Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1929, p. 5

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"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1929 PAGE FIVE -- Women's Interests in the Home --- SOCIAL and PERSONAL TOWARD THE CLOSE OF DAY Toward the closes of day The grief wears thin, The burdened mind gives way, And the rigid discipline Of sleen subdues the will, The flesh alive with pain, The spirit tossed sud ill, Alike must gain, By every natural law, Thelr ultimate peace, No life so raw But that the slow inerense Of darknggs does not mean The stone-hke hreast At last, and the wounds dried glean, And the lonely rest, Helene Mullins In NY, Bun, ere. Lloyd Kies, King Sirest W,, has veturned to town after spends ing his vaeation with his parents st Clitterd, Ont, On the sseaslon of her seventy: int Mrthduy number of the pionds of Mrs, HB, J, Havvey gaths ered at her home on Himeos Bi, Houth Inbt avening to congratulate her and wish her happy returns of many mors hirthdayy, aa The Fashion Shoppe B84 Bimeoe Bt, South | | Has no connection whatever tt with any other shoppe Oshawa, like new, Miss Wisanor hoor the gues 1. FP, Owens, hovee show, ry or ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs, John Bane, Colborne Btreet Ww, Dh ' Hh the mar: rigge © wighier, Margaret Wy, to frig Bn, at North Tonawanda, New Yor, on Novem bev 45, 1080, The annual "At Home of the Order of the Eastern Btar is to he held this evening al the Masons Temple, I ------------ "TE | HELPFUL HINTS Christmas Cake and Pudding Ix the nutmep, mace, or other splee with the fruit before making plum cake, leing for Conkies A delicious coating for sugar cooks les Is made by mixing a tablespoun of soft butter with one of finely gra ted cheeolute and adding enough su gar 10 mikes the mixture crumbly, Borinkle a litle over each eookie bas fore putting them Into the oven, Cracked Bhades Heont often makes parchment lamp shades so brittle that they eraek easily, 1 they wre already erncked, hold the eraek together and shellac aver It several times, both inside and out, The clear whitesshellag Hills In the erase, When this is theroughly dried, shallae the whole shade inside and out and you will he delighted 10 see It gome ont shining and looking MoLlaughlin hay of her sunt, Mrs, oroute, durlng the A ery in the night may be the first warning that Baby has colle, 0 gateg tor alarm If Castoria is handy | This pure vegetable prop: aration brings quick comfort, and fh never do the Nighten Rem, ways keep a bottle In the house, It is the safe and sensible thing when ohildren are ailing, Whether it's the stomach, or the litgle bowels; calle or constipation) or diarrhea, When tiny tongues are coated, or She braath bad. enever there's need of gentle rerla tion, ¢ Wldren ve the e of Castoria, and Its mildness makes it suitable for the tiniest infant, and for frequent use And 'a more liberal dose of Castoria Is always better far rawing children than some needs ensly strong ine Meant only for adult use, Genuine Castors always has Chas, H, Fletcher's signature on the wrapper, Pre OFF THE FACE HATS. UNDER CRITICISH roy Called Too Revealing But Turbans Are Very Popular -------- New Yark, Nav, 28+Considerahls enitigiom in being voiced hy the lords i eration mnent the off-the-fuce ut, They pre too reveialing=nat on Iy leaving Bothin to the Imagination but presenting too hold & front 1a the world, say they, Perhaps they ure right, IE ls nat espsy to wear thi forehead reveling hat, Shadows du help, hut so do the veluminous fi collars In Which the lower part of phe | face 1s hidden muking the exposed ayes and brows the more telling, | Wamen themselves appenr to Bev, gized upon the new style hit wilh ad mush enthislanm ue they hive oi the new style frock, Its fun of cours ta bd so entirely transformed us this seuson's mode permits, and here something of the gest of FH wh up ht brings back ehildish memories pinning up one's curls god struting ahaut In hig siste's clothes Huta have such an wmaeing wi of being sophisticated baby bonnets | nat only in sentour, but