Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Nov 1929, p. 15

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i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 286, 1929 VAG. FIFTEEN Ee uy po ar 4 ANTI 8 to Se For Rent [re---- "sl. Ivo» Sn, Niy BAR Add 0) VAN A i (§] Al POUR AND FIVE HOONED MOD [I Ne "" WEST INDIES arin Bhi fon Laat Tulvetor 0 and Link on ' All Classified Adveitising wre siti. Shiluding aise. fetrly Rates for ie A GOO! 00 D KET ah A our Munornat eningen 0 i King ances, ete; continuous Bot water Classified Ads 1 ' SL ky Coming Events, Etc. aol Aa ro es 1 pon en ht | evan pecs ay iad, manager for owner, Foponto. [Fl First Insertion =14 oonts || Simba is the i per wor A , ORT VURTAL © 0. dF k t Ind (9740 West Indies iy h a Salieton Notary Publi Convey Four, Ambulance Rex {dence 542 Sim || FOR WENT=T""TNVORNISHED ll Mitmam ohare #0 fitable axpory rh 4. pA VES weer Money 10 loan. Third foro | gos streer north. Phones' 210] ard rooms for light housekeeping, Ap- |li Wm shargy, 106: th past, three yours o Bist care i Ye gq tow Alwer Building Opposite Posy, | . ' ply B10 Alge Bt, (1240) (ll Each subsenuent eonsecn: . oF carat Vo ne " | TO WENT-- OARAOW™ mune [Jl ~~ HYve [fosertion lo per ' By pol Disney Block 5 Celina straet, Oshawa, Corne ' reasonable, Apply 78 Boud tree I word, ( obi a. -Phame- 1418 ruce street. Ambulance, Phone This rule has been found necesspry because of expense and west, he Three condeentive' {nder: . o---- soma || lose arising from handling a large number of small accounts || TWO TT] xogH3 tong for thr price of This business 16 & divest result ¥hane 1 (124e) twa feet nsertions LL ot the steamship service that has ANCA ) LNotaty Pile, Con: oney to loan. Office 14! Insurance t hed this nature, i downstairs, (three cents a word) 4 anh. Ouhawn Phone #4 i ANT SON, hh TWO ROOMMTO NITNEW (I Ji Poon ton, ouamation threw ah the Y A J , I plmum charge fur three Panama Canal between ne 837 ; 19 ne % west, Oshawa, The A For the convenience of austamers find Wt indonvenient {| 072 hear, Ehgne JIEM, _ (184c) Tretions 10 oortal lumhin and the chief vor ot the Do ou " "he onev In wk HAVE ON MODERN Bos number 100 doditignal i Irish Weyl Indies, iM gionts Meeod Money? (Jonveyaneurs, pt I . to_gcome personally to The | ay' offige, a telephone 'eal three room apartment, neluding El # Office over " 4 will bring » messanger whe receive the advertisement eetrie refrigerator Jol eleetr iA wave) Professional or Rusiness Koing fH " Januouvar pel .. 1 A " ad Yeu. Cw Lose 1] trance Bimeoe prasinirl fi. N. Jahre, B60 Bimeos ond collect for same. and water free, Vadant tod caf Onrds, $0.60 boy nh potatoes, canned milk oA. riot, Caren, KC iin tons WAY a nd t for sam ' ; a Casa Loma, Apt 2, 10} King § for 20 word - | paper boxes and bags, "on iM Let Me Finance Youl An N. Gi] iended to and your .nterests Pro . fl Pau, flue | oonts a word | goth || cults, canned fish, lumber, whin- of He {onda ih . i rp on i LL x 5 for each | ples, boating aver and hroshes, GC R Holden I | 4 Pl : ried eoliple or twe gentlemen with ' gi # a result of the eamparativel oer Dewliuly 4 Times" Classified Ads Bring Results hreatast po Information, Phone 4 Awl cheap water haul DPIC Columbia hy Oo AND DIS a vd jarer iF) PR. A, Ai 9 A] 4 . {| haw heen able Lo compete on favor: Bit hh mn, ony aw TOL oi "r WNT == WT APNG while tars with ports on the Atians street | no he Pho ts : h : vt nt ne.87. 