughlin's famous hunt ary, fleet Hmbed products of Fark wood Miables, nERin come | to promdnenee at the Faly In the model hunter oli Hoven Oak ranked firnt, while My Delight al wo earned fleet ribbon in the sad dla horse clgss, owned and ridden Dy wn amaten The sheep rulnord have demonstraload ruling and onring for ng hy the prises which oelvad nl the Maly In the Mhropshire lung shearing, carrying the host Harveld Hkinner, of 'Tyrone, awarded second place A, Ayre, of Hampton, came | ond In the Bouthdowns clas Yan 1, WN, Ulaspell, of Hampton, we, the od second plave with his Cotawolds, fuda success ul the In Yovonto this with sueh Nintor Valy showin Hoynl YORY This tv the type of heavy duty lovee whieh hreedors in Ontario and Durham counties have been | Whitby Township Tories Hold|: Smoker i in Brooklin Hall SPOKE, TO SUPPORTERS Lust With the Consoy township held wn the Lown Hull at Brio gute largely attended, hve or eighty bi pre puke of the \ cumplel | | nahi Wig wid Clinle ulheury elected th uhdivision night tyes 7] h aventy Ih tu I mol Whin wali whom sent ny pin meetin m UIrgRigation he try Mow called Jor nendingbion Mr, Usear Downey unanlimous! ] und Jini "oth Lar Wis ay I of with Chakrngn chinlen ol then elogted Frank Muu the delfented « dat the lust provineinl ele then enthusiastic tub i" fie ul an immedinte, perp neti Of ERtion the whole county, efi ew of imuninent election d that plans he enhps | Lownship OM have n of Tal i" ", In We nn nee asi ont, Wi throughout Cilly thd " onl hold soul nahin ) dintriet thelr skill In flocks Judp are af they (Rl) VABT HAVE Un a NOFRUtIG und Tore nor of his talk being and desivabihty of ¢l with thy thor La td th that th Pry iit Wy for the lence, Was wat! In te iy ul uniry Lon in ( 4 LOIN wn er Wii Inet thy the th | FRANK | Dofepted Conservative candidate for Mouth Ontario, who urged goonter ovannisntion of party at sinnker held tn Brookiin lam MANON, we hout th Histon | pur tinned wid tar tihed tis posi onrne | mph LEE thst mi ", PRIMITIVE HOTS IN ITALIAN LAKE BED Prehistoric Dwelling. Places | Built on Piles Are Discovered Rom av, den the valley Ladro, near Trent, a small luke i» peing drained and in (ts bed has bhoen found uo group of ancient lake dwell Uk o the largest in aly, 8 not ln rape, When the water has turned to another channel there appeared m the muddy bottom of thy Juke rang prinntive tarmations, which pr LAN proved to be remaing dwellings, uating to prebmtor UBY a, In addition to these huts or oul tapes, built on piles there was found & JUARLILY Of early pottery, valuable TOF 08 rarity, ae it was made in wa unusuinl manner, Besides the usual nut of olay found wm early por tory, this was mixed with soot and chiaroonl, "the people of this distriet butlt their houses en piles deven in the marshe hh 1OF two purposes neal to protect themseives from wild bonds and an order 10 lve near the water and still keep des Aig an the Best tiger that prohils tori remaing of this kind have been sound in this distriot dn tact, pre hintorie relics are rare throngnout aly, and IS in the past has ied to the suppesiti® that there were no carly HH mn this part of the word, Aha present discovery has confine of the theory that the palahticol, oF people who built thelr houses wn why ved on the water edge and colinuniented with the mainiaud by means of portable bridges, Professor Robertt found no indica Hon of the number of prohis tore in nabitants of this digtrier, but the dis covery loads wo the belie! that i was oooipied by a people who baile syeh hts GE tio end ot w bronge age and on throngh the fron, These were th pape who later moved down to thw valley of the Po, alter the herg Liwartan people of the Moditerran van had dizappeared The importance of the discovery ls twosfold tt Alls in the gap In the history of this reglan