when they wre shirred and made of pibibon, 1a say nething of the new evening ones which are sometimes of lace, Long haek hrims halunee shallow erown pnd there Is almost always a Hatter ing long side line, Ears like knees are completely hidden, The popular iy of the new turbans 1p coming along as per schedule, There is a tn han for every type this winter, Het f ' EE... Strength After Chaldbirth "After my baby wis born | wes very wesk snd whdown, | w able 10 do wy heavy work wld ta be seound on my fest sll day, The Hrbin proved 100 great vas teal sick for shout two months, Wy mather Mind Lydig E, 1 kham' Vegesable Compound an Hered 0 taka it, You shuld have seen the changes In me, | sm now well a sieang and in geod spina, | have token the Yaesable ¢ 'amponnd sver snes If 1 fee " energy lacking, | aloo take Liver Pills wie | find tem » wonderful help for constipation," Mr Hobson, ! Fernie, Brin Cabombriar™ "00 Lydia £. Piokhamts + Veogtahie Compo Ea ei e------ REV. J. MAXWELL GIVES LECTIIRE ON EUROPEAN TOUR Good Musical Program Ae companied Mustrated Talk at St, Andrew's An Interesting and Instryetive Joature, founded on the tour of Kurope which he made this sum mer was given hy the Rev, V, J Maxwell, pastor of Bi, Andrew's Church, last evening, In the church, The lecture was Husteated hy aver 100 lantern slides, and several musical numbers were alsa Inelud od In the program, Kev, My, Muxwull described the vayage taken hy a large pearly which he eonduyeled through Kags land, Boatland, Holland, Germbny, Bwiteariond, Haly and Vanes, The viewn of the vavious places of in Lares were sll heantifully seloved, wud presented the geenes ino Hie Ika manner The views of Knglwnd Ingluded i number In London, and those af Heotiand featured the many ween places popular with tourists, aw well as 8 numher which wera sul Ung far tmparviant histarienl ay ents, A number of pletures of the hesutiful Rhine viver and the muny old onsties on lis shares wera In gluded In the German scenes, while the pudience was given ampla 11 lustration of the famed Bwiss Alps Old and storied elties of Haly and France alsa contributed thelr quote ommunity and the C Bizes 14 to 20, A Sale of Misses' and Small Women's" Silk and Satin Dresses at $6.95 Fifty smart new Dresses in canton and crepe back satin, that we were fork unate in securing at a great price reduction, and about as many taken from our own stock to make selection ns wide as anyone could wish, range includes black, navy, brown, green, monet blue, red, wine and helge, The colar racks, Women's, dren's, A Great Time to Buy Your Winter Coat Every fur-tvimmed Cant an the Misses' and Chile Exactly Price All Winter Hats Misses' & Ladies' Regular up ta $4.50, Felt and velvet, felt combinations on sale (op $1.95 , 28 Dogzen TRY 80 Dosen WOMEN'S scribed by doctors! ter still & turban for every sort wl fur eollar, ' BWIAS STEAK Twa pounds round steil twasineh pleges Balt and pepper As much four as ean he pounded in on each side of sterkh~ Two cups strained tomato Twa tahlespoons minced onion One-half cup mineed ripe olives Bear the meat in hot fat until both sides wre well hrawned, Cover bollink water and simmer from one and one-half to twa hours, keeping « Thirty minutes higlore the steak 1s ready to serve adil ld over the skillet, the tomato, onion und olives Your Eyes and Our Service! W. A, Hare, B Bond Bt, East Are You An Eye Guesser! You gwen right, You see My or did, Bul ars EVE Our ayes on A a questo answer, An that ne LLL your eyes, (Continued next Tuesday) ta sen shout as well saw as you should? That fuesring will until it 18 answered fou must remain 8 guesser, BK Sytem of ours and lsarn the a heer Chir Pall i HONIKRY At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Neap Cor, King & Rimoos Bt anhioned wm a Judgment, Ab dono See Fie ) SERA ol ward. ol A Funeral Service «marked by Impressiveness at Price Moderation We offer a highly efficient burial service attended by pressiveness of a apprec richness in appearance of our passenger limousines, and commodious cha intmenta and a lative moderation in cost, egance