4 shines CARTAUE ih we West. Specialists Tel Be og e 35 room fer ET New home On CONLIN cH (aya With Darts ul the Ain. Pelt Block Hoom 6 1'hone 8790 T, Ki Gn shi Vranep,. ' urnitpre moving, storage ware " FA "ANOTHER HK od "worl ven equipment Contre is No ahildfen, Apply Hox THI EVHONE | Brien West tndian trade, ; neo (1840) Ask for (assiiied i LR a risters ete. MN an Anes | Phone 82 ih y y Bide Op osite. fou ) Oe JH AOE, "MavING, TRAVEL ASK FOR CLASSIFIED "AD DEFARTMENT CHE ATARTHENT, "NEW Popurt dug Pi i, hie : rn and interns om) and long . Ay i threo lap #8; puke flbovs, fire BA --__\. one SMR an J ks pr Pinca, " gtives, heated, pli ---- pwn und 'Cos, B87 King -- a ii] a big o Mimeoe nosh, Ap. i we 1 1 'Hox ms, (184c) i ha ne wa, Prt on Witch Ropaiing:. [© Aricie or Sul rou | BOK White Pine y |Whel fursiure mow fry : nn x A VON N CUNTEN ox, TAPE) 4 WIXWD JANG ANT Kop WTC, lh rumen i gi 19 WF to On One For A % » 80 bone dy , ra Gai be fuig "8 Wh King Street West. "Your gat fbally. wood, Warerous Meck Cimied a ih Phang 100 (is 53 Pound Catch Ti e Perfect Struct wal Nov, 16-1. mo) | 10g Js alicia to | AGEN rT 0 | FOR TNT TN WHTTRY BT TA Pawell River, 1.0, Nov, $7 Ie od vl ia PR MeRAY, PAVEICTAN BUN FAGLE CAWIERS AND LONG Work Wanted Lid, pianos, new And used pias heated apartment, 3 piece bath, five stanley Johnhon, w youty of his o Wood, geon, Ascrubhon Office ang dab distance movers, satisfaction guaran NG CHESTER AKO PRION Intent wodeln; tern | VY $28 per month, Apply Hasty place, was having a great sport re air The test of three centuries dence, Kina St Xa 3, £0TNEH teed, quick service, chia wt im Osh | FEUPHOLETIRING I_Simeoe St, Oshawa. (1 \ y y + ne "A #30) | ently playing an eleven and a half Ne t Phone us first, 3 fields made to order. We save vou ip d Apply GC, Feu! wii FOR RENT--TWO LARGE FUK-| pound salmon which he hooked off of building has proved White Bir Toke pol DR} C oT g 20:1 mo | money. Esumates free, GA Con: TT BPRICY nished rooms, Suitable' for light | the Powell River wharf, 'But along rk ¢ y clan, Surgeon vreau: Special NEW DUMP TR "Ti "BIW: | sable, 74 Mechanic street, Fhane MOVING SAT ev LTR housekeeping, heat, water, lights and | eame the grandfather of all the fa A Pine the one perfect Strue~ references to maturity" work nl do di | lock, Gravel, sand and elndess, car a a 11 on 1 ed noe a. afm Ri fares Mienho ne Ingluded, Private tallest, | local cod, tipping the seales at 44 Spon, [| t ] WwW | Arad bk Ar are op Hw 3 tow 3: br Hp fo pd elivared, 78 cents gh ren: this Ast be fon g) Hi Sireni |} i atoange, Apply 2 Brock | pounds, and swallowed' Bianley's ura ood, raduite- expe) lens w, oo ANd rep me + A (125¢) | cate, ' i grain 167 § 'meoe St. N., (cor Brock) A "MOVING, GRrAvEr. wl Ani # Patigried reiiired Wo till ao e #:1 mo.) HA 144 Th TY Pi It looked as If the ped would ot It fills every demand for one X sand andl einders, Phone 2021M TW lidgon, 20 (Nov. | 15:1 mo FORTNALE ONDITIONED wilt Pons 316 (128¢) | win ont seainat the young angler's Rd I A covering ex vosed to the re- Chris (iraham, 870 Verdun Road Tn sowing machines at bargain prices We RO THOOME™ FOR | tackle, until the hoy's father man lentless ne of time and 8 GRA / ' alt i ------ -- Surgeor, Opscefricidn, diseases of (Nov, 14-1 month ) il pi CRARGED AND DE] $0 monthly, Gusshnteed opus Nonsekeenies Reasonahle, Conven- [#ked to gatl the cod and landed for all mak t He 3 infantr end ehileer, Office and Liveted 76c, rental Phe, and he SBOE, at Aphebiuad, hi ionces. 98 Centra street, o both fish on the dock, It was the weather. oa 0" Bond Phone 115 1158 Beauty Parlors j {entire electrion) syste Boy | Weaylest enteh ever made in local BT MAZLT a, TIL 404 Oshawa x hop, 40. King: Bt. West (1880) | watbrs on mesiugle rod and line ' A few woods have some of DR B YS IH ry W J NG --- inl B VLOU PERMA {TNT, | ; 4 Hy Manager, (1810) | TO RENT--TWO FURNIEHED y . Ly tar and Zaraean, evel) Allention waye, Special 85 and $750 14 { D EHAIR TIN GOO | rooms. very reasonable. Apply 308 , --- ny its qualities -no other wood given to Xeav work and El 1 - . ) wave and shampon $1 Facial > . I'resane street, Phone 688), Li ae theopy, Meee Ding 4 Block: Phone | bole oui) 4 25c, - Phone 2968 or (7 thuoks, Also general [0 ion far we cheap, Na (1860) ak j has all of them, £ 8 3 gf, Odie. 4 9 am, wonawork W, Fry, 40 " ) TTT ED dO RE BR BAY wk the the 41 oy Fee Noth "WARCELTING HY | pen eventns, BL Nov, Ltt py fh RRR vo dud ) FIMNTANED ROGNE AN ARENT, 2 etty Ward at Betty Lou Perman 1, Cite A . Phone | 1enees. Terms ¥ asonable, 907 Bim: A CUP cand 8 Edinburgh Public Stenographer ww 20 Kitchener Av 4 liihe bog Ronn. 8 e (18086) Bhysiciom Su and Obstetrician | ent Wave Shans Marcel and sham is § $y | Office 142 Simcoe A h~Phone Jou il phone 208 WATE NW WILTON, Y9 STMOTR aa, HOME HEATHER "USED | TO RENT APARTMENT QBN- fi idence in hone 31458 ROT R AND Al ot north. Phone 1600. BDOwBl babies onthe, mill sell cheap, Apply | 8, 4 raoms, steam heat, hot , ), 1 Beduty Shed, 9 Colina 4 We we ; for mailing eta and siveuia} of Montrave J nie, (12 Be) water, hardwood . floors newly AM 1 . Edinburgh Physician | cialize in ladies hair ewtting, mar) work ' ov 0) | oH fr 1 CATE decorated Immediate possession - } d . Freon 8 Einburs special ate selina, shampaoing, facials Maree ogy TURLIT™ FTRNOORATHY AND a SALES RLECIRIC. W AlH- $46, nlsu five room mew hriok | MT Celine Re COMPANY LIMITED tention to maternity work and dis Tosi For elt Hoh | I bookkeeping. Moderate prices nearly new. Phone 10RRP, (128¢) hungalow north end, every mods _ ' ases of children Office and res Phene #18), (Nov, 81 1 mo.) HORSE AND BUGGY ANT ITAR ern convenience, newly decorated, ence; 183 Simeoe 8. Korth Shane Building Supplios nev Tor aie, Arnly Siar. Ave om [350 Shona tdoq: _- t140e} wilding PP Home "Cooked Meats ale, Apply after five an | oR FO WENT AT TIT ALMA #8 Ritson Road North on Saturday afternoon 255 Nassau St EAT "PHYSTOTAN, OR SALE = BAND GRAVE, X street, Ap #1 « ™ Surgeon, Obstetrician, Offlee avd |, iq, a Hack Tam 430) a ui | ENGLUEH HONG uATE + i yd So id N : seatdente; bid Simeoe sbreet NOFA: | Boy quality jad bg 1 ohane 1% 4 001d, brawn, cakes and pastrien, | icaily now, will sell cheap, Apply | 10 "RENTS ROOMED HAUS | | TELEPHONE 28212820 0 (Det, 9+1 mo) sot LL J TR pte, oto, Frank Drakes, 81 MARIE bo omens one, Felt Apartments, | 40 Mary Street, fons shiny at onee A . WN ' street, Phone 83721, (1711) King Btpeet Fast (1260) | Apply 87 Conpaught Street, (1360) IME LO -- Good sand and ravel To insure ! : THN LY ; Ear, Nose, Throat Het srompt delivery, inte le " Auctioneer bo id OUR ORDER mip FOR a A N ul | 5A Hp (1 . or i M id @ 1 (1) CUTE and hi of ' OR advance of » FAONE 716) Ww SULLES with Cedar Nurseries & Company, | ira, wired for eleetrie stave, Apply Street' West, Toronte, wil ° " Is hous 16 Fre oA Simcoe 8. 