and gives wi oheologhts a chanes ta study this OP oF connate ion, The lke bottom fi 13 feet holoaw the modern level, just at the poing whera the waters of the torrent Po nade flow inte the Jake, © The ha CUVHE GN Bred Of foet Ly 2%), W thin thix apace are the primitive foundations, trunks of trees about eliht nehes in diameter, driven inte the Waray soll of the lake bottew, The wood at the base a well pres served and there are 37 piles for ev ory agate weter, There are rein reeients of trunks laid across the wd piles, Chestaut and fare wate used for this purpose, ix considered he he Abe wont ins Fr nit tholog AR ey ot thy Year, A i uh contrary thonried heh uleny Keller or Protoss hg The go WEE nadia that the prehistorie peoply sons tracted thse Tatean meh he sme way that medern "bathing oxtubishients in 11aly are built, wl that they were not permanent dwells iy but were only used during the Aahing season, Professor Plana son tends that they were part of a eluting system used on lakey amd hoen haymakens (12s) Reoons, bol Dorset Morns, GO, HH, Marks , of Little Britain, were af hy fourth place, while Ntunrt | Hall, another Little Britain breed or, recelved second In the Mulfalls 1/4 Ayraf Hampton, ond third with exhibits wheep RAGLAN CANADIAN ORDER FORESTER ATTEND WELCOME Offer $100 Towards Build. ing a New Hall Which | !»lojed hath oy Is Much Needed property 10 attain the fran IL WAR NOW 80 Hghtly naider in the city of Osha tl proviveial election only of the votes on the Vater polled, He also stressed the the party w urgent 1 Young Wood wind pr there any i nth the ne usiunds wl 1 While | Won erunts nevertheless of OF separatists identined with the 4 took seoond 1tye Ha brought to High 1) fet of Cheviot | Mr Lapointe, ahi is ugw from: Banca nd, wanld most fost hie had naniped 1 perinl Parliament take Laws Validity If hoaks, 418 v national reps I sels Which he Undon night Laveral runk Wer Any thou Vidi non eryatiy yall Pa that turnin Hkely un noun the | Colonial Hn \ lu nis he thelr M Ie, vonring |i statute und I the uppom ing ol IH I thelr groom i HOw red under Jack, Whil merely points it sh trend of the Governn rd nationalintie policy Mex Hall soeretar CHAN EA LIGIy ke | ina beled manner the ma had onde In | entation and the hit un nerd Wi Ll fi i op an | i I whil wind IAN presider elon wddros pride Hen «that that rovent per een! Last wer fuel that Of mur that any in Vn [ his A ervative On Thursday night, November 14th, the Ralan C.OF, Brothers were (in card vited to Toronto to the reception and weleome (nn honor of the High Chil Rangers, Bro, WM, Lo ol Mon tread, und the High Vice Chel Ka gor, Nro I, Prevailing, of Toronto Phe reception was wiven them in the auditorium, | ter Hall, 22 College street, They also Heard Duncan Le WRI, contert trou with Leon Musgrave at the p Ihe whol reception and entertainment very pleasant The following Heather Raglan OC, Hrowy, D Bishop, 1 Hays and was a wet night hut Just the sane DRAINAGE PLAN T0 MAKE MORE WORK. British Governmént Wedd Spend $100,000,000 To Employ Miners uper, wivised tain In AND DISTRICT NEWS al a Wi 21 ao. | LOSE MARKER The port ---- -- WAN INTOXICATED Peter Moberimid of arrested last evening and charged with being Intoxionted | fined ¢ 00 and eost GANOLINE STOLEN Vieto Phaly of Court report od that a person driving a ear with p Now York Hoonse M1422 broke the lock on the gas pump at Wal to's Garage at Courtton and tole | five gallons of gus about 15 last | night, . BIRORDERLY CONDUC) Ceorge Mls of Oshawa rested by PO, Mitehell and ©, ( Foreman and stood win at midulght Wet MERE on a oharke of disor | GIVEN HURPENDED SENTENCN doerly conduct and restating avrast Al the aftermath the recent Bille wan remanded until Docoms | OPIEOmIe OF file aavma sent In to ber Oth when he appeared hetope | hoo fire