of equipment, ims most The hearses, tive settings are standard de- tails of every funeral regardless of your limit in the matter of cost, | DISNEY-COT] FUNERAL HOME Corner Bruce & Colina Streets, Oshawa "Loew V. Disney" * Phone 1088 "Stan Cont" a yor ' The Women's Corner Far Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House: kooper Bathrooms having developed now range of colar harmonies, whieh, of late, have came 1a inglude not only the gay hues al summer Hower wardens hut alsa the mellow sepins and ruses, blacks, grimson ant shadowy purples ol autumn woods, damask manufacturers are providing a delighttul variety of sul oved towels | soap and bath salts eon cerns are offering thelr wires In aes thetie tones; and the designers of bottles and other gontulners and ol various toler seeessories are vying with nature and interior decorators 10 smphasige und secent the original vislan of the architect One hathyosm seen was hulle with green woodwork and green rubber flooring, The hand towels used ware white with green initials, the hath towels green and white eheoked Furkish material, and the face cloths matehed, Soaps were green, in hand sleg for the howl, vd Ta see for the hath Another outht was all in yellow Yellow hand towels were tn solid galor damask with sell-calor hems an meh and uw half wide, wapked with an initial swe inghes high, In yellow embroidery nen, The bath stowels wore yellow Turkish towelling, with tage eloths to mateh, while the bath mat yellow, of heavy Turkish: als pilged with a border of yellow of slightly deeper tan Yallow #lans goantainer held perfumes, Boap in large and small size yellow cakes ae companied the set Every Taste Suited A rasessolored thems partion larly pleasing, Hore the towels, hand and bath, were In rose with face glaths, bath mat and soaps ta mateh, while there was a large Kimona of Purkish toweling in white, tn which were waven bouquets of pink roses Far those rd of lavender then were luxurious hath towels of gener oud sige In the solid ealar, with towels in solid lavender damask in white with lavender bapders and midial, with lavender bath mat, Thy soups were of the same tone and « long-handlod flesh brash had a lay ender handle For the always popular blue room there was & complete blue equipment af hand towels of blue, Turkish hath towels and face cloths, with blue hath mat, hive hath salts, hlue saaps and Lath brush, The gurtain far the show or also was in blue, a stripped ma terial with glaged exterior that would shad water Specially Waven Other colors in bathroom supplies way he had, and in special enses where the goods are nat in stack they ean he speedily ordered, One stetking bathroom ordered hy & man for Is new house wis built in hlagk and Ted warhle with aor laid in black and vad rubber mosaion, in ean ventional patterns, Specially hand in wile Was Fwoven linen and eurtaing were order of fram the mountain weavers of Vonnessee, A hlaek-andsved borders wis exeouted on white tawels of pure linen, Hath towels were af white Turkish with orimson borders with face olotha to mateh and @ special floor mat of deep righ ved, The eur talne were of the natural color linen, woven hy the same looms as the tawels, and wnvelieved hy ealor In all of the eolars in which the poopssorion are supplicd, 8 curtain for the shower hath 18 avatlable, Iv in & satisfaction that bathrooms are hecaming hath arehiteetually and degaratively tntoresting ROBERT S SYRUP Pr Ie via of heautiful noenes The musienl numbers Ineluded selections hy a quartet, somprising My, and Ms, Jaok Reid, Mes, rant Barry and Clarence Tones, solos hy Mrs, Herry and Mp, Held, & dust number hy the Misses Murgarel and Elisabeth MoNah, and a violin sale hy Miss Mary Casselman Thomas Hawkes was the ehalrman Irish Linen Handkerchiets A beautiful assortment of hand embroids ered and lace trimmed handkerchiefs, Special purchase=--=much helow regular Women's Silk and Wool Hose Bubstandards af a quality that sells rege wlarly at B9¢ pair, Coed range of cals of the evening, ars and sizes, On sale for cast, Values up to Adc each, On sale, U, OF