8 We | Whithy, Phone 808, 143 Centre Street, Phone 664], Bore pot 8 bia hovel Tor Music can sell your vid pivees of fu it . (386, 187, 148, 140) FORINT AF AT TT : , and other arvieles at bur vards ""Help--V "OR RENT ART T, groun bmg, for ch ol ahr nash abd. 17 FUTILE ACSI TEG IN" VOURT Kin St W. Oshawa Ontario a. H Wanted Male" floor, oll eon Md Private A) ' N ard wr | instrugtions, " F 3 WI CLARK, AUC "TTONEER, 330 | 7 Bam AL ---- $20 per mont wane 6671, (1264) iy _Anvointmants may be mid | perry Phone 1168. Cr 6 Phone 280M | COLLWGFOR ~ WANTED, -- GOOD | (Rial, TWO GRO RPTIONALLY i S__ (Nov: 841 mo) _(Qgt_25'Nuy_ 28, oppartuiity for right man with fea howly farnished rooms oat) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA ition Wanted BieAY Yorn ADDIP 48 King want Rrivate, homey North Siimeas Position aay vo ppty ng west, y ' y EY Vl 'cher (Hamboutg Conservatory, © Tos ant (19 oard optional,' Home privileges, av | ranto) pupils prepared for all exe i 1 -- PERT: | wr nl 401 | Ronsonahle, Hox 885 Times, ver Milehelfs Thy Store. | How Oshawa. Wednesday, 92 Simeoe JURITION WANTED x rb K ARN wT $0 PERDAV] AM; (1200) 10 to 12 Sotto oli Phone KH Ah peper, Phane §133F (1240) itlous, reliable men wanted at ones tops MOT RENT NEW #8 Part time pay while trai ni for Ay: \ porate | ce phone ) a -- hbo et opr aa CONC, LADY, DRED POST | Metts Catt Mik ahs Mt By ips on a8 compa) ) : Rieter cerclane ta : A ove Be) mol Shtigman, Obie. year hospital rain Welding, House ay Industrial { Pie. 63% Somerville a . ie hone 13 leetricity, achi ist, Bricklaving, EL 4 T b | i } Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and TNTNICHEY FURNIAH ED MIS R radio heads the set's, Speci ai attanilon, to X- » ; or of Muste, Oshawa Ooltesi: Hairdressing. Act nuick, wel bik 4 bedronm, Three minutes walk from | # LHS XIAN Ay Christmes work wiihetion Nurse " ate and Publle Schools, Studio, 30 fica OR J PRACTICAL NUN THI | plication in now, Write or call for fn. | four corners, with or without | one 989. House 13) Westmoreland. Phone 8084). | PRA RSE, "MATH ormation, Dominion Trade Schools, | board, Apply 78 Bond S\rest west, Richly favhioned cabinets of fgured (Nov, 16-1 mo) | nity, Invalid or | Heneral nursing. Vor Lid, Eastern Headquarters, 163 King wl (1209) walnut , + « Kolster fidelity of tone Sal. ) TT tl 0 ' RJR A ud hort, over Mitchell's Brug Sore FRANK CONVE SI SMITH, ONR | '® drmation phone (Nov, 27-1 mo) | 8t. W, Toronto, Employment. service | FOR RENT = FOUR ROOM hi simplified control , . . Selector Tuner vs lon ens | OF Toronto's leading Holl, feachern - QOS! 10 CORSE, t t, DR LE HUBBELL, Hl 181 h in Oshawa on Thurs hon no TNL Pets and Live Stock 08-108:111.114.117-120.123-126-129 ) Bound Toor, sued ae i i together these features form 8 radio of Nitrous oid Sv en aa for extre | Siudio 86 Elgin St, blocks off BI . gh Ei AAR ONETIOTSTRIN COW, JOR SATE| "Help WantudPumale | LU £1) pt ho fi | breil shar and of eel, pur flor TTR pS wr 31806 | CTT SHORTIANG wn | 415k, 108 Gives sont tons | (ERR iy F ¢ } . | Touch Typing at hale in ten weeks. Simeoe | St _N. _over' Dewland's W ERVISR Ly NOOR. young wa horses, Apply Gor gluch Ty ing at | er wpe | TO RENT TWEET Ca) Phone 1957 Res 292W Rveninms by on, Repairs on electbie don K, dy, Hampton, Phone en fre winthe [ rooms, bathroom, (ight, heat and \ Dartery sets. Tubes