department four youny Magiotrate Willis In Pollva Court | men appeared bhefora Magistrate thin morning, Ball was uve { Whi In polio' court yesterday hundred dollars, { They were Norman Gibson and Way { Haw Rivalton Who pleaded gulivy THIEN EN ENTER HOM) and were let go on suspended sen Another Oshawa home was ons | tonee with a warning of the conse. toved hy thioves last night] nocoeas { quences If It oecnrved agatn, and Ing to a report which war made 1a | Bryeoa Roove the pollee this marming by Gordon | pleaded not guilty and the Caldwall, of 38 Qladatons Avenus | against whom were adjourned, The Me Caldwell states that ho did wot | oaecd wore the outeome of an tas lonrn that his homa had: hoon ens | vestigation "hy Five Ohlef Blot tered until this morning whon a { and Deteetivy Nergeant Flintoft Indy 's welt wateh, three rings and | who fntend to pat a stop to this some loose pearls were found mises | modding with the elty tive alarm ng The MO A) Are inve OLIRALINR Aystom . ------------------ Wis evening Walehman Pye tht while they lout traek Wie | NE | went from Orlinwa homp \ Carney, | thei Lanadinn to the pode th 1 Fane IMnriey HUmGer is Olly on the The \ | \ \ ny Laranto olf WAR | thely in \ NI fa HOY INJURED ny CHTord Kaw Sireot t report that pt 10 last nght while proceeding enact fn King Street driving truek Hoense number C82 401, Hitle Wa, Fesser, aged four, | farted from behind oa west bound and ow Knookod over by hi he bh slight Iy bared can of 4d I 10 the Nand police hd was Wa oi 1) ant ony only Wha aw wan ol than to he dectdos arterial Fe Mon wil ha London, Noy $100,000,000 found 1 the Covarnment to adopt tha plane for draining In Bngland and Wales which have heen prepared Ly Noel Huxton, the Minlstey of Apvieul ture, The plans ave now hefore the Cabinet Cammities on Unem ployment, of which J, TH Thomas 1 the head, It oeetimated that 5.800 men, TH per vent, of them winners fom dlatresded ar ald te ®ivea employment, Nohemes Oise 0 wre helng pre pared. [op housing the tranaferyed Jahor, Colonies of hutmenta are proposed, and It fs sue ested that men who would have ta work in dimant parts of a diver shonld he ponveyed fn havgew, in whieh they would lve, The huvges woul hecome tem POTALY ROUAOLOALE ==Ong FO M with alght Bunks helng the sleep: IR quarters, and another a Hving How -- aria the complote, made whioh with | Tho Thames, from the source to! ™rent Teddinuton The Norfolk part of Norfolk npdonalihe The Roun, In Essex The Yorkshive Ouse T™ha Madway, Rent Denbighahire and Flintshivi The Avon Offfetuls of the Agtlonlture are wow these areas marking oft davies All the avean oannot he ineluded Mm the BIN whieh it da hoped to mivodnee, A start will probably be hame, Ouse, embracing Suffolk, and Hunts The steal work on the new Skin ner a, hntlding has been practios aly completed Iwill be a large [and haposing straetupe ANA BUANeX, have boon nrepared: of the tohment aress, which ave ot TOO LATE TO CLASSIF in 8 IO RENT--81IN veneer house Available Dex Buekinghim RAN Mintstyy working the hous ROOMED BRICK AL ponviniences tinal Apply Ve. oy Ay W AURKRRIERIN, Lindoinshive, Rutland, stafford shire, Went Riding of Yorkshire and Telcertomhive, A 9 \ 133 (138¢) and I Robinson whe | FATIH KEYNOTE WORK OF CHINA INLAND MISSION F. Howard Taylor, Son of Founder, Speaks in Oshawa FASCINATING STORY |He and Mrs, Taylor Prison. | ers for Six Weeks Prayer Answered A remarkable story of the appli ontion of falth In God to Christian {missions was unfolded last night [by Dr, I" Howard Taylor, son of | the founder of the Ching Inland | Minton and one of Is setive aud useful medieal misslonarie | many Youre The meeting | tight wid held In Wimeos Kireot United Chureh and, like the Mis fon teelf, WH fntar-denominn ton! In characte tev, I, B Patterson, M.A, Christ | Anglican, pucupled the ehaly | prayer wid offered by Hey, | Maxwell, of Wt, Andrew's nite | ( haven, and Rev, Dr, Fletcher, (Clontre MWirest United Mi Hen wiok contributed an [solo Ood Ie min and recounted or uned i" vard Dr, Tay! the histo of wines 1 organized vours ago, and teld of some of | niragles of grace wmong the Chin that he himself had personally In the matter of finan the M, mi nhle'" wei pain b A the LU] ii he mis / lon WRN he ane, witnessed inl wupport publtie entirely the supplying ollection i money od he work Teast 40 and throughout the 10 that ( lie no ry nnd wppoal wha prayd of faith need, on for nvery or hi heen anthorls thera contributed year un total of #8 YORTH gvory the MI avery Yul wan Lo N ped has been met Vey ones werdraft In fact, It winelples of the Mission Into debt AM to results, 181.4840 have been baptized since the mencement of the work and now 1,167 misslonarie some 3,600 4,000 trained gonseoratod native work are UATE stations, ohnpels, hospitals and in vlan, also HO6 native sohools, Dy, Taylor thrilled Me audience with the story of how after three und n half yours travelling througn Ching on work and within 24 hours of thelr ultimate desing thon he and Mes, Taylor tak an oaptive by brigands and held prisoners for nearly six weeks, The voteran misglonary firmly bellevea {that thelr release eventually was i direct response to a great val me of Heving prayer toy thely anfoty was asoending to God | Lhe fon has ne fs ane of the never to 0 converts com there und und to LL \ pons pheoinl \ were bh that orld over, anversation \ In « with Faylor expressed the alrenlated neg, the famon were grossly He he Times, bellef tht Y | Dr many garding "Christin exaggerated mitted that platements Marshal Gene Ie ral" and untrue, ene had been hy the Boviet Russians, but this was note so har® to understand when one considered the ease with which falas reports were elveulat od and deception practiced fn both Russia China Cartainly, Dr Farior sald Marshal Feng had never knowingly heen disloyal el ther to his Chelatian faith the highest and host Interests hin Own country, RUSSIAN TROOPS n nd and or of LEAVING CHINA! ------ (Continued from Northern Maou yO miles from the Pag \ NIT hordey Duchatn Hombed London, Nov, §,-=\While offlelal announoement at Moscow sald the Vanofurian provinelal government had ngread to terms of Hoviet Rus ila for solving the erlsls growing out of selgure of the Chine orn Ratlway, despatohen from oth or Buropean capitals, including Paris and Merlin, told of appeala by the central Chinese goverhment al Nanking 10 ond the Noviet "inva don" of Chinead territory In view of the aiplomatie man aouvres belng attempted ak the various Buropean capitals by Chi ni, a Reuters deapateh from Mow caw that both the Mukden and | Nanking governments had authow lwed 4 move to reopen negotiations with Russia oaused some mystifl ontlon here, \ Tho separate aotlod of the Muk don government was explained as an outgrowth of contol the Munchurian provincial govs [ernment under Chang Msueh Liang and the Nanking central governs [ment under General Chiang Kal | 8hek, Nanking's wuthovity in Man Lohuria always has heen open to [quention, 'There have been ord that the Mukden government | would pot separately In the press ont orale, Japan Conslders Action Tokyo, Nov, 2X «United States {proposals suggesting some torm of Laie P | jolnt aetion toward peaceable solu ton the Maaxchurtan military foviaie have heen presented the Jap Anes government The govermments of Greag Beit fain, aly and France were helleved [ havo to he included In the sugsos fron which was delivered hy Units Neve of od States Charae D'Atfaives | Foreign Mianfster, yesterday, ( | Firemen Make A Very Generous Offer Brigade are proparod Lo assist in the permission of the city counell wocording to a letter which hay hean submitted to the newly organ fred Oshawa Associated Welfare pocletion hy Chief W, Klllott on he half of himuslt und men, The fire men are offering thelr services In the work of distributing Christin cheer and parcelg to the poor with for | last | appropriate | valving | No | persons] solloation | 4 had uw bank [ Lhe timely There [# he outstations und { summoned minted | whout | | 0 Bawls | hetween | rams +8 in the 'elty This generous offer | | an anecouregement to the Associal ad Waolfare Rocleties and 1s taken pn wn Indleation of the wide gen rl int and sympathy which the citizens of Oshinwa mani | fosting townrds the work sliof FIRE THREATENED LOCAL MERGHANT'S HOME IESTERDAY Fine Residence of Morley Canning Was Nearly Prey to Flames arom na | ore Chureh | Said | hy n Cal 0 heen eaupe threa! I Morle Lad, prom merchants, wt tarda | through the fire bri unde, the flames were extinguished although damage was done te the dining room, amounting to approx imately $136 I'he in ad hy Insurance, | Mra, Canning, who wae nlons the with her ehiidy the to detect anything wrong detocted sn odor of smokes und neighbor, My, 15 | fmmediataly yealls od that the chimney had taken fire and that the flames wera spreads Ing throueh the walls of the dining {room, The Tivemen were summon fod and It wan a work of nu faw nin nies to extinguish the hilage The damage ohlefly hy smoke and th of the having EX-OSHANA MAN FORGETS CRIMES Charles Selby Says His Memory Taxed by Too Many Roblreries Charlla Belby of Park, Ontario, and formerly dent of Odhawn, has #0 many horien to hin eredit, or rather Baty that his flekle memory 1'fye, sald to ha defective chimney tin ldenee o of Canning Wy clothing srowt Fortunate arrival of the 1 ning | ment | 100 [afternoon local King y Gust, loss vel in Notine n, wa first 11] Vickery, whe Wi oaused Interior ref Wahler residennd been re<decoruted Knollwood n res! rob diy a difffoult task In keeping track of them ha told the police at Lon don when confessing many of thesa erime Malby 1s the youthful ac pompiles of the notorious Harey Webbe, former London polloeman, who took to a ltfe of orime and now hag charges amaingt him totalling 24, When the paler appeared in the poliea court in London yestorday | thoy were again remanded and the evidence of fourteen more charges against the pair ave yet to | pleaded to, They have entered pleas of gullt for twelve ny the past few weeks Fergus Murphy counsel for Selby told the court that his ollent who had denied five charger at the previous hearing had changed his mind and would now plead guilty to several of thore oun ta | | | TRIP ROUND WORLD | "BY AIR CONCLUDED : | One-Day Flight Started 18 | Months Ago Has Long Extension he onesday fighn on which & young German baron started front Berlin 18 months ago but which developed into an around the world teip by air, water and lan! with a' Siamese eat and three hored AX DIASCOLE, Came 10 a concla Saturday, The voung baron iz Friodeioh Karl Freiherr Koondg von \Warthausen, In Pls small plane "Kamerad" he stavted on a short flight from Berlin bat lwtet altered plans and kept flying mone place 10 another, Crossing acifie trom Japan to the Un [le States hy boat and crossing the Atlantio in the same wave Ho ats eompted to complete the last lap by fair but "his plane was forced down by for at Hanover on the way from Bremen, so he finished the journey by trai, Fhe haron El Paso Rorhing, Nov, & | | | ! { tonds fon hore hi) an mths ter thie hospital spent an Pex, phone [lle to Baron Shidehara, Jaunnean | autonobil stone the wal dn owhich ve was diding to the airport, The members of the Oshawa Vive the work of rallef this winter, witn | hi, be | Vernon Knight Was Drowned When He Fell Into Harbor From Gang-Plank, Jury Decides || Some Witnesses Claim That | Deceased Had Been Drink ing, But Was Not Intoxi~ cated -- Post Mortem Showed No Evidence of Drinking. : PLANK WALK 1S VERY DANGEROUS | Dredge Captain Says He Warned Crew Not To Use Planking Connecting Dredge to Mainland ~ Knight Was Sober, Friend States before an unusual [gr A he Inquest th I nig Owing to ng death ot held pop la | hi no cased, the Inquest i terest | he It I noguest, 4 called to ind Arrived ay Idenes vi nietion on ce dredu He took gh Coedurdal the lake, | | ut about clock A wil Ph LULU by dth abn ear, wo Why Id Moth fn \ i of th N rect rdered and th » to the | On the od up Har WS way tu shy si hey proceeds heing driven taxi driver, Mot! to the taken homes I entered his own house But le ta state whether Knight An well, Gordon Sloan, [dns dont of the lake, testithed ta his nd Ww omements, HM 10 Ma ont the about twelve u'ely On Fhuradg, missed pnd "flor ull gt find hi had failed, dragging peritions were gomunenced in the vi intty of the walk, Which © Knight | woud have traversed 1a pet to the | drody: His was found eatly Friday ing, | The coneerning condit.ap was conflicting, nego stated that they thought the doconsed had had a drink or two Int tl Was not the influenta the who srmed the Post-Mo statpd they saw nuthing oe! Ahow that Knight had inbibed, Another point that caused a great deal of discussion was the safety add constructure of the walk whieh cof the dredige with the mainlamg!, shown that this walk was net well lighted and that owin ta the construction und the fact that at certain point. there was an adda! obstruction, in the form of a jutting hoard, the walk was very dangerons, nore at night and when 'covered with snow, I'he evidence well that Knight had fallen from this walk on two pre loud oecastons, Capt. Robbing stg tad thut after Knight's first aceldent, Ke ad spoke to hiv mien antl Svarned them ahout the walk and told them (Continued on lage 8) Tales of Privation : From Manitoba Lakes ------ th it and piel rail who w Wi {1ake, od 1 He eral] Knight Rao MoOtie, | rh, Dervem car Who wi on his mm HH Wis wa W not ul In Can other that spol tl Knight can lor ii ol I hi Ati home, to him al a red Vil {We Ines night shit ris 1 nN Wis body dene Knight's ] Cortain wit h under of ineludin doctor pet hat 1", neers It wa ton any Wh 80 sho 3 * : | Reginy, Sask, Nov, 28-+Tragle | stories ot death and privation Anh {the tishermen the northern lag districts of Manitoba and Saskatchs IM an Iw come through from the wolated arcas during the past hi by m wis sought to Nl Crosse, Sask, Msi night a party of 4 fishermen wigs Heuvel the settlement "after three lays of wandeting in the boshiandy, {lost and without tood, ramping the long trail from Bi | River to the fishing grounds the meh faced a Winding Bitard for the days, With snow Alling their teal they soon became lost, and wander through the bushlands until the storg | had abated and they were able ta make their way to Jade A La Lrosse, Reaching thy northern settlement, many of them were in a serious con dition, spileving from exposure aml ek of food, One was taken to Nog pial immediately sutfering from prewimonia and several others roqiin ed anediaal attentions Soon afier sarhing the trek whe Rsang grounds the party had used all is natehes aad duving the three dave of blizzard the men were tnible laht a fing, frocecaup of the Takes haa oi. privation i he lat caused a serious sitnation in the nes theen settlements, Many depend fl food supplioa to come along the lakes by horse freight, With analy two of three inches of ice on the Jakes, frefahiting is impossible, and tood ip. plies are rapidly dwindling, In Manitoba Scvel men were ross ened Hii an floe In lake Mands taba, ofl Langruth, last Thursday hy thie herode etary of Lava dello fish men, LL

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