T, DEBATERS 39¢ pair § For 98¢ ARE SUCCESSFUL, [em------ -- Miss Marie Bicknell, sountered that the University eaurse provided the foundation and haekground in edu gation, that the extracurrieular sould not he regarded as the essential, negative of the resolution "Resolved Phat the Undergrudinte derives University of Toronte Re: eater duesntions aug tram the presentatives Win Sixth Fete Moh ior iy om the AR IRY y lar aetivities, of the University lite,' Annual Intercollegiate lar gettyitien of the Falvey his Debate! Vilma Ihe affirmative speakers, Miss Vera Bhlakmun and Miss Rose Ny atreal Que 3A Analan, hased thelr arguments wpa [ Nav, 3 1h the definition that education wus @ mined oral sthack upon the University | training of the ability ta weet thy purrienlum tatled ta prove convinein N itiane oF tie. the. new i | onditions o the new Wamen debaters fram the Royal Vie, | HEREIN taria' College lost the decision ta th University of Taranto representatives and nerensing ne bloms of soglety that extrasureienlar activities helped ont results. 1 possible, ji Yi in the sixth annual "Intercallegiat gantest held in Mayse Hall last night ( 1 le | sl im development slang these lines things tithe in frant of ah GRU The visiting arators supperting the [negative HEADACH J en Gilt Frames Fd hig 1s the time of year ta reeon ton your gilt fsmed mivear, ple ture frnes ar furniture, Ciet the pure banana ofl and gold powder ad mix Ib yourselt IF you want Jormak deter fenting I qulekly disappears, ale tom #h ore i tonie effebt, sons Hon vanishes, and you feel a w vigor, Avold hrami " they are flekveasing " gh and The I Dyuggints CARTER'S Thi while the triwmphant debtors for the | window or even an the pareh sa the Migs Loulse MaeMillun and [odar will not sleken wou nr Bi s NI etn the aturhe ATH wh dh bi chi Ww i ed t) iJ HEALTH AUTHORITY GIVES SEVEN WAYS TO FIGHT OFF FLU §, Avald exposure ta ehill and wel, aspecinlly when tired B Fartity yourself (a resist the fu hy having & health exams nation If you have the real flu don't take "home remedies =-oall a dagetor He vareful In eanvaleseanes, It (8 6 TI EL Rb mm SAYS HANDS SPREAD 27 "DISEASES For | vin safety wash them oftener, urge suthoritios That hands ave the teat GRE UTS L 10,000,000 COLDS INCANADA THIS WINTER Many cases load to Fle Wguring on the on that practically avery persan gold 8 winery haut \l d bh hoy be, in Inviitute 1, Keep out of erewds all you [in , Remove germs fram hands aw | © often as possible 3 Get plenty of rast, sleep, exer . elas, freah aly and nourishing | ¥ i ---------------------- ir a -- No sickness for 7 years in this home... wee tid LIREBUOY health soap with its antisepric lather deserves mueh of the evedit," say this happy mother T is wonderful never 1a have 10 worry abous I sickness, nays Mrs, Ann M, Sava, heighe eyed mother of two ruddy-cheeked youngsters, "We haven's had the slightest illness in oun hate for as least seven years and 1 really thin shat Lifebuay deserves a good part of the eredivy "My hushand first introduced Lifehuoy to me, and 1 fell in love with 1 vighe away; ie agreed so wonderfully with my skin, hut the hig reason we all wag Lifebuoy 1s because it TAR erma off, Ih 80 eany for children to eateh thosw from Sihge yo ster that we'd never feel our ehildien w safe if it weren't for Lifebuay and 158 wonder ahtiseptie TAther, Mw, Aw M, Swen, Goi the health soap babir! Ne Sava's letter Is typigal of the falvh mile fons of mothers have 10 Litebuay, In your family, too, health protection i necessary, For hands fe Constantly wonehing things that others also have to handle ye books, doorknobs, telephones, The Rxs tension Instivnte Hats Mm diveased thay hands may spread, Why the chagoes when Lifehuay's gentle antisepuio lather removes fern Adopt Lifehuay for your whale family today AR ho ray exer ont whith vu aves roiboca Limits, Torna "» Mui, Sew dn only ang of siden { (ethers wha goad femay {oh sample Lyedeg wa LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Removes Germs «Protects Health -------

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