and bath il I cman ees, 3100 od a cant Fiited ; a CANADIAN BRANDES LIMITED \ bi lt + AT rochariMd, CANARI ON SRLE=IM PORT Bominic n Sehod! Telegraphy, limited, | #88, 20 Maple 8 Phong igh TO Rl \ 1 Over ent Theatre Bldg, Ph ne 1780 | guppiied 81. Hy 1046} @ paris 89 | od Harta Mountain Rollers, just ars RE $e ; ane by Wales, 146 Elgin B Nori 43 iio) a singers from $5 ue. Repairing root twe nen ro 0 : WP \ PATRE AE Noni: The Ouhawa Romig ST PLACE TO HAVE VOUR | bublia i. pH fh parties, [hive Fal i | ROLSTER ine' St_E Speelnl at | TXDOT FENVICE AND" WE AR Brau 9. extraction and. X«fav | a a) makes of sete, old sets ve | 185 Centre Street, Phone 3118], shoes fixed is at Menka's corner Sims ttendance. Phoves tubes ad IN 260) [000 and William Vest, JFxpert 'skate at, g | es we Ni "A tad ousilan, No. Chatas 6% | FOR" "ATW HDTGRERL™ po: | sharbenink and shocking," "7 Molor Care bh | Iw $ . | inapection, Phone 882 R 1 1, 1k upple Phono 21737 even. ---- EL ie) a l \{ > : Re | "eg Architects | "i (Nov, 1-1 ma) oly price. 4 (1860) HTH Phone ly \ \ NEE 28 A Bp | Auction | ee Secon ro Ca IND anted to Ste WAVE ALL CR EVID EI FHEAK GORN OR BN: | AvoTiO ! CATR ig, .. Fone. | your windows and Ai fijsd with Te va for feed, oy Gordon Ke Aven a rg, Library, You will anion reading the | | | ih Mi ha pladtie coment Bd shut But the | Hardy, Hampign, phone 107 r 4. Clamenty: to sell by publio action | |h%et Klotion at minimum: cost | go 84 I J | | | a8 r 2 nt 2000) teri 001d draft, saves fuel, the cost 1a) | (18080) | at Lot 7, Concession 3, Bast Whit hone 1472, 27 Rimes Bt North ve | small, Free estimate, dH Low, [Ang EA" POI CUTTRR by, Thureday, Devember Oth, 1680 (Ta 1) He 12 . "Nov 41 mo) mo) [Must be in good eendition, Reply box at one o'clock . shark, Thirty-five 3 { = i ARI : 3 Time (1260) | milk cowa and a number of yearl: : FERUAN nt Soraing ing Durhum 8tookers, These c0Ws Auction Sale \ wd "2 Janted to Rent wore bouaht at Campheliford and \ 0 ceptiona) fine bu i. \ -. \ petanaer, paint a) COUPLEWANT TWO OR hart {thew Holateine u fow | AGT ION, SAE 0, Noret in Flee wr IEE ae ui opine, or priest hme. Cont South CAR of 1] oe e. Ave. phone ) Wks Sthte rent in sep! tren wr. Creal JON COWS ARG ues ber oo 4 h - : ! hed Atha pi stocker al seven br Airs nnd storage' Ch Gents ted and : Hx ho I A . -- nt, _- Bhs With persons Ee eg Sh Rt wn - ar. lv. I HE vom, Anply Ho 30, Oshiawy Ha) Apurates bing notes. | : ! Eh "atorer ra Uh Tatar. Fi ede ) SURG | i 280 LTA Viton to REGAN festival sor * --- 1] i 3 ol it al feo hiv pn te i SEA lady ox board and room (bed sits | "Avion oh yiee ai A count ghureh was adr: 1 . \ ting hin with "private family, Loe M hoduti WF fiSwers on the altar ' Me FANN Tr Simeoe and Sori AUCTION BALNIMAVING AE: L ad Ld _-- ny | Rial Avrly ved : hale Vo a Je 0. at Sa Moki iy "i wh xara © hex (11) 0 ry Me » ie 5 Wi oe jAlg Bldg | ho + Ny, Navember Riven away ta t yy ave sick ERC hus pnt, one kitohen suite ohing CAN HARBWOOT, ; x Jo . : [ROW for anly 5 ¢ ' a, tables. | Radios , Repaired. Fpaid on $10 orders, FURS "RE¥A k th 1 4 , Ati rh watched Easy to W jelled Fut ¢a ade fu measur ; | the work, vourself R nd oni Mr ely Sore | Ww ; ! Sent iy fre reuiat. you The Oni Ho Mote Sales factory t arc p A, rit ge os LL} vik 8 LA iio i! sol A Wa Hird (Nov, ; FM won Ede @ulloy, anetie (136b) 00 Simcoe' oe nitred